The Brussels Post, 1911-11-16, Page 7IR ii0,0000.,,..,,,,%** Fashion Lints Oi 1►tma✓w9tvNnito. NOTES FROM PARIS SHOPS. Taney rope girdles are high in faslliour, ;Most of the skirts for evening have small trains, Black velvet ribbons are much used for trimming, Many large velvet hats with turned up brims are seen, Many jackets of serge, cheviet and eurdur.oy show the belted effect. Maehino stitching is popular on skirts and .coat suits of cheviot and English suitings. The new horn buttons rimmed in contrasting color Dome in a variety of combinations. Fur is used more extensively than ever to trim dresses intended to wear without a wrap. An important fashion please is the idea of matching hat, gowns, muff handbag, scarf and shoes. Oharmeuse continues to be the, fashionable fabric for afternoon wear. The favorite trimming i$ silk fringe. 'Paris has elected the high, flat, simply trimmed hat of blank velvet as the reigning favorite of the sea- son. Double skirts are seen with all kinds of gowns, from the simplest of tailored suits to• the most elaborate of evening gowns. On the former they are usually cut of exactly the ammo length as the skirt ofthe coat, thus giving the effect of a throe - skirted costume. The tendency is largely towerds suits having trimming on the ool- lars, cuffs, and rovers and occasion- ally on the skirts. Many of the re- cent models have revere which al- most close in the front, thus making them practicable for cold weather. A number have the long single re- vers which can be fastened over on the left side. Other coats are made in shield effect and have small standing or turnover collara. ARE YOU AS WELL AS A YEAR AGO? IN SOUTH AMERICA. Some of the Experiences to the Wayfarer hi the Andes. "I have always found that the unexpected experiences are among the most agreeable and interest- ing," writes Charles Johnson Post in the Century. "By reason of some bubonic or yellow fever scare," he. continues, 'I had been landed at the little port of Quilca on the desolate coast of Peru. The regular port of Mol- lendo had been closed by quaran- tine and the railroad that tedious- ly crawls for two days up to Lake Titicaca made its last stop by rea- •son of the quarantine at San Jose, a scorched little oasis in the middle. of the arid strip of the Atacama desert. At Quilca the port captain and the customs officer, maroo ed 1n its squalid monotony, welcomed the astounding fact of passengers and routed out a desiccated, sand - blown arriero, who disappeared for a day back into the desert, from which he reappeared with a string of scraggly pack animals. "The sole train of the week would leave San Jose the following day. If we missed it, we could broil to A crisp under the searing breath of the desert for seven im- possible days, and the arriero pro- mised t6 make the train. He did; but hour after hour passed in the saddle with never a halt. All day we plodded, and, then into the night, where the line of pack ani- mals swayed and faded into dark- nese ahead like a sluggish misshap- en serpent. Then the animals began to drop with fatigue; the, ar- rierorode into them with his long, whirring thong, keeping them on their feet and in the beaten trail, while those that dropped were un- saddled and repacked alter they scrambled to their feet. Fresh from weeks on shipboard, and bender from that pleasant idle life, the early hours in _the saddle pass- ed in a slow crescendo of racking aches that ultimately exhausted themselves and drifeed into a grateful numbness. Reason told me that I still possessed legs, but only the sound of my boots knocking against the wooden stir- rups guaranteed my `faith in the existent homogeneity of ley dead- ened extremities, After a two- hour camp until daybreak by the side of a shallow brook while the mules were freshened, the remain- ing distance was made in time to catch the train. It consisted of two freight cars, and we climbed in sociably by the side of a dead pig chat was on its way to the market in Arequipa." Oa', 'imams' no Pill$ Point the WRY to Ifealth and Strength, Ask Yourself the important ques- tion whether_ you are as strong as Yon . wore a year ago, as bodily fit as you should be, Many a reader. has to confess "NO," Some weak- ening ailment bas during the past year laid hold of the System, mi- nt -guff you for the duties of life and seriously clouding the outlook of the coming days, It may bo rheumatism with its sharp twinges of pain, indigestion,,. headache, nervous debility, depression and lack of energy, orthe pains and ailments which only oommon folk know. It is well to know that all those weakening disorders arise, from an impoverished condition of the blood, Renew and enrich your blood and all your troubles will cease, This is a strong statement, but it is made on the testimony of thousands' who once suffered, but who have gained health and strength by the aid of