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Locial News
BUSINES, ]aS ; brisk,
A wcpitneo or two ou,the tapie.
p. U, W. Friday evening of this
STAaarroh'Y Ceitticil iiieeting was held
Wednesday evening.
''SATURDAX Of next week. will be Christ
mas Day aid a public holiday.
aria p
malting Y
NE -ars 1 g
of Breakfast Food to Montreal this
A PAIR of well bred bantams was ship-
ped last week by James Ballantyne to a
St. Thomas bird fancier.
SXATRRS need to eltercise no email
caution in venturing on the river as the
ice is often very treacherous.
BRUSSELS Apple Evaporator and the
Burris Butter Factory have closed for
this year. Both bad successful seasons.
Suema tnre on the railways Christ-
good going Dec. e5rd and return.
ing Dec. Beth. Fare and a third rate
continues goad to return January etc.
Grum progress is being made at the
improvements to the Standard Sank,
taking intaaecount the Winter season;
The stove 'masonry le completed.
Baiuse= Sons of Scotland have -en-
gaged the well kuowu Scottish ;vocalist,
Jessie McLauchlin. for January
Concert will be held in the Town Hall.
,r>:tw •too cars of gravel has been load-
ed by the three G. T. R. section men of
Brussels at the pit near Isere during the
past Summer in addition to doing their
regular work on the track. .It was
handled by the old fashioned shovel.
BY BLECTRrctTY.Messrs. Baekei�iBros.,
butchers, have installed a combined
electriainotor and sausage machine in
their shop that does the desired work in
up-to-date style. It is a very comeilete
machine and will save :a great deal of
time as compared with the old prooess..
THTio sDAY as WC go to prase the an-
nual meeting of East Huron 'Liberal
Association is being held in the Town
Hall. Brussels. Ales. McLatigblen is
President and F. S. Scott, Secretary -
Treasurer. The report will be given
next week. .Owing to the difficulty in
securing the' desired speakers the public
meeting intended for the evening was
cancelled for the present.
day of last week, Reeve Leckie, of Brus-
sels, was very pleasantly surprised at
Huron County Council by the reading
of au address and the presentation of a
fine meerschaum pipe and smoking
stand. Warden Lamont presented the
gift after•C1erk--Lane read the address
Whig/ Was as follows :—
DEAR StR.—We your fellow members
of the County Council of Huron for 1909
desire to take this opportunity .of show.
lug our respect and esteem for you as and
Alex. Stewart, of lylaidstoue,- Sask.,
and children are here fora holiday vlait
With relatives and !,lentis, Mr, Stowert
has been spending the Winters here since
Mrs, Stewart died.
W. E. I7tttteen, of. Clinton, was laid up
for several days at the home of his
father-in-law, 'fbos. Nicholls, from an
attack of tonsilitl . He was able to re-
turn to Clinton last Friday and we hope
be will be all right.
FURNITURE SALt.--Dont forget the
Mrs. Me -
i -43W%
old £u
r ifnr0 R
sale of househ i
Leon's. Princess street. Bi ussels, Satur-
day afternoon of this weak. Sale will
be unreserved ss Mrs, McLean intends
removing to Seaforth. F. S. Scott will
wield the hammer,
THE new Carnegie Library building
is well on ,toward completion, Neces-
sary furniture has been ordered, furnace
and electric lighting are installed and
the 'finishing touches will 5001 be pet
on. Official opening will not likely be'
held until after New Year holiday owing
to the busy season. Many compliments
are being bestowed by visitors as to the
design, plan and fittings of the building.
Tenders are .asked by Brussels Ceme-
tery Committee for the filling up of the
low portion of the ground along South-
erly line. Stakes have been set as to
levels and. it is proposed to allow two
years to complete the work. Filling
material must be supplied. For further
particulars apply to B. Gerry, 'Chairman
of Committee, who will also receive the
tenders. Halt the work must be done
between now and May ist, i9io.
WENT Te Goeiteicn.—Last Saturday -
D. Ewan& Co.. the well known carriage
builders of Brussels, disposed of 5 fine
cutters aside surreys to the Davis livery,
of Goderiell. They were taken to the
Co. town that day. On a former
occasion Mr. Davis bought a large
cariole from the same manufactory so
knew where to -come for another gond
job. It is no smallrecom
Richardeoli, S. Purvis, Miss Tansey, —Mrs. VanVelsor is speeding two
Fe P. and Mrs Remick, Chas, and Mrs. weeks with friends in St. Thomas and
itvrlds, The 1'QQins ofMr. Beairsto's Vienna. -8, 1C14aTpn sl resicleuce on
cosy place had been pretttlq decorates'
for the occasion and: the guests greatly
admiredthe good taste displayed by
their hostess. Sharp at the appointed
hour the bridal party 'entered the
drawing room to the strains of Men-
delsohn s Wedding March which was
artistically rendered by Mrs, E. B.
Jamieson, Rev. K.., 0. MoLeod, of
Oennose, was the officiating clergy-
man the large number of wedding
gifts,among which were five generous
cheques, out glass, silver and china,
received by Mr. and Mrs. Coodibes
from all over the land spoke well of
the populairity these young people en-
joy among their numerous friends.
