The Brussels Post, 1904-1-28, Page 3JAN' r 128, 1504
cent, P•$.80OTT, Brengel*,
AV 11.p E'
•flleaner of Marriage Menses. Ot-
oo at Goery,Turpburry, street, Brsselx.
Dune10800 bee oeveral good Forme for
'vale and to rent, limey terms to Towuebipe
of Morrie and Grey, F S• SCOTT. Brussel
C. 0, F.
Court Princess Alexaudrla, No, 24, 0, 0. F„
Brussels, meets lu their Lodge loom, Bias -
hill Block, on the 2ud and last Tuesdays of
each month, at8 oblook. "Flatting brethren
always welcome, JAB, BURGESS, 0. R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
731,VSTSS=X+8, ONT.
se 's Drug
over Har 1 v 8
Office v
Nov, ecd, 1902, :SO.Bm Bra galla.
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co.,
80TABL19a1D 1840
Insurance taken on the 0801 and premium
note stem at current ates, Before Maur -
Ing ejeowhere call on the uoderelgned Agent
of Company.
GEORGE ROGERS,130080018.
-IV ER will sell for bettor P
rices to
better men,'in ]see time and lees chargee
than any oher Anotlrmeer in East Boron or
. s - he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged atthis o81oe or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of Tau Poem, Brussels. 2221
!! • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, 10 prepared to treat all dig -
eases of domeetloated aoimttle Ina oomnet-
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Calle promptly at-
tended•to, Clem mud Infirmary—Four doors
Netth of bridge, Toreberry et., Brueeels.
Barrleter, Solicitor, Notary, PIM.
bucseasor-to t}.. F. Blair. Olfioe over Stan-
dard'Sank. Drumlin, Solicitor for Metro-
polltan Rank,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. 01Boe—Stewart's Block
I door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. L RO0DFOOT, K. 0. R, 0. HATE
Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Oameron & Holt,
0ona1i100, ONTARIO.
M. D., Si. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
bollege, MemberCollege of Physicians and
Surgeon Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 0ol-
lapo of
Surgeons, and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. savTelepbooe No.14,
Residence—Mill street, Brussels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeoneof Ontario and Firet•olaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Oilier,
next to Brewer'e Photograph Gallery,
British Columbia
lied Cethu' Shingles
North Shore
rine and Cedar
Brussels Planing' lilis
Alm Doors and Sash of all Pat
Aerate on hand or made to order
at Shoot Notice,
Est:matee Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
,P' ..AlIEBOT,
TlEitlt B R O t3 tl PO k1 lt
K'_9 li: t=`-Z=s1$1i1 t"• tG. 1 31 18w No, 4, 1904 for the aper intment of a
member of the local Bnnrd of Limit!! to
The Courses of Study nd,ut tbres year+, and for the appoint•
moot of u Mrdionl Hattlth nflluer for the
PPFF F current year, mud also fee the appoint
—IN TSB—.p meet of a Sooitary Intimater fur the
three i time
current year be read tim and
passed, (harried, Rutherford — Mee.e•
grove, that the cerk
be lnetrnoted to
toady the emitters of their appointment
and to comro.noe the audit of the '.Crena•
orer'e hooka on the 22ur1 day of thin
mouth. — Carried. Tun following a0
motto were panned and ohfgneo on Bank
of Hamilton teegetl :—J ff. Mserave,
grovel 93.50 ; George Mason, etatinnery
93 00 ; John MOLean, lumb•a 917 93 ;
Hugh Tanker, repairing hridee 93 60 ;
John Burgooa, election $800 ; John
Burkeso, reg, births, montages and
deaths 914 20 9 John Bargees, drain 99 00
Moved by Mr. Ooapland, eeoonded by Mr.
Mosgrove that tide Council do now ad•
joaro 30 m .et iu the clerk'', ofMoe, 13108•
vale, on Monday, Feb. 8th at 10 o'clock
a. m. Carried. Jean Bottoms, Clerk
33 Are au to the H1 *0188'0 STANDARD 03
jJ 011' EXCELLENCE and that 10 ego
region why this popular00bool le now
enjoying a 'record-breaking" utters.
deuce. YOU want .the beet training
iiand we giy0 it, therefore enter et onoe. QT
Circulars free.. Ar
Li W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Yf
tstxxrt 4i�,BlUar
Owing to etokaeee in his home, Rev.
