HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-11, Page 3PRE RETIRED BURGLAR, TALL'S OF 1.4IS EXPERIENCE WHEN AN ,A.MATEUR, Tim Very Narrow Squeak ne Once Mad Carrying Off Swag On Skates. "It's cleric lanterns and jianniee that you're most likely to think of, when you're thinking of a man in my line of Work, said the retired burglar, "and YOU Wouldn't ever nee turally think of him as finding. any BSC ill his business for such innocent things as sleds and slcatee; but I used 'em both, once, in a little ex- pedition that,. 1. made not long after 1 started in the profession. "I was living then in a small town on the hunIte of a river, and I sot out one winter night to clean out a house that I'd sized up in another town on the banks about ton miles up the stream, We'd had a thaw and a rain and then a hard freeze, and I didn't want to foot it twenty miles over rough, humpy frozen roads and I didn't see any reasoe why 1 couldn't go nicely and many op the KW. 10 'Lida town 011 skates and come back the same way with tho (tuff on 11. sled. "Tlie river hadn't gone out with the thaw and the freeze after the rain had Instle the skating there groat, end 1 was going to take tho chances of finding a sled in the house I was going to. The moon was right, I had it going up, and saw the last of it just before I struck the house. "And the house was a good one, and I got the stuff together easily end without disturbing anybody at all, and 1 found, as I had expected I would, a sled in the collar, and I got that out, and got the stuff, ALL IN A SACK, roped onto it securely, and started down the bank to the river and got 011 my skaLes again and started down (be way I had come. "It was very clerk now, with the moon dow.n, So that I couldn't see the river, as I had coming um but darkness was whet 1 wanted, and 1 kneW the river pretty well, anyway; but the first, thing I knew, scooting along, dragging that sled behind (IW, bin and down 1 wont, through an sir hole., and the next second I found myself beyond it under the ice) "Well, that was a situatioe7 Sure. And I had my jimmy in one pocket end my lantern in another; I was weighted down good and planter, and it sere did seem as though there would be nothing further doing for me till the ice broke up in the spring and then -all this slcatini through my mind in about two seconds, you know -I realized that I had some- thing* in my right band. I was still hanging on to the sled rope. And good it seemed to have even that et:inflection with the world abrive, end I hung onto that, you can bet, put Ile /met instant, or all in the �U1( one, 1 guess, I thought that if f pulled on it rd pull the sled down ihrotigh the thin ice around me, or pull it, 0100 onto my head. But pull I did; It was all I had, and, by snakes, it didn't give. "And an instant later I had my heed out of water, and then, hanging on to the rope and then the sled, I finally managed to get otlt onto firm ice again. When I dropped down through the air hole the sled had shot ou over my 110011 and o -ver the hole 0.11(1 tl10 runners had caught just right to grip 'am good and hard in the roots of an old tree sticking up, frozehard in the ico, ON TILE OTHER SIDE OF IT. "It certainly was a fool thing for me to clo, soaking as 1-105.8 and fast freezing up, to stop and try to clear that sled, but that's what I did, and 1 got it Clear, and started on with it again, skating now as fast as I could to get some warmth into me if I could. ”tt oing that way around 0, point that made a bend in the river the siod swung out as I made the turn and the first thing I know one of the sled veneers had caught o11 an ice - ripple, or a stick or something in the ice, as it swung, and turned over and smashed down through a thin spot that was there, bringing me up all 'standing; for I still hung on to the tope. "But 1 had come to my sensee by this time, and I didn't make much of 0111 effort to got the sled out, 1 Old make one little tug on the rope, 1111t W11011 1 heard the ice cracking around tho edge of the hole where the sled had gone down, I dropped it and hot -footed for home; once under the ice was enough for nie in ono night. 