HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-1-14, Page 3ION*
^ T.^
A REPENTA. a poo„hos,.
r Edema. awe nothing at
in a simple, cidldillse way he repeat.
13:11 J'estIS (1,11rifit, le my all in ell,
Ah, yes, ouch loving yearning,.
euefli tender turning wttli joyful tied
greLeful Moe to a divine Saviour,
are 1410 1110.110dita0 ec.sulte of 1tetiel
ration -bailee, The darker the elotele
that hang °vol. Mount Sinai the
more riepturous the emptied Sepul-
cher on Fleeter more. The more aw-
ful the hurricane which tosses us
laboring Wi•th a buelnese friend to about Upon tho Rea of sin the mere
give Ills heart to God. This matt at beautiful becomes the Beehlehem
tont said: '''MOodY, I will do as you etee, beckoning us aerates' the Mill
ask, but (mon one condition, tenors and into the harbor where
has itlwaYS !mete my anibieion from the rescued mariners 'wed rover frar
a boy to be woektt $100,000. seo agate tho engre waves,
•oO from the following text:— Lek°, that my wealth Is rapidly nearing THE WAY OF SALVATION.
sin,. 5, "Excellt ree'ent, Y° 0A0". that, mark. When I 'lave that mueh Still another reason for inunedialee
11.11 likewise Perisi`'." in the bank, sliall then becalm 0 repentance : The muto appeal of
Blending between the open grave
Christian and bo a true, practiced thousands of immortals heading to-
ej the dying yeal coal the new made christias
,well as a professing ward destruction who may • be saved
of the emnIng year, wo hear
ono." From that moment the man's if we will only point them to the
W ; thunclor the command: "Re- eternal destiny wale Sealed. His Way, The moment a repentant sin -
pent! Repent( Repent yo of sin!" heart became hardened. Ire dici ner ie snatched from eternal death
Whitt (lots 4)1et memo? Not 50010W reacil his
8'100,000 milestone along that moment Ile longs to rosette
olone, though it includes 111041 ot
0 the pathway of wealth, but he novel. others threatened with the same
alone regret that wo have sinned reached the foot of the cross, Par- danger.. And, oh, my friends, how
agoinst a fled so go(t) and so lov- doe :or ethe of 3.00a. yes. nut many simier.e theee are who may be
Ing, but renunciation. There is no C.ocl offers no assurance of Pardon saved it by the grace of Clod we will
reel repentance mail there is doter- for those sins which wie deliberately go forth to save them ! But mark
11101111 10 00111 11111 in 1004. .
Standing between the open grave
of the clyiug year and the cradle of
Rcsolve With Divine Help to Begin
a Better Life With the New Year
efeletered itecorihne to Acc of tee' nue
uninnin, th, On, many weeas aeci menthe ho had been
Thounend NInu ilonencl and Three,
9y Win Huey,Tercet*, at ties
a./eaittinenc of dlgrivAtturil, ottawadi
A despalth Nom Chicago.•sayE;;
ilev, Munk Be WILL Talmage preach -
initiation to abandon nin. 11 means
that ouch sinner punt (irst, be vilflng
to pluck the W riggling. hiasi ng ser-
pent of evil ou1 of his tweet and the
hurl It from him as though it had ouicr acifi 10)101(1oabout tiootbne. 18100:0, Wily,
the poisouous fangs of a fatel coiva
again? Because tho tar reaching
before Christ's blood will blot ao.t,it word "repentance" embraces another
the evil reSults 01 a far reach i lig word, "rest' tu et n
It means that heaven is not an out-.
Therefore, if we aro going to try
house of ft Dante's Inferno. Ti
to undo the many wrongs 'of the
paradieo lost which Milton described
can never become paradise regaine)
d p, we must be about our Father's
I usiZess very quickly. God forgives
to any 51 01101 who clings to Ills sin.
It means that the sinner has no
ground for expecting heaven at tho
end of his course unless, through the
poWor of Christ, hu has renounced
his sin. Either the repentant sinner,
with wiclo open eyes, is walking di-
rectly toward the cross or else he is
walking directly away from. it.
IVhat says Paul Iri referenee to
this renunciation of sin? 'Po the
church of Corintie 130 wi•ote practi-
cally these words: "There are two
groups of people—group the erst,
those . that: aro followees of the
World; group the second, those that
aro followers of Jesus, If you
would he a follower of Jesus you
must leave the group of the world
and seek the group of Christ."