A. C. Tiffin wan unable to take hie pul-
pit here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Jamieson
of the Preebyterimn Ohuroh kindly eon -
dratted the servwe,
Wm. Mummy mud John Pattereou del
livered a open of bleak oarriege horses at
Ingersoll. The apse was sent to British
(Womble and were bought from Peter
Fowler, of Wiugharo Junotion.
Notwithstanding the stormy weather
the hall wee filled with pa1r000 of the
Moleeworth Oheeoe and Buttee Co., it
being their annual meeting, After the
bueineeo of the year had been read and
disarmed sod the Beoretary'e report had
been read and adopted, the following
Direotore were eleoted : John Briebin,
Henry 0oghliu, Wm. T. McNee, Wm,
Fraser, Wm. Belden.
Aon SooxoTY.—The annual meeting of
the members of East Wawenosh Agricult-
ural Society 008 held in Stretton'e Hotel,
Belgrave on Jan. 18th, •000rding to
datum ; let Vies. Pre,ident in the chair.
The mi0nte0 of the last annual meeting
were read and passed. The Treasurer's
staternent mod annual report of the
directors were read, showing reoelpte to
the amount of 9388.89 ; payments in
prizes, etc , 9292.60 ; leaving a balance ou
hand of 906 29 On motion the reports
were pee en. The following offioere were
eleoted :—President, Walter Scott ; 1st
Vice President. J hn Oole • and Vioe
President, R. Prootor ; Direotore, A.
Robetteon, John E. Fells, R. Scott, W
B. Wilkinson, Chao. B. Wilkinson, A.
T. Cole, A Seek ; Auditors, J. S. Boott
and W. K Whaley • Treasurer, Chas..
MoClellaud ; Secreary, F. Aodrreon.
Owing to the directors failing to make
eatiefaotory arrangements for the grounds,
it was deoided to di000ntinue the Fall
Dr, J. Moore spent a few days under
the parental root.
Mine Haim., of Sarnia, le the guest of
Mies E. Mo0ormtok.
Mice Sutton, of Port Rowan, is spend
ing her holidaye at her home.
101100es Rothwell, of Listowel, were
visiting their oouoin, T, Tugben.
Mise) Minnie Ooeene is visiting her
deter, 51re. H. MoCrea, Durham.
Mies Hunter, of 'Braeeele, and Mies
Meutgomery, of Inuerkip, were the petite
of Mise L. Moore,
C E, Omens has sold hie farm, lot 34,
con. 2 Grey, to 0. Stoker, of Marie town
ship, the price being 95 500.
The services in the Methodist church
have been dieoontinaed owing to scarlet
fever having broken out in the Parsonage.
We hope the oaeee may be lighter than
reported, and the children will noun bo
around again.
We are pleased to be able to record an
account of another of them pleasant
events tranrp,ring•he our village, Mies
Jennie Muedook and W. Bennett, of
Grey, were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony. We wieh the yonng eoup'e
every happine0e through lite.
Geo, Potter ban gone to Guelph to take
arhort course io the OntarieAgrioaltnral
Col lege,
W. D. Angus and.W. T. Hollis were in
St.. Thomas attending the Dairymen's
Convention. '
Robt. Anderson wee called away to
attend the funeral of hie easter, Mre.
Reid, of Ayr, who hod been ill for Boma
Mre. Stevenson, mother of Andrew
Stevenson, who lately Buffered two par•
static etrokee, ie now recovering from tha
effects of her ilineee,
Samuel Small who bee been foreman
of Tae Bae °Moe for some time, left for
his home iu Hanover, He has snared
an exoellont position on the Hanover
From the financial statement of the
Donegal chem.) factory the following fig-
ures are taken : Total reoeipte realized
for cheese 916 000 59. Torsi paid to tho
patrone 914 168 26 Paid for manofao•
tering 91,832,36. Total `1130, of Milk
1,687,158. Totallbe• cheese 162,689 or
76 tune. Average Ibe. milk to 1lb. cheese
10,72, Average wholesale price of obeeee
111.480. Average Leet 8 57. We are plane
ed o see that the Donegal factory enjoyed
such a proeperoua eoaoon under the able
management of Mr. McKenzie and hie son
TOMOINI nY 00031010., — Minutee of
Council meeting hold to the Clerk's office
Bloevale fin Monday, Jan, 11, 1904.
