HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-11, Page 8TUB BBEl13 O ZT R aml-- 'i R B A— CONDITION POWDERS (E U ,. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE They are made from a splen- did Formula and have a large and increasing sale. For smooth and glossy coats and for bringing stook into condition we believe that they are not surpassed by any other on the market. Large Package 25c. Ensures fine, strong Cattle and keeps them healthy. It is in- valuable in the pro- duction of Milk, But- ter, Poultry and Eggs. 4 pound pkg., - 50c r� It tr - 25c , DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800TBRRN =Melon W. 0. & R - Trains learoe Brussels Station, North and South, as follows Gorse. 600TH GOING NORTH. Mall 7:15 a.m !Mixed 10:00 a.m Mimed— .... . 1000 a.m 1 Mall' ..._ 1:17 p.m realness 8:26p.m 1lexpreee _._. 807 p.m road Roos Items. A °bias among ye takix' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. How does your label read ?, GRAIN market is moving up. . Looe out for your chimney and pipers. Smoot, Board will meet Friday even• ing of this week. GREs township printing for 1904 bas been awarded to TRE Poso. Oon has arrived in town eo that the tbreateued famine is stayed. Tux bakers of Brussels have advanced the pride of bread to 6 cents a loaf. A can of Manitoba wheat was received on Thnradoy by Keene. Stewart & Lowick. OWING to the weight of snow the roof of a Summer kitchen belonging to a house on the Livtngsboo property, near the flax mill. collapsed. THIIRSnar evening of this week Rev. Mr. Lowe, of W iugham, will deliver hie well know 'mature on "Ireland and the Irish" in the sohool room of St. John's ohurob. NEXT week President Jae Speir will go to Toronto to attend the annual gather- ing of the Faire' Aeeooiation which menta in the Queen city on Wednesday and Thursday. BRnseELITE9 interested as stockholders in the Darnam Cement Works have ap. pointed 0. Broadfaot to represent them at the annual meeting to be held at Tor- onto nex' week, Jeox FRosx shook bands with a number in this locality last Monday and Tan POST man has been wearing a proboscis of the lighthouse variety since then, having been nipped while driving to Ethel. A REPRESENTATIVE from Berlin Sugar Beet Factory was in town last week Bereavingtor o the holding of a public meeting to disclose the question of oulti• vating a large gnantity of beets to be parobeeed by Berlin factory, A date was spoken of but as no official annoa008. meat has been received we do not know whether the meeting is to be held or not. DIED.—Last Friday afternoon Alma Theresa, infant daughter of M. R. and film Moore, died eater a brief illness, aged 6 months and 11days. The funeral took plane on Sondes afternoon to Brea eels oemetery, Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., Oak. ing the enema. The cause of death was inward convulsions, Mr. and Mrs. Moore an deeply eympathieed with in the death of their little daughter. IN reporting the snow blwokade on the L. H. & B. the London Advertiser says of a well known oondnotor fol merly on the W. G. & B. line of railway :—"Oon- dootor Quirk in trying to make Olande• boy to telegraph for assisinnae, walked into a culvert over a small stream, wbioh was completely oovered with snow, and is said to be eleven feet deep. He had a very uarrow esoape from being smothered with the snow. He thought the bottom bad dropped out of the Grand Trunk." The many old friends of the genial Quirk will be glad he escaped so well even if he did get off the traok. Faced DIeoERaNT POINTS.—A gnbsoriber at 9obrieber wribeefor an extra oopy of Tit Pon theirs having been lost on the trip homeward and adds "We alwaye. look forward to getting Trot PooT and don't like to mise any of the home news," From Harriston a letter Saye :—Enolosed you will find $1,00 enbsoription to THE PosT for 1904. It le welcomed eaob week as a friend.