Those are his exact words:"Where-
Often, very often, have I seen Mtn
fore come ye out from anlOng thew,
and be ye separate, enith the Lord, cater my room and throw himself
10 an agony of despondency on the
and touch not the unclean thing, and
I will receive you .and will be a la-
ther unto you, and 3,o shall be my
sons and daughters, naith the Lord
God Almighty"." Without repent-
ance of sin there can be no remis-
sion of sin. Now, my brother, my
sister, come to the practical and
overpowering questions: Aro you
and I, on this last Sunday night of
the year, ready to turn our backs
upon sin? Are we ready to tee'. mit
this viece of civil habit which 'we
have been nursing in our bosoms as
O Nathan's pot lamb? Repentance of
sin means more than to be merely
sorry for sm. It moons 0 complete
renunciation of, a turning from, a should 1080 .110 111110 ill beginning the
repudiation of sin. Aro you and 1 long and difficult task of trying to
reedy note to promise Gocl that, undo the wrongs you have clone.
with the help of tho Holy Spirit, we One of the self evident proofs, (4a-
wn) throttle otir secret 5)115, 00077 tent to all, that Zaccheus.wa.s truly
as the natives of, India in bands go Converted was tee blunt statement
forth to destroy the men -eating he made. to 'the Master when ho said,
prowler of the dark jungle? "Behold, Lord, the half of my goods
TEB I give to the poor, and if 1 have
171-111811.1 OP SIN. taken anything from any man by
Aed why should wu not one and false accusation 1 restore to him
11 bo ready to turn eur backs upon foerfolcl." Then Jesus Said unto
And re:lot:nee sin? In all the history him, is Salvation 001110 10
of our lives is there one instance of this, house."
yielding to sin in which slit has not True repentance can never take
proved itself our enemy? As aloath- place without being accompanied by
some calmer has it; not 'been eating a 11013'. longing to nvake restitution
at the vitals of our hearts? It has fol 011 an '
evil past. Thee my broth -
steadily been devouring our Man- Itplenir..°",..,1111ftie.c,1 better 0101.0 haste to re -
e are ma' nsy evil words
hood and self respect.
'you have spoken which you should
Standing between the open grave
try to recall. There are many bad
of the dying year and the cradle of influences you hove exerted over
elle yew' about to be born, my text your companions, There aro mcmy,
is especially appropriate. Why? very many, sins which you have
Though God offers pardon and peace committed in your homes the °nets
for repentance of all' past sins, he of which you 511001,1 try to eradicate
does not Pifer Pardonfot 0110 sin from yow. Minds and hocuts of your
that We intend 10 conntat in the fu- chiiciven. "Repent ! Repent 1 Repent.'
thee. Ono drop of Christ's blood is, yo of ent Repeet, 00 that you
sufficient to undermine and sweep may be eine, like Zaccheus, to 10'
00003 the mountain ranges of past turn fourfold to those whom you
evil. But ta the man who is cher- have wronged, liestitutioe must
lathing his sin, who will not break go hand in liana with repentance,
with it, who Will not give it up, REASON FOR REPENTANCE,
there is no promiserardon for the
Past is
There is still anOther reason for
of no aVall to a man who
loves his sin and will accumulate a ceep repentance„ al The greater
our self abnegation the more gior-
new load next year, next month or lotus will appear to uS the forgive -
a01(1 Week, , though thet sill be no nose of God. The 111010 WO stand
.41010)1 ” a grain 00 sand by the 8011- afar off and beat our breast an(1,.
there, as small ae a microbe which lion 1110 Poor publican, 55.3, "God
tan only be seen under the magnify- be mencifiti to nee, a sinner," the
Ing ,glass in the biologist's labora- more joyous will be the Savioutoe
lerY, words whicill will welcome us into
NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO our Vather's house when he says,
'MASTERS, "Son, clatightee, thy 81110 010 for-
given thee; go in peace." Then the
, Many people mistakiegly suppoee burden of the cross will not bo a
:hat God's pardoh applies to Altura burden, as yott and 1 may hanve an -
is well as to past sins. '1'lley think tielPated. It will bo such 0 burden
It applies to those sins evhich woces wings roe to so bird or sails aro
Intend to commit, it's Well as to to Et ship, to carry me fortvard to
those sins of which wo aro already the harbor at' peace."
