HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-11-23, Page 4' l4sx A 13M1M1OEO WOMAN 'riiUR.4DAS, NOVEMBER 23,,L9 Z VVuo will compose Brussels :Connell for 1912 7 Foust weeks from next Monday will be Christmas Day, Noe,. Is the time to get a good'star't on your 1lolidee trading. 1cx.Mavca 13Eopsalcx, of Seaforth. will perform the duties of Returning °dicer iu the Centre Riding of Huron in the forthcoming Provincial Flection and is now busy with the initiatory part of his ,sakes, vie posting up the proebi. malious, r Il we were suggestini, enacceptable present to an absent memberof your family we might mention a year's sub- scriptiou to '1'NE Poss. as one that would call you up very vividly every week as it made its regular visits with its record of home news and events of interest. $1 cm pays for it from now to January est, 1813. Are you in the Santa Claus business? 'Tills 3/5 handicap on the 'Temperance forces of this Province is a feature of the law that should not go unchallenged. It has been the hatchet that has cut the head off what would otherwise been a victory many a tinie. N. W. Rowell, leader of the Opposition, utters no un- certain sound as to his attitude concern- ing it and promises a forward movement iu the House if elected. The member for Centre Huron did his part in parlia- ment in urging the straight majority but of course it was defeated. TEMPERANCE lovers and all others who desire to see fair play should not hesi- tate to speak out on the unfair- ness of the existing 3/5 demand in the present day Statute in Local Option contests. Both Hons. Messrs, Whitney and Hanna expressed themselves as ready to absolve this handicap under certain couditions but when these were met their views had changed. The im- position of a tax on the license holders does not even up matters and in our one isas unfair to the the judgment liquor dealers as the other is to the temperance party. There is no quib- bling over the question in Opposition Leader Rowell's manifesto, He says if elected the three-fifths clause has to give place to a simple majority vote. How much are you ready to do in a "boost" campaign in Brussels ? Talk is not enough as the old addage says "Ac- tions speak louder than words," hence if you desire to help you will have to get busy by doing things. A united ef- fort, where some feasible and workable plan is outlined, meaus much to the generality of residents, property owners, g Y business me.u, employees and the ad- joining commttnity. The town cannot grow, nor decline, without the impress being put upon the surroundingcountry. In the trend of trade in a to year period ways aud means change very materially, hence there is an imperative necessity to a beat it and always at it in watching the business barometer of a town just as there is in one's private business. How much are you doing to keen this muni- cipality up to concert pitch ? Your help is needed. 0110/11 9f Hof grown of Ueautyt Loaee In Love and Marriage Hair is certtainly Must necessary to Woman. W110 could love and Marry a bald-headed women 7 What charms I could one array to offset seen a dist llgurentent A woman's goal is usually love and marriage, Her'-0rowuing glory is her hair. The loss of hate mars her beauty, hryrpiness and success. Yet right here in Brussels, there are spores of wotnan who are neglecting or in, jilting their hair to each gn extent that it is only a matter of time when it Will be utterly coined. Dimly womau destroy' the beauty of theirhair through thoughtlessness or ignorance of certain facts. They use curling loons over -Treated, or to excess which destroys the natural oil of the hair, causing it to split, break. and come out. They do notsharnpoo'their hair • o o enough h or too often. They y use soaps or preparations which con - Lain iugt'edientspositively harmful to the scalp and hair. As a result of sntth treatment, dan- druff is created, the hale loosens, loses color, falls out, and baldness com- mences, unless proper and prompt. precautions are Laken in time. Then again, mierobes and certain diseases bring about unhealthy scalp and hair