HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-1-14, Page 5i • JAN. 14, 1904 DIISINESS CARS, A/f'ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PEE 111 cent, P. B, 8C1OTT, Br088018, vie H. MOORACKEN-- t v • Flower Of Marriage Licenses, Of- fice atGr000ry,Turnburry timet, lirubseis. UN - i.. h'Olt 8A.LE—'liH.I TUN- i.. nanstINan has eeveral good Yonne for sale and tO rant, oaey terms, in ',townships, of Morrie and ever,F S. 8001 P.Rru0a0i Court Princess Alexandria, No, ei, C,.0. m 131as- ltoq , hill Slee, ,meetshe their Lodge net Tuesdays ot hill Sleek, on the 2ul and 1 eau,, month, at o'clock. Mettles brethren always welcome, JAS, T13U1tGEB8, R, WALTER SMITH,, It, S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OP— PIANO - AND - ORGAN. a3R7.7669=+6, 011rT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' 1Nena(Noz, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN' AND REAL IISTATE AGENT, Office over Hureloy'e Drug Store,. Nov.80,1002, 00.8,n Brussels, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., SBTAnLlannn 1840 I0euranee taken on the cash and premium ing elsewhere at on the utudersgned Agent Of the Oompany, GEORGE ROGERS,.Brueeele, • AUCTIONEERS, rj • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- nan, will sell for better prieee, to better men in lase time and lose charges than any other Auctioneer B he won't charge thng inEast mrd re can always be arranged at tide odloe or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALI'3 — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms rea�onable. Bales arran904 10r at the 00100 of fan Poem, Brussels. 22t1 VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner. Po,'tlenlor attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry Calle promptly at. tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, T0rnberry et„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, AB. MACDONALD— • Barrister, 'Solicitor, Notary, Blto. Successor to O. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank. Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan Sank. V VM. SIN CLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Publia, &c. Office—Stewart's .Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARI3ISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES , PUBLIC, ETC. W. Pnovn 'pow, it. C. R. 0, HAW G. F. BLAIn. Offices—Those formerly (moulded by Messrs Cameron & Holt, 00nnnl0n, Onmenro. MEDICAL CARDS. M NA GHTO N J. A. u ML. O. M. Trinity Univerelty, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and. Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of .the Royal Cob, 1 ego of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. aSt`Tolephoue No.14, Reeidence—Mill street, Brueeele. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE1L.D, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Fire1.olaoe Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. SHINOLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles Aah-' Niorth Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AF TRE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all PM kerne on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Eot' matee F010101904 for till kande of Buildings. Workman.. ship and Material Guaranteed. P• AMEN•L, The Courses of Stump —TN 'PB 14— CENTRAL STRATFORD,' ONT, 11 Aro op to the HIt3H1,ST STANDARD 11Up' ITXCIILL1(NOE and that ie ono 1.1 itreason why tblo popular 80huol 10.aow ai a,joylug a "record-breaking" utters• q dbhon. Xou want tn0 husk trmni0g 41 cad wo glye It, tboreloro anter at ones. 9.0 Wradlare free. W. J. ELLIO'PT, Principal, L. -1=t28, r l 1.