inilty.' In the far east the leroheine . Deep eepentance roe sin naturally
110110105 . auppose that earth and implies a comosponding gratitude
toward 0111181, who 11115 redeemed us
h°ftlitin '80P0r01c'd by a great from the evil results or Sin. Tho
chasm, 0001' this fatheniloga chasm gueater the danger the greater the
are' stretchedmany bridge:4, e
tile breadth s hair in thishileases/I love we have for our resetter. I was
never more impressed with this
Dem. those infinitesimal bridges the tooth than east year, when 1110 0111 -
Immortal Souls meet pass from asgo phesbytery banqueted its meet
earth to heaven while glowing, hiss- honored member, Ilev. Herrick
Ing, bursting finances homing up Johneoh, D. D., on his seventieth
from the bottoulless pit beiMath birthday-. Without doubt Dr. John -
scorch their foot and thy to drag 0011 1S 0/10 of our most influential
them &twat. Sb seine people of living ministers or the Presbyterian
Christian America foolishly think 'eltuirch, Ile 10 1101 ohly a great
they can reach heaven, though they coolosiastical stiatesente and famous
are deliberately eted intentionally Peofoesoe, but ho has bolencl to Min
walkieg, aa the Mohammedans fin- With golden eevEls of lovo all who
agine thentsolves doing, over the het know hint end Who haNe lived cloSe
fires of evil, They believe God will to hint, After the different, Chicago
Pardee those sine which we intend Ininietere had 8p01011 and expressed TELEPHONES AND DISEASE,
to commit, in the Neut.° as well Els theft' deep reef:met for their honored
Umee sies ;tee steeady griestt Dr. Johnson roso to_, reply. A societal nueethpietio for the public
Ecl agoitist tee npon the wad- pages With a sweet, g.entle spirit lookieg telephone has been ietroduced in
of the past, Mg, loving 03054 110 said Germany with the' objeet of avoiding
'oeieetheee, 1 am over-whohaed with the spieled or diseasecarried by the
' UNDOING WRONG, title overpowering manifestation 1:51 coedeosing moiettire of the breath, A
Pardon for the Pas: shut X° par- yottr loVe. I have done nothieg to pd of a large number of discs of
Aon is peoutimed he future Sinn 1110111 11 thiS," Then, With a, )1l1001', With a, hole in the 'middle, is
which 100 (101 11301•1110::;Z 111101111 to (111 06110., 110 genteritily laid inserted in the inoethplece, and 1110
melte ILO Me, itlecelee / think it all the ha,Ppy rose 110 of 1118 WS'S upper disc of paper is tern off atter
ens,,eeene (hie as MS 4e8t1teonte) For work at the foot of ills Sawloor when every cohrertiation,
those who truly repent, but the work
1 restitution oe of atonement to
our beother men who has suffered in
body or soul by our wrongdoing be-
longs to us, and we know not how
soon tho opportunity of debits that
work may pass awaY.
But though we may be tillable to
undo 011 wrongs we have done our
neighbors we can make restitution
for many of our past misdeeds, and
one of the chief manifestations of
true repentance is the expressed de-
sire and willingnees lo pelsonally
atom; as faa. as lies evithin ma pow-
er, for past faults. The widow of
the famous artist John Opie once
sai : "I never saw my husband
satisfied with any of his procluctions
sofa and exclaim., 'I never, never
oan be a painter as long tts 1 livel'"
"It was a noble despair, such as is
never felt by the self complacent
daubers of signboards,"•commented
Charles 11. Spurgeon. "It was a
noble despeir, which bore the aspir-
ant up to one of the highest riches
In the artistic annals of his ootin-
try." The truly repentcuit sinner,
too, has a noble daspade in his rest-
less and unsatisfied desire to make
restitution for all the evil he has
done. .This desire will goad him 'on
and 011 as long. as he lives. There-
fore, my brother, if you have a long
and evil past, so far as possible you
unropentont cannot ruSeue
the 1111rOfientallt. The blind cannot
leap, the blind or they both
stumble into the aittei and be lost.
But while I have been talking re-
lentless time 11715 been pushing the
minute hand around the face of the
clock. Like one who WEIRS for dis-
solution, the yecte 1903 is ready for
the messenger to lead it forth to
sleep in the graveyard of Um other
dead yeal.s. If we are to repent in
1903, we must do $o soon, we must
do it now ! The messenger Is
knocking at the door. Goodby, old
yeter 1 Goodbyl Thou has been a
good bleed.' to most of us. Goodby!
When we meee thee before the judg-
ment seat of Christ, may 000 hear
thee testify that thou elitist see the
tear of penitence upon oui• cheek and
that thau dicIst hear us say to Oat'
Heavenly King, "rather, take me 05
1 Ettn.,' Goodby, old yew. 1993! '
Goodby,! Coodhy I 'Yes, the year
1903 is almost gone forever,
The ',Wrecker" Ts Always Ready
e for ,Business.
Upon great railroad syetems the
wrecking-In:tea is as carellully ar-
ranged as the apParatus in a lire
company's house,' ready to go inert
action as soon as the call far it lo
ticked upon the sounder in the 'dis-
patcher's offiee. A writer In Peter-
son's Maketine gives en amount of
the 'Ovreolime,"
Coupled together, the care stand
upon a convenient switobetrack that
is always connected with the main
line. No other cars are allowed
to be . placed upon this switch at
any time. Some comnanies 1'0501.00
0310 Of the fastest locomotives pur-
posely to haul the wrecicing-tre•in,
and keep the etagine in the round-
house with fire continually in the
furnace box, Prolea.red to steam up
at a moment's notice.
The train is made up of four,
sometimes five oars. the rear one
being occupied by the officers ansl
toyed:ere, with a portion reserved
for the rope and Chain 10111011 aro
part of the equipment..
The officers have a "sitting -room"
with a table ried benches, where they
ca,n consuit on their way to the
Merle of tee acoident. 'ffim men's
quarters aro furnished with a few
stools and a bunk for each num, so
Shot, if clawing the ;night, the crew
may have a ehance to take a non
on the way.
