HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-18, Page 1Vol. 32. No. 32
New Advertisements.
Exoureione-0. P. R.
Looal-Thomas Moon.
Albums -Fon Bookstore.
For Bale -Boob. Henderson,
Anotion Bale -John Stafford,
Store talk -McKinnon & 0o.
Amnion axle -N. M. Riobardeon.
Hoose and lot for sale -Wm. Ellie.
xs xxx ebas.
W ill t.t>IA.
0. P. R. BY -Lew CAnnlnn:- Last
Monday the vote was taken in MoKrbop
on theft. P. R. By-law and was earried
by a good majority the Oo001 being 174
for and 4B egawat. Meetings were held
lest week iu the interest of the By taw
when addreeoee were given by Mayor
Lewis aud Rev, Mr. Eiliult, of Goderiob,
end Rev. Mr. Andrews, of this village.
Grey township will vote on Monday 29th
1051. on their By.law.
HYMENEAL. -Last Wedoeeday after-
noon, es 4 o'clock, the matrimonial bow
wae tied at the home of Jas. and Mre.
Harris, MaKulop, by Rev. A.. MaoNib,
101, A„ of Walbou, between Harry Doug-
las, of Grey, and Mies Aggie Wiltele.
The brtdeemmid was Mies B. MONab and
the groomsmen David Kiaeedr. The
bride wore a bruwu traveliing suit and
looked vary neat. Atter the ceremony
World's Fair, St. Louis
April 30th to December lot, 1904
Settlers' ®ie -Way
Excursions, 1904
To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest,
will leave Toronto overt/ TDIdSDAY during
March and April if sufficient business offers.
Pesaen era tiavelllug' without !Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
1.48p. m.
Poesengere travelling with Live Stook
should take the traiu leaving Toronto at
9 p. m.
Colonist Bleeper will be attached to each
GuPeride,'u'll"Wootern rCanada'')iyand 'BBritish
arta apply H. to NOTMAN Mian Pacific
Asst. Gen. Pass- Agent,
• 1 Ring 8t. East, Toronto,
hearty Congratulations were extended to
the bride and groom after whin the
Company sat down to well laden tehlee.
There were about 50 encase in attendance,
The wedding Otte were well eeleoted,
numerous end of a nsoful °hammier. An
enjoyable everting was spent and the
company eeparated with best wishes for
Mr. Douglae and bride.
Jrkmtoonto wn.
Last Sabbath evening John McAllister
took obarge of the service in Victoria
Joseph and Mre. Coombee have been on
theeiok list with la grippe. The former
is none too well yet, Geo, Coombee'
family has ciao been laid up.
Penni Bonowr,-The 90 aore farm of
Jame- Perish, being North part of Lot
16 and North halt 01 Lot 16, con. 1, Gray,
hue been pnrohaeed by W. H. Kerr, of
Brussels. There ie a frame bonee, bank
barn, eto. onthe place, Mr. Parieh le
now living at Selkirk, Man. The farm.
is for sole ae the purohaaer has 100 aore°
on the 9 b Con.
W roxecter.
F. V. Diokeon is in Barrie this week.
Mies Jean Davidson bee returned from
St. George.
Miss Oaeeie Harris is visiting with
Wendt, in Hansell.
Mrs. Van Mere returned to her home
in 81m000 last week,
Will. MaDonald of Bt. Helens, ie the
guest of his Meter Mre. D. Roe.
A masquerade Carnival and skating
raoee are to beheld in the rink Thursday
Miee MoEaohern, of Pittsburg, Penn.,
is the guest of her aunt, Mre. W. 0.
While working in his botcher shop
Tuesday morning Bert Blotch bad hie
hand badly oat.
A, Peniin bas enured the rigbit for
onitiug ice on the dam end aommenaed
work last week.
Robert Miller left on Monday for God
eriah to attend the adjonrned meeting of
the Co. Council.
Miss Maggie Bothan, of Stonewall,
Mao., oalled on a number of old friends
in the village last week.
A freight train went through on Son-
dey leaving about five ton of grooeriee
for tba merchants here.
