HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-1-28, Page 1'
" 11
1 I.
0.1/04..10 WON.
Vol. 82. No.. 29
W. H KE RR, Prop.
New Advertisements.
Notes lost—W. a ltlfoOutelmon,
Cows for ate—Dr. MoNaughton•
Binder twine—A, M. McKay & 00.
Still in the old etand—S. T. Plum.
Baorod concert—Irlethodiet Ohara).
Annual meeting—W. S. MoKerober,
New Spring printe—MoKinnon & Co.
Noble Forbes arrived home last Sattir-
day from the hospital at Toronto where
he was receiving medium' attendatute for
a leg that has been bothering him for
some time. Hirt many friends hope be
• will continue to improve.
• Alex. Gardiner was away last week at-
tending the big sale of them' bred Short -
home. He porch/lead "Star Chief', im-
ported last Fall by H. Cargill & Son. A
yearling bull, eMitur, 8th" was Mr. Gard-
iner second mucilage, bred. by Cargill
Son from imported stook. This is the
way to improve the herds of this country.
The sprit of Mrs. Samuel Stitt, took
its flight at 4.110 o'olook last Friday after-
noon. She had berm poorly for two
weeke with au attack of pleurisy but no
thought of her decease prevailed what
heart failure asserted itself on Friday
forenoon and she passed away peacefully
to her reward. Mrs. Stitt was a claugh-
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1903, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blacksmithing, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
• 0E91 and see ue.
Thomas street, Brussels.
Deering I -lamest
Machinezy Co.
I beg leave to notify the Farming
Community that I have been appointed
Load Agent for the Deering Harvest
Machinery Od. and will be pleased to be
favored with a share of pnblio patronage.
machinee may be seen and information
obtained. Hope to have the p'eaeure of
calling on many duriug the minim.
season: It anything is required in this
line eall on me.
ter of the late Thos, Roe, who was well
known in MoKillop, She had been mar-
ried twice, her first hatband, Thos. For-
bes paying Nature's debt 20 years ago.
Her owed husband was Samuel Stitt,
who with 0 Waldron survive ' wife and
mother, The ohildren are Noble Forbes,
Mee. juo. McPherson, &hula, Webster,
Sylveoter, and Florenoe. The deceased
was a big hearted, industrious and line
spirited woman who enjoyed the esteem
of everybody who knew here. In her
connection with the Methodist church
her testimouy was trustful and she will
be greatly missed in the oommuniby and
her demise will make a sad vacancy in
her home. Mrs. SUMO; brother's, Flet-
cher and Edgerton Be, of McKillop, and
her two sisters are Mrs. Jermyn, of Mor-
rie township and Mrs, Andrew Morrison,
of Brandnn, Manitoba, The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon to Brussels
cemetery. Rev. Alfred Andrews, the
pastor of demurred concocted an eppro-
priate service. The bereayed family will
be deeply sympathised with in their end-
*en! tte-Elti.
Lee is being stored here for next Bum-
mer's use,
The snow shovelling gang is kept bney
•on the roofs of beadle and shade.
Rev. Dr, Daeiel, of Goderioh, will
preach Missiotiary termone in the Metho-
dist church here next Sabbath.
W. H. Willie, town Councillor, will
take a business trip to New York shortly,
Mrs. Willie will likely accompany bim.
Mrs. MoLean, mother to Mrs. (Rev.)
Wallwio, of this, town, continues quite
poorly. Her ailment is of a nervous
Friday evening of this week the Col-
legiate Distitute Literary Society will
hold an At Home when an enjoyab e time
is anticipated.
The Truiketemith Agricultural Satiety
has decided to hold their annual Fall
Fair in this town on Thursday and Fri-
day, September 22nd and 23rd.
There is a deoided shortage in the coal
and wood supply in this town and unless
the new -nary fuel soon arrives real want
will stare the people in the face.
We are sorry to report the serious ill-
ness Mrs. F. G. Natalia A lung affection
is the Ailment from cold contracted but
we hope she will soon be oonvalecent.
We were practically shut off from the
outside world for a few days this week
owing to the snow bleckade. There were
no Maine in or out on Monday and busi-
ness was very quiet.