The next ear ill front is coiled the
"blook car," and contains a 8111011-
1innter-yarce filled 08 11 is
.With pieces of timber ranging from
Wedges to he haneenerotiunder the
wheels, or jacks to square posts of
varieties lengths, lised for propping,
Since the it:volition of the wreck-
ing -train, "hand tackle" is not ern-
PloYed a0 ninth na in former- days;
but hundreds of feet of rope, rang-
ing from elizes the thick:legs of ono's
linger to cables two Inches thick,
are carried in coile with huge wood-
en pulleys, as aro also ehains strong
oniough to move a leundrodoton
weight. On the next ear axe two or
three sots of examtrucks with
Wheels attached, to replace any that
might have been bre/ken, for the
lower peel: or gearing of rolling -
Stock atifeees more in an 0001E10111
than any other portion. Sometimes
It is weenethed completely front ilhe
caw itsolf, the wheolts broken MI the
axles or damaged in some WILY, so
that it is fit only fifir scrapetron,
Next to the locomotive is the erane-
eats On which switigs a groat steel
arm wilioeo neuseles °I chain will
mist fifty tons at a thne and swing
through the air, doing the work
of aye handleed paire of hands.
Te,e life oe 0 reileocad,er is full of
uneentainties. No one knows when
news ef 011 0E1110111 may 00010. Pe4'-
110110 SOVOrril WOOks inay olapse with-
out eveft1 a. COW leaving the tounke
then all the wrecking -gangs on the
-may have their homes full
because of two ow throe discietere in
twenty-four ho0e8. 3» 11118 respect
13110 WOrk 15 SilY1110ir to fire depart-
Meil% service kb 0 big city: but the
reeleoacl oonapanees believe in keep-
ing all hands employed between
times, and the wrecketrala is always
steMoned nem: some of the shops,
Wil1010 13110 111011 can fill up Emil. time.
Ono sot 10 at work days and an -
Other set hights, tiatleso the railway
is too swan to offottld a double mote,
when the "call" method is employed,
The men ere than obliged to reside
where the "miler" can refteb 4140111
in ten Or 1111041011 minutes.
till Orefoieete 0 et al 0/110(8,4t91,9 aces/it water, afterWards 'rinsing In Clear
D •40, •
T FOR ni• lIOME , 51151(00 ,,i, dry, either befere a fire
or in the hot sun. THE S. S. idhssoN, 0013BEN THE FREE TRADER
. ,
hot water. They must then be
gif9 To Take ltust out of 8001.-110 il\TTZ041VATI0NAT, LESSON, Do HIS 10101109,
n ..,
K 9 with the fittest glans -paper 01 emery ,3',419, m?.
31) ee/pee for the Kitchen. el Paper. Clever the steel with Meet
o, oil and leave for two (lees; rub with •ITTI.
O ' 11 yg k. 11 0 am: Other Notop a ,(4, 0101111 1,08. told 11011011 with a, Text of the Lesso»,, edatt. W., He was a Farmer's Son. and was
$,1,1 for the tiou.s0lcseper, I.
O katned. 01 the Great
e •leathee. •• . 13; iv., 11. ' Golden lext, .
Matt, file, l'i'.
4360("9"00141144.0044"06.*80 1"I' Linulcs 011 1111."1"re 1(1) be re' The fellness of (Inas bad come for Struggle,
TAU 31E011 0031, 01000111.17 11'1141 1119 /110111 with 01110- 058145tO enter upon His public mine do? And what is Cobeenistue liere
Who was Cobden? What; 411410
gar or sour beer, and thon rubbing
1114011 an eamitha, that (0101)3' 1„. the 41111)05 with spirits ef sans, poi.- 1E3 IT, ne was 114011 1111113' 3'0u10 01 aro the ansivore 01 a nutshell,
third of each day 10, 01. 0(19111 to be, Is)) afterwards in the usual 1103' tv,ith ego. and cloubilees the saute voice
Malaya Cobden, Writ 111 1.80d, wee
passed Iti 5100P, It will ,be apprechtt- beeswax. and turpentine. the 1(011 Of a P001' 11011101,, -ho '105.8 in.
that came to 1 olln in the wilderness
ed how important 18 the (inestion of To remove mildew out, of than rub ‘40.41e to 'II 4 41 las° at N117'a1yt11 11-'1111t1 reality, a feriner's boy—but, potr,sess^
aui(i., 2, Ali), fur 11 Wits mor tlatior
1119 a soul which reached higher hanthe place where the seeping hours the linen well with soap; then serapethe complete metro'of the Father; the plow, he, et tin, ago of 13, 00,11140 1115501. Thbily s believed to some line0115(11, and rub italso on
1)0 less essistest 10 injurious 101110- the Reels La,y it out in (110 Cdr. bOth OS 10 WOrthi Ile spoke and the up to London and entered his tinele'e
encs clueing sloop 1111(1111(44 111 (('01111(('0111119 As it, dri' es, (401 .11 a little, and tuhe workse
0(111114 Ile did. Be 410001' business 08 a warehoueeman. '1'1l111101115, and therefore the bee and31(1°aft5000ndaPIcaLicl'pleasd flinisel, and it 111/5 111S meat country (111t1 1110 131015 1154 Ilardrled110Or00111 should be so 10111119014 that4(111dtppe.
