HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-12-7, Page 5i AISINESS CARCS,. K. 0. T. M. AreasOla Pent at Kae0absoil, No,8 hold their regular meetings In the Lodge Ream, Booker Imok, go the 1stt and ar d Tuesday en e 0 each month, Visitors always welcome. A, SO it Elia, Oom, A, 01o0UI1t*1, R, a, WM. SPENOE OONVEYANOER Arm ISSUER' OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Moo tn. ltho P001 0111oe, Ethel. 00,4 JOHN ` HARRIS, Agent Howiek Mutual. Fire Insurance Company Officio and Reeidonoe- '. WALTON, ONT.`' JOHN SUTHERLAND rN8090001, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. lit l3. $OOTT AS AN AUCTION- • eau, will nen for betterOtiose, to bettor men, In lees time and lase obarges than an other Auctioneer iu East Huron or, y. he won'tcharge anything.thinS Dates and orders own always tap arranged at Otte office or by ra pvnnedal gpplillsstion. LEGAL I ONVEYANCINL. `]AT 'bd, SINCLAIR— V V • Barrister, Solicitor, Ooaveyanoeri Notary Pabile. &c. Wfllae-Stewartto Block l door North o r Central Hotel. Solloitor: tor the Metropolitan Bank, pBOUDFOO'r BAYB & RILLORAN BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC.-. ETU. W. 2nottnFuoT, K. O. ' E. U. HAYS J. L. Kumquat; Line..—Thule forulerly`oaoupied by Messrs Oamorou.t Holt, 020010aten. ONTARIO... ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers 1SuiIInews Dardi MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teo e w h r of Piano oStudio at Carter's Etude Stora, one door North f the Standard Bank, Brussels, 8•tf MISS PERL.E SHARPE her second xa' iva, hat, passed Pianoforte h ao e o to Mon of the pinaofor'te DoparGmant of the To. •.onto Conservatory of Music, and: la prepared to take pupils at her home, Prinoeao street. iaa'Visite Ethel Friday and Saturday of eaeb week, ._ DR, T. T. M'RAE- 'Baehelol' of Medloine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate And Graduate of the College of Phy-. elolsns and Surgeons, Ont. • Post.graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat klospital, Chiosggq,Ill, Ex -House Surgeon to St.Mich- aces Hospital,Toronto. Oifleo oyer If. R. Smith's Drug Store. ' Tele- p)1f7nQ connection with Qranbrook at all honre, ST. JOHN"AIVD HALIFAX TO. LIVERPOOL' Steamer P'rotn St. John From Halifax Grampian Sat. Deo. 2nd Direct Victorian Fri, Deo, Btlr Sat, Dec. 9411 *Scotian - Nat Deo, 9th Corsican Tnturs, Dee, 14th . Direot *This stemner"sails to Glasgow. RATES OF PASSAGE Mat Clans, $7250 and $82.50 according to steamer. ,00 according tor. Class, 52 OD -to g Second C e $ $50 steamer, Third Class, $80 25; $91.25 and $82.50 nocording to 9lteelner. TSTON ro GLASGOW Scotian from Boston Thursday, Deo. 7th. Etlmidion from BostonThurstlny, Dec, 21st. PORTLAND TO GLASGOW Lake Erie from Portland Tliut'sday Nov. 9010 Sicilian Deer 14th • Corinthian " Dec. 28th Steaniero on`Glasgow service carry "One Class" ppast Bra'BG $45.00 and $47.50 rates and third ohms at $80.25.' Pull information as to rate'., oto„ on applica- tion to W. H. KERR. AgontAllan Line, . Brussels. Winter Term from Jan. 2 - - - Yourisk nothing by attending this �pay,t. 3.ylan and It will remain so College. Its reputation for nP Imparter training and eealin absolute- - p'L.t_IOTT 0 TORONTO, ONT. Is In aolnss by itself when strictly first• el clues work is considered, ,Graduates el are sure to get good positions owing to their proper training, Write for largo 'i csto1Ogqi� e. - Oen Young and t. W. J. ELLIOTT,. Alexander Sts. i Principal. `Y' 1Y 'su t46Oa AOL �dYt& UPTURE 1r OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Phyeloian and Surgeon; Post Graduate oourees London (Eng), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Speciatl attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Burgeons, of Toronto. Offioe inSmith Block recently vacated by Dr. Peild. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary lle n Da and night calls. Office opposite Oo 6 PP g•. M311 Ethel. Flour 2liaN,0 ,Tem air Itatiz ar BRUSSELS Go1No BOaTir G050G'NonPu Mail 7:07 a in Express 10:55 a m Express 11=:25 a in Mai t 1;59 p m Express 2:05 p m Express 8:52 p m WALTON To Toronto - To Goderloh Express 7:41 am Express 11;87 a m Express,,,..,,.. 2.57 p m Express 7:55 p m WROXETSR Going East - 7:05 n. m, and 8:55 p. In. Going West - 12:40 and 9;97 p. m. Alltrains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound,Elora and T G. B. etntions. GEO. ALLAN Loonl , Agent. Put Itews 10 CENTS pays for 'run POST to any ad- dress in Canada up to fan. 1st. Send it to,abient friends. 111E Canadian Jubilee singers will visit Brussels on Wednesday December loth, They are well worth hearing. KEEP December 2245 clear for the well known Firth Co. Mr. Firth, Miss Jackson and Homer Eaton present a program not easily equalled. ELECTION EXPENSES.— H. S. Morphv's published electiou expenses iu North ie Perth,totalled 1 A. H i, to 's �6182 • . 3 P ex eases in East Huron were $28c, 03 and Jas. Bowman's in the same riding, $27o. Every family has need of a good, reliable liniment. For sprains, bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pilins there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers. - JOINT LIBERAL MEETING.- Friday evening oh next week a joint political meeting for Centre •aud North Huron will'be held in the town Hall, i3russels, at 8 o'clock. Addresses are expected by Thos. McMillan, W. H. Kerr and others. Ladies invited. CONSERVATIVE MEETING.— A joint public meeting in the Conservative in- terests will I take place in Brussels Town r t Hall, Saturday evening of next week, at 8 o'clock, to be addressed by A. H. Mus grove, candidate for North Huron 1 las. Bowman, M. P., and Rev. Jos. Elliott, candidate for Centre Huron. Seats re- served for ladies, When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's (lough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold.. For sale by all dealers. pen. E' SINGERS.—' Be sure you hear r the Canadian Jubilee Singers, Wednes- day evening, December 2010, They give a choice selection of solos, duets, quartettes and choruses. Their singing is soul -stirring ; their fun delightful, clean and wholesome. Come and hear them sing the Old Plantation sougs. 'Pickets may be bad and seats reserved_ at Fox's drug store. Pickets 25 and 35 cents. ACCIDENT.— The Exeter Advocate last week says :—Earl, the young son of Rev. L. G. Powell, was painfully in- jured while playing on the school grounds 'Phersday last. He made'a quick turn and in so doing rata against a tree, inflicting an ugly wound on hos forbead and rendered him unconscious for an hour or more. He was at once removed to hi the and he has sine,: vert, oulilerlySvith The quicker a eol61 ie gotten rld oR ®t♦o•t♦•4♦♦Wyf4♦9•4A•♦11.0@ the less the danger from pneumonia k ♦ and other serious diseases, Mr.. B. ,o W, L, Hall, of Wa'yerly, Vu„ says : R "'I . firtniq ,believe,believeUhumbepllunr s ; Cough Remedy to be absolutely the A reparation on the market for etdde, t fale1 s itt n trd c r p e recommended 1 lavY i unci they all ugt•ee With int,," For Salo • by all stealers.. I • ! • • DECEMBER WEATHER b 0 A Pegular Storm Period covers the and to the 7t141, having its centre on the. 4th. The Mercer'y period is eeolral on tile Sill, with . fell Moon la perigree, Earth's winter solstice, also, bears op this period. Moon being on the teles^ tial equator on the 1st, the barometer wilTbegie to fall, aud other conditions will appear early in this period, Froth about Sunday the 3rd, to Thursday the 7111, look for general Winter storms, Rain will turn to heavy sleet and snout, and fierce gales and blizzards will sweep most parts of sea and land. Many seismic shakes will be reported between tfie 2nd mid 8th, central on the 440, 5th' and'4th, A great cold wave will rush from the northwest, spreading South and East from the 5th to Toth, A:Reactionary