HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-4, Page 4OUR CONDITION POWDERS FOR HORSES AND CATTLE H RBA - EU M They are made from a splen- did Formula and have a large and increasing sale. For smooth and glossy coats and for bringing stock into condition we believe that they are not surpassed by any other on the market. 4 Large Package 25o. 2 Ensures fine, strong Cattle and keeps them healthy. It is in- valuable in the pro- , duction of Milk, But- ter, Poultry and Eggs. pound pkg, 50c 25c F, Re LTH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ESTENSION W. 0. & B, Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, fie follows: G0IN0 SonTO GOING MATE. Mail 7:16 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a.m Mixed........ 1000 a.m I Mail ....- 1:17 p.m Express 2:25 p.m Exereee ,..... 8:17 p.m mai , fbas Pius. A ahiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent i4. FERRUARY. 'Inn mouth bas 29 days. . THE days are etretohing out. BOHO0L Board Friday evening of next week. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week. BACKED OONOERT Thursday evening of tbie week in the Methodiet ahnrob. SALE of Magaeineo at the Public Lib - rary,by auction, 00 Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. LARGE quantities of hay are being mar. keted ip Brussels tie the long drawn out storm period bas told on the supply of feed tor heroes and cattle. THE Brussels Branob of the Metropoli• tan Bask passed the first milestone in their history here on Thursday of this week and are well pleased with the re- cord, IF this boisterous weather continues maoh longer there should be no trouble in organizing a North Pole hunbiog party in tbie country as the people would be well seasoned tot a combat with Jack Frost. OWING to the long delay in getting freight to town, on amount of the snow blockade on the railway very neoeeeary euppliee in various linen bave run short and make it a trifle inconvenient. LonoaR Hoans.-By resolution Bens - eels town fathere are asking the Poet. master General to bave the poetoffioe here kept open notil 7 p. m., each evening and for a batt hone after the arrival of the mail train from the East if the hour is not later than han 9 p. m. Smog chippers have been oonsiderabl y delayed by inability to secure Dare owing to now blookade and the farmers who "dollared" their cattle are having the fan of feeding them longer than they counted on without receiving payment therefor. No 000 is to blame however so there is very little grnmbliog. Tin ice barvoet is now on with the Danbow Bros. in charge. Last year they took o0t 600 sleigh loads and the probe- bilitiee are that tbie season's atop will be as large. The ice ie not ea clear as some years owingto the repeated eoow stoma. Quite a number of farmers make a praobioe oi storing ion for dairy pur- poses. Brame CEANOE.-The blaakemithiog business parried on by 8. H. Jeokeon, in his premises near the [roe bridge for the past 14 years, hae been amid to Thomas Pollock, of Durham, who took possession this week. Mr, Jackson talks of going to the Weet to try his fortune. He has been an energetio officer in the Fire Brigade for a cumber of years. We with him and his family moose wherever their lot may be oast. Tan Pon nnderetaade that on or about Jan, 20th, Samuel Gentian, formerly of Brn.sels, who is now assooiabed with his brother Peter as owner of a fine farm at Deleau, Manitoba, took to himself a wife in the person of Mies McGlynn, of Petroha, Out. The yoaog lady went to the West and was married there. This should encourage Pete to go and do like- wise. We wish Mr. Caption and bride many happy and prosperous years. DIED AT BRANTFORD-Tburoday of leek week Mrs. George Wilbee, sister to Mrs. Wilbee or., of Braeeeis, passed away after an illnene of a few days from pneumonia. She was 66 years of age. The funeral took piaoe at Gait on Saturday, Mre. Wilbee and her daughter, Mre. P. Ameob, ot Btaseele, attending. Four daughters and two sone survive, Mr, Wilbee died some years ago. Mrs. Wilbee of town, was 10 years the senior of her demand sister and is remarkably active for her ago. THE STonoI -We fondly Imagined the Way the weather reared, pitched and snorted Ian week that a more pacific state of affaire would be on the program this week but if anything it has been worse. Prom the repeated snow flurries and almost