HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-11-16, Page 4s THURSDAY, NOVBMSBR t6, let ytxcint. Nleetions Dec, trill, 1,O04J, Option in taxation is otie of the much-to-ba•desirel pinake in Leader Roweli'e platform, "littler New Oulario grow" should be the rallying cry sad thereby greatly ad vantage the okiersecUons of the Prov ince. COVNCitLOR PETER W. SCOTT, of Baan Wawaoosh, has been appointed Return- ing Officer in connection with North Huron Prgviucial Flection. He will perform the duties efficiently we have no doubt, CANADA will be well represented at the great Live Stock Show to be held at . on e Chicago Dec tuber and and 3rd. The idle contention tbat our farmers are not able or willing to compete with our American cousins is as silly as it is false, Leer Sunday was a Temperance Field day under the direction of the Dominion Alliance in the County ot Huron. The day was not propitious as far as weather conditions were con- cerued reducing the audience in many cases, Nothing like sowing the seed if a harvest is expected. Ir looks as if the Manchus may lose more than their queue. Figuratively speaking unless they mind their p's and q's they may lose their heads, There has certainly been a great smash in China and in many cases simply patch- ing up will be of little or no avail. A new outfit will only suffice. RON, MR. WHITNEY would make more friends if be had better control of his cruet stand or in other words if the vine- gar, pepper and mustard in his make- up were not so frequently upset. It is not courteous of a gentleman in his high position to "fly off the handle" so easily or express himself in adjectives so profusely when answering an oppon- ent or stating his opinion. A man may "be boldenough to bebonest" and yet be gentlemanly and kindly in his utteran- ces. No leniency should be showed to the man who refuses or neglects to support his wife and family or the fellow who takes upon himself the "blue-beeching" of his life partner. To call this repre- sentation a man is to bring into con- tempt the virtues supposed to be pos- sessed by masculines who aspire to do honor to the designation. The offender should be tried by a jury of suffergettes and probably one conviction would suffice. THERE does not appear to be any great danger of people tumbling over one another in their anxiety to seek places on the permanent militia corps of the Dominion and the officiary is said to be alarmed over the hesitancy. Peace preparations and proclamations etre better than the pursuit of war making adjuncts and the day would be hailed with pleasure by many when the armies and navies of all the Nations will be dispensed with aid the more rational and Christian methods of arbitration called into requisition in settling dis- putes. If war is legalized murder then the sooner the Peace advocates win the day the quicker will the blot on the zoth century civilization be removed. EVERY elector iu the Province should carefully read the platforms of the two parties in the present election contest and ascertain first hand what may be expected after the election. Toronto Saturday Night expresses its opinion on one item after the following fashion :— read Sir fames Whitney's long and elaborate manifesto, printed in the daily papers, some days ago, with care. I read it twice just to be sure that I would not skip some reference to the taxation of land valves. A lot of other things were referred to. Some were of con- sequence and others were not, but there was never a word regarding the principle of taxation of land values. Sir James thought so little of it that he did not even take the trouble to condemn it. However the Liberal party have, on the ot r ,nrl shown something ot the Wee - •r__et r' Inns eh a l CAUSE FOR ALARM l ops A ARAatito or oiatraoa After SM.A Ing Symptom Thee ehoulq not be Disregard -au Appetite le just a natural desire for feed, Doss Of appetite or atotrtaoli distress after eating indicate in- digestion oft�yspepeia, Over -eating is a llablt very daii erste W a person's good general health, It Is not what you eat but what you digest told aseiwileto that does you good. Some of the strongest, heaviest parsons are tnodavttte eaters, There. is nothing that will came more trouble than a disordered etomaeh, and many people daily con- tract serious