HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-11, Page 6TR WORLD'S lig.A.RXETS
Prices of teattle, Grain, Cheese,
and Other Dairy Produce
at Home end Abroad.
Toronto, Jan. Zia -Wheat -The of-
ferings of winter wheat aro very
light, there IS a• better milling (i0'
010.0(1 and holders are asking 83e for
No. 2 rod a= white east and west,
and millers would probably have to
pay that price this afternoon for car
loth. But local dealers are only
quoting Sia bid for No. 2 red and
white outside. tlooso is steady at
72e for No, e eitsa Spring is arm-
ee at 76e to 77e for No. 3. east.
Manitoba wheat is higber et 94c for
No, 1 hard, ir2e for No, 1 northern,
end 80e for No. 2 northern at Geor-
gien Bay porta, and 6c more grinding
in transit.
Flour-ls firm at 53.15 for ears of
90 per cont. patents in buyers' bags
, east or middle freights. Choice
brands aro held 15e to 20e higher.
Manitoba flour is drin at 54.0e to
' 86.90 for Hungarian patents, $4,35
to 84.60 for second patents, and 54-
25 to 54,e0 fia strong bakers', bags
included, on the track Toronto.
MRIfeed-Is steady at 517 for curs
'of shorts and 515 for bean in bulk
east or middle freights. Manitoba
,t(tillfeed is steady 01. e20 for cars of ,
.shorts and 518 for bran, sacks in -1
.eluderl, Toronto freights.
aele Barley -Is firmer at 48r for No. 2, I
4lec for No. 31 extra, and 40e for No. I
east or west.
• Buckwheat -Is in fair demand .and
steady to Orin at. 48e for No. 2 cast
Or west.
RyieeeIs ie good demand and firmer
at 58e for No. 2 east or west.
Corn -3s firmer. Canada mixed is
quoted at 37e0 and yellow at 38c for
ear lots west. Ainerican is higher at
ae- 51e for No. 8 mixed and 52c for No.
8 yellow in ear lots on the track To-
Oats -Are In good demand and dear-
er at 32e for No. 1 white and '31c
for No. 2 white east or low freights
to New York, No. 2 white are quo-
ted at 80ec west. •
Oatmeal -Th firm at 54.10 for cars
of bags and 54.35 for barrels on the
track Toronto, and 30c more for
broken lots.
Peas -Are steady at (32c for No. 2
.east or west.
Better -The feature of the trade is
tha.over-abundance of dairy rolls at
present coming into the market, and
.dealers find considerable trouble in
getting rid of anything but a small
• part of the stock offering. An . 'un-
• usual result of this glut is that the
tub better as quoted higher (Ian
rolls.. The market all round is easy.
-• Creamery, prints , ..., 20c to 22c
do solids .. 19ec to 20c
leaky-, lb. rolls, choice . 15c to 16c
.• do largo rolls ....... 14c to 15e
• do tubs, good to
. choice • 15c to 17c
-do inedium .. , 33c to 34c
. do poor .. 10c to 12e
' Cheesa,--Th fairly steady and un-
changed at 114c per pound for twins
e Anti Ile for large.
Eggs -Continue .very firm in tone.
Quotations are unchanged at 335c for
new laid, 20c for selected fresh gath-
ered, 27e for cold -storage and 20c for
•., Potatoes -Receipts are not heavy.
Cars on the track hore are quoted at
70c to 75e. Potatoes out ot store
I sell at 85e to 90e.
Poultry-Ontside of chiekeite the
l• .dernand is quiot. Quotations are
unchanged, choice chkkons being quo-
ted at 12c to 14c per pound, turkeys
at ..1.2ec to 1813c, ducks at ik to 10e,
and old fowls at 5c to 6e.
Dressed Hogs -The movement is
'quiet. Cars on treek here are quoted
at .56 poi' cwt.
Baled Hay -The eed state of the
country -roads is I-este-me:Rile for ligh-
ter receipts mid ti.' market has a
firmer erase. Car lots on track here
are quoted at 55.50 to et) per ton.
Baled fatraw---The movement is fair.
Quota ions . are unchenged et ea to
$4,00 j••••r ton for ear lots on track
Meetreal, .1 1)1. ea. -Grain -The lo-
cal =teem; for oats Is strong end
prices show further advances, owing
to searcity on spot. No. 2 were
e. sold at 37c, mid even (T. fraction
tmore, while No. :3 sold at $16c to
afilc; end as 330ea vais made it is
thought that it would be harcl to
get Mae more tet. ale. No. 2 =is,
low freight west 1(10 export, :30 la
No, 2 peel, fillet rev, 52el No- 2 bee"
My, 4 33 1e; No, 8 extra barley, -•j 20';
No. 8, 11.31'.