1 had sense enough now not to take any chances on that. "Whether the fonts over got the aled aud the silver back, I don't know, but I got pneumonia, 05 a re- sult of the trip, and bad a great olcl time; and always after that 1 stuck to the solid road in winter, I might finci eoMe use for the rivet. in tho Bummer, when 1 could get there and back in a boat, but there was e01111 - Mg doing for me any more on tho ice." I -TOW WITALES TRAV,Fle Addressing the 'Acadonty of Science of Christiania Professor Ooldlob said that the whales that Mini ah011t JAM islancle which lie of the coast of Norway end Finland in Meech and 'April travel immense dis- inaces. and. May they turn up at the Azoree, or even at the Bermudas rind sometiMes pay a visit to the Antilles. They swim fast, for fh June they are back egain off (011)'. 140010 Solne of these whales hove been known to bring back evidennes of wheee they have been, for her - Times of the pacirliar /tine! Used off the coast of 11001.11 America have (been felled stuck in theln, Applicant -"Yes, ma'ant, Of emcee Oil 1 be es good AS th.' 110111 NAM, ma'am, at the rookini an' the hotteee merle," M. Ilirain Offen-"Welle have Only the plainest diehere here," 'APplIrant--"So Mitch the botther, niairon yo won't conlphtle se MUch when break thim." UTILIZING CIIIIIINEY SMOKE. In Brussels, Mantles, and other Bel- gian towns, a, novel method of not only getting rid of emolco, but turn- ing it to good account, has recently been employed. The smoke is driven by a vontileting fan Into a filter with pores material, over which re con- timmes stream of petroleum, 1)0» - 11110 alcohol, or Benne liquid hydro., carbon flows. The result; Is that the smoke is entirely suppeessed, while the Alter yields a gee of groat heat- ing power, which can bo used ler do- mestic purposes and for driviug gas - engines. The filtering material it- self also becomes a good combustible during the process. ACHES AND PAINS. Are Merely Symptoms of Disease and Must be Treated Through the Blood. If you suffer with pain -any kind of pain -keep in mind that pain is but 0. symptom, not a disease; that what you must fight Is not the pain but its cause; that liniments and oils for external application are absolutely useless. To overcome the cause 01 pain internal treatment le necessary. Pains, no matter where located, will disappear when you purify and enrich the blood and strengthen the nerveS. Aches 1117111 pains disappear as if by magic when Dr, Williams' Pink 11118 1180d. Every (i080 actually makes 210(0, l'iCh 1)100(1, which drives dis- ease from the system and banishes pain, Thousands 01311 thousands of grateful people have given their tes- timony to prove this. Mr, George Cary, Tilbury, Ont., says: -"For a whole sununer I Buffered terribly from sciatica.. The pain was something awful, and X meld scarcely bear to have anything' touch my Jog. 31 took medicine from two doctors, and tried 11422313ber of recommended remedies, but derived no benefit. Then I was advised to try Dr, WilliaanS' Pink Pills, and this medicine helped me almost, from the start, and soon re- leased me from the trouble, and I have not since had a twinge of it. I therefore have great reason to praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia and all other aches and paieS axe com- pletely driven from the system through a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Don't take any pink col- ored substitute; see that the ' full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo 'People" is printed on the wrap- per around the box, 31( 1(1 doubt send direct to the Dr. William's Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and tho pills will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. SIMPLE HEALTH F001/ The consumption of earth as food, is said to be C0111113011 not only in Ol11oa, New Caledonia mid New Guinea, but in the