Storm period is cen- tral at the magnetic and electric crisis of Winter solstice, on the firth, 12th and I t h: Look at this time for a spellell of continued threatening, stormy weath- er. ` Navigation on the Atlantic Ocean will be perilous, and inland storms will be bitter and prolonged. V'olanic unrest and outbursts, with Earth cur- rents and auroral illuminations, will. be at maximum. causing seismic dis- turbance in maev places, outside the limits of the regular seism10 periods. A Regular Storin Period is central ou the . t5th, extending from the 13th to the 17th. Low barometer, sudden change to warmer, with possible light- ning and thunder and rain, will appear to southward about the 13th, and on the 14th,..r5th, rfith and 17th general Winter solstice storms' will be natural over sea and land, covering must parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Higli, barometer, sweeping gales and great' cold will bring up the rear of storm areas. A Reactionary Storm Period will eawed rale with ren • er atm change to w I g z •Oth. and snow, on and touching the 21st .and 22nd., The dio'urbance at this time will .centre about the new _Morin on the 20th this being th.e center of another seismic period, extending Irom toe i8tb to 2200 This period will add to the accumulations of snow and ice, resulting from previous solstice storms, and winter's cold will tighten its grip with the high barometer follow - ng the storms. A Regular Storm Period covets the last week ofthe year, being central nu the 21th. - .Storms will bring rain and probable lightning and thunder un and touching the 28111, but snow and sleete t will tollow. w. Hi h baromet- er, me t- er Northwest galea and cold, fair wea- ther a•.her will prevail iu most parts ufthe country -as we pass into 1912, Walton 3270 was paid for the old Presby- terian church 011 the Grey township side. Alex. Gardiner was the buyer. ,fno.'8Vatt.aud Robt. Reid were ap- pointed a Committee to see abnul moving the buildieg to the property flT. Gardiner purchased from the 11e0uaig estat e. BEEP RING.—Tile annual meeting of lite Wanton locality Beef ring was 1101(1lhull Fo•itlay evening at the horse of JIM. Bennett Accounts for past season were satisfactorily settled.. a1101 the season's busiiess wound up.7t tons of beef were consumed by the patrons. J. R. Bell gave good saris - faction its butcher. Officers elected are Jen. Smillie, Jno, Ewen, Jas. Lawson and Jim. Bennett. Jas. Mc - 'radium wtta re-elected Secretary which office he has held for several seasons. Ring will resnrue on April 1st. THINK TWO OVER Special o�♦ during , tle tend,r if .. c t r remedy fails Thle OftborfeRhhoonlvotQnlSnkothpetlgolnfidpnoo • 1t pe.), for all medicine ns (d • • i to eorugletely relive you of coned- * piltiou. We Cake all the risk, You 0 l in0 Va • roenbli obligated to us r •areany Y Y 6 g p ooffer, im 1• i� u accept t 101 whatever, i o C r ♦ P you statement,but ra l l a 's mighty i broad Y� That's a 1 ht b_ Valu y o we mean every word. of it, Could • Anything be more lair fel' you ? ♦• A most scientific, cetalluen-sense. ♦ treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which • are eaten like candy, Their actino' ♦ principle is a recent scientific die- ; covery'that is odorless, colorless, and. ♦ tasteless ; very peououuoed, gentle, • and pleasant iu action, and particul• i•• ally agreeable in every way. This ingredient does not cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping, or other' • inconvenience. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged • and delicate persona.` •If you surfer from chronic or habit- ual constipation, or the associate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our, rich. Remember, you can get them in Brussels only at one store. 