maladies eilnple through dielegat'd or abuse of the stomaoh, We u ge all in Brussels who auris[. front any stotnach derangement, dyspepsia, indi- gestion, or s whether acute t , tv tet i r chroic, to try Rexall Dyepepeiu Tablets, with the distinct understand- ing that we will refund their money without question or formality, if after. reasonebleuse of this medicine, they are not perfectly satisfied with the re- sults. We recommend there to (omeus- toiners every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefitted by them. We honestly believe them to be without equal. They give very, prompt relief, aiding to neutralize the gastrin juices. strengthen the digestive organs, to regulate the bowels, and thus to promote perfect nutrition, and eradicate all unhealthy sym Menne. We urge you to Ley a 25c box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which gives 15 days' treatment. At the end or that tune, your looney will be return- ed to you If you tare not satisfied. Of course, in chronic cases length of treatment varies. Fat such cases, we have two larger sires, which sell for 50c and $1,00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this com- munity only at our store—The Rexall Store. F. R. Smith. THIS week the Provincial election program opens in earnest and the lead ers of both parties are on the warpath If Hoa. Mr. Whitney gets his ears or toes frost bitten be ceu blame no one but himself for the Winter campaign. IF Toronto automobiles and street railway don't let up on their contract of manning and killing people the only safety the pedestrians will have will be in avieting. An interesting discussion is now on as, to who has the right of way the citizen on foot or the auto, The question should be settled without far. cher proof of what happens when the parties meet. Life is too precious to sacrifice it in the somewhat wholesale manner now in vogue, De. WORKMAN sued the Wesleyan College, Montreal, for $io,000 for wrongful dismissal and libel. The Courts have granted a decree for $2,500 on the first count and ,$r,000 on the Second. Action arose over the doctrinal teaching of Dr• Workman, while a pro- fessor in the College, Judge Weir held that renelal Conference should have heard the case instead of the investigat- ing nvesti at-ing committee. Case may be appealed. A MICHIGAN Central train made the trip from Welland to Windsor, a distance of. VI miles, in 174 minutes including 2} minute stops to change engines. Such speed better than a mile a Minute, to say the least is very hazardous and could only be made on a straight, level track such as the M. C. R. possess. This "Cannon Ball" style of travelling would not find general favor. If any- thing went wrong the exit to the next world would be accomplished in a hurry. Pity The Busy Office Man He feels half dead, a sense of nausea headache and nerve strain. He is on the verge of breakdown through over- work and lack of exercise. These difficulties are best overcome by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which make the bowels active, stimulate kidneys and liver and thereby free the system of impurities. To revitalize' and stimulateour whole' being, to shake orf lethargy, and tiredness, nothing compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills whioh do make good looks, gond spirits, gond health. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER An early cold spell has been followed by ftne weather for threshing and this somewhat belated work is going on with all speed. Manitoba is far ahead of Saskatchewan and Alberta in this re- spect, and any losses that may arise. out of delayed threshing will fall upon the two farther Western provinces, Mani- toba's fields being almost cleaned up at this writing. The closing months of the year find Winnipeg bus'" nen hustling to keep in with ,ods and builders es.as far as possible d Som « MOO'S �i u's h'+ita t len 10 Europe Were been worked out and the trip is npw au a baste of receiving, end defiling with, .ap• plications, The excursion will be kept 10 executive heads of business and financial houses and will undoubtedly be Made up et the very best men of the West, together with some eastern men who will represent their houses, '1 lie itinerary will leolutle these points in Great Btitalu : London, Liverpool, Manchester, Crewe, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Sheffield, Rugby, Nprtlr ampton, Bedford, Leicester, Derby, Leeds, Bradford, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Londonderry, Portrusb, Giant's Causeway, Belfast, Dublin, Chester, Bristol and Batit, Side frips to thecontinent will take those who wish to Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Rotterdam, Brussels, Book of Holland, Strasburg, elupieh, Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Hanover and The Hague, The cost of the trip, covoriug railroad and ocean fares from Winni- peg to Liverpool and London and re- turn, will be Se75' Winnipeg coniiuues to attract much attention as ti convention point. Among other organizations that contemplate meetingin the cityI the Internation. tt s p al Brotherhood of Electrical Work. ers. This body intends to meet in Win• nipeg in 1g93 and will find this a very attractive place by reason of the re- markable electrical development that is being made here, Western development outside of Win- nipeg, is making good progress, Rail- road work is particularly active. On October .3rd the C, N. R. opened an- other stretch of construction work on the Oak Point Gypsum line in Manitoba. Before the Winter it is expected that the company will have 500 miles of new line ready for operation in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. With the completion of the Toronto Trenton line the company bas now in operation 600 miles of track in Ontario,' Five new branch lines, totalling 224 miles of track, were opened last month by the Canadian Northern, giving pas. senger service to thirty-one towns hith- erto devoid of railyvay. facilities. The lines are : Jack Fish Lake line, North Battleford to Edam, 39 miles, The Big River line, north from Shellbrook, which is 85 miles north from Prince Albert, and is the farthest north rail- road track in Canada, The branch from Shellbrook southwesterly to North Battleford opened as far Hi Maieelin, 30 miles. Delisle branch southwester- ly to Outlook now being opened as far as McRorie, 46 miles. Additional 43 miles of Calgary -Saskatoon line from Windersleyto Alsask to be opened p soon. Prince Albert is very much on the map of the West this year. The city bas made strong, healthy growth and has a population of about 8,000, a re- count made by the city having demon- strated the fact that the government census was about 2,000 short. A local company has been formed in Prince Albert to operate a transportation sys- tem on the Saskatchewan River be- tween Edmonton and Prince Albert. It is proposed in the first instance to bring coal down the river. A steamer and a fleet of barges will be built for this purpose. This is a quick follow- up or the completion of the Dominion Government survey of the Saskatche- wan water route that will undoubtedly t l Y do great things in transportation of non- perishable goods in the West, From the statements of the lumber companies operating in Prince Albert P g b e Art it is estimated that one hundred and fifty million feet of lumber will be cut • in the woods to the North of that city this winter. Fully five thousand men will be needed for this work. Men are starting to come in slowly and there is still a very great demand for labor. For pains in the side or chest damp- en a piece of flannel .with Chambet•- val. MOM lain'e Liniment and bind it over the seat of pain. Thera is nothing b Uc tter. For Bale by all dealers. A Bad Back lea Warning that the Kidneys are Sick A bad back tnt•ns every twenty- four hours into one dull round of pain and misery—You are lame in the morning, nagged all day by a dull throbbing backache, can't rest in the evening or sleep well at night. It hurts to bend over, straighten up, get up from a chair, or lift even a e light weight. A n g y sudden twist, turn or awkard movement sends ti , tearing twinge e of pain through the weak spot. Booth's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys and quickly restore kidney health and cotnfnrt. They are guarautreil. All dealers and dNiggle ts 00c or postpaid from The R, T. Booth Oo. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Send for Free Box which will be gladly sent on application. Constipation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, been proved b n a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 4 25c. a box. r The"Woman , en's t t i� Three NIe��� -Day” This is the problem confronting the average housewife—a problem of vital importance to the home, and one best solved by a trip to our store and the purchase of For the Woman Question is not only Gurney -Oxfords are the only stoves what to eat, but haw to cool ' ed to sell with this w e 1 tent, It the answer in Gurney -Ox structi fac The People's Column RAMS FOR SALE -The undersigned, has N'' pure brad Shearliug Leicester Rams for • sale. Lot 1?. Oon, 0, Grey township, They are fine ones, ROBT, L. MODONA. LD 12-01 Oranbrook P. O. FOR SALE-A.few good Oxford down and Leicester rani lainbs and „ Leioeater sheerling reinter sale. Apply to 8. WALKER, Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, Brussels P. 0. 18-6 Telephone 108, 1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, I% miles North of Seefoi'th. Good Olay Ioes,, all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn, Dement floors, large frame house. newly paint- ed ; good wells at barn and house •, buildings and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home Mie oheap. Apply (s) MIKE GOVENLOCK, Seaforth, Ont: FA RM FORR SA sThe undersigned s e d offers his flue farm conistht of about 125 Worcs• adjoining rmis iatge town t ofCliton,cultivation, . for a Ths good b it i good rtate of m,bkand has iroad buildings, brie n house, pig ' tc. , all comparatively bpalidew. g p g you, ata, eII d cotinl A $rat•ola euyoung orchard containing n oo t i in' all kinds of fruits and sHo smell fruits. 6The farm is well fenced end drained and in a very desirable horse. For furtherpartioulare apply on the premises or address 18.61 JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. FARM EOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. 14, MoKiliop township, containing about 52 acres, all cleared. On the premises bin brick house, bank barn witi, hog pe,, combined, and a new power mill for pumping, grinding, &a. • also good bearing orohar.', chiefly Bpys. Laud is in extra good state- of cultivation, having been Dropped light and large stock of both hogs and cattle fed on it for yearn. Farm is situated % miles fromschool and 2 miles from Walton O. P. R. station. For further partiou- lare write J. R. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or apply on the premises. 40.11 FARM FOR SALE being Lot 10, Con, 16. Grey Township, containing 100 noree; 1%. arory frame house . 20410 ft,; Idtehen 10x24; good frame barn, 90200, on stone stabling; 8 good wells • all seeded to grass except 20 sures; 10 acres in wells; all 2N miles from 0. 5, 1L. station. All In state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER BARRON, Oranbrook, P. 0. 10.4. Telephone 2818. F ARMS FOR SALE -Being Lot 9, Con. 11, and Lot 6, Oon, 18, Grey 1 ownehip, Huron Co. On these farm. are good buildings, well fenced and drained, aIso good orchards ; plen- ty of water ; nearly all seeded to grass and In a good state of cultivation. Both are close to school and to the Village of Brussels. They will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pay- ment. Apply on. the premises. 8-tf JAS, BO1Z, Brussels P. 0. ARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offersIF for sale hfe 100 acre farm, being 15% Lot 20, Con. n, Morrie township, Huron Co, 85 sores cleared. There 1s a comfortable house new bank barn, orchard, drilled wall, &u, 2yf moles South of .Brussele. Possession. first o March, 1012.. For further particulars, as to price, terma, &o„ apply on the premises or Brussels P. 0• to' H. SEAM., Prop. g•4 AT A. BARGAIN. -Will dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brussels, at 5860, a great bargain, in order to aeoure quick sale. Koy may be had from Mr..1 Leckie. For further particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the under signed.. J. H..OAM MON, 10.81. George St., London, COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with V stable, well, &o., and 2 Hires of (Melee. land for sale in the Southerly, part of 13rue- eels. Immediate possession can be given.. Fur rther particulars apply to F. 8, Scott, Brun. -4NO, h10ARTHUR, Walton P.0, 1i?,, -Tho 100 sorefarm be - `,r the. late Peter M ol4ell, Fared for rile by the sores claerod, bnl- :+et, fg