HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-11-16, Page 5e
K. O. T. M.
Brue11010. Swept Of the Maccabees,. NQ, 24
4010301r their regular rnmitnse in 410 Lod
Room, Seeker Block, ou the 1st and'll,4
Tuesday evenings of 'boon month'
Vititera aIWuy4 weAeolus.'
A, BO .1 }108, Cow, A.410G 1'010,
N �iR A
N k7d
Neo lu tke Pool Ulnae, Ethel, 5O4
Agent Howiek Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Ofaoo and Roa dou,o—
• nen, will poll for better prides, to
better meat in lees time and lase charges
than any other. Auctioneerin East Boron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and -orders
ann always be arranged at this ofSce or by
• p ereuual application,
•Barrister, Solicitor, Couveyaneer,
Notary Yabito, &o. ullloe—B tewart'e Stook
1 door North of °nutria Hoto4
Solioltor for the Metropolitan Bank.
YOBLIO,' 11110.
W. raoonrooT. K. O. R. O. 11 Y8
olfioos-Tbosa formerly oeoapled by lueeere
Cameron & Holt,
GoniuUon, ONTARIO.
Royal Mail Steamers
Virginian Friday, Oct. 27th 5a. m.
TunisianFriday,. Nov. and 6
Victorian Friday, Nov. 10th 0
Corsican Friday, Nov. 17th 5
Virginian Friday, Nov. 24th 5 ,.
Grampian„,.„,, Saturday, Oct, 28th daylight
Scotian Saturday, Nov. 9th
Hesperian Saturday. Nov. l l th
Ionian Saturday, Nov. 18th' ”
One Class Second Cabin and Third Class
Passengers. Weekly service.
All steamers equipped with wireless and sub.
marine signalling system.
Full information as to rates, ate., on applies.
tion to
Agent Allan Line, Bruesels.,
:b�.v6r..5riSAtt;rp`� L'q�1.�%dtLY.A�uY.p�i
Become, Independent
Our Graduates get and hold good' pool•
tions owing to their superior training.
is doing the highest grade of work in
Business and Shorthand Education. r
Students of this year are now in post- )-
Nona worth from $00 to 5100 per month. ,
Enter now. Catalogue free. 1
Ooh. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexander Sts. Principal.
IMS teslelVa��y .SelettD5r6V rteaLm A
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age....... 'Fitne Rep
Single or Double
, Address'
and return to
88 Caledonia 8t..
Dept; A Stratford, Ont.
When That Cold Comer
•, How is, it to be cured ? This method
is simplicity itself.• Rub the chest
and throat well with Nervilline, use it
as a gargle and take some in hot water
before retiring along with one of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. Next mornin Hnds
you refreshed, free from cold and.
bright as a dollar. These household
remedies are wonderfully successful,
and certainly won't fail in your case.
For sale at all dealers.
1 usinsss G'ards
Toachor of P10!19
Studio at Porter's Alusio Stare, one door North
of the Standard Bank, Brussels. 9.55
Imo passed su0400at'u(ly her second exautlno-
ttun of the Pianoforte Departrnete of the To.
Oro Oousorvatory of Mole, and Is prepared
t0 oke pupae at her kerne, Prineess street,
1:-Vleitts Et1eiVriday and Saturday of each
DR, T, ,R T. M AE
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the Qgnegeof Phy
sioians and Burgeons, Ont, Post- , g t�Iraduate
Oniongo Bre,Ear N
se and !throat o uBitnl
0hi0a¢g, Ill, Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mioh•
eel's Hospital, Toronto,
wage over P'.R.Smith's Drug Store, Tele' illtleh whfell n•ad enjoyed by .1111 tires -
phone connection with Craubrook at all bourn, d '
' 1'01 i' e'e h', r'. 701E of1 hanks to
t Aft l l 59 tyh 1
DR. M. FERGUSON Mrs. Iugli5lw' her hnspileflity all went
ETHEL, OST. . home feeling that Sannysld0 Farm
is 1L g(10d place to do bushlsss.
Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate ooul'see
Loudon (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos.
Get MO of, Irk a Few Hegira
There is nothing made thet'win
0041•ulekly 1'101 t11e scalp of aietressing
itchiness as reWhiiµn Sage the hale
(1108ser and betted flee.
Jas, Pax gnaralllc.ta Parisi/1.n N+tge
to eur0 datldrulf, stn it4hin r ac011,P
and felling Mob. or money bank, anti
sells it for duly 110 voile a large bottle.
It mite vitality alto the hair aria gives
it a radiant lustre.