Malay Archipela- go as well. The testimony of many eravellers in the Orient is that the yellow 1.0.105 000 especially addicted to the practice. I11 JAVA. 0.1111 SUMO:, tro, the clay used undergoes a pre- liminary preparation for COSSUrap-. tion, being lifted with water, reduc- ed to a. paste, and the sand and either hard substances reineved. The clay is then formed into small cakes or tablets about as thick as a Mad Pencil and baked in an iron sauce- pan. When the tablet emerges from this process it resembles a piece of dried pork. The Javanese frequent- ly eat small figures roughly modelled from clay which resemble animals or little men tanned out in pastry ehoPs. WAKEFUL BABIES. No baby cries for the mere lotA' the thing. Tt ceies because it is noe well -generally its I i ttle stomach is sour, its bowels congested, its skin hot and feverish. This is often1111)7 babies are wakefel and make nights miserable for the parents. Relieve the little 0110 and it Will sleep all night, aud let the mother get her needed rest as 'el/. Just what mothers need for this purpose is Baby's Own Tableis-a, medicine that speedily relieves nnel promptly cures all the minor aihnents of yoting childree. Tito experience of thousands of mothers has proved the truth of this, and among these mothers is Mrs. Samos Farrel, Danbeery, Ont., who says : "I think Baby's Own Tablets the 13e0t medicine, in the world for little ones. 14fy baby was cross and gave 010 u.egoorl deal of trouble, but since using the tablets I could not wish for a. healthier 01' better natured Chad," Stronger praise could not be .giv- en, and the mother luts 11. guarentee that the Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. 'Sold by meditine dealers or sent post pnitl at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr, Wil- liams Medieine Co, Brockville, Ont, PACTS AllOITT CLOUDS. Size and Temperature sf Fleecy Cumuli of the Sky. Tho 'dimensions of oangle elcilecte as far as tho area eovared by their baso is concerned, vary, ee enyone can see, from the eland the She of 11, 111.11.11'S hand to that (01111111 000010 the entire visible heavens; but the height of cloucle can be observed more file - Matey and can be eseinneted with convineleg accuracy, and it is this height that; largely &gamines their contents and cherecterlstics, A great otimulue thunderhead, tow- orieg Up on the horizon like A, 1111g0 -••• Neglect a 0(711(11) 0.0111 contract cOnStimption. hileh9S -- Cormsamptroin Cure1-1" "riS • TOttie cures consuniPtiont but don't leave it tdo long. it now. Your money baek I besn't Tf 7t d benefit yOtt, spices: Sr 0. Weita e, CO, 801 600,0 teitoy, II, V,, TOrento,Calt Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. azDucze EXPIMNSE AOC for Ma Walton Isar, 81) trT41.,..t.r.Silt,g4airmentirgap..**1.6.661.4016ssal. flamboyaet Iceberg, is often high- er than the highest Alps would be if they were piled on top of tho Ilintalayss. It is not unusual for these clouds to measure Ave, six or even sight miles from their flat, dark, base, hovering a mile oli two above the world, to their rounded, glistening summit, splendid 1n tho sunlight. And in these eight miles the changes of temperature 1100 00 those over nicely thousand miles of the earth's surface. These clouds mutate strata of tem- perature, narrow belts of freezing cohl alternating with largo 'cliStaneee Of rainy mis11 and frozen 11110W and ice particles. Hailstones, which are formed from a snow particle that falls from the upper strata, and is frozen hard in the freezing belt and coated with added lee in the wet belt, aro often found with a, ecries of layers in their formation. showing that they have passed through this succession of cloud strata more than once on their way from the upper ale to the earth.. "That Mall 111 there is a hypo- crite," said jaelcaon„ me ho left the drug store. "You 3110011 the drug- gist ?" "Yes, When I went in I interrupte'cl him in 1110 midst of com- pounding a, prescription; 1 told him I wanted a two -cent stamp, and he smiled as sweetl)7 as if was glad to see 1110." womor. A Sure Starter for Ill Health. 