elated this isa d • nod condition and B5r ntrtteulatsripplyto _ ;pr kA,e".1703,1) SNAtlt, Exec - „t AP:xP 0., ort F. 5. SCOTT, Brun- .) the. • 7-tf 10,1 FOR SALE. -The nnderetgsed offers for sale, his 100 acre fawn, being Lot 00, ,16, Grey, About 70 aerial cleared -,, balance swamp, 8 noree In Fail wheat, 81 aures seed, ed down. Falllowin • is being dam. On the farm is a franehmtse,lbank barn, driving oiled, Cod orchard and drilled well, Close to post, ce, church and seitooh. For further pat'llaa' are apply to JOHN OSBORNE), Proprietor, or F. S. 800tt, Brussels. FARM FOR HATA, bei,, South half Lot 25, Con. 9, Morris townahip, Boron 00„ corn taming 10n neree more or lees. On rho preen- Ises Is a triune house, blink hare, good orchard well, windmill, &o, All cleared except about' anaare, School 1%m110dlatent, Only 27 miles from Brussels, tl noree 010511 wheat lit In and about 60 pores seeded down. For price, trans and other information - apply on the premlees or 11 oralek Broe,els P. O. 'Phone 120. Orli'. 8, Scott, llrunesle. Il•tf. A. r,, 11101110, i'iop,'lefor 6 t0 0 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Stands to tbo front as the beet school i�S or-its7dnd lneheproyinco, ourcouraes el nre beyond lhuee of the ordinary Boer ?at nese College. Thin school has a contig - ental reputation for high-grade work. rh We have three departments 3 -Com- ,4 morcial, Shorthand and Tele - help the demand. for tretned help greatly exceeds the aupnly. Stud• enteare entering each week and the sooner you enter the better for your. self. Get our free catalogue at once. • D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal, Sdyr, vozypi%AYr+yG' tautuarg tkkiy.Ae 0 F .Thin Ye y ars 4 IWWWwwestosew o • Our Seoul) Colleges have been + . established during the past SU i•' 4. years. The tlargest Lrainere in • • Canada. Owing to one co tie°- •r' • 'tion till over Ontario, we do + •N better for one graduates than • any other School. •You may,, . studyall at home or partly at T •'1' home and finish at the College. • + Aflihated with The Ootnmercial 'II' Educators' Association of Oen- .♦p.. ada. It Would be well for you • to investigate before choosing. do Exclusive right for Ontario of Z •i• the world-famous Bliss Book- • ♦ keeping System, which is un- •. 4. • equalled. . It is Actual Business ..p•r.. 4. from Start to Finish and the • • student keeps same books ,,e 'i• ♦ Chartered J3anks and Whole- T. -i. sale Hotuses. Enter- any time. •. • Individual instruction. 4t Term From Aug. 28th • • • Write, Galt or phone for . 4. pier srtlaulara.. • • • Business College t • WINGIHAM GEO..SPOTTON, President ♦ Chas. W. Burns; Prineipel • THE Chopping Mill at the Electric Light Plant BRUSSELS Will Run Every Week Day from this date and attend to all orders with promptness and cure. Satisfaction guaranteed. Flour and Feed always on hand "for sale, We are prepared. to install Electric Eight in homes or pub- lic buildings, Ask about our rates and terns. A 1 service promised. o Patterson; Mgr, 4 .v w *. 4 t?+ 1111111111►11► 11111111111111111111111111111 _ 1 h ► __ _ I 1 � Hilll 1111111111111 sill B 111 ill 1111111 III 114UN t 1' �` ID S" •>t 0",' o S a , % , ��`-,..•�..� Lt„ ? iii ,�,• l Alt .i ti � . hx / .r '"}x�, ,tx,t . 10-l* i+ ,x , "• 1.y� ._ tt ice- '� 1.1 j - j � , "` $ • May to Or and To T�yas Meaning But strong. With it to Stays Being �� And Squeaks q Feel Note Great Your Try rise, •f.. rise FIVE thatgluElnous rise risen the the the is dough! this be had weak whereas dough and feel wonderful the good the dough risen lien aOranx b nevermore. flour, weak in ROSES to your surprised toe. elastla. feels springy cracks as you of a FIVE smooth bread born flour, : quickly of course. gluten, is strong, strength under work it. ROSES texture—soft—velvety. of such had delight. your dough. dough— forgotten overnight which unusudily hand. compels • loot,„,, I1 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlII Ip i�III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Qd �IIIIIII I�olI1►��IIIIIIIIII�1III����IIIIIIIIIII���� ��`f/� rO i I {/,,,]�� I 3. moi leadtect , II hIIIIIIIIII����III���Illllllgl���l II Ilillll fi 11IIIII 111 1 111111111111 11 VIII V Illilllllll II11,„:1-,,7,-„t.