Elonr-eranmed is good mai tho
tope.' firne. There iS 8 0 Morena) of
15c_per barrel between Manitoba mile
lore, finoreing to •the qUotations eV -
en; out by them. Pritonts range from
54.75 to 51,00; strong bilkers', 5-1.-
it0 "a1-00; w i liter wheat patents,
„Ohl:5 t te 30,501 steaight rollers, 53,-
411) • 'Weal; veleta, $8.50 to 88.65;
eraraig.ht efillers, in bags., 81.00 to
.47.1,e95, mei extras, In. bags, $1 .65 to
. ...
0..7 o . ,
. Feed -The cleina ad iit good and the
market atrees, it beleg iorported that
• •the consemptioe will be large nem
thiei Ota„ • illehitein bran . in bags, '
. 51.8; Omelet, 8e0 ,per tm; Ontario
bean 'in India "517 to 517:10; Shorts,
519,0).) 10• Sae monille, e26 to 527
per teen, as to =laity.
• 'Rolled Gallia -The associnthei peke
. Seems to bo in force, 52.15 behig
• asked air begs and 54.-10 for barrels
On trace,
1 Tay -The ••• me, eia is mow, Vas
-.quota:- No, feed/ to 5(0: No, 2 58
te 5fe.efe clover, mixedaal to 51.50;
clover, 511,e0 to $7 -poi. • lah, eti - tar
IMS, , . ., . •
. .
• lleene-Cleeke mantes, 81.5.1 10 8E.-
- 69 tier Intake and 51.50 to 51.5e ie.
per Iola . ..
• reovislotoo -Weave seateallian 'Shalt
,• rmit neve 818 111 .51 te,rat : hob t '. fame
cut, 517,50 to 518; American short
cut clear, 517 to 517.5(); .A.merkan
It backs, 518 to 518.130; compoundTerrible reed of an Insane Moth
lard, 8c; 01.0100101) lard, Sec to 1.1c;
kettle rendered, 10'e; hams, 1,1ec to
133e; bacon, eae; freSh killed abat-
toir hogs, 57;76; couitti7 dressed
hogs, 56.75 to 57; live hogs, 55.50.
Eggs-Citnelled Helected, 27e; Monte
read lama, 12ec; western 232c, to
23.3e; refrigerator, late fall stock, 211c
to 24e; sunirnex' (31.081<,3.30e to 21e,
Buiter-leastern, 10c to 21c, ac-
cording' to quality western dairy, In
tubs, 16e; western rolls, 1(1c to
Choose -Chanel°, 107,e to 11 jc;
townshipit 10ee to 103.e.
Poliitoes-Per 90-113. bog, 750 55e
to 60c in car lots.
Boiled°, Jan. 23. -Flour 01.001131.Wheat, spring lirm; No. 3. northern
c.i.f., 971e; winter No. 13 rod quoted
vac to arrive. Corn (lull and steady;
No, 2 yellow, 11013e; No. 2 coru, 49ic
to 41.113e. Oats dull but strong;
2 white, 44,e(); No. mixed, 13e.Bar-
ley, ofieriegs light, 3c to 61e. Rye,
No, 1, 644c. . •
Loudon, Jan. 26. --Wheat,• on leis -
sago, very inactive; cargoes Australi-
an, January -February,- 29s Oil; par-
cels No. 8 northern Manitoba, pas-
sage, 330s led; parcels, peesage, atis
3d. Corn, on passage, nothing do-
ing; cargoes La Plata yellow, 480
les., rye terms, May -June, 19s ;al;
cargoes Odessa, January, 20s ild:
parcels mixed American, passage, 21s
lad, old; just sailed, 20s 80, new;
shipments within a month, 19s 90,
liew; corn, parcels Galata Foxantan
•prompt, 20s Gd; passage, 20s 60.
Antwerp, Jan. 26.-Wiwat, spot
steady; No. 2 red winter, 171. Corn,
spot American mixed, new, 211.
Flour, spot Minneapolis patent, per
sack of 280 lbs., 26f. 9c,
Paris, Jan. 26.-Weteat, tone
steady; January, 211 15c; May and
August, 218 30e. Flour, tone steady;
January, 291 35c; May and Augest,
281 80c,
Toronto, Jan. 26. -Prices on the
101101,) 10080 steady to firm, though
there is a feeling that there are
plenty of cattle to come forward as
soon as the roads are opened, and
buyers are not 85310)' to buy more
1.1100 enough to meet immediate re-
Export -There wore four or flve
loads of export in the market, of
fairly good quality. Prices, however
are not high, foreign quotations not
being partIcularly encni
ouragg just
now. The range to -tiny 10115 11-0)118,1.80 to 81.75.
laitchers-The liget rim helped to
Stimulate prices a little for the
choice cattle, Clood butchers' cat-
tle were about steady, while com-
num and rough 8011.1,2 sold down to
52.00 for common butchers' 1011-5.
StotheirSI-There is a fair demand
for stockers and feeders., but there
was practically none offering.
cows-Tho demand is very
fab', with not many offering.
