HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-11-9, Page 80
We have just plumed up a large
shipment Of new Tooth Bruebee, In
the lot there is a splendid variety of
sllapo6, sixes andtexture of bristles,
!'here is sometimes great difficulty
ie getting a thoroughly satisfactory
brush, even et the price of 25e, but
in this lot the brushes ere snob that
we can readily -recommend them.
Our : o brushes we gtterautee-vonr
money back if they are not satisfac-
tory, : Pdoth Brushes also at roc,
55e and 2oc.
A good 'Tooth Preparation
for Cleaning the Teeth is
Rexall Tooth Paste,irr Tubes or
Rexall Pearl Tooth powder
The constant rise of these aloe leaves
a delightful fresh after taste in the
mouth and retards decay of teeth.
PRICE 25v.
Now that the rush of outside woslt
will soon be over, there will be a
,(ranee to het that room papered
which You haven't bad time to slo
during the. Summer. Do it now
and get the good of it dering the
Winter when so emeh time Is Spent
We have a Good Stock
of Wall Papers
suitable for Bedrooms, Kitchens
and Dining Rooms, at a low price,
thatare in good taste, Also e better
grade if you are looking for Some-
thing nice for .Parlor or Silting.
See our Samples before
making a purchase.
rhe Store F. vrksmiTH
anal Sttos 4t.ents
SQUALLY weather,
Hoos are 6 cents a pound,
You cant guess' who is to be married 7
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday,
November 3oth.
THE recent rains have btought the.
Maitland river up to full tide.
A few cars of apples were shipped
from the G. T. R, here last week.
A new Directory is being issued for
the Brussels Rural Telephone system.
A hew shingle roof has been placed
upon the residence of P. Scott, Queen.
Goon progress is being made at the
new skating rink even in the fade of bad
KEEP December rsth''clear for the
Firth Concert in Brussels Town Hall.
Talent is excellent.
Tire entertainment "Sowing Seeds in
Danny," which was to have come off on
Nov. 24th,, has been indefinitely post-
THAT raffling is illegal is a fact which
all should know and if this hint faits of
results there need be no surprise when
the law is put in motion.
KEEP December 52th clear for the
well known Firth Co. Mr. Firth, Miss
Jackson and Homer Eaton present a
program not easily equalled.
THE Loyal Temperance Legion will
meet on Friday afternoon at 4.55 in the
Public Library. A full attendauce is re-
quested as officers will be elected.
Owxxo to the absence from town ot
several members of the Town Council
last Monday the regular meeting was
not held that evening but will convene
next Monday at the usual bour.
SEVERAL cars of sugar beets have been
shipped from Brussels to Berlin Sugar
factory. B. Gerry has been experiment -
log in a quiet way and proved his ability
to manufacture first-class sugar beet
syrup.LsSaturday Jim. Petch raised the
frame of bis stable on bis property.
Turnberry street, South. He has made
numerous improvements since
chasingthe property and has a real cosy
home now.
A few weeks ago W. H. Kerr pur-
chased a trio of poultry from Rev. E.
G. Powell, of Exeter, known as the
Ancona variety. Mr. Powell, who is a
great fancier of poultry, is making a
specialty of this breed and has many
fine specimens.
BAST Huron Agrim 1
Society has
made application on for a share of
ppthe Wet
Insurance provided by the
Government. The Society is paying its
prize list and all other liabilities in full
but bas to borrow money to do it, owing
to the wet day for the Fall Fair.
HYMENRAL.-As will be observed by
notice elsewhere J. H. Cook (DeWolfe).
of Brussels was united in marriage at
St. George, ou September 8th. to Mrs.
Carrie McGee, of St. George, Rev. Mr.
Liman performing the ceremony. Mrs.
Cook and little son, Frankie, arrived in
town last week and bousekeeping will
be set up forthwith. 3fay their joys be
WOMEN'S INSTrrura.-The next meet-
ing of Brussels Women's Institute will
be held in the Public Library audience
room on Thursday, 23rd inst., at 2.3o
o'clock. Dr. Hamilton will give an
address on"Care of the teeth" and Rev.
A. C. Wishart will speak on "Whole-
some reading for boys and girls." Re-
port of the Provincial Institute will also
be given by the delegates.