•The post office had a busy time here
this week when mail matter arrived.
Over 1000 letters were dispatched Tues-
day, the acounslation from Saturday. A
great many ensile per day are made up
It is reported that either a second news-
paper or a sob office may be opened up lo
town. The Sun plant was sold out by
auction leaving the field to The Expositor
who fills the bill well in supplying the
weekly newe.
D. D. Wilson, an old and well known
resident, is home from a businese trip • to
Winnipeg and we are pleated to hear
the visit was marked with success along
the sale of Wes ern property, He deser-
ves all he gets as he has been a good man
for both town and countey.
Monday evening the Borne' Anniver-
sary was celebrated here by a haggis
supper in Cardno's Hall, A short ,pro-
gram of epeenhifying interspersed with
the songs of wild Scotia was in order and
many kind words were spoken of the
"immortal poet". Miss MoLean gave a
reading that was very highly appreciated.
A complimentary romper was tendered
last Friday everting to Bank Manager
Pearce who was 1, aving town. The tab-
les were spread at the Clornrneroial hotel
and excellent time was enjoyed by the
large company. Alter the inner -men
lad been regaled a program of song,
speeeli-malting and complimentaty refer-
ence was the order the clergymen and
business men of the town and prominent
members of the community taking part,
Mr. Pearce has gone to St. Thomas. He
was promoted from the DominionBank
here and was very highly esteemed. Mr.
Gibson, of Wingliam, is his suoceesor itt
• Seaforth.
Sacred Concert
FEBRUARY 4th, 1904,
Brussels ieiliodisi Chit
THE PROGRAM ‘.'""1111145.1"b"-
SOLOS by Messrs. Jas. Jones, H. W. Arisen, F. 11. Gilroy, R. S.
Fletcher, R. J. 1VIcLauchlin and X. L. Kerr.
QUARTETTE by Messrs. Jt Milllausen, W. H. herr A. Coosley
• and M. Sharp.
T110111130NE SOLO by W. A.. Eilewar,
VIOLIN SELECTION by a L. Jaelison.
THE CHURCH ORCHESTRA. will open and close the Concert.
• Mlles dean eletiuseltilla, Natio
• etude will be occupied by Mein Sr, W. Veneto,
01 Welcome is Zoctenasci to All
Seaforth may possibly gontain the two
candidates m the next CoMmone eleotion
for South Huron. If John Sberitt, M.
P., will not ?tempt the nomination it is
said 13, B. Gene, merchant of this town,
will carry the lemma The Liberal 0001 -
Misting Clouvention lets not been held yet
so it is nob decided whether Geo, Me -
Ewen, Iti, P. will be the Liberal nomi-
etre but if not M. Y. Molten!), M. P. F.,
who knows the riding well, would make
a strong oandidate and would lead the
Liberals to viotory,
/arch. Instep, M. P. P., and Go. Conn-
oillore Miller, Bowman, Karma Mc.
Naughtou, Gunn and Kerr were here on
Tuesday waiting for trains to Toronto and
Goderioh, respeotively. It was suggested
that Co. Olerk Lone be telephoned for to
melte a snow -shoe trip from Goderioh
with the minute book so Council could be
held here, There were ex -Oe. Council-
lors enough about to more than make
up a quorum in the persons of Ex -War-
dens, Jas. and Thos, E. Hays, and
Messrs. Morrison, MoLean, Watson, Nee -
lin, Wilson &c.
Communion eervioe will be held in the
Presbyterian ohurch here next Sabbath.
Zech. MoCalltun is home !tom the
Went for haidaye. He will return we
The Methodist chards young people
',vie be entertained at ali A.t florae at the
Pereonage on Thursday evening of thio
week if weather will permit.
The Baorameut of the Lord's supper
will be dispensed at Ethel Preebyterian
church oti Sabbath 81st. hut, at 11 s. m.
Preperatory Service on Saturday 80th
that. at 2.80 p. cri. No service on Bab
bath at Oranabolt on amennt of
Oommnninn et Ethel.