—Writing from Guelph the sabsoribergays Tae Poem is always a wel0om5 pauper in our home.—A. Sebring villa reader writes :-We cannot do without Tae POST as its interesting newt from home is auxioasly waited for each week. Hope you will Seoare many new eabeorib. ere in 1904. Fane Buntene: A meeting of Brassela Fire Bridgede was held on Tuesday even- ing in the Coanoil Chamber anoording to announoemeat, The following aeons were eleoiod for the current year ;— Chief, N. k'. Gerry ; Captain, R. Bonder - eon ; 1st Lieutenant, P. M'oQearrie; 2nd Lisntenant, D. Fulton ; Iet Engineer, H. James ,• 2nd Engineer, Watson Ainlay Secretary. resaeurer, P. S. Scott; 150 Brauobtnett, A. Curie jr. and 0. head owe ; 2nd Brabahmeu, H. Mercer and A. Somers; enai cart, Ira Pecker and Roy Ainley ; No. 1 reel J. T. Rose, S. Wilton, and D. 0. Rose ; No. 2 reel, A Currie, J. Meadows and A, Somers ; No, 8 reel, P. Soots, J, G Shane, A, 34 X.'y and S. T. Pinto. Animated disouosione took place o8 various phages of, the Brigade work and equipment. rive fine were reported , tor which the Bremen had not been paid and one tank filling. Another meeting wi is p be be tort; to E t 5 y pay the firemen and devise methods and plants for bite hempen of putting .the Brigade in the Meet elioienb position ponible. Tmi weather has been extremely cold 'hie week some say the theremomeber showed from 20 to 25 below zero. TUE Maoeabee Band is keeping up its regular weekly practice and should be in good shape by the coming of Summer for Ailing engagements. BARRISTER Bmo1Ant went to Toronto on Wednesday as the appeal case was to be heard on Thursday in connection witb the extension of the sewer on Tnrnberry street. Ton's departments of our Poblio school, taught by Misses Downey, Smith and Ritchie, were having a holiday this week owing to the wood shortage and very cold weather. The Trusbeee are getting in a Sappy of wood. Comex! Connell will resume ice work for this (Monty, according to adjourn meat, Tuesday afteruaon of next week. It is to behoped better weather will be on the program than when they last met. TEE Teeswater News of last week in speaking of the Scotch concert recently held there says of Miss Jean MoItauch• lin, of Brussels :— Mies MaLattablin as an accompanist deserves considerable praise and no doubt the exoellent per. formulae of the artiste was doe fn a measure to her aorreot a000mpaniment. PosxtteaTRn FARROW and hie two young lady deputies have bad a busy time of it on several days when the accumulated mail matter of five or six days arrived but by hard work and long hours they did not keep the public waiting long for anxiously looked for letters and papers. 20 or 30 mail bags coming iu at one time to an ofaoe makes a great deal more work than many people have any idea of. Dana.—The Raffalo Commercial of Jan. 25, [Tooke of tbe death of a daughter of 'Phos. Town, formerly of Brussels es follows :—"The funeral of the IateEmma Maude Towo, young daughter of T. 0. and Mrs. Town, of 181 Niagara street, was held from the home of Mr, and Mrs. Town et the above address ab 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The funeral serving were conduoted by Rev. Aird Moffat, pastor of the Niagara Square Congregational church. A large number of friends and- acquaintances attended. Several beautiful floral pieces were eeot by friends of the family. This morning the body was taken to Blair, Ont., for interment." The sympathy of old friends here will be accorded the bereaved. War he Re o0ObNlzEn —The beet sagar factory is a (petition that it is just as well to say very little about till we know where we are at. Lest week the people of the town interested in the bonds, went into the Union Bank and covered every dollar due—a total of something like $100,000. Tbe town has every reason to be proud of the fact ; it is a question if another town in Western Ontario aonld make soon a showing. That the faotory will go on there is not a doubt, but the company will have to be re organized, and the business planed on a different beefs, and the faotory pot under the control of practical moo. The directors of the past year did everything possible to make it a success. They have appar- ently failed, through no fault of theirs, it is unanimously agreed, and now they are anxious, and were last year too, that others eboald assume control.