HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-4, Page 2(j„ lye rYt S ,1 St, THtili$04Y, FEB, 4, 1904. Huron County Council. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. The January session of the County Council of Huron should, a000rding to Statute, have assembled on Tuesday afternoon of last week but owing tort snow blooltade oancelliug trains, only 6 out of the 16 members were able to get to the Go. town, An adjournment nihil Wed• needay atternoou was carried. On arrival at teat hour there were preeent Messrs, Bowman, Connolly, Oaotelon, Dur»in, Gunn, Kerr, Lamout, Lockhart, Miller, MoLean, MoNeughton, Patterson. Bpuokman, and Young, Meeers. Rieke and Fergueon stili being absentees owiug to railway treiue not running from their looallbiee. Runtime of Warden ie always a feature of the January 'tuition and this time the honor went to Councillor Bowman, of Morrie township, who has [pent 6 years in the Council. Iu oauoua, where theca oandidatee are settled, there were three names bet.,re them, Masers. Connolly and Spaokmau being the other two. A tie between Messrs. Bowman and Oonuolly existed on several bedsits and was broken by the togging of a quarter the represent. ative from Dietriot No, 6 wiooiug. In the:0o, Council Mr. Bowman'anomination was not opposed as the rule that the position should go alternately to slithers; and Ooneervative was adhered to and 1904 was the Conservative year. The 0fe,k deolared Mr. Bowman elect• ed and Ile was duly sworn in by Judge Holt, who congratulated the new oo0npau t on hie aooeeeion to the chair. The Ward• en thaokethe Gouuoil for the bonor done hie township and himself, the first time on reoord in which hie municipality had the honor. He hoped to have the cordial eupport of both the Co. Council. lore and Offioiele. Biriking Committee was appointed as follows :-McBers. Lockhart, Miller, (3autelon, MoNaughtun, and McLean. Commaniontione were read from Perth Go. asking, that Huron Co. ao•operate with them in the ereotion of a Consamp tive hospital, vent to Executive ; from Deputy Minister of Education relative to tranetettou of law regarding Inepeator'e espeneee, Bent to Education Committee ; letter from Sheriff Reynolds applying for outfit of furniture for Turnkey Knox's bedroom at jail, sent to Co. Property Committee ; from Lawyer Brydeh, of Clinton, calling attention to real and personal property belonging to Mrs. Lloyd, an inmate of House of Refuge, sent to House of Refuge Committee; Mee. Freuuh'e re -ignition as matron of House of Refuge was laid before the Nautili and referred to House of Refuge Corn, mittee ; Inter from Trustees' Aseooianun asking for appointment of delegate to Convention at Toronto next April, re• farted to Education Committee ; oom- maufcatite from Wentworth Go. Farm ere' Inettute asking co operation of Enron in disputing the rumor that there is a sorplue of meohauios nod workmen in Comedic; one from Haldimand Go. setting that Statute referring to Co. maintenance of 300 foot bridges be amended eo as to give power to oivil Eugioeer to report on poeeible shortening of bridges ; from Brune Go. reoommeod- iog that elle of taod for taxes 000tione to be ander control of Go. Treasurer ; from Lambtua Co asking that menial. polities be compelled to aid in the proper maintenance of their poor ; from Elgin and Kent Ooenties recommending that the present Go. Council'[ Aot only be changed on a vote of the electors Baying eo, all sent to Special Committee. Children,' Aid As+o. of Huron Go. asked for a grant of $50 ; South Horan Women,' Institute asked for $10; J. R. Robertson for grant to Sick Children's Hospital ; that oaual grants be made to Farmers' Institutes ; Agricultural and Horticultural Sooietiee ; remitters' Inetitntes and Public Librariee, eeut to Executive Committee. J. M. Field, of Goderiob, applied to be appointed as Go. Examiner, sent to Ed. ucation Committee. Applioante for Co. Auditors, Meeers. Ball, Woode, Morley, Hays. Anderson, Soots were read. Letter was read from St. Mary's Collegiate Institute regarding fees and referred to Education Com. mittee. Tenders for wood, for ereotion of ad dition to House of Refuge, and for Go. printing were sent to Executive, Clerk Lane and M. Lockhart were appointed on the Board of Criminal Audit, A motion to grant $50 to Taokeremlth .851. Society was smut to Executive Oom. mittee. Collegiate Trustees were appointed as follows ;-Seaforth, Rev. J. W. Hodgins ; Goderioh, F. Jordan I Clinton, Fleury Plamsteel. Couooil adjourned to meett 7.30 p. m. to receive report of Striking Commtttee. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Warden in the chair. The names of Mr. Moffatt, of Seaforth, and Mr. Camer- on, of Brussels, were prupoeed as oandidatee for Go. Examiner, Sent to Education Com, The Clerk was ordered to prooure oopiee of the Ontario Statutes and Municipal World for 0o. Coanoilore. A motion was presented asking for $10 for pnrchoee of flowers about the Court House. Sent to Exeoabive. It wag agreed to have the Retell of Order end procedure of the Go. Cobooil printed ae an addendum to the January minutes. The report of the Striking Committee was read and oonsidered in Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Gunn in the chair, and adopted and cards ordered to be printed, Jailer Griffin and Jail Surgeon addreaeed the Co. Council relative to changing heating system of Jail. Eebim• ate, as to coat of sums were referred to Go, Property Committee, Council adjourned to meet on Thursday morning at 10 o'oicok. THURSDAY MOiNiNG, Council met this morning. After min• etas were rend application for Co. Auditor was presented by M. Bleck, of Morrie. Laid on table, The Jailer's report was read and sent to Go. Property Com, Treasurer Holmes' report was reed and sent to Fivanoe Committee. 8olioitorts opinion was read as to legality of Co. Oounoil'n grant to ,H"Imeevine Bridge Hill. He Bays it was all right, sent 10 Speeded Co. Report of Clerk as to them. arm on Go. buildings was read, state. mete were itleo tend from Goderiolt, referred to Executive Committee, An 10 Johu B. Hyde ,,,, Ethel adjoarnmeet wee then made until 2 11 (loured Bernath ,.,,,,..,.,. Ethel; o'mook to permit of Uomm3pteae meeting. U. 12 Charles CneaWalton Go Connell renaming all the members U. 4 William Woods Moleateorbh were printout. Go. Commieeiouer Ansley ; U. 13 Thotnaa Elliott Moieeworbh report was reed and referred to the Road U. 4 Andrew Peebles Atwood and Bridge Committee, gowlinr A Building Committee for the propoeed addieioo of Roues of Refuge was present• ed ae follows 3 -Messrs. Connolly, Dur• nen, Oantelon, Miller and MoNaugbtou, Col, Young, of the 88rd brigade, addreaeed the Go. Council relative to a grant to the privates who attend the ,innual drill for this } ear. Referred to Exeoutive. FRIDAY'S EMISSION. Friday morniug'e eeeeion found all the members present, Mr. Hicks having ar• rived by a train early that moroiug. A delegation ooneieting of Reeve MoCallum, of Emit Wewanosh ; Reeve Iebieter, of Morrie ; and Councillor T. Bell, of Wing, ham, addressed the Ooenailat some length relative to a grant toward tbe "prairie" road South of Wingharn, whittle is inundated every Spring by tbe freebete. After the matter wee well die• ceased it wee referred to the Exeoutive Committee. There was only one lender for the Co. printing for 1904 that being from the Goderieb Ster, They got it. There were seven applicants for the Co. Anditorehip Thos. E. Hays, of Seaforth, was chosen on the first ballot and H. W. Ball, of Goderiab, was elected as the eenond auditor on the third ballot. For the two positions of Co. Examiners the names of Messrs. Cameron, of Brussels ; Moffatt, of Seaforth ; and Field, of Gode- rioh, were on the lien. Tie ohoioe fell on the het two mentioned. Resolutions from the representetivea of Dietricle Noe. 4 and 3 were received asking for grants of $1000 eaoh for improvements to roadways. Sent to Executive. Several tenders for new bridges not having arrived and it not being poeeible to 'complete the work of the session in order to get home for Sunday it was oar