Sheep an.d lambs -Everything was
sold, with trade good and prospects
steady. Lambs are steady at 54.60
to 85.20; export, 121005,a3.50 to
53.65; culls, 53 to 53.50.
Rogs-The market, continues stea-
dy, 1111131 no 81112)1310 in the Toronto
market quotatione. Best at 55.121,
and lights and fats at 54.87.e.
Export, heavy ...„. -.54.50 to 54.75
Expert, light 6.00 . 4.25
Bulls, export, heavy
cwt. 3.75 4:00
do. light 3.00 3..75
Feeders, 800 ibs., and up-
• 'ds • . 3.00 • 3.25
Short keep, 3,100 11s 4.00
Stockers,• o 800
pounds 2.50 3.124
do. 900 lbs. „.. ... 9,75 31.50
leutceers" cattle, choice 2.65 74,25
do medium ;1.30 8.10
do picture 4.25 4.10
• do bulls 2.75 3.00
10)3311)110 2.50 2.60
Feight stock ewt 2.25 2.50
el itch rows 30.00 85.1.10
Hogs, best; 5.121 •
do light 4.573
Sheep, export, cwt. 31.50 11.7.5
Lambs 4,60 5.90
Daces 2,50 3,00
Cells nib 2.'25 11,50
Calves. each 0,00 1.0,011
Peace Is Aseured Por a. Long Tinto
to Come.
A. St. Pi'Lershurg despatch eayee 'rhe
Novo., Vannya fitaieS that 1103118 hist
11)1133)1 1111(11 Te mit bus dis wiled all
ars of ne, Peace has apparently
beim rnteed r foa long time to
come. IL is unofficially stated that
the leer Peet Ceeninittee at a en at -
Mg =lea the Czarei proficiency on
Tlitir(3day, practically completed th(,
0),1,0'(')' to Jamul, which will be
:Mort ly present ed.
3 IS tho leffireeeioit in official eft -
C1/10 filet it tvill courieouely, 121)1
firmly. 1118181. that whateer comm
vial ('0)131)0811155 111)18 been 1311311)1311)
lefencleftla that territory mese re -
Maio 1)3)1111801133 nil strategically un-
(1er 31111401111) influence. Ft 18 1111838)',)that the limas or a settletimet nee in-
creased by Itr. reported readiness or
Japan to Undertake not to fortify
porta on (he 00(10(1coaSt, 0.1)1(11would threeton Retest/in coluin
1' a ,• VI 11 1 I
Arthur, Mal also o I),)'willingness
not to object to 1(151510 '8 mitterstend-
ing with Chinn, peoviding for Ile
30180101)(')1( 18,011111Y Of the 1)1311311318,raur teen Killed by Cave-in in
A Rifler, Mora., deepeteli goys: By
a (ewe in of email in the East Gray
1 totemm
( Incine, Werleesday, one of the
Amalgamated properties, foor nom
were killed and two thawed, The leen
were working in the 1 el 00 foot 1,•ve1
alive hangine• wall fell. The four
bodiee ore Maier fifteen feet or earth,
and it will he somm
e tae /Wore they
cell be ))'11)'118)l,
Variation Can Be Terned to Ac -
comet in the Improvement
of Plants.
elooa work has been done along
YttrIOUS Math by the Domini= 3/a-
p1"rt11)e8t of Agriculture and by some
or the Provincial Departments or
Agriculture in Canada, With a VIM 1.0
encourage the of high claSS seed
of the best varieties, but there is yet
room for a considereble increase in
the average yield of 1.00)11100 field
crops by the use of better seed. grain.
The object of reveling associations
of seed geowers rimy not be potently
clear to all, Tho idea may be 118311 in
Canada, but there aro associations of
seed growers in other countries, such
as the 11101015 Seed Corn Growers'
Association, that are doing good
work. The benefits doriven 10010 as-
sociations of breeders of live stock
aro pretty well understood, the
advantages to he derivecl from or-
ganieed eleorts on the part of seed
growers arc mit dissimilar to those
which breeders of lane bred live stock
obtain through their associations,
and the general operations of an or-.
ganization of seed growers are simi-
lar to those of live stock ,assocla.-
Associations 01 breeders of pure
bred stock: fix a standard which must
be attained before 00101015 will be
recognized as pore bred. In fixing
stalidards of excellence for pedigreed
animate the principles whic11 underlie
improvement me recognized. The
same principles that, are applied in
the improvemeut of animals are also
applied in the improvements of var-
ieties of farm crops.
by which improvements are 1:narle
and on which brooders ot ,either
plants or animals depend to fix de-
sirable characterialcs; but the law
that begets like must be taken in its
broad Sense, because it would not be
possible to make improvemept it it
were not. for the tendency toward 'Var-
iation. Heredity and the tendency
toward variation cart bo turned to
account in the improvement of plants
equally 0.8 well as in the improve-
ment of animals, but unlortunately
few farmers make auy attempt to
systematically apply these principles
to the improvement of plants.