CARD OF THANKS. -Mrs, J. A. Hunter,
her mother and her husband's relatives
wish to
.publiclythank the
for their
kindness ndn
ass to them in
their great sorrow. Also to thank the
brethren of the I. 0, O. F. and C. 0. F.
for their kindness as well as for the two
beautiful wreaths • also for the flowers
sent by the W. C. T. U., Women's In-
stitute, Quarterly Official Board of the
Methodist church, League and Sunday,
Adult Bible class, young ladies class and
many other friends who expressed their
love and sympathy through the message
of the flowers, May God abundantly
bless you all. MRs, 1. A. HUNT
Brussels, Nov. 8th, xer t,
meeting of the Huron Old Bo
sociatiou, of Toronto, will be heti
Prince George Hotel on Pride
ing, Nov. 57. Besides the routi
nese of electing officers, etc„ sp
dresses will be delivered b+,,{ th
ing:--Rev. E. E. Scott,
Simpson Avenue Meth
cenees 6
A Nominating-Conveotion for the
North Riding of Huron, in the Liberal
iateiests,Will be held in the Town Hall
Wingham, on Tuesday, November 14th,
at 2 p. m, . Cordial invitation extended
to all Liberals in the constituency. A
big rally expected.
10 CENTS pays for THE Pose to any ad.'
dress in. Canada up to Jan Ist. Send it
to the absentees.
WATCH next week's PosT for W. P.
$tretton's advt. of Christmas presents
for ladies and gents.
THESE days the eboppiug mills and
rolled oats machinery are kept busy
supplying the needs of the community.
afternoon of this week Wm. Emigh will
offer for sale by public auction at th
Central Hotel, 4o young cattle, 2
breeding ewes and several horses
Sale at 2 o'clock. F. S. Scott, auction
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Systematic v i
�'ix.'11` M n
Begin now to prepare for the tidy of op-
portunity by depositing your t,at ings in
Only thirty-eight more
work days till Ohristrnas.
Get your Photograph
taken right away so you
will have them in time.
Those who sit early will
have first choice of mounts
and folders and at mod-
erate prices.
G.F .1VMaitland
ttlils locality not all of the masculine
gendeMrs.r cube'.HJ. A lstad, who wets thrown
from an aututuobile which was strck
by a street car iu Totntb, Sun
day night, is doing very well. She Was
taken to 'the Wetern hospital. Her
changes of recovery are excellent. Mr.Haand Mrs. lted movedto the Queencity recently from Mont Forest.
After a stay of a mouth orso in the
Great Wet Fletcher Sperling arrived
home lstMoitda1•. A gu tl portionof his time was spent in Calgary, Hih
River sod that locality. Fletcher has
caught the Western microbe and unless
eradieated from .his system - it maytake
him and his family toward, the land of
the setting sun next Summer, Tire
continuance of so much moisture hs
got been favorable to harvesting and
threshing in some places. •
James Curt j",. of Blyth, was in town
on'l'nesday, tie hue many friends in
THE Posr subscription: list continues
to grow.
IN reporting the result of the Medal
e Contest a mistake was made in
o class 5. Miss Lillian Dark was awarded
, the medal and Miss Cnsic received a,
book as a gift from the Union
GOY BROS. Minstrel troupe gave their
unique Entertainment in the Town Hall
Wednesday evening, There was a
good audieuce. They have a file band
and orchestra and present a program
. well enough varied with specialties to
keep up the interest. They . went from
ne Brussels toLucknow..
( Miss E. J., ROBINSON, who spent a few
days in Brussels a short time ago intro.
doming "The Red' Letter Art Bible,"
"The White Slave Traffic," and "Hap.
py Sundays with the Bible," will be in
Brussels on Friday, Nov. xoth, or soon
after, to deliver same to subscribers.
t Nor A FAILURE. -The statement was
made that Local Option was a failure in.
Campbellford and the following speaks
for;itself::-Local Option in this town isa
success. I can truthfully state to von.
or to anyone else that the passing of the
By-law does not in the least injure trade
in any way, on the other hand 'I believe
that it has bad a good effect. 1 have
talked with men who are in the habit of
drinking and their statement is that it
is the best thing that ever struck the
town. I have also heard men who. are
accustomed to just taking a social glass
saythat the hoped ed [!e
i licensed system
may never again be adopted in Camp
bellterd for it bas certainly cut out the
treating system which is the curse of the
whole trade. So far as the town is con-
cerned it means a vast improvement and
benefit to many families and I would
say that no business man need"be afraid
of the passing of the Act injuring or
tiisb business v way.
W. J. ARM.
General Merchant.
Campbellford, Dec. 15, 191o.
MONEY rUUND: Owner may have same by
provingq property and paying for this notice
JAMES FoX, Druggist.