ried that the Council adjourn to Tuesday, Feb. 16th. Al tbie meeting the question of the addition to the House of Refuge will be aooeidered ; contracts for bridges let ; the matter of installing a new aye. tem of heating the jail taken upend other necessary Committee work not reached last week. The delay in getting started to work owing to snow blookade ; the absence of members until the last day of Council and the doubt of being able to get train aoanmodation home kept the work in an uncertain condition all week. A nem bar of the reports of Committeee wrre not presented bat will come op fur Don eideratiou nt the adjourned session. JAILER GRIFFIN'S REPORT. At present there are the following seven prisoners ooulined in the jail the first four for vagrancy and the other three are insane - Robert Wallaoe, ' Tooker smith ; Joshua Craven, Montreal ; John McAuley, Dungannon ; John Chalwell, Roeerville ; David Patton, Goderioh ; Harry Oliver, Ashfield ; Jas. Hardy, Colborne. I einoerely hope your honor- able body will deoide at this meeting to pat a better system of heating into the jail. The water pipes have been frozen several times this Winter. According. to the revised Jail Roves it will be nec- essary for you to furnish two suits of clothing for your Jailer and Tnrnkey. Other Counties are doing so. Hoping these two requests will meet with your approval, Yours einoerely, JOSEPH GRIFFIN, Jailer. TREAOUBER HOLMES. In the County Treasurer's letter to the Coanoil he says :-Yon will notice in the statement of receipts and expenditure that there was a large expenditure iu some of the ancients, particularly in Snbools and Go. Property, but on the whole the amount estimated exoeeded the Ramal expenditure leaving at the oloee of the year a surplus of $466,60. Wm. Homage, Go. Treaeorer. ROAD COMMISSIONER, I herewith eubmit my report of hea- then transacted since the date of my report at your December meeting. It 000taiue the amounts of orders passed to date. Have advertieed and received tenders for the construction of three bridges wbiob are proposed to be built this year. The plane and epeoifioatione with the tenders will be submitted for your examination. Total amount of orders issued in 1903 was $17901.14 with $20 paid the Go. Trea=orer for sale of material. From Jan. let. to date ex peuded $29 45. JNo Atomise, Commissioner. EDUCATION 000mnownE'e REPORT. The three applicants viz Mame. Mot. fatt, Cameron and Field, all of whom are qualified for the Board of Go. Examiners bees been received. In the matter of the request of the Trustees, Aseooiation asking that delegates be appointed, we reoom• mend no aotion. In referenoe to claim of St. Marys Collegiate Inetitute, we advise that the opinion of the Go. Soliotor be the Council's gnide in the matter. We received and examined the Pablio School Inepeatore' reports' and advise that they be printed in the miuutee as usual. M. LOCKHART, Chairman. HORSE OF REFUGE CoMMtTTEE. We considered the communication of Mr. Brydon relating to Mre, Lloyd, an inmate of the Hoene of Refuge, and ad- vise that the matter be lett with thie Committee to deal with when we have faller partioalare, We reoommend that the reeigoation of Dire. Frenob, ae mat. ron of House of Range, be aooepted and that this Committee, to conjunction with Inepeotor Torrance, have power to pro. vide in the Daae in the meantime, Teo. dere for bread and grocery supply are continued from last year. A new tender for meat, at 7 Dente per Ib. has been as• oepted for three menthe. H. SFAorcuAG, Chairman. Handle the Pen and the Cash. The following is a list of the Secretary - Treasurers for the various Collegiate Iustitutee, Publio and Separate Sohoole in East Huron Inspectorate for 1904, presided over by Inspector Robb GREY. S. S. No, 1 John L. Dayideon Bromide 2 Alex. Stewart Craobrook 8 James Elliott Bruaeele 4 Bawer() Bryan, Jamestown 5 John Dunbar..,.. .. . ...... , G Angus. Shaw Bruaeele 7 William Cameron ,.......0ranbrook 8 Arch, McLean Oranbrook Clinton and ;Seaforth Collegtatee and 1 9 Marshal Harrison