—Wiarton Canadian. Coeurs MEETING L. 0 L.—Tbe annual meeting of the L. 0 L. of North Huron was bald in Wioghem on Tuesday of last week. Notwithstanding the uofavorable weather and irregular trains, a goodly number of the brethren were preeont. County Master W. J, Greer presided. Much of the time wag taken up with reports and routine work. The County Matiner'e addreea was appropriate, oom. prebeoeive and fnetructive. It was decided to have it printed in the minutes and in The Sentinel. A unanimous resolution paeeed deoiding to celebrate July 12th in Wingham. The officers slept are :—Oouoty Mester, M. Maine : D. 0. M., R. Leishman ; Ohapiain, Rev. W. Lowe ; Req. Sen., 3. J. Ib1oNlannns ; Fin. Seo„ Alex. Leiebmao ; Treae„ Jae. Goliey ; D. of 0 , N. Johnston ; Leob'rs., J. Broadway, H. Leishman. TEE REaaerRAn'6 RETORNs.—Tbe return by the ening registrar for the nine menthe ending Sept. 30t3, 1908, and that made by the registrar for the remaining three months, show the number of mor' sages registered daring the year to bo 958, and their value $1,818,941,37. The number of mortgagee discharged totalled 1100,1eaviog the number on the books 147 lass than at the close of 1902. Of the mortgagee regtetered, 18 were not epees. fled to to valute,401 were $1000 oe were from$2000 to $5000, and eighteen exalted. ed the latter 5ttm. Two meobanies' liens were registered and 168 wilie ; 884 clench. es were made and 1019 abstracts were fnrnisbed. The fees for the year were $8,685 00, being less than those for 1902, whinh Were $6,085.70. The amount paid foe stationery and salaries, the latter in - eluding the deputy regietrar'e salary for the last three menthe of 1908, was $1,- 748 60 ; the sum rcoeived by the noting registrar for 9 months, $2085 02, and that received by the registrar for 8 menthe, $458 87, the fetal being $2,589,29. The 'aide of the mortgagee disobarged is not mentioned in the 10t015, go We cannot bets whether their velar' ie greater' or lees than that of those regietored during tho year, Standard Bank of Canada T 14 E =mTA. r3xiSmonooso ievz AeliBT8 — OYER TEIOOTEIAN MILLION DOLLARS .A. Gonera.I 13aAkirbg 13uteixtetare rl.'r0Ltiete:deted. -"NSAV%NQS 8A/VKa"/' —DEPOSITS OP ONE DOLLAR and upwards rcoeived on whish INTEREST I8 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE, ACCRUED INTEREST is added to acoounbs every six months and beeomee prinoipai. —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits withoat the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS C'N NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE -KEEPING only fer whiob no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar ooreful and courteous attention, F. H. GRAY, AGENT. enterneele QUITE a quantity of wood has beau hauled t0 town this week but the snpply bas not nearly equalled the demand by many cords. Taz magazines at the Pubifo Library were eo'd last Friday evening, F. S. Scott was the auctioneer. Some big bar gains in good reading were enured. SAOREZ OoaoenT —Tbe minuet ant10111:1• oed for Thursday evening is the Matto diet obnroh was postponed until Friday evening owing to the stormy weather. Program was as follows :— Opening Hymn, "Praise Gad from whin all bless• ings flow," t solo, "Emmanuel" F. H. Gilroy ; goarbetbe,' The Voioe of many waters" Masers, Rerr, Sharp, Conley and Milbanaen ; solo, "The Reaarteation Morn" R. S. Ftetober; Trombone solo with violin obligate, W. A. Grewar and H.L. Jaokeoa ; solo, "8ati,fied" R. J. MaLeuohlio.; Trombone solo, '•Octside the gates of Paladin" W. A. Grewar ; solo, "Thy Ring" H. W. Avison i quart tette, "Ail United in Jesus" Siesere. Kerr, Sharp, Conley and Milbanaen ; solo, "Galilee" Jas, Jones ; violin solo, H. L, Jaokeoa ; solo, "One sweetly solemn 'bought" 3. L. Kerr ; Trombone solo, "Holy Cross" W. A. Grewar : solo, "For all Eternity" J. Milbanaen ; Hymn, "Crown Him Lord of All". Although the audience was not large the proceeds totalled over $16 00 and cleared off the ind, btedoens the ladies had to meet on the individual onmmunion service. The program was well reudsred. Mrs. H. L Jackeou, Miss Jean and Maggie eloLauoh lin were the s000mpaoiste. Rev, T. W. Gonne occupied the chair and returned thsnke to all who took part, particularly those from other churches. Business Locals. Rim FURS—Highest prise paid for raw furs. A. Comex, Brussels. HAtimsono walnnt sideboard for sale at great reduobiao. Apply to Mas. W. M. 9&lemma, Brussels. Pram TIGGSG.—Efeiutzman & Co'e, Piano tuner, R. S. Shaw, is here from Toronto. Leave orders at R. Leather - dale & Son's store WANTED. — All kinds trade. Dried apples •60 ; Turkeys 15o ; Fresh eggs 200; &o. No, 1 Prime Fox $6 00 oarh. Goo. E. Klee, Wingham, PERSONAL PAIRAGGRAPIIS. Fletcher Sperling was on the sick list last week. Bios Loretta Bonsbon ie away at Toronto for a few weeks. Mineivin s u L toe has re a resumed 6 d es• making atter two weeks' voce i ou. L. Wells, of North Dakota, has been visiting hie sister, Mra. George Beaker. Miss Margaret Livingstone has return. ed to Detroit to prepare for the Millinery Openings. Geo. and Mrs. Butte, of Listowel, were visitors at the resideuoe of Fred. and Mrs, Adams, Mill street. William Cameron, Ohuroh street, WPM not as well even as usual during the pest week but ie some easier now. Mrs. Fred, MaOraoken was dangermely ill last week but has improved 000114er. ably now we are pleased to state. Mies 011ie Mooney .bas been bothered with blood poisoning fa one of her fingers, but will soon be all rigbt we hope. Mies Miuuie Moore, who was vii Ring bare for a few weeks, bas returned to St. Thomas, calling on London friends en route. Mies Ethel Oreighton has gone to Hamilton to visit relatives before attend• ing the Spring Millinery Openings at Toronto. J. and Mrs. Querin were at Woodetook Met week atteuding the funeral of the tatter's father, who had attained the good old age of 88 years. Dire. Jobe Currie had the misfortune to fall at her home, Mill street, last week and injured her book bus we hope she will anon be all right. W. H. Sbewart is home from Norval where he went a month ego. He oonld not retain his position in the flour mill as the dust was affecting his health, Marshall Lowiok, who is a Oooduotoe on the 0. 1'. R. running from Mooeejaw West, is here on a visit under the parent al tool, He has risen quickly and we hope he will continue to promote, Jobn Currie, jr., eon of 3, Onrrie, butcher, has been ou the eiok list dnriog the past weals with threatened appeedioi• tis but by prompt attention to bis can an operation may not be necessary. A letter from Mrs, Jennie Tufts, formerly of Btu -eels, now of Hannaford, North Dakota, Written on Jan, 8014.1, gays; "We have hod very oold weather bore, tram 40 to 50 below zero last week but very little now. We aro well and hope all our Braeeele Maude are enjoying good health, Cannot get along without Tao Pone, our home paper, so emelose anb• Oeription, J. D. Stewart, who hag been manager of the Bank of Ottawa, at Avonenore, Ontario, for some years, ie now tented at Maniwaki, Q3ebeo, to which Moue he moved some months ago. He thinks he will like bis new home after getting aoqusiuted. Tbe weatherlias been very cold, the