Mies Oerrie Laurie has returned after an
absence of six weeks spent witb Wingham
and Teeewater friends,
While coming alp Main street on
Tbureday last Mre. T. T. Miller bad the
miefortnue to fall and have her ankle
Rev. I. A. MoKelvey 000upied the pal
pit in the Preabvterian aborob on San
day morning, Rev. L Perrin doing like
duty for him in Belmore and Salem.
Feb. 15th
On February 15th we will commence a
Sale of our entire Stock of
As our Stock is TOO HEAVY we real-
ize that the quickest way to reduce it is
by offering you goods of Standard Quality
regardless of profits.
The Goods Must
be sold
It will therefore be to your interest to
give us a call and be convinced of what
we are doing.
P. S. -You aro not under any obligation to buy
but we ask you to let us have the pleasure
of showing you our goods.
Aire, Wm. Sanderson left for Hamilton
last week to attend her grand daughter,
Miss Margaret Lane, who is ill.
A number of young people from. here
attended an assembly in Fordwioh last
Fridey evening, also an At Home, in
Gorrie Tueeday evening
47 rtt.tt broo lC.
The weather this Winter wae the Cold.
est of the season.
Miee Flossie Seel who hue been vteit-
ing in London and Centralia during the
past few week has returned home again.
Wm. McKay, who hae been making
his headquarters at Niagara Fella, N. Y ,.
late goue with a bridge building gang to
Miss MaLaohlan intended going to
Toronto to write at the Conservatory
musical examination but the snow blook-
ado on the railway prevented. An
opportunity will be afforded later as a
number were detained for the same
Several oases of frozen noses and ears
are reported during the peat week.
Mies Roue Beam, of New Hambory, is
a visitor with the Miens Michel, 12th
Charles Pepper, 9th Con., left this week
for Bewail loeal(ty where be will spend
a few menthe.
Jno. B. Hyde, 12th oon., wbo has been
poorly for about two months. ie somewhat
improved. Hie ailment is a atomaob
3no. Lindsay, 7th Con., left on Thum
day of last week for Toronto where he.
has taken a situation on the G. T. R.
We wi.h him encoee0.
The Port Elgin Timee eaye:-"Will
McLeod proved himself to be a Canna
singer of the first. rack." He will be at
Ethel on Friday evening of this week.
A sleigh toad from the 8111 line spent if
very enjoyable evening at the oommodioue
residence of L. and Mrs. McNeil, 1611
non. on Thursday eveniug of last week.
James MOMil,an, who wae employed
by Geo. Beet at farming on the 9th Con.,
hoe moved to Walton where he will
resume work with the McDonald firm in
the sawmill. He's a good worker and
deeervee to summed.
Thos. Barrie, of Guderiub, hae gold hie
farm near Dungannon to Wm. J. Ind.
lough, of Exeter, formerly of this town-
ship, for the sum of 97,000. The farm
entities 154 dares and to a fine property,
with good buildings and au exteneive
Mise Lizzie Blake returned home
Saturday of last week after a most en
joyable visit with her eieter'e and other
friends in Minnesota. Miee Blake wae
most of the time in Minneapolis and Bt.
Pahl and likes tbe two oitfes very much -
Before leaving for home site visited in
Pembina, Iron Mountain and Gladstone
where here brother's now are. Miee
Lizzie hae returned to make home
brighter for her father, who bas been
living alone on hie farmfor some time.
0. P R. -Monday, the 2901 laet., is
the dote for voting on the 0, P. R. By-
law. Polling will be held at Turnbull o.
and Sperain'sschool Manatee and Oliver
Turnbull and Neil MoNeir will be the
Deputy Returning officers. The roadway
will be 6 rode wide and the second ear
veying party is expeoled along to de•
finitely looate the line. The large bank
barn of Win Smith, Lot 29, Con. 18, will
have to be moved Re the present survey
would take the road through it. Barn is
a comparative new one.