Through heredity and variation im-
proved Varieties of field crops tend
to revert to the wild types from
WhiCh they evolved; but whea these
improved sorts are provided with
the environment best suited to their
growth ana' a continued selection of
the most desirable specimens prac-
tised, this natural tendency. toward
reversion is overcome.
Though it Is highly haportant that
theevaelety of grain 130 veell Stilted to
Alto locality where it is to be grown,
too much faith has been pinned tO
the names of varieties without duo
catenlion to the polity or the seed
itself. It is not always recoguized
that there may be as much difference
between two strains or seed of the
same variety of grain as there is be-
tween two distinct varieties, NO far
as the capacity of the seed to give
a large yield of grain of good qual-
ity is concerned, It, is, therefore, ina.
portant to use seed or the best va-
riety that lias had kindly treatment
and continued selection for several
13-e008. In the production of good
jawing crops the cost of the seed is
small but the influence of the seed
is . e. o
g ca .
from impurities is not sufficient proof
that sood grain is capable of giVing
,a good crop. Breeders of poultry do
1101 pay much attentiou to the size
or eggs foi' incubations; they want,
first of all, to know moinething about
thegood qualities that tho gerin in
the ogg has inherited from the par-
ents, and itot only from the parents
but from the majority ot the ances-
tors. It is equally important that
seed 130 taken front a crop in which
the individual plants have had rot
opportunity to attain a maxim Vig-
Or and yield pee plant, and it Is
just as important to have definite
information about the crops and how
the wor8 of melection was carried on
as it is to have ft hnowledge or the
(1)18.1510)1) or breeding animals, In
!consideration of theso prineiplos
Which underli0 improvement in com-
mon grain crops, and in view of the
Militia] supply ana growing demand
for high class merel grain, an effort is
being made by tho Department of Ag-
riculture ut Ottawa to form an =-
sedation that will °palette ler the
mutual Nelda of seed producers and
seed consumers,
According to the provieional rules
of the association, seed ierain that
is puni, true to variety, and that had
the Immalt or a, system of careful
growing and continued selection for
three consecutive yeath, Is recognized
aS improved seed. Thri operations of
inembeis are eloevey inspected aml
recordn aro kept of -the amount. and
'pedigree of the seed they procluce.
I is promised to issue a, catalogue for
A Paterson, NeL, &speech says:
Mrs. Arthur °swot:it was arrested ea
Wednesday on a charge of murdering
her 8-yea1'-01d son the clay previous
at her home in Oakland. She is be-
lieved to bo insane. Since she came
from Germany she lived In New York
City mail about a yew: ago, 11.11011
her husband moved to Oakland as he
had obtninea employment with the
E. C. Prater Company, at Pompton
Being 110e11' to living in ft big city
she did not like the quiet lue of Oak-
land and had often asked her hus-
band to return to New York, He fin-
ally gave up his place. at Pompton
Lake, and on Tuesday went to Jersey
City to seek employmeat there. On
lids return late at eight, be found tho
t house in darkness. Ile opened the
• n'ith his latch -key, twd alter
'striking a metal, walked into the
Idining -room. There he WaS horrified
In s'8 the headless body or bis 8 -
:year -old son lying on the floor, The
!head lay nate ibe boy's toot. Near
I the boy lay the licaly of his pet dog,
which had also been Winded.'
wileOswold 1 0)1)111 his lying in 11811
tin another room with her young
t baby in her emits. She was singing
te the infant, and when hor
hesband spoke to her slut did not
I appear to reCognize him. When ask-
; ed about the mureered boy she 0311
loot seem to oneterstand what with
said to her. Near the bed her two
!older children lay sleeping in a um.
I The authorities were notified and
1 efts, Oswold was later placed under
arrest. In the room in which the
boy and the dog Were killed every-
thing was spattered with blood.
Effect of Sertax on Our Imports
From Germany.
An Ottawa despatch says: The
Customs departmental 8e8)811:1 shows
that in the three months of October,
November and December since the sur-
tax on German prodticts cam31 into
full operation, our purchases frone
that Colintry have decreased by
forty per cent.
The following statement of imports
of dutiable goods from Germany boars
out this statement: -
1902. 1903.
October 5985,3124 5609,943
November 657,926 '892,166
December „.. 789,504 358,926
Totals ,„ 82,382,754 51,355,034
lt will lio noticed that in November
tho uhrinkage of German inmorts was
moro conspicuous than in October,
and that in December the change was
more noticeable still. This is the
condition of things that brought Ger-
many to time, and what prompted
the recent requort of Herr Bopp that
Canada should re -open the question
of tariff relations with his Covern-
Industrial Conditions in British
A Victoria despatch says: A belie -
IM just issued by the Bureau of Pro-
vincial information foi• British Col-
umba), roviewieg the industrial con-
ditions of the liast year, gives the
output of tbo metalliferous ofines of
the province at 3,276,000 tons. The
coal 111(000 amounted to 168,000
tons, The total value of the mining
olitplIt 18 510,200,000, 101118(1 atm
nearly two millions of Chillers' in-
Clease oNer tat! previous year, not-
withstanding. the Strikes which para-
lyzed the indastry in the early part
'of the past year.