constant drifting the roads are kept well filled up and the railways were completely blooked. Mooday'e mall from the hast did not reach here until after 6 p. m, Tuesday the trams were all medalled and Wednesday the first appearance was at 4 30 in the afternoon when the snow plow opened the way for a train from Wingham and the mail train is exneoted to make les Way from Palmerston today. There brie not been' a regular freight Service for two woke and what was at firsttaken eaa joke bee become a matter of real serimasness. We are told that at Beaforth, owing to shortage of feel, that three !amities have taken up their quarters in the Town Dail and more may hen to follow knit, Owoo o to the death of MPS Ritchie's grandmother their was oo eohool in the junior department on Thaw/day nor will there be on Friday. SOS O of our citizens had invitations to the Foresters' supper at Belgrave Toes day evening but owing to the blustery weather and heavy roads did nob attend. Several oases of wood stealing are re. ported. There ie a good supply at the jail so that the "hookers" may be able to get well toasted at Goderioh during the cold weather. M(=ELY Hone Fair on Thursday was attended by a large crowd and a number of buyers were in attendance who enur- ed some fine equines. Next Fair will be held on Thursday, Metall 3rd. IF some fellow would di.00ver a means whereby snow would do in a eabstitute for stove wood he could ride in e, chariot next to King Edward. There isn't mach more water iu the snow than in some of the soft geese wood either and it could be split mach easier. A LETTER IrOm Peter Stewart, of Lang. don, Nortb Dakota, formerly of this looality, written on San. 12th soya Have had a very severe Winter up till a wed/ ego when it moderated a Little. There is a great deal of scow for thie time of year, whioh with the prevailing winds makes sleighing veru heavy. DIED OFINJURIEe.-Dr. Elliott, of Pep- tone, Illinois, tJ S., died on Monday, Jan. 18th, of injuries reoeived while be was driving across the railway, aged 48 years. He Was born at Seaforbh and went to Peotone in 1875 living on a farm with his parents until 1881 when be took up the study of Medioine at Chicago, greduatiog in 1884. Dr. Elliott was very successful iu bio profession and took a great interest in educational affaire. In religion he held to the Presbyterian ahuroh. He is eurvived by a widow, one eon and one daughter. The school child ren, acoomf'anied by their teaohere, marched to the church in a body on the day of the funeral where au impresetde service was held. Dr. Elliott was a 0onei0 to Oouooillor Robert Henderson, of Brussels. Deceased lived for a week after his injury. His demise has canoed profound sorrow in Peotone, Howrca M0TD1L INS. 00. -The ann pal finanoise statement ot the Howlett Mutual Fire Insurance Oo, le issued and from it we 000100 that the oom any had a very euooeeeful year during 1903. The num bar of policies issued during the past year was 1295 and the number in force at the end of the year, 3672, being an Morena of over 202 polioieo. The amount of Inenranee written $2,061,313, 00 the amonnt cancelled and expired $1,600,356,00, leaving the net amonnt in ('.orae at the aloes of the year $6,681,898, being an Woman for the year of $460,968 in the amount at risk, The premium notes held toy the Company amount to $284,069,65 and the amonnt available on card notes $258.938.85. The amens amonnt to $28,198.76. The annual meet- ing will be held in the Township Hall at Gerrie, on Friday afternoon, February 5th. The directors of the Company are as follows :-John R. Miller, Jamestown, Preeident : Edward Bryane, Jamestown, Vioe-President 1 Robt. Scott, Fulton's Mille 1 James Edgar, Gerrie ; James Wylie, Glenfarrow ; W. S. MoKeroher, Wroxeter, SeoretaryTreaeurer. A OENSTARIAS PASSES Awes. -Early Tuesday morning the spirit of John Elder, father of Mrs. George Brown, Brussels, took its flight. The old gentle• man, who had enjoyed a large degree of heath, took pneomonie on Saturday and despite all that mold be done by pbysi diem and attention by kind friends be paned quietly away from time. Mr. E der was born in Edioboroagh, Soot - lend, in the year 1801 and was married to Mies Margaret Alexander, of Tilliconl try, Olookmaninebire, Bootland, who predeceased him in 1887. After epending a number of years in the land of their birth