to do the Pather's will (Rom, xv•, tbe young nom, and, in spite Of all
the body noty be shielded so far as To clean y our frying -pan. ---Do not 3; 304111 10., 3'0. John, the '11°1°1 opposition, be spent all 1115 ware
Pmts./hie from the assaults of disease scrape the insicie of the pan, for (fo)' ne was like other saints, a sili-
ca this eime, money on books, the 1(011114(4118 of
eftei•wards it is liable to catch or ner saved by grace),, might well which he devoured, both by day and
The location of the bed is inipor- burn, Soil it with sode water, shrink from baptizing the silliest-) one
the wail, so that; free access may be crystal so 1111. the 1119111,
road 05 a commercial traveler, but
tants lt should, if poseible, be rub it with a hard crust of bread, wile now stood before him, hut At 20 young Cobden went on tho
p1110014 with the head or foot, against wash in 1101 water, awl use some 011511'Or Of Jesus, '(0111111' it to be so
ilow, for thus it beeolneth 11E1 to fol -
11 11411 to both sides. This is not, 01113 'inwale: can be easily cleaned with full all rigleteouen,,ss" (verse 15), from all accounts he was more versed
in politics than ill 1110 affairs of bust-
ler convenience In inakieg the bed, ordinary dry flour rubbed on alth a sealed it, and Jobn baptized 111111,
but also and especially that tho piece of newspaper. The article to We have iii this second recorded ut- 11085. let be succeeded as a businees
corner against the wall in such a 70E15110d Wall 110 I, W111.01' 01171 seal). word covering 1111 the life of a, he -
lows, bought 5 business in Lanes.-
,se.t. 11140, and, 14111 two other young fel-
sleeper now no 1 get his face into a be cleaned meet flret or all be well -Weenie, of out. Lord another V----
way, that lie is forced to breathe end WilOn quite dry cleaned with the shire, which proved to bo SO peoeper-
over and over tbe ale just exhaled 1101.1r and paper. 1,..,t"t'r• 1101119 made ,righte.°08, 111 ous that Cathie well) to „Manchester
ehresi, (VP are to nianifek rignieolts-
from his longs, and charged with When dusting, use a. elightly- and opened a branch of their house
P.or the same 11346011 the bed •should up and hold the clust far bettor than.
clamped clester, for 1 f en, 1
(.1-8 I—•• galeler •part of ntany lives consists 'of morel.-
ness in eur dolly nro and a largo lin
No man in the country lencev more
that city.
poisoeous mattees.
not be In an nlcove, where tee air a dry plait will do. However, this Mg ehIngs to bo so now 00111(11seem. about the principles of free trade
Stagnates and is almost impossible plan 1111111101 be followed in the ease wholey unnecessary. ft is another than Richard Cobden, who was 131
of renewal. The old days of closely of polished black furniture as the phase of His nest word, ".1 144" be when Ile first launched his opinions
drawn bee -curtains aro fortunately droop would .
give 31 n. t,,,mared laak. about V IP tl >t,' business",f . i
on that topic, and Ins judgment was
gone, but the alcove is abilost as To renovate silks. --Sponge faded His 111e, as 111 011", ell is Veen God, considered to be so eound, and his
bad, especially if lined with a double silks mu, 000101., Soap , and bran, all is preparecl for (1s, all is for our
•1)14)11(010luence so great, that people were
bed occupied by two pereons, Thn e therub them with a dry cloth on k a 1 • • good, ready to sacrifice their own 4114110111(1 -
double bed is an abomination. When Lhe dresser or table; next Iran them quires constant and persistent aelf ,
renunciatioa on our part say, were ready to sweep away
it has filially gone to join the high- on the inside with a smoothing iron. their own convictions, cued to adopt
less consumpLion and fewer colds. see 11015012-ipoloolcolyr
canopied four-poster there will he Old black silks may be renovated by accept it thus and not
circumstances (A.cts iv„ 28; Mph. i I., those of the new apostle who hied
A light iron or berme three-quarter isipgoilittging with sidrits; fren oa the risen among them,
bed, with a wiro spring covered by tho ai is:de, -but with thin paper on 10; II. Coe, iv., 15; Bum, ooe, es, .
30, 87). Just seven times 'in Scrip- _ . WARFARE SPILL ON,
a not too thick mattress, and stand- Burning. old Papers.—Sometimes ture do we find the phrase "heaven 'Ilbat was seventy yeare ago, and
ing in a thoroughly ventilated room, ono has bundles of old papers which °Polled" or "the heavens opened," th .
e warfare has in divers ways been
yet not in the direct cleat, and oc- have to be burnt,ntinued ever since.
and this is clan- and it always reveals Christ or Ilis co
oupied by but one person, is the gerous In a iire-grate. 'Pile to:A.1011110; peOlde aSSoCiated with Han. 0011de0. set the ball rolling with a
Ideal or hygienic 1119111 quarters.