conditions. Almost any woman may rid herself of dandruff and diseased scalp and hair if she will but use the right remedy. We have that remedy, and we will positively guarantee that it will either cure dandruff and baldness or it will not cost the user auything. That's a pretty broad statement, but we will back it and prove it with our own money. We will return your money if you do not find that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is an entirely satis- factory remedy . that will promote hair growth and overcome scalp and hair troubles ; that it will grow hair even on bald heads, unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished, the follicles closed, and the scalp is glazed and shiny. It gets its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 out of 100 cases, where it received a thoroughly hard, impartial, and practical test. We want you to try Resell "93" Hair Tonic at our risk. You surely cannot lose anything by doing so, while you have everything to gain. You had better think this over, and then corne in and see us about this offer. You will be well repaid fot your visit to our store. Remember, you can pet Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store -Tile Rexall Store, F. R. Smith. DEMONSTRATION fruit farms in various localities throughout the Province, show- ing by experiment what may be done by a proper and modern coarse of caring for orchards in the way of cultivation, pruning, spraying, packing, storing, &c., is a plan urged by the new Liberal pro - grant, practical in its working and wide reaching in its influence. There is little doubt but that the apple production of Huron Co. could easily be increased fourfold without any difficulty whicb in itself would mean many dollars to the owners, With better methods of trans- portation'tbere is no fear of markets and what bolds good for Huron would apply to many other Counties. The leasing of orchards by Companies will probably tend to a better and larger yield but with the demonstration farms at work everybody would stand a chance of be- ing posted, first hand, In the all impor- tant "know bow." tvbt =,rieeesf3liy.• p110- anor not to ihuriminatl/ 'an 1 ago J. W. Flavelle many mouths , Nor tJ of Toronto, criticised the do nothing Du Minister of clic Duff. policy of Aon. Mr. Agriculture and pointed out some of the many things that Ontario should have done. If Mr. Flavelle adhered to the Opposition ranks' it would have been said it was' 'just election bluff" but he happens to be on the other side of the political fence and constquently what he said had point in it and shows that the Minister is not up to his business. On tario needs another such man as Hon. t as his John Dryden, who would adopt motto, "Build up Ontario." Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the young- est child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weak- ened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by all dealers. ?3AOE l'R011t TUE VOLDEN WEST Su the year nineteen elevelt, And aftee years 0 10,01e, l'he thea we often svtintld 1D want,- our Uncle Johnston and our Aunt, Atte here again once mere, They've had success upon the whole, Ai1k1 seem to think its best, Wherever they have chanced 10 roan!, In many ways to have their holm Out in the Golden West. We're glad to see them here again And, glad to see then well, But satry when the Ulna comes on, When they are off again told gulls To where they like to dwell, All old neighbors welcome them, And friendships fondly wake kit wrinkled dames and grey haired men, To vie in kindness once again For old acquaintance sake. And Maggie and John Buchanan, Oh, may God ever bless- "Pwill not be hard to always mind, In kindnesses were not behind, And first suggested this: The years seem short in looking. back, And tales have lost the glow They had before the West grew old, About the season's crops or Gold, Some thirty years ago. And this age of fond re -unions, Has mingling with its joys, The many scattered wrecks between, And vacant places to be seen, Since we were girls and boys. J. SMILLIE. JR. Walton, Aug. 23rd, 1911. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER 'I'be transfer of the Union Bank of Canada headquarters from Quebec to Winnipeg, marks another stage of the Westward course of financial empire 'rhe Union Bank is one of the strongest in Canada and is particularly strong iu the West, where it has a splendid sys- tem of branch banks, a system worked up from the time of the bank's coming to Winnipeg in 1582 and by vigorous and far-sighted methods of banking business. The Union Bank has total assets amounting to over thirtv four million dollars and its Wionipeg build- ing was for some years the tallest struc- ture in Winnipeg, being teti stories high and splendidly located in the very heart of the business section. In choosing to make Winnipeg its headquarters, the Uuiou Bank follows in the footsteps of the Northern Crown Bank, an institution that was the first to make this city its chief office centre. The Northern Crowe directorate is made up almost entirely of local men aud is essentially a Western institution, with a paid up capital of $2,5oo,000 and a substantial rest account. Many people do not realize how strong R banking city Winnipeg really is, but bank clearings of a billion dollars this year will make a strong impression on the outside world. 'there has been a steady increase from the first of the year and the increase for the week ending November 9, was eight millious over the corresponding week of tgto. Already the sum of the clearings amount to $934.913,492 and t 's makes .its certain that the billion i - .c ' 1 be pass- ed before vigorously with a view to having the atructute ready for occupation by the first of the new year. Sharp Winter weather put a tenipor- ary check on threshing operations all over the West. Manitoba, however; was well through with the work and as many farmers were sensible enough to -tack their grain this year, threshing will go forward far better than in form- er years, when everybody tried to thresh Irom the stook and save stacking. The dry season of 19to and the wet one that has just closed have brought lessons in good farming methods home to the Western farmer that will have the effect of improving his work very greatly, RRiltoad work is being pushed: with vigor demanded by great development in farming and town growth this year. It will be of interest to East and West to know that it has been definitely decided to locate the site for the C. N. R. shops at a point 41 miles South of Ottawa, to be known as Rideau Junction. This new city will be the result of the build- ing of the C. N. R. main car and en- ginehe 'unction clot of the shops at toronto,pMontre&1 and Ottawa Branch and the Port Arthur, Winnipeg ag and line,reeking it Transcontinental maing the breaking point for all taffic. Five thousand men will .eventually be em- ployed and it is estimated that in five years five million dollars will be spent on this site. Stock yards on a large scale are also contemplated. In a recent interview, Sir Donald Mann stated that in twelve days C. N. R. Western lines had handled over seven million bushels of wheat which constituted a record for the C. N. R. It is estimated that the' C. N. R., be- tween the foothills of the Rockies and the head of the lakes, will handle be- tween 55 and 6o million bushels of wheat this year, approximately 20,000,- 000 more than carried last year. Set- tlement along the lines of the C. N. R. in the West has been beyond the com- pany's expectations, with the result that they look for greater traffic next year in passengers, freight and grain. Looking toward completion, of its coast-to-coast lines, the C. N. R. has let contracts to a Kansas city firm for the construction of ten steel bridges along the route of the C. N. R. between Ciaco and Kamloops, total cost to amount to approximately $t,,000,000. There will be two crossings of the Fraser, seven of the main Thompson River and one of the North Thompson Rivet. The International Harvester Company has recently erected a magnificent new warehouse at Yorkton. Saskatchewan. Space has been provided for 150 cars of machinery. It is stated that several