By a letter of the 16th January, 1904,
the President of tbe Canadian Paoifio
Railway Co., authorized Col. Macdonald,
the Secretary of the Guelph Junebiou
Railway Go , to undertake that when the
Goderiob exteneion is built a aiding and
flag elation will be placed at or near a
point midway between Walton and
6locktun, and 001. MacDonald has
written to the Reeve of Grey giving tbat
undertaking accordingly. Voting on the
By-law takes piece on Monday, 29th. It
was expected that several public meetings
would have been held last week but the
rough weather and bad roade rather
interfered with the plane.
portion of tho proceed° will be forwarded
to the Hospital for Sink Children, at
Toronto, a very deserving obarity.
General admission 15o : reeeryed nets
WinwoNe Tntr.-The Goderiob Biganl,
of last week contained the following note
of inbereet to the people of tine locality :
-"Fred. and Dire. Milne, of North Bay,
have been in town tor a few days this
week on their wedding trip end bave been
the guests of Mrs. Milne'° aunt, Mre.
Obriatopbereon. The bride (formerly
Mise Mabel Gibble Datlor) is a daughter
of J. 0. Detior, of North Bay, formerly
of Goderioh, and has many friends here
wbo will ex end their good wined on this
oacaeion. Mr. Milne is a eon of William
Milne, formerly of Etbel, Grey township,
and is engaged with his father in the
lumber baeinees of North Bay." The
many ofd friends of the groom in and
around Ethel will be a nuit in wishing
him and hie better half long life, bap•
pines° and prosperity.
This week M. Henry delivered a load
of flour to Seaforth, 1 to Blyth, 1 to
Wroxeter and one to Atwood. Mr.
Henry also reoeived a oar of of No. 1
Manitoba bard wheat. This is a good
starter for the new proprietor of our
grist mill. We hope the poop's of tbe
village will show that they appreciate
having a mill that is doing the work
wbiob our mill 1e doing, by giving it the
support, and the patronage which it
deserves. The following are flguree
which will probably prove interesting to
those wbo have not bed an opportunity
of obtaining a .knowledge of what the
mill baa o,ee doing for the pant few
years. In one week the °bopping of
grain alone was 8,420 bu+here; thte re-
presents more than 18 000 boehele per
month, or in one year the cboppioe
alone amounts to about 160,000 hnebel. of
grain ; this represente about 8,000 teams
driving into the village in one year. Mr.
Freeman, the miller, is also making flour
of very highest standard qnality. Since
opening an a000nnt fu Seaforth a 'Mort
time ago the people of that town have
shown that they eppreofate a good artio!e
in the very feat that they have aeed more
than five hundred thousand pounds of
the tamoae Brand A 1 which has been
sold In the town of Seaforth by H.Liveoe.
Mr. Hoary is oertainly to be congratulated
in-seouring the eervie,e of 1'. F. Freeman
who is thoroughly capable of turning out
an artiole of highest standard quality.
1E1 tit ol.
H. F. McAllister shipped two care of
Miee Lyda McAlbum is visiting in
S 5, Cole remained at the G. T. R. this
weak a oar of British Colombia ebinglee.
Mr, Buebelan, of Arthnr, is filling a
position in R. C. Davies & Co's. store.
Mre. Buebolan is aleo here.
Sone of Temperance Entertainment,
Friday evening of this week in the
Township Hall. Don't forget it.
The contract for the new iron bridge on
the East end of the 12th oonwill be let
on Saturday afternoon of this week at
8 o'olook,
Ethel Public Library received 95.00
from the Township Oounoil at their last
meeting. Secretary Livingstone made
the application,
Hugh Cunningham shipped a oar of
hogs this week. Ethel is becoming quite
a shipping point as there is a ooutinual
rush at tbe depot these days,
Zech. MaAlium, who was here on a
visit, retnrue to Bartney, Manitoba,
where he has a situation. He's a steady.
going youth who should do well.
D. Bedgely orad family have moved
feom the Slemmon farm, South of here,
t0 a farm 11 miles South of Brucoele, in
Morrie township, The plaoe belongs to
Jas. Petah who to now a resident of plan.
The Quebeo Chroniole eaye "Will
Moteod's oomio oharaoter songs were
very witty, and hie exeoutioh of the
"Sailor'e Hornpipe" was splendid."