tbey (tame t0 Canada and after a sojourn in Hamilton took op their abode in Minto towoebip, Wtllineton County, where tbey reeided for 47 years on a farm. On the decease of Mre. Elder, Mr. Elder went to live with his eon in-law, George Brown, where he remained up to his decease. He was a quiet turned num, indnetrioue and honorable but took 110 part in nubile affairs. In ohoroh relationship he held to the Presbyterian ahnrob and in politics be was a life long Liberal, recording hie vote in the Prov inoial election 4 years ego ter A. Hislop, 110, P P. The surviving children out of a family of eleven are :-James, of Arizona, U. 0. i Jahn, of Toronto ; Wililam and Mre. John Wright, of Casselton, North Dakota ; and Mre. Brown, of Brueeele. For a man of hie years Mr. Elder retain- ed hie faoaltiee to a marked degree. He wag a great reader and dearly loved anything from the land of hie birth. 'eery few people live to See 00 many years, as he would be 102 on hie next birtbday. The funeral eervioe was held on Wedneeday afternoon, Rev, Jno. Ross, B. A., conducting a editable service, Pall bearers were Geo, Thomson, D. Ewan, J. T. ROSS, W. H. MoOreoken, 30, H. Moore and C.leitobie. Interment wee made in Brueeele cemetery the bad roads and fnolemeut weather forbidding the Weird taking plaoe to Clifford burying ground where hie life partner was inter. red. The deceased wee very highly re. epeoted by all who knew him, T.dlIt 13ft0 S.lflLt3 POST Standard Bank of Canada METROPOUTA t.2TJiTn2.T6xi 1 1872 ABSETIS - OYER 581RTE111N MILLION DOLLARS .A General Banitinot 13ustnee9eO Transacted '•' SAioiNGS BANK,mu-li-a— -.DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on whioh INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE Ole DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. AOORUED INTEREST la added to accounts every els months and becomes principal. -MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS rosy make and withdraw Dopoeibe without the intervention of any portion, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be lett for SAFE -KEEPING ooly for whioh no oharge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our neared and ooarteoue attention. F, H. GRAY, AGENT. As high as $4.00 for a and of that dry wood has been paid fu town. It is a good prion. FIne BRIGADE, -A meeting of all inter- ested in Brueeele Fire Brigade will be held next Tuesday evening in the Outmoil Chamber, oommenoing at 8 o'olook. Emotion of (Moen, squaring up/moonlit/I, and discussing better methods will 000etitute the burliness. J. G. Skene is the (Thief. HALF SHEET AGAIN THIS WEEE.-As no freight trains have arrived since last i -sae of Tau PoeT oar supply of paper ie somewhere between Toronto and Bros - eels and we are compelled to issue a half eheet again this week. We are not re- sponsible for this condition of ethics but hope it will not omen again. "IRELAND and the Irish" will be the subject of a Lecture whioh will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Lowe, of 1Vingham, in the basement of 80. Johne Church o0 'L'bnreday evening, Feb. lith. For over 20 years a resident of the Emerald Isle, NIr. Lowe tells from experience many amusing oharaoterietice of bis own people THE sad intelligence was reoeived by wire on Thareday morning of the demiee of Henry Metohlf, an old resident of Guelph, and brother io•law to Mrs. J. L. Kerr, of Bross/31e, who died Wednesday night. Hie bealth had not been very good for some time. A wife, two sone and a daughter survive. Fuoerul will be held on Friday. ANNUAL MEETING. -Tile anneal meeting of the Howiok Mutual Insurance Onm gamy will be held to the Town Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, Feb. 5th, at 1.30 o'olook. Annual report will be presented and Director's eleobed, This is a well managed Society with a record any institution of its kind might be proud of There should be a large atteodanoe at the meeting. Kum of Me0AEINE9.