'Useless Worrying (Et Toren of nerv- ousness) is indirectly the result (through the nary* of improper feed- ing. A furniture man of Memphis says: "About a year ago I was afflicted with nervous spells, would worry so over trivial things. "I went to consult one of the best physicians in Memphis and he asked among many questions if I drank cof- fee. "Ills advice was: 'Go to 001(10 P10- 0181011 store and get a 13011 of Post - um, drink it in place of coffee and as you are confined to your desk to a great extent try and get out in the opon air AS much as possible. I bellowed his instructions regarding Posture, "At that time my weight was 142 and I was taking all kinds of dens and medicines to brace me up, but all failed; to -day I weigh 165 and all of 103y troubles aro gone, and all the credit is due to having followed this wise physician's advice and cut off the coffee and using Postum in its place. "X now consider my health perfect. 1 am willing to go betore fl. notary public and testify that it was all due to my having used Postum in place of coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich, There's a reason for quitting the drug -drink coffee, and there's a rea- son for drinking Postlun. Trial 10 days proves them all. Look in each package for a, copy of the (alums little book, "The Road to Wellville." --4. ''Why does poople crowd into the great cities 7" asked Plodding Pete, as he looked up from the newspaper. "Dat's easy," answered Meandering alike; "nearly everybody you see in 'de country wants to put you to work on a ferM.' How's This ! error 13'l, Ytardred Dollars Reward for i',11:a Mita Ilittarrit that cannot • be Mired by klall's Untarrli Ginn, , 13 1111i1 Id? ate Clo., Toledo, O. ite, the untiorelgned, have known b`, Oheney for the last :IS years, and believe him uurfootly honorable in all business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations untell by their grin. lv dr, Tit Alf. Wholesale pruggists, Toledo, 0. WALDING, 11804A13 elAnVete, Wholesale Oruggifits, (lall0, 's Catarrh (Jere fa mem inter. tinily, acting directly upon tho blood and na10011s surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent troo. Price 7150, pea bottle. Sold by all druggists, Family Pills aro the best. • Lover's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Sonp Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. Strip iI4,4s Pahl but Destroy the tOrtsoeh,-This is sadly 100 0(1811 the WC. So many nauseous nostrums purporting to cure, In 115 end do the patient immensely more barn) then good. Dr. Van Stan's Pineapple Tablet* are it purely vegetable pepsin preparation, na harmless as milk, One after eating prevents tiny disorder 01 1110 digestive organs, 6o In a box, 3S ec11ts,,--40 In India the average duration of life of the natiVe is tweuty-four years, as against forty-four in Eng- land. 'Mouth Lignigat Urea Ilistement. Deaths from etareatien in great Britain have fallen fit* sIghtoOn to twelve per million in the last thirty years. toes or in goo, : "Fred called on Me in a /-,itt,y. t.--"Procl . called Me a funny I It Was coloy lea week Prod was tolling ine what, awful arearris 1111 hen," SCOURGE OF THE AGE IS KIDNEY DISEASE Terrible Inorease in the Number of Deaths from This Ailment, It is Nommen to All Classes and Conditions of People. It Onus Stealthily into the Sy} tom and Develops Into Many Diseases, Bri.g.lit's Disease, Heart Disease, Dia- betes, Dropsy and Rheu- matism, are Among the Forms it Takes, Dodd's Kidney Pills the One Remedy That Dever Fails to Due it, No latter now or Where It is Found, Of all the diseases the tureen body has to combat in its struggle for health, the one that Is steadily growing in strength and terrors is Kidney Disease. Quietly, stealthily as a serpent, it creeps on its victim till the latter is enveloped in its folds, and the greatest physicians the world has ever known stand helpless before it. As the hist