It is the favorite hair dlos i
of re-
1.1Ied women bee/ruse 't so tit -licitly kiy re-
1'reshes the scalp and not being .stielcy
oe greasy is delightful to. use..
'allots• special attention todiseas0 of eye, ear,
node and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
Dontal Burgeon
Honor Granolts Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. office in Bniitb
Block recently vacated by Dr. Feild.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Doy and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
e'yzisJVD rTANOVm Amway
Goran Boum Gorxo Nowa
Mail 7:07 a-mExpreoe 10:55 a m
Express 11:25 a in I Mali 1:59 p m
Express ., - 2:55:p rn Express 8:52 p m
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:41 a m I Express - 11:57 a m
Express - 2:57 p m Express 7:55 p
Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:56 p. in,
Going. west - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville fur Owen Sound, Elora and T
G• B. otatione.
EO. ALLAN,Leval Agent.
,i istrizi IUDs
Oatherine Johnson, beloved wife of
Wm. Milne, who passed away on
Oct. 31st after a lingering illness,
was born in New York City in 1848.
After the death of her father', a cap-
tain of a British loan -of -war, who
died in New Orleans her mother cause
to Canada and settled on a farm in
Pnslinch where she lived until her
marriage in 1871, after which they
made their home at Harper's Oorners.
In 1887 they moved to Henfryn near
which they have !trade their home
ever since. On Ohristinas day Mt't.
Milne took a slight stroke, but al-
though not enjoying as gond health
as usual thought very little of it un-
til March 13111, when a bad stroke left
her right arm paralyzed. Still great
hopes were held out for her recovery
until other strokes followed, which
gradually weakened her. Mrs.
Milne leaves to mourn her loss be-
sides her husband two sons, Robert
at home and Charles or Stony Oreek,
and two sisters, Mrs. Wallis of Stony
Creek and Mrs. Pnslinch.
A Hard Case Overcome
No longer necessary stiffer from
muscular rheumatism. Every case
can be cured. Ferrozone is unfailing
as proved by David Johnston of Or-
mond, Ont. "My wife was a dreadful
sufferer he writes. "For two years
she could scarcely do any work. Her,
knuckles and joints swelled, causing
torture. To get up or down stair's
was impossible. She took box after
box of Ferrozone and rubbed the sore
places with Nerviline. Improvement
started and she mended fast. To -day
she is quite cured and we thank Fer-
rozone for her recovery." No remedy
more popular with doctors than Fer-
rozone ;,st does cure, 50c per box at all
Mrs. S Peter arrived home from
Welland where she has been with her
son William, whois very i11 with
typhoid fever, but hopes are held out
for his recovery.
DIED. -At the residence of her son -
Samuel, lot 80, con 13, Eitna, Sarah
Ann McGee, relict. of the late James
Mc0ourt died in her 91st year. The
funeral left the residence of her son
on Monday, Nov. 8th, at 2p. m., inter-
ment at Trinity church cemetery.
DIBo.—In Elma., on Monday, Nov.
8th. Ann Thompson, relict of the late
William Buchanan, aged 87 years 4
months and 27 days. The funeral left
the residence of her 8011, Alexander,.
lot 38, con. 9, Elma, on Wednesday,
November 8th, and proceeded to
Donegal Cemetery.
The report canoe out lately of the
high 'school iif Regina for lst class
and senior matriculation. Ernest R.
Gilmer, 12th con., who wont there a
year ago, has captured three scholar-
ships, two amounting to :1160
tuition at the Univers'
at0on. He got blue hi
the province.
ing of Maple L
held at the home of
the evening of Oct.
absence of the Pi
Robb was appointedchaii ma
hearing the minutes of the lust
ing, the business of the past year t
wound up satisfactory. Secretary'
book showing that 10,594 lbs of beef
had been distributed among the 88
members during 22 weeks, and that
the average• weight of each carcase
Was 48i lbs. The first item of bust -
nest wasthe appointing- hof a new
President ; after several nominations,
A, 13. Hammond was voted to that
Office. Other officers were reappoint-
ed, Wm. G. Inglis was somewhat
reluctant about butcheringfor next
year, but he finally consented to do
the job for the coming season. The
drawing of the tickets fol' the ensuing
year finished the business, after which
Mrs, Inglis served a very toothsome
Oloaulberhiiu's Stomach toed Liver
Tablets do not 51010021 01' gI'ipe, and
may be taken with perfect safety by
the most del itette 101)1a0 01, the young-
est. child, The old and feeble will also
find them a most snitttbh' remedy fro'
aiding al I e their 7
t t g 101 strengt) slug tl ell weak-,
ened digestion and for regulating the
bowels, For sale by all dealers.
