The Brussels Post, 1911-12-7, Page 2AUDU:BON 'S BIRDS• "Take ease! ' O- Ben, sec what n'ye'-skeet"' "I didn't mean to, Betty." "What's the troublol" asked mo- tiler, looking up from her book; "Ben tipped over the ink on my lovely cat -bird sketch I was mak- ing for father's birthday!" aoa'ry, Beth!" pleaded Ban. "Yen might have looked where you were going 1" muttered 4_eth, sulkily. "Look, mother, plc e," and the held up her drawing all one blotch of black. "It's toe bad, dear, but what if you had a thousand bird pictures ruined instead of one 1" Here mother actually smiled a little, "That's what happened to the great Aiidubon'a first drawings for his `Birdsof America.' " "How did it happen?" Ben and Betty cried together, setting down at mother's feet. "Audubon,'• mother began, "was living in a village on the banks of the St. Lawrence, .when he had to go away on business. He took all his magnificent drawings of the native wild birds in their homes and haunts, placed them carefully in a box, and gave them in charge of a relative during his absence, "He was away several months. On his return home he soon asked after what he called 'his treasure.' The box was brought and opened, and-" "Oh, what had happened?" whis- pered Betty. "A pair of rats had moved in and reared a little family among the gnawed bits of paper which only a short time before had represented a thousand lovely feathered folk of the air. The destruction was com- plete. "Poor Audubon could neither eat nor sleep far several days. Then he took his note -book and pencils and went forth to the woods." "Fine:" cried Ben. "He said," concluded mother, "that he felt pleased that he might now make better drawings than be- fore.' „ Betty looked at Ben. "Forgive me," she said, "for making such a Pass!"—Youth's Companion. LYMPHATISM. By this term physieians designate a peculiar and imperfectly under- stood morbid eondition in children, through which death may occur very unexpectedly during conval- escence g escence from diphtheria or other infectious disease, or during the administration of an anaesthetic- It is not, however, strictly correct to call it an affection of childhood, for it has been found, although in- frequently, in adults. The only rea- son that it is not seen oftener in adults is 'that children who. suffer from it seldom live to grow up. The condition is one in which the lymphoid structures—the tonsils, the spleen, ,the"thymus gland and the ,emphatic glands—are. overde- eloped or of enlarged size. The thymus gland is normally present only in young children, and be- comes progressively smaller as the child grows older, until, at the period of adolescence, it has virtu- ally disappeared. Sometimes lymphatism can be re- cognized during life. but frequent- ly the first intimation of its pres- ence is the sudden death of the child. In some cases the child is afflicted with a peculiar respire- s- s :asmf called • "thymic asth- hese attacks the child ib]y oppressed for cough and a noisy se spasms last for a and sometimes ter - sit more often, per - is especially true of ,--subside gradual - sudden death in 0 to this stateof 'nfant mal, be found it may die sudden - too cold or to hot. '11P THE STAIRCASE TEST If You Oanuai Pass It Your Health is Failigt, When you aliffer acute, palpita- tion of the heart, dizziness or faintness every time you go up stairs; when exertion of any kind leeaves it breathless and tr'ernbs g, s a warning that your blood is defective—that you are anaemia, If these warnings are neglected worse disorders will fol- low --perhaps decline • and deadly consumption, If you are in this condition yen need the new, good blood of health that has been given to thousands of aufferers by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These ,pills banish all the ailments arising from poor blood, tone up the sys- tem and make weak men and wo- men well and strong. Miss Eliza- beth Campbell, Almonte, Ont., says: "I was living in Pembroke at the time my health failed ma I kept growing weaker every day until I at last grew so weak I could not walk up stairs without help, and I could not go down street without sitting down and resting. My mother got quite anxious about me and took me to a doctor who said he was quite sure he could restore my health. He gave me a little bottle of medicine, and I continued its use until I had taken four bottles, but instead of getting stronger I was growing weaker all the time, and was only a mere shadow of my former self. My parents believed I was in a de- cline and could not get better. My mother had heard so much about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that she decided I ought to try them. I did not notice much change until I had taken five or nix boxes, when a decided improvement set in, and from that on I grew stronger and stronger each day, until through a continued use of the pills I was back to my old-time health and strength. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the best remedy on earth for sick people, and cannot too strongly urge other weak girls to. give them a trial." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr- Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DOES IT WITH A SNAP. "Peck's wife walks all over him. He's what you might call a tele- scope husband." "What do you mean?" "She draws him out, sees through him and shuts him up." Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many are disposed to regard a cold as a slight thing deserving of little con- I sideration, and this neglect often results in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recog- nized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. OVERDOING IT. "She married him to reform him." "And what was the result?" "He's so good now that he's shocked at nearly everything she does." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY. for Lied, Weak, Weary, Watery Byes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Bye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. He is truly a great man who can Iose his money and still retain his friends. r_ Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. "What're ye comin' home with your milk -pail empty for?" de- manded the farmer. "Didn't the old cow give anything?" "Yes," replied the boy; "nine quarts and one kick!" The invention - of - a Birmingham engineer enables :a passenger•Ai "e taste st ,rain to talk with r eVeinr„ iseeteveizeilialesesseeseressesete Fashion Hints • SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS, A fashionable new scarf is shown in satin material trimmed With three rows of marabou set close. together in the bolder. In spite of mauy new popular materials the gownsof soft satin and of crepe meteor still hold their own for elegance and beauty. A frock is hardly considered fin- ished without a cluster of artificial flowers at the. waist or the shoulder to catch up a flounce on the skirt. Many )wedding toillettes will dis- play a mingling of soft satin velvet brocades and plain velvet, together with lovely laces and filmy chif- fons. • Most of the fur coats this eeason are fashioned with straight, grace- ful.lines and rounded at the front. Some are slashed at the side—not for beauty, but to follow fashion's latest whim. Their sleeves are generally long and close fitting a-nd, finished (without the gathers at the top) like those on a man's coat. Many lovely velvet frocks -of soft colors are trimmed with plaitings and quiltings of silk in the same shade. SKIRTS NARROWER. Narrow skirts are narrower than ever, and there are skirts decided- ly full about the feet—a fullness accomplished by means of an ac- cordion plaited flounce, or simply by a deep gathered one. But the. narrow skirts are not tight; and the full ones are close clinging. The body, resolutely kept slender, is tightly corseted below the waist line, and all undergarments are sunureased. But ,this matter of tight skirts, full ones, high chok- ers, and long sleeves uncomfortab- ly dropping over the hands and cumbering the arms with thick folds, so plentifully presented to usi by all the great designers, women will settle for themselves. The de- signers cheerfully acknowledge that they themselves do not know what will' be the prevailing mode two months hence. A WARNING TO .MOTHERS • No :nether can expect her little one to escape all the ills of child- hood, but every mother who accepts fair warning as to the treatment of these little ills can save her baby such suffering. Thousands of mo- thers of young children keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house—all mo- thers should do so. The Tablets are a never -failing cure for all the minor ills of babyhood and child- hood. They can be given with per- fect safety—they always do good; never harm. Constipation, indiges- tion, colic, simple fevers, colds, etc', all rapidly disappear under treatment with the Tablets. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. HAD TO QUIT EATING. Wayburn—"Have you noticed your health improved since you have the automobile 1" Spinnley—"Oh, yes. I think I'd have a fine appetite now if I, could afford to eat." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Gentlemen,—Last winter I reoeived great benefit from the use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT in a severe attack of Laorippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in ease of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. People who see themselves as others see them never believe wha they see. Mlnard's Llnime GRIPPGRIPPE LEFT NIM A 'ale expressed by "An n(flisknnan" E tlleae, wllo �tlltosc "The King' is doings, great thing CONFI�] Mi n �{ p Dlj ru going to Lildia, it only front the RMED INVALID speptaenlar point of view. Ile goes to lnlpreas his subjects there with BUT .JIB FOUND C UIUi IN. DOI)I)'S KIDNEY PILL$0fiLas Quebec Postmaster was confined to or and ceremonies glowing with bed when he started to a' use Oriental. colors. They will ask Deed's Kidney Pills --Tiley .cured for largess in the shape of come great concession equal to a unique occasion, They do not understand his Majesty's constitutional position and will be disappointed that he' can do so etple,' Were he to de-. eras the abolition of the salt tax they would understand that, and bless his name forever, They can- not understand that that is purely a matter for the financial advisers of the Indian government' Yet un - of G "Afterdone recovering from an attack ss the visitiwillethis emaw I imply of the sort is a ae fes ppe, the Postmaster says in of spectacles, '. telling the of hue,. 