other implement companies will erect warehouses at Yorkton in the near future. • Regina's commercial importance bas received a tribute from the government of Belgium in the recently announced appointment of a Belgian government representative for Saskatchewan, with headquartees at the capital city, Regina. For some time past Belgian capitalists have been taking considerable interest in Western Canada and the establish- ment at Regina of a Belgian Consulate is evidence of recognition of that inter- est, Almost Dead of Bronchitis ' Few people have suffered more than Jno. P. Taylor of Dyment, P. 0., Ont. To -day he is well and writes "1 must tell you how notch Catarrh - ozone has been to me. I was so bad with bronchitis sometimes I thought it would soon be over with me. A spell of choking would come on that left me prostrated and weak. Since rising Oatarrhozone I have had no trouble at all. It strengthen' throat, stopped the cough. free breathing and entirely cured Just the email experience. Otttarrh- ozone ' invariably clunes whether Btouchitis, Asthma or Catarrh, 7'pyv sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. Perth County The flax -mill at Mitchell ' is again in full blast after having been closed down fot a time. Mrs. Gibb, of Mitchell, had a most unpleasantexperience. Whenshe was out getting a pail of water' at a pump the platform collapsed, and she drop- ped into five feet of water. Fortun- ately a neighbor, who happened to be' out, heard her cries and palled help, and Mrs. Gibb was rescued unhurt ex- cept for a few scratches. Growing Old Before Your Time Broken i11 spirit, weak in body, y, L , nervous and discotirb ed. Something is wrong, and each day sees you fail- ing away. Just One thing to du - Build up. To do this use Fereozone. Whitt a tonic it is ! Appetite, why it makes yen eft 1 0 etnentlously. Digest indeed y ev, if ill. Well red blood n will carry nourishment to every corner of tired organs take the body, ga on new life, color, spirit and ambition are re- The People's Column stored. Perfect manhood andabound- ing health is the unfailing product of AMS FOR SALE -The undersigned has o of Fexrozone-try it, 50c'per box R pare bred8hearling Leicester Rams for o everywhere. sale. Lot17, bon. 9, Grey township. They STRATFORD. ONT. are line ones.. ROST. L. MoDONALD, CENTRAL 12.1f CranbrooltP.0. l' Steeds to the front as the best school F( of Its kind In the province., Our courses Pa are beyond those of the ordinary Busi- ness College. This ,ehool has a condo- Bt. reputation three top high-grade rase' work. t• Waalmve three departments 2 -Com- 7 merclal, Shorthand and Tele- graphy -o u,l the demand ' for trained help greatly exceeds th supply. Stu d- otis are entering each week and the r u ager he bolter Po our- olf. o enter the 1 9 , .e ®x ,t• CeCatalO Oat 01L self. Get o., free catalogue �` D. A. MP4 • cLAOHLAN, :Principal. Te>r y,Lt Avri74b;i.a 't'tn'b'rvY6Y 2- aiifvuy-.0W SIMPLE REMEDY Fon SALE -A, few good Oxrorddow,t ,and Leicester ram lambs and a Leicester• ahealing ram for sale. Apply to S. WALKER,. sss cls P. 0. % u Morris. Btu Lot9 .7 l0 111,58 co TelephoneS.1 ,F5 for sale t tongs 1�5 00 North OF LAND , la loco, P t cultivation. GoodL North o S at yc ern' d an oder ou ovation. B tl b cemintfl and 1 cement floors, large at house, newly paint- ed n tgs ed; good wells at barn and house ; buildings and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home f cheap. Apply (Mies) SUSIE GOVISNLOCX, Seaforth, Ont.. For Backacheantl Kidneyy Trouble ' The simplest• and most effective remedy for sick kldue s is Booth's H y y Kidney Pills.. If there is: weakness, congestion. inflatnination -o1 soreness Booth's Kindney Pills telieve tt•. They •vet -y gently stimulate tope and strengthen sick kidlteys, drive I away backache, 1 rhenmabic pain and dizzin e s s, • clear up and te- gulate the urine a n d ,restore a perfect filtering of the blood. Best of all this relief is permanent. All druggists sell and guarantee' Booth's Kidney Pills, 50c. box. Money l' backthey if fail to relieve. Write a to The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, 011t., for a freetrial. • This. 47 Little Crank In Your Kitchen E- ” "'!llGiJ lt7ltilllVVfl lk"I h, /off ECONOMIZER PET 005.27. 