HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-11-16, Page 8;1170.-t Have Cold At least if you get one don't keep it, Cure yourself by taking a bottle of Mood ,Root cough Cure -the Best Cough Cure A Sure, Safe anti Pleasant Remedy Has remarkable healing properties. Keep a bottle on hand and' start taking it when the first svmptoms of a cold appear. It may save you from having a protracted cough. Ask for our Blood Root Cough Cure -Large bottle 253, Menthol Cough Drops Chlorodyne Oough Loxengoro New' Papeteries Within the last tew days we have received a large shipment of new Paperer les. A good many of these have Holly design or other dec- oration suitable for Christmas, And right here, there is Nothing Better fora Christmas Gift than a pretty box of Writing Paper and Envelopes. This as a present has grown in popularity for some seasonsand this year promises to be more in demand than ever. They range in price. from 850 to $2,00, Our 25o LIne 1s a Winner. Soo Window Display. The Store Fa R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND S'fATfONER. Taal Stbas alums READ the clubbing offer of THE POST. 1'o CEN1s gets TNR PoaT up to January Ist 1912. los, Curr. of Blyth, shipped two ears of potatoes from Brussels last week to Hamilton, 10 CENTS pays for THE POST to any ad- dress in Canada up to Tan. xst. Send it to absent friends. K252 December 12th clear for the Firth Concert in Brussels Town Hall, Talent is excellent. THE Canadian Jubilee singers will visit Brussels on Wednesday December 20th, They are well worth hearing. DoN'r forget the Firth Co. Concert in Brussels 'Pawn Hall on December I2th. Watch out for the bills and hangers. ON page 3 of this issue will be found portraits of the leaders of the two Pro- vincial parties in the coming election. THE probabilities are some of the "big guns" on both sides of the political fence will visit Brussels during the campaign. Mor'riry Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday. November 3oth, and will be continued each month until Spring an. rives. A LARGE addition is being built to the stable at P. Ament's factory to afford better accommodation to his numerous equines. The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Friday afternoon Nov. 20th at 3 o'clock in the Public Library. KEEP December nth clear for the well known Firth Co. Mr. Firth, Miss Jackson and Homer Eaton present a program not easily equalled. Belmar. Board met last Friday even- ing in their usual monthly session. After the usual routine business was transacted Board adjourned. ALF. SAMOA is having the frame shop near the Town Hall transformed into a stable and driving barn for his horses and rigs. It.will make aoonvenient one. W. C. SMITH, carriage painter and decorator, is filling a contract with a Wingham carriage builder at the pres- ent time. "Billy" oan compete withthe best. IT looks as if all parties requiring agricultural implements in this locality for next season's work should soon be supplied judging by the activity of the various agents. THE last bent on the new skating rink was raised last Saturday. Sheeting, sid- ing and roofing are now being delayed by the snow but with good weather the job will soon be completed. SUNDAY and Monday were reminders of what may be expected in the snow storm and blizzard line. The usual con- gregations at the various church were conspicuous by their absence in many cases. Hoe. ADAM BECK writes Reeve Leckie that he expects to have a report on the Huron Power question ready for presentation at the December session of the County Council which convenes at Goderich. ARRANGEMENTS are being made for the organization of a live Curling Club. Brussels used to be able to find the T with the best of them in the days of auld lang syne and no doubt the deftness will be once more in evidence with a little practice. Tato Lucknow Sentinel says of a brother of J H. Cameron, formerly of Brussels :-Kenneth Cameron finished packing his apples last week. His orchard yielded, of packable fruit, ex- actly 406 barrels, comprising 328 of No. 1, 55 of No. 2, and 23 of No. 3, be- sides nearly $too worth of windfalls and culls utilized by the evaporator. JOURNALISTIC• -The Mirror Journal is a newspaper enterprise launched in Mirror, a bustling Alberta town, by W. J. Good, a former employee of THE Pos'r, and is a well printed newsy sheet that gives evidence of "go" about it that should make it a real success. We wish the Mirror and its proprietor every prosperity and welcome it to our sanc- tum. WoMRN's INSTITUTE, -The next meet - tee. of Brussels Women's Institute will h nd stits.