1 "`Finaily,e is muh personal took a pain instory my bisack acndrI serf there , risk to rho King. Be cis a brave fared for nearly three years, final- man and does not mind; but, then, ly getting so bad that I was con- we do. There are hundreds of fined to my bed, fanatics in India who would,if "One day I told my wife to go they could, destroy the King thugh and get me'some' Dodd's Kidney they themselves' should' be hacked Pills, as that would be the last me- to pieces the next moment. They dicine I would try. ' After Using ?cave before' them all the, glories to about half the box I began to feel be won by it •martyr, all the fame better, so I: kept on taking them. of having done an unforgettable When I had taken two boxes Lwas deed directed against the chief of the race which holds India in its iron hand. True, a guard of mar- ine, .gunners, allover six feet high, are to surround him, but that is only for show, The real defence will be the Indian police, and they have proved that they can barely defend themselves. One has only to ,recall the number of their of- ficers who have been murdered and the outrages of which the perpet- raters have not been punished or even detected." I � the actual .appanage of the British throne, The event is one to fill both the mind and eye with all that Makes for patriotic pride and 'faith in, the race, but, the natives of India will expect more than splend- Sini Tippins, Pontiac Co.,"•)ue., Nov. 27 (Special). Postmaster P. 'Tip - pins, of this place, who for three years has been more or less of an invalid, and who kr some time was confined to his bed, is up and around again, a healthy and hearty man Dodd's Kidney Pills cured able to get up, and ten boxescured me completely." The principal danger of Grippe is the after effects: The way to guard against this is to strengthen the Kidneys so they can strain all - the dregs of the disease outofthe blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills - are always the last medicine anyone takes kr Kidney Disease, It' al- ways cures and no other medicine is needed. HIGHLY UNUSUAL. , Inspector Dick—"Did you discov- er any irregularities in the city Ball?', Inspector Sharp—"Yes ; four of. the employes were at work." Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children. Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. TO REDUCE MILK TO POWDER. In reducing milk to powder a patented Swiss process evaporates about 85 per cent. of the water at a temperature of 50 degrees to 60 degrees centrigrade. The milk is then exposed four seconds in a layer of an eighth or a quarter of an inch in depth on a surface heat- ed to 105 degrees. The second heat- ing removes 9 or 10 per cent. of the remaining water, and the resulting milk powder is not only sterile, but the albumen is not coagulated. NOT IN' PROPORTION. "I'm a self-made man," said the proud individual.. "Well, you're all right except as to your . head," commented the other part of the conversation. • "How's that?" "The part you talk with is out of proportion to the part -you think with." A Simple and Cheap Medicine,— A simple, cheap and effective me- dicine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are simple, trey are cheap, they can be got anywhere, and their be- neficial action will prove their re- commendation. They are the me- dicine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving them ;a trial. ,An ounce of prevention is also worth a pound of regret. tdinard's Liniment Cures target In CoWs. Smoking -carriages for women only have been introduced on Rus- sian railway lines. Y.n ,eze; pelhapi' feel tk you are caell- waib un - r Arca G if STOPS COUGHS PRICET 5 CENTS Ardent Lover—"Sir, I came to ask you to give me your daughter's hand." Fond Papa—"With plea- sure! If you, are looking for it, you will find it generally in my pocket!" FREE TO BOYS Splendid Magic Lantern (with twelve °lidos);•' Steam- Engine (nearly one foot high); with whistle, fly wheel and every thing complete for running; Guaranteed "Starr" double -ender Hockey Skures; or guaranteed Watch free to any boy. Send in your name and we will send you 8o sets. of Sarnia views and Christmas post cards to sell at to cents a set. When sold send us the stoney and we will send you whichever prize you Choose. We prepay all charges. Address, IIOMER- WARR1:N CO., Dept. 29, Toronto. "And he said he was willing to die for me?" "Not exactly in those words, but that was the impression he was evidently trying to convey," "What did he say 1" "He said he was ready to eat your choking any time you said the word." ' A Power of Its Own. — Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has a subtle power of its own that other oils cannot pretend•to, though there are many pretenders. All who have used it know this and keep it by them as the most valuable liniment available. Its uses are innumer- able and for many ' years it has been prized as the leading liniment for man and beast. WHAT HE WANTED TO DO. "What I want to do," said the economist, "is to persuade our young people to stick to the farm." "It's a good idea," replied M. Corntossel, "bub it's out of sea- son. Come around when gettin' up et G o'clock in the morning ain't such cold work," BONDS 1PAY BETTER INTEREST „ ON YOUR MONEY in polo t of secnrlty and intoreat return, the small investorin bonds is onthessme footing as the institution or individual withthousandsortelisof thousands to invest, q Until Bonds in their Present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to yieldi find anng investashighmelxast,6 aparafc,ceeasnt,ilyinteresteonvertable`into cash, and simple in forth, and . IV Itis a