-Friday evening Feb. 5th, at 7.80 o'otook the magazines taken at }3roosele Public Library dariog 1903 will be sold by poblio aaotion. The magazines subscribed for to come this year will also be Bold the purohasere to have the privilege of lifting them after they have been on the table for a mouth. Good readiug at a low price, is otter obtained at these eaten so there should be a large attendance Friday evening of this week at the Reading Room. MEDALo,-Last Friday afternoon the gold medal, offered by W. H. Kerr, of THE PoeT, to the pupil taking the high est marks in Huron Co. at the Entranoe Examination, wee presented to Garman Hall, at Minton. The donater called at the Oollegiate and Head master Hoaetou asked the t o s here and pupils of the e different deP nrtmente to assemble in Mise Johnston's room in whioh the win her is a pupil. Tbie beiug done Mr. Houston spoke a few introductory words and opened the way for the presentation. The medal is about the eize of a 25 cent pisoe and was made 50 that it may be attached to a watch guard. On one side are the monogram lettere C. H. and on the reverse the particulars for which medal was given. Hearty applause greeted the reoiptent as he received the reward for his diligence. Garman is a sou of the late Rev. Mr. Hall, whose widow is a resident of (Minton. He is o bright boy and we hope a eaooeoefol life is before him. The silver medal for 2nd highest standing wee won by Miss Stella MaQuorrie, of Grey township who followed op the winner of the gold medal very closely. CHARITY 0ONOERT.-The Concert given in the Town Hall on Friday evening of last week Hader the auspices of the Lady Maccabees, in aid of the , Saoatarium for Conenmp ives, proved a great drawing oard so maob so that the Hell wee throng• ed, Very little oan be eaid in commend- ation of the order maintained by a portion of the audience. While they may bave bad what they oall a good time they made it very unpleasant for many others both on and off the platform. There wag variety enough in the program to please almost everybody and on the whole the various numbers were well rendered. The program ooneisted of the following :- Selection by K. 0. T. H. Band ; piano duet, Mines MoLauoblin ; solo, 'The Deathless Army," H. W. Avison ; re- citation, "The sobool committee man," Beatrice Harris ; duet, "Only Thee," Mies Vinic Cardiff and Jae. Jones ; reoitation "Biddy MoGinnie at the photo grapbere," Mise Josie Boohanan ; solo, "It's nine to be 0 boy sometimes," Miss Nora Holmes ; musical Asters, Mieees Forbes, Gerry, MoArter and Hingeton and F. H. Gilroy, Leslie Kerr and R. J. MoLanob)in ; recitation, "Because he was so fond of me," Beatrice Harris ; Solo, "Wbieper and I shall bear," J. Leslie Herr ; duet, "The Battle Eve", H, W. Avieon and F. H. Gilroy ; solo, "Love's all in all," Jett, Jones ; play, "Dream of Pair Women," personated fie follows with Mies Minnie MoNaughbon fie reader :--Helen of Troy, Mies Lizzie Dowaibg ; Ipbigenia, Mies J. MoA,rter ; Cleopatra, Min Jasle Buchanan ; Jep. there daughter, Mise Jean Forbes ; Rosamond, Miee T. Gerry ; Sit Thomas Moore's daughter, Mise Jennie Grieve ; Joan of Aro, Mies 0. Hi0geton • Queen Eleanor, Miens C. Orawford and Possis Mitchell ; tableau and National Anthem oonoluding the exeroiaee. There were a number of (Moores and everybody got big value for their money, R. Leetherdals Was the chairman and Meson Jean and Maggie Moleanohlin and Mrs, (Dr.) Holmes were &Doomp aniete. Over $50 Was realized for the very danerving charity, lees the keel expenses, The Maccabees are to be oongratalated on their willingness to aid well 1r,OWn 1 bonevoldnt tet0rprlaea, TEE bearing of the Sewer By law ap• peal Daae at Toronto bas been delayed owing to irregularity of mails. lenose0Ls is still without electric light owing to fuel ebortage. There will be other tie ups too before long unless the blockade soon o0mes to an end. OONCERT.-Thnraday evening of this week a Seared Oonoert will be given in the Methodist ohuroh et wbiob the follow- ing well known talent will take part :- Mesere. Jae. Jones, H. W. Aeleoo, F. H. Gii,oy, R B. Fletober, R. J. MoLenohlin, J. Leslie Kerr, H. L. Jaokeon acrd W, A Grewar assisted by the Methodist ohoroh orchestra. A good program will be presented and the public is invited to attend. Opts -There passed away, at London, on January 26th, Lillian V., second daughter of the late William VanStone, of Brussels. Her age was 89 years and 11 months. Demand wee a sister of Mre. A. Good, of Brussels : Mre. A, Simpson, Antigooisb, N. S- ,• 0. R, Van Stone, Southampton and W, F. Van. Stone, of Wingham. The remains were brought here for burial oo Friday after- no0n and the funeral took plan from the home of Dirs. Good• Rev, I. M. Webb took charge of the serviue. Pallbearere were, J. T. Rose, Jno. Ballantye, H, R. Brewer, Alf. Busker, N F. Gerry and W. J Mo(raoken. Interment was made in the family pleb in Brussels cemetery. SUDDEN DEATH OF MRs. LIVINGSTON.