Members *teat all present namely Wm
H. Orniekehank Reeve, and John Moe -
grove, John Couplaud, Alexander Kelly,
and John Entherford, Councillors. The
Reeve and Contrail having made their
Deoit,ratione of Qualifioation and of office
took their Beate at the Council board.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted ors motion of Meagre. Coup
land and. Rutherford Mosgrove•—coup
land, that Peter McLaren be appointed
Clerk pro tem in the ebonite of John
Bargees, Mnnieipel Clerk. — Carried,
Retborford—MoegrOve, that By mew No, 1
1904, for the appointment of Read Com
miesf0nete, be read 8 times and pegged..
Carried, Mosgrove—Kelly, that Bylaw
No. 2, 1904, for the appointment et
aoditore for the ocrrent year be read 8
timed end paeeed.—Carried. Oouplanl--
Rutherford, that By law No. 8, 1904, for
the appointment of 60 /38000000 for the
cement year he read 3.timee end pegged.
(tattled. Coapland—AfosgrOve, that By.
it; (tat etrich.
R. W. Thomeon is now in pos0ee0ioo
at F. Jordan's old stand.
P oitry show, February 2nd, 8rd, 4th
and 5th, at the Town Hall,
Geo. F. Smith left , for New York to
take a mares iu denigning gar.
100ut0 in oonneotion with the National
Oloak Company.
Mice 'Frances Brydues and Jaok
Lawrenoe and Carman Church, of 0'd
orioh, are attending the Oeutral Boniness
College, Stratford.
West Huron Agl. Society Directors
decided to have a two days' fair and that
it be held on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Sep•ember 27th and 28th, 1904,
Dre. Geltowe sod Whitely have moved,
into their new (fame, Proodfoot and
Hays' old stand. 0. F. Oarey and D. F.
Hamlink 000 occupy Dr. Giallow'e term.
er afiloe.
Much sympathy is felt with Mrs, P.
T. Halle in the death of her mother, Mre.
Wood, of the vioiaity of St. Meryl,
which marred on Fridaynight,15th inst.
Mrs, Halle, was with her m'ther daring
her illness.
After a proprietorship of about eleven
years the genial hoot of the British
Exuh uigo has deuided to retire from
business, and after February let Ed•
Sweets, the former proprietor of the
Huron hone, will take charge. We
uncle stand Mr. Tilt may go out to hie
farm of the Huron road in the Spring.
Forts wi oh .
Milton Leonard wae appointed assessor
of Howiok tawnehip et the Ooaooil.
The Towaehip Clerk wee instructed to
have Bylaw drawn op to impose a tax on
doge in the Twp. of Howlett.
The roof of Andrew Furtney'e straw
shed on Ibe 2nd DOD. paved in from the
weight of snow on it. It has been re.
planed with the neighbors' aeoistener&
Mies B. Wade has banded in her reeig
nation as organist of Trinity church
after tour yeare' faithful eerviee. Mise
Josie Hainetook has been selected or
Henry Roadhouse, 3rd eon. Howiok,
has Bold hie farm to Berman Albright.
Posaeeeicn to be given early in 1905. Mr.
Roadhouse will quit farming and eater a
Many of our oitizene have shovelled the
snow tiff their buildings thus preventiug
the roofs from falling in. The Church
eheda at Mayne were iojnred by the
weight 03 snow, the poets being spit.
Samuel Campbell, who was injured out
We -t last Fad and bee been laid up at
his brother'e on the 0th oon. has grown
stronger and has been r,moved to the
home of 3. H. Johnston, and still oon
Homo to improve,
The manual meeting of Howiok Die-
triot, L 0. L. was held in the Orange
Hall, Gorrie, on Tuesday, 12th inst., and
wag very well attended, every lodge being
well represented, but Belmore. J. H.
Johnetoo, Jos, Hainetook, A. Spn'ton,
Wm. Corbett, J. A. Sanderson, W. H.
Newton rind Thos. Goggin represented
Fordwioh lodge. The order is in good
shape, both finaoofelly and numerically.
The following are the District ,r&are
for 1904 t—W M„ Rioh. Bride ; D. M.,
W. H. Newton ; Chap , Adam Spence ;
R. 8., Geo. Dane ; F. S., J. Harper t
'l'raae., Jas. Faille ; D. of 0„ J. A.
Strong ; Leat•, .no, Done.