-''tblic Library audience ,-..,23rd MSC., at 2.3 • n yelp TuESDAy's and Wednesday's snowfall set the cutters and sleighs agoing, the first for this season, THE Maitland river above the dam had a coating of ice upon it this week, the handiwork of John Frost. Principal Scott was off duty on Mon day threatened with pneumonia but was back to work again on Tuesday. WEDNESDAY of tbis week there was an assembling of Masonic brethren at Listowel in connection with a Lodge of Instruction WALTER SCOTT picked a ripe straw• berry last week but we guess lack Prost has put the balance of the second crop out of business for this season. LAST week THE POST received a note from R. W. Jewitt, Swift Current, Sask., in which he says :-"We are all well. Threshing is proceeding rapidly. Crops are good in this district although somewhat damaged by frost." -o- A NUMBER of barrels of good °oohingapples for sale. Geo. TAoMBON, E2 A wutrnsa of well bred R. 0. Brown Leg- horn Roosters for Bale, MIes KELLY, 20.1 At the Greenhouse. 14 -horse power portable engine for sale cheap. Easy to run and in good repair. Otto BAR1rLBY, Bruasele. PARCEL found. Owner may have it by prov- ing property and paying foe this notice, THE POST, BOOB 270 PER D0225.- Now le the time to feed ground bone which is the beet known producer of eggs. For sale by BARKER BRom, Peruse, containing a small amount of money, found in Brussels on Tuesday evening. Owner may have it by paying for this notice and ap- plying to Mae. G. W. POLLARD, Ethel. 210052 YODND -Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. J.&MsB Fox, 13ruggles. POULTRY. -As the glut in the poultry mar- ket, common to Thanksgiving time, is now clear persona having poultry for sale should ascertain prices by palling Rural Telephone No. 86, Brussels, Is your saws do not cut fast and easy call on or write T. MoGax001i, Brussels. Boy wanted for delivery wagon and to as - Mat in store. 0050. Tnouso0, 60 ORNms cash per bushel Por potatoes at Mc- Cracken', store. MrLOH oowe and calves for sole. Apply to Phone 2818 E. Rozrnr., Brussels. Hansa and lot, eligibly situated in Brussels, for sale or to rent. Further particulars may be obtained from Mrs. R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes, FOR SALE, -A Klondyke heater at the Meth- odist PareonaB e. Arrassmros WARTED. A bright girl or boy wanted at TRE PORT to learn the printing business. One who has passed the Entrance Examination preferred Apply at THE FM. FOR BALE OR TO RENT, -House and lot on Turnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thos. Nicholls. The 60 acre farm being WM Lot 2, Oon, 12, Grey, is also offered for Bale. For fur- ther particulars apply to A. F. Stewart, Brus- sels South, -0 We are sorry to state that it was ueces aytakeMsSmitt r to Miss street y 'rurnberr North, to the hospital at London last Tuesday for an operation. She was ac- companied by ber brother John and her niece, (Miss May Smith) and a nurse from Hamilton. Many friends hope the invalid will soon be restored to health and to the fellowship of relatives. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamber- lain's Oough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be re- lied upon with implicit confidence. For sale by all dealers. THE following are the officers elected at the animal meeting of the W. C. T, U. :-President, Mrs, A. McGuire ; Rec..Sec,. Mrs. W. Gillespie ; Cor - Sec„ Miss Josie Buchanan; Treas.. Mrs, W. Pryne ; Superintendents. Press, Mrs. J. Kerr; Lumberman's Work, Mrs. W. Rands; Evangelistic, Mrs. Dead man, Mrs, Hill, Mrs, Paul and Mrs. Oaten ; 'temperance in Sunday Schools, Mril, S. Walker ; Anti -Narcotic, Mrs, John Robb ; Flower, Fruit and Delica- cies, Mrs. Baker ; Franchise, Mrs. Alf. Lowry ; Sailors Work, Miss A, Jewitt ; Purity and Mother's;meetiugs, Mrs. R. Oliver ; Scientific Temperance, Mrs. Leatherdale and Mrs. Deadman ; Medal Contest, Mrs. Dark, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. Gillespie and Misses Elliott and Buchanan ; Fair work to be taken by all the members of the U01 p , .. T -as far ELS pas..? or d Som « «, J Business Chance 'T is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Savin g Begin now to prepare for . the day of op- portunity by depositing your savings.in The METROPOLITAN BANK' $I.00 OR MORE OPENS AN AOOOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F, H. GILROY, MANAGE Cluhblng List THE POST has made arrangements to club with the following papers and they will be sent to any address (ex- cept United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscription prices Weeklies POST and Toronto Globe .,.........