An At Home will be given in the Town
Hall, Ethel, on Feb 4th, tinder the
auspices of the Methodiet ohnroh choir
A. good program is li preparation F, 11.
Gilroy and EL W. Avison, of Brussels,
The Male and Ladies' quartette, of
leloleewortle, and Mier MaCormiok, of
Trowbridge, are expected; also the looal
talent of our town, All are cordially
invited. Come and enjoy a social even
ing. Refreshments will be served.
V17 vox air eir.
John Patterson jr., has retureed from
Toronto. ,
Mrs, Geo, Allan has been on the slots
fist for a week.
R. Miller ie in Goderioh attending the
County Comer.
Gavin Davidenti is speeding a week at
Gat and St. George,
H. Armetroug bad a sale at bis im-
plement shop on Friday.
Mies Lan Hemphill left last week for
e visit with relatives in Beretta
Frank Ardell, of Gerrie, hi at present
employed in R. J. Rann's shoe shop.
Samuel Griffith left on Friday for
Huntsville where he will spend the
W toter.
A hockey team from here went to
Clifford last Friday and was defeated by
more of 19-4.
Alias Jessie Bertrin bag returned to
Belmore, having spent a week with her
brother, J. Bartiey.
Geo. and Mrs. hall have returned from
Monet Forest and have taken up house-
keeping in the village.
Mrs. A. MoMiebel qr., of Howiok, and
two daughters neared foto their resideuoe
on Howbeit et., last week.
An auction °ale of homes, etook and
bonito hold furniture will be. held at the
Union Howie on Saturday, Jan. 30th.
At the' nomination last Tnesclity Alex.
Munroe and John Harris were sleeted to
fill the two vaeancies on the °outran
VV se eta it.
The stormy weather of last Sabbath
rather knocked out the esual church set -
v1010'1% sacrament of the Lord's supper will
be dispens d in Duff's church on Sabbath
the 14th of February,
Rev, A. Andrews is preaching every
Sabbath evening in the A. 0. 0, W. Hall
in Walton at 7 o'clock.
Rev. A, Macelabb has been on the !dolt
list with. the prevailing cold but is itn
proving uow we are pleased to state.
.The Lecture announced to be delivered
next Monday evening here in the A. 0,
U. W. by Rev. Dr. Daniels, of Gotterioh,
has been Indefinitely postponed.
Next Sabbath afternoon, at.2 80 o'clock
a memorial service having reference to
the late Mrs, Samuel Stitt will be held in
the Methodist ohnroh, South of here,
The pastor will offiolate.
Correngoottogra Mmettenro.— The annual
oongregetional meeting of Duff's church
Walton, was held on the evening of
Thursday the twenty-first Net, As the
weather was stormy and the roads very
bad the atteoclanoe was not so large as
Motel. However those who were present
managed the bush:tees in all expeditious
and agreeable manner. The absence of
the pastor, Rev. A. MacNalr from the
meeting, on tuicouut of illness was regret-
ted by all present. After devotional
exeroisea Jonathan Moore was appointed
Chairman and Thomas McFacizertg
Secretary. The financial statement read
by the Treasurer was exceedingly gratify-
ing. During the year more than eleven
hundred dollars hal been received for all
porposee. Of this Amount the Ladle&
000 Sooleby contributed $241.00 besides
this a bale of mints and clothing, valued
et 626.00, bad heal sent by them to the
Children's Aid Society of Toronto, Con-
tributions of tho Y. P, S. 0. D. were
$40,00 and from the S. S. $18.00 was
teceived. A clement walk, veraudith and
other Mensarepeits have been omelet -
ed at a ?feet of $180,00. Although
• Stiphend heti bean inefetued'8100.00,
caretaker and organiet's salary are
inoreased also yet all therm flatlands had
been met with do deficit except a few
dollars by the Claim' Ata sooiety who
had undertaken church „ mid Manse
repairs. For the present year the
organist Mina Annie Ferguson, and oare-
taken, Aneetiw Jelitiston were re-engaged
at the mete mimeo as last year, Thom-
as MisFacizean was re -appointed Secretary
and Miss Mary Smillio, Treasurer, The
families connected with oongregation
at the close of the year are fifty -Fox and
membere lo full communion one hundred
and twenty-one. With the election of a
Board of Management, given belosv, the
meeting came to a Woo, the unanimity
and prosperity of the oongregation for the
put year giving much MUM for thankful -
nese and much encouragement for the
future. Managing Board, let year,
Thomas Moladertan, John Ewen and
Wm. Geo. Clark ; 2ed year, Robert Alo-
Gavin jr., Jae, 11, MoLaeohlio and Wm.