fold goes around the struggling victim and the doctor shakes his bead and whispers "Bright's .Disease," hope fades to nothing, and the sorrowing friends feel that death has marked their loved one for its own. The alarmieg increa.eo this terrible disease is making is evidenced by the columns of almost every news- paper. For not among the lowly of the earth alexia 'does it look for its victims. Statesmen, judges, eminent lawyers, and honored divines are numbered among those who in re- cent months ha-ve gone down to their graves With tlie fell marks of this dread disease upon their bodies. In fact, so prevalent has the disease be - 'come that a celebrated Pew York specialist Stated recently that not one per800 in a hundred was free from 801110 taint of Kidney Disease. 'WORKS IN SECRET. It is the secrecy of Kidney Disease that makes it the more dreaded. You can fight an ellonly in the open with some chance of success, bah if he is lying in wait to take you at an unwary moment yonr chances of successfully lighting him are terribly diminished. So it is with Kidney Disease. Its first warnings are so faint as to be hardly noticeable, a slight pain in the back that is ellarged tip, to over exertion, shaft discoloration Of the urine er burning sensation while urinating that hardiy attracts attentioe. That is alt. But that Moans that Kidney Disease is nt work gradually eating its way into your system. The pain in the bank grows more severe, the urinary trouble MOM complicat- ed, swellings under the eyes: and of the limbs denote the coining of Dropsy, sharp shooting pains in the joints and enemies tell that Rheu- matism has you in its gresp, or per- haps a day or two's illness leads to the calling of the doctor, and sud- denly the terrible truth is forced up- on you-I3rig1t's Disease has yon in its grasp. WAY Ole ESCAPE'. With this silent, relentless enemy slowly but surely eating its way into prominence and marking that prominence by 11 yearly increase in the length of its death list, the demand of the item of the hour, is "Show us the way of estape." thee never put ma»lcind in a. Critical cotidition without providing way of escape -providing mankind 'were Wi5t3 01101.1g11 to takes the way provid- ed. In this ease the way of eseape is e, simple vegetable remedy. It has been before the people of Caimche for thirteen yeare, and, like all the groat rellevere of nature, has been (IPA received and drst appreciated by the lowly in life, those known as common people of Canada. Is it, the common people of Cali - oda who die of Bright's Disease 7 No, it is the bright and shining marks, those who aro stationed above Lim heads of the 10110008. Ask the reason of this 1 Go to tho People who are practicaDY exempt from Kidney Disease in its worst form, and ask them. With almeet 0. single voice they will reply : We cum Oar Kidney (11 101011118 with Docld's Kidney Pills, and they nevor get a, chance to develop into that terrible dIsowse that carries so many prominent mon into the grave." ON WITH TITS WORK. Mid So it is; the man Wile dOeS 1111111'11011 1a13111' must hoed his slightest athes or they hinder him in his work, When he has backache ho corm it with Dodrre 1(14110y Ville, 1 and goee 011 with lila work; whee he feels e, twinge of Itheume Lism 1(0 (heves it out of his body with Dadd's Kidney Pills -tufa goes on , wIth his Wert% *Necessity has - tanght blin that 118 must cure his Kidneys to get rid of 1110 peine, for he Mud work to live, Ire Inet not 110071 d 1. I to 111 1011 d• classes of the community. What 110 does 13 IV Is more to the point than all this. lie knows that Dodd's Kidney T'ills will cure n11 aches Math experience ham taught him come from the Kidneys, lie takes Dodd's Kidney, Pills, and goes on with his work. St/elf; EXCEPTIONS. 