Hear hien on Friday night at the town-
ehip Hall.
S. oe T. CoowefT,-Vriday evening of
*hie week the Sona of Temperenoe will
give their simnel Concert in the Tonto
of vocal and
Hall hero. A fine program
inetrumontal mesio, together with
reoitatioue, dfaloee; &o, will be rendered
by talent. from Brueeets and Ethel.
Will. MaLood, the well Iinoten Comedian,
of Seaforth, hoe been engaged and will
give the eudfenee many a good langlt. A
N . K.ER R, Prop,
Daley, Wawanoeh ; Mre. Buchanan and
Mise Maud Ray, Belgrave ; Mre. Harris,
Mre, J. Johnson, and U. Johrisoa, How,
lob; R, and Mee. Young, Londeboro';
Mr. and Mise Faireerv,cs, Hallett ; and
Miss E. Eokmier, Donegal. Relatives
were expe0ted from Toronto and Teoum•
en but the blookade on the railway
deterred them. Mr, and Airs. Stephen
eon have taken up housekeeping on the
groom's firm iu Grey with the hearty
good wishes of a large oirole of relatives
and Mende in whioh Tun PoaT joins,
ADDRESS AND Pnnean7ATtoN.-Mtge Janet
Hood, wbo for three years has been a
faitbtel and dflfutent worker in the
Motbodiet numb and Sunday school at
B:nevale, wae reoently the recipient of a
handsome present dud an address as a
token of the kind regards of the boyo of
her Class on the 000asionof her departure
from Bluevsle. The Glade bad arranged
for sarpriee party and presentation
before Mi -e Hood ehouid leave for her
home at Sunshine, but failiug in this, on
account of bad weather, they were
ob.iged to send it by mail. The addreee
was aa foil ties :-
Alto rrtw-
Still more weddings are reported on the
Tboe. Healy held a wood bee on Tam
Another Morrie bachelor ie about to go
out of bneinooe Boon.
Miss Maud Jaokeon was visiting at
Toronto fur a week or eo.
Warden Bowman, is 00 Goderiob tbie
week attending the County Oonnoil.
Robt. Weir, of Detroit, is 'visiting his
oriole and aura, John and. Mre. Mason,
3rd line.
Ssorament of The Lord's, Supper wae
diepenasd in Knox church, Belgrave, leer
W. H. and Mrs. Ferguson entertained
a few of their friends Tuesday evening of
last week
John McCaughey, 7th line, bold a very
s000eesful bay drawing bee on Wednes-
day of boat week.
Abram Proctor has let the contract for
Ube erection of hie new cement book
house to Mr. Brown, of Blyth.
D. Badgely and family from near
Ethel, have moved to the Petah farm, 6th
line. We weloome them to Morrie.
Joseph and Mre Donnelly, of Edmoo•
ton, Alberta, are at present Yining at
the home of Sam. Jordan, 5th line. '1
Ed. and Mrs. Wigbbman entertained a
large number of their friende at their
home Wednesday evening of last week.
There is very little Changs in the con.
dition of Thomas Miller, 51h line, but we
hope the Coming of Spring will invigorate
Arthur Hammond, returned to his
home Regina, N. W. T., on Monday
after spending a abort time visiting his
eisteran-law Mre. Wm, Geddes, Ord line.
We oougratalate Mies Bessie Watson
on successfully passing her primary
piano examination at the Coneervatory,
Toronto, a abort time ago. She will
continue her stndiee.
The 0. P. R. By law was not read at the
Oonnoil meeting Monday of last week as
there are several pointe raised on which
the townehip fatbere wanted information
before submitting it.
Lawrence Wbeeler and family have re,
moved from the farm near Sonebine,
upon whioh they resided for a good many
veara, to their new purchase, 2 miles
North of Unseals, in Grey. They bave
a tidy plane and their many old friends
here although sorry to see them move
away, hope they will greatly enjoy their
ot:mfottabie home,
H. sod Mre. Mooney, of 'Weyburn, N.
W. T., wbo have been renewing old
friendabipe here for the past 7 or 8 weeks
left for Barrie where they will spend 0
ooaple of woke before returning to their
home in the Went. Harry Mooney,
abeir son, and hie bride will go to Way
born at the name time. Theypropoee to
take a oar of horses, eta, back with them,
Hatuamaax,-In the presence of over
100 guests Rev, A, E ;Ione, of Belgrave,
tied the Matrimonial Knot between Wm.