With the exception of the stamen
pack, which is greatly the av-
erage, all other industries show large
inCreafrs. Cut tinther during the
year was (1(1ete) per wet, greater;
thr dairying outiatt. 0no-third; p•ttit,
merketed, thirty -floe per cent. ha
creme.; halibut tied other fish, forte
The value of the total produetines
of the provinee was tibout thirty
The value or _the extiarts wee
'twenty-one millions, fire in-
crease over the prodous year.
I?:alf a, Million Dollars to Put
Theatres in :rood Oraer.
A ellicage clespateh says; Nettrly
two months of work and 5e00,000
expenditure for repairs will be re-
quilact under the vow theatre buila-
ing ordinance, for the opening of tile
Chirago playhouses. This i8 the
pattinste of theatre managers and it
does not inelude the amount which
will lin expended for the entire build-
ing of at least cute theatre.
Three theatrem aro ('l()O)'(1 cer 1 n i 11 ly
and five others have almost 001121 (l"4
1 hat they will be tweed Lo 51185800.
There are h,e' theatres which Will be
nble to use mine- limn two floors for
teeny 11103)1 ((11, and many, even of the
best, may nhandon the gallery per-.
,111)' price of thr•nere tickets Is 1,1-
inoi 1 certain to be. incensed. Tt. 13;
seal that 82 end 52.50 as a stand -
evil peke for seals is likely to be
advocated by the malingers, fold that
the low prieed holifire will woke coie
roe, ending Increases.
Plis Neglect Caused. the Death of a
A London despateb flays: At. Lam -
both On Monday a coroner's jury re-
thrn1ng averdictor accidental death
in the vette of a woman who
down steles:, waled that the land-
lord eereild be compellel In provide
Minaret th, the lark of 103)100
ly mad lee (Teeth The 1111)1110811 18
rrim,e 3,8 11)1)1 tim Imus,
. TT To .1 ITo 3 (InT•TOTTTT'n
ge))nent dietribution oath year in
1 which names and addresses or mem-
tbers will to given, together with the
lands and varletien or seed produced
illy them, the pedigree of the seed,
t the milotint uf seed for sale, rind the
I price per bushel, I4, is oleo pro -
!posed to impply membere with (Ina
t Lifleate forme having printed' thereon
I the repel with which rileinberfl aro
1,1'Np:fired to comply in the prodlictIon
1 of seed. Thirchaseill of pedigreed Seed
!May olitaiii 31m ot them certificates
:with need tonight troni ft member; the
}Rignatitre of tlin member would be a
I gement, (1 that the anal supplied heel
leteen proaticed In neferdanee With the
!rules. The purchaser would then
1 hitti• ne opportunity to verify the
1 year:ion or th • wed by having it
i registered. !
1 Moralise t1e1r pay WaS 111 arreorti
Inhout (Wm litindreil maned Tarld's'i
floldiers nilitlitinell, plendered ahopit
!mut at/mired Ariorinitins at. \hue
Nan Checks Fire With Sulphate of
A (Nato deSpntell says: Joseph
:Ferrell, of Philadelphia, has thrown
handfuls or excelsior on a hot gas
fire in the roOMS of the Western So-
ciety of Engineers, lt smoked, but
it did not blaze, Then putting elute-
ing on the excelsior on the flee, and
piling pino splinters on top or them
end piles of pine 3111418.1es and slabs
01 )21)131 on tho supporedly ineanneatile
material below, mall he ;Mould have
had a good-sizee bonfire started.
There were 110 flames, however, ex-
cept the. blue 011011 from tile gas,
err, Ferrell had beeu 11.8koa to ad-
dress the Engineers 011 the subject of
fire-prooling wood and combustible
rubrics. To show tacit theatre scen-
ery could be macte 118 linpenvious as
wood the chemist held a piece of Can-
VaS ill the flame, and while it rimoked
0. 1i7e.10 (nett= the edges, there was
110 1101)e,
Sulphnto oe alit/einem is the com-
position Mr. Ferrell liad used to lime
proof the wood 11110 cotton, His
plan is to snturate the material un-
der a pressure. Sulphate or alumin-
um 11; Cheep, costing '75 cents a hun-
dredweight, owl the expense compara-
tively is small.
Memory Failing and Takes No
Intereet ill Affairs.