matter Of importance to you to knew thatwe generally ha ve op hand bonds in denominations of $loo and upwards, paying interest of from 4/ to 6 per cent, $J Pay Theseinterest areseand asoneclprinaiPaseicurities, bonds that have demonstrated their ability to , e,1 If you have any money,' no matter what the amount, earning less than this, you shorouldbetter'seask eccurs howityto rc-invest it in a way to afford better interest with as good, , sECUR TIES ROYAL c ORp ®FZA'1"lOIillv11'T BANK OF MONTREAL. BUILDING . - . YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS R. M. WHITE TORONTO Manager MONTREAL -DU EeiC-HALiFA,i OTTAWA _. .J.. - LONDON ieNO,) The 1 ea.I Reading Lamp Opticians . agree that the light from a good oil lamp is easier on the eyes than any other artificial light. ' The Rayo Lamp is the best 01 lamp made. It gives a strong, yet soft, white light; and it never flickers. It pre- serves the eyesight of the young;' it helps and quickens that of the old. You can pay $5, $10, or $20 for other lamps, but you cannot get better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. Made of solid brass, nickel -plated. Easily lighted, without remov- ing shade or chimney. Easy to clean and rewick. Deakre everywhere; or write for dntripiive chola direct to my sonar of The Queen; City Oil Company, Limited Twenty-first Withrow Tour Feb. 3. LACONIA Now York to Madeira, Gibraltar. Algeria, Nice, MEDITER- Monte Carlo Naples '?hon cruise RAN IAN t' airily; Groom 'Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, Pelestlifb, Egypt on OUNOTTAR CASTLS,1UO A.. ass. ieos of Sir Henry Lunn, NaptA`s EUROPEAN to London, Illustrnto,t Program, P. tyhhrIw,'11:A., Methodist Book Room, Toronto, Canada. IIS. He NIGHTINGALE STOCK_ BROKER Member Standard Stook and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MAROIN Oorrespond'ence invited. ,;3 MELINDA ST., TORONTO When buyin4 your Piano i• insist on havirK an OTT„ leliGEL Piano Action THE WORST: The only time that ever I Am morbid quite and want to die, Is when I have my picture took And learn by proof just how I look. Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy. -These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid livor and mean wretchedness to all whom they visit. The surest and speediest way to combat them is with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which will restore. the healthful: action of the stomach and bring relief. They have proved their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give re- lief to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. There are four species of man- like apes—the, gibbon, . the orang, the gorilla,and the chimpanzee. Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. The term "reverend" was first used for ministers in the year 1667. Minard's Liniment Cures CMS, &s, • NOT TO BLAME. Irate Woman—These photo- graphs you made of my -. are not satisft „rpt th ,g FARMS FON SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON 11E. KNOWhr IP you want to .sell a farm 'consult Inc, 'Ir P you want to - buy . ^ latm consult 11 mo, T RAVE some of the best Fruit, Stock, 1. Grain' or Dairy Parma to Ontario, aua -prices right. [ . W. Mlle , - Ninety Colbot•w .H. Sheet, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED. A CENTS WANTED: A LINE PO5 ' every' home.. Write'. us for our chole, list of agents supplies. We have th, Mates', agose' proposition. in Canada. today. No outlay -necessary, Apply B - - C,. L Co., 228 Albert -Et., Ottawa. HELP WANTED. , ALES3fEN—$6e PER WEEK stamen se aua -hand EggBuater. Sample eon terms 25a. Money refunded it unsatistar tory, Collette Mfg. Company, Coiling wend, Out. A T 05OB=_LEN 00 LEARN HAREEM'4: CI. trade; expert instruetaou; conatnm practice; tools tree; always sure employ, went for a barber. Wrrts for eataloguo Moler Barber College, 221 Queen- asst, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. &SAY aua FALLht beALES• Wileon'i 1. tleale Werke, 9 kotilanade, Toronto ¶AWS11LL MACHINERY. PORTABLE or heavy Lathe Mills, Shingle _Millet Laches and Boilers, Mill Beauties. The, E. Long hianufauttu'ing Co.,. L•td. Wes Street,, Orillia, Ontario. IELIi1 TANNERY—CUSTOM &0111 JJ anti. Fur tunnhng. Cattle and gorse •odes -na ke best &ober oats uronarly tanned. Send themand Gto Inc andwbaa I,‘ tem dressed right. You twill b1 rut` aauaded, B, 2,call, Delbi, Ont. CA\Clil, TU11UBb, buttes, ow, au. terual and external, oared without L••.L by our Lome' treatment- Write et before too late. Dr. laeiimnn 1 111ne. wood, Ont. j. TON SCALE- GUARANTEED. Wilson'1 U Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ", AGENTS WANTED. — A STUDY of other Agency propoaittour couviaoei US that pond San_ equal ours. 'You will AIL ways regret it if you don't apply for par. Maulers to. Traveller' Dept., 228 Albert dt., Ottnoya.. L PEC1AL1525 ADVICE F'16EE, Cooeeh' 17 us In regard to nay disease. Lowest;--„�.,..�„ prices in drugs of .all 'kinds Trusses fitted by mall. Send measure. most, Glasses dttod byage. Write to.duy for anything sold in firot-elase drug stores to Dr. Bollman. Oollingwood. Ont.. DYEING ! CLEANING f For the very best, Rend your work to the. "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.” Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa. Quebec.. "Whom does the baby sa- ble?" ;'Well,' we haven's quite. .tined yet. To tell the truth, If our relatives has very much It