J. Stephenson, of the gib Con. Grey
townehip, and Mise Vlore May, eldest
daughter of N. and Mre. Matt, at their
resideuae, 6t11 line Morrie, 00 Wednoeday
evening of teat week at 6 o'oloak. The
Weddino Maroh wag played by Mise
Poesie Mitchell, of Brussels, RE the hn.pny
oonple took their plaoee ander a floral
arab, They were nuattended, The bride
looked very neat in a oreem oaehrnere
gown trimmed with Bilk lase. After the
hearty congratulations were over the
company eat down to a moat excellent
supper prepared iu the very beet elle of
the hoet00o. The wedding gifts were
numerous, uesfal and valuable, Avery
enjoyable eveningeras spent thee largee
company in muefo, sang, story, &o.
Among the gneete from a distance in
attendenoe were :-Mr and Dlrs. Perdue,
Wingham; J. and Mee. 3erqueenn;
A. and Mee, Ferqueoon; C4. and Mre,
To Misr Janet Hood
HIND T&aoann,-It is with feeling° of
the deepest regret that we, the bile of
your former Sunday Sobooi Class, Bend
to you this smell mark of appreciation
both of yourself and of the work you
have performed amongst us. We feel
that it is the eeveriug of ties that bound
ns to one who had our spiritual weitere
at heart and who labored ouceasingiy by
(and we hope not vainly) to show us the
Light and the Z,atb. Daring the years
you have labored among no we have Mond
it not only a source of pleasure to attend
the elan bat one of inetrnetion, and we
fee, that the hood work has not been twit
and that in alter years wheu eoattered
far and near we can look back to the
Sabbath. spent in your plass &e ooee that
bave oast a good influence over our later
years. In losing you se a oitizdn we are
losing one who boa ever held up before ns
the true ideal of Christian womanhood
and wboee examples may well be copied
by many. Please then accept this Ladies'
Oompani in, 001 on account of its value,
but ae we bave said, ae a mark of fipple.
oiation from a Claes of boys wbo unite in
wishing you many long and prosperous
years in whioh to carry on the work•yon
have started, and hope you will be able to
say at the last minute of this life as Paul
said :-"I have fought a good fight ; I
have finished the course ; I have kept ebe
Faith, henceforth there le laid 0p for me
a Grown of Righteousness." Signed on
behalf of the Mass,
Brussels Continuation Classes.
TOTAL 500 ; Ronne 350.
nomte l & 2
Foam L -Examined in Aritb., Book
Keeping, Gram.. Clomp., Latin and Algeb-
B Moses ......462
T Fraser 442
13 Bryaoe 418
D' Oober 418
S tIoQaarrie 418
M Elliott 398
L Bray 398
3 Rands 897
N Lowiok 881
N McNaught 881
L Straoban 319
W Stevenson ..805
0 Jaokeon ....282
L Edwards ....268
C Bryans 267
E Cameron 261
M Horgard 284
J Ellfutt 282
F Armstrong 225
A Elliot 215
R Sinclair 131
0 Doobow ...,406 F Scott 811
S Anent 272 81 Good 804
F flaiuprieo ..371 E Ewen 294
W Wilton ....1366 E Colvin 245
J Wilbee 366 at Birt 117
J Wilton ..,..,654
Jo, II1-Examined in Oomp., Geog.,
Arida, end Spall. ; total 600.
A Rona .......434 I 13arkely .381
W Adams ,...482 B Leoate 331
1 Scott ..... ...420 N Ewan 390
M Jones 404 A ftobb.. ....800
0 Mollillian 896 E Wittier) 300
B Curry 387 J Heudereon ..291
K Anent 8766 E Oober 290
DeW Coseae ..871 F Gerry
W Bell .....,..867 V Walker, 260
0 Amann 842 Z Linueay
Mise Dona Smarr, 'Teaober.