A Birmingham, Leng., despatch
snyS: rho Post on Thursday quotes
a friend of Go, Paul Kruger as state -
mg that the health of the former
President of tho Transvaal is not
011131 indifferent, but that ho 51101171
signs of /31-0g/we've decline. Ti!s in-
dthposition for exercise 15 increasing,
his gait is feebler, and his memory 18
falling. Whereas heretofore lie evinc-
ed great interest in public affairs, he
now manifests' none whatever. His
intones are most; anxious regiudtng
British Force Surprised a Body of
An Aden, Arabia, despatch. says:
Advice -1i from Somaliland say that
Kenna's Somali Mountocl Infantry
surprised a body of the Mullah's
forces January 17, in the vicinity ca
Eilineada, killing fifty spearmen and
capturing 3,000 camels mid thoesands
of sheep,
Remarkable Feat of Robbers on
Southern Pacific,
A despatch 410121 San Francisco
says :-Train robbers stole the iron
safe from the express car of the
Sunset Limited, northbound, on tho
Southeen Pacific Railway, near San
Luis Obispo on Thursday, and it is
understood secured a large enamel.
of treasure from tlie stolen strong
box, the sum being placed as high
as $80,000. This, however, is denied
at the °face of Wells, Fargo and
The Sunset Limitea, was toweling
in tWO 800110/15, 111111 it Was ill ono
of the express cars of the second
section that the robbeeer occurred.
The express messengee, T. Sullivan,
lied two cat's lo look after, and
shortly after the train left San Luis
Obispo, and while tbe train was
nearing San Marquierote, bo discov-
ered the loss of the safe. lie , bad
been working in the rorwaell express
car, and 118 soon as 110 wont to the
rem. to inacie the astounding 53118-
208e1'y that the safe had been
0') 10)01)301 fi.oni the corner of the cio•
whero it, had been secured by, heavy
facet IMPS, 0011 =need away, The
meseenger inunerliately gave tthe
%earning, the train Wati ETTOOOL11.1, 011d
WOril was wired a101131 the line to
loole out for the robbers. Tho tenie
rombed this city 011 Thursday and
detectives were at once sent to the
econe of the eobbery,
The safe woe) found alongside the
track: ft had been rifled of every -
Wang except, a demount and some
valuable papers. Notwithetnialing
elle express people'S! StatemontS that
there was little of value in tee state
it is ste kid that 0/10 package 80111
from Sante Barbaro Wita weigh
Loma $1,500, NO/le OX (110 11055211.'
31018 or trainmen KW the erimo c0111-
1101' tbe express messen-
ger know or the robbery until ho re-
turned to the express car,
Volunteers' Camp Have Doctor,
Dentist emd. Tub.
A despatch front Ottawa says :-
The Revere] brunches more or lees re-
lated to the 1013(11081 corps will be
toniagainnted and placed under the
control of the Direetoiatieneeal, while
there will be 11 11111(1)0111 01110(11' fee
each militury (Martel., It is aleo in-
tended to invoi.porale) %vita the army
medical corps a dental 00110), 11111080
fliity it will bo to look after the
earth of the militia. After 'Ll10 for-
mai= of the dental 000.118, tllcro
will probably be (1 dental unit at
each tamp, And to cap it all, Lord
Dundonald intends to SOO that there
shall be (disci)(1 to daunt I ness, a lel
facilities will he provided for each
man to take his daily tub.
Iteetirns Which Show a, Surplus of
A doipateh /rain Halifax sties :-
Pi einier Murray had opon the table
of the liouso of A seembly on Wed -
made v afternoon ref (Inn) of eatientli-
lefie 101(1 .101,)1111:0 of the province for
the year,, 3ie:tent:0 le.coleed from all
tame( s 1111 8 I ,2 (.13,1151,111
5(1)8,800 ill '3008 01 tile 081 1111i1 10.
Royalties from 11111,031 Mal Minerals
emounied to eli fie2:14. fe•own lanai
pate 381;3,07, 'Ilte Iota expenda
torn 3,8 the ()oviiminent was 81,1 77,-
2fal, or 5318,813i DIM than WaS
31)1,1)10.1, Tee eurplee is e116,450,
The tatal expeerlitin 0 on enpital ))r-
1.121171elle 80011,1(11, of which refileflo
9841 eat. to aitakthig reilwiile,
What Our Reptheentatives .A.re Do-
ing at Toronto,
It is said that the bill noW ere -
Posed will prove to be a motet inter-
esting document, eerie Attoiemy-Gen-
oeiti hats been in nomination with
Mr, lemmata of the Toronto Assese-
ment Depcirtenente Mr. Hutton, of
IlamilLon; Illackelcan, and other
assesement expetts, since the meet-
ings of tho committee in December,
and the result of their deliberations
is the 11010 hill.
It is asserted that the franchise
holding coreoratione will Mal them-
selvee face to fee° WW1 a law that
they will have dillIciaty ill evading,
Telephone companies and street raie-
waye will, 113 towns turd cities, be
taxed on theft earnings, anti with
regard to these, rnachinery will be
established for collectilig =el receiv-
ing sworn Natalie.