It would seem hardly necessary at 14 a method which will t all
clanger of the chimney catching fire . Hero we have the testimony of the serieS of letters, which were publioh-
in nhester Times under the
Father and the Spirit of the ed the mac
the present day to insist upon the —Make a tight roll of all the papers who came to fulfill all righteousness, Pen name of "Libra." These letters
need of keeping, open winclowsyet and fasten them with some pieces of How can mortals dare tu criticize discussed commercial and eponomic
14 is necessary, for the 'dread of the wire. They 1 v ill then form a kind or speak lightly of Hine of whom questions with rare ability, and the
Mysterious night air, charged with of log and burn slowly without the Father thus speaks? And not talent of the man was recognized.
all sorts of mephleic vapors, las flames. The roll may be made any only here, bet also at Ills transfig- "Libra" haci scored, and, 'Striking'
worked upon so many generations of size, (5ncl several burnt together. oration (xvii., 5). The Spirit of while the iron was hot, he published
our forefathers Butt it has become 'For Washing Flannels.—Shred a God sought in vain since Adam sin- a pamphlet entitled "England, Tee -
almost all 111S13t1a with 501110 40 quarter of a pound of soap into 'two ned for 0118 501,11 as this, Si whom land and America; By a Mancheseer
01101 it out of tho bedroom. If the gallons of hot water, mid boil into Ho couid fully dwell, but now Ile Manufacturer," a treatise on free
night nee were poisonous there would te soap -jelly. Fill your pan with. -
nas found tho true ark where only trade, which opened wide the vas
bo no safety anywhere, for it would lukewarm tvaLer (mu] jug of boiling IN can perfectly rest. Luke tells us of the economists, who 0110 and all,
sift in to some extent in e)1ite of all to two of cold); and so the watera, that both here end at Ilia trensfig-
precautions.. 33111 the 1019111 air is tablespoonful of ammonia; pat. your - so to speak, considered that to
purer than the day air, and the flannels in, and leave them for an oration Jesus prayed (Luke iii.., 21; open our commercial markets to the
ix 29) world would inean 'Britain's ultimate
more of it ono draws into his lungs hour (covered up). Just rub light -
while he is asleep the better will he. ly, rinse hi lukewarm water, shake Ilavieg been specially proelainled downfall and the starvation of the
be able to contend against the dusty well, and dry quickly, nod your flan- by tho Father as Ilis Beloved Son Pe°P1•
smoky, carbonated day air of the nets -will not shlink, and anointed by the Spirit, He is 'net pamphlet loughod to morn
citly,hesiteare 1100113'
. now led by tho Spirit to face the such fears, •and it ridiculed the idea
many devices for letting devil, who in Eden brought ruin to with Eillefi zest that the brochure was
in air through . cracks or between our race through Adant and Eve, brought under the notice of tho
window -sashes, but there is no thing and the same temptations are pm_ prime minister of the day—Peel—who
so goad ns the top sash lowered and sealed to Ilim as wore presented to at once saw that a prophet had come
the lower sash raised until the two Eve; but, as Steir anye, Di, otodi- to show the ministers the errors of
are even, so that the fresh air. crattheir ways.
enee approves itself in the renuncia-
pont. into tbe bedroom in the great- tion of all enjoyment, of all honor,. Cobden established the Ardi-Corn
est nossible 0011111031, ' of all possession, in opposition to Low League, originally called. pri11118 world. nis sociation, and formed ' by sev11101'-
A GOOD HOSTESS. the ii„ of
• SENTENCE 5E11110115..
Work trains the will,
Liberty is in love of the law.
The painful is not always pious.
A good errand makes a short road.
It is the heart that makes head-
Faith will brealc through 011 forms. threefold reply to the tempter Stele chants of Mauchestor. Cobden was
calls His third Med word; Ills first the life, the soul, the spirit, the'
lir liarneSS Will chafe if you fret
embracing His whole inner life (Luke pillar of that body, which in a short
Religion is good as a (rade, but 11., 49), ifis second mitheseisa. a, time grew so rapidly that, octopue-
poor as a tool. entire work of Ills active Euid pas- like, its tentacles were buried doep
Wheat that will not be bruised can- , sive obedience for 1.15 platt. Ili., in all parts of the comitry; and so
not be used.