thermometer going as low tie 50 degrees below zero and about half the mornings it is about 80 below. Mr. Stewart writes that it will be a beat:tifel spot in the'Sommer, being located among tee Mountains et the junction of two fair eized rivers innumerable t w able lakes in the vicinity, With nnumm, '2bo young gent., gran referred to in a former Brueael;bs be OR a eon of the late Daniel Stewart, Tint Net wishes him eodtiniel prosperity. Mrs. D. A, Lowry and two daughters arrived here from the "Soo" on Wedoes day. Mies Pearl, who holds a position there will remain, for a time at least.. Ashley Lowry stopped off ut Guelph for a short stay. We welcome them beak to Brussels and wish them e000ees. Co. Councillor Donaldeoo, of Atwood, accompanied by Mr. While, of Hamlets, Man,, a former resident of Hibbert town- ship, were visitors in Brussels 017 Wed. oesday. It le 20 yeare sine Mr. White went West. Be has 1400 acne and bas done well. Be le a oouaio to Mre. Harris, Thomas street, Brussels, and Mr. Donaldson is Mrs. Harris' eon in law. Anybody who can beat the genial 00. Councillor in telling a yarn ehoald receive a medal. F. H. Gray, of the Standard Bank, went to Toronto last Week on business and was among the delayed passengers on the home trip. They left Toronto at 8,40 Wednesday morning sol spent nearly all day at Guelph waiting for bating, leaving at 11 p. m. tar the North. The train, with two engines, struck near Goldstone nun 8 s. m. Thursday and was puled to Drayton where banes con veyed the weary pa8550gere to the hotels for dinner at the Company's expeose- Getting away from Drayton the urxt snow bank blockade was met near Moore. Held where they were stollen until Friday morning at 10 o'clock. The farmers in the looality were very kind and brought baskets of provisions to the train. A snow plough and 8 engines went out trent Palmeretoo to the reeooe and for a time were also stuck fast. There were snow banks from 7 to 12 feet hii:b. Treio got Rico Palmerston at last with its 67 pass engine well tired out. On Saturday the road was opened eo that a train got through on the W. G. & B. A report being °irontated that it was not likely to run Mr. Gray drove to Hsrrieton to take the C. P. R, but found on arrival 'bet that line was also blocked. Not to be outdoors he drove on to Wroxeter and then in by stage to Brunetti arriving about the same time as the Palmerston train. The trip was a most tedious one "oaupyiog 4 days to say nothing about the nights, The weariness of the delays woe whited away with song, story, &a. and many aogaaintanoee formed that would certainly nut have been had the regular time table been followed. Drugged and Robbed. An extraodioary oasis is that of John Doig, sen of Andrew Doig, of Fordwioh. He wee in Listowel on Wednesday, Jan- uary 20.1,, and left by E ta to forLondon o with $190tn his possession and turned up next at Me brother's place near Moles. worth on Friday Jan. 29tb, without money, with hie body bearing marks ut violence and Buffering from the ,ffeote of some drug which made bim entirely uu- abla to give any rational aouount of bim• Belf, nut even knowing bow be got to his brother's phos. Hie father, who is a reepeoted and reliable man, Saye he had $115 in can svith him when he Dame to Listowel on the 19th ult. He sold a horse to Henry Zinu, of Wallace, who paid for it iu oast in one of the town borate, and he put the money with the teat of his roll, making $190 fe all. Next day Donegan drove bim up to the station in his bus, shook hands win him and saw him get on the Stratford brain. He was perfectly Bober and told Donegan he bad bought a ticket for London. The people in the hotel where he Stayed Tuesday night say be bad nob been drinking and that be bad his money next morning, for one of them saw the roll. He told some of the people at the hotel that be was going to Gait, Where