The bride who looked exceedingly
pretty in a gown of white silk crepe
ire Cbene, Was assisted by her sister,
Mrs. F. P. Beairsto, whose gown was
of cream silk crepe, and the bride-
groom's best roan was A. Boileau,
barrister, 01 Edmonton. After a
dainty wedding slipper Mr, and Mas.
Ooombes left amid showers of vice and•
good wishes for their new bungalow
on Laurier Street, where they will be
at home to their friends after the
Xmas holidays. With our oongratula-
y a s of happiness sincere
years of happiness
Mr. and Mas. Ooombes.
Weelt D.
Main street, --James and Mos. Sbera,
of Corrie, called an friends here on
Saturday; Thos, Jaeklin's sale of
hooses and cattle, held at the Lofton
House on Saturday afternoon brought
a large crowd to the village,
NOTES.—The young people of the
village will hold an Assembly in the
Town Hall on. Thursday evening,
Dec. Itlth.—John Bone. of $nnit Ste.
liferie, Mich., a former resident of the
village spent last week here, having
come to attend the funeral of his sis-
ter, Mrs. J. S. McTavish..—Rev. O.
W. McKenzie, accompanied ,by his
bride who was formerly Mies Agnes
Shipley, of Glenwood, arrived here
Brussels factory. They supply the last T imsday night.—We regia ETHEL
goods the public want. 100(1 of the continued serious illness
ONTARIO W. C. T. U. 'DEPARTMENT of Thos. Putland of the Gorvie road
MEDAL CONTESTS.—ThiS Organization is
offering a silver Medal in the Town Hall
Star Grocery
We invite you to call and see our.
stock of Christmas. goods. We
have a first-class line of fresh
groceries and fruit for the Christ•
mas trade. Fresh Raisins, Cur-
rants, Oranges, Bananas, Figs
and Dates. We always handle
the best we can proem's and at
lowest prices. Call and leave
your Order for Christmas Grocer-
ies and we feel sure you will be
well satisfied.
Our lines of Confectionery speak
for themselves, they are unequal-
We also have a splendid display
of fanny goods, stationery.
toys. Call and see us before buy-
ing ll be able -
ti make haghost oe. fipeoplehappy
with little money.
Highest prices paid for Butter,
Eggs and Fowl.
W. T. Spence
Brussels, in the near future for profici-
ency in elocution. There are now four
classesforniug and the winner in eacb
class secures a silver medal. The selec-
tions are taken from approved W. C. T.
U. recitation books. Any person still
wishing to.eompete may have a chance
to do so by calling at the W. C. T. U.
rooms Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The annual Entertainment and
tOhristmas Teee will be held in Victor-
ia Hall on the evening' of Dec. 23rd.
A. good program is being prepared so
ell turn out and enjoy a good time.
citizen of the good County of Heron an Sedgewick (Altai Sentinel says ;—On
for your many years of service es a vain. Tf ossa o filar friend,J.elaborated th wedding
able.member of the County Council by Financialpularfrroker.aatd Notoraa•yPublie,
to Mies Laura M. .Colvin, of Merna.
The nuptials took place at the home
of Mrs. E. P. Beairsto, the bride's sis-
ter, where had assembled the promin-
ent citizens - of Setigewick, among
whom the Chronicler noticed J. A.
and Mrs. Colvin, of Marna, parents of
of the bride ; Mrs. 7, E. Coombes, of
Qn'Appelle, Sask., ' mother of the
groom ; H. and Mrs. Hampton, R. E.
and Mrs, Jamieson, J. L. and Mrs.
making this present of aseated to
smoking stand, which is pr
you with our best wishes for your con-
tinued bealtb and welfare• Wsincere-
trust you may be long spared resels as
resent the
in the County CouucilBofsHuron.
Signed on behalf of the Members,
County Clerk's Office, Goderich, Ont.,
Dec. 9th too9. •
Mr. Leckie, although taken by surprise
"Soon found his bearings and made a brief Olarke, A. E. Cameron, H. A. and
but most suitable reply in which the Mrs. Dreany, D. A. and Mrs. Rickel',
good feeling prompting the gift was re- D. and Mrs, McNabb, R. E. and Mrs.
reiprocated very heartily by the recipient. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Stapleford,
It was athoughtful and kindly expression C. P. and Mao. Purvis, R. H. and Mrs.
on the part of the Co. Council and is Mills, H. S. and Mrs. Balsiilie, T. H.
appreciated by Reeve Leckie's many amend E o.JBowler, Macdonnell, , Burn, E,
friends in Brussels and locality.
See our Beautiful
You can't find a better place to
get just the right thing for everybody. We
offer a splendid line of High Grade Goods at
Fairest prices. If you want the Good Quality,
the Right Article Arid the Reasonable rrwo
iuspect our line of
SiVatehes, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Optical Good's,
Cut Glass, Hand -painted China, Ebony Goode, Toys,
Dolls, Novelties, Xmas Post Cards, Souvenir Goods.
For the Right Present for the Right Person at the Right Price
come right- to us. Don't fail to see the splendid assortment at
J. R. W E N. D T S Jewe(ery