1 15), and now in His threefold influential was its work and so pow -
A short cut man selc501110111 carves word to the devil 11) maintains 011111 its mission that 011 more than
its three one occasion the man of tho 110111
anythieg great,
g.,,mt was returned to parlioment by two
and asserts the fulfillment of all
The world is not saved by the
Ititgat.13niCell°e'sls'aRr,estinisni: the tempter to un -
things wo do not do.
righteousness. Re Dinaself Ja Fits 401111';01:1..iree constituencies at the same
hunid 1 i ty—submitting to be tempted
in melee to conquer—is that living rorVnINC.eTORIOTIS AT Lasp,
years, and in the teeth of
answer of God to Satan which
holy right restate and casts out
I° the most strenuous opposition by e
Satan's right to 11010011113'.11010011113'. the Man fought for f ree
His festive' Bitty days and forty trade till he found bin:self ruined.
eights makes us think of the other Ills friends at. this 'mixture subscrib-
days and who afterward apPeared set upon his feet again, and he be -
ed Z 0, 0. . ' 3
two, the only two, who fasted 10113' 8 00 for hun, and so ho was
with Illini on the Mount of Trans- came a mom determined fighter than.
figuration. We wonder what the full 0001%
significance of those four forty day It was not till the year 1846 that
rests can be, but we shall know here- the lire -long battle had come td a
after if necessaes. :mirk 003
th al, finish, and the vittory WaS hie, Coh-
n.° was with the Ivied. boasts ()lark deism had triumphe(1, lend what '
1, 18), and here „Jain we wait for Cobdeeism was then it is now—freo
more light, but remember that Day- trade, peace, nonintervettion and
id, before he slew Goliath, hacl a economy. ,
had just said. -This is My Beloved
conflict with ft lion and a bear. God inAt18a4,5greatt11010seunatilagor ho61Sio honocoli ewstaosr
Son. "rhe tempter said Witte, 4If subscribed., just to quote olio -M-
ellott be the Son of God" (verses 3, stance as showing the enthosiesm of
6), reminding us of his firat record- the people, in a little over an hour,
ed utterance to Eve, "Yea, hath God to carry on. the campaign. . Tho
sned 7" All who question the word great triumph came when tho con -
of God must. Withont a doubt, be servative premier, Sir Robert reel,
for the tate being 'serving the devil, reverted to free trade; anti when, le
for no trite child of God can lid in 334, be carried through parliament
fellowship 1051 11 G•od end cmestion the great bill repealing the core. laws
His WOrtl. `5110 11151 tomPtatioll ' and virtually giving free trade 10 the
Was to distrust Clod and do an tale . oreeittry,
authorized thing to sustain life. The ,
second was to do a. wrong thing to
secure a goocl 'things The third
was to prostnne 011 God's Cara 0011010
1101119 a reeklOsS thing. (So says I'.
''.P, Drown).
Th:, Aleston says that the first ly died in his Meet:loth year, W118
yielded to waited 1111.00 neede a Geth- the head of a family which for pat -
second would obtain the world for wo
somatic ntul (Weary imoessineo, the rinflcdhal slizIehnit,0(0.1 ttstbaolloxi.aecootrd:thl table,
Christ by bowleg down to Satan, children, hie mother, at her denth
the third would challenge pee1010e in 1.880 at the age of ninety-foer
risks because WO ave Ohrisliang. It erellil boast: of. 144 children, grand -
ie not nceessary that 0 0 011 011171 0017- children, and great-granclehildree, M.
tame to 111'00 Ort the eneth, but it is Orappier during his lifetime boomer°
necessaw to believe every word of an uncle or greateuncle no fewer than
God. Thoso 10110 1111151 believe and 268 times, on 100 of which the
dwell le Clod will 1101 do reckless nephew, grandnephew, or groat -
things, neither will they aceelet 8.00- grandnephew (or nieee) Was of his:
ors from the world or the devil, !own blood, Ivhile the remaining 108
We often read and hear of a
'icherming liostess,'' a "delightful
hontess," but, says a correspondent,
W11071 WO 11y to be a "clic:rill:Mg
h.ostess" ourselves we find the task
not quite so easy as WO could wish.
Women, particularly 00111011 ill small
households, know only too well that
when one ardently desires the wheels
of the domestic chariot to run
sanoothly that is the very time
It is always easy to forgive other
when., like pharaoh's chariot of old, people's enemies.
they drag heavily, and the fear of Derinry is a. prayer that is always
thetn stopping altogether plungts the ultimately onswened. '
hostess into a SOO Oi CiO41}0.11'. To be
a delightful hostess under these eh,
cumstances requires Some fortitude
and 'solf-denial too, for ono natural-
ly feels inclined. to pour forth the
domestic woes to a sympathetic ear,
but lf one would be "(alarming" this
inceination must be sternly resisted,
for what can bo more tiring to a,
guest than to bear 0 long story of
domestic warfare, when in ail pro-
bability She has just tha scone state
of affairs at: home'Ho, no, that
will never flo; and although it does
not always appear 'cts if virtue
brought its OWtt 1`000711'd, 1 this case
it does, for in amusing the guests
the burden of household cares Is for-
gotten for a. time at least, and is
thereby ceinsidevably lightened. The
houses where• one delights most to
visit aro thieso where no apparent
en'ort, is made to please, 0011010, in
fact, you feel you could do as you
like; where books, pleteres, and
Portfolios are scattered about and
you can look at them as you please
A man cannot cover his works by
condemning God's ways.
'The rule of the lowest must mean
the ruin of the highest.
Envy forsakes its own 5regicie to
freeze on amether's doorstep.