PorrvraY. Aethe glut in the poultry mar
ket, .common to Thanksgiving time, 1s now
clear persons having poultry for sale ahoul
ascertain prices by calling Rural Telepho
No. 68, Brussels.
19 your saws do not out fast and easy call on
or write T. MOGIIEGOR, Brussels,
Boy wanted for delivery wagon. and to as
stet in store. GEO. TnosisoN,
60 oENTs cash per bushel for potatoes at Me
Craeken's store,
216505 sows and calves for sale. Apple to
Phone 2218 E. RozELL, Brussels
FOR SALE, -Large wardrobe, dining room
table, sideboard and bedroom suite. .Apply to
Mae. J. LEoxIE, Brussels.
House and lot, eligibly situated in Brussels,
for sale or to rent. Further particulars may
be obtained from Mrs. R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes,
FOR SALE: A Klondyke heater at the Meth-
odist Parsonage.
APPRENTICE WANTED. -A bright girl or boy
wanted. at TnE Po8T to learn the printing
business. One who has passed the Entrance
Examination. preferred Apply at Tag Poem.
FOR SALE on To RENT.-Houseand lot on
Turnberry street,. Brussels, belonging to Thos.
Nicholls. The Macre farm being Wle Lot. 2,
Con. 12,.Grey, is also offered for sale. For fur-
particulars apply P PP y to A. F Stewart, Brno -
Bels South.
was received that Robert Armstrong, a
former well known Morrisite, died last
week at the home of his son in Dakota.
The remains are being brought here for
interment and funeral is expected to
S afortht
Sa nide, morning for
the McCutoheon burialg round 6th
lineMorris township
FOUR GENERATIONS.- •(rhe Fordwich
Record speaks of former Brusselites as
follows :-During the Thanksgiving
holiday there were four generations at
the home of Fred. and Mrs. Adams,
Fordwich, As a souvenir of the oc.
casion a photo was taken. The parties.
are Mrs. Keltington• Mrs. Fred. Adams,
Mrs. Morley Aylesworth and little
daughter Helen.
A FINE time was enjoyed at the At
Home given in, the Orange Hall Tues-
day evening. B. Gerry made a good
cbairman and short, spicy addresses
were given by Principal B. S. Scott,
Rev. D. E. Cameron, (as, Bowman, M.
P., and Rev. Dr. Oaten. Solos were
rendered very acceptably by Misses
Hingston and Gerry and choice instru-
mentals by Mrs. Geo. Thomson and D.
Ewan. Lunch was served at the close.
The attendence was large. f
eve of her departure from Guelph. Mrs. '
Alex. Thomson was tendered a farewell
at Knox church manse and the follow-
ing address was presented :--
MRs Tx
oTisoN,-It is with sincere
regret that we have learned of your de-
parture from our midst, You have
been closely related with es for a num-
ber of years in the life and work of
Knox congregation and your diligent and
efficient work as President of the
Ladies' Aid and Home Missionary
Society has been much appreciated by
us and you lacy ' •.ind you many
People We Talk About.
H. L. Jackson is in Toronto this
Lorne Pringie, of -Toronto, was here
for Thanksgiving.
Carl Emigh has taken a position in
Geo. N McLaren's store.
Miss Ida Fulton hat taken a position
in the Express office of j. H. Kerney.-
Mrs. Garfield McDonald, of Niagara
Falls, is visiting relatives in town and
Mrs. T. Oakley, Queen street,' spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Dougall Mc-
Donald, of Morris township and enjoyed
the visit,
Wm, Turnbull. whose eyesight was
seriously impaired, is finding the treat-
ment he is using beneficial we are pieas-
ed to state.
Mrs. J. Leckie left Wednesday after-
noon n for a holiday visit sit with her mother
and sisters at Thessalon. We wish her
a pleasant stay and a safe return.
Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hunter, of 'l'up-
perville, Ont,, and Rev. Wm, Hunter,
of Newark, N, T., left for theirrespect-
ive homes on Tuesday of this week,
John Smith and Alex Stewart were
at Wroxeter on Tuesday attending the
funeral of the late Mrs, Thos, Striith,
their sieter.in=law ' he was a filo
Rev. Dr. Oaten will preach ainiver-
sary sermons at Dungsnnou on Sunday,
'('lie Laymen's Missionary Convention
for Western Outario couveued is Lou-
don this week.