Monarieff 1 Robert Wallace Lnitelet 2 George Iduruetb Lakelet 13 Win, R. Johnston Clifford 4 Matthew Dane Gerrie 5 Be Denolimltu Gerrie 6 Robert Graham Fordwioh 7 Jltntee Armstrong Gerrie 8 I. 1e. Sothern 1'ordiviolt 9 Arthur C. Johnston Fordwich 10 James W. Edgar Corrie 11 William Edgar lrordwich 12 Ernest A. Hurls Newbridge 13 George Doubledee Belmore 15 Robert Wynn Likelet 16 Thomas Bennett Molee'vurth 17 George E, MoKoe Foruwiol] 18 John Maguire ' Gorrie U. 5 William Ronald Molesworth U, 12 3, T. Abram Belmore nuxLETT, 1 William Wilson Gonetauoo 9 Loren Tyndall Clinton 3 John Britton Constance 4 George Ruddell. L .olee'boro' 5 Richard Carter Loodeeboro' 0 Joseph Taylor Rarlock 7 John Brigham filyth 9 Geo, H. Barr Loodesboro' 9 Samuel Cox Auburn 10 J. D. Mountain Londasboro' U, 5 John Wilson Auburn U; 4 David J. Burns Holneeville U. 11 Robert Somers Blyth nemmOP. 1 Francis Murphy Seaforth 2 Samuel Dominos Consent -ice 4 B, S. Habkirk Senforth 5 John Nolan Beechwood 6 Robert B. Hogg Winthrop 7 John Ryud Leadbury 8 Conrad Eckert Beechwood 9 Wm, N, KDeohtel 10 Thomas M011roy 12 Arob. 1). Somerville 13 John McDowell box 41. U. 2 W. W. Sadler.. .... Leadbury I aoor,EorA'ra rnsTtTUTtde, WinthropAlex. Wilson Senforth Wpp ath rtlt 111, D. MoTaggart Clinton ,Dublin I R, 0. enPAno'rc amiomoe. 1 Seaforth ... John O'Keefe, Seaford No, 2, Bnllett.....T1108. Goebert, Clinton Blyth No. 1, Maaillop,..,Jacob Bruxer, Belgrave Beechwood Brussels No, 8, MoKillop„Juo. J. Dalton, Dublin Belgrave By preserving the above neeful infor- • , . ,• Brnsols n1a1100 will be at your disposal for thie ... W tughanl yeer. Bluevale Walton ,I3lnevale Walton Blyth HUMUS, 1 Wm. 0; Laidlaw• 11 Robert Yuill 4 Joh» Mooney 5 Wm. H. b'erguson. 6 Win, 13ryana 7 Robert Wa• wick 8 Santwaye Paul 9 John Shortreed, jr 10 Win. Jae. Johnston ,.• 11 It, H. Fergneett 12 William Mille TUOREESMITIi, 1 Robert McLaren Heneall 1 2 Thomas Elder Rippers 1 3 Edward Papple Brumfield 4 Whitfield Crich Clinton 5 Wm. Ar. hibald ... ....Egmondville 0 Hugh M. Hamilton Senforth 7 William Bleck Seaforth 8 Robert Hicks Egmoodville 9 Peter Kelly Egmondville 10 John Robertson Chteelharet TURNDEIIRY. 1 James A. Edgar Wroxeter 2 J. F. Hooper Wroxeter 3 William Aitkiu Glenannan 4 John McCracken Bluevale 5 Thomae Haugh Wingham 6 John Porter Wingham 7 Gavin Wilson Wingham 8 Wm, J. Henderson Wiegbam 9 Peter MoDougell Gloufarrow 11 Wm. H, Campbell Wingham TOWNS AND Vo1,LAOEB John Cunningham Clinton John Rankin Seaforth William Robertson Wingham R. K. Roes Brussels A. H. Plummer Blyth William Wilson Wroxeter BY-LAW NO. 212 ---OF TELE -- TOWNSHIP OF GREY A By -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township of Grey, for the purpose of granting a bonus of $5000.00 to the Guelph Junction Railway. Whereas a petition signed by at least 50 Freeholders resident in that portion of the said Township of Grey, 1p the County of Heron, hereinafter described, euch p titionere being duly qualified voters under the "Consolidated Munici- pal Act 1903" has been presented to the Council of the said Township praying that a By-law be eubmitte , for the a -sent of the qualified ratepayers, of such por- tion of said Township, grauting a l,ouua of $5,000.00 in aid of the said Railway, provided the said Railway be constructed, on what is known as the central roma, by way of the Villages of Milverton, 3i onk ton and Walton, the station of such Rail- way for Walton to be not more than half a mile distant from the present lotttion of Walton Poetoffice now in the said Vil- lage of Walton. And whereas that portion of the said Township of Grey, hereinbefore referred to and which is interested in the con- struction of the said Railway, or through or near to which the said Railway may pas, is that portion of the said Town- ship consisting of all lots and parts of lots comprised in the 13th, 14th, loth, 16th, 17th and 18th concessions of the said Township of Grey. And whereas it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition, And whereas in order thereto, it will be necessary