W. G, Bissett ie dead at his home
here after an illness extending over
some time with heart trouble. He
was a resident of Exeter for 45 years,
and for a quarter of a century was in
the council. For over 40 yeas he was
in the livery ' bled twee here, Beehive
hie wife he is survived by three broth-
ers, George and Edwin of Winnipeg,..
and Thomas, of Exetee.
Proved After Fifty Years
The test of time has proved that
Pntnant's Corn Extractor clues quick-
er, with less discomfort and more
thoroughly than any thing else.
Contains no acids, is purely vegetable
and absolutely guaranteed. Insist on
"Putnam's" only—It's the best.
Canadian Jubilee Singel s will appear
in Blyth on Pudgy Dec. 15111.
Sabbath was Temperance Rally Day
in the churches of Boron Co.. Rev.
Dl Gundy, of St Thomas, took the
subject in the Presbyterial, church in
the morning and in the Methodist
church in the evening.
Miss Eva Stothers, who has been
teaching in the Bindle Public School,
is at present having a couple of weeks'
holidays at her 110100 here on 00000111,
of an outbreak of scarlet fever in the
schools there. We are glad toeay she
escaped without any symptoms of the
disease, although sb'e was 111 quarau-
tine for a length of time before they
would let her come house.
sion of St. Andrew's congregation,
Blyth, is reminded of the fart that
Nov.6111 brings us to another miniver-
sary of the induction of Rev. Dr. Mc-
Lean as the minister 05 the eougrega-
Lion which position he held with dis-
tinction from 1866 until 1906. The
Sesei0n can never forget these many
years of ftie,dly relation and inter-
course ; nor can the congregation ever
forget the years of faithful toil given
by Dr. and Mrs: McLean in the inter-
ests of the congregation and commun..
FBEf iF 11" MILS
YourMoney onok If Your aro not antler
fled with the Modipino wo Recommend
11Vo are so positive that out' remedy
will pei'inanautly relieve constipation,
no matter how ehronle it Maybe, filet
ADVICE we offer to Nellie!) the medicine tit
i uI expense Il c i
a onl I t fail t produce
s1 Isfe ' u '
tL 4t Iresults,
It was wane than useless to attempt
to mire constipation wit11 cethal'tic
01rr s. L'a ) e
tg Mat v s o#' .cathartics clo
tinr 1) ' l ' n. 1.
a hit u , h cal sea 'eau' i in
) .t # tt
i •'iCa N 1ve kat e n
tt t and & 1 1 b tvels r rl
tl a.t
e 1 to nu ce nor 1 i
C nl )i tali Lt ou r roI
N 1 e
A 1
Women suffering from any form of
illness are invited to promptly con»
ntunicaat° with Mrs. Ninkham at Lynn,
8Looss. All letters' are received, opened,
read and answered by women. .A. wo-
man can freely talk
of her private ill-
ness to a woman ;
thus has beenes-
tablished this con-
fidence between
Mrs, Pinkham and
the women Of
America, which has
never been broken..
A E non Never has sloe pub-
lished a testimonial or used a letter
without the written consent of the
writer, and never hasthe Company
allowed these confidetial letters to
get out of their possession as the
hundreds of thousands of them in
their files will attest.
Out of the vast volume of experience
which Mrs. Pinkham has to draw
from, it is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledge needed
in your case. She asks nothing in re-
turn except your good will, and her°
advice has helped thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, should be
glad to take advantage of this gener-
ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs.
Pinkham, care of Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Every woman ought to have
Lydia E. Pinkham's 80 -page
Text Book. It is not a book for
general distribution, as it is too
expensive. It is free and only
obtainable by mail. Write for
it today.
ity. The Session 1s pleased to learn
that Dr. and Mrs. McLean rete enjoy-
ing a fair noeasute of health in heir
quiet retirement in Goderich and
would take advantage of this oppor
tunity to pass a resolution expressive
of the affection still enteetainecl for
there by Session and congregation,
and 570)118 earnestly pray the kind
Heavenly Father inity he pleased , to
fulfill unto there in a rich and abun-
dant measure His gracious promise,
"And it shall cn111e to pass at even'
time it shall be light."
Gordan and Mrs. Griffin, of Owen
Sound, and Athol Griffin, of Lytnn,
8. 0., were visitors at O. N. Griffin's
last week.