A Bylaw was paused at the last Connell
meeting that the Giant's salary be 9200
and 980 for postage and stationery ;
Treasurer, $95 nod 95 for financial state.
monk ; Aseeesore nala,y, 9125 ; (Untidier
of twp hall, 930 ; Auditors, 910 mob ;
Collector tor Wooten div., 950 ; Eastern
div., 950 OHoere appointed es followe :
L. Walker, Olerk ; N McLaughlin,
Treasurer ; MiP.on Leonard, Aeeeoeor;
Auditors, Adam Graham and John Ham-
mond ; Rohl, Russell, caretakers of twp.
ball ; M A V Armstrong, M. D., Medi•
oal Health Officer Wm. Findley, mem-
bar of Board of Health for 8 yeare, The
appointment of oolleotore will be lett
over until 1eptembsr meetaug,
W teach St
Dr. Geo. Ball, of Toronto, ie visiting
his parents in Wfngham.
A. E Lloyd left T'hureday morning on
a b'aieneea trip to Winnipeg.
W. 3. Greer bee pnrahaeed the book
and shoe stook of J. Batton & Co.
Wm Armour ie erecting a large ice-
house ou hie lot on Weet side of Edward
Robt. Manuel, formerly of Wingham,
hoe undergone an operation in Winnipeg
General Hospital, but is now recovering.
The Times Bays:—We anderetand that
a petition is being oiroulated aeking that
uo &garotte or billiard and pool Raceme
be greeted to Winghom for the ensuing
On Sunday evening, January 81e2,
Rev. D. Porrie, putter of the Wingham
Presbyterian Ohuroh will °eminence a
series of eermone, dealing with the
"Seven Deadly Sioe "
The anniversary of the organization of
WIngham Baptist Chetah will be abeery
ed on Sondity, Jan Blot. Bev, Dr, Thomas,
peter of Jarvio St. Baptist Oharch ,Tor•
onto, has ooneented to preach, morning
and evening, On Monday evening Dr.
Thomas will deliver hie leottre on "Oft
Daye in a Busy Life." •
Tho anneal meeting of St. Penl'e br6noh
of the Woman's Aox liary wa8 bold at the
roeidenee of Moe. W. F. Vanfltone„ when
the elr0tion of o8ioere for the year 1904
took place. The following (1110022 were
eleoted ;—Preeidont—Mre. Lowe ; 1st
Vioe Preeidont—Mre. VanStone • and
Vloe•Preoident—Mre. McGuire • 'Treat.
rarer --Mrs, R'oderue ; Ree. Sew—Wes 0, public), tie well as a "sore hardtbip to many , home.
Oorhnald ' Car, Seo.—Mre. 0 M.
Welker t Manevernent ournntitter -Mre,
Dingley, Mre. Bel'.
rharlee iters, eon of lira•Itbew Kerr,
of Wlulthrun, ie another Wiughotn boy
melllug his mark in the 0Joitetel Btat00
world, Two yeere ago Netmercantile wo d, 1 y a g
bebe took a situation with 0 I Inst
Qa ober, o tqa t
& Son, Philadelphia, at 9640 a year,
Arcer a year's eerviee he was engaged at
91200 Last week he received word that
hie salary had been rai ed 40 111800 and
At 'he regular meeting of Maitland
Lodge, I. 0, 0 F , the following on iers
were in,tallod by J. W. D dd, D D 0
M. ; —P G., A J, A'deroon • N. G.,
Jelin Elder ; V 0 , John D. NtEwen ;
Reo. B.0 , J. I'. Groyne ; Fin. Bee,, T. J.
Elliott; 'Teas., H 13 Elrintt ; War., A.
Tipling ; Oon,, F. G. Sperling ; R S. N•
G., D Longheed ; L. S. N 0 , Norman
Brandon ; R. 8, S , W. Lloyd ; L S. S.,
Dr. J. S. Ohiohnlm ; I. 0, W, Hough,
90.i,rru w•ol.
The annual enpper of the K 0 T. M.
arranged for Jen, 25'11, was poelpooed to
O iter date.
The ice orop for the mason has been
pretty well barveeted The quality of
the orop ie 1101 up to usual standard, too
much snow being present in it.
S. T. Willoaebb,y, who hoe b, en spend-
ing 2130 peat month with hie pareote in
town, returned this week to R.otbern,
Sask., where he holds a responsible
position on the Enterprise sniff.
Mies Loa Witter has returned to New
York, where abs graduated last Summer
as a trained nurse at Mt. Sinai Hospital
Mies Witter intends following her pro
tension in the American metropolis.
The town coal dealers have bad a
t t week
double tome of game an hand tae
de jeering (eel. A good many who
thought they had ooal enough for the
Winter have found the bottom of their
0061 bine already.
Rev. 0. H. Baokland, rector of Ohriet
Church, wee rattled to Toronto to attend
the funeral of hie mother, whose death
took place on Friday evening 15th inst.
The demand wag in her soventy•eixth
year, and bad been in failing hearth for
some time.
The annual meeting of the Morrie,
Feiid, Rogers Co., will be bell in the
aflame of the Company on Tuesday, Fr b.
end, at 8 m. to receive the report,
eleot direotore, and also to ooneider the
advisability of ohengine the name of the
Oompany to the Morrie Piano Co., Limit.
Hnndeome new combination gee and
electric Bubb fixtures are being installed
in the Methodist Church here, which will
about doable the light in the building end
add greatly to its handsome appearance.
The fixtures are all of polished braes, of
beautiful design, er d oonei0t of a large
central chandelier with 24 gas and 30
eleotrioletups, 192 beano!) end 43 branch
wall braokete, a pulpit light and own
massive platform standard lights with 6
gas and 8 eleotrio light breuohee each.
A report from Listowel on Friday
antis :—The trein service is uompletery
blooked in this district. We have had
no mei( nor trains for two days. A
freight train of 32 oars and four or five
engines are stunk in the snow between
hire and Milverton, and ten engines and
some oars of stook' between here and
Gowanetowu, while two engines with a
plough spent the night in a onowbauk a
few miles North of this town, Several
care of etoek are lying in the yard here.
Two paeeengor oars got in yesterday, end
the people have been living et the hotels,
without mach prospect of getting away
till 10 morrow at lomat. One engem in
ploughing through the snow got i10 front
trunk off the rail and smashed the rail
into three pieoea. The 000W are trying to
get the enema on again, but are having
mob diffionity for luck of auffioient ap
plianoee. The heavy snow ,eat night
filled up the ante gelid, and while the
railway company have put on a large
gang of eh,evellere, it will take some dive
to clear the road. A rail wae also broken
at Gowanetowu to day, and a gang of
repairers walked out from here to replace
Lai eleuow,
Before leaving f•tr the Weet E. J.
Collins presented the Luoknow band with
the nam ,•f five dollars.
The Epworth League will give a
mueioal and literary entertainment on
the evening of Monday, February let.
The sentinel Gaye :—Leet Sabbath
Rev A. McKay intimated to hie people
that he had Bent in hi.. raeienation to the
Moderator of Presbytery, Rev. D. Perrie,
and that through hie authority, the ewe
Rion and ooneregatien were rated to It
meeting of Presbytery to be held in the
Presbyterian ohuroh, Lnoknow, on Jan•
eery 28th, et 1 o'clock in the afternoon,
to give reaoone, it they have any, why
their peeler's resignation ebon.d not be
enoepted. A meeting of the congregation
will be held on Monday the 25th inet„ at
two o'olook in the afternoon, to deal with
matters relating to the resignation of the
pester, If Mr. MoKay'o reeignation le
accepted he will probably preach big
farewell Bannon on the last Sabbath of
thin month.
The annual meeting of the Kinloea
Branch Agricultural Sooioty was held in
the Oooi»otl Chamber 'Of the Town Hall,
Lnottnow, on Wednesday 18th inet., there
being a good attendance of members
present. The affairs of the moiety were
Chown to be in a very eatiefaotory shape,
their being a small balance from the
year's work. The total receipts for Hue
year were 91147.77 and diebareemente
9844.65 leaving a balance for the veer of
9308.25 The eel Board 0f Direotore,
with P. H. M,K0nzie, as. Preoident, were
re. eleoted, W, W. Smith being added to
the Huron directors. ',unmet questions
for the improvement of the Society were
dimmed, including the erection of further
building°, the extenoion and enlargement
of thepriz" lint and other important
matters. P. A. Maloomeon was ariain
eleoted Secretary and Thee. Lawrence,
At the anneal congregational meeting
03 the Presbyterian Aural) held on Thum-
' day the 14th hist , the following 000olu-
tton was passed and Afterwards gent by
the Secretary to Mr. Heys :—"Wherete
the Sabbath law of keeping one day in
seven holy onto the Lord by reeking from
nor ordinary aVoontione end attending to
our great religions privileges, was made
for man, so that throe obeervink it are
bteeoed And thogebreak lug it ere injared."