12 tablets, 10 cents ; 38 tablets, 25 cents ; 80 tab- lets, 50 cents. Sold only itt our store —The' Rexall Store. F. R. Smith. IN Like A Thief. In Tho Night That's how pain comes. We sit near an open window,. get stiff neck or sore back.. Perhaps enol oft too quickly after exertion—rlrenliratism' develops. , Spend what you may, but money can't buy anything better than Nerviline. Its penetrating power en- ables it to reach deep tissues,—that's why it'Cnres aches that all else can't tough.- For outward application we guarantee five buries more strength than in any outer liniment. Inward- ly its harmless and 140 sure as the hereafter to ease et 01100, Don't ac- cent asubstitute for Nerviline which is the one great household panacea of to -day. McKillop TOWNSHIP Ooutio L.—Tho O eaforbh on Nov. 24th, Peso tiles std @ ' Tailor to Men • • who Know. 0 • 4 • BRUSSELSS 0 0 • 0♦♦♦•♦i♦♦♦♦♦'♦♦0,404040040♦♦41.♦.0 prove of interest to many readers and. pal ticularly to old timers. Mrs. Buchanan wap born in CountyTriope, Leland, in 1828, and was married at 22 years of age to the late Wm. Bo- ehituau, . Together they came to America in search of fditune and their first child died at four months, while they were detained in quaran- tine. An ocean voyage in those days was vastly different from what 'it is to -day and .in the old sailing ship, with primitive sanitary conveniences and not the hest of food, fever, known its.immigratit's fever, broke out and all the ennipitly with the exception of Mrs..Buclirtllal and a brother-ul-tats' In this with the disease. I were down emergency she developed ed ta1 tt for tsick e d L tCe upon the 1 i usui and atter t 1 n p which latter nit stood many a poor settler in good eteitd. After some enriens experiences in transportation, which was none too good in those days, the .final ' stage of the journey was performed on foot and North Ettsthope was reached. Het e Mr. Buchanan worked during the t @RE11111-4 Up-to-date Xma Gifts Come and see the new ideas in Our Holiday Stock Watches From $1.00 up. Our prices are the lowest. Clocks Newest in Parlor, Dining -room, Kitchen and Bedroom Clocks. Jewelry The latest in Necklets, Pendants, Brooches, Diamond Rings, Sig- net Rings, Tie Pins, Bracelets, Fobs, etc. Fountain Pens, Ebony Goods, Out Glass, Fancy Brass Novel- ties, Xmas and New Years Post Dards, 'Fags, Seals and Booklets. Latest , designs in Silverware. China,; Rand Bags, Pipes in Oases, etc. tans - hew and finally to harvest a y decided out a home for himself in the wilds of Elora. After a prospecting trip he located his land and built a shanty taking in his young wife in the Fall of 1847. Such was tire hurry to found the new hone that when Mrs. Buchan- an arrived no floor was laid The township was not surveyed until the next year and was not put upon the ntaliket until three or four years later. In a few months however owing to Mrs. Buchanan's energy and resource- fulness, seconded by her husband's efforts, a, great change was effected in 1110 home and many a new comer looked withenvy upon the 001nfort- able surroundings. Every settler Was welcome at the Buchanan hone and the sacred rights of hospitality were practiced with a regularity that never failed. The first minister known P n vn to the townshl was 1131. Case who held services from house CO house Mrs. Bu Who baptized bh and and t ap chanans first child born in the bush. The first school was held in Mr. Bu- chanan's barn. Mr. Buchanan was also the first trustee in the township. He had a long_ and weary task in getting the fist school started, so many of the settlers dreading the comparatively heavy impost upon their slender resources. However these difficulties were at length over- come and Miss Doxter was appointed as the first teacher. Later on a con- gregation was started, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan being the first members. Both continued active and faithful 1 Irrbc s i of the chetah until the end' ne came. I t waa with pride and grati- fication ficalion t e saw the first Methodist t church erected in