Boon 5.
Be. IL -Examined in Arida, Geo., Lit.
Spelt. ; total 509.
Fonts II. -Examined in Ana. History,
Aritb., Gram., Fr., Oonep„ Chemiatry,
and Latin.
B Rose 442 A Soatt 830
A Rose 406 M Derk..... ...380
R Denman 392 E Dennie 326
J MaOraokon ..874 L Danford 811
W Oameron....367 L R:ohardsou .,290
R Bryans 964 J Armstrong ..286
F Davidson.. ,857 A MoQuarrie ..280
J Straaban 848 J Muouey 256
Richardson ,.346 R Ainley 268
L Purnboll ....834
Fonll Ill-Examiued in Artth., Chem,
Freuob, Phys., Ano. Hietory and Eno.
RMoNair 866 J Maynard ....218
B Henderson 881 B Hingetone ..206
L McArthur 828 A Smith 161
E McKinnon ..307 S McNair 164
R Forest 274 0 McCracken ..147
F Abby ,272 B McNair 143
E Walker 261 M MoArber ....121
D McDonald 246 R Brown 119
E Wilton . 228 M MoRae 57
$ Ainley 220
J. H. Clanntoz, Prinoipal.
Mese E 0. SCOTT.
noon 8.
ENTILM00 -Examined in Lit., Gram.,
Arab., Comp. and Play. ; total 500..
E &demo 406 G Ewen 804
G Roes 374 J Bloomfield ..279
T Zimmer ,355 J Wilton 276
J Doll 351 NNI Jaoquee ...,249
W MaQnarrie „335 L Sinolair ..,.244
W Williamson 318 HBrother°.,„ASS
31 Colvin 318
Jn IV. -Examined in Spell., Comp.,
Arith., Gram. and Pby.; total 500.
b' MoKenzie484. E Anent 296
K Deadman ..422 K Harbottle 284
W Straehan ..888 L Leatberdala280
M Brothere....079 S Campbell 277
G Armstrong ..874 P Leatherdale„274
M Miller 862 L MoOraoken..270
0 Bell 859 R Ounninkham.269
J Oundmghem 388 0 Holmee.,....269
P Baeker 387 V McKenzie .;266
L MoA,ter 819 A MoMiidan ..259
(l Soott.,806 J Moore 247
V Wilbee 811 F Oampbell....184
A Thomson..,,304 w Tarnbnll....116
B Stubbs 302 N Breen 18
W Hondereon..297
Miee HAS& Wrreou, Teeobee,
So. III. -Examined in Comp., Clog.,
; total 500,
' h. and B
Arlt Pell.
J Leoiti° ...,.,471 0 Garry 861
H Moore 469 'J' (lobar 847
Walker......489 E ilpoiran ,836
E Wilton - 420 0 Simmone..,.886
A J3lahop ,,,.,4111 W 0000,.,,....814
Il Madman ..429
J Armetroug ..429
E Thum 418
B Speirs° 401
V Ainley 284
E Bomar' 374
Wm, Long 868
W Sperling „847
S Gerry 237
M Thomson 286
0 Leokie 334.
W Long 832
$ Mooney 826
Jo. II Orsee.-
H Armstrong ..447
B Warwick ....442
G Ooualey ....440
K Wiltou 374
I Strachan 356
S Burgess 814
M Dorgan 314
W Kerr 307
G Kerr
E Gilpin 318
L Denman 815
B Waliter2117
W Milier295
R Hatete 267
R &luUraoken 260
S Pox 266
H Guod264
B Harris 2133
H Campbell247
W MoKay 243
G Wilbee 191
W Ainley 185
F Robb 801
J MoNtohol 285
P Dark 271
E Cooper 258
H Amont 260
LiLamont 226
W MoLaoblan910
E Lamont 105
806 F Staboe 74
Mass M. T. Dowxnx, Teacher.