"Wbereae'the running of trains along the
Kincardine branch on Sabbaths daring
the past menthe Ilse been a 00uroe of
great trouble and grief to the Chrietien
STT cJOESS i McKinnon & Co.
7' •.',.. t THE GRAD'UAT08 OF
rN JAN..4, 1004, i
Two Courses—Oow we rolul and. Shorthand.
fiend for College Journal.
A. L, MoINTYRE, Manager.
Exhibitors Say
00 per cent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at
Pr.,vinoia, Winter Fair, 1901, were fed with
Worth ington'o Oauadlan Stock Toole.
We have been feeding your Stook Food
to cattle for some time, and find it to be an
excellent to010 We have also fed It to
horses and pigs, and are quite sure it is the
best etoek fund we have ever tried, Our
prz0 wluu log onttle at the Proviuolal Win-
ter Fa1r,1900, were fed Worthington's Stook
Tonin. LF]$LIft & PEA31N
Bra e4er Bborthorn Cattle,
Acton, Ont.
DEAR 01120,-
1 and your Stook Food le a 0007 ozoel-
tent Tonto for cattle, giving them a good
appetite and Heaping theirdleoetive organs
,u a health workingcondition. The eteer
"Menthe," exhib ted t Winter Fair, weighed
ab birth gr, Ins„ at 88 menthe 200 lbs, making
WOgainrtnofingtuo" 06 1Le, Mto,'r
k 1001,62,8001 It pays to feed
Breeder Bhorthorn Oattle,
Peepahuu, Ont.
Wo have used your Stook Food for both
cattle and huge and find It gives good 80110-
faetdon. Several of our onttle have shown a
pain of over 100 lie, per month while feed•
Breeder of Sbortuoro Cattle and York•
shire Hoge,
Fergus, Ont.
Note tbo Prloe :
10 ib
, hoz, 200 food e, 000
; 00 Ib. soak $2.
Mauufaotared by
Guelph, Ont.
For ealo by— N.F. GERMY, Bruseele ;
H. F, MoALLISTEd, Ethel ;
WU, m1881.R, Bluevale;
N. B. GERBY, Blyth.
of the workmen who are thee deprived
of their ueoee-ary weekly rest, and de-
barred from attending God's house."
"Therefore, we the members and ad-
berents of the Presbyterian 000gregation
of Luckoow at this our anneal meeting
do now, for God's glory and for the wel-
fare of the G. T. R. Co„ of the employees
and of the 000027 at large, moat respect.
holy petition U. M. Hays, General Mao•
ager of the G. '110, Montreal, to discon-
tinue the rosining of trains on Sabbaths
and allow the men their necessary rest.
Ora.uca.diau Newry.
Alex Remelt, of Markham, has been
appointed lioenea inepeotor for East
William Alobieon, of Hamilton, wee
streak by a train near Watford and
Fireman Albert Johnston was killed in
a collation of double header freight trains
near Bernie.
Dr. Moher, of the Orillia. Asylum will
be promoted to the vaoauay at the bead
of 1118 Brookville Asylum.
The household of John Patterson, near
Brougham, narrowly tramped death by
asphyxiation fr''m ooal gas,
D, Dineen, of Arthur township had hie
horse and six head of oettlel killed at a
railway crossing near Mount Forest.
The officers of the Toronto garrison
have settled on Feb. 8 as the date of
their dinuer re. Sir Frederick Borden.
Robert Campbell, of Kingston, who
left hie sick wile and family destitute
during the recent cold soap, ems sent to
jail for rix monthe.
At the Police Court, Brantford, A.
Mitchell wale fined 985 for thawing an
Armenian named Abe George in the
knee on Christmas eve.
The Treuenrer of the Strathoona Olnb
of Heepeter, which has jest been opened,
has received a check for a haudred
dollars from Lord Stratboona.
The tate C.;lin Campbell, of Iroquois,
in hie will directed that 92,000 be paid
the Province, if the eneees002on duties
on his snots did not reach that lem0net.