A, MttOall ; 3rd year, Andrew Johnston,
James A. Moore and John Smith's.
Council meeting an Feb, 8th.
Robert Bell, of Grey, was a slate
with his son, Jno. R. Bell, during th
pest week.
David Badgely, of Ethel, bas rente
from Jae. Speir the Jamie Fetch farm
lot 27, on the 6th line, and will tak
possession at once.
Word comae from Joseph Clegg aha
he is taking the foe benefit of the South
erly climate this Winter and it is agree
ing with him all right.
Owing to the interruption of trains by
the long ciontinned stormy weather poste,
matter oomes very irregularly to Son
shine of late but we hope the worst I
over now.
We are pleased to report that Reber
Soweto, 8rd line, who had a light stroke o
paralysis, is eoneiderably improved and
is able to get about the house. We hope
he will soon be frilly restored.
Thomas Brown, 6th line had the mis
fortune bo have fi rusty nail rue in his
knee. It is a painful wound so be has
been laid aside for the past week or
more but we hope he will soon be about
The hones moving sleighs of Dose Cole,
sI Ethel, have been in use io moving
boom from Wm Thuell's farm, Sith line,
to D, MoCutcheone of the some canoes
Rion. A roadway was meds through the
fielde. The briak veneer was removed
and will be replaced next Spring along
with other imprOvemente. Mr. MoOtima
eon will have a very comfortable home
when all is oomplete,
During the pest week or more W. J.
South bas been on the sick list from
blood poisoning. It started in his hand
and the swelling went up his arm. Mr.
Beath went to Brussels so 45 to he
ocuvenient to bis medical attendant,
making hie home with his ester, Mre.
George Lowry. Mt. Bondi's many
friends hope be will soon be able to
resume his usual avoeseion.
William C. Fralick died at his home,
Lot129. Goo. 8, Morris at 2 u'olook no
Wedneeds,y morning of this week, of
apoplexy after a lingering dinette of
nearly 3 years. Mr. Fralick was born in
the County of Addington 78 years ago
and was a son of B. Fraliok who died in
Brueeele 7 years ago and brother to
Samuel Fraliels in the North Weet. A
wife and daughter are left to mourn the
lose of a kind husband and loving father.
interment will take Ouse on Facial 29th
at Brussels cemitery.
ere 5-600'.
Lagrippe•has been busy in Grey town
Service was held at Bethel ohurah
last Sabbath evening,
Next meeting of the township Council
will be held on Monday, Feb. 8,11.
• Mies Emily Weigh, of Grey township,
has beau visiting at J. A. Turnbui's, of
13 ma.
Mrs. R. ()itm, Sol line, is very low end
no bopes it recovery. She ie at her
father's near Stratford.
• We are sorry to report the whine
illness of Mies Pickerel!, 1.2th con., bat
hope she will soon be convaleacent
Enema Crieh had a catohus witehman
with lagrippe daring the past week but
is on the better side of it now we are
pleased to Male.
Miss Ivy Livingston, 10•11 eonceesion,
arrived home last week after au enjoy•
Ole 'deli of some weeks with her sister&
in Thameovifle end Dutton. Her °Ming
evidently agreed with her.
The 0 P. R., engineers were through
this section last week mining the pro
posed line, the men travelling on snow
shoes. Road will be about 1,} miles from
Monorieff postoffiee. A eideing and at
least a flag station is promised between
Walt on Had Monkton.