- 1,D istri t gem, • IX ens:nal, Iblel. Stoneman, left for Loudon, where he !e taking a course at the Oommerolel uo lege. Mies Edith MaIlweu left for Chats worth, where she has been engaged as] toucher. Mies Millie Petty returned to Loudon, where elle ie taking up stenography and typewriting [nurse et the Oommeroial college. Mies Mina Doan, of Zurich, hes been engaged to take,oharge of Mies Murray's room, in our public school. Geo. MaEweu M. P. bee rammed from the Poet maeter General's Department a very handsome, up.lo-date letter box which be has placed at the Commercial omnere for the beutfil of our citizens. Ltxritx•ovs, . Mrs, R. W. Whitely left for Ohioago to reode wilt her eon, Harry Whitley, of R G Dunt & Co. of that oity. Ou tiocount of illness the Rev. Mr. Miilyard wee unable to conduct the ler. vices in the Methodist °hurch on 8audey. evening 8rd last A local hockey teepee hall formed in the village, including representative teams from the olerke, the baud boyo and the furniture factory, J. ii. Camerae, brother of D. E. Oam• eroo, formerly Aeeiotaot Provincial Treaeorer, and formerly of Lnoknow, has been made viae -prem. of the Hamilton National Bank of Chicago. G. W. Berry, of this village, received the skin of a large brook trout uioely mounted on birch bark and raetio frame, trona friende in Port Arthur. It wee caught !u Nipigon River, Algoma. His many friende through the country will be glad to know that Alex. Roes, whose herneee shop was deetioyed by fire a couple of week, ego, hes opened out a new shop in the Allan block. Gore•1is. . A new furnaoe has been placed in the Methodist Pareooage. Our public eohool opened with J. W. Torranoe, of Howkeetone, as principal and ➢dies Lydia Harding, as teaoher of the junior department. At the moeting,of the rat(payere of our wheel W. H. Gregg was elected to fits the vaoanoy of Jae. Armetrong V. 8, who has dropped out from the trustee board. The .following rffloere were elected at the regular meeting of 0. 0. F., No. 57, for the ensuing year :-0. R., 8. G. Keine ; V. 0. R., John Mloon ; R. 8., John Hammond ; F. S , N McLaughlin; Chaplain, E. L. Morren , Treae., '1'. D. Edgar ;. Sr. Woodward, W. H, Ardell ; Jr. Beadle, M. Knox; Court Physician, Dr. Whitley ; Court Deputy, Jae. Arm. strong. The °fifoers of Orange Hill L. 0. L., No. 575, for the ensuing year are as follows :—W. M., J, ho Dane ; D. M., John Montgomery{ Chap , Robt. Graham ; Reo. Sea., Geo. A. Dane ; 23'i,,•Seo., Jnv, Gregg ; Treasurer, Mathew Dane ; D. of 0 , Wm. J. Strong ; Lecturer, R. Hard. ing ; Oommittee, A. A, Graham, Francis Clegg, Alex. Graham, Wm. J. Clegg, Geo, R Dane ; Tylere, Wm. 11. Dane, Arthur Cowan. .1..0 wood. Mise Mabel Kidd has returned attend. tone at Stratford Oollegiate $ustitute. W. T. Bottle, oheeeeweker, of Hay Bay, Ont., is spending hie holidays in one village. H, MoOormiok, M. D., returned to Detroit after epending the holidays with hie parents W. and Mre. Mc0ormiok, of Trowbridge. The telephone linemen are stringing wires from here to Manistee.The line will thee Boon be in working order. It will be a great convenience. Dr. George E. Wilson, of Toronto, spent two or three daye in our town renewing old arquaintauoe. George is now a full•fledged M. D. and bas had a very successful career lie a student. We Congratulate Wm. A. Adams on hie appointment as manual training in• sneaker in the Stratford Manual School ata ea'ary of $750 per altos. her. Ada,ne had intended running a butilr store in Stratford but the deal fell through and through the death of the former mannel training teaoher, Mr. Clow,. he hes been appointed to hie user position. The mutual meeting of the Presby ierran congregation wee held on Tueeday efterao0n oiliest week and wee fairly well attended. Printed reports of the various church orgeolzetioeu :were distributed among the member', present and these showed the finanoee of the church to be in a healthy condition. The Sabbath oolleotione were oou.iderably target than last year and $110 wae paid on the moose debt, leaving &debt of $200 still to be met. The missionary eobemes of the &hurah were 'supported to the amount of 6295. and besides $292 wag paid to support a missionary in Britieh Oolembio. Thirty" eight new members were reeeived daring the year and the ordinance of baptism ad• minietered to 10 persons. The actual church memberehip is now 182. Con• oiderable dieoueeiml took place regarding doing away with the pew rents. It wee thought by eome that voluntary sub• eeriptiou wae the only proper way to. raise money. Others telt that if the pew rent were aboliehed it would be difficult to get many 'people to contribute toward the support of the church. Some of the older members did not appreciate having to glue up their pews and it was finally decided to leave the matter in 