- III Alli 0u„ull �� I 4't0,,,, ��� �� ®• IIIIIIIIIIIIe il ���IIIIIiiI �� � � drat pID 111""""I' IIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIII�I��II11 1111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dU IIII IIIIIIIIIII,UIII Oa./ 1 ��IIIIII���III���IIIIIIIIIII�Iu�lllll�lllllll����ll i.ein,ctect IIN III 01 I -- I1 / Lw,dE 0. rn MOOO5 M,LL,NO COMaw5Y ,. w, en MON }pEwa. F—^ val. MOM lain'e Liniment and bind it over the seat of pain. Thera is nothing b Uc tter. For Bale by all dealers. A Bad Back lea Warning that the Kidneys are Sick A bad back tnt•ns every twenty- four hours into one dull round of pain and misery—You are lame in the morning, nagged all day by a dull throbbing backache, can't rest in the evening or sleep well at night. It hurts to bend over, straighten up, get up from a chair, or lift even a e light weight. A n g y sudden twist, turn or awkard movement sends ti , tearing twinge e of pain through the weak spot. Booth's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys and quickly restore kidney health and cotnfnrt. They are guarautreil. All dealers and dNiggle ts 00c or postpaid from The R, T. Booth Oo. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Send for Free Box which will be gladly sent on application. Constipation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, been proved b n a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 4 25c. a box. r The"Woman , en's t t i� Three NIe��� -Day” This is the problem confronting the average housewife—a problem of vital importance to the home, and one best solved by a trip to our store and the purchase of For the Woman Question is not only Gurney -Oxfords are the only stoves what to eat, but haw to cool ' ed to sell with this w e 1 tent, It the answer in Gurney -Ox structi fac The People's Column RAMS FOR SALE -The undersigned, has N'' pure brad Shearliug Leicester Rams for • sale. Lot 1?. Oon, 0, Grey township, They are fine ones, ROBT, L. MODONA. LD 12-01 Oranbrook P. O. FOR SALE-A.few good Oxford down and Leicester rani lainbs and „ Leioeater sheerling reinter sale. Apply to 8. WALKER, Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, Brussels P. 0. 18-6 Telephone 108, 1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, I% miles North of Seefoi'th. Good Olay Ioes,, all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn, Dement floors, large frame house. newly paint- ed ; good wells at barn and house •, buildings and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home Mie oheap. Apply (s) MIKE GOVENLOCK, Seaforth, Ont: FA RM FORR SA sThe undersigned s e d offers his flue farm conistht of about 125 Worcs• adjoining rmis iatge town t ofCliton,cultivation, . for a Ths good b it i good rtate of m,bkand has iroad buildings, brie n house, pig ' tc. , all comparatively bpalidew. g p g you, ata, eII d cotinl A $rat•ola euyoung orchard containing n oo t i in' all kinds of fruits and sHo smell fruits. 6The farm is well fenced end drained and in a very desirable horse. For furtherpartioulare apply on the premises or address 18.61 JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. FARM EOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. 14, MoKiliop township, containing about 52 acres, all cleared. On the premises bin brick house, bank barn witi, hog pe,, combined, and a new power mill for pumping, grinding, &a. • also good bearing orohar.', chiefly Bpys. Laud is in extra good state- of cultivation, having been Dropped light and large stock of both hogs and cattle fed on it for yearn. Farm is situated % miles fromschool and 2 miles from Walton O. P. R. station. For further partiou- lare write J. R. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or apply on the premises. 40.11 FARM FOR SALE being Lot 10, Con, 16. Grey Township, containing 100 noree; 1%. arory frame house . 20410 ft,; Idtehen 10x24; good frame barn, 90200, on stone stabling; 8 good wells • all seeded to grass except 20 sures; 10 acres in wells; all 2N miles from 0. 5, 1L. station. All In state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER BARRON, Oranbrook, P. 0. 10.4. Telephone 2818. F ARMS FOR SALE -Being Lot 9, Con. 11, and Lot 6, Oon, 18, Grey 1 ownehip, Huron Co. On these farm. are good buildings, well fenced and drained, aIso good orchards ; plen- ty of water ; nearly all seeded to grass and In a good state of cultivation. Both are close to school and to the Village of Brussels. They will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pay- ment. Apply on. the premises. 