The 100 acre term of Alfx. MoKay,
being lot, 29, con. 15,hos been sold to,
Daniehle-ble, of thia township, for the
sum of 64,050 Purchaser will get
possession next• Marna Mr. McKey
whoae health hoe been poor fot several
yeate, will retire and loeate Itt one of the
villages probably. He was one of the
pioneers; in this oration of Gtey,
ADDREse AND PititeRNTATIoN.—Wednee
day evening, Jan. 20th, about fifty or
upwards of the young people of Monorieff
assembled at the .home of Jas. Bettie,
ff Loran, for the purpose of presenting
Mrs, Salta'' their former orgaiiiet, with
a well titledpuree, ainornpanied by the
following address
To Mrs. Jas. Baffin
Dam the congregation of
Bethel choral, take this opportuutty upon
the removal of you from bur tnidet, of
expressing to yeti oar appreciation Of the
arduous duties you have performed while
eating as organist of our ohnroli and the
Way you. have faithfully performed the
game, and Mao the elf irtg you put forth
in anything tending to advance our
intermits in conueotioo with Ohurieh and
Sunday School work. We, therefore, hag
Of yon to accept OW puree as a mall
token of the esteem in which yott are
held lo our midst and in oonolueion, as
we eepatate, that Gird may eVec guide
and prosper yen and your hueband in the
thrum is the earneab wish stud desire of
your Bethel friends. Signed on behalf
Of.the ?Aural by,
1Vizetue ATTRIDGE,
Mr. Bettie), though taken by enrprise,
made a very eatable reply in Meta
ilettitde behalf The evening was
pleasantly spent itt made, genies ete,,
atter which a dainty lamb wee served
and all went borne well pleased with the
evening's amusement,
Weep= Beam —A joyous company
of 60 or more mumbled at "View Lee
Farm," 17th con., the comfortable home
of William and Mee. MoAlli'
eter on Wed.
nesday afternoon of We week to witneee
the matrimonial %thence between John S.
Ritchie, a wall known young man in the
neighborhood, nod Mies Dorothy, &ugh.
er of the hint and hasten. The owe
mony was performed by Rev. A. Mao.
Nob, Pd. A , of Walton, in orthodox
fashion, Miss Annie Forenoon played
the 'Wedding Metall as the contracifing
parties took their places. The pritunpale
were unamompanied, meeting that little
Mies May Velteh, of Galt, neioe of the
bride, rendered services as flower girl in a
very neat manner. The bride wore s
very becoming costume of white crepe de
obese oarried boquet of white roses
and looked very nioe. Hearty tiongratti
Wilms were tendered after which a sop
per, preps.red in the beet style of the
hostess, was served. The wedding gine
were very titmice numerous and unite,
In the evening ;here wee a gathering of
young people numbering over a hundred,
who spent a neost enjoyable time at Mr
McAllister's oelebrating the event. Vocal
and inetrumental music, wait' chat, ,
filled in the time; bir. and Mrs. Ritchie
have taken op their home on the groove's
farm in the same oommunity which will
be a alarm of gratifioation to the many
Mende of both partit] as they have made
themselves very useful. They commenee
married life under very fevorable aus
picas and with the good wishes of a large
arc's of relatives and friends in which
Tea Poet joins.
Cryan reireteele.
Miss Lizzie McRae is visiting friends
in Bruesels.
Dan, McQnarrie Jr. is at Seaforth this
week on a business trip.
Jacob Long bas been busy taking out
ice for the Summer nee.
No eerrioe in the Presbyterian chorale
next Bo oday on account of ooramunion
at Ethel,
Mise Bade Rathwell, of Wilton Grove,
is visiting her Lunde, Geo. Sparliug at
Misses Minnie and SAM Buttery were
visiting Miss Sara Long tend ether Mende
this week.
A speoial Communion service will be
had in the Methodist ohuroh next Bun
day at 2 30 p. m.
Deccan and Adam Dewar, of Wellesley,
were here visiting their emtein, Peter
McDonald and other friends. '
Jacieb Long has punthased the Jno
'Web% farm from Daniel Neeble, paying
the latter a slight advance on what he
gime Mr. Knight. It contains 50 mores.
Mr Long will not live on it.