the township, the site being on Mr. Viponds faun around what is now known as the Donegal cemetery. • Mrs. Buchanan had great joy in being spared to see the handsome brick structure erected during the last Summer. She was not spared to witness the opening but she saw all but the finishing touches put upon the building and her mind constantly reverted to the humble be- ginning she herself saw and the growth grttduai but sure tvh1011 she was permitted to take part in and re- joice over. One of her last acts was to give a subscription to the new hard- wood Hoot of the church and to draw attentioi,to the contrast between the humble beginnings of her experience in the township with the new church. Many new comers were not only as- sisted with the advice personal ex- perience rendered valuable but also received practical aid. In all times of sickness Mrs. Buchanan answered every call and no night was too dark and no road too bad .to keep her from going to any settler's home when the call came. Far and wide she was familiarly known as "Grannie" and no more affectionate or more endearing title oe one better earned was ever giv- en to any one. When there were no, doctors nearer than Milverton oe Stratford nee services were in great request and she responded with a cheerful alacrity which ren- dered theta doubly valuable. From many a settler's home came bless- ings Ings to !ret who never foiled as long as her strength would allow. She realized that in service was her greatest reward. One distinguishing characteristic of the late Mrs. Buchanan was her desire often ex- pressed to allow the light to shine from her windows after darkness had fallen. No blinds or curtains were allowed to obstruct the beneficent rays. She after ' = linew. what belated reveller might find .nt f,•t•th Din pelp01 With the changing times the habit 23uelianan waa a fine 1'ei?re• skill 00ntinued and many visitors felt kype. 43. grandohildl'en o7 wllloli the light to be a welcome in adyanoe W. Douglas of the Brussels gravel 1 In addition to the warily and hearty • is the eldest' grand-daagbtef 182001, per'scllal welcome of which they welt, great grandchild), en survive, assured alien they crossed the thresh- old. The old fashioned and hearty hospitality widely extended will cause ■ ■ i n n runny a warm memory Co loll, yenta P ie incident h of the deceased tyo .,n Pl s only hr Pthe howl. YI MN W eaA 'a'' 0 ��.. a 0 y eter�}c tality and good will extended Co All sorts and conditions of people during her prolonged life. Coming 710101 the North of Ireland Mrs. Buchanan ME' strongly Orange and Conservative but she never allowed personal pt'e- judioes to interfere with social work. Every one respected here 0101ivi0ti011s when they learned how strongly she hold,them and bow real they were to her. Her strong sense oRustice how- ever never allowed her to ging these conditions in antagonism with her. many and often self imposed duties. At the funeral the officiating minister deferred to the strong moral and re- ligious infinence she brought to bear upon the early life of the commun- ity and bow fruitful in results her life had proved. Ill addition to the child that died in infancy one daughter died in her teens and the following survive hey:—Mrs, John Young, El - ma Mrs. Richard Terry, Exeter ; Mrs. Jacob Patrick, Michigan ; An- drew, Listowel ; James, lillma ; Rob- ert, Elma obert,Elora 7 W, S. and J. 0. in West- ern Ca esternCa adeandk on the home- stead. Aleck r stead The present generation can never realize the debt of gratitude they owe to the efforts and work of the early pioneers of whom Mrs. (Prix; PORT has node - arrltngenleil .0 1 to club with the following papers and',, they will be sent to any address (ex. ceps United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscription prices Weeklies Globe ,. ,143. Bll. POB'.. and Toronto Mail and Empire, 100''. London Advertiser..,,..