09 LICENSED FOR 05E. WITH CORNET-O%FURO o FP •AR„rn0 I A ONLT Saves 20Q 0 o n C oal It is a wonderful patent device, the Oxford Economizer, and is licensed for use only on STO ♦ ES and RANGES This marvellous regulator keeps the oven at a given temperature. No heat is wasted -nothing goes up the Sue but bad odors, steam and smoke. The fire is held for hours without attention -ready for immediate use- and all this labor, time and fuel saved by simply turning the crank. With the Divided Oven Flue Strip you have even baking, because of the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement. TheRev- '0" ate FARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers his fine farm consisting of about 111011C/19, adjoining the town of Dunton, for sale. The farm is in a good state of Cultivation, and hes .good bilildinge, brick ]rouse, bank barn, driv. ittg house, pigpen, eta., all comparatively new. A1 olidrea iflayoung nE orchard containingaining all tes ed p mull fruits. Tine term is well fenced and drained and iaavery desirable horse. For further particulars apply on the premises or address 1041 30HI7 TORRANCE, Clinton. CAR/4 EOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. Con. 14 Relation township, containing about o. i mires, alt cleared. On the eaeaibed house, bank barnwith hog fen eouhined; and anew power mill for pump ng, grinding, &ct sten good•bearing archer:, chiefly Soya, Enid. is'in-extra good state ofcultivation, having been cropped light and large stook or both hogs and enttle• Ped on it for. years.Farm is situated y, from sehool- and 2 utiles from Walton 0. P. R. station. For further particu- lars write 3. R. HAMILTON, Walton 1'. 0., or apply en the premises, - 441-tt FARM 14012 :SALE being Lot I0, Oon. 10. Grey Township, containing 160 acres; 45 I story frame house 20x110' 11.; kitchen. 10x24 - •a frame 40x0 oa stone atabltn'• 3 • goodood fr t 0 Uttered eons • all seeded orchard; grass !lee 0 20acres;.0 10 acres Yn (,All in state 01 unitive from . 0. o,' lt..atn tion. All in state of cultivation. For further particulars aptly to ALEXANDER BARRON Ornnbrook, P. 0. 18.4. Telephone 2018. ARMS FOR SALE -Beim f. of 4, Ooir: 11, and Lot , Con. 18, Grey Lownsltip, Huron ICo. On these farms are good buildings, well fenced and drained, also good orchards ;. plen- ty of water ; nearly ell seeded to grass and in agood state of cultivation. Both are °lose to school and to the Village of Brussels. Tttey will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pay- ment. Apply on the premises. 8,11 : JAS. BOTZ, Brussels Y.O. FARM POR SALE. -Tho undersigned offers' ' for sale his 100 acre farm, being N% Got. 20, Con. 8, Morris township, Baron Ou. 05 acres cleared. There is a coinfortablo houao now bank barn, orchard, drilled well, &u. 03 miles Soatit of Bruenela. Possession drat of Marob, 1912. For further partioutara, as to price, terms, &a., apply on the premises os Brussels P. 0. to B. BEAM, Prop. - 0.4 AT A BARGAIN. .!trill dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brussels, at I860, 0 great bargain, in order to secure quick sale. Hey. lunybehad from Mr. ,I. Leoltte. For further particulars see Mr. Leckie orwrite the under- signed. J.H.. CAMERON, 10 St. George St., Landon, COMFORTABLE BRIOIC' HOUSE' with stable, well, &c. and 2 aures of theme for sale in he boh outite ,nut of Bruit. se " Int mediate posses ' =,e given, For or particulars ay. ' 9uott, Brue- r JNO, MOAR'1 - 5P. 0. li. 'arm, be- r..N°Neti, 'by the nd, hal. re Ian ; �Jyrtacoin. ootl'�d''u,""y„tion and 1uu•tim ars ripply to AS. A. neNAI1t, Exec. ., or P. B SCOTT, Bets• 11 740 'Lit The undersigned offers• ,"a acre farm. being Lot. 00,. uges'^u 70• acres cleared, balance ry. It is n,,,,;bent, 01 acres seed- teoi-maler'tals.ing donee. 00 Elle nt.:, barn, driving shed, .,1 ancrit,..R,a$ ,4,,,JL Close to least.. and school. Per further parllea- o JOHN OSBO1RNE, Proprietor, ott,Brussels. SALE, Hein South half Lot 20, 1, Con. 4, Morris townohllp, Huron Oo., con• ping 100 acres more or tens. On the prem- , is a frame house, bank barn, good ereltord . 