- The sudden death 000nrred in Baden, Saturday afternoon, Jan. 30th, of Louisa Leith, wife of James Liviugeton, ex -M. P , from the bursting of a blood vessel. The death is an extremely sad one. Ap•trt from the tact that immediately prior to her death, Mre. Livingston was in the been of health, one of her daughters fa lying eritioally i11, and the shook of her motber'e desth may seriously affect her condition. The late Mrs. Livingston was in her 60 h year. She was the daughter of the late John Leigh, She was born in Wilmot, and lived during her entire life in the same district. She was known throughout the oonntry as a woman of the moeb estimable character, one whose charities extended far and wide. To know Mre. Livingston was to love her. Sbe was a life long member of the Baden Presbyterian oharoh, and was prominent in every good work of the church. Besides a husband, she leaves two sons and three daughters. The funeral took plane Monday to Baden oemetery. ENTERED INTO REST. -At 4.15 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon Mary Brown, relict of the late John Stewart, and mother of Mre. Peter R,tohie, William ettee paid Nature's t at debt at the advance d age of near; 94 aftca. She was a native of Perthshire, w , Bcotlace, where ebe was married and resided up to 20 years 000 when Site came to Canada and has Moos made her home with Mrs. Ritchie. Mr, Stewart departed this life in 1878. In addition to Mre. Rttohie there was one other daughter, Mre. Nevin, who died 10 1873, Up to two years ago Mre. Stewart was remarkably smart but a paralytic etroke rendered her gutte help less and ebe had been °Defined to bed eines then. Four or five weeks ago ebe began so fail very perceptibly and entered into rest as above stated. She was a bright old lady and was a most reeolute Pres- byterian belonging to the old srooeeeion oharoh in Scotland. It was the custom of her father's family to walk five miles to the ohnrah of their ohoioe and baok again each Sabbath, although other sections of the Presbyterian chards were nearer at hand. The funeral will leave the residence of Mr. Ritchie on Friday afternoon at 2 30 o'olook, the service commencing a half hour earlier. Inter- ment will be made at Brueeele cemetery Business Locals. RAW Pone -Highest prime paid for raw fore. A. Om:memm, Brussels. HeNneotxo walnut sideboard for sale at great reduction. Apply to Mae. W. M. Bemoan, Bruseele, Poen TrNING,-Heintzman & Co's. Plano tuner, R B. Shaw, hi here from Toronto 'Leave orders at R, Loather. dale & Son's [tore WANTED. - All kinds trade. Dried apples 60 ; Turkeys 15o ; Fresh egge•20o; &o. No. 1 Prime Fox $6 00 oath. GEo, E. KIND, Wingham. I'SitSONA1, PARA ( RA NIS. Peter Hogg is in town. Mies Thurso Gerry is visiting et Bea - forth. Mre. S. H. Jackson baa been quite i11 this week. T. A. Hawkins is away at Toronto this week on a holiday Visit. Robt. Danbow is able to be at work again atter his attack of la grippe. B. Gerry was "under the weather" this week with the prevailing gold. Mrs. Jae. Turnbu l woe on the sink list tbie week but We hope oho will soon be oonvaleoent, A. Semple may go to Paisley to accept a situation offered bin. Hr's a good carriage painter end steady worker. Wm, and Mrs. Jewitt were palled to Mitchell on Monday owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Brogden, a eieter of Mre. Jewitt. The patient fa over 70 years of age, .lames Jobneton, of Denver, Colorado, a t io formr [orient well known es'dante f hi.alone. ity, ie visiting hie sister, Mrs, Habkirk. It ie 23 Ohre eine( int. Johnston left here. Ho bag been badly orippled Tor Some years with rhenmatien, and ands locomotion very Mann t, B.AN CAPI'PAL--Ppid lip 411,000,000 RBSI011{PL FUND .. - 911,000,000 Direutore HEV, R. 10, WARDEN, D. D„ 8. J, MOORE, President, Vice -President, 0, D. 10At0Ey, Isis 17orlon un. w, e10RTnrt1tit OWEN, n,0. D, E. TUONION, H, 0, HEAD OFFICE - T-ORQNTQ W, D, 10088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Bold, Farmers' Notes Disoriented, Semmes game Borezerarnave' Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and gpwarde .8.61V885,116° iniAWCW A. E. MELLIBH, Manager. lklise H. Francis, who is visiting lire, Stave -In Hul'ett, on January 25th, George Rogers, has been on the eiok list Wm. J. Smith, aced 86 yearn. but we hope she will Boon be better. WILBEn.