to issue Debentures of the said Township of G,ey, for the sum of $6,000- 00 as hereinafter provided which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law). The proceeds of the said Debentures to be applied to the said purpose and to no other, and provided that the said Railway be con- structed on what is known ae the central route, as hereinbefore described or defined and provided that the Station of sunk Railway for Walton aforesaid, be not more than half a mile distant from the present site of Walton poatoffiae now in the said Village of Walton and a eicling and flag station at or near halfway be- tween Walton and Monliton. The said Guelph Junction Railway Company is not to receive any bonus from the Mnnioipalty of the Township of Grey until the said Railway is con- etruoted. And whereas the amount required by the Consolidated Municipal Act 1908, to be raised annually by special rate fur paying the said debt and interest is the sum of 3807.90, payable in twenty equal annual payments of principal and inter- est oomblued. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Township of Grey, according to the last revised As- sessment Roll, fe $1,788,900 and the amount of the whole rateable property of the said portion of the said Township according to the last revised Assessment Roll is 6498,450.00. And whereas the debt intended to be created by this By-law, le Created 017 the seoortty of the Speoial rate settler by this By-law, and on that security Duly. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the 'township of Grey enacts me follows ;- let A Bonus of 35,000.00 is hereby granted to the said Tile Guelph Jut,ution Railway Company in aid of the said Railway subject to the provisos herein- before recited ; and for the purpose of raining the said sum with interest, oven- tyDebenturea of the snit 'T'ownship of Grey, to the amount of $867.90 each shall be issued on the Second day of July 1904, eaoh of which Debenturee shell be dated on the day of the issue thereof, and shall be payable in consecutive years, r iehin twenty years thereafter at the Standard Bank of Canada in the Village of Bruit- sale, 2nd Each of the said Debentures shell be signed by the Reeve of the said Town - orb some other person Town- ship of Grey,n o n Y l B -law to sign the cam authorizede and also by the Treaeurerthereof, end the Clerk of the said Townehip of Geey, shall attach thereto the Corporate seal of the said Mdnioipality. 3rd The said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of forte per at nitro per annurn, payable yearly at the said IMPORTANT NOTICES BUY WANTED TO LEARN Blaokemithtng, Apply to GEORGE 100RMIRII, Jemoetowu. QHORT BORN YEARLING Bull for sole, red in color and Orad from let prise stook. Lot 23, Con 18, Grey ' J. D. MONAIR, proprietor, Craobroolt P, 0. p0R SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North -0,006 corner William and Albert etreete, Bruaeele. 49-tf J, LEORIE. ED1 GREED YORKSHIRE?, 1I Pigs Endo,months of bog any s Bo two mouth s ork. For 0g, NI C500. at ,Propn Lime Works. . B, NIOROC,• BON, Proprietor, RalgraVo P. 0. 2211 MONEY TO LOAN. -$25,000. We have the above umnuut of pri- vete (node to loan en rent estate mortgagee at 44 and 5 per Dent. Easy terms of re-pay- mout cud costa of loan moderate. PROIIDFUOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, &e„Goil erioh. Bank, on the seooudclay of July in each and every year, during the currency thereof, and shell have attached to them Coupons for the payment of interest and principal, which Coupons shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer. 4th During the Currency of the said Debentures there shall be raised annual- ly, by Special rate upon all the rateable propel ty lying within the portion of the Muutopality described ae follows :- Namely Lots numbered one to thirty - live inclusive in the thirteenth, fourteen- th, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth conceaeions of the said Town- ship the sum of $867.90 for the purpose of paying the amount due in eaoh of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt. 5th This By-law shall take effect on the day of passing' thereof. 