he went or what happened to him is so far a mystery, ail that to known is that be turned up on Friday of the week following at his brotbet'a farm hem, walking in from the gate mud in the Mete nbuve described. A doctor wag oated in who foaud that his patient was suffering from a heavy dose of morphine or some Similar drag, and that he bad probably been sleeping for some days. When he would rouse at all from hie etapor he ex hibited Signe of great fear that someone was about to do him bodily harm, He rambled a great deal in hie talk and has not yet been able to give any a000aot of where he has been. He said in his rambling talk that he had been at Sarnia and Went to Wyoming when be found be was not gamine home, and that be got off the train at Wyoming and walked boolo 1,' Sarnia, that some one gave bim a dollar and a half and that finally he got back to Listowel, got off the train at the road noosing into the snow and that he walk. ed out to Moleeworoh to bis brother'¢. Tbe doobor says; however, that, it would have been isltpoesibie for nim to hen walked so far and it is euspeoted that 50meetr5 may Have Is -ft nim et hie bro that's gate. From the fact that Doig Was gaits tumble to take ogre of himself or to lied his way anywhere alone it looks as if he was left at 'nig gate by someone who was anxious to got rid of bim safety by getting him into the bands af. bls friends, 11 looks litre a one of rob- bery in wbioh the orimiest did not wish to add a ease of murder tohis crime. And if it ie true that bo was wit at the gate ft meet have been by some one who knot him and his people and who had a 5nffibient reason for remaining them seineunknown, Hie people hope tont he will soon become rational. again and be able 10 remember enough of what happened to give a sloe to the robbers, when the affair Wili be thoroughly investigated. Dolg himself le a Armed, active young l METIOLITAN SANK CAPITAL --Paid up ItESERVII PUN D - - $1.000,000 Directors ROY, R. H, WAIIDHN, P, D„ 8. J. MOOREe Preoklont, Vtoo•proalaent. TIIO0, nlsAnenAW, 77.I.A, are 1001000 mt. W. 0ORTItt515 mom, x.0, n, E, 0000008010,10, O, HEAD OFFICE '- TORONTO W, D• 110 B8 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANDING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Partnere' None Dieaoauted, $1,000,000 FEB, 11, 1904 tgariX!"S b&MN D/ ldf t.$Fdt7AY.f5'JV"' Interest at HIGHEST OURRENT RATES allowed ou all some of $1 and upwards Di'dit rer5°.I"Ass Vaexcif A. E. MELLISH, Manager, man, quite able to take Dare of himself under ordinary oiroumetauoes,—Banner, Listowel. COMM CHIMES. Rev. Joo. Roes was not able to get to Fmdwioh last Sabbath owing to the bad roads. Rev. W. E, Kerr, of Blenheim, Bent Co., bee beau invited baok to that charge for soother year. The week night eerviose in the Meths). diet church were cancelled this week to 60onomlze the stook of fuel on band. Melville church adopted the same plan. Rev.J 0. Farthing, of Woodetook, who bee been appointed canon of St. Pours Cutbedral, London, was presented with a grandfather's Moots, a puree of gold and a book-oase by hie psriebiooers. Twenty Presbyterians nave nnowerod the inquiry of the General Assembly Oomm,esiou regarding the fu nee of Queen's University, and nineteen of them favor continuing its present relation to the ohurob. Rev. 0. B. Pitbiade, pastor of West - minister Churn, Winnipeg, who reoeetly returned from Montreal, where he went to oonnulc physicians as to bin health, has resigned hie charge, and will leave for a Southern climate to reside. Last Sabbath morning Rev, Mr. Rope preached iu Melville church from "The Grain of Mustard Seed". In the avenins •Rev Mr, Oosene of the Methodist ohurob o0oupied the pulpit discoursing nom Nagai 2nd ohapter and 9th verse. Grey Council. Meeting. The Manioipal Conceit of the Township of Grey met et the Township Hal', Feu. raary 8tb, 1904, pursuant to adjournment. Memnere we,e all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Lorenzo Frain, seconded by `Witham Fraser that the Engineer's report on the Gob Gonoaaeioo Drain be adopted and that a By-law be prepared and served on parties interested. 