Anniversary of Wingham Presby-
terian church was held on Sunday,
Nov. 1211). Sermons were• preached
by Rev. Prof. Ballantyne, of Toronto,
with tea meeting on Monday evening.
oing Out
of Business
1 Entire Stock to
be Sacrificed
The undersigned having decided to move to the West
intends offering his large and well selected stocl, for
sale AT COST. It includes
Dry Goods, Groceries,
1.f�d. Bii:Ce
IIs rises , u. -a:..
s in- " his
cluonie. Besides, their use becomes
it habit. that ie claugernns.
Ooustipation is caused by a weak -
nese of the (10rvee and nitl8elee Of the
huge intestine ar descending colas, I
To exp)•ees permanent relief you most
therefore tone up anti strengthen .
these organs and restore them to
heal tide).1181111133'.
We want you to try Rexall Order-
lies 001 out. eecowiueuda't'iou. They
ore exceedingly pleasant Io take,
being eaten like candy, anti ul a ideal
for children, delicate parsons, and old
folks, as well as for the rubunt, They
act directly on the nerves ,Led muscles
of the bowels. They apparently have
neutral action on other assoelate org-
ans or glands. They do not purge, cause
excessive looseness, nor create any in-
nonvenience whatever. They may be
taken at any time, day or night.
They will positively relieve chronic or
habitual constipation if not. of surgi-
cal variety, and the myriads of asso-
ciate or dependent chronic ailments
if taken with regularity for a reason-
able length of time. 12 tablets. 10
cents ;86 tablets, 25 cents ; 80 tablets,
50 cents. Sold in Brussels only at our
stole—The Rexall Store. F. R,
M1•5. Thomas Lackhars, of Souris,
Man., who, with her husband, went
recently to Hespeler to spend the
Winter with her son, Dr. R. J. Lock-
hart, died suddenly of heeu't failure.
The deceased lady was a sister-in-law
of Rnbt. Lockhart, of Wingharn, who
attended Lhe funeral at Bespeler.
Frank Boylan (formerly druggist's
cier.k in �:
Vm baro) who some tiwe
ago purchased a drug business in
Caton, Sask., had the misfortune to
have his store completely destroyed
by fire recently. A doctor, who is a
cousin of Mr. Boylan's, resided above
the store, and his little daughter was
burned to death, while his wife load a
narrow escape from the same fate.
Annual meeting of the shareholders
of the Wiigham Hospital was held
and following directors elected a—R.
Olegg, R. Vanstone, WVnI. Fessant,
Job,, McLean, J. P. Kennedy, R. 0.
Redrnond, A. J. Irwin,' H. B. Elliott,
.lnhn Wilson. The following are the
officers for the ensuing year :—Bon.
Pres., A. H. Musgrove ; President, R.
Olegg Vice -Pres., J. Wilson ; Sec.,
R. Vanstone ; Treas., Dr. Irwin.
'rhe following are the officers elect
of the Baden Powell Boy Scouts :—
Hon. -President, A. H. Musgrove, M.
L. A, ; Ron. Vice -Presidents, Rev. Dr.
Rutledge, Rev. D. Perrie, Rev. E. H.
Oroly, Rev. G. V. Collins, Officer com-
manding S. A., Rev. Fr. Blair; Pres.,
C: G. Vantetoue ; Vice-Presideut, D.
Holmes ; Hon. Sec.-Treas., N. T. Sin-
clair ; Chaplain, Rev. E. H. Oroly ;
Scoutmaster, R. E. N. Barron ; Asst.
Scoutmaster, 3, A. Allen ; Quarter-
master, Earl Ball. Scouts have se-
cured the halt in Meyer Block, former-
ly occupied by Y. M. C. A., and will
make this their headquarters.
"I do not believe there is any other
medicine so good for whooping cough
as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction
Oity, Ore. This remedy 1s also unsur-
passed for colds and croup. For sale
by all dealers.
Reg. Elliott, son of G. M. Elliott,
who is a student at the S. P. S., Tor-
onto, was one of the winners in the
Trinity College team in the annual
cross-country race for the Brotherton
3. J. Wright, of the Park House,
who is one of our most successful
gardeners, has just disposed of a crop
of new potatoes which are pronounc-
ed excellent. The seed was planted
in 3005 as a second crop and the
potatoes were fit to nse early in Nov-
The election of officers for 1911.1912
for the Horticultural Society were as
follows r President, Dr. Callow
vire President, H. D. Reid directors,
W. Warnock, R. O. Hays, D. McEvoy
J. J Laithwaite, S. Morningstar, 3.
IYiitchell O. A. . Wel
ls, Jas. Tiger! and
Secretary -Treasurer, W. Lane ; Audi-
tors, R. G. Reynolds and C, Seager.