The Y. M. 0. A. Toronto, has acquired
property adjoining the Oantral Mamie -
don building for the boyo' department,
through the geoeroeity of T,motby
Nominations for the bye•eleolione in
Rouvitle and Westmorland, canoed by the
appointment of Messrs. Brodeur and
Emmere00 to the Cabinet, will be held on
Jeenary 20.
The Dominion Shorthorn Breeders'
Association endorsed the deoisiou not to
exhibit at St, L'aie, One thousand five
hundred dnl'are for the Toronto Exhibi•
tion and 91,200 for Winnipeg were voted.
The auditing of the patriotic fund ie in
progress et Ottawa. The fund probably
em00tite to 9100,000, and payments are
atilt being made to those South African
veteran, who eetabliell their right to be
rewarded as benefiofariee.
With the beginning of the year mitts
went into effeot on all railroade in this
country, governing the transportation of
dead bodies. Under the new regulations
it Is poeeible ti, ship the body of any per.
eon dying of ''mal pox or bubonic plague.
Bodies of per00ae dying of Asiaticohotera
yellow later, typhoid fever, diptheria,
scarlet fever, etysipelae glanders, tenth.
rex or leprosy will be shipped only under
the most complete conditions of digin•
President Mille of the 0. A. 0.,
Guelph, Mre, Mille and daughter arrived
home Wediletday afternoon from Toron-
to. Their putter wee in waiting for them
and ago about two hundred students,
who goVe them a great ovation. When
the party entered the nutter the horse
wee unhitched, a rope attached and a
pr000eeion marched through the leading
etreete of the pity, the °indent° shouting
their ooltege ory. Thio rather unique
proceeding here drew the attention of all
along the streets, On arriving at hie
residence Mr. Malls thanked the pupils
for the donor they had done him, and
hopad that he would heve the pimento
goon of entertaining theta in his own
It may eeem like forcing the season to allow New Spring Pante in
January When the thermometer is ten below zero, bat our onetomere like 10
take time by the forelook and get their PrintsWeidner) and Ootton Goode
early, and have them made up before the Spring work begins, We ordered
our Prints some menthe ago before the advance in pottono, wbtah enables
es to dell;them at last year'a prime elthough they are 000 worth from 10 to
16 per neat more. We will be pleased to have you Dalt and examine our
New Prieto:whether you are prepared to buy or not, Below we quote a few
prioee :
Crams Celebrated English Print'', wide width, eoft finish, guaranteed (set
colors, now worth 150, for 120.
Canadian Prieto, wide width, heavy and light weights, cast aolore, in new
patterne, now worth 12}0, for 10o.
Ecglieh andl0aoadian Prieto, now,worlh 8o, for 5o,
We are running t ff our Winter Goode at slaughter price. to clear.
Drop in and Bee the bargains we are giving in Wrepperettee, Flannelettes,
Wool Sleekete, Flannelette Blankets, Ladies' Cloth Goats, Ladies' Fur
Jaokete, Men's For Carats, Men's Beaver and Cheviot Overcoare, Men's
Stab Proof Rehberg, Men's Homemade mitts, Heavy Wool Sox, Shirte and
Drawers, Ladies' For Oaperinee, Rafts, Staler, Cape, Muffs, Eto. If you
need anything in Winter Goode you ehoeld not mise the,ohanoe.
As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank
my Customers for their patronage and wish
to state that I have put in a full stock of
Cutters and Sleighs.
We would ask you, to call and inspect our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting
promptly attended to.
Choice Stock of
mac., esc.
A fine range of Robes, ;best in the market, has been
opened up consisting of
—Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot.
—In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold
at Close Prides.
Repairing Promptly Attended to
Sign of
Horse's Head
Rare Opportunity
I1�T 0 Y IC .ZOOA..L.S
We have a large stock of Men's, Boys', Youths' and
Children's Overcoats and in order to clear them out
quickly have decided to make big reductions in the
price of all lines.
We Offer You in this Special December Sale:
$4 00 Overcoats now going at $8 25
5 00 " tr 4 25
6 00 & 6.50 Overcoats now going at 5 00
7 00 Overcoats now going at 5 50
8 00 " rr 6 60
10 00 r' 80 8 25
These are actual reductions off regular first -glass values and not
harked up in order to gut prices, Aot quickly and get first choice
aid your proper size.