'Carried. Tenders for steel bridge at Lot 4, Con, 12, where rcoeived from Mituhetl 0o., Stratford Oo,, Hamilton Co., and Kio• tardive Co. Ooutraot will be let on Sabarday,20ih day of February, 1904, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. Moved by J. Grant, aeoonded by A. Turnbull that the Grand Trunk Railway Oo. be no tiled to remove fence on Bide. road at lots 80 and 31, Oon. 9, Grey town- ship, Carried. Moved by A. Taroball, eeoonded.by J, Grant thatthe! E Pabli Library o L b ar be 9 granted $6 00. Oarried. On motion of W. Fraser and L. Frain, towable printing for 1904 wan given to W. H tiger, same Iger s as lard year. Moved by W. Fraser, emended by J. Grant that the Auditors' Report as read be adopted, and 35 copies of Same be printed. Carried. Moved by A. Turnbull, aeoonded by L, Frain that By law No. 215, known as the Otb Con, Drain By law be read a let and Sod time and be provisionally adopted. Carried, Oo motion of L. Frain and J. Grant the following accounts were ordered to be paid :— W. M. Sinclair, declaration re Mc. Leon By hew$ 50 W. M. Sinclair, declaration re Whit field By-law. 50 John Olerk, levelling road Lot 17, Ooo. 17 5 00 John ill, Davies, salary, Auditor10 00 Daniel Eokmier, shovelling snow off bridgee 2 00 Robert Ransom, shovelling now off Ethel bridge' 1 00 W. H. Kerr, printing Diphtheria cards, Board of Health 1 25 W. H. Kerr, printing HanuaDrain By law 15 00 W. H Kerr, printing notice Dards lith Oon. Drain 1 50 W. H. Kerr, printing notion cards' NNW Silver Corner's Drain, .. • 1 00 W. H. Kerr, printing notioe lards Hislop Drain 70 James Fulton, nssisbing engineer MaLoan Drain 1 60 Ethel Public Library 5 00 Joni Mo1NTom, Olerk. John Tarbbull wa0 found frozen to desth near Galt. South Essex Conservatives nominated Lewis Wiglo for the Commons. Robert Graham, of Sbratbroy, Dom• Mitred euioide by shooting himself. William W. Wilson, was killed in Mar mora twenty, by a failing limb while whopping in the woods. r o:z-e..;e Gentler sou.—TnH',wiolt, on Jan, 81, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Gallagher, a dough. ter, PAu ors.—In Wroxeter, on Feb. 4th, to Mr, and Mrs, A. Paulin, a daughter. 9uete.--In Grey; on Feb 5th, to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Shaw, -a eon, Iamb. F15caen-SMALLn0N —In the Presbyterian (Maroh, St, Tbomae, on F•b, 3rd, Mr. Oharlee Ember, of St. Tbomae, to Mies Minnie Smalldon, of Oran• brook. Lucas-11aonwce —At the manse, Orem brook, 00 the 10th ;net„ by Rev. D, l3, McRae, Mr, Themes Lune to Mis o Betknes, both of Grey. Y SMbTE-0oounANou •••-Tit 9t. Pain's obnroh, Wtngham, by Ear. W. Lowe, on Jan. 27tb, Rein, Geo, Smith to Rwoolla E. 0oohrano,'.both of Morrie knee:whip, 9xF 7D_ Moono.—In Brussels, on Feb 5, Alma Theresa, daoebter of M. H• end Mrs. Moore, aged 8 months and 11 day e. SNEtL,-In Wroxeter, on Feb. 8, John Snell, aged 77 yeare and 8 months. VoaT.—In Clinton, on Feb. 2nd, John ' Vogt, aged 81 yeare. aVCT=GST FJAx,00. Tenney, Fez 16.—Farm Monk, imp's. menu, &o. N} Lot 1 con 4, Morrie. Bale onreaer.ed, at 1 "clock, J. E. Robertson, Propt. F. 5, Scott, Atte, TM:1 MMAX, Fee 18 —Farm stook, implements, &o, Lot 29, Oon, 15, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Alex. ?Jolley, prop. ; F. S. Scott, Atm Pall lVlteot Earley Peas .. One , . Butter, tuba and mite ,. Eggs pee Plour per cwt. , , • „ P t,, tee leer bue.) Apples (per bbl.) 'Say per 7,0" .. ... Sall pot b,.'