OLAee IV. -Total 500 :
Mary Lown ..460 H Burgess ....895
Oland dhaw....446 R Fox 865
E Barkley ....485 M Edwards 245
H Lowry 410
Oieee III. -Total 500 :
A Moura 3100 V Rose 510
0 Crooke 416 0 Doli 805
Brothers ....385 H Stmmooe801
E Bedew 880 G Jamieson.... 276
A Witton 346 E Homes 196
N Fox 816
CLAM II.--Exoolfent-W Lott, L Low-
ry, L Booker, M Biebop, I MoLanohun.
Good -0 Crone, R MoKay, '3 Snider,
P Tinton. Fair - Viola MoOraoken,
Grace Walker.
Unna 1. -Excellent -W Harris, A
Lookridge, R Barkely, 0 ()ober, J Eat)
kirk, E Moore, A MoLoohlan, B Tun.
bull, E Toole, H Walker, 13 Wilbee.
Gond-L Ballantyne, G Colvin, I Den -
bow, W Denman, E Lowry, S Sample.
Fair -II Boman, E Cooper, E Oooper,
L Holmes, G Edwards.
Mies Juan Bunn, Teaober.
Vanrove abnroh authorities are aim
eideriug the rather dangerous situation
of Canadian Missionaries in Japan,
Koran and China and the British Ooneule
have been Cabled to see that the ueoessary
protection ie accorded Brftieh 'eubjeote
during the exitance of the war.
TORONTO Liberals are anxious 10 bave
Premier Laurier visit the oily, give an
address and be entertained at a big
banquet. If Sir Wilfrid is 0e wise to,
genal be will swept the fleet and second
propooitione and beg to be excused from
spending hie time at the festive board.
Let the money proposed to be spout be
given to supply the needs of the poor
and unfortunate and more good, born to
body and goal, will be aaoompliebed.
Tan eight Dominion bye.eleatious held
Tuesday resulted in five Liberals win.
ning out of eight, The Conservatives
oaptared 131. John, Dr. J. W. Daniel re.
placing Hon. Mr. Blair, wbo fatigued to
take the ohairmaneuip of the Railway
Commission. In Quebec the Liberals
returned four membore. East Brune and
Eaet Larebton remain Conservative.
Queen's West, Prince Edward 'eland, is
atilt strongly Ltbreal, and affords little
comfort to the believers in a Oaneervativu
Tear dootore differ ie quite apparent
from the following reference to the
question of High School teachers' martin-
oatee :-A radical change in the method
of granting High school teachers' oertifl•
antes has been recommended to the Min-
ister of Ednostion by the majority re.
port of the Educational Committee° 0p.
pointed to consider McGill Uaivereity's
application for more generous treatment
in Ontario. The recommendation 1e that
all oandidatee for epeoiatiete' oertifioatee
be required to puss an examination of a
general and praotioal and partly oral na-
ture, to be ptesoribed by the .Education
Department, before being permitted to
attend the Normal College. Hitherto r,
degree Itbm one of the four Universities
in the Province was ouffiaiottt. Thin re.
port ie signed by President London,
Chancellor Butane/a, of Victoria, end
Prof. Clark, of Trinity, Chancellor
Wallace, of M8Mneter, and Prof. A. P.
Knight, of QOeen'e, have sent the Min.
inter a minority repert, in whioh they
atrongiy object to tlto mew propeeed tie, The Board then adjd0rn°4l,
partmontal examination, on the main
g;0000 net it would destroy the freedom,
variety, and individuality of teaabing in
lbs Uuulveretty. Tbste two reeommood
that MaGGiu'a applwation ee granted ale
soon ae tbe Curricula eraapproved of by
the Umtata of Eduoatwit,
Imam is a gang of looters, with
dyunmite auoompauimeut, doing the
oouutry end vieittug tbe Intake, poet.
Maine and otter Mood whore money may
aucumutate. The pab,ie should be on the
start mud If theme night hawks are umbbed
very little many ehuuld be meted Outto
to them. Fellows who will wreak build-
ings, endanger liven or even Commit
murder iu order to cover up their in.
101300. WOnk are not the people to show
gaartec to but they ehouid be_taugbt
nab leneuue that wouldkeep them
thinking fur it, goodmany years.
Buspim0us oharaotero should be made
give an sonata of themeetvee whenever
they make their appearauoe.
IT le rather remarkable that so mealy
of the Natduua are now deeply interested
in the nuooeoa of the energetic Japanese
who ar,.lIghttng a tyranntual power for
the betterment of the world and yet these
some eympatheti0 (1) powers were very
nuwiulug to attempt to put a atop to the
ltueulon bear'd repaotty. We behave if
Japan had net andettaken tile thrashing
•ill the despot, before tong it would bave
'Moen to the lot of Great Britain, in self
delenoe, to have boo forced into a war
with liuestd. If the J0ueetane would
Undertake the righting of wrouge in her
owu peeeeeaioue instead of desiring to
Mime her ehaokiee on other lands 20th
gontury owitizatton would be advanced.
Ae Bill has beenautrodnoed by A. His-
lop, ill. P. P. to amend the Am wuereby the
Wordage and Keepere of Homes of
Refuge in the various Counties will have
the right to time something to say about
the handing over of bodies of iumate0. to
the Medical Schools. If the M. P. P.'s
who oppooe the amendment will plaoe
their names upon a reserve list to afford
the Medi. an opportunity of studying
out the intriaaoiee of their make-up in
the time to ooee they will asoertaln
perhape, iu imagination, what the feelings
of inmates are who are must unwilling to
have nolo diepoost made of their remains
as the law now threats. We bave no
doubt every Go. Connoil, where Hooses
or Refuge exist, would like to see the law
made permieeive rather than coercive,
and for reasons apparent to any person
wbo ban had to do with the management
of Gaols institutions. The amendment
should prevail.
Tem etrennons life is lived in Hamilton
bat eometimee the forme it takes are
hardly iu keeping with whet might be
termed "the correot thing." Iu Stinson
street eohool Master Byron administered
the blue beech or the "oat" in too lenge
doses to the eon of a fond mamma and
with fire in her eye ehe armed herself
with a revolver and went to iuterview
Mr. Byron, He might well have quoted
the poetry of hie namesake about "Hie
days being in the yellow leaf, &o" when
he saw his ioterrogator bat be deolined
to surrender. Au apology by the tender
hearted parent and a promise by "John.
uie" 10 be a good boy has brought the
threatened onslaught to an amicable
adjaatmeut. We wonder whether Mr.
Bryon would have found it safer to eland
or run if the firearm bad bean brought
into action 1 Beoaue° a woman Can't
throw straight it does not follow that she
might not be able to put windows in your
auatomy with a lively seven shooter.
After this, before any school teacher
attempts to punish an unruly 90311 they
should see that their insurance and
eooide0t polioiee are in good repair and
not neglect to wenn sheet iron lining to
their vest ,or waist. Even if the X rays
do help the dootor fish out the leaden.
ticklers many teaohere are too modest to
anoept presentations from parents uulce0
at the ohne of the eohool term. Emil.
t0u mutat be an awful wioked place.
Smola School Board,
The r' meeting of the Sobool
Board (' . in the Board Room' laet
Friday even,..,. Members 9100001, D. O.
Roes, R. L•netherdate, W. M,'Binolair, J,
G. Skene, Jae, Turnbull and A. Ooueley.
Minutes of laet meeting read and pass.
eti. Maculae were preesnted as follows :
-$orals, advt. wood 500. Frank R,;
Smrtb, babin0e on account 76o. -
Skene a uonded Moved by J. 0.eby W.
M, Siuo.air that aoaounte be paid. .Car-
ried, -
Mond by J. G. Shone, eeoonded,-by
Jae. Ternball, that J. R. Cameron be
appointed a member of the Public Lib• -
rary Board for 13 y°are. Carried.
It wae decided to keep the three ro0me
closed for another week owing to wood
bn of flee drill -wet ue
die eod
The question o
and it was moved by J. G. Skene, eeoond•
ed by R. Leatherdaie that a suitable
gong be purobated tor giving the alarm,