--At Brantford, on Feb. 4, Mre. Geo. Wilbee, aged 66 years, Caaeadttan .Ne sys. Dr. J. H. gangster, of Port Perry, died suddenly in Toronto. The Oongregationai ahnrob at Embro was destroyed by tire. Welland county is agitating for an export duty on natural gae. Alex. Asher, of Welland, was found dead on Saturday marni09, J. B. Molver, Treaeorer of Queen's University, Ktneaten, ie dead. At Erwood, Walter H. Gray, agent of The Oanadin a Northern Railway, dropped dead. Molyneux St. John, Lieber of the Bleck Rod, died on Saturday night at Ottawa. Judge William Elliott, of London, who .baa mussed the age of eighty years, re• tireson full pay. Luoien Bei nerd is under arrest at Montreal obarged with stabbing Pierre Parmentier, who wee killed in a drunken quarrel, Hon, Senator Oox will bear one.gnarter of the net of a new Y W. 0. A building at Peterboro', and Mre. Oox will fernieh the gymnasium. The Provinoial Lioonee Department le inquiring into the alleged refueal of St. Mary's hotelkeepero to supply food to delayed trave'lere. 3, 8, Morford, Division Superintend• out of the M. 0. 10., b to been app' inked Assistant General Manager, and H. H. Adams Superintendent. H. H Dewart, K. 0 , has resigned the position of County Crown Attorney, for York 0o. and P. L. Drayton has been appointed to resume the dories at Dime Niagara Falls is in a nervous state over a smallpox ogee, a young society woman having attended several social gatherings while developing the disease, Ron, H. G. Carroll, Soli niter General, has resigned to accept a Jadgeehip for Ge.sps dietriot, and Rodolphe Lemieux, M. P., bas been appointed Solioitvr•(3en• oral. A legal ruling at Halifax, N. el., will add the names of 3,000 soldiers of the British garrison to the voters' liete, and consequently plane the result of future Federal and Provincial elections in doubt. In fulfilment of a bet made on the North Oxford election, Willi'.m Bradt, a Hamilton Ooneervative, wheeled Merles Sohwenger, botelkeeper, in a wheel- barrow from his hotel on Macnab street North to the City Hall and baolr. wwke0lila has lost g 1 vi four large menu factoring n erne within the last month, title the latest 00 0 to move is Gardiner Bros. bee- kat ?eatery. The firm will locate at Brune Mines in New Ontario, where it hae parohased a barge timber tract from whioh it will out timber for its factory, e v.cmxelw sa.iem. TonsDAY, FEB 16. -Farm stook, imple- mesas, &o. N - Lot 1 con 4, Morrie. Bale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. J. H. Robertson, Propt. F. S. Scott, Ano. THURSDAY, FEB 18 -Farm [stook, implements, &o, Lot 29, Con. 15, Grey. Sale anreeerved at 1 o'clock. Alex. McKay,, prop. ;F. S. Boots, Ano. x7xOH=. Emma -In Brnesele, on Feb. 2nd., John Elder, in his 102nd year. ELLIOTT.-At Peotone, I11., on Jen. 18, Dr. Elliott, aged 48 years. JAOELIN.-1n H. wick, on Jan. 30th, Obae, son of Rufus Jaokliu, aged 2 years and 7 months. MoMmnete-In Morrie, on January 27th, M D McMillan, aged 82 years, 8 menthe and 27 days. STEwenT,-In Brussels, 012 Feb. 8, Mary Brown, reliot of Jno. Stewart, in her 94th year. STILL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given muoh to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded ne in 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the poblfi;• to a good extent. Call and see us. S, T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussels. =5 i. w.n.11-rel MA. 21-._111:t0TE•, F1,11 Wheat.. 7fi 77 Barley 86 38 Peas 54 55 Ooze 27 28 Batter, tune and rolls.. 14 15 Eggs t'er dooen 17 18 Flonr per cwt. 4 00 5 00 Pnbnt.nes (per bus.) 60 50 Apples (per bbl.) 75 1 00 Hay per run 6 00 7 00 Sall per WI., retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 4 90 5 00 Wool 16 16 Hides trimmed 6 Of Hides tough 6 5 Lamb skins each 25 30 Sheep ekino,'mob 25 25 THE PEOPLE'S MUMS. ABOUT 25 suede green hardwood want- ed. G. A. DEADMAN, Brussels. TWO COWS FOR SALE—ONE a Thai( 'bred Tel soyy, registered in New York Jena, Stook Boob as No. 128185. The ether is a Jersey cross with Ayrshire a0d is an A 1 milker. Both cows 50100 111 about the let of Morelli. 