'abeyance for the pceeent. A monthly collection by envelope ie aid of eaolt of the eohemee of, the ohnroh was demdod upon. In tbie way it is hoped to bave the miesionary 01nir411231 tie More equally divided among TON 011111E34b,f3 PONT the different soh m 0 The meeting wag a very harmonirus two a 11 wae iudiu•u;ye of a hearty, 011,40000, 09 tC01VV ehureh, IPOrelvwie31,• Geo, Gregg jr., has been seriously ill but we are pleased to bear he le improv. ing, The total 0hipmente at Ford mob ata. tion for Deoember, 1908, totalled 846 tons end revenue $844 41. Thie i0 an Mersa a of 68 tone of freight and $289 72 revenue over Deo, 1902. Business 10 In• creasing 1apidly at the etatio,. The entitle! [mhool meeting wile held on Wednesday, Deo. 8011, at 10 a. m. with J. T. W si " efianial ' 'us "n the chair. b u c a 1 l R etatemeut and auditoi'o report was pre• limited, showing the fi0an000 to be in good shape, The Inepeotor'e report was read, whtuh stated that .everything in eon. 'motion with the eohool was eaiiafaatory. G. E MoKee was re•eleeted T1110100 and 3, H. Johnston, truant officer, The Chosen Friends elected the follow. ing ofdoare for 1904 :— 0. 0., S. Bricker ; V. 0., !tiro. H. Col 1 -no ; Rea., W. H. Downey ; Trento., A. MoOurdy ;; Marsha:, Jessie Moeure; Warden, Mre. W. A, Ed• wards ; Prelate, James Gibson ; Guard, Jae. Downey ; Sentry, Geo. Holt ; Repre• eentative to Grand Connell, Jae.' Gibson ; Alternate Representative, A, Maourdy ; Trustees, W. H. Newt30,Jns. Uibeon and Jesse Mature. %V1malt tem . Committees aro aotively at work pre• paring for a celebration et July 12th in Wingham. Wiughom Baud has in haud a series of aouorrte to be elven at iutervale durum the Winter. The firet will be held on Ftride . Y Mie, Nellfa Beckett ie attending Strat- ford Bneineee College. Mira Mary Beckett has ooeepted a situation in a meretuttile eetabliohment in Brampton A L Gibson, matiag83 of the Dominion Bank in Wingham, bee received notice of his appointment as manager of the branch at Seaforth. The limy manager will be U. T. Hepburn, now of Orillia. The By late authorizing the extension of the waterworks by0tem to make available for domestic purposes, and for constructing n trunk sewer an Jo'epbiue street, woe defeated on Monday of teat week by a majority of 19. Rumor ie to the eff•ot that Walker & Clegg of the Wiughom upbuletering leo. tory are talking. of Itaviug Wingkam if they are not able to get new premises. They have received notice trim the Can oda Furniture Manufactures to vacate on July let the part of the chair taotory they are now using. .About five o'clock on Mouday morn ing of last week, F. Restores noticed fire in the rear part of L. G. Et use's reetanr• ant. He at once gave the alarm, and the tire brigade were aeon ort duty, Although some of them report the failure of the telephone alarm to sound. Mr. Kruse sleeps at the National hotel and was soon at the'soene of danger. Although the morning was intensely cold, the 11'emen Boon had the fire under control, but not until the rear kitchen was destroyed and Mr. Kruse's reserve stock considerably doomed. The building ie owned by James MoKelvie, and will poet oeueider• ab'e to repair. Mr. Kruse is at a lose to know how the fire originated, as there bed been no fire in that part of the build• ing for several days. It le unfortunate foe Mr. Kruse as it will inconvenience him very much, The lore ie covered by iaenranoe. V`tiut>rt. The mayoralty was won by J. B. Hoover by sixteen of a majority, An interesting event known as a"Blue• Jay" eoeial wae held in the barracks Tuesday evening. A movement is on toot to re eetablieh a breech of the Young Meu'e Obtietien Ae000ialion in town. Ae Mre. W. Downs, London Road, went into her -Summer kitchen, she Blipped and had a serious fall, breaking her tett arm. Mies Jessie Wieemen, daughter of John Wiseman, has secured a poeitiou as teacher of a eohool three miles from I ebur . It ell f: infront of a train Ben. Webb sr, fell at. the station. the other day and - but for timely aeei:dance would probably have been run over. The many friends -o1 Mre. Tufts, so long a resident bare, will regret to learn that she hae been in poor health for some time. She is living with her