6th The votes of the duly qualified electors of that portion of the said Town- ship of Grey, hereinbefore particularly described, shall be taken on this By-law at the followiug times and places, that ie to say on Monday, the 29th day rf Feb- rmu•y 1904, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and contin- uing until five o'olook in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning Officers : For Polling ebb -division No. 8 lots one to eighteen inclusive, at School Houee school section No. 2 of the Township of Grey, Oliver Turnbull, Deputy Return- ing Officer. For polliugeub-division No. 4 Iota nine- teen to thirtyfive, inclusive at School House •ohool section No. 9 of the Town- ship of Gray, Neil McNair, Deputy Returning Officer. 700 On Saturday the 20th day of February 1904 the Reeve of the said Township of Grey, shall attend at the Clerk's office in the village of Ethel in the said Township of Grey, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to at- tend at the various polling places afore- said and at the final Bumming up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the per- moae interested iu and promoting or , opposing the passing of this By-law respectively. 800 The Clerk of the said Township of Grey shall attend at the said Clerk's office at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Friday, the 4th day of March 1904 to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law and declare the result. Dated at the Township Hall in the village of Ethel in the Towuehip of Grey this 2501 day of January A. D. 1904. EMIT. 11. LIVINGSTON, Reeve, joint Melwrosia Clerk. Take notice that the foregoing is a tt•ne oopy of a propoeed 13y -lava which has been token into consideration, and which will ba finally paeeed by the Council of the Municipality (in the event of the assent of the electors entitled to vote thereon being obtained) after one month from the . that publication in Tun BRusnios POST, i newspaper, the date of which first publi- cation WO Thursday the 4th day of Feb- ruary 1904, and that the votes of the Electors of that portion of the said Muni- cipality particularly deeeribed in the said By-law will be taken thereon on the day and at the 1lottre and pbeoee therein fixed. Dated this 2500 day of January 1904, Jong Nehmen, Clerk. NOTICE. The above is a line oopy of a By-law passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Grey, on the 25th day of Janttary 1904. And all persons are hereby required to take ttotiee that any one deeirone of applying to have euch Byelaw or' any part therenf hashed must make hie quashed, for that purpose to the High Court of Jasbioe within three months next after the publication of this Notice once a week, for three sue0eeeive weeks, in the newapaper on/led q'BIt BRUSSELS PORT or ha will be too late to be heard in that behalf. Joon Mollgxoen, Clerk. 3 TBORO' BRED SHORT HORN Hulls for sale. One ie 1 year old and the other two younger. Ale@ several regist- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMBS e 1 eBrus- sels 90, Oon. , Morrie Twp., or Bn- 1 t] MEETING OF THE HOWIOK MUTUAL FIRE INS. aO'Y.- Notice ie hereby given that the Anneal Meeting of the Hawick Mutual Fire Iaeur- [nae Company wilt be held In the '1'own- Hall,Gorrie, on FRIDAY, FEB. 6th, 1004, al half past ono o'clock In the afternoon , for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Direct tors and Auditors for the past year, and for other business. By order of the board. W. 8. MoKLROHEIt, Wroxeter, Jan. 25,1004. Secretary. BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR BALE. -In the County of Halton Ivaueegaweya township, in the Village oft MI Nat. Ou this lot fa a good stone shop 40x80 feet, with lull set of tools, also a good forge frame house, geed Demo stable and driving house, an acre of ground with small orchard and good well. Property is 9ltnat- ea le good forming locality. No opposition within 