Ou the Sabbath preceding Thanks
giving Day the pttxwrof Melville ehnreih
made a special appeal for a ,'!'hank offer.
ing for benefits received to be devoted
to needy mission fields. 'Phe request
was largely and generously 1espentle,l to
by placing un the pliers $21ttt.o, an
amount creditable 1
a to roila•, r. •
ps.r uttl
bath the annual Missionary catnpaigu
will be inaugurated in the Methodist
church Brussels. Rev. Leonard' Bar -
lett, of Dungannon, will preach morning
and evening. Oa the following Sab
bath Rev. Mr, Wooton, ot Stratford,
will occupy the pulpit and will emphasise
the Missionary theme. Contributions
will be asked for that day. Brussels
Methodists have a praiseworthy record
for Missions and will no doubt sustain it
this year.
BIBLE SOCIETY. -Sunday evening a
mass meeting was held in the Methodist
church in the interests of the Upper
Canada Bible Society, the edifice being
crowded to as to necessitate the use ot.
chairs in the aisles, Rev, Dr.. Oaten'
presided and conducted the devotional
exercises and offered appropriate .re-
marks in which he referred to the much
lamented decease of J. A. Hunter, who
was the President of Brussels Branch,
The first address was given.by Rev. A
C Wis+nut, il. A pastor of Melville
Press ten a
t i ch tch
a 11 was SI m rr
well. directed and no doubt found an
echo in many a heart. He urged a free-
will offering rather than the necessity of
sending collectors round. Rev. D • E.
Cameron, B. A , rector of St. John's
church, spoke well on our debt to the
Bible both nationally and personally,
It was most appropriate, The church
choir sang choice anthems inggod
voice. An offering of $is; was taken
which will form part of the contribution
to be sent from Brdssels and locality
on or before the close of the year.
Sunday evening's service should stimn
late the good work. The services in
St. John's and Melville churches were
withdrawn Sunday night. Collectors
will cover the various parts of Brussels
Branch, when we trust they will be ac-
corded generous subscriptions. Last
year- this branch 'sent $30 to the Up
per Canada Society to aid them in their
important work.
Morris Council
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Township Hall,. October 23rd..
Members all present, Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last regular meet-
ing read and approved. Moved by 0.
B. Wilkinson, seconded by. W. J.
Johnston, that Clerk be instructed to
notify Mr. Roger, to examine Forrest
award drain with a view to settle
difference as to depths, .fie. Carried.
Following accounts were paid :-Dr.
Stewart, w o
t, Board f Health, t `f.2.6U•
Wm. Oakley, gravel East bdy., $8.80 ;
J, Spence, gravel, $2.10; 11. Craig,
gravel, $1.82 ; Wingham Advance,
advertising, $2.00 ; A. J. Carter, grav-
el East bdy., $3.30 ; Chas. Agar, mak-
ing tile cement, $25.51; R. Hethering-
ton, fixing bridge, 50c ; James Magee,
culvert, $6.00.; " John Watson„ select-
ing juror "•' Joh"
,i>hsd 1873 OF CANADA 80 Buwclnx
Safety, convenience and low cont unite to makei
Money Orders issuedby this Bank a most satisfactory
way of sending small sums to any part of Canada.
Under $5 :.. 3c, $IO to $30 .. , 1Qc,'
$5 to $10 . . , 6c. $30 to $50 , .. 15c.
Drafts issued for larger amounts.
`Savings Bank Department at Every Branch.
✓• F. .Pt.PJV`Y3a nclo Mani(; t~"A'
We have in addition to our lines'
of Capital and Simplex Oreaul.
Separators a few good 0500110 -
hand and slightly used Separat-
ors of other makes which we are
offering aL• good velum Be
sure to see them before buying
gar -A: few choice farms have been
placed, in our hands for Bale,par
tiettlars of which intending buy-
ers will do well to have.
N. S. Mclauchhn
bridge, McCall. drain, $15:00.5 Jae,
Mills, 'farm bridge, McCall . drain,
$15.00 ; A. MacEwen, cleric's fees,
Blyth creek -drain, 850.00;- received
from G.B. Tur.vey for use of grader $8 ;
paid G. 13. Turvey for putting in .cul-
vert, $4:00 ; R. B. Alcock, Nichol
000x-'MiOGna At 4t, George, Ont on Sent.
815 by Rev 11.111 I,u, mi Mr: John 11, (loot,,
of Brussels, to 21rs paint Wars, of Ft..
1toOaas-WErsu.-t, lr„da a h, on Oct 2611,,.
by Rev. JW, -Arid e,,u, M. .1, 11. 111,05,5
to Miss B^rdittt Witlhunsboth of Nord.