01 course, there are exceptions to every rule. Even among conelnon people there are those who neglect the early warnings of Kidney !Disease. It takes exceptions to prove the rule -but really of these exceptions prove more -they prove that *10 0(100 of Kidney Disease is too far gone for Ddrld's Kidney Pills to cure, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Heart Ins - ease -all the varied forms of Kidney Disease in its advanced stages -have been met by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and never once has Canada's great Kid- ney Remedy had to admit defeat. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from tbe Great Lakes to Hudson Bay, Docld's Kidney Pills are used, and wherever used they have tri- umphed over Kidney Disease in its every form. Thousands of Canadi- ans are shouting their praises of the conqueror. Just a few of those who have neg- lected the early symptoms, method the more advanced stages of Pidoey Diseases, and found a. cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills aro given below. There are thousands of others. Ask in your own immediate neighborhood, You will not have to go far to meet men, wome11 and children who have either warded off or cured the terror of the present age by using the old Canadian stand-by-Dodd's Kidney Pills. BRIGHT'S DISEASE CURED. Bright's Tnsaaso has invariably yielded to a treatment of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, 110 matter hots firm a hold it had secured on its yletive. Possibly the most talked of case of recent date is that of Alice Maud Parker, of Shubonacadie, Hants Co.. N.S. The full story of this case will be found in the current number of Docld's Magazine. Herewith a short state- ment from the young lady's mother is appended: Two doctors pronounced my daugh- ter's illness Bright's Disease, and gave her up to die. Her eyelids swelled till she could hardly see; her legs from her ankles to her knees swelled, Fier belt in health was twenty inches, when she was at her worst it was 4i3 inches. Then she gave up all other treatment and started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. By the time she had taken the first box I saw a change. It took a long time to bring her back to perfect health, but Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. To -clay my daughter is in perfect health. Mrs. T. G. Parker, Shubenacaclie, Hants Co., N. S. DIABETES CURED. Diabetes is another of the most fearful end fatal fornis of Kidney Dis- ease that has been cared by Dodd's Kidney Pine, and by no other medi- cine. Among those mired of this ter- rible ailment is_ Mr. Charles Gil- christ, for fifteen years shier of Po- lice of Port Ilope afterwards for twenty-two years Fishery Overseer under the Dominion Government. He makes the following statement: 31 was a sufferer for te71 years with :Diabetes and Kidney 'Disorder. At times my unine was of a dark Micky color, and I would sulTer some- thing awful while passing. I tried doctors and medicines, but could get no help till I tried Dodd's ICidney Pills. They have made me a neW nian. The eitieens of Port Hope all know me and can vouth for the above, Gluts, Gilchrist, Ex -Chief Const and Fishery Overseer, Port Hope. IllnART DISEASE CURED, Hoare Disease is a result, of Kidney Disorder. Bad Kidneys mean impure blood, the fiction of inioure blood on the heave causes Heart Disease, Dodd's K.iciney Pills cure it: I suffered for yews with Heart Disease, Bright's Disease, and Rheu- matism. 1 was so feeble I was un- able -to do anything. There were throe months I abandoned all medi- cines, and. resolved to let myself die, Then 31 was lecl to try Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, and the good the fleet box did ano surprleed me. I have taken twenty boxes ln tell, am well of my Heart Dimas°, my Bright's Disease, and my Itheirmatism. Dame Louis Provosts, Magloire, Que. nuoPsy CURED. Dropsy, another disease caused by diseased Kidneys falling to do their work and remove the surplus water front the blood, is another ailment Dodd's Kidney Pills always cute. Piero is an example: I was a total wreck before 31 stnet- ecl to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. In the mornings before I got out of bod I could