son at Pbooui-x, B 0. rn D. Cbntelou hae returned from Char. lottetown, P. E. L, having to Somewhat daegeroue and rough aspartame) in mom. ing the Straits of Oumbeeland. It !e 45.milee from the mainland to the Island, and the ice is a0 bad at times that the. barite become frozen in. A date hive been settled on to' the Chown •n Lawn Ilowler'e , upper, .v 'oh is to take Owe at the R're',barr lluuee Friday evening, Jan, 16 h The euelotlla aolleeNaue far ,Iia six m,'nthe adding Dee, Stet, 1.902, were $5,459 29, and for the oorreeponding Petted fMet year, $7,094.58 and au ulureale of $1,585 29. Hiram Gi11 had a narrow wimps from meeting with a very eerioue injury o0 T.'neeriey of last week, Be was uplifting wood when the axe caught in the olethea line end boending back atra0k Mr. Hill nn the top of the head, euttiog through hie cap and braking hie head so badly that the blood Howell freely. Mr. 8111 on' r walked down to the e u Re s and bad the wound olitehed up and ie now going around [to usual. Iff, x e tee r-. The reeveehip oonteet resulted in a victory for Btoeett by a majority of 48 over Mr. Lovett. The ioe harvest hap commenu0d, the quality being very good and ie extremely tbiok compared with other years, Mies Sophia Sweet, who sustained a traotmed arm in London about three weeks ago, is at her home hare uareing eome. It wlli be some time before she will have nae of the injured member. The "Stoddart American Hockey Girls," a meet ridiculous aggregation ucneietiog of two pirlo, a couple of boys and a couple of blanks, came here to play a game of hockey with the Exeter team. A Bort of game wee played and resulted in favor of the Devone by a large margin. It weals very sorrowful exhib. ition. Frank Sbapton, of Medicine Hot, N. W. T., hae returned to his home here for the Winter and probably permanently. Mr, Shantou has been severely troubled with asthma for eeveral years bud to better hie condition went Weet. The change afforded him temporary relief in toot pertain seasons of the year in the Weet he is much better while others there ie no improvements on our own climate. Unless Mr. Shapton'e oondition gets mach worse he will remain home. 1.3 of/erIOIt. The County Board of Audit was in emotion last week. Jae. Bogie is the new foreman of the work on the Beath pier. Mies Lame Brydgee hes given op her school near Belgrave and will remain at home for 8 time. Mechanics aro still working at the new Bank of Montreal building, bat the oold spell is against rapid proems. The eongregatione of Victoria street and North street Methodist oburohee are holding union evangelietio services. The sum of $14.50 woe oolleotee in the Goderioh publio eoboole 00 a Ohristm,s contribution to the funds of the Hospital for Biok Children at Toronto. Mre. A. M. Tadd, who hae for eeveral weeks been ill, and latterly with an attack of typhoid fever, le progressing favorably, and will be able to sit up in a few days. Jae. Stevens, Clinton ; Hugh Mo. Quarrie, Blyth, and W. R. Robert000, tioderloh,have been re appointed as the board of license oommiesionere for Weet Huron for 1904. On New Year's evening Mre. Ooneigney, of the West street laundry, bad her hand naught in the drying mangle, The neile of three fingers were taken off and one finger wae badly smashed. Leet Sunday wa, Rev. Father Stanley's loot as pariah priest here, hie plane being taken after that by Rev. Father McRae, of Parkhill. Father MaRee eome twenty- one years ago wae curate here under Rev. Father Waters and for about twenty years has had charge of the Parkhill parish. Rev. M. Turnbull and Mre. Turnbull were haodeomely remembered on Christ. MaeDay by the congregation of 90. George's chetah. Mre. Turnbull was made the recipient of a handsome Pereian Iamb peat and a gold'ooio of large denomination and the rector of a Persian lamb pap and pair of gauntlets. Ou Saturday morning, Jan. 2nd, Then. Gundry returned from Brooklyn, N. Y., accompanied by hie bride, Mies Emma y Mre, Gan khat oak ds Laird, of Y was a well. known viltos] at the V iI i neon reeideiee in the nineties, and the lady was a Goderioh vieitor eome three years since, so she ie not a stranger amens strange people. Her friende in town, and ehe made many while a