3,1, windmill, &o, All cleared except about an none, Schoot 1 tnileedistant. Only 21� milao from Brussels. 0 acres °til" wheat and about 00 aoree seeded down. Far price, tonna and Other hlfOrmlttien npp1y on the premises or If writing Brasile P, 0. Phouo x20. Or 12. B. Bcotn, Brussels. 11.11. A. L,main, Proevfolor. 4.4•+•44.4••444.4•4.••II4• 0+404444ssF IThirty Years esagioneEmoRnessumenireaseuffElo•♦ Out Seven Colleges have been established duriug the past 30 4. 4• years. The largest trainers in • O Canada, Owing to out• -cellos.- • Lion all over Ontario, we do 4" + better for our graduates than. • e guy other School. You may p study all at home or par My'at • 4 homeandfinish at Lite College. • • Affiliated with TheComrnercittl 4' • Educators' Association of Can- .l. 4• ada. it would be well for you • • I.0 investigate before choosing. 4r p Exclusive tight foe Ontario of 4• the world-famous'` Bliss Book • - • keeping System, which is 1111- 1' equalled. It isAclpal•]3usitieas 3• e. li•om. Start to Finish, and the • • student. keeps sante books as t Chatleeed' Banks and Whole- ; +sale Houses, Ritter any time, • • , Iudividclul iostructiott. • • Fall Term From Aug. 28th • •Nrite, call m•pbmte for •y. 4• pnrticelara. .•.".-• ® W NGHAM C • Busines . College • GEO.' SPOTTON, President A Cutts, W. Burns, Principal ••h 4,04.44401.040444"04••d"•44144:14• O • Chipping Mill at the Electric Light Plant BRUSSELS Will Run Every Week Day ftom this date and. attend to all orders With promptness and care. Satisfaction guaranteed; Flour and Feed always on hand far sale. We ,are prepared to install. Electric Light in homes or pub- lic buildings. Ask about Tier rates and terms, , A 1 service promised. 1�nar rattcrsan, Mgr. • - Ii illi Hill I lillII II 111111 II 1111 111111111 IHIN i •r r I. • ..,-,See 2 •••,.,/ r %''o„_,. /°'e ” ' = ,, iheavy-sodden-soggy-indigestible. � � �� ' \ 1 ��3&d, f � i� 7" M� ' , / �`;�^G� -.11 ; ..,- I ,.< -- - rNQ, Al -0-4 r , / .� Peep loaves I'IO`W'�'at Because is til This from No never. All Never Your$ Crinkly Golden Snowy FIVE Try they in eaten. ons' els it again those � y FIVE sturdy dropping t8 ` en are the and brown of crumb ROSES soon. you've wont the h tl evenly—to appetizing in loaves, knoll fall he Manitoba ROSES elastic flat y holes Y FIVE: ROSES and tender. -light helps a your made. deal igluten. 'twixt stay of as lot.. oven. those substafetral. when � will i i� the crust • Y risen. loaves- crust. thistledown. colder. strength hold y oven. ' en. pleasing has V and them kept cztamb— • P them that up t 0,,,,,,, Iill d IDIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111III 411, II Ilol) IlluuiolllllllllU�lllilllllllll) 0® ,1,l 1111111 Illiilm►II IIIIIIIIII 11 uoll(Illlull 111 II10111111100111110 I Illllo II ii (IIIIIIIIIII 311,7lil pl I I I I .,NnII 1 1 n I +77+�� I I I I ► , p hilII iq IIIIIIIIIII IIII► II I1II II II l illlllh 1 .„n, I i I IIII Illlllllllllllllllll 1III Ilam i (IIII •O� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I � I I . IIII IIIIIIII1111111 I I t,P ARO O N NOOOa M,LIINO CONP„Nr L M,r O- MOOTA Eli free breathing and entirely cured Just the email experience. Otttarrh- ozone ' invariably clunes whether Btouchitis, Asthma or Catarrh, 7'pyv sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. Perth County The flax -mill at Mitchell ' is again in full blast after having been closed down fot a time. Mrs. Gibb, of Mitchell, had a most unpleasantexperience. Whenshe was out getting a pail of water' at a pump the platform collapsed, and she drop- ped into five feet of water. Fortun- ately a neighbor, who happened to be' out, heard her cries and palled help, and Mrs. Gibb was rescued unhurt ex- cept for a few scratches. Growing Old Before Your Time Broken i11 spirit, weak in body, y, L , nervous and discotirb ed. Something is wrong, and each day sees you fail- ing away. Just One thing to du - Build up. To do this use Fereozone. Whitt a tonic it is ! Appetite, why it makes yen eft 1 0 etnentlously. Digest