6 miles square, Ae to 000Veoteune property is 4 of a mile from school, less than 5 miuutee walk to church or 0. P.R. station ; good woodworker shop in e000eo- ti. i anstere and poetoIlioe in village. Moffatt is 12 miles from Guelph, 25 miles from Hamilton and 12 miles from the Coun- ty town of Milton. Fur further particulars apply to the undersigned THUS, TAYLOR, MoffatP, 0„ Halton 00„ Out, 204 STOCK FOR SERVICE ERKS[Z1 ]30AR FOR SER. won --'The mnderelnend will keep fur eervine at Nd Lot 17, Cou, 7, Morrie a thorn' bred Berlrelilre limn•, bred by W. a. Cur - hum, Yolk Lodge, Hart Toronto, Pedigo ea may be mien cm by thoutioo Terme, 81.00, with privilege o! JAN, NXP200l , eroprletor, 'ROAR FOR SE1IXt0E.-TIIE I la eepservice 0n undersigned ilr willa fur LOW, Can, 11, tnrcy, 0 tiro 1047 b Improv- ed mprov ed Yorkshire hug. Pedigree maybe seen 00 application.Perms, Sab00, to he paid at time of eorviee with privilege of returning if necessary. DANIEL MAOHAN, 20.1 Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. FARM TO RENT, BEING LOT 20 Oop. 10, Grey, There aio 900 nesse FEB 4, .1904 RRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS 20 under cultivaion. Apttly le JOSEPH 1111100910ND, on the premises, or Monealeft if FOR SALE: ,UT 6, CON. 6, y gF f b and i nod sti uF cultivation. cleared et u a to g i 17 n el• good or - Farm is w tar t u l buildings, g I chard, &c Failure in health oauee for sel- ling. Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be held Ms follows :- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1904 YIARC8 Ord, 1904 APRIL 7th, 1904 A number of leading looal and foreign buyers wee be in attendance, Parties wishing to sell live etook of any deeaription, or Meer ohattele, by anotion, at each Fairs, Dun have the ammo attend• ed to by oommnnicatilg with the ander. signed before date of Fair, F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. Grey, containing 100 acres 76 biting ling. Pneeeagiun given ee 12118 tuouth's notice Terme envy, For 10061111' partlou- bare apply to TRt7P•MAN SMITH, on the promisee, or Breams P.O. 13 1.00 ACRE ROR SALE, boiug LotFA11. 005.1, Gro, towe- Bhip. 80 noses el, bred, balaeoe bush, 'Phare feu good homer, bank !taro, orchard, &o. Vitali fenced and farm to good condition ; 25 acres of Fall wheat tn, 0 miles from Brua- eele; only '1 of a;mile from ahureb and 11 miles from school. 1 oeeeanion could be given to suit the purchaser. For far- ther particulars as to price, terms, &o„ ap- ply 011 the premieee to A, 000E Proprie- tor, or at THE POST, Brussels. 21-tt 'WARMS FOR SALE. - 350 aures nret-alas, land 1a the Township of Grey -Lot 10, Con. 14, 100 00000 ; Lot 17, Oon 14,100 aoree ; and Wi Lot 18, Con, 14, 60aorea-260 acres All In excellent condi- tion with fieet.olaee buildings 1 brick house with all modern conveniences, and large bank barn, root and ebraw house, etabloe, 10. Well watered, Prom 85 to 40 aoree of good hardwood bush. Lot 19,Cum 13,eon- Wining 100uoree of first -eines land, goad frame house and large bank barn nearly new. The property can be sold io Mao or three parcels to suit purchasers. Terme liberal. Also a eommgdioue dwelling house and let in Btuasele. For 01 anter particu- lars apply to the owner ou the premises, LATIOBLIN MONNii, or to 7110. LE0KIE, Brussels. 21-tf I.i'ARM FOR SALE 00NTAIN• 100 00 agree, being North halves of Lots 15 aur 10, Con. 1, Grey. Oomfortable frame butoeo, bank barn, orchard, &o. Only 4 miles from Molesworth, Gor. d locality and fine roads Immediate poeeeseion. If farm is not sold by Dud of year it will be routed 1f suitable tamer, offers. Arrange - meats can be made to Winter stock at barn •so as to work up ebraw on hand. For fur- ther particulars apply to or write 18.11 W. H. RE1tR, Brussels. McCaa]glley Block Remember our Bindere, Mowers, Rakee, Harrows, Oullivatore, Drilla, etc„ are not excelled by any in the market. If You are in Need of any Farm requisite we have 0 at et RIGHT prise. This is the Place for rare values in Cotters and Sleighs, Harness, Cresco Separators, Pulpere, Waehere and Wringers. To Come inepeot our Stook and get 10001 Prices le your Golden Opportunity it you are a tiller of the Boil. Wagons, Buggies, Hay Loaders, Forks and Sauge, Windmills, Tread Powers, Ensilage Outtere, &m., handled in season, Neil S. McLauchlin, AGENT. 