visitor, heartily welcome Mre. Gundry to Goderioh, and hope that groom end bride may find the matrimonial state a pleasant and peaceful One. has been applied for for the A charter , Goderioh P tuning 0 0., wiith a capital of $40,000, James. Boohanaa, er., Jamoe Bnohanan, jr., Joseph T. Gold. throne' John Lawson and H. Tufford being the previsional direatore. As is Sox and Rubbers. •• No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and waren in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat For out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes. They are priced down to rock bottom, too. This is how we sell them e —Prom $1.00 per pair upwards ; also Felt Shoes for Ladies and Gents, all kinds at lowest. prices. HARNESS DEPARTMENT —Blankets cheaper than over, Also Robes, Wool and Plush Rugs, Heavy and Light Harness of all styles ; Collars guaranteed. b " or We, two oomfortable dwellinge ; ohoioe fruits of all kindle on lote, Will bo Bold of rea0ooable figures. tw k. Z '1tiaA /'IX 1316 3a liaiek SU OOEi SS A.11'_..... i THE (GRADUATES OF isroWEL/ ON JAN,' 4, 1404, WINTER TERM BEGINS Two Oeurecao—Oom college hal andd Shorthand Bend o A, L. MoIN'1'Y1tE, Manager. RRU S SEL 5 HORSE FAIRS The Regular Monthly Berea Faire will be held as] follows :— THURSDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1904 FEBRUARY 4 11, 1904 " MAROH 8rd, 1904 APRIL 7th, 1904 A number of leading looal and foreign buyers will be in atlendauoe. Partiee wishing to Bell live stook [ f any deeoription, or other ohattele, by emotion, at such Fairs, pun Neve the acme attend• ed to by oommuuioating with the under. signed before date of Fair. F. 8. 900T., Clerk. What Exhibitors Say • 90 per pent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair,1000, were fed with Worthington's Oauadlau Stook Tonto. MOB 810o,— We have boon feeding your Stook Food to cattle for some time, and find it to he an exoallent tonin. We have also fed it to horses and pigs, and erequite sure 0 is the best stook food we have ever tried. Our prize winuiog cattle at the Provincial Win- ter Foir,1000, were fed Worthington's Stook Tonle. LESLIE & PEAREN Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Acton, Ont. D4Aa 0=0,— find your Stook Food is a very excel- lent Tonic for cattle, giving them a good appetite cad keeping their digestive organs in a healthy working condition. The steer Boothe," exhibited at Winter Fair. weighed at birth 80 lbs., at 00 months 0001be, making a gain of 55 Ibe per mouth. It pays to feed Worthington's Stook Food. ANDREW RIOHARDSON, Breeder Shortuorn Cattle, Peepabuo, Ont, DAA1 81110.— We have used your Stook Food for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good satis- faction. Several of our Battle have shown a gain of over 100 Ise, per mouth while feed- ing it JAB. WILSON & SONS. Breeder of Shorthorn cattle and York• shire Hoge, Fergus, Ont. Note the Pelee : 10 lb. box, 200 feeds], 50e ; 50 lb. Back 90, Manulaotnred by THE WORTHINGTON DRUG. 00., Guelph, Out For sale by— N.F. GERRY, Rruseele' H. F. MOALLISTER, Etltel ; WM. MESSER, Blnevale; N. B. GERRY, Blyth. well known, the company will own the mill now known as Buchaeans & Law eon's, and the brick planing mill known ae Bmeeth'e, on Nelson etremt, the latter property having been parohaeed by the provisional directors. If there is any stook to be put on the market it ought to will well, as the directorate is a strong one, end the bosinese of Buobanaa & Lawton is one of the beat eetabliehed in thio end of Ontario. 231vIA. A. H. Wilford hae returned to the 0utarto Agricultural co Ile e. 1who a Mrs]. Robert Kelly,ant several p months poet with a stater in Toronto, has returned to her home here. D. MoBeath, brother of D. M, Ma. Beath, of Blyth, was re elected reeve of Bidet elle township by aoelamutioe. Ou New Year's eve Masora. MOKionon & 0o. presented three of their. ' employees with $26 each and another with $10. n D. of Toronto nape B. D Rev. J. M. D , R t will preach the anniversary sermons in St. Audeew's church on Sunday, January 17th. Wendell Holmes, of Toronto, spent the Christmas and New Year'e holidays with his parente at the Metbodiet--pareooage. He wae a000mpaoied by W. J, Brady. W. L