Next Sabbath afternoon the quarterly
communion will be held in the Methodlat
Witch here. Rev. Mr. °aeons drove
here teat Sabbath afternoon from Brae
sale bot the oongregation 408 not dilli
cult to count,
The annuli1 report of Knox Church
has been published from which the
following particulars are eleaned :—
Reeeived from Eodeavor, $20 ; Thanke•
greats colleetion, $24 50 ; for chum',
schemes, $147 45 ; for etipend, $418.
total reo.ipts $1080 81, disbursements,
;meta 6500 ; pastor's Assembly expatiate,
830; repairing churob, 866 ; Bottle tole
stone; $24; charob soberneg, $147 45; Sew
Trees. en Wry $100. Jas. A. alcLanch
Ian bas been the Secretary Treasurer tint
Wm. Clatneron will fill the office for 1904
ANOTHER :Mariam; PAerr,—On Mon
day evening a goodly number of the Oran
brook Methodist Congregation assembled
at the Parsonage, Bruseele, and preset,
Led their Pastor, Rev. T. W. Oceans with.
p. large load of oats. 01r. Coruna, though,
'taken by surprise, eatebly acknowledged
the kindness of the people, thanked them
for their generosity and expressed a hope
that the moment relations exerting be
ween pester and people might continue.
A sew home were spent with games
made dre. About miduight, the ladies
opened their baskets and reeved a sump
twins enpper, after which all started for
their homes feeling they hnd spent a
very pleasant and profitable eveninit.
Oranbrookites , enjoy doing gamma
things and snob thooghtfulnees must
eertanly be inepiring to a pastor,
Perth Oounty.
The Fergus rink, skipped by A. Mee.
Me, won the Harriston bonepiel.
AI, xte3ruden of Britiah Oolnnebia is
visiting at bts mother's on the 1.2111 Oon.
Owing to the House of Oommone being
celled for Mame 10th the nomination of
a candidate by the Liberals in South
Perth has been postponed,
Jacob Chappell, formerly of St. Mery.'s
Ont., was in E ?mouton. He leaves so
oberge of eleglish smoking people to
mate two townships between Saddle Lithe
ant Goodfith Late, about 126 miles
down the river. They ere delighted with
that iocation, and with Northern Albeata
in general. '
A freight train tenobeci Stratford on
Saturday night from Fort Erie. The
oresv had been on the road from Thure
day morning, with no /deep but what they
could ennieh in the cab deride stops.
This is a temple 'of what the men in
ciliates of the big icon home are goiltg
through now.
'The Young Liberal Club of Stratford
have anted bo follnwing Egeoutive
Oiditinittee, the oilier officiate being oleo-
ted by anolattiation Burgess, W. A.
Moots, Peter IlleoDonalti, Mae, Rankin,
R. M. Nee, la Obis. Fareptherson, W
Miller H. (Jerrie, E. O'Flaleerty, jr.'
and T. J, Tobin.
Sopplerneetery Meetings will he held its
connection with North Pettit Fttplar's
thetituto as follows t'...MDttslds Tall,
Lietoefel, Tuseritty, Feb, 2nd, evening
only ; Hall, Atwood, Wed-
neetlay, Feb, 310 ; afternoon and night ;
Clheeee Panay, Monkten, Eridey, Feb,
60.1 afternoon end evening,
A leall oegeeization was (turned et
Atwood in oonneetion with the Lord's'
Day Allianoe, the following dimes being
°lasted ; President, 1). A. Kidd, M. D.
Vice-Preeideote, Rev, Dr. MeLeod, Rev.
Wm- Petthall, Rev. Mr, Oanjoy ; Sews.
tary, Andrew Robb; Exeoutive Oora.
mittee, Arthar Robb, E. M. Ballantyne,
J. J. Hammond, John A. Tan:ead,
Tire Mullah° must bo the real old
'sbingo" as notwtihstanding the fast that
British soldiers thrash them by the
thousands they soth appear ready for
another Weals. They will want to keep a
sharp look -out now, however, as Major
Leokie, a Canadian °Meer, is nosy over in
that land of many battles.