the new, rich blood supplied by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink. Pills. We can quote thousands of cases similar to the following: Mr. Jos. Grandmaison is a young man well known in the town of St. Jerome, .Rue. He says; "For : a couple of years I began to find my. strength failing, but did not dream that the trouble was serious. As I grew weaker I began to doctor, but it did not help me. The ]east exertion made my heart palpitate violently, my stomach seemed out of order and my whole system became so run down that I. was finally forced to quit work. I' had now been doctoring for almost six months and was very naturally growing discouraged. At this junc- ture I read of a case similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to try them. I took the Pills faith- fully for about two months, gradu- ally growing stronger and at the end of that time I was as well as any man could' be, I shall always praise the medicine that raised me frem despair to the blessing of good health." There are six States in the, Com- monwealth of Australia—Now South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Louth Australia, Tasmania, and Western. Australia, "The )wonderful sixth sense .sup- pa5ed to be possessed by the blind Is not a fable, I know a blind intt- tinian, FTe i a enillcc," "'].that's .I sot se rcrlarkabie :.T_ knee* a .bund paintei " f:;npossible,,, "Not at )411tits 'vorkc is porfos,".,,r "A iylind painter? His work perfect? rhy, what does he paint?". "He `Pints b1arltls.f' between 40 and 5o rnicm. obtained. Its top Can be seen or AU THUNDER CAUSED EY lw STEAM. Moisture Converted into Stearn by Eleotrio Dieollatrge, It has usually been thought that the noise of thunder is eaus%).by the closing up of the vaeuure creat- ed by,the passage, of the lightning„ the air rushing. in from all sides with a clap; but the intensity: of the noise is rather disproportionate,: and it is now supposed that thunder is due to the intense heating of gases, especially the gas of water vapor, along the line of electric discharge, and the consequent con- version ofsuspended moisture into steam of enormous pressure, In this way, says Harper'c Weekly, the crackle with :which a peal of thunder sometimes begins might he regarded as the sound of rsteani explosion on a small settle caused by discharges before the main flash: The rumble would be the overlapping steam explosions, and the final clap,` which sounds loudest, would be the steam ex- plosion nearest to the auditor. In the case of rumbling thunder the lightning is passing from cloud to cloud. When the flash passed from the earth to the clouds • the clap is loudest at the beginning, Trowbridge gave substance to these suppositions by pausing electric flashes to pass from point topoint through • terminals clothed in soak- ed cotton wool, and he auoceeded in magnifying the crack , of the electric spark to a terrifying ex- tent. A MOTHER'S PRAISE Sold by medicine dealers every- where or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. WORLD'S LONGEST CHIMNEY. Wales Has One Two Miles High, and a Brook Through it. Wales has probably the longest chimney in the world. It is two miles high, and has a brook run- ning through it, The chimney' is connected with the copper works at Owmavon, near A.beravon. This is how it came tq be built. About 60 years ago the copper smoke from these works was the plague of the neighboring countryside. It set- tled upon and destroyed the grass for 20 miles round, while the sulp- hur and arsenic in the fumes af- fected the hoofs of cattle, causing gangrene. The company tried all sorts of devices to remedy the trouble but in vain. Finally, Mr. Robert Brenton, who was later engineer of the Sind Railway in India, solved the pro- blem. The copper works are at the foot of -a, high, steep mountain. Mr. Bronton constructed a flue or shim- noy running oontiuuously from the base to about 100 above the summit,'following the natural slope of the ground The brick which lined it, and of which it was large- ly constructed, was burned close- by. A small spring, rushing out near the mountain top, was turned into the chimney, and allowed to flow through almost its entire length to condense, the smoke. Once a year it is swept out, and about a ton of precipitated copper To Be Pleasant In the Morning Have some OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs, B. S. Baker, Fast Margar' etville, N. S., writes : "No mother would recommend for her baby any medicine of which she was not ab- solutely. sure. A baby's life is too precious. A mother is always pleased to recommend `to other mothers something that has been valuable in restoring the health of her own child. That is why I can highly recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets. They cured my baby who was suffering from constipation and I feel that I cannot praise them enough. I would advise all mo- thers with sickly babies to give them a trial, well knowing what the result will be." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. STARTED. "Has your wife's card club start- ed yet?" "I guess so.' She told me a lot of surprising things about two of our neighbors last evening." • RELIEF IS QUICK; BM CURE 13 SURE NAPOLRON PAIL ANCO1JWV SPEAKS OT? DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. They soon cured his Kidney trou- hies, and in six months there is no sign of their coming back. St. Aune dos 'fonts, Gaspe Co., Que., Nov. a (Spacial). -"1t is six months since I •was Cured, and I have had lab return of my trouble, ' in these words, Napoleon Vernon - court a well known resident ,of this place, gives evidence that Dodd's Kidney Pills not only give fyuick relief to sufferer's from Kidney Dia - ease, but olean that disease out, root and branch, and cure it per- manently. That Mr, Vaillaneourt bad Kid- ney Disease everyone here knows. That he is cured is also established beyond a doubt. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. "My back bothered me, also my heart•and my kidneys, and my limbs would cramp," Mr. Vaillancourt status in giving his experience, Now all that is gone and he is a sound, healthy man. Do you won- der that he recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills? Dodd's Kidney Pills cure quick- ly and permanently because they go right to the, root of the trouble. They 'act directly on. the Kidneys. They never fail to cure. ,x WHERE DOES IT GO1 "There is one thing I can't un- derstand about Christmas." "What's that?" "How is it that everybody gives more than he gets, and yet nobody gets as much as he gives. I can't understand what becomes of the surplus." WHY IT ISN'T IN. "Got your coal in yet?" "I should say not. Do you think I'm a cheap guy? When I want coal I'll let the neighbors know that I can afford to pay the top price for it." ONE WAY OF PUTTING IT. "That man seems to be proud of bis stupidity," said the impetuous person. "I wouldn't put it that way," replied the conservative friend. "I'd merely suggest that when it comes to a thirst for wis- dom he's a prohibitionist." WOMEN NEED DIN PILLS. Port Dulforin, N. 8, "I was troubled with Kidney Disease far several years. My back was weak. I had terrible headaches, and was so restless that I couldnot sleep at night, At last a friend told me about Gin Pills. I, at once, got a box and after taking them, I felt better—after three boxes I was cured. "amine BALOOMBE." Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size .boxes at your dealer's, or direst from ns -500. a box, 6 for $2.50. Money refunded If Gin Pills fail to cure. National Drug & Qhemfcal 0o. of Oanada, Limited, Dept. W. L., Toronto. Much that passes for real wis- dom is nothing but nonsense. A Prime Dressing for Wounds.— In some factories and workshops carbolic acid is kept for use in cau- terizing wounds and cuts sustained by the workmen. Far better to keep on hand . a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric' Oil. It is just as quick in action and does not scar the skin or burn the flesh. There is no other Oil that has its curative qualities. A KING'S BROTILER-IN-LAW. The Duke of Fife's Sway Is Still Feudal. Of all the great Highland Chief- tain there is none more patriotic than the Duke of Fife, brother-in- law of the King, says the London Daily Sketch. The Duke has his own band of pipers, and it is to their shril must.' he rises each Vars� STOPS COUGHS Pa CE. 25 c 1 TS lay THIS to as NOME DYE "that ANY®NE can use i 'ye 1 dyed L these \ DJ r ALENT IW DS with the SAMEs Dye. k 1 used ONE DYEfa°ALL KJNDSaFc000s CLEAN and SIMPLE to Ude. NO ch.neo f usingtho WRONG Dye for the 000d0 one ilas to colAS colo e from ym,r Drug lot or n l , FRCEColor Card and STOTSY Booklet 10, TitoJohnson-Rlebardson Mo., LimitedM ,M Montreal, trea NOT FOR HIS. The "Angell" (about to give a beggar a dime)—"Poor man I And are you married ?" Beggar—''Pardon me, madam I D'ye think I'd be relyin' on total strangers for support if`I had a wife?" Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup at the first in- timation of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglect- ed colds aro' the cause of untol:l 'suffering throughout the country, all of which could have been pre- vented by the application of this simple but powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. An Atchison bank received this note from a woman customer : "Please atop payment on the oheck I wrote out to -day, as I accident- ally burned it up." HIS WAY. Willis—How's his credit? Does he pay? Gillis—Ob, yes. He always pays something down and never pays anything up. A Pill That is Prized.—There have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon public at- tention, but none has endured so long or met with so much favor as. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Wide- spread use of them has attested their great value, and they need no further advertisement than this. Having firmly established themselves in public esteem, they now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable prepara- tions. A change in fashion separates a man from his spare change. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. An ounce of sense to -day is far batter than a pound of regret to- morrow. TRV MURINE EVE REMEDY. for Red, Weak, Weary, *Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murillo Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250, $1.00. Eye Books .and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co, Chicago. "Mention t t lame of some well - aid tbo teacher of a in hi A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitationis the poorest one we , Dick and Harry has tried to intro Tom, dune. Ask for MINARD's and you will got it. POINTED I)AR4,01 tPaS, Too many people mistake merited, punishment for persecution. But a tramp 408E4 tramp if a freight train is going his way. Love maybus blind, but a woman is seldom blind to her own Charms; Beware of `the, man who tries to work one friend in behalf of an- other. The undertaker considers it a grave situation when ho has no- thing to do, A dark brown taste and a head- ache the morning after spell re - MOW, Let any man talk long enough and he will discover a friend's sore spot. It is the triumph of hopo over experience that induces a widower to marry again. IPhs reason most 'girls want to marry is because they don't know what they want, You can form a pretty good idea of what a man hasn't done by the things he is going to do, Tho latest addition to the board- inghouse menu is the aeroplane chicken—mostly wings and frame. FOR HOLSEIIOLD ACCIDENTS "Oh, Arthur, do look at this hat; it's a perfect poem." "Yes, yes, but it doesn't rhyme with my pocket just now." Tightness across the chest means a cold on the lungs. That's the danger signal. Cure that cold with Hamlin's Wizard Oil before it runs into Consumption or Pneumonia. Of course a man with a better half isn't the whole thing. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Cook—The Irish stew has burned. Restaurant Proprietor—Well, put some spice in it and add "a la Iran- caise" to its name. Pills That Have Benefited Thou- sands.—Known far and near as e sure remedy in the treatment of in- digestion and all derangements of the stomach, liver and kidneys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. Innum- erable testimonials can be produced to establish the truth of this asser- tion. Once tried they will bo found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they ars prescribed. COMBINATION. Stella—Do you believe in mono- poly or competition? Bella—Well, I think the men should compete and I should mono- polize them. 'A BAD CASE. "I'm getting absent-minded." for an hour in the trying to re- ing out) oa for The rest of the, da take care of itself. Post •Tonsties are thi bits of White Indian icor —cooked and toasted nn - til deliciously • crisp an appetizing. "The Memory Lingers' Seed tey Wooers. ' Postnm, Cereal Co l.,t.9., Battle Crook, Web. Zahn -Bok is so Very Useful, Read how beneficial it proved here: Mrs. H. Sawyer, of Keene, Ont., writes:—"My husband is engaged on a farm, and one day, while chop- ping wood, the top of the axe broke and fell upon his foot, cutting a nasty gash. The wound was so bad that we first thought we should have to. get a doctor, but we finally de- cided to use Zam-Buk. "Well, the Zam-Buk treatment proved a great success. It not only eased the pain, but it prevented any inflammation; and right from first applying Zam-Buk, the cut began to heal. It is new completely healed and my husband says he will never be without a box of Zara -Bak in the house." Over and over again Zam-Buk has been proved to be the worker's best remedy. As soon as applied to a cut, aburn, a scald, or any skin injury, it relieves the pain and it sets up healing. It also prevents blood -poisoning or inflammation. It is a sero cure, too, L.r eczema, piles, ulcers, old wounds, bad leg, ringworm, scalp sores, festering, running sores, eruptions, cold sores, chapped hands, etc. Its absol.ste purity, also, makes it the ideal balm for babies. All druggists and stores sell Zam- Buk at 50c. box, and Zara-Buk Soap at 25c. tablet, or post free front Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re- ceipt of price. Refuse substitutes. '1 THE DIFFERENCE. Mr. Tiff—Woman is a necessary nuisance. Mrs. TiffMan is a nuisance, but not necessary. If one be troubled with corns and warts, he will find in Holloway's Corn Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. Not all the hot air comes from furnaces. ANK$ and INSURANCE COMPANIES BUY Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "I always agree