indeed y ev, if ill. Well red blood n will carry nourishment to every corner of tired organs take the body, ga on new life, color, spirit and ambition are re- The People's Column stored. Perfect manhood andabound- ing health is the unfailing product of AMS FOR SALE -The undersigned has o of Fexrozone-try it, 50c'per box R pare bred8hearling Leicester Rams for o everywhere. sale. Lot17, bon. 9, Grey township. They STRATFORD. ONT. are line ones.. ROST. L. MoDONALD, CENTRAL 12.1f CranbrooltP.0. l' Steeds to the front as the best school F( of Its kind In the province., Our courses Pa are beyond those of the ordinary Busi- ness College. This ,ehool has a condo- Bt. reputation three top high-grade rase' work. t• Waalmve three departments 2 -Com- 7 merclal, Shorthand and Tele- graphy -o u,l the demand ' for trained help greatly exceeds th supply. Stu d- otis are entering each week and the r u ager he bolter Po our- olf. o enter the 1 9 , .e ®x ,t• CeCatalO Oat 01L self. Get o., free catalogue �` D. A. MP4 • cLAOHLAN, :Principal. Te>r y,Lt Avri74b;i.a 't'tn'b'rvY6Y 2- aiifvuy-.0W SIMPLE REMEDY Fon SALE -A, few good Oxrorddow,t ,and Leicester ram lambs and a Leicester• ahealing ram for sale. Apply to S. WALKER,. sss cls P. 0. % u Morris. Btu Lot9 .7 l0 111,58 co TelephoneS.1 ,F5 for sale t tongs 1�5 00 North OF LAND , la loco, P t cultivation. GoodL North o S at yc ern' d an oder ou ovation. B tl b cemintfl and 1 cement floors, large at house, newly paint- ed n tgs ed; good wells at barn and house ; buildings and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home f cheap. Apply (Mies) SUSIE GOVISNLOCX, Seaforth, Ont.. For Backacheantl Kidneyy Trouble ' The simplest• and most effective remedy for sick kldue s is Booth's H y y Kidney Pills.. If there is: weakness, congestion. inflatnination -o1 soreness Booth's Kindney Pills telieve tt•. They •vet -y gently stimulate tope and strengthen sick kidlteys, drive I away backache, 1 rhenmabic pain and dizzin e s s, • clear up and te- gulate the urine a n d ,restore a perfect filtering of the blood. Best of all this relief is permanent. All druggists sell and guarantee' Booth's Kidney Pills, 50c. box. Money l' backthey if fail to relieve. Write a to The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, 011t., for a freetrial. • This. 47 Little Crank In Your Kitchen E- ” "'!llGiJ lt7ltilllVVfl lk"I h, /off ECONOMIZER PET 005.27. 09 LICENSED FOR 05E. WITH CORNET-O%FURO o FP •AR„rn0 I A ONLT Saves 20Q 0 o n C oal It is a wonderful patent device, the Oxford Economizer, and is licensed for use only on STO ♦ ES and RANGES This marvellous regulator keeps the oven at a given temperature. No heat is wasted -nothing goes up the Sue but bad odors, steam and smoke. The fire is held for hours without attention -ready for immediate use- and all this labor, time and fuel saved by simply turning the crank. With the Divided Oven Flue Strip you have even baking, because of the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement. TheRev- '0" ate FARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers his fine farm consisting of about 111011C/19, adjoining the town of Dunton, for sale. The farm is in a good state of Cultivation, and hes .good bilildinge, brick ]rouse, bank barn, driv. ittg house, pigpen, eta., all comparatively new. A1 olidrea iflayoung nE orchard containingaining all tes ed p mull fruits. Tine term is well fenced and drained and iaavery desirable horse. For further particulars apply on the premises or address 1041 30HI7 TORRANCE, Clinton. CAR/4 EOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. Con. 14 Relation township, containing about o. i mires, alt cleared. On the eaeaibed house, bank barnwith hog fen eouhined; and anew power mill for pump ng, grinding, &ct sten good•bearing archer:, chiefly Soya, Enid. is'in-extra good state ofcultivation, having been cropped light and large stook or both hogs and enttle• Ped on it for. years.Farm is situated y, from sehool- and 2 utiles from Walton 0. P. R. station. For further particu- lars write 3. R. HAMILTON, Walton 1'. 