Ix the election held in North Oxford,
on Tuesday, Lient-Coi. Mauro, Liberal
candidate defeated Pdr. Butler, the Con-
servative candidate by over 950 of a
majority. This seat beoanie vacant by
the death of Andrew Pattullo who won
the riding in 1898 by a majority of 1023
and ire 1902 by a majority of 1104. Mr.
Whitney will still be surprised "at the
• wonderful change in feeling there". By
this win Hon. G. W. Rose adds another
to bis majority in the House.
Oototrat, LYNCH, who was sentenced to
life imprisonment for high treason, has
been granted his liberty. He will not be
permitted to affix M. P. to his name how-
ever. This hot headed Irishman is a
clever fellow, we guess, but he evidently
slipped a cog evidently when he talked
against hie best friends. The lesson he
has learned will likely prove of value to
him and his release will remove the
possibility of attacbing the title of martyr
to him by people who sympathised with
• *
How the times change, We have heard
of a mao who only owned one shirt who
had to go to bed to have it washed
but that pressing need has been
obviated in Berlin, Germany, where a
Aim offers to supply the shirts free of
charge on condition that the future
work is done at their laundry. They
appear to figure out that the washing
and ironing profit will more:than counter-
balance the first cost of the wearing
apparrel„ After a while some institution
Will be brought into being whereby
people will be willing to eat your meals
for you.
To PosT has great pleasure in pro-
posing a very hearty vote of thanks to Rev.
Mr. Hioke for the great ability be has
displayed in this country with so large a
share of high grade weather and beg leave
td intimate that we are of the opinion
that a change of air and scene would do
him good and urge that he be relieved
from his present engagement for a three
tnonthe' holiday. We also recommend
that a copy of the above be engrossed and
forwarded to the reverend gentleman and
if he declines to respond that somebody
be hired to present him with a nitro-
glycerine boquet.
Otte old friend Oom Paul Kruger, who
figured ao largely on the map in South
Africa, is enjoying very math better
health than when the British troops wore
pureeing him. This ie likely true as we
have known oases of heart failure when a
lively bovine or an irate proapeotive
father-in-law were the pursurers which
disappeared shortly after a fellow jumped
the fano or out ran the "old mart". Mr.
Kruger is a bright old gentleman just the
tame and we would not object to see biro
return to the Transvaal and spend the
remnant of his days under the liberty -
giving folds of the of the old Union Jaok.
if he deolines to do this then the country
will have to be managed without him.
• •
TUE opponents of President Roosevelt
are making 'vigorous efforts to boom
Mark Hanna for the Presidential term.
We suppose they would have emblazoned
on their procession banners "What's the
matter with Hanna 2" Many appear to
think, however, that the present occupant
of the ohair should have another OppOr-
tautly of leading the groat republic.
Roosevelt has many admirable qualties
and his aversion to keep tied up to old,
fanciful ideas is among the most to be
applauded. He is a doer rather than a
dreamer or closet and We mise our guess
if he does not win out in the coming con-
Wo notice by the verdict over the
relent disastrous fire in the Travois
theatre Itt Oblong° that seventeen people
are held responsible for the great
sacrifice of Inman life. Oritnina/ notions
aro expected to follow. If fore broke out
in the chneolies, sohool building or Town
Hall in troesels when well filled We
wonder What the resale Would he 7 We
fear the result might endanger many liveg
ag the elite ere oertaitily ineu£Ohietb in a
panic to afford easy °grate. Fire dtill is
proposed am tt partial retnedy at tbe wheel
/Renee Witrieh 10 a Very wigs prima/time
but ?should not a few fire escape kidders
or Metellio stairways be arranged
at tbe other publio buildings mentioned
to obviate the possibility of writ:ming
human lives?
11' is said the Minister of AMOR will
push improvements in hie department
and to do One that large grants of money
will be neoseerry. A number of changes
have been made bat it is said there le
room for many more. The Counties
should not be asked in the time to oome
to pay out the miserable pay offered to
volunteers when attending military drill
but a reasonable per diem should be
granted that would be at least a small
inducement for busy men to attend a 10
or 16 days' camp of instruction, We
atilt believe the oompany drill at the local
headquarters would prove more effective
with occasional brigade mustering to
practice the wider niovements. Ito peace
rather than war that this world needs,
Jae. nowAAN ELECTED WAustalie.