hardly pot my feet to the floor they were so -much swollen from Dropsy. My arms used to swell at Binet so that X could not put on '113' Oat, 31 had to be tapPed to be relieved from my terrible pains, On tho advice of it friend T started to use Doeld's 3tideoy Pill. Before I lad finished the second box 31 felt much bettor, Seven boxes cured ma completely, I don't know what it, is to be sick since I used Dodd's Eid- wy Pille, where a. peeeeriptirm to cure enuet. be written by a speeinliSt at n. coet 111 dollars to eerier Bette', May not erell know that there nOVOr 'Was t a disease that took 111 all Classes of 1 the minnramity but whet nature pro- t vieled h mire within the meant* of ad George Robertson, 802 St. ,Tatnes St., Montreal, Quo, IllIhrOMATTSM Otrit'11D. Ithothentiele, and Ichedrecl Kidney tlieettecie, 8(1011 as Lumbago, sciat.rta, Mid Gout, are caused by uric acid in ho bleed. If the Kidneyare pet h Working order they strain all the trio acid mitof the blood, and the- Itheumatiant goes with it. 1.`rtlie the le4,514/44-e6A-12, /III / -ele,' "IA "d7 .71 if4.4,112/694a, 479,e-tt.0 Hotel telleclaire Broadway and 77th Street, Now York. renrusionstv rtunoSirso Room for permanent and.. transient guests, 01 020(111118(0 prices, 00061861115 070010310002110, 43 p, m. tin 1 a. in. 13E5nm-use, NIX Boost AHD Mrs gems ot toddle' perfection. 01181110 81111 service really 05218111(111, A Srnm 1. MUTUAL IS 091i AFT= Tfas451113 SUMAS. BILLIABD PAELOB BOB LADIES IS smaller plessaattesaaa. Our Gallery of .335110111u] Paintings, valued at $10,C00, to open evenings to vititors. Affability and courtesy guaranteed from every BELLE - CLAIRE employe. ABSOLUTELY FZEEPEOOR. MILTON Rosuse, Proprietor. case of W. G. Cragg, of Dresden Ont. Here is his statement: For eight ycers I was troubled with inflammatory Rheumatism. I could scarcely get around to do my duties in my store. I had SOMO of the best doctors 1 could get, but no- thing I tried would ever give ree re- lief. 1 was also troubled with Gout. 31 started using Dodd's Kidney Pills and had only taken six boxes when I was conmletely cured, W. G. Cragg, Ex -Reeve of Dresden, Ont. ALL KIDNEY DISEASES CURED. These are only a few cases taken from thousands to show the efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills in advanced stages of Kidney Disease. In other forms of Kidney trouble, such as Urinary troubles, Gravel, Female Weakness, etc., Dodd's Kidney Pills have the same record. They always cure. As for Pain in the Back -the first symptom of Kidney trouble - ask your neighbors. You'll find the majority of them look on Pain in the Back as a danger signal, and 011 its first appearance safeguard, themselves against this terribly fatal Kidney Disease by driving, it away with the Wel Canadian stand by-Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Tiddle-That man has certainly got his nerve right with hiln. DelVink- What man ? Tidelle-Why, that fel- low with tho toothache just going into the dentist's. 'kilned's Liniment Com Ceitis, etc, Mothee-Why, Wlllie, yeu'll make yourself sick. Just as sure as you eat another 'piece of Pia you'll be sick to -morrow. Wilne-I don't care. To -morrow ain't a holiday. ICIdetey Cry. -Pain in the back is the cry et the kidneys for help. To neglenttbs will is to deliver the body over to a disease cruel, ruthless, and finally life destroying. South American Kidney Cum has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of disease. It relieves in six hours. -38 An Irishman wagered that lie and another would consume a bustle' of potatoes in half an hour. Ile won his bet. The "other" was a pig. Minard's Liniment Wes iiiphtlieria) First Child -My father's got 00 much motley he doesn't kuow how to spencl it. Second Clhild-That's nothing. My father's got so much MOney that mother can't Keene it. Por Over Sixty Years tsar, Wisstow's SOOTIIINCI SV PUP 11116 110011 moil M millions ot mothers ter their children while Loathing. 