The Brussels Post, 1904-2-4, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 30 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1904 New Advertisements, Looal—R, B. Shaw, Check the ewagh—Jae. Fox. Winter Bargaine—W. Innen. Wanted—Stone & Wellington, Farm for Bale—Mrs, T. Odder. Condition Powders—F. R. Smith. Beed pate for sale—Mrs, IJ. Dickson. xstrixt 3ebrs. The township Commit will be held here next Monday. Store supplies have been running abort owing to the long delayed freight traine. Mre. D. Bakmier wee making a visit witb old friends iu Brussels during the pact week. Mre. D. C. Roes, of Benguela was visite ing with the family of Stmeel Ames, her father this week, The officersfor the Christian Endeavor Sooiety of the Presbyterian ohoroh for this term are :—Hon. President, Rev. D. B. MORee ; President, 9, J. Campbell ; Viae President, Mies E. Rau.om ; Re cording Secretary, Mies B. MoDona d ; Corresponding Secretary, Mise S. Welch Treseurer, 0. Davis. There are also three Oommitteee representing the Pray- Deering ray Deering 23arvest Machinery Co. I beg leave to notify the Farming Community chat I have been appointed Local Agent for the Dearing Harvest Maohinery Co., and will be plea -mod to be favored with a phare of public patronage. SHOW ROOM ON MILL ST., where machines may be seen and information obtained. Hope to have the p'eaeare of calling on many during the Doming season. If anything is required in thio line oall on me, G. R. STUBBS MILL STREET, BRUSSELS. er meeting, Look -oat and Seidel, New tomo oarde have been hotted. Station Agent Beattie baa been having a trying experience thio Winter owing to the badly mixed up train eervioe. As there is no telegraph line at Ethel depot he hae no recount but to "We•oh out for the Locomotive" as the old time aroeeine eign used to read. Jrt»te*to wn. Read Walter Innes advt. in thio issue of 'Paz PoeT. Juneve Taylor ie keeping better thier week we are glad to say. Farmers have Dot begun to out wood for themselves yet and never epeakof sell ing any. Roads are terrible to travel on but one good thing ie we are in no eoaroity of proviaione yet e0 we do not grumble bad. Thoee taking part in the debate here, on Wedneeday are teachers, Straiten and Weir, Robert Simpson and Ward Cal biok. :Mre. Molligao, who got blood poisoned some tirne ago i8 able to go about now. Tbe Dr. vieited her over 30 times. She had u bad band. Rev. Mr. Perrin preached In the Hall last Seedily night. All denominations were highly pleased with him. He is a fine preauher we think and Wrox.ter ie lucky in getting Bah a men. H. W. Avieou is expected next Sunday night. WANTED A men to represent "0eatene'e GREAT- ReT Noneznies" in the town of Broeeale a to0000uuuding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in. Fruit Trees, Nntall Fruits, Ornamentals, ohrubt, hoses, Vince, Need Potatoes, &a. Stook true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or oommieeion. Stone & Wellington IONTIIILL NIId9ERIE9 30.3m over 800 Aoree TORONTO, - - ONTARIO Sacred Concert e rt THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4th, 1904, 111 Brusseletheflist C COMMENCING AT 8 O'CLOCK. THE PROGRAM' - PART 1. 1 Opening Hymn .... "Praise God from Whom all bleeeinge flow," Lead by Oroheatra 2 Solo, "Emanuel". Sir. F. II. Gilroy 3 Quartette "The Voice of Many Waters,".... Meeere. Kerr, Sharp, Ooneley and Milhaaoen 4 Solo.."The Reeurreotion Morn,".. Mr. R. 8. Fletcher 5 Trombone Solo with Violin Obligate, Meeare. W. A. Grower and H. L. Jaolteon 6 Solo "Satiefed" Mr R. J. MaLauohlin 7 Trombone Bolo.."Outeidn the Gates of Paradise" Mr. W. A. Grewar 8 Solo .."Thy King"Mt. H. W. Avison PART 1/. 1 Quartette.."All United in Jeeae".. Messrs, Kerr, Sharp, Oouatey and Milhaoeen 2 Solo "Galilee"....Mr, Jae. Jones 8 Violin Solo Mr. H. L. Jaokaon 4 Bolo.."One Sweetly Solemn Tbnught," ....Mr. J. L Kerr 5 Trombone Solo.."Holy Orese,"„ , Mr. W. A. Graver 6 Bolo...."For all Eternity,".... Mr. J. klilhansen 7 Hymn.,"Grown Him Lord of All",. Lead by Oreheebra Chair will be occupied by Rev. T. W. Cosine ADMISSION, 15 C. CHILDREN 100. .A. Welcome is Extended to All I I ONTARIO'S FACTORY TO ONTARIO'S FARMERS I Central Prison •vr+ • Binder t . wine la,la'llrlitU'VIea9ll�trhPtl'hnhle, 'me11u1rhrlJeJ(Ao' We have the agency for Grey, Morris and McKillop This Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3 Rope Halters, Samples of the Grain Bags, Halters and Twine may be seen at our store. There are 4 Brands :— PURE MANILA, 650 feet MANILA, 550 feet PURE MANILA, 600 feet MANILA, 500 feet Mail orders will be carefully attended to. Special prices on ton lots. To secure this Twine you must place your order. The price will be considerably lower than the prin. of any other Twine on the market. Prices will be officially published in the leading papers in due time. Order early and save money, A. M. MCKAY : Co. Prinoipal Sttaohun, of Beaton, epent Friday and Saturday of lea weak ander the parental roof prior to commencing duties in Teegwater. Mise Belle Straohan bee returned to Toronto to look up novelties in Millinery. Miss Marjorie Straohan bap acoompauied her, They went by Wrote eter on Tuesday, Leah Saturday morning Charles, eon of Rufus Jaoklin, died of tonellitie aged 2 years and 7 months. Hie mother, who wae a daughter of Harry and Mre. Attwood, 8rd oon. Grey, paned away 2 yours ago. Monday afternoon the little lad was buried at Bross/ale cemetery. W e-rextheevr. Joseph Heyworth is in Toronto this week, A. McLean (pent Monday with relatives in Harrieton. Mies Annie Meth returned to Toronto last Saturday. Mies Merle Mann, of Teeawater, is the guest of ber aunt, Mrn, G. Allan. Arthur and Mre. Wella entertained e lunge number of their y0u0g triende Tuesday evening. Owing to the illness of Principal Hart. ley there hae been no eohool in the senior room for a few days. W. Currie who formerly 000upled the Union Hotel here hae rented the Gotten House and takes possession this work. Thos. and Mrs. Sanderson, of Prinoe Albert, N. W. T., former residents of the village were the gneete of old friende here last week. John Morrison and Mies Letitia Mor• rieon returned from Arthur on Saturday where they attended the funeral of the former's mother. A bnokey match between Clifford and Wroxeter wae played in the rink here Tuesday evening The snore was Wroxeter 12, Clifford' 1. The fifth annual Aeeembly of the baoholore of Wroxeter was given in the Town Hall Friday evening and was a moat enjoyable affair, the proceeds of which have been sent to the Sick Child• rine' Hospital. John B. Vogt, who for the past forty years has been a resident of the village, died Tuesday morning. Mr. Vogt for many years was known as the moat ex- pert gunsmith in tbie motion. A widow and eon, Fred. Vogt, and daughter, Mies Jennie Vogt, of Detroit turvtve him. Cer new Conned at their flret meeting plainly showed that they were in for economy, For many genre (to their uredii be it said) the Wroxeter Council hae donated either five or ten dollars towards the Biok Children's Hospital bat the present Oonnoil by a vote of three alcwed plainly their belief that "Charity begins at home". What is it the Bible nye about Charity 2. The Presbyterian congregation held their annual meeting Monday afternoon. It wae well attended and mast have been enoo0raging to their new pastor to find that every branch of their work was in a healthy and growing oondition. Ae we before remarked in our correspondence Rev, Mr Perriu was rapidly endearing n y himself to hie congregation, and Monday they showed their appreciation of hie good work by giving him a well filled puree. The attendaoae during the past year has inoreaeed very much, and the member. ehip largely added too. leer)rrt►e. Wedding. next Wednesday afternoon on the 5th line, Township Council will meet on Monday next. Some roads are so badly out off that travelling is anything bat safe. H. and Mre Mooney arrived book from a trip to Paisley on Friday night.. The notion for breaoh of promise entered by Mies Ella Nicholson against Robert Coelho jr , has been dismissed, plaintiff paying the theta. George Johnston, Robert Shedden and William Elston were 8100101 Direotore of East Huron Agricultural Society as representatives from Morrie. We are sorry to hear of the serious ill• nese of Dr. B. Oaldbiok, of Grand Rapids, Mich, He is a eon of Samuel Oaldbiok, and line. The daoter's many triende hope he will aeon be o. k. The Mines Manning, of the 5th line, were among^the storm stayed passengers at Clinton last week while oomiug borne from London. It le hardly safe t0 venture away from borne these days. Morrie township for the first time hae the honor of having the Warden of the County a resident in the person of James Bowman, We wish him a pleasant term of pace. The other day Edward Armetrong, 5th line, in attempting to drive into Jas. Davie' got his team fast on a picket fence wbioh be did not notice owing to the snow bathe, Fortunately the piekete were not pointed. A welcome visitor is Jno. Kellington, a son of Mrs. Killington, 4th line, who ie here from Britian Oolumbia. It ie 16 years oinoe Mr. Kellingtna was here. He ie an inventor and hae profited well by hie genius. His stay here will be brief, Last week Reeve Iebietnr was away to Goderiob attending the County Coattail as a member of a delegation asking for aid to put the "prairie" road South of Wingbatn, in better condition: He preeented his oath well we have no doubt. K. Mckenzie and wife, who have been well known resident, of this township for a good many years, intend removing ebortly to Gdelph locality where they pnrpoee making their home James Sherrie purchased Mr. MOKenzi&'s term and gets po0seeeion in the near future. Tbe 100 bore farm of J, H, Roberteon being North hell lot 1, oon, 4, a mile and s quarter North of Belgrave, hae been sold to John Wightman for the aim of 95,100. Mr. Robertson purchased this property about 2 yearn ago and did well by it. He pnrpoeee leaving here about the middle of Marin for Boiesevain, Man., locality where he intends making hie lone, Manitoba is not a new coantty to Mr Roberteon as he hae been there a nnmber'of thong and hae three brothers living there now. 1#e has arranged for 08 auction able, °raven amok irnplemellta, &a„ Tuesday, February 16th. F, S, Somtt, of Beanie, will be the aaotioneer. The many friends of Mr, Roberteon and family will be well pleased to beer of their well doing in the Welt. M D, Mo}lillao diad at hie father's home in Morrie aho,tly atter nine c'alook Wedneeday night, of lath week, Four months ago he returned borne from British Colombia Buffering with hem. orrhagee, which were brought on by the berating of a blood venal in one of hie lunge during a fit of coughing. The funeral took plaoe from his father's reeidenoe on Saturday afternoon at 1 30 and interment wee made in the Union cemetery. To the aged parents, brothers and sister we extend oar eiuoereaympathy in their bereavment. rev.. Township Connell neat Monday. Mise Bertha Sharp, of Morrie, hae been visiting Mies Jana, Frain, 3rd oon. Samoa REPORT.—January report of 8 8 No. 8. IV Claes —George Barron 335 ; Edmund McNeil 244 ; Mary Ful. ton 166 ; Beatrice Whitfie,d ' 166 ; Hugh McNeil 98 ; Charlie Strath 41. III Olase.—John°y Strath 194; Kenneth McLean 183 ; Sandy Barrow 96; Aline Casio 46 II Claes —Johnny Oaeic 18. Pert II Beaior.—Lewis Whitfield 69. Part II Junior —Amnia MuLean 117, Mies T. Bwrrzni, Teacher. 0. P R Br new.—In 110,8 ieeue of THE Poex may be read the Bylaw upon which the property owners will be asked to vote upon on Feb. 29th °oneeraing the grant. ing of 95,000 to purchase right of way for the proposed 0. P. R. for this town Fillip. Debentures will oover 20 years, et 4% interest, the yearly payment being 9067,90 By law includes Oone. 18, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 and polling pb,0ee will be at aohnol house at S. 8. N ,. 2 with 0 iver Tnrubnll as Deputy Returning Officer, and eohool house 8. 8 No. 9 with Neil Mohair as Dapnty. Oa Friday Meech 4th at 10 o'olook a. m. Township Clerk McIntosh will tum up the votes and deolare the reenit. All ietereeted ehoald read the Bylaw carefully so as to be able to vote iutalligently on the gneetion, A oepy of the paper with the By haw should be preeerved It will appear in three ioenee to comply with the law. Scaoon Berm —The to lowing is the standing of pupils of S. S. No. 10 for the month of January :—Average attendance 30. 5th olaee.—Oeoil Coutts. Sr. 441.- 0 ara Rothwell 70 ; Cela Rothwell 66 : Sophia Sperling 42 ; Arthur Denman 40; Jae. Comte 84 Sr. 8rd. —Grace Bpeirau 74 ; Florence Whitfie,d 72 { Mamie Den- man 71 ; Eva Rothwell 70 ; Charlie Bat tery 69 ; Jessie Campbell 67 ; Stanley Hntohm-on 60 ; Cheater Baker 40. Jr. 8rd. Willie Speiran, Rov Taylor. Sr, 2nd.-0.lma Speiran 70; Katie Denman. 66 ; James Doul 45 ; Perot. Ward 40. Jr 5th.—Geo. Evans 66 ; Myrtle Speiran 60 ; Iva Speiran 56 ; Lily Evens 50 • Robt. Piokerell 42 ; Herman Piokerell 80; Pt. II—Marguerite Hatobinaon 79: Mary Maohau 70 ; John Hyde 53 ; Alex. Hyde 61 ; Russel 0outte 40 ; Willie bVard ; Minnie Hanna ; Br, Pc, I—Fred- die Cox • Jr. Pt, I—Hartwell Speiran, Stanley Maohao, Millie Cox 8. B. Lama, Teacher. FEBRUARY WEATHER. Rev. Irl R. Rieke Encourages Small Hope for Improvement. Rev. Irl R. Hicks, of 8t, Louie, Mo., in the new issue of Word and Works prints hie weather foreoaete for February, whioh are not very encouraging to thoee who are tired of the aerate weather of the pant month. He says : The etorm diagram shows that the month begins on the central day of a regular storm period, with the full moon in perigee on the first, and a Memory period approaobiteg its minter. The firs, stage of this period will fall .00 the last two days of January, that is, ohange to warmer with barometer falling in the West, and wince shifting to Euaterly and Southerly. By the 1st, storm areas will begin to form over the Western parts of the country, marked depressions of the barometer will bo moving Howard, and wide areae of rain and now and sleet will pees Eaetwardly across the 000ntry during the let to the 5th, Ordinarily a cold wave and blizzard would appear before the 4th, but tbe moon does not pass the celestial equator until the 4th, hence the storms of this period may not reach b:izzerdoue proportions lentil after that date. The Mercury dietarbanoe oon+inues up to about the 10th, hence Bloody, malty, sleety weather will oon- Mune in all probability into the reaction. any period antral on the 61.11, 7th and 8th. If heavy snow and sleet etorme do not appear during the firet four days of the month, such storms will almoet certainly develop,aboatthe 6th to the 9th. But the °hanoee for marked Winter therms on and neer the first clay of the month are many. Upon the whole, much threaten• ed weather with severe Winter etorme are almoet oerteinties during the first eight or ten days of February, or until the Mercury influence subsidee. This will prove one of the moth general and deetroative sleet pariah' of the Winter, and et least One severs cold wave may be counted on. Two are gait° probable woe not far from the drat, another on sad about the. 7th and 811, Those who live out on the great plains of the Weet and North ebonld exorable prudent watchful. nose for themselves and their live stock at the time, 1n the nature of the ease the Meroury period gruapa the first two storm periods of the month into one prolonged spell of threatening weather, and severe Winter etorme, The third elorin period is central on the 12th and 'althea from the 10th to the 18th. Felling barometer and general storms of rain and e0ow will return about the 14110, 16th, and 161h. This period will culminate about the time of the new moon on the lath, bringing storms of a tropioel nature Southward, with change to blizzardone features in the Wast and North, This period is also prolonged by the 0000 moon on the 16'10, aimed op to the reaotionary storms about the 18th and 19th, If rising barometer and oold wave follow framed. ietoty utter the new rnoon on the 16th, a sudden revulsion to storm ooeditiou will reappear %boat the 18th to Roth. These storms will leo be followed by a hlgb barometer and cold wave aboat the 20th to the 22nd. Ouraritical friends who love to dwell upon the feet that we cover the whole time with our storm periods, will have good 'opportunities to bring oat this argument during this month. The Earth brace, or the growing Vernal equioox, begone about the last half of the month. All through Vernal equinox will be felt, prolonging the regular storm periods, mooing sporadic squalls of rain, wind end snow, and bringing some Bang atone tropical etorme op from the regions of the equator, r The oast regular storm period for February is amoral on the 24th, ite dieturbing influence reaching from the 22nd to the 27th. The first etagee of this period will bring cbanges to muob warm er in Western parte—winds will ohange to Boutberly and Eastern, the barometer will fall, the hygrometer will show increasing humidity and more etorme of rain, turning to snow on the North side, will pate Eaetwardly over the 000ntry from the 24th to 27th. Ae the month goes oat generally fair and colder weather will prevail. In the Western extremes, reaction to warmer will have set in, rend the barometer will be falling preparatory to the reactionary etorme due the first three days of March. Ws tulle o0oaeiou to say again that the last half of February aunaally ie Vernal equinox, and for this season under the growing iefioonoe of the alone threatening weather with emote of rain, snow and elect are liable to appear any day. ANNUAL MEETING MELViLLE CHURCH, A SUCCESSFUL YEAR, The annual meeting of Melville ohurob eougregataon, Brussels, wee held in the Sabbath Schoolroom on Monday evening, the pastor, Rev. John Roes, B. A , presiding. There was a good abtendanoe and the baeioeee was put through in a pr+•mpt and very eatiefaotory manner. 1908 was one of the most eaooessfnl years m oonoection with the history of the onngregetion and will no doubt prove a et1maae for the forthcoming time. The only changes in the offteiale was the election of Jno. Leokie in the plaoe of G. F Blair, removed to Goderiah, and Robert Straohan ail e000eesor to Jamee Turnbull, of Grey, who declined re- election, although a most useful and diligent m, mber of the Board tor many yenta. Managers are as follows :-1 year, J Leckie, JAI Cameron, Jae. Cat and James Bowman { 2 years, Jae. Speir, M. B.aok, A. Hislop, M. P. P., and A. Gant { 8 years, Robt, Straohan, D. 0, Rhee, Jae. Fox and A. Adam°. Auditors, Geo. Thomeou and A. Straohan ; Ben rotary Treasurer, Jao. G. Beene. Mie- eionary , Tae. Association htr h n 8 as a G. A. Deadman end Peter Watson. The printed report gave the following parttoalare :— Number of familiee 200 M tethers added to roll 25 Members removed from roll 23 Preeent membership 442 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. Balance from 1902 $ 15 98 Loose collations 150 96 Envelope oolleotione 1624 17 Total $1801 11 009090ITIIRE. Minister's salary 91200 00 Organist's salary 100 00 Caretaker's salary 79 95 Treseurer'e salary 60 00 Pumping organ 10 00 Pulpit supplies 76 00 Presbytery and Synod Fund12 25 Quarterlies 12 80 Printing, postage and envelopes 18 80 Repaire 101 68 Expenses to Oharoh Courts.,8 26 Wood and Light 79 03 Communion txpe0aee 7 95 Taxes 47 77 Choir 6 50 To Balanoe Total $1801 11 MIIIBIONARY & BENEVOLENT. Congregational Quarterly Con. tributione „9 332 22 Our Home Missionary 180 60 Spenialfor H. & F. Miseione..,10 00 W F. el. Sooiety 166 00 Mission Band 47 00 Sabbath School, Mieeione 60 19 Ohildreh'e Day Colleotioo10 88 Young People's Guild 50 00 Mise Brydon'e Minion 16 00 Treat Society 10 80 Rev. E. 0. Enhoo, Persia 5 81 Thanksgiving Day0olleotion12 35 31799 63 1 48 Total $ 901 75 SUMMARY. Aotual amount aootribnted for ordinary pdrposee, B. 8., and Y. P. Gelid of 0. E $1908 48 Mieeionary and Benevolent.,., 901 75 Total $2810 28 In Missionary glvioge the congregation certainly did well and needled high water mark, the total being over 9900 Com. meeting on this very ptomaine portion of the report the pastor expressed the hope that the etendard he had set for the trot gregation of $1000 for Miesione wee Wilkin reach next year if everybody gave a lelping hand and the congregation wee oomplimented on their liberality, This was the 25th anouel meeting of the congregation the presoak peetor hae preoidod over and eons have been more hbrmonione. The congregation le entirely cot of debt and the varieties department are doing good work in advancing the inteteete of the toaobinge of top mood Hook feithinily W. H , KE R R, Prop. proolaimed from the pulpit and taught in the Sabbath Boboola and Young Peoples' Safety. Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Brassie Council was held in the Connell 'chamber on Monday evening. All the , members present, Reeve in the °hair. The following amounts were present: ed :— Sas. Kelly, wood, Town Hall 912 50 Alex. MoLauohlio, salary 25 00 Dr. Toole, Medioal Healtb Officer10 00 G. R. Muldoon, Fire Dept 2 50 E T. Bperain, miooellaneone 2 00 W, M. Sinoleir, legal, Turnberry sewer 2 00 G. F. Bair, legal 6 00 Jno. Ballantyne, rebate on taxes2 00 J. W. MoOraoken,street imp5065 A. Lindsay, ' 0. Meadows, Fire Dept 76 H, Mercer, 0 " 1 25 J. Stevenson, " " 1 00 R. Hendereou, " " & street 8 00 Stewed &Lowiok " " 1 90 Moved by A. Baeker, mended by R. Thomson that a000nnte as read be paid. Carried. The report of Rev, R Paul, Chairman o1 the Board of Health, orae read and adopted. Property and Finanoe Committee were attack as fo,lowe : Reeve, Hendereoo and Plum. Street Committee, Reeve, Baeker and Thomson. Auditors' Report was read and consider. ed and on motion of S. T. Plum and R. Hendereon the report was adopted and abstract ordered to be printed. Moved by A. Baeker, eeoonded by R. Henderson that the following officers' salaries be paid A. Strachan, Treasurer ..$50 00 Jno. Long, Collector 46 00 W. H. McCracken, Auditor 6 00 J. Y. 8. Kirk, 6 00 Tendere for printing for 1904 will be reneived at the next meeting of the Conan. Receipts for melee for January amount. ed to $24.10. Moved by R, Hendereon, mended by A. Baeker that 91.00 each, be allowed to 3. Loakridge and Joo. Currie for doge. struck off. Carried. A. St eohan, asked for a raise in salary from $60.00 to 375.00 On 0001)00 of A. Beaker, seconded by R. Thomson salary was pat up to $80 00 By -Law No. 4 was read and paeeed oon- Thethe same. An interesting dismission was taken F. B. Scott, applied for an in - part in by the Council Board over the Fire Brigade and representatives from the Board will attend the annual meeting next Tuesday evening. The question of extending poetomoe boors was disarmed and it was moved by R. Thomeou, emended by R. Hendereon, That thio Oounoil ask the Postmaster General to instruct the Poetmaeter to keep the pootoffioe open until 7 p. m, and when the train from the East is late thee the office be kept open until 9 o'clock. Carried CleTreseurer,,rk, oreaee to hie preeent salary of $80 00. The matter was left over until next meeting. Council then adjourned. EDITORIAL NOTES. Com MDNRO, el. P. P., has a majority of 970 in North Oxford, a big result eon eidering the very etorme' weather on polling day. It • ZION, the home of the followers of John Alexander Dowie, near Chicago, is rather badly handicapped with debt, over $3000 000 are required to meet the indebtedneee. Elijah II is away on a trip to.Anetralia where his wife and eon are visiting. • GeReeaa o is kicking against the wearing of red neoktieo by the eohool teaobere as red is the reoognized color of the Socialists. In thio country people wear any kind of a necktie they like and some times get a hemp one presented to them even without asking for it. Ties gaeetion rained by M, G. Cameron, M. P. P., for West Huron, is the Local Legielature, ail to whether Mr. Ddnlop is legally the member for North Renfrew 11 causing 000siderable oomment. It is a peonii0r °ace but the probabilities are if another election were held tbe result would be mach the same se at present, e • INDICATIONS point to the feet that in the Doming British elections the Liberals may return to office. The forecast makes the Dake of Devonshire the Prime Min- ister and Lord Roseberry, Foreign Beare. tary. Mr.Ohambetlain'e wave on the trade gaeetion appeare to be receding. P°10ties is a peculiar game and the ex. change of aides ie often caused by almost unknown reasons. * J. ISRAEL TARTEWAS working up trouble for the Liberal party and was asked to vacate hie cabinet pooition in the Dominion Government, Now be is making it lively for Quebec Coeeerveliveo with the reedit that Mr, Monk, leader of the apposition in that Provinoe, hae reeignod hie office. Mr. Tarte ie like a spoiled boy If he don't get all he asks for he kicks up each a dust that for peace sake he often gets more than he deserves. Besides having a shortage of coal to oontsnd with, citizens of Windsor are faoiog it potato famiue. There wag a 60008107 of potatoes last Fall, and slit dealers thawed a supply from Eastern places, but now they have ran abort .and cannot fill orders. The weather at pros< eat ie too sold to move tubere by train, ooneequently people who are not enpplied will have to go without until the weather moderates. CIIL'II UIIMES. 0. Monthly MUIIissionary Day In the Methodiet Sabbath eohool neat Sunday afternoon. A meeting of the Executive of Wing. chum Dtetriot Epworth League le called for Friday of this week in Meehan, Four bishop' and about forty clergy will leave England in the Spring to eon - duet the Anglican mission in South Africa. Rev. A, B. Dobson, of Fordwiob, and Rev. Joe, Roes, B. A., will exchange pulpits next Sabbatb, the latter preach• tag anniversary Hermone. Mies Mellish, either to A. E. Mellieb of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, is u teacher in eonne0tiou with mission work in the Yukon and enjoys ber position although far from home. In 1860 the Presbyterian Ohuroh in England had only 148 congregations, with 38,000 members. At the close of last year the oongregalioue numbered 835 and the memoerehtp nearly 90,000. A se01io0 of the Balvatiou Army has decided to make a campaign in Keutnaky where fends and murders have beau 'rife, in the bope of inducing it better moral Sentiment, and the Christian principle that will do away with these lamentable tragedies. The Epworth League service last Sabbath evening was 10 obarge of the Woman's Missionary Society of the (thumb. Mrs. J. L. Kerr, the President, presided and Mre. (Rev) Paul, Mrs. Boohanan, Mre, Gordon Mooney, Mre, (Rav,) Coeene and Mre, Watson Ainlay took part. Rev. T. W. (keens took as hie subject last Sabbath morning "The Kingdom of Christ" and in the evening hie dieoonree wag based on the text "Give attention to reading". Miesee Carrie Hingeton and Dolly Baeker tang a duet at the morn- ing eervioe entitled "Sowing". The regular quarterly Communion eervioe will be held in the Methodist ohnroh next Sabbath morning, oommeno• log at 10 u'elook instead of the tonal hour of 10,30. Fellowship meeting will follow the sermon after whioh the sacrament will be administered. It ie expected the new individual Communion servioe will beiutroduoed on Sunday. The pastor will preaoh. Last Saturday afternoon Rev. Andrew MaoNebb, M. A., of Walton, preached at the preparatory eervioe in Melville ohnroh to a good sized oo0gregatiod. His theme was "Christiana the workmanship of God", from wbiob be gave an excellent dieoonree. Bobbatb morning the pastor, spoke on the appropriate eubjeot of "Re. membering Christ." 9 members joiued the ohurab on profession of faith and 8 by cartiflaste, 12 in all. "Realizing the Obriet ideal in our hues was the. pastor's re topic at the evening eervioe. Rev. Mr. Rose 000nbied the pulpit at the servioe on Monday forenoon. Canadian Ne wee. Bishop Gravel, of Nioolet, is dead. The Mimioo Asylum is no longer under smallpox quarantine, Jamas Haelett, an old resident of Tborndale, was frozen to death in his bonne. The story that Lord Minto will be appointed Viceroy of India ie denied by Major Maude. W. H. Robinson was elected Mayor of Oakville, by the outing vote of Town Clerk Davie. The Oceemee high and public school building wad destroyed by fire. The children all escaped. alts. Ntoboleon, wife of a Yarmouth townehip farmer, committed suicide by taking rougb on .rate. Thos, Lawlor, a young golf instructor, Toronto, attempted to shoot hie wife end then oommitted eaioide, Abraham Shaw, of Kingston, was re. eleoted Grand Z. of the Royal Aroh Masons', Grand Chapter. William Harvey, a retired merobant of Hamilton, oommttted suicide while visit. ing relatives in Dandies o0anty. The complete returns in the North Ox- ford election are, Munro 2,885, Butler 1,865 anaajority for Munro, 970. D 0. Bull, of Brampton, hes purohaeed 40,000 aoree Weet of Yorkton, from the ORnadian Northern Railway, for a oattle ranoh. William H. Rutherford, of Galt, oom• mitred suioide in a most determined manner at his borne Sunday night by in. haling gas. Thomas Blake, of St. Catharines, °barged with stealing lettere from the poetomoe, has returned and surrendered to the poaoe. An attempt to start a fire with the aid of noel oil oaased a fire wheel resulted is about 91,300 damage, at 734 Bpadina avenue, Toronto. A. Boyer, of Greenwood, wag °aught in a shaft of 1010 mill, whirled around oeveral times and thrown fifteen feet into the tail rape. He was killed. Jaetioe Thetzel bee diemieeed the char- gee of corrupt praotioes against Homer Miles and Elise P. Smith, aching pat of the Lennox Provinoiel eleotitn. A convention of the Liberals of New Brunewiok will be held at St. John, N. B„ on Febrnary 11, to endorse the lead• er0ltip of Hon, H. R. Emmerson. The Baroedale Company'o grocery etas at Stratford watt gutted by fire. The firemen had trouble with fr+zau hydrants, Loos on stook, $20,000 or 925,000, Mr, Millar a student al the Ontario' Agricultural College, Guelph, has been removed to the isolation hospital enffer= ing with a mild attack of smallpox. The college has been quarantined. The weather is mild in Southern Al. berth and Western Aeeinboia and decided. ly aid from Manitoba to Ontario, with every indwation that the ooid wave will spread Eeetward. Both Winnipeg end. Port ,lrthar report 24 degrees bolovr,