MoLoen, B. A., lett for Toronto, where ho will enter Knox college and prepare himself for the Presbyterian ministry. Gilbert Sommers, principal of Blyth public sohool, was married on December 29 h to Miss Luella B. Salter, of Win. cheater. The happy event wae solemn- ized at the home of the bride's parents in the preaenee of 80 gneets. Ray, A. E. Sanderson, of Obeeterfield performed the oeremouy. Monday of last week was muuioipal election day throughout Ontario and consequently, all haunt, Blyth was a busy plaoe. The oonteet here wae for poeitione at the manieipbl council board and voting on the 0, P. R. bylaw, The fight for the council board developed some eurpriooe and resulted as follows :— Fronk Metoalf 117 ! W. H. McElroy 108 ; Joseph Stoth010 89; Dr. W, 3, Milne 88 ; Andrew BloNally 82.; Wm Jaokeon 71 ; The vote for oounoillore thle year wae not so heavy as it was last year, when 605 votes were ant against 565 this 'year. The 0. P. R. bylaw carried by 102 majority, which was gratifying to fie friende and workers. The vote stood ;-- for —for the by-law 121 ; against the bylaw 19 ; majority for the bylaw 102. A son of John Emden of .Glonmorie wae burned to death during .hie mother's amino from thehouee. It is claimed by the Provincial health aothoritieo that the disorganized' condition of North Dakota so tar se health !e concerned is a menace he the rest of the oontinent. Two brothers, George and Alexander Drummond, were driving to a wedding near Aroprior, when theib sleigh wait struck by it Calnada Atlautio train. Both. meet were badly hurt, Alex, Drummond is dead. nuoi,Col BL.YTH. STOOK -TAKING SALE !hie month we take etock, and before we eommmoe We want the stook reduoed to the tweet poeeible point. Daripg the next two woeko ter. refill reduotlone will be made in each department, Many linos will be Meek, alt out regerdleee of ooet 00 we are determined not to (airy arty Winter Goode over. Below we quote a few prides whioli will ebow the money you pan Baas by attended thio great January eale• Zebelie° Drees Goode, in taooy patterne, worth 600 for250, Navy Berge, 56 inches wide, good value at 50c, Sale price 85o. Heavy Homespun Drees Goode, in oolore of oxford, navy, black and grey, 68 inches wide, regular 60o, Bale prioe 48e. Flake Drees Goode, in variety of oolore, worth $1, for 75o. Elaotrie Seal Boos, 60 limber) long, 6 toile, obam faeteninge, good value al 65 60, Dale prioe $8 96. Black Coney Ruffs, 8 tails, chain fastenings, worth $2, for $1;25. Bleak A0traohan Stelae, 40 inches long, Bilk oord and taste fastenings, °ape and storm oollar, worth $6, for $4 45. Ohiuohilli Ruffs, 4 tulle, good volas at $2 50, Bale price $150. Oce only Fine Sable Oeperine, high storm °oiler, 6 tails and 2 beads, good value at 615, sale prioe $11.75, One only Pius Sable Ruff, 10 tails, Hoe glossy for, good value at $12, Bale pries, $9 95. Men'e Siberian Dog and Prairie Wolf ()oats at reduced prioe to clear. Ladiee' Aetraohau Jackete at reduced prime. Men's Frieze Uletere, regular price $6, for $8.95. Wruppereliee,in good patterns, worth 10o, for 79o. CUTTERS ali SLEIG9S As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank my Customers for their patronage and wish to state that I have put in a full stock of Cutters and Sleighs. BEST MAKES LOW PRICES We would ask you to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting promptly attended to. ED. SPEIRAN CARRIACTE BUILDER, BRUSSELS. 1 Millinery Bargains "' Rock alCi0 11111 & I As the season is rapidly pas- sing along we are offering our Ready-to-wear Millinery at reduced prices toclear them out. Our Millinery Departmentis in better shape than ever to sup- ply Fashionable Goods at Reason- able -Prices. We are determined a se all who favor us with thtoeirplet Pa ronage. A call will be appreciated. losonsumm IJ. DONALDSON Choice Stock of ROBES, RUGS &C. A fine range of Robes, best in the market, has been opened up consisting of BLACK GALLOWAY—SASKA.TCHEWAN —GREY GOAT, —GRIZZLY BEAR and MOUNTAIN BEAR. —Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot. —In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold at Close Prices. Repairing Promptly Attended to 6BU89EL� B131386EL$. Sign of the Horse's Head