The teleplaine companies are not
to escape in the outside, mUnieipall-
ties. 'rhea) they will be Laxed 071
their Wires, is practically the
may properly tho conmany OVILIS in
interurban municipalities, Tho tax
will not be on tine. aseessment of the
wires, but will be levied at so much
ellietr"Stenen reilwees wife tumor the
new bill, be taxed on a new basis
of assessment, which will e(reee their
rails and roadbed as well cis their
lipid and real property.
The proposed Railway Commission
will likely be omitted.
The so-called 1101150 Lax, under
which it was proposed to tax every
householder according to the rental
110 paid,„ will also 13e 'dropped out.
The so-called "business tax."
which is to work in something the
Sena) Manner in the eaSs of business
places, will be retained, and the
idea has in one a1, two instances
been developed in a somewhat radi-
cal way. The businees tax is to take
the place of the present personalty
met income tax, great difiloulty hav-
ing been experienced in getting
proper valuation of personalty mai
income, A simple baeis for the bus-
iness tax will be adopted. In the
case of the general run of merchants
it will be 25 per cent. of the 58-
5e55e1.t value of his premises. That
is, a store and the lot on tvlifth
it steads axe assossed, goy, at 840,-
000! It will pay taxes am hereto-
fore. And the tenant who 0(009105
it will be ttsseseed for tile beeiness
tax at 510,000. 11 the orenpant iS
also 3.1113 owner. lie will not esoape
the extra assessment.
in the case of merchatas who carry
on more than five kinds of besinese
under one roorI•the percentage of the
real estate that will Ile taken as the
basis of the business tax is raised
tois120 900 cont. 'This is the way the
department stores will be disten-
uuThis business tax will be given 11,
wide application. Under it brewers
aud 'distillers will be placed in a
class by themselves, Their business
tax will be paid on 125 per cont.
of their realty aseossment. That is,
iC a, brewery property is assessed al;
5100,000, it will not only have to
pay taxes on that 5100,000, but;
also on an, additional 5125,000, (Il(1
latter beillg tile "blISilleSS tax,"
Something of a, 81)111100 basis or
Laxation will be directed against all
professional Leon, doctors, lawyers,
(wrists, oculists, and all the 1,est, of
Wein. Lawyers will pay on a capi-
talization of the mute' value of their
ofeces. .A1 a lawyer pays 580 a
month tor his oillce, or 5860 a year,
then, taking 5 per cent. as tho basis
of interest, his businees tax would
bo reckoned cm 57,200, It ie 8t01e0
that in the 01180 of the larger arms
this' new arrangement will cause them
to pay about the same as did the old
income tax, when true returns were
made. The new his will have the
edvantage of nicating eVasion
It Will be the same way with doc-
oi:00vening anles-
d orac
hlgfil tt
house will pay
twice on the 51.0,000, once 1114 renews -
tate aud again coi 13115111058 tfIX.
The bill will bo only infot•nuttly chs-
cuesed by the committee before be-
ing presented to the House by Lhe
Attorney -General. Theft, will be all
exiiresnion or opinion in Lim Manse
and afteetverds ft will bo veferred
back again to committee, probably
the same committee as hoe hart it.
Many changes rimy bo made in the
foregoing draft berme it reaelicii the
statute book.
Behoved to be Passing 'Winter nl
'A deepiach ream. Ottnece sees, i-elt
is thought el. the Geologivel Survey
het Ike LoW elmodition to Hudson's
1.1ne is Wintering
let, No word 1:118 .beell reetTiVeil foe
001113T 111011t48, nor IN ft possible that
enything will 1m henrd of Lho (15"
p1111038 for mony months yet.. .18 is
expeeted ,thne the =maims of 1.110
t'818111ilit)11 Will pet ill the 101I31
)\ '04,111 Winter 80110) 101 tunl gelog11-
Mg the regions nroend the inlet, 19110
exec:Mien wiul ho able 1-.0 continue
eettee \leak on land ootji (he it
breves up 01 .3111)3',
$105,000 FIRE eN DAWSON.
Thermometer Was 115 Degrees lee -
:low Zero.,
A doeim t eh from 'flow:mil sues :-A
lire 1)) on Tharialay otomieg
(lamed great (10311)) 011111 IOTIT
t1101.11101/101(11' 1)118 et 85 degrees he.
IOW nial Walter Was thrown on
the fire wi 3 11 Merit ty, Tho fironion's
elealas were 001.e1e0 with After
olie Murree wort; the lire was con-
troiled. 'rho less lots was • 811)13,-
1)00, Tho 1,ak1ite Company, in whose
headquarters the The starteil, 10141.
573,8,00, .1;11a013 3/,.),1;;c:i:,(:l
..,(1v.iti.T.Faunlit or la
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own,
and Other CANADA. of
Mr, A. 11, Amos has resigned from
the Teeniskenang :Railway Commis -
3)3i1(linger to the value of over a
inillion (1011018 were (8001.011 111 Otta-
wa last year.
The contract' fol., the 110311 water.
works at Levis, Que., ()tinting $287,-
000, has been signed.