with my hus- band." ""Very sweet of you." "Except, of course, when he is the wrong." Protect the child from the ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- ard remedy, and years of use have enhanced its reputation. WHAT'S THE USE? "George," she asked, "if we were both young and single again would you want me to be your wife 7" "Now, my dear," he absent-mind- edly replied, "what's the use try- ing to start a quarreljust as we have settled down to enjoy a quiet evening 1" Used in Canada for over • half a century —used in every corner of the world where people suffer from Constipation and its re •' oubles— ONDS i Sshouuld connalgder seriously a Bond investment is this; Canadian chartered Hanks, Insurance Com. ponies, and all financial institu- tions which continually, have funds to invest and aro In the best position to know safe and profitable investments, are large purchasers of bonds. Much of the moneyyoe deposit in Banks, Trust Companies and Insurance, is invested in bonds, at a considerably higher rate of interest than you receive. 9 We want to get in touch with these who from lime to time baro 5,0551 to invest, whether in large or smell some, 9 Literaturegiving full description of Bond investment will be sent on request. YAL SIE CU RITI :S CORPORATIONI LI MI T Ln BANK 05 MONTREAL BUILDING )(ONCE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO R. M. WHITE Manager me,TnEAL-ourscr-naurgz-Lonoes(ENco CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OFFDSINE ERIC 'S O EATESi Over 2,000 choice positions filled In pat Four Years. Some others ,,lIust Mod; .. I. B. nANN, trot Newfoundland, plaaod whit Sank, Millie$ 00, Moose Jaw, ad Hte0O. FERN BMIT5. Steno,y Peabody Overall Co., Windsor. E. 0.505000502 Bkkpr with Bolt Furniture Co., Southampton, Ont. FLOSSIE ANDERSON, Steno. and Skims, Can Wolverine Co„ Chatham, 0421,051511.000 902800, Steno., with De Laval separator 00, 'Winnipeg. R. J. SCOTT teacher, with Drek9 College Newark, N. J. 'r be salaries of the thr • shown 'last week average over 8700. per minuet The salaries of the six here shown average clot to 2700. Our etudenta ars prepared for the bit poaitfona where thebig pay 1e offered. IT PAY re, ATTEND Tile BtST. Catalogue,8s tells a, thework at Chatham. Oatalo5ne 04 tells of out home manses. Add moo, D. McLACBLAN & 00. O. B. College, Chatham, UM. FARMS. FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS. ' TP You want to sell a farm, consul me. 1 you want to buy a farm, consul( 00. $' HAVE sem, of the beat Fruit, Stock .0- Grain or Dairy Farina In Ontario, and prices right. 1E-1. W-streetDA,WSUNToron,to. t; inety Colborne. *GEN re WANTEU. e.0 DAY SALARY AND UP—ALSO r'd commission- for local representa, 1.1. rd; immediately; permanent pcattiona. experience unnecessary; rapid advance• mans; spare time accepted. Nichols. Limited, Publishers, Toronto. p GENTS WANTED. — A LINE FOB.t _ every home. Write us fur our chola( brae at agents supplies. We have th( greatest agency proposition in Canadlt to -day. Bo outlay necessary. Apply B. U, L Co., 220 Albert St., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. LI AT and FARM SCALES. Wilson'x . LA. Seals Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. AWMILL MACASNERY, PORTABLE 1� or heavy Laths Mills, Shingle Mills, Engines and Boilers, 31111 8npp11cS. 'rhe 19. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., West Street, ()riffle, Ontario. CA0U1.l0, TUMU1ts, LUh1Y3, etc. 11.- teruai andexternal, cured without 1ro,u by our home treatment. W rite m before too late. Dr. Beaman, Coiling - wood, Ont. (.TON SOALE GUARANTEED. Wilaon't 'U Scale Works. 9 Esplanade,, Toronto: PSiwENTY TO FIFTY BARBERS AMER. JL tiacd for in Toronto papers alone al- most every day; letus teach you barber trade; expert "nstruction; constant prao• tire; tools free. Write for catalogue. Meier Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. ikGENTS WANTED. — & STUDX OH . other Agency propositions convinces us that none ran equal ours. You will al• ways regret it if you don't apply for par. ticuldrs to Travellers' Dept., 228 Albert St., Ottawa. PEUTALIS'L'S ADVICE FERE. - Consuls • us in regard to any disease. Lowed pric08 in drug; of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mall. Send measure. meat. Glasses fitted by age. Write today for anything sold In first -dose drug ;tore,; to Dr. nallman. Collingwood. Oat. Trappers, Hunters nod Dealers in any kind of Raw Furs minuet afford to drat pose of their coils.: tions w Ith out Pira obtaining our qu tallow w rich we cheerfully furnish ppm request. :'e specialise in the following RIGHT PI11GE5. LIBERAL. ASSORTMENT] And emit unoe forwarded same dal geode mots d, express and mall charges mt elf shipments paid by us, n0 shlpm011t too largo or too small, Canada's .Largest Pur. Oper-. ator. 'There's a Reason." and correspondence solicited. hn Hallam