No matt is a free thinker until he
Is free to think up as well as down
100 must love the ceoss before the
crown to Will t110 crown after the
lf the flood came again 80100
al/1'0110S Would 111001 it With Over-
shoe Socials.
A. health export who hos been air-
ing his views berme a 'Manchester
audience deems to have solved tho
Problem of hoW to add ton years to
life. Accore!ing to this gentleman,
those who wish to add a decade to
thoir ekistenco should avoid over-
eating, especially flesh meat, shun
and enjoy at tile 'same time ft come alcohol, sleep in frosh ail. With open
fortablc easy chair and cushions; windows, never exceed three mealS a
where the room is not so crowded day, walk az much as possible in the
with costly bric-a-brae that yoo foci stmehine, bron.tho deeply ancl eleep
afraid to 151000. A hostees often
spade a guest's pleasure by making
too much fuse over theme This is
more often the ease when the guests
are staying 111 th1 house, and is tir-
ing for both. Let your guests feel
that they arc welcome, provide all
the amusement that you can in the
Way' of drives, tennis, and other out-
door recreatione; and if wet, the
Natio, indoor galues, and perliapS
dance, Will make the time pass
pleasantly, and the guests will de-
part feeling that you are an ideal
'A half -worn cerpot may be made
tie last longer by/ tipping it apart
4118 teensposing the breadths,
A tiro is hotter and more 14541519
if it Is well built conically, /Old loft,
then if ateeet mended and poked,
'1'0 tort a fenther boa that hail
been diunpecl With rain or dew, rub
hi a handful of common stilt and
shake 111111/ Me, before 0 bright, fire.
To whiten Ilium thiet lots gone yel-
low or a bad colole—Put a little
blee in the water in whiell it is
boiled.; it will malco it white in a
very 011011 time,
If a lamp dhoti get oVerturned,
tei. Will be e 0 1100 in exteuguish-
iftg the flames: Oarden earth, sand,
or flout thrown cm it will haVe the
desired °Met,
T0 clean osteieli foftthers yeti cab
W0144 thatt isi 0 iattot of fetal) 0511 Phig, Sanitary and etetiStille
on tlte right glee so its to allow filer,
action to the heart. Tho great notes
0/ humanity, he neye, EadIer from ig-
norance of dietetic principles, where -
le the study and observance of these
principles woul(1 make people healthy
and ablo to orjoy life to the full.
Matrimony is surrounded with sup-
eretitions, many of tvhich apply•oely
to the marriage ceeemony, The wed-
ding ring is made plain need thicle
only for the reason that its thick -
nem and platimess secure it against
breakage; foe to *break it is the very
woret at luck for hoth bride ,and
groom, White is the best eoloe 10
got married ft, but a widoW May
marry in 11.1033 saVe yellow,
911014111 a bride Ciro)) ono of her
gloyeS, Wee betide her! She inut,t;
exercise great ertre in gel ting in end
out of her carringe, tool a, falso stop
Is an 111 ome11 which brings misfor-
NIDIA-TtUnlifillt ELO011es,
Rubber floor coveriegs hre cornetts
groatly leto favor. 14 151 elaintod for
th15 coverieg that the expellee in-
volved in the initin 1 outlay is morn
than compensated tor by durability.
The Mere wear .14 gots the bettor
ClOes it Show 118 remarkable Multi -
tide, it is itolaelese, elastic, tion -slip -
A Vre00111) FAMILY,
Maximin Crappier, art lxlho
tertt of Cais, fo Franco who race
ti11010.10 110 Wily tO resist the devil
Immune so by marriage.
and overeomo him but by the Worn •
of God and the sectillee of ettivai7
(Rev. x(i, 11), hut, 11,101519 title thield
01 1111011 cued the sword of the Sjeirit, "t ttlwftys eantand, eir," said the
ten need meow. bo overcome by him girl's father, inenningly, "that V011ti
S.P.111.7,‘1., 1148), Both Matthew 111011 5110111t1 130 in bed 11011113 1.30
end ilrark 104101110e no 148411,31 01 the each night."
tomptation be telling 118 that angel "Yofr?" replied the yoeng man Who •
neinistered unto Pit», 'P110-0 ie much was ceiling on the girl, "0 hope you
comfort 111 ITeb. i, 14; Vs. xxxiv, 7; set that good eXamplu yourself; SIM"
riil, 20, 91, and the study of ringeltc
nenistre' as recorded in Seelpture 15
most liolpfol. With God for uei, A SAVE
0/11.i81 for us and the Spirit foe
(0,11111. 96, 21, 136) am.1 011 the ,,,ustoracr—“This penknifo you sold
11111115 01 lllIlllOStO('iflg .. 1110 so soft that the 1.11;.4,1 is dun
Might to cry, b„ro-00'W, before T. got through sharponing
who 91100111 us the victole' I"
Vonder—"Yelt 1
von you games to slittrav,oug (13
hiliak it unlacky 111 loeo the .point ngttinSt your thumb you von'a
01101100 of getting 1111 opal* out yoUrSelfe.'