111nothen lhooblid, sorkna th.ganal. Minya pain. 511001 wind node, roctilattai the al 0111,011 Awl bowels, and 8 (Iso best rowdy for Ellrrllrrt, Tweets -0o conte a 'bottle Sold by claamials tliVoughou6 the world. no euro 1404 sok elite, 'W106),006meeenme ear." Blinks (diming heavy rain) : "Dicl you go and ask Mr, ,Tinks for that umbrella I lent him last night ?" Boy : "Yes, sir; bo says as it's raining so he'll keep it, as he has to go out, and send it round alter the etorm is over." 35RcetinutilSOrett, the outcome of negloct, or bad blood, have a never -failing almost insteutly after first application, It 'relieves all itching end burning skin diereeeen in wday. It cores piles in 3 to 5 nights balm in Dr, Agoew's Ointment. W111 heal the 13105) stubborn cases. Soothesirritation IIT Irmirrtoluisam. The fah, britio wept copioesiy. "Doo-hoo 1" she screamed. "You are a mean old thing; so there I You 'didn't eat a one of any biscuits 1" :7 1.341ero 1tdttitsqingoex,-'Cuso, sir! Didn't you toll me when you married boo-hoo !--ilutt you would die for 1110 ?" amente mettem•=me The r ant A Slave to Ce.tarrh. catarehal Powder De, Heves in 10 Minutes. o.in1 0S7 Oh o n at Instoir.utcomvhbvWtellinton, g"?r"t,hittrte gatE11(1014108lr 1(101111 by epee Mitt Andy gem) 1116 1(110 f WAS Induced tl 1(86 AVOW. Catarrhal Powder, frote ttbadet Instant relief. 3. "lIe's so careful of his wife; won't let her de a bit of housework," "No; he's afraid if she once gets started she'll try to do the coca - big." • TIIE WABASH nAratoAra. Is the great winter tourist route to the south and west, including Taxed, Old Mexico and California, the lands of sun -shine and Dowers. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars are now rim via this great southern route. The new and elegant trains on the Wabash, aro hauled by the most powerful engines ever built. Every comfort is provided equal to the best hotels, or the most luxuri- ous homes. Nothing is wanting to complete 011e'5 happiness. The days and nights pass only too quickly, while travelling on the great Wabash line. For information as to rates, routes, etc., address any ticket agent or J. A. Richardson, Dist. Pass, Agt., N. r. corner King and Youge Ste., Toronto, Frugal Aunt -Well, Tommy, haven't you anything to say, after eatieg a nice dinner like that 7 ll'ommy-res'in. 1 hain't had half enough. BESSREI. 0. 0. RICEARDS 51 00. Gents, -I have used your MIN, ARD'S LINIMENT 11131131 family and also in my stables for years and con - eider It the best medicine obtainable.; Yours Truly, ALFRED RocaAv, Proprietor Itoxton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. Rexton Pond, July it, '01. t"..1 "Now, then," said the professor at the dental college, "what are the last teeth that come ?" "False teeth," replied a bright freshman. An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. Se% Nutritious and Economical. 40-21 YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Salta would leek better dyed. If no age01 of owe in your town, write direct Montnal, Dela 158, 1811101011 AfilICRIDAN DYEING 00. 1 46-04 BASTEDO'S 77 If 1145/108070,0.01187, ELT IEgat; 13f.LE tend for catalog, (00 give extra value. Raw Furs and Cliznaing. Sena to, pdoe pee 11-04 te, IN ALL covNTRIES, 0 1" at IclIcat... To INN -ream Eici Ay E 1.2TMATION. Penal for Handball 1{93 Dew et,pTCififfeNt024 an Patently aa, DOM inian' Line Steamships iiiiontraut fed Livarpool 1000iWn 110 Liverpool Largo and Vast Stranialaps. Eatporior noccrnmodatical torah 0)80,1 01 yituoinsorn, Saloons mid Etatorootra4 are ami81110, Spee110 itamtitin has titan elven to the second Saloon and ThiNt,Cilase litcommodatton. 370 rateenf aaeanditand 81 1100,1010AM tunny 10 851 street of the Oontrisny, or 10 (148501(07 agent, 9.10 nell,liklION LINO 01'81085: '' Boston, 11a. Poultryo ttr, Eve, ilio Apple% THE ALL KINDS Or tRUITS • And Farm Pro. duce generally, consign it to ua eel we win get you good prioom • 0 SliltSell Omiss* M 1011 0 041 1 WOIR.CDX•TWO, T. P, Or. Atreolioe theta el 314 tat Ne16/t41 • ••••••,..... nogotoit al064 Ustix No. 4-04.