11111111MIESEMMUSUORMSEHMEZ9 6311111631=219189P J.F.&00. This Sale will Continue for 10 Days Only. J.F.&C0. Commencing Saturday, Jan. 23 E started the New Year as we have done for several seasons, with a Special Sale in everyDepartment High Class Merchandise at p artmenPrices P g made attractively low, without either sacrificing style or quality. None of the goods in the sale are made especially for "Sale Purposes" A few of the lots are odd or small and therefore must be closed out, in other cases the goods were made for Winter wear and must be cleared out at once. It has always been the policy of this ptore to carry no goods over to another season if low prices will move them. We mention below some of the special offerings. It will pay you well to visit us during this sale. Dress Goods 10 pieties Heavy Twill Amazon Cloth, 42 inches wide, very imitable Inc children's school dress, worth nuttier 250,& 80o, to clear at par yd 1 end 60 inch Navy Blue 13eilwarp Coating Serge, worth 75e, clearing at 3 ends fine pure wool Zibeline Drees Goode in Brown, Green and Oxford Grey, regular pride 750, to olear at 25 ends of heavy and 6' e all wool Sittings worth regu ar $1 00 and 31 25 to clear at 10 pieces 42 inch pure all wool serge in blank, navy, oardinal, green and brown worth 35o, olearino at 4 ends of our newest high class tweed Drees Goode 61 00 quality, to clear at 680 2 ends bleak and navy 54 inob Venetian Deese Goode well worth 751, to clear at 50 yde. 54 inch Homespun in Navy and Fawn worth 60o, to clear at 10 pieces Harris pure wool Homespun in Mid Grey, Oxford, Green and Fawn, well worth $100 to clear at 20 50 55 76 28 68 55 874 70 French Flannels 250 yds. Gone. Romain, Frenoh Flannel Waist• loge, the only tellable make, perfectly fast oolorein washing, guaranteed to wear, the most oomplete range of patterns in ail the 'Meet ideas, worth 60o, to clear at 6 endo 27 inch Fanny Iderdowu, imitable for Chiidree'a Coate, worth regular 50a, to akar at 874 88 Tailor Maio Skirts at Clearing 'rioos $8 50 Skirts at ...$ 2 50 4 50 Shirts et 8 60 6 50 Skirts at 3 95 6 50 Skirts at 5 00 Capes, Gloves, &c. 4 only, Lodiee' long Bleck Cloth paper, with Taf• tette Strewing, teenier price 35 00, to olear at 38 50 6 only Ladies' Long Black Fanoy Brocaded 010th Capes, worth regular 37, $8.50 and $1000, to clear at $4 50, $5.50 & 6 75 2 only Blank Goat Fur Gapes, worth $9 00, to olear at 6 50 3 dozen pairs of our beet quality Ladies' Colored Kui Glovee, alightly soiled, $1. and 31.25 per pair, to clear tit 25 & 60e 8 dozen Mien's Fine Kiti G'ovee, alightly dam ged, worth regular 31 and 31 25, to clear at per pr50 0 only Ladies' Catered 'leffetta Silk Waists, regn'xr prioe $5 00, ae'e price 8 76 20 pieuee Heavy'Faotory Cotton, worth today 7o, Bale price 5 800 yards of very Fine and Heavy White Cotton, 36 inches wide, beat ever sold at 10o, sale prioe 84 25 pieoee Wrepperebte, e1I tbie eeaeou'e patterns, and worth 124o and 15a, to clear at 10 Flannelette Gowns, Wrappers, Underwear and .Hosiery 50o Flannelette Goethe et $ 40 75o end, 90n Flannelette Gowrie at 66 $100 Fnrnnelette Gowns at 75 Latium' $1 00 Wrappere at 75 Ladies' $1 00 d.reppere at 1 80 Ladiee' 50o and 00o Veete at 89 Ladies050 Teets et 50 8 dozen Extra Haney AO Wool Scem,ebe Hose, in HMI 54 0, 6„ 7, 74, 8, 84, 9, 94, regular plioe 151 to 80.:, ".le price per pair 10 to 200 6 dozen Bolo' Belr0 Heavy Pure Wool Worsted 73oae, etzee 7, 74, 8, 54, 9, 94, worth regular 87e to 60o, olear,ng pr,oi, per pair 30 to 890 10 doe n Mteeee' Ribbed Cashmere Bose, made from pare Caehmere Yarns, in eine 7, 74, 8, 84, worth regiltar 85o, to clear at per pair.... 20 REMNANTS IN EVETtY DEPARTMENT TO OLEAR AT VERY SMALL PRICES. J. FERGUSON & CO. Dry Goods dommamesummorsoismialid and Groceries.