Word was received Wednesday even-
ing that Jame.; Bowman, of Morris, was
elected Warden of Hama County by
acclamation for 1904. Mr. Bowman was
elected under the new Co. Council A•ot as
a representative of Division No. 6, by a
vote of 981 on Jan. 2nd 1899. This is the
first time Morrie ever had the honor to
have a member from the township hold
the honorable position es Warden of the
County. We congratulate Mr. Bowman
on getting the position.
Opinion of Mayor Hays,
of ListoweL
Mayor F. W. Hay, of Listowel, who is
at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, is of
the opinion that the oriticiem of the
traffic arrangements of the Grand Trunk
branch linter lute about reached its limit.
o We bave all had jest cause for complaint
against the Grand Trunk" said Mayor
Hay, who is a member of Hay Brothers,
to a representative of the Globe, Friday,
"and my own firm has suffered coo-
eiderably at times through lack of cars,
but it does appear now as if people were
protesting against oonditioos wbioh no
railway company could mend. It bas
been snowing off and 00 for thirty days
np in Huron, Grey and Bruce, and the
drifts, while not so heavy ag in former
years, are stretched over all the lines.
There are miles of snow two and one-half
to three feet deep, and the railway com-
pany has spared neither men, motive
power nor money to meet probably the
womb experience of the kind in its hietory.
I have a lot of sympathy for the train -
masters and the forces under them who
have been working twenty hours a day to
serve the travelling public." As an
instance of the diffioulties which beset the
moving trains, Mayor Hay told of leaving
Listowel at 4 o'clock one day last week
on a train of three (loathes and two
eoginea. Althongb one train had passed
over the track two hours before, the one
that he was on was stalled ab 6 o'clock
within three miles of Stratford, and he
had to hire a ffirmet to drive him in. • •
Anyone who did not see the piles of snow
along the traok would be inolined to put
blas blame on the motive power. "I have
seen the time when we were without a
Toronto paper for three day initiat:met,"
said Mayor Hay, "but our mail has ar-
rived every day this Winter. I don't
believe the service on the branoh lines of
the Trunk is worse than that of any
other railway, and I think it is better
„than the service on the main line. Out
brains from the termitiale in good weather
are always on time, but the Oreille from
the South, whitth have to make con-
nections, are late. The beavy snowfall
has injured business all over Western
Ontario, and merchants in every town
are complaining because the farmers can.
uot get out to market. The railway is
not pretending to move any dead freight,
and is devoting all of its attention to the
passenger and perishable freight bad -
Elm Mary Ball, an old lady was found
frozen to death in herhouse at London.
J. Atkins, a Lyndon school teacher;
lost an eye through being hooked by a
Apollos Churchill, a carpenter aged 70
was killed by a Bloor and MoCaul ceri
Joseph W. Oakes, of Guelph, has been
appointed license inspeotor for South
Writs have been issued for four Patna-
mentary bye -elections in Quebec, to be
held on Feb. 16.
Robert Jaffray has been appointed to
the Terniskaming. it Northern Ontario
Railway Commtenion.
Joseph Doiron lost bis life in a anow-
slide while travelling from Slooan oity
to Black Prince mine oe Skis.
The portrait of Goldwin Sthith pre -
stinted by J. Rosa Robertson, Was Unveil-
ed in the universiby library.
An unknown man, approtently a farmer
abont 25 yam of age, was run over eo
the C. P. R. near London avdtkilled.
A forger obtained $1,062.60 from the
Bonk of Commerce on a eheek in the
name of the Harris Abattoir Company,
The Wallace bleak, et Dauphin, Mari.,
Was destroyed by fire, and the fire engine
house was burned while bile brigade were
out at the first fire.
Alfred Gogatte, a farm hand in Alfred
Township, Preece:At ecotnty, OttO. Stat.
day brained Pan Corrigan and the iabbot's
13 -year-old son, sled nearly killed Xre.
Corrigan in o drunken frenay over a
reprimand fot tot doing the ?theme