0., or apply en the premises, - 441-tt FARM 14012 :SALE being Lot I0, Oon. 10. Grey Township, containing 160 acres; 45 I story frame house 20x110' 11.; kitchen. 10x24 - •a frame 40x0 oa stone atabltn'• 3 • goodood fr t 0 Uttered eons • all seeded orchard; grass !lee 0 20acres;.0 10 acres Yn (,All in state 01 unitive from . 0. o,' lt..atn tion. All in state of cultivation. For further particulars aptly to ALEXANDER BARRON Ornnbrook, P. 0. 18.4. Telephone 2018. ARMS FOR SALE -Beim f. of 4, Ooir: 11, and Lot , Con. 18, Grey Lownsltip, Huron ICo. On these farms are good buildings, well fenced and drained, also good orchards ;. plen- ty of water ; nearly ell seeded to grass and in agood state of cultivation. Both are °lose to school and to the Village of Brussels. Tttey will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pay- ment. Apply on the premises. 8,11 : JAS. BOTZ, Brussels Y.O. FARM POR SALE. -Tho undersigned offers' ' for sale his 100 acre farm, being N% Got. 20, Con. 8, Morris township, Baron Ou. 05 acres cleared. There is a coinfortablo houao now bank barn, orchard, drilled well, &u. 03 miles Soatit of Bruenela. Possession drat of Marob, 1912. For further partioutara, as to price, terms, &a., apply on the premises os Brussels P. 0. to B. BEAM, Prop. - 0.4 AT A BARGAIN. .!trill dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brussels, at I860, 0 great bargain, in order to secure quick sale. Hey. lunybehad from Mr. ,I. Leoltte. For further particulars see Mr. Leckie orwrite the under- signed. J.H.. CAMERON, 10 St. George St., Landon, COMFORTABLE BRIOIC' HOUSE' with stable, well, &c. and 2 aures of theme for sale in he boh outite ,nut of Bruit. se " Int mediate posses ' =,e given, For or particulars ay. ' 9uott, Brue- r JNO, MOAR'1 - 5P. 0. li. 'arm, be- r..N°Neti, 'by the nd, hal. re Ian ; �Jyrtacoin. ootl'�d''u,""y„tion and 1uu•tim ars ripply to AS. A. neNAI1t, Exec. ., or P. B SCOTT, Bets• 11 740 'Lit The undersigned offers• ,"a acre farm. being Lot. 00,. uges'^u 70• acres cleared, balance ry. It is n,,,,;bent, 01 acres seed- teoi-maler'tals.ing donee. 00 Elle nt.:, barn, driving shed, .,1 ancrit,..R,a$ ,4,,,JL Close to least.. and school. Per further parllea- o JOHN OSBO1RNE, Proprietor, ott,Brussels. SALE, Hein South half Lot 20, 1, Con. 4, Morris townohllp, Huron Oo., con• ping 100 acres more or tens. On the prem- , is a frame house, bank barn, good ereltord . 3,1, windmill, &o, All cleared except about an none, Schoot 1 tnileedistant. Only 21� milao from Brussels. 0 acres °til" wheat and about 00 aoree seeded down. Far price, tonna and Other hlfOrmlttien npp1y on the premises or If writing Brasile P, 0. Phouo x20. Or 12. B. Bcotn, Brussels. 11.11. A. L,main, Proevfolor. 4.4•+•44.4••444.4•4.••II4• 0+404444ssF IThirty Years esagioneEmoRnessumenireaseuffElo•♦ Out Seven Colleges have been established duriug the past 30 4. 4• years. The largest trainers in • O Canada, Owing to out• -cellos.- • Lion all over Ontario, we do 4" + better for our graduates than. • e guy other School. You may p study all at home or par My'at • 4 homeandfinish at Lite College. • • Affiliated with TheComrnercittl 4' • Educators' Association of Can- .l. 4• ada. it would be well for you • • I.0 investigate before choosing. 4r p Exclusive tight foe Ontario of 4• the world-famous'` Bliss Book • - • keeping System, which is 1111- 1' equalled. It isAclpal•]3usitieas 3• e. li•om. Start to Finish, and the • • student. keeps sante books as t Chatleeed' Banks and Whole- ; +sale Houses, Ritter any time, • • , Iudividclul iostructiott. • • Fall Term From Aug. 28th • •Nrite, call m•pbmte for •y. 4• pnrticelara. .•.".-• ® W NGHAM C • Busines . College • GEO.' SPOTTON, President A Cutts, W. Burns, Principal ••h 4,04.44401.040444"04••d"•44144:14• O • Chipping Mill at the Electric Light Plant BRUSSELS Will Run Every Week Day ftom this date and. attend to all orders With promptness and care. Satisfaction guaranteed; Flour and Feed always on hand far sale. We ,are prepared to install. Electric Light in homes or pub- lic buildings. Ask about Tier rates and terms, , A 1 service promised. 1�nar rattcrsan, Mgr. •