Port Arthur will harness Leona 8,.
000 to 10,000 horete power on Gine
rent River for lighting' and manneac.
;Wring mirpOSes.
A bill to encourage the formation.
of mutual insurance associations lute
been passed by the Nova Scotia
House of Assembly.
Professor James Mills, Principal of
the Ontario Agricultural College, 1108
been =bred a position on the Rail-
way Commission.
Tho body of an eccentric man
named Fenwielt was found in a lonely
spot 30 miles from Port Arthur, the
head being ga1tWC(1 by rota,
W. F. 'Brooks, of Minneapolis,.
s3:ate8 that his new initl at Rainy
River. Ont., with capacity of seventy
million feet will, be in operation in
Chief Justice Meredith at the Ham-
ilton assizes, rebeked a juror severe-
ly for comieg lato, saying that ho
might fine him 5200. The joeor apo-
logized, and was allowed to retuefl.
to his business,
Wrestling is Loudoies greatest
craze. Last year it was ping-pong.
The Hon, Sir Henry JCeppel, Admir-
al of the fleet, is dead, aged 95 years.
The bye -election in Norwich re-
sulted in the gain of a seat by the'
The Royal Small Arms factory at
Enfield, England, is now working
overtime after months or, "short
/Kipling says that a felV hours a
wook now given in pelmets te foot-
ball should be given to military drill
and target work..
Forty hours weelay, instead of
fifty-six has been started in a number
of mills using American cotton in
t110 AS11tOn-Ulitler-.1,yne Wallet , in
an effort to abolish cotton specula-
ChicagoljillTieer'ryl) cl8ri171:e‘t.'srl'7.18v0.11 their
(ennead for union recognition.
The United States Republican con-
vention will be held at Chicago June
'rho next Democratic =Mount eon,
volition has 130811 arranged to take
place at 108 Louie oil -bey 615, next.
New York carpet, manufaceurere
have advanced their prices en tepee.
try, velveLs, and certain grades of
axminsters 23 01; rent.
An extraordinary gold strike has
been made at ironclad 1:1)11, Col.
FrOX11 ft space no larger than U. man's
body ore to the value of 525,000 has
been slapped In one day.
Jene Coin, a trapper, six miles
north of the village of Little Forks,
Minn., has been killed by wolves. His
jawbone, shoes and poet of his cloth- '
ing were all that remained.
The Chicago Health Department
has discovered that an average Cht.
cagoan of to -day lives twice as long
as his grandfather, and that the
ratio is steadily increasing. Increased
cleanliness if/ 0110 of the local causes
Thu New York State Health De- •
pertinent is taking every precaution
to proveut the spread or smollpox,
All places of public gathering in the
districts in which the disease has
Scan reported ate closed, and no
books are distributed from public
It is animenced from St,. Petershing
(.bat tile C8811/18 is sneering from
pleurisy. ,
101810=1 subseriptions to the was
fund have begun to reach the Japan-
ese Teeasury,
France has withdrawn her Minister
to Servia, tacit country haYing failed
eal11111 its iegieldes,
aniith naval progrconme ealls
for the 00110611; of forty -fool' vessele
at an expenditure of 560,000,000.
Woman Milled Her Two Children
and, 'Herself.
A despatch from NOW YOH: 1---411.8,
r,ouisa hIlion, 28 yearS of age, of
East 6e01 Area, WAS feand mortal-
ly 111] (1(0(1 by a pistol Fillet wound at
her home on Wodnenday. Her two
children, Annie, eight sears ole, /1114
Rosie, HIVOn years, worn lound deed,
hewing been killed by pistol wounds.
The W0111011 died Shortly after being
found. behoved dint she fleet
311301 her children toul then commit-
ted suicide, The bodies were "(115008-
nel-1 by !teem= responding to 0 still
einem for a lire in the apartinent.
IL is 1,01353101 n. smirk from the re-
volver =used the flre,
Mrs, KHOO 11118 1108O0115011t 13ee0880
Of tile that sbn was to 00
disreesesseel. While n, doceoe WAS
heading oVer her Frank Elton, the
Wonian'S hindinnd, walked into the
room bringing d1a905130811 notire.
lee naid lie know 1)1)1 1(3'4 of the
sheeting. hint be had been soperale
trom hie wife for some 000 mut
had eento to take away the fur.
Mane, which belopood to him, ere
Woe 1,e1d for examination, 341 la 1.)a -
Ho, ed Mrs, Mimi first shot hersor
and ihen her c11808)0,•,),0,,51vr1
71101111.111 trot hying inovtiii, and, )to)'
suffering ell night ftom her terme(1!)
1111,0 311111! (31 hint 3)313" mere trot fatal,
Shot, herself again. Three bellel
had li-en firce info Leo m'ohipies
ithanitten, 11(11, =le eiesaeliot had
lace nrott 35 Lo each ef 1,04 betlies 01
195 diqdren