FRIDAY, Nov. 1001,. - 'Flosses, cattle and
sheep, in the Village of `Ethel, Salo' at
2 p. m, Archie L, McDonald, Proprietor ; h',
0. Scott, Auctioneer.:
SATUItnAY,NOV,11Tn-Yonnaouttle breed -
nal should come I' IRST in any
First Class Drug Store.
Our Drugs are the Purest that
can be obtained,
A message for our Lady
Dye that AMY -
ONE can 'ane.
Dyes clo.lr �t€
ANY TCr`•fl)
Pexfectl-r with
the SAM 1)7e.
Simple &.Clears
No chance. of.
ucbtgthe Wrone
Nye for the goods
you have to celor
A complete assortment of all
Colors always on hand,
In ewes d 1
TUESDAY. Noy,14!rn.-Otenrtng sale of farm
stock, .ttnplelnente,.,$o.,. et Let.B, (:on, 19, Ole
Killop• Sale at 1 p. m.. Jas. Bell. Prop,;; T.
TUESDAY,.. Noy. 21sw.-'Porter stook, imple-
ntents,.Sa,etLot 18,Cot1 6 Grey. Sale: at 1
p, m, John Bstemmi, Pt op.; F. S. Scott, nue.
if'' FO SAL AR 0 O RENT -Time as.
dOrsigned offers his frog 200 acre farm, be.
ing Lots 17 [ma re, Oon. 0. Grey township. Hur.
on Co., for sale or -i f not dispo.ed of would rent
to geed tenant There are 150 sores cleared,'
balance lswttand paatare wand. G'od build•
i age, cement silo, fence •. orchard, d, illed well,
Ce , on the lironaipts 0,115 3§ mile to school
and 25/ to Ethel' village Poosession. could- bo
given at on0o. if. sold of next Spring In -leasing.
JPor further pa rtlenbu'�, 00 to p,•tec, tering amt
conditions apply to .7.2. WELSH, prop.<
18.tf - .Phone 4113 Lith el P. 0.
Wheat -- ,v0 82 '
Pees '990
11 00
Wool 16 2
4 80
$0 83
Barley - 80
Butter B./
Cattle ...,:,,
drain, $105.00 ' Jos Greenway,.Term- --
yn drain $2000 • WM.Thorn-
ton, -
gravelling (Morris share,) $8.00
Wan. Thornton, broken buggy, $3.75.
Council adjourned to meet November
20th at 10.30 o'clock.
A. 1VIA0EwEN, Clerk.
MOORKARY; In Turnberry, on Oct. 28rd, to
Mr, and Mrs, J. Mclresry, a daoghter..
POPLESTnNE.-lit Blyth, on act. 28th, to -Mr,
and Mrs. B. Poplestone, a daughter.
$COPT. -1n Hullett, on Nov 6118, to Mr. and
Mrs, J. H. Scott, a daughter.
Joahtamoa.-In Morrie township, on Nov. 2nd,
Sarah Davidson, relict of the late Wm. Joe.
Johnston, aged. 79 years, 1 month and 18
Roan. -In Grey township, on Nov. 2nd, John
Robb, in his 88rd year.
ROWLAND,-In Turnberry, on get. 2715, Robt.
Rowland, aged 79years.
SMITa,-In Wroxeter, on Nov. 485, Elizabeth
Burnett, wire of Thos. Smith, aged 75
STAPsotD.-In Wroxeter, on Nov. 6th, Sarah
A. Young, reliotof the lateJames $tefforcl,
aged 78 years.
Having accepted a posi-
tion in Listowel I have
decided to hold a Clear -
in • Sale for ;3o days to
':..ate 1 in
'pains al -e
8 00
Stock for Service
LotulCl Ttnwiskphoon00e4
ho{, Terms, $1,00,- t0 be paid at lune of.
service wish I rivil,e;,r Pr rcternin -if 'neces-
saryS. WA TABS.,.
aa� aE;n�,a
♦t♦ 444.,+4+♦•a4•a4•a• a 444.•.i• .♦44444.•444.•41 1.•444•• aar••as
We Like to TIk KocIk
We are always best satisfied when our ••A
customers are best, satisfied. That's one ♦•'
reason why we always like td talk about
liodeks. The Kodak gargle have 'quality +
• written all over them.'
) .t A®II _..ill
made and popularized amateur .phgtogra . •.
phy. They have always 10d in improve- •
ments iu new ideas. We carