The Brussels Post, 1904-1-28, Page 4We have that CelebratedRemedy, Cough D elm BETTER LURE THAT COUGH NOW Our BLOOD ROOT Cough Cure SUREL Y, is just the thing that willl do it SAFELY AN° QUICKLY It aids expectoration—soothes intlammation—it heals, aures and strenghtens. It will not cure Consumption but it will any Cold or Cough of the ordinary kind. We back up this statement by guaranteeing a refund of your money if it fails in your ease. 25c. a bottle, only, from DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. et:MItMEN ExTENBION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follows; GOING SMITH GOING NoHTB. Mail 700 a.m J Mixed 10;00 a,m Mixed..,..... 1000 e.,m Mail ,, 1:17 panExpress steepen Express 8:17 p.m .oral Serfs Mems. A chiefs amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prone i:. Glenne Cocoon Friday evening. Haw ayes the date on your label read 7 BEuesELo Oonaeii will meet next Mon. daMMonerey. Horse Fair Thureday of next week Feb. 4th. APTERNooN teas and At Homes have been plenttfal enough of late in town to keep the fair sex free from monotony. THE storm and bud roads has rather, interfered with benison but it ie to be hoped tbie aunditioe of affairs will cease before the 24th of May. Tan Seaforth and Wroxeter stager mede their respective tripe on Mooday bat returned without mail bane as trains were not running on ei her linea. Sonne trouble is being experienced by auger beet growers in this Emotion in getting their pay from the Wiartan Sugar Beet Oa. Ramon is not of a very eatie• factory obaraotar. Tax Grand Trunk should run a tri- weekly train as this winter the tri -daily has turned oat that they ran one day and tried to get book the next and then did not always succeed. OWING to shortage in fuel the electric light was shut off on Friday night. The bad roads rendered wood hauling im- possible and the cancellation of freight trains shut off the arrival of coal supply. DIED, -Monday of last week, Ellen Soots, sister to Mre. Henry Woods, of Brunets, died at Park Hither pneumonia after lees than a week's Rheas. She kept house for her brother 30130. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Mre. Woode was with deoeaeed at the time of her demise. Owtso to the cancellation of trains on this lioe Co. Oonnoillore Miller, of Wrox- eter, Bowmann and Kerr drove over to Seaforth an Monday evening so as to get a train. They found that the snowplow and an amine were off the track near Dublin and Co. Councillors had to pat np the Oommeraial Hotel until Tgeoday, ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual meeting of the Howiok Mutual Insurance Corn pany will be held in the Town Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, Feb. 6th, at 130 o'olook. Anneal report will be presented and Director's atoned. Thie is a well managed Sooiety with a record any institution of its kind might be proud of. There ebon'd be a large atteadaooe at the meeting. Bea o8 S0AGAZINEs.—Friday evening Feb. Oth, at 7,80 O'olook the magazines taken at Brunets Pablio Library daring 1908 will be sold by public) atelecomThe magazi0ee subscribed for to Dome this year will also be Bold the p0rchasers to have the privilege of lifting them after they have been on the table for a month. Good reading at a low prise, is often obtained at these rales so thele should be a large attendance Friday evening of next week at the Reading Room. CONNING Wag TO BnuaaELG —Oar termer townsman, D. A. Lowry, who has been residing at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, for a few years, has decided to return to town and has leased the 'comfortable residence of Mies Campbell. Queen etreet, and will move hi, family here. The people et Brussels will be pleased to welcome them beck to town. Mr. Lowry ie a widely known, Mr. Lowry is a widely,knowo °cremator and a good work- man so will have no difficulty in securing all the work he earnto take, FEBaDARY wines on deok next Monday, It has 20 daye this year. A Wren of Seaforth Curlers returning from Hard/non Booepeil were storm stayed and arriving at Brunets said good• bye to the Grand Trunk and drove over to Seaforth on Sunday from here, An extra staff of men have been buoy ea the Grand Trunk this and last week in snow shovelling. By the looks of the banks there is oat mob likelihood of the job playing out for Boma time yet. ()Menges nger in the 33rd Huron Regi. meet are as follows :—Lieateoaot•oolooel and to command, Major W. Young, vice Lieat..Ool, J. A. S. Verooe, transferred. Lieut.' J. A. Jaokeoo resigns hie aom• mission. A. Serer M. 2, P., for East Huron, will introducesa Bill at the Legislature to amend the Ontario Anatomy Act. Tbere is tensility room for improvement ae the present Aot refers to House of Refuge in mates. IT looks very mash as it we will have to bitob the steers" on the Grand Trouts yet if this bad weather oontinoea. There has been a great mix.op over public travel and some people will have to get a surveyor to looate them if they don't noon reach their destination, .4. woon famine is threatened in town. R. Henderson bete a supply of coal on tbe way whioh will make his total !n- ame this season ten oars. The prob abilities are coal will largly substitute wood for private use in the time to 00030 owing to difficulty in securing wood supply. THE A. 0. U. W. AT Hoare, whin/was to have been held last Monday evening was p.,etp,.ned owing to the inability of Master Workman Gibson, of Ingersoll, to get here owing to snow blockade on the railroad. It will be held later of whioh doe announcement will be given. The regular meeting et the Lodge will be held on Friday eveoing of next week. LItuxioxoa APPOINTED —E. R, 0, Olark• son has been appointed liquidator of the Palmeratoo Pork Packing Company. The appointment was made Friday by Judge Winchester, and the liquidator will make an immediate ioveetigation into the oampany'e affeire. The oonoern has been in operation only a year, and the assets are the plant, upon which there is a heavy mortgage, Conosso.—Thureday evening of next week a Seared Oooaert will be given in the Methodiet cherub et which the follow. Ing well known talent will take part :— Messrs. Jae. Jones, H. W. Avieon, F. H. Gil roy, R S. Fletcher, R. J. MoLaooblin 1, Leslie Kerr, H. L. Jackson and W, A. Grewar assisted by the Methodist church orchestra, A good program will be presented and the pablio ie invited to attend. POBLIO L7n8ABY.—The annual meeting of Brussels Publio Library was held in the Reading Room on Thureday after- noon. J. H. Cameron was re elected chairman ; Rev. I. M. Webb, Secretary and T, Farrow, Treasurer. Book Com. miner, Inepeotor Robb, Rev. T. W. Caserta and the Secretary. Waye and means of bettering the finances were eon. eidered and the probabilities are another looal entertainment will be held before long. Mies Minnie MoNaugbton con- tinues to perform her datiee as Librarian. BowDAY Smoot, ENTERTAINMENT.—Last Friday evening wee the annual Entertain. mens of St. John's Sunday Sobuol. 76 wait iateoded to have had a sleigh ride in the early eveoing but the cold weather prevented. An interesting program was presented by the children wbiob was ae follows t—Hymn No. 325 for opening ; prayer by Rev. Mr. Webb ; addreee by Fred, Campbell ; eolo by Eva Ooopor • doll eong by 5 g1r10 ; dialogue, 'Aunt Jemima'e money" ; colo, by Mise Violet Cooper; reoitation, Mise Familia Man- ning dialogue, "Days of the Week" ; solo by Miss Burdens, Geddes; chows ; "Tiny Tots" by 3 boys and 3 girls ; re- citation by Beatrice Barrie ; dialogue, "A slight mten0deretanding" ; chose by members of the Bible Olass. Rev. Mr, Webb ooinpied the obair very agreeably. Luoob was served and ale000nleotionery, BLooaime—The result of the snow storm of last week was an almost aom• piste tie•up of railway traffic) in this part of the country. On the Stratford and leteowe1 the train stalled a mile North of Milverton and blocked that road; another train and plow were etnok East of Palmerston so the Owen Sound train for London came up 000 line, the W. G. re 13., and round to London by the L. H. re 13„ arriving here at 120 Saturday p, m. At 10 o'oloak Sunday a train with 4 eneinea Dame up this road but stook in 10 or 12 feet of snow near Luoknow, A passenger train making its way from the South toward Wiarton and Owen Sound district stock near Clinton on the & B. We had no meal from the East on either Friday oe Saturday. Monday all trains were cannoned and ganga of men were employed shovelling out the had plane as fast ae possible. Owing to the Oonetant snow falls and wind etorme the bad outs are filled np almost as fast ae poeeibie. Owing to the constant snow fails and wind storms the bad tate are lilted np almoet ee fast ea they ere dpen. ed, It le not unlikely that the 1*. T. R, le more tired of this Winter's experiences then the teavellidg public and that le raying a geed deal, CIIe0IT7 Cox0EBT.—Friday evening of this week a Concert will be given in the Town Hall, Biennia, under the anspioee of the L. 0, T. M. and K. 0. T, M., prooaeda to go the Sanitarium for ooneuteptives 91 Gravenhnre1. Program will amain in the presentation of two playa viz. 'Dream of Fair Women" and "Going Somewhere", in which over e note will take part ; soiree duete, reds. tatione, tableau Maoabee Band, ten, Ea-• terteenment will Oommen0e at 8 o'olook, Misses Holmes, Cardiff, Harris and Batchanan, and J. Jones, F. 3, Gilroy and H. W. Avieoe are among the talent, Huron OLD Booe.--At.the annaai meet. ing of the King Edward Hotel, 'Toronto, on Friday night, the following Milken were elected ;—Hon, Preoideote, 001. W. D. Otter, Jnetioe Rnberteon, Janice Gerrow, J. S, Willison, .a. MaoMeth, E. Flo0dy, E. J. B. Dannon ; President, ae A, Smitb, 8, A.; Vioe•Preoident, S. 1. Obnroh ; Seorotary, A. A, lyiiller; Tress. arer, W. 0. McTaggart ; Executive Com. mittee, R. A. Walker, W. E. Grovee, Geo Deafen, 0. S. McDonald, J. S. McKinnon, De. Duncan, H, Rothwell, K. McLeod, 3.A, MoLaren, Dr, Stettbary, W. Frond 609086, T. 3, Boole,her. Hassey, Dr, Sloan, J. P. Lyon. The ample -hien de- cided to hold an At Home the date 66 be settled later. Trill!d ,ii 0'k3! 1tL13+01d'�t Standard Batik of Canada a"E me.T.F..1Z7..2Eix3£17 1E70 ASBBTS — OVER '2l11RTE101i MILLION DOLLARB A. 'General Batilrin>a' Ten:siaaeeiie r.I O iLnlseet9 (1 "S SAVINGS BAN Kitk"- -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwarde reoeived on whin)) INTEREST I8 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. A00RUED INTEREST is added to ace /ante every six menthe and becomes prinoipal, —MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only fur which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and courteous attention. 7. R. GRAY, AGENT. HALT SnEST.—owing to the snow blookake and the cancellation of trains our neat bundle of paper did not arrive this week so that we are compelled to issue a half sheet only. Business Locus. Rey Fane—Higheet prior paid for raw fare. A. 0ouei,z , Brussels. HANneoala walnut sideboard for sale et great reduotion. Apply to Mee. W. M. Signing, Brunets. WANTED. — All kinds 'trade. Dried apples 50 ; Turkeys 150 ; Fresh egge 20o; &a. No. 1 Prime Box 85 00 oaeh, Geo. E. KING, Wingham, CHURCH CHIMES. Mies Loretto Buoeton is filling tbe position of organist in the Methodist oborah, Brussels in the meantime. The Presbytery of Maitland will hold a pro re nate, meeting in Luoknow on Thureday the 28113 inst. for the purpose of dealing with the resignation of the Rev, Angus MacKay. Communion service will be held in Melville Ohurah next Sunday morning Preparatory eervioe will be held en Sat• ardav afternoon at 2.30 p. m, Rev. A. MaoNeb, of Welton will preach. Rev. Jno, Roos, 13. A., dwelt upon "The wonderful Love of God" in Mel villa church last Sabbath morning. In the evening he continued hie discourse op.o "Lae" taking as hie subject "(brief the true Ideal," A Missionary Rally will be held in the Methodist obaroheein London next Sab bath, addressee being given by ministers and lay mere W. H, Kerr, of THE POST, takee part in Arkin street in the morn• i0g and Colborne street in the evening. I1 woo decided by the Broesels Bible Sooiety Directors to hold a Union (lent. enary service in the Methodist Church oa Sabbath evening Merob 13th. Ad• dresses will be given and the eerviae of praise lead by a Uuion choir. Farther particulars later. People We Know. Geo. Brown in under the dootor'e oars the week, Wm. and Mrs. Wilton are visiting relatives at Hensel!. Mies Florence Thomson wee a visitor with Kincardine friends. Master Loyd Jauksou was on the sick lista few days last week, Mre. N. F. Gerry has been on the siok liet this week with tooeilitie, Willie MaQoarrie is ou the . rick list with an attack of the mumps. Mire Jeanie Howe, of Wroxeter, was in town for a few days last week. Mies Yeo, of Holmeoville, ie 0161 ing Mee Thane Gerry during the past week. County Oouneillore Bowman and Kerr are at Goderiob anendieg the Co. Oona. oil. Mre. F, Oliver, and Mies Mabel Thomp• eon William street, are visiting et Grao• ton. Mise Layette Ballantyne hoe °Woken - pox and will be °endued to the house for a few weeks. Oboe. Broadfoot, of tate American Hotel Was a visitor in Seaforth fora few daye this week. Mies Jean MoLeuoblin wee ee Teets. water this week attending a S0otoh Concert se acoompaniet. Minn Doris and Marjory the two little daughters of Mre D 0. Rose have been quite eiak with bad colds tbie week. Wm. Gilliepie, of Ripley, was here owing to the illness of Mre. 0 Ritohie hie mother -in law. John Ritohie was also borne front Seaforth. J. E, Matobatt, of Tweed, and 3. 3. Matobatt, of Waterford, were visitors in Broeeelo lest week with their brother Harry A. Matobatt, merchant, here, Jno. Currie, batober, bee been on the reserve lint during the peat week with s bad attack of eoiatica. He ie able to he about again now but still feels the attacks of hie enemy. David Heist hos been bothered for some months with pai0e end aohen in hie left arm. The doctor thinks ft ie the result of a strain. We hope he will noon beo,k. Mrs, Mae. Ritchie has been vary mush worse during the early part of thie week bat we are pleased to state that at the time of writing her oon0iti08 is mnah more favorable and we hope for her epeedy convalescence, Jno. ()ober hes been laid up with a "game" leg, Some yearn ago be etroek it against something while welkin', in hie shop at Ethel. Although he suffered somewhat at the time nothing serione was thought of it until recently. We bop he will soon be on duty ee Patti se he is not given to holidaying very much, Mira Campbell is in our mid'et again, We take great pleaenrein congratulating her on her remarkable good fortune ae by her honorable week she proved her self worthy of confidence of Mae of the most wealthy gentlemen of the Oily of Merino, Mies Campbell purpose taking 4 trip to Oalitornin and from t16n00 to Mexico. G. T. R. Engineer Jayvee MoPhereon diad at Barrie from injuries received While working under a eaow plough a few daye ago. Holidays of the year will fay re fol. lows :-Violorhe Day on Tuesday ; Duro. inion Diy on [friday ; reshot D.•y .on September 511 and Ohrietmae on Sunday, 1 Lunt• oemrrlena00 on February • 17th. w is a trifle earlier than last year and t Easter Sunday will fall on April 8r1, whioh is nine days earlier than Exeter of last year. Pruni Sunday will fail ou March 27th, and Good Friday on April let. THE CAPTURE OF CASHEL. MOUNTED POLICE FORCED TO J1UIt3 HIM OUT, Ernest Cashel, the murderer, who eeoaped from Calgary polioe barracks a few days before the date set for his ex00ut108 in December, was caught by the police Sunday a few miles from that city, He is supposed to have been hiding iu an old cellar since his escape. Cashel is uow in the guardhouse. Daring his liberty Oashel has not been more than eight or Moe miles away from the oily. The police learned two weeks ago that he was larking about the East ern suburbs. They foetid that he was well informed of all that was going on, and that he wee in Calgary for the purpose of resorting his brother, John ()Rebel, in case the latter was convicted for assisting in securing hie release. Two weeks ago the police informed the Calgary papers of this fact, and ae it was learned that Cashel Wes iu some way kept informed of all that was being done a request was made that nothing be published. This was agreed to, and gradually the meshes of the law were woven about the eou- demued. On Tuesday last Cashel stopped at the house of a man named Wigmore, a few miles from Oaigery, He remained there during the night, and confessed that be was Cashel. He order- ed Wigmors not to leave the bonne that day, saying he could get out of the country if be wanted to, but that be did not want to leave the country without his brother. The polioe sent men in plain clothes to several houses in the district to await developments, After the conviction of John Cashel on Friday the authorities decided to take an offensive position, and thirty-two men were detailed to search every ]louse in the entire district, They were detailed in equade of eight, In- spector Duis with his party went North, having iu his squad Mr. Chamberlain of the Seoret Service Department Toronto • Constables Biggs, Peters, Stark and Rogers. They snatched houses and hay- stacks up till noon, but found nothing. They then separated into two parties. One under Constab e Biggs, in examining a houseoscoed by Wm. Pitman, came upon a den in a haystack, about a 100 feet from the house. In the pit were found clothes and other artiolee resem- bling what Cashel had worn. Cashel was not found in the den, and search was made of the house. In one corner of the cellar Constable Biggs found a hole where a man might conceal himself. He secured a light and bald it to the hole. He °aught eight of a man, and had hardly done so when a random bullett whizzed by Ms head, followed quickly by another shot. Biggs woe not armed, and made a retreat up- stairs. He secured a revolver, and, returning to the cellar door, met Cashel °oming up, Two ehote were exchanged, one by Oaxhel tearing off the inside of the door behind which Biggs had taken cover, Biggs returned with a phot which tore into Oaehel's heel. Cashel fired again as Constable Stark acme to the re00710. Then the murderer dropped bank into the collar, and the police retired from the huildiug to await the arrival of Inspector Dnffie. When he arrived it was decided to fire the building, The contents were carefully removed and the torch applied. When Cashel smelled the smoke he gave signs of a parley. A revolver shot was heard, and Cashel called out that be was going to kill himself, but wanted some one to go down into the cellar to get a letter from hie mother. This had no effeot on the poli°e, and he wart ordered to Dome up and hold up his benne. Cashel theu cried out that he would kill himself, and said the letter from Itis mother would be friend In a oorner of the cellar, Another shot woe heard, but no one moved from above, and the inspector again ordered him out. A minute later Ernest Cashel, °laggard, unkempt, bearded and shaggy, oalne out, put up his hands in Stever, and gave himself up, He was soon after- warde in the cell at Calgary, He way very communicative on the way in, and said he could have escaped frequently, bat that he would not leave his brother, who had dared so mob for him. Cashel was thoroughly up-to.dete on all the doings in his nee, knew that he was to be banged on the 20th, and of tate con- viction of his brother. Cashel, who le but 21 years of age, is a young Montana deeperado, who murdered a randier in Alberta named Rufus Belt under peculiarly at100101t8 Oiroumstances, and onnrealed 1119 body, lie was traded by some of the effects of Belt, and brought beck to'atand trial, Sentence of death was pronounced, and when be discovered that the sentence would be oarried out Cashel, on December 10th, made his enoces0ftti fight for liberty. The affair, mourned in the police barracks atwas at 0.30 p. m, Constable Piper, Who as on guard, ordered the prieoner out of the oell until he should make a (Onsidescorch, On the aeide were Conetablee Leslie and Phillip. Ceehel walked outand eat 001 on:a bench in front of a indoor fading the street. Piper, after hit natal), ordered Cashel beck to the • EiIZtPOLlTA CePPPA4—Paid up 31,000,00 RLyl1RYE FUNS 31,000,000 REV, 10, E. WA11DEN, 1 , D„ IgreaWl'x B. S, 00002710, .President Vice -Provident. 0. D. m40800. lure unfelt ata. w. 010461191111 MAIM, 12.0. D. 14. 6118019007, x. 0, HEAD QFF1OE — TORONTO W, 1?, 12088 - 011151BRA,1, MANA01000 A GENERAL BANKING i3tJSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Iateraet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 31 and weenie A. E. MELLISH, Manager, cell, whereupon the prisoner encldenly flashed two shining revolvers iuthefece of Ms guards and ordered all three into the call he had lust vacated. He took their revolvers and looked them in, and than walked in his shackled feet to the plane where the keys were kepi, aulocked the ebackles, and after taunting the guards, kissed his hand to them by way of alien and left the barraoks. Fifteen minutes later the night guard acme in to find the threeMouoted Pollee in Cashel'ecell. The revolvers were supplied by his brother, John Cashel, though, it is supposed, the connivance of a woman. John Cashel spent a very uncomfort- able night in the guardhouse at the Mounted Police barracks. When John heard of hie brother's capture and got a glimpse of him being led to the oell from which he had escaped rix weeks ago he broke down and wept. Ernest seemed to take his capture very badly, too, and repeatedly told the guards he was sorry 11e had given himself up, .At 10 o'olook Monday John Carpel was taken before the court and sentenced to one year for assisting his brother to escape. While in the court room John looked bright, and a smile passed over his fade when the Judge pronounced one year's sen•enoe. He evidently expected et good deal longer term. The court was crowded and there ie' great excitement throughout the city over the Cashel brothers. After John was taken from the court house Ernest, securely shackled and handcuffed, with a rnouuted guard sur- rounding the rig, was taken to the court house, where a further reprieve was to be granted in order to make necessary arraugements for the execution and. get Radcliffe here. A reprieve was granted to February 2nd, Ceti' adkotn N e wra• Six smallpox oases are reported at Zephyr. Lord Strathooua has Beat 3100 to St. John's Hospital. Galt ie etffering from a eoel famine, owing to the interruption of railway traffic. Mre. Charles, wife of James Charles, of Waterloo street Booth, London, fell on a slippery walk on Dundee street lest week and fractured her leg: Andrew Pattulto left an estate valued at 341,328.21, of which 823000 ie 1,0 life insurance, a little over 86,000 fn etooke and nearly 310,000 in cash. His will leaven 31,000 to the Woodetook Hospital, and 31,000 for a public f„an• tain, The birth Ma daughter to A. and Mre. Schmidt of Berlin completesafemfly link of five generations, all its links living and well, MIe. D, Seller's mother•i0law, Mre, Geo. Seiler, of Palmerston, aged 83 yearn ; her daughter, Mrs Henry Meurer of Elmwood, Ont., aged 86 years ; Mre., Meneer'e daughter, Mre Amos Weber of London, One., aged 46 years ; Mrs. Arthur Schmidt, Berlin, aged 22, moth. er of the little girl who was born a oonple of months ego making the fifth getter. It is a singular circumstance that the maiden name of the great great grand. mother, like the little girls was Schmidt. • The necessity for nets freight sheds of a permanent kind on the wharves, to• wards the building of which, with suit- able approaches, Parliament voted a loan of three million dollars, was ebotvn Sunday in the oollapse of the 'rbomeoo Line ahede, built last reason by the Robert Reform Company, and narrow escape Ma, number of employees. The ranee or the breakdown was the large amount of snow that had oolleub.d on the roof. The, eked was four hundred feet wide. As it can be reboiit, the damage will not be great, The 0. P. R. shed also pertially oollapeed. Before the present high level whervee were bnirt the custom was to take the rheas down at the olo'e of the season and ,ter., them until the following Spring. The new style of two story sheds that the nom miesionera purpose to build will be of more permanent °cnetraction, 9.0':Tfr"..ti'E]Y.,,c, real .et sm'E"-1i5TS Fell Wheat 78 77 Bexley - 86 38 Fees 54 65 Oats 27 28 Butter, tube and rolls ,• 14 16 Eggs tier dozen ........ 17 ' 18 Flour per cwt, ...., 4 00 5 00 1307 close 1100 bre.) ....•. 50 50 Apples (per bbl.) 75 1 00 Hay per ton ,,. 6 00 7 00 Halt per hid., retail.,... 1 00 70 Hogs, Live .... 4 90 5 00 Wool 15 16 Mans trimmed 6 0e Hides rough 5 6 Len*b skins 6001125 80 Sheep skine,earth 25 25 AQ.BRFtI7u17, PaeTEREEID—WADE,— In Trinity oburoh, Fordaioli, by Baev. E A. Hall, en the 20th inst., Mr M. Porterfeild V. 8., to Mise B. Weds, all of Ford. wick. RITOH7R—MOALLISTft11,—At "View Lee" Farm, the home of the bride, on Jan. 27, by Rte. A. MaoNab, Mists Dora, daogbter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mo. Allister, 17th Coit. Grey township. Settee—Ccaunaoa.—At Trinity oharoh, Wingbltm, on ,len, 27, by Rea W. Lowe, Mr. Robert G. Smith, to Miee Rozalia E., youpge0t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coobrane, all of Morrie township. Fneramc.—In 1Yfor119, on Jan, 20, William Franck, aged 72 years, 1 month and 8 Jaye, S0OTT.—At Path Hill, 011 Jan, 18, Ellen Scott, eine' to Aire. Henry Woods, of Bru.oele. BTlTT.—In McKillop, on Jan, 23, Mary A, teemed wife of Samuel Stitt, ,gel 48 veers 2 months and 34 daye, VAN0TONE.—In Landoll, on Jan uary 26, Lily, daogbter of the late William Vanotone, formerly of Brussels, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ABOUT 25 cords green hardwood want. ea. G. A. DEADAlAN, Brussels. TWO COWS FOR SALE—ONE 1. a '1'ltore.'•bred Jai say, registered in New York Tenet Stook Bonk as No. 128185, The Other ie a Jersey woes with Ayrshire and le au A 1 milker. Both cows come is about the 1,506 March, 20.2 DR. McNAUGHTON, Brueeele. NOTES LOST,—TWO NOTES wore loot by.1110 u,Veleigued, Oil 1106, Morrie, nue for 5103 00, drawn in favor of Ge0095 Rays ; the oilier for 50000, to favor of Robert Rolland, %A .1770u. Toe pub. )10 la hereby retitled ugsiaet cashingthe mune. W. H. MoOU}'OHEON. 9.1 MEETING OF THE HOWICK MUTUAL FIRE INS. 00'Y.— Notice is hereby divan that the Amnon! Meeting of the Howlak Mutual Piro Insur- ance Company will be l.e,d lo the Town- Mali,Gorrie, on FRIDAY, FEB. 0th, 1004, at ball past one obloolc iu- the of ter0u0u, tar the purpose of receiving the reports of the Direotora and Auditors for the paetyear, and for other Ibasinese. By order of the Board. W 0. MoKE hails, Wroxeter, Tan. 25,1904. Seers tory, Reliable int 'hater Bottle is a household necessity that pays for itself many times over in the benefit and com- fort of its•uee. It is a relia- ble cure for pain and a splendid antidote for cold feet. The difference in the cost of a Pure Rubber Water Bottle and the cheap- er varieties more than re- pays for the difference in price. With these we give our personal guarantee at F o Drug Store Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Heron, in the matter of the estate of J tin Smelidon, late of the Township of Grey, in the (Jaunty of Huron, farmer, deceased. Nntloe is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, Chap. 120, Seo 88, that all creditors and others having anima against the estate of John emalldon, late of the 'township of Grey, in said eonu. ty, farmer, who died on nr about the 12th day of January, A. 0., 1000, at Yale, Mioltl- gnu, are requested to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Barmy 8msll,l n or Fleury Wuoda, at Bruaaele, the Executors of the late Will and testament of the said John Nm,lldon, or to A. B. Macdonald, of the utlla2e of Brussels, their 8oifoiter, on or before the 20th day o[ February, A.D., 1904, their .full uum58, addressor, and the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the t,'ouritlee (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said last meutiaa0a date the said Executor, will pro- ceed to dietribute the estate of the said deoeaeed among the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the al tiwe or Which uotiee shall have been giver as above re- quired and the said Exooutors will not be to poneibie for the assets or any part there• of so distributed, ee any person.. of whose claim notion shall not have been reoeived at the time 0[such dietriuuelae. Dotted at Brussels this 20th day of Janu- ary, A, 0.1004. A. B. MAOD'ONAD, 28-3 Solicitor for Executors. I ONTARIO'S FACTORY TO ONTARIO'S FARMERS I Central Prison f w der Twine W'0,'ill'I,I'Idit'lll'11''il1'lli'titll'lli 11, 'llrl„•III'lll'I,'It"I,"li' We have the agency for Grey, Morris and MSKillop. This Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3 Rope Halters. Samples oi'the Grain Bags, Halters and Twine may be seen at our store. There are 4 Brands :— PURE MANILA, 650 feet MANILA, 550 feet PURE MANILA, 600 feet MANILA, 500 feet Mail orders will be carefully attended to, Special.; prices on ton lots. To secure this Twine you must place your order. The price will be considerably lower than the price of any other Twine on the market. Prices will,be officially published in the leading papers in doe time. Order arly and save money. . A. CKAY & Co. Chlldrdll's a. .rfort. You can feel easy about the health of the youngster that wears a pair of our overstock- ings and rubbers. Protection from the winter winds and wet snows secured by a pair of our overstockings and rubbers. They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool yarn—the best rubber that can be had. They are rough weather insurance policies £or the health of the children. They don't cost much; only:— Children's, 05c. Misses', $1,10 Ladies', $1.25 Ten per cent. off for cash on the balance of our Men's Eteavy Rubbers. We have another shipment of Ilelt Goods now to bandand have them in all sizes for Ladies or Gents at Lowest Prices. HARNESS . DEPA'RTMENT 7.'ronlie and,Satohele ; Blenk$is at near Wholesale Prised.; 'Menne at Lowest Prides genital -a fora good article t remember we do lint ha'n&e Factor Work at ell and Restrainer) Workmanship in all the torn mit. Colleen ggaran toed and prime. from 32 00 upwards. • Repairs in //artiste, Collars Bunte 084' Bottom Pricer. Stloes dyne quicltly and",pearly at C to rt C A,