$100 " Mail and Empire. 180 London Advertiser......, 100 London Free Press 180' " Family Herald & Star 180 Montreal Witness 180 Weekly Sun -... 180 " Farmers' Advocate. 2 35 Northern Messenger... 135 Dailies POST and Toronto Star $2 20 " Toronto News 285 " Toronto Globe . 460 Toronto Mail -Empire ... 4 50 " Toronto World, ... 300 " London Advertiser 280 Oall at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express Order+ or Reg- istered Letter, addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ont. Church Chimes The Thanksgiving offering in Melville church totalled the very generous sum of $220.00• Rev. Dr. Ross, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, preached in Kincardine last Suuday. The Reporter says he deliver- ed two able sermons. The prayer service Wednesday even• ihg in the Methodist church was under the direction of the Women's Mission- ary Society and was Missionary in its character. The one hundred and seventeenth an- niversary of Lundy's Lane Methodist Church was celebrated by an old fash- ioned tea meeting. The church was one of the first in the Niagara district. In connection with Rev. Mr. Pear - son's visit last Sabbath evening tinder the direction of the Dominion Alliance, the collection for Alliance. purposes totalled $43 oo. The reverend gentle- man gave an excellent discourse to a good audience. Rev. Leonard Bartlett, ofDungannon, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here last Sabbath andp reached two thoughtful and seasonable sermons on the Missionary theme. This was his first visit to Brussels but the congrega- tiou will be pleased to hear him again. The Executive of Wingham District Epworth League met last Monday at Wingham. One item of business was the appointment of Miss Laura Leather - dale, of Brussels, as 'junior Superintend- ent to take the place of Mrs. (Rev.) Hibbert, of Gorrie, resigned. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Wooton, of Stratford, will preach Missionary ser- mons in the Methodist chnrch, continu- ing the program successfully launched last Sunday amidst the storm. Rev. Mr. Wooton is a pleasing speaker. Rev. Dr. Oaten will preach at Stratford. People We Talk About Gordon McDonald was in the Queen's city this week. Miss Stella Moore was holidaying with relatives near Listowel. Robert Thompson was in Toronto this week on a business trip. Barrister Sinclair spent Monday in the Co. town on legal business. Postmaster Scott made a business trip to the Queen's city this week. Miss Vern Walker is back from an ex- tended visit to Cayuga and other points, Mrs. Dennis of Seaforth, was visiting in Brussels and Grey during the past week. Little Miss Ethel Dennis, of Toronto, has come to reside with relatives in Brussels "Jim" Lowry was under the doctor's care this week but we hope he will soon he o. k. Miss Pipe, Queen street, has not been well for the pest week but Is improving nicely now. Mrs. N, F. Gerry is home from a pleasant visit with her parents at Brech- in, Simcne Co. !tit'ti Mrs. Edward 5neir1a v 'was renewipry..'r"a - a 4els an W ^ Cream Separators We have in addition to our line of Capital and Simplex Cream Separators a few good second- hand and slightly used Separat- ors of other makes which we are offering at good values. Be sure to see them before buying elsewhere. gtO-A: few choice farms have been placed in our hands for sale, par- ticulars of which intending buy- ers will do well to have, 1 S, Mclauchlin, Agent Mrs. J. T. Ross, who has been poorly for some weeks, does not regain her health as quickly as friends hoped and is back to her bed again. Miss Jessie McLauchlin was in Tor- onto this week as a delegate to the Provincial Woman's Institute. Mrs, Rands and Miss Mac represented Brus- sels Inatitttte. ' - IT is the desire of the publisher that all should take an interest in this column of THE PoaT• If•- you have friends visiting you, or are -going away for a trip, leave word or send it on a post card. Roger Deadman, son of G, A. Dead- man, Brussels, has been promoted -from Windsor to Belleville in the service of the Dominion Bank. He is now ac- countant. Mr- Deadman enjoyed s} years i0 Windsor very much and tee hope will find his new appointment just as congenial. Brussels Council The monthly meeting of Brussels Council was held last Monday evening. All the members present except Coun- cillor Tones. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following accounts were pre- sented :- Gerry & Walker, account $18 24 Robert Oliver, salary 37 50 Jno. Meadows, Fire Dept r oo George Ketr, gravel 5o 25 W. Thuetl, woud 4 co R. Hemlersnn, work on street 3 75 S Wo l I 1 at e 9o N, Mut.auley work on Street 2 00 Jno, Long Constable i 50 Moved by A, C. Dames, seconded by P. Ament, that the above accounts be paid. Carried. Moved by R. Pryae, seconded by P. Ament, that Thos. Lott be paid the sum of $75.00 balance on Albert street drain. Carried. Report of scales for month of October was $26 to, Council thee adjourned, THE LIBERAL PLATFORM N. W. Rowell, the new Liberal leader, bee laid down a platform upon which all progressive Hien may stand, no matter what party they have followed hitherto. The principal planks are : - Public ownership and operation of public utilities, including telephones and water powers. The creation of a department of im- migration and colonization to promote the settlement and development of New Ontario, An eight-hour day for uuder•ground miners, Technical instruction in farming in the rural schools. The promotion of the immigration of land -seekers and farm laborers. The building of a good, road system on Provincial credit. Suitable demonstration farms and orchards throughout the Province. The extension of public light, power and telephone services to the farmers of the Province. Municipalities to be permitted to ex- empt improvements from taxation in whole or e.1 part. The property of rgilway and other public utility coruoratl* he -access- ed and taxed like the 1' f'U THCS1ANOA1D BANK F.Al bl'uhcd 1878 OF CANADA 60 Breaclea A Complete Banking Service. Available for Manufacturing and Commercial ' Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. 13ELLISSELS BRANCU J. F. Move/land,' Manager "I am pleased to recommend'Obam- berlain's Oough Remedy as the best thing I know .of and safest remedy for coughs, cold and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold, of Denver, Colo. "We have used it re= peatedland it has never faile give relief." For sale by all dealers.to BORN KNronm.-In Grey on Oot, 12th, to Mr, and met J. M. Knight, a daughter. DIED ALOocx,-In Brussels, on November, 11111 FranaeaPollard, relict of the Late Richard' B, Al000k, in her 87th year, Amitszeono.-At Willow City, North Dakota, on November let Robert Armstrong, for - merely of Morrie township, In hers 86th year. EARL. -In Ethel, on Nov.. 12111, Catharine Montgomery, beloved wife of Thos. Earl,. aged 80 years, 11 months and 18 days. BRUSSELS MARKET P-- WBseat 40 440 40.41 06 Barley 76 80 Butter - 28 Eggs • 28 Potatoes 24 27 Hay 11 00 12 00 C talo - 4 600 80 8.76 Wool 12 18 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Int- BLEMeNTe, &a. -F. S,: Scott, auctioneer has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by publio auction at Lot 18, Von, 8, Grey, on Tuesday, Be,'. 21st, at 1 o'elook, the following property 1 horse 4 years old, 1 horse 13 years old, 1 brood mare supposed to be in foal, 1 gen- eral purpose mare supposed to be in foal, 1 yearling colt, 8 spring colts, 4 steers 2 years old 1 heifer 2 years old. 2 cows supposed with calf, 1 thoro'-bred heifer 2 years old due to calve in January, 1 thoro'-bred cow, 1 thoro'- bred bull calf 8 months old, 1 yearling steer, 1 yearling heifer, 5 spring calvoe, 2 brood sows, It store pigs, 9 pigs about 2 months old, num- ber of hens, 10ollle dog, 1 Massey -Harris bin- der,1 hay loader, 1 10 -foot rake nearly new, 1 mower, 1 cultivator and seed drill combined, 1 diso harrow,.1 set iron harrows, 1 gang plow, 1 singgle plow, -2 wagons, 1 hay rack. 1 fanning still, 1 hay fork and ropes, 1 set double har- ness, 2 sets donbletrees, 1 land roller, 1 wagon box,uantity of hay, some mixed grain, quan- tity of oats, some equare timber, quantity of lumber and, shingles, number of cedar posts, 1 cook stove, chains. forks, hoes and numerous other articles. Sale without reserve aspro- prietor has sold his farm. Terms -All sums of $5.00 and under sash ; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes ;• 8 par pent. off for cash on credit amounts. JOHN BATEMAN, Proprietor. STILL ON! IIIMIIIIMI 1•111111111111111M1•1111•1111111111•1111111 Our Clearing Sale OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. Having accepted a posi- tion in Listowel I have decided to hold a Clear- ing Sale for 3o days to close out my stock in Brussels. ci i AUCTION SALES arm menta, &u 'al Lq 18, Con 0, Grey oolSate at 1 p. m. John Bateman, Prop, ; F, S. Scott, nue, FARMERS AND POULTRYMEN. - I have eight S.O. Maxie Island Fled and four S. O, Black Minorca Oooln•els 1rom prize winning stook, all good ahem and good color, for sale at $2,00eaoh, EDWIN G.'MATTHEWS, Listowel, Ont. STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the•un- designed, Lot 27, Con. 12, Grey township. a red and white cow; dehorned and hoe mem ear with 27 on it. Owner is requested to prove property. .pay expenses and take her away. WILSON EVANO, Oranbrook P. 0. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, the 2nd day of December, 1911, at noon, for the purchase of the following properties athlete the Village of Brussels,, namely.:- 1st -Lots 20 and 80 on Elizabeth street, in the said Village of Brussels, on which is erected a dwelling house , 2nd -Lot 828 on the Went side of Turnberry street, in the said Village of Brussels ; 8rd-Thirteen acres of unsold land. Parties tendering may malre an offer for the whole property or any part thereof, Dated at Seaforth this 18th day of. Novem- ber,1911. R. 8. HAYS, or W. F. STRETTON, Vendor's Solicitor, Executor Seaforth. Brussels. e e g Dialogue • . and 0 0 0 0 Recitation 0 , • • Books 88 l8 • 0 er e 0 e • We have just received 6 au np-t0-n etntidarolyle DjaloHely ,tock of gue and ' c Recitation Books suit- able for entertainments, •e' of every kind, We think • you will experience wt00 •0 trouble in making a Bel- .46 el- • • - ection Wn tl ko a _• r look 0201'ile0502'yobooksta, • 300 each at - 0 • • ome 80 F t 4 y DRUG STORE 11 ;esre•0008888••00e•••••••1•0 THORO'-BRED YORKSHIRES, either sex, at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bulls, one of tient let prise winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPEIR, Lot 80, Con. 5, ,. Morrie. Box 278 Brussels P. 0.'Phone Al FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT, -The un. designed offers his fine 200 pore farm, be- ing Lots 17 and 18, Con. 0. Grey township Bur - on 0o., for solo or if not disposed of would` rent to good tenant. There are 160 eorea cleared, balance bush and acture land. Good build- ings, orchard, drilled well ,to, n the t silo. fences, en , onto Ethel village. Only se mile to could be gad 21'n to 00011 sold or. x Spring i v lead ba Given at here raped or next Spring to leasing, For further particnlas as to prise, torma and conditions apply to J. WELSH, prop.. 10-tf . Phone 4118 Ethel P, 0. Stock for Service -rAMWORTH HOG FOR .SEgvIOE.-Tele undersigned will keepforservice on NA Lot 20, Ovn, 7, Morris, u thorough -bred Tam- worth. hog, Terms, $1.00, to be paid at time of service wish privilegeof returning if neeee- sery, S. WALKELI, 10-tf Proprietor. • t ••r••••'W-1••••••i••• •444••-1•♦441•••*4.•444.••1••• 4i.•- 44,••1•••k••t••d••44 4. ■ Cf • • • • 4• W T Ik o L� ke to a oda We are always best satisfied when our customers aro best satisfied. That's one out always like to talk a reason why we y b Kodaks. The Kodak goods have quality written all over them. KODAKS made and popularized amateur photogra- phy. They have always led in improve- ments in new ideas. We carry a frill line. They are not expensive -$5.00 up. We'll,be pleased to show the goods. J. R. WENDT, Jeweler and Engraver, Wroxeter +.+•+•+•••••+•+•••••+•+•••444444+•+•+•+•+•+•+•••+•+• 'f • .. 'a • • • • ••1. ••1• O • •• • • • • o•F•••4•••N•4••••••4••4••••4••+••k•N•+••♦••4••4••d••4••4N•••i•••••14 • DAYLIGHT STORE • • • • • • BRUSSELS •• • • • • • • • • Ladies' Fur lined • • and fur Trimmed Coats • • e• • ••4- • •• Warm Winter • Underclothing • • • • • ■ • Light and • Heavy Rubbers • ••i• • 4• ♦ Ver N/� ■ V L A R N The largest stock and best values to be bad • - Special Far Trimmed $15 $18 $22 Special Fur Lined $40 .$60 $56 A complete stock and full range of sizes in Turnbull's Unslndnkablo Under- clothing for Ladies, Plisses and Children. Penman's Red and Black Scotia and Fleece Lined for Men and Boys. • it ber AN.4.20 vel+„ I>3fltQus qualit with fl.avory,' bine ,r tact of `tib f 1t avu:7 etch; :;nHighest Prices for Produce, All sizes and shapes in the,. Celebrated Granby Rubbers. Light and heavy weights ; highest quality with prices lower than last season. Boys' TiAt s and Overcoats Our New Fall Suits and Overcoats aro here. Pt rfect . fitting, well made gar- ments -Progress Brand -in all the new colorings. See them and alible corn, parisnn. floods night or your Money Beck. goo � N MoLARENI ♦ 0 ,1. • ♦ •t• 80 q4. 4• • • g. • • e • • •4' • • • • 4• •. • • • s •O • ♦ e • 41 4. • • ♦ • 4. • 4• ♦ • w ��'*a•+03••4••t••i••4•t•to•1•♦4•♦•s••••4• r.4®4e44•e4•4044•i•44`•A0•14*i ;DRUG & Ck, VW. List;.