• 140 °' I:on(ton Pree Prose 180 Family Ber''ald & Star. •, 1 80 Montreal Witness,..,.,,, 1 80 Weekly Sun .. , 1 80 4. Partners' Advocate22.54 Northern Messenger. ,135 Dailies POST and Toronto:Star '82 20 " Toronto News 235 Toronto Globe 4 50 " Toronto Mail -Empire ,,4 50 " Toronto World 3 00 " London Advertiser 280 Call at the office or rerni t the amount by P. 0. O rder, Express xP cess Order T Reg- istered e -i tared Letter, addressing THE POST. R,.• Brussels, Ont. �Ei,r(9 Y'•cri. 1%/.�01,rr3' SECRETS OF HONE LIFE no Statements ®ads by patients taking the New Method Treatment. Theykw it Cures ... EliNo Names or Testimonials used without written consent CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. VARICOSE VEINS OURED. Patient No. 10474. "The spots are all Case No. 16888. Symptoms when - he. started treatment:—Age 21, single, in gond from my lege and arms and I fool dinged 1n immoralhabits several years , good now. I am 1519 grateful' to you 'Varicose. Veins on both sides—pimplesand shall never forget the favor your on the face, etc. . After two months". aur treatment he Writes a s fo haws Y for me. You can . v done 0 Sainae have mod very n ter to hand and am loom 1 t •din it to welcome in recommending myname mud, use myself c o think mY e any sufferer, I am going to got mar- glad Varicose say that I ried soon. Thanking You once more, Snpared1,Veins hove whle and. it lseems appeared for quite a delle and rt seems ate." a aura: I work herder -and Yost loss tired. I havo no deslro for• that habit SASS TWO MONTHS CURED HIM. whatever. and if I stay lilts this, Which I have every reason to believe S :will. Patlent No. 16705. Age 23. Single. Thanking you for your kind attention," Iodo110d in immoral Anita 4 etc. years. Da - posit in urine and drains at night. back. weak sexually. He writes:—"I Patient No. 12022. This patient (aged Varicose Veins on both sides, pains in GAINED 14 POUNDS TN ONE MONTH. Tecelved your letter of recent date and 58) had a chrome ease of Nervou0-'De- in reply 2 am pleased to say that after 111ty and Saaual Wealcneas and was .run taking two months' treatment 1- would down In vigor and vitality. After ono consider myself completely cured, as I month's treatment he ;sports as rot kava seen no signs of them coming rows:—"I am feeling very well. I have Deck (one year). gained 14 pounds in one month, so that I will have to congratulate you." Later THE WORLD SEMIS DIFFERENT.report:—"I am beginning to feel more like a man. I feel my ,iondlti,. . is Patient No. 16623. 'T have not had getting better every week. %eie la' port Doar Doctors -A fool when don't know wmonth's n that I EmissionIrea[me t t t a regular t be tact t emsone ti e h world. sethought n feeling fine. The get,I the g t and et g have to altogether a ttereat to me sand. I thank would never be cured but I put God for directing me to you. You have adence in you from the start and been an honest doctor with me." have cured met" CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. ',BLOOD A URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diaees peculiar to men. CONSULTATION FREE. HOOKS FREE, If unable to call write for a Quest, Blank for Homo Treatment. NOTICNOTICE All letters from Canada mutt be addressed to our E L:, adian Correspondence Department as follows Ffir® DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, WINDSOR: ON DRS•KENNED&KENNED Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. You've thought •abo trying • g U FiI P TY FLO Y Now Act ! ! FOR some time there has dwelt in your,mind' the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR-- the flour that COfl8ists whop off the hih-grade 9 9 e d wheat. portions of the best Western liar a That's a good thouht. It indicates a desire for, improvement in your baking-talent—an ambition to increase the deliiousness ofyour bread and pastry. 'Turn - Don't let that good thought perish. on your will power. ACT'! ! NUM IN