8-tf JAS, BO1Z, Brussels P. 0. ARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offersIF for sale hfe 100 acre farm, being 15% Lot 20, Con. n, Morrie township, Huron Co, 85 sores cleared. There 1s a comfortable house new bank barn, orchard, drilled wall, &u, 2yf moles South of .Brussele. Possession. first o March, 1012.. For further particulars, as to price, terma, &o„ apply on the premises or Brussels P. 0• to' H. SEAM., Prop. g•4 AT A. BARGAIN. -Will dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brussels, at 5860, a great bargain, in order to aeoure quick sale. Koy may be had from Mr..1 Leckie. For further particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the under signed.. J. H..OAM MON, 10.81. George St., London, COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with V stable, well, &o., and 2 Hires of (Melee. land for sale in the Southerly, part of 13rue- eels. Immediate possession can be given.. Fur rther particulars apply to F. 8, Scott, Brun. -4NO, h10ARTHUR, Walton P.0, 1i?,, -Tho 100 sorefarm be - `,r the. late Peter M ol4ell, Fared for rile by the sores claerod, bnl- :+et, fg elated this isa d • nod condition and B5r ntrtteulatsripplyto _ ;pr kA,e".1703,1) SNAtlt, Exec - „t AP:xP 0., ort F. 5. SCOTT, Brun- .) the. • 7-tf 10,1 FOR SALE. -The nnderetgsed offers for sale, his 100 acre fawn, being Lot 00, ,16, Grey, About 70 aerial cleared -,, balance swamp, 8 noree In Fail wheat, 81 aures seed, ed down. Falllowin • is being dam. On the farm is a franehmtse,lbank barn, driving oiled, Cod orchard and drilled well, Close to post, ce, church and seitooh. For further pat'llaa' are apply to JOHN OSBORNE), Proprietor, or F. S. 800tt, Brussels. FARM FOR HATA, bei,, South half Lot 25, Con. 9, Morris townahip, Boron 00„ corn taming 10n neree more or lees. On rho preen- Ises Is a triune house, blink hare, good orchard well, windmill, &o, All cleared except about' anaare, School 1%m110dlatent, Only 27 miles from Brussels, tl noree 010511 wheat lit In and about 60 pores seeded down. For price, trans and other information - apply on the premlees or 11 oralek Broe,els P. O. 'Phone 120. Orli'. 8, Scott, llrunesle. Il•tf. A. r,, 11101110, i'iop,'lefor 6 t0 0 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Stands to tbo front as the beet school i�S or-its7dnd lneheproyinco, ourcouraes el nre beyond lhuee of the ordinary Boer ?at nese College. Thin school has a contig - ental reputation for high-grade work. rh We have three departments 3 -Com- ,4 morcial, Shorthand and Tele - help the demand. for tretned help greatly exceeds the aupnly. Stud• enteare entering each week and the sooner you enter the better for your. self. Get our free catalogue at once. • D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal, Sdyr, vozypi%AYr+yG' tautuarg tkkiy.Ae 0 F .Thin Ye y ars 4 IWWWwwestosew o • Our Seoul) Colleges have been + . established during the past SU i•' 4. years. The tlargest Lrainere in • • Canada. Owing to one co tie°- •r' • 'tion till over Ontario, we do + •N better for one graduates than • any other School. •You may,, . studyall at home or partly at T •'1' home and finish at the College. • + Aflihated with The Ootnmercial 'II' Educators' Association of Oen- .♦p.. ada. It Would be well for you • to investigate before choosing. do Exclusive right for Ontario of Z •i• the world-famous Bliss Book- • ♦ keeping System, which is un- •. 4. • equalled. . It is Actual Business ..p•r.. 4. from Start to Finish and the • • student keeps same books ,,e 'i• ♦ Chartered J3anks and Whole- T. -i. sale Hotuses. Enter- any time. •. • Individual instruction. 4t Term From Aug. 28th • • • Write, Galt or phone for . 4. pier srtlaulara.. • • • Business College t • WINGIHAM GEO..SPOTTON, President ♦ Chas. W. Burns; Prineipel • THE Chopping Mill at the Electric Light Plant BRUSSELS Will Run Every Week Day from this date and attend to all orders with promptness and cure. Satisfaction guaranteed. Flour and Feed always on hand "for sale, We are prepared. to install Electric Eight in homes or pub- lic buildings, Ask about our rates and terns. A 1 service promised. o Patterson; Mgr, 4 .v w *. 4 t?+