29.2 DR, el eNAUG ETON. Brussels. NOTES LUST. -TWO NOTES were lost by the 'audio signed, Otti hue. Morris, one for S50 GO, drawn hi favor of George Keys • ebe other for 310500, in favor of Robert Ballana, svanon. Toe pub- lic is hereby notified fig„ iust cashing the same. W. H. MoOlO 1OHEON. 29.1 GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— The undersigned offers for Bale bar excellent farm, located on Con. 10, Grey township, and containing 100 'acres. There is a comfortable iramo cottage, bank baro, good driving shed, orchard, &o., on the premises, farm is well drained and fenced. It is also well watered by the river Malt loud and an invaluable Spring. Convenient to market, school and churches. For primo, terms and other particulars apply 011 the DER, 'rop ietress, Oranbrook P.O. T. 8011 'FEB 4, 1904 CkECK THE OOIJCH Coughs often go from bad to worse—there is grave dan- ger in any case—no matter how slight it may seem it 19 folly to neglect it. Keep a bottle of Our White Pine & Tar in the house. Commence taking it when the first symptoms come. A careful- ly prepared remedy from the best curative agents. The beet remedy because it eures safely, thoroughly and per- manently. We refund the money if not satisfied. Pelee 250. per BULtIe at Fo X' S Drug Store- 1>EED OATS FOR SALE.— 1, The variety is the Early Improved LigoWiv, a heavy oat alio good yielder. An - pt y at Lot 8, con. 11 Grey, to MRS. E, DICKSON, Biuesole P.O. 80.2 Notice to Creditors. lu the Surrogate Oonrt of the County of Heron, in the matter of the estate of John Smalldon, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Heron, farmer, deceased. Natio is hereby given, pursuant to the Itevised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Obap. 129, Seo 08, that alt oreditoro and others hays claims against the estate of John 8ma11don. late of the Township of Grey, 1n Raid coun- ty, farmer, who died on or about the Mb day of Junearv, A. D', 1904. at Tale, Michi- gan, are requested t0 Rand by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Raney Smnllden or Henry W, ode, at Artisan's, the Exeonters of the last will and testament of the said John amnlWou, or to A. A. Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels, their .Solicitor• on or before the 2501, day of February A.D., 19(14 Weir full names, addresses, and the full particulars of their claims and the nature of thee, corlttes (if any) hold by them. And further take notice that after the Raid last mentioned date the said Executors wlllpro- oeed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the persona entitled there- to,having regard only to the dilute of which untie:. shall have been given fie above re. quir'etl and sue said Exeoutora will not be rn poueible for the assets or thy part 000r0• of so distributed, to any person of whose claim uotlee shall not have been redeived at the time of auoh distribution. Doted at Brussels this 20th day of Janu- ary, A, D,1904. A. B. MAODONAD, 28.0 Solicitor for Executors. JA POSC-��ICC r ESTO VN IIU General Stolle 711:55913EIREMSBZEMISMilliMISSIMPBREiti Think it over and the longer you think over it the truer it will get that WE CAN SELL CHEAPER than many stores as our expenses are smaller. We have commenced February by beginning to make way for our Spring Goods. In order to do so we are sell- ing our Winter Goods regardless of prafit. We are bound to keep up with the fashions. —1' mere are a :Few Eales we Cut or. Men's Underwear, All Wool Suits, reg. $2.00, clearing- at $1 50 Men's Top Shirts, regular $1 00, clearing at 75 Boys' Suits Underwear, regular 80c, clearing at 65 Lathes' Vests, regular 80e, clearing at 80 Ladies' Vests, regular 50c, clearing at 22 Children's,Vests now only i 10 Some Remnants in last year's Prints clearing at 5 Wrapperettes now going at 4 Ladies' Winter Shoes, felt lined, regular $1.50, clearing at 1 18 Men's Heavy Rubbers, 80 per cent. off regular prices. Some Toilet Sets left, regular $4.50, clearing at 3 50 f,+ Oui' Groceries are A.ivvays Fresh and New Our ''leas Cannot be Beat for the Price' We handle Batter -1 lb. prints 16e ; Tallow 5e ; Lard, when pure, bring it ; ,Eggs are a specialty, prices strictly in keeping with city prices when new laid and fresh. We can send money away by Money Order or Postal Note ; two mails out and two in every day ; Daily Papers generally in at 8 p, m, i'Laundr . left here on Tuesdaywill be ready for delivery on Saturday. y JAM ;6TQ-w '