The names the Star has heard men:
tinned as likely to enter the field for
Mayor are Reeve Reid, Conn. Kelly
and the present incumbent, Mayor
Cameron. Deputy Reeve efunnings
is out for promotion to the Reeveship,
and 001111. Clark is said to be shaping
for succeeding his colleague efunning.s.
Geo. and Mrs. Laithwaite, of the
Maple Leaf Stock and Fruit Farm,
Huron road, are to be congratulated
on Lhe successful outcome of their ex-
hibits at the National Dairy Show,
hrld•. 1: Chicago, Oct. 26th to Nov.
luck Mr. Laithwaite teas
They won the gold
cheese, and
eye wa8
The 8eM. Irl li, IMicks 1912
iBefcre ow rent dronth of 1991 the
kooks Almanac gave timely warning,
i t
For over two years prior to 11ti1
Woks Almanac again sounded warn-
of droutll danger, And so for
forty years this sante friend of all the
people has steadfastly refused the
offers of epeonlatoos and continued to
the public of the cacoming clangersrTer
e storm 4
t .find weal flet'.A8 they should
S l
a h Id
have clone, the people have nobly crotid
by Professor Hicks, their faithful pub-
lic servant, who has grown old on their
service. Send only one dollar to
Word and Works Publishing Corn.
pally, I''ranu Avetlu, Ht. Louts;
191i8sour3401l, land l;e1ltlihis Maegauife 101101
Alueloac both for one year. The Al-
umnae 101011e, a fide book of 150 pages'
ei only 350, by mail. Lel everybody
respond and receive the warnings of
our "Natiollul Seer" for the conning
A nauo go West Arlohat
Are, A , P. Ferguson a well known
'Cape 0 r its cured asthma
1• a 131 t 019. 1 # # ed.
e 4
Q '!' t4 'a
f� tai hazona, liar statement tenant I
convincing 1 "Altllongll I Was
troabled for years it was only #:.eceotly
I tried Oata#•rhesono, When an at-
test{ aestarteduthu )
t nL myinhaler 1 out kg
invariably gotquick relief. Feeling
satisfied Catarl'hosone would eltl'e,:
00ntlntt5d the treatment till one bottle
WAS Hnisbed. I didn't use more be,.
cause 1 was cured and the aetlatna 1)81(1
e 0' returned." la"1 H 1$
never 1St 11. d. a. ItloBen
einedeath to asthma andbronchitis.
Try 10 and be convinced. Two sizes,
25c and 81,00 at all dealers,
���"7z iLLUSTRA
aS,t. Thoxnas,O.Rt,
Many Women To Try
THEY were curious to see exactly what re-
sults would be produced by flour consisting
entirely of the high-grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat,
They were curious to know more about a flour
that contained none of the low-grade portions,
which are found in every wheat berry, but which
are separated and excluded from the high-grade
in the process of milling PURITY FLOUR.
HEY were curious to
know whether an
hard wheat flour was
really superior to a mixed
hard and soft wheat flour.
They were curious to see
and taste the kind of
bread, buns, biscuits,
cakes and pies PURITY
FLOUR would make.
Curiosity prompts you to
seek the knowledge they
discovered. It's urging
you to try PURITY FLOUR.
REMINDER: On account of the extra strength
and extraualit of PURITY FLOUR it is
necessary, for best pastry -results, to add more
shortening than you are accustomed to use with
an ordinary flour. Add more water when mak-
ing bread.
Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now
"More bread and better bread"
GEO. THOMSON, ALF. BARKER, Distributor, Brussels
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
"Heavy work, severe -straining and evil habits in youth brought on
Varicose Veins. When I worked hard the oohing would become
severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time, My family
physician told me au operation was my only hope—but I dreaded it.
I tried several speoialiats, but soon found out all they wanted was my
money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than
rogues. Cue day my boss asked me why I was off work so much and
I told him my condition. Ho advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy &
Kennedy, as he had taken treatmeut from them himself and knew
they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tun NEW
METAOD TREATMENT. 21ty progress was somewhat 010w and during
the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However
I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarde,i
with a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week in a machine
shop before treatment, now I am earning gill and never loose a day.
I wish all sullerers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST.
BLOOD Pe 1:,319 aro the moat .revalent-and most serious diseases,
ve a victim and u' • - irely eradicated from the
Beware . • - army suppress the
acts 0