., retail Hogs, Live. , .. Wool Hideo trimmed Hides rough 80 81 87 88 60 66 28 29 14 16 17 18 4 00 5 00 60 50 75 1 00 700 700 1 00 70 4 25 4 40 16 16 6 03 5 5 THE PEOPLE'S COMM An50T 25 cords green hardwood want. ed. G. A. DEADYtAN, Brussels. LADIES' GOLD WATCII lost ou gravel road betweee the 8x1 Line of Morrie and Mai Hotel, James- town, on Feb Obh, rfu,Ier will oblige by leaving at Tan Posr, Brussels. NOTICE TO PAY UP.—ALL parties who have not squared oft their 05eaunte with the are asked to dose at 0505 8e tltoso unsettled ou efaruh 1st will be ('acct; i5 other Laude for onrleobloa. 81.8 • A. OUR1t1B, Brussels. THE COUCH Coughs often go from bad to worse—there is grave dan- ger in any case—no matter how slight it may seem it is folly to neglect it. Keep a bottle of Our White Pine & Tar in the house. Commence taking it when the first symptoms come, A careful- ly prepared remedy from the best curative agents. The beat remedy because it cures safely, thoroughly and per- manently. We refund the money if not satisfied. Pried 25e. per Bettie at T Drug Store QEED OATS FOR SALE.-- (. Toe variety is the 1Oarty Improved Ligowa, a heavy oat coo good yielder. An. ply at Lot 8, Oona 11, Grey, t0 M13.8. E, DI0880N, B,ossala P.O. 80.E 'TWO COWS FOR SALE --ONE A. a There' bred Jersey' registered in Ansel York rse. Stook Nookas No. 128166. The otnnr is a Jersey Dross with -Ayrshire and is au A 1 milker. Both news crone in about the 1st of Montt. 20.2 DR, MoNAlJGHTON. Brussels. Y� EETING OP THE HURON 1 COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the County of Heron will meet on Tuesday, the 10th day of Fobro- ery in the t'nm,oll Oban•ber to the Town of Godorich, to complete the heathens of the January Hesston and any new business pieced before the Council. W. LANE, Olerk, VOTES LOST.—TWO NOTES were lose by the usdereigned, ebh line, Morris, ons for 800.00, drawn in favor of George Reye ' the other for 5105 00, in favor of Robert 8ollaud, N nitou, The pub - lin ie hereby aotlaati npgeinot cashing the e9.2110. W. H. 1110011TCHE010. 20.1 GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— Tho undersigned offers for sale her excellent form, located un Oou. 10, Grey township, and containing 159 'acres. There is a oomfortabin 1541110 cottage, bank barn, good driving shed, orchard, &c., on the nrnmises. 1•atw ie woIi drafnsd std lanced, Itis also well watered by the x1580 Meit• loud and an invaluable Spring, Onnvenloct to market, school and ohnrobes. For prloe, pbermsisnobfoby pinrtterulaMppTo. uOAh DEk,e- ProprieErese, Oxanhrook P. G, 8010 JAMESTOWN P'ogt-UJflce and GdllCral Sion mEsussolssissesmcmamamsEssb, Think it over and the longer you think over it the truer it will get that WE CAN SELL CHEAPER than many stores as our expenses are Smaller. We have commenced February by beginning to make way for our Spring Goods. In order to do so we are sell- ing our Winter Goods regardless of profit. We are bound to keep up with the fashions., mere are a Few Linea we Out on Men's Underwear, All Wool Suits, reg: $2.00, clearing at Mon's'Top Shirts, regular $1 00, clearing at Boys' Suits Underwear, regular 800, clearing at Ladies' Vests, regular 80c, clearing at Ladies' Vests, regular 50c, clearing at Children's Vests now only Some Remnants in last year's Prints clearing at Wrapperettes now going at Ladies' Winter Shoes, felt lined, regular $1.50, clearing at Men's Heavy Rubbers, 30 per cent. off regular prices. Some Toilet Sets left, regular $4.50, clearing at $1 60 76 65 80 22 10 5 4 1 18 8 50 Our Groceries are Always Fresh and Now Our Teas Cannot be Heat for the Price We handle Butter -1 ]b. prints 16e; Tallow 5c; Lard, when pure. bring it ; Bags are a specialty, prices strictly in keeping with city prices when new laid and fresh. y A g. We can send money away b.. Money o' Order y1 Postal Note , .two mails out and two in every day ; Daily Papers 'generally in at 8 p.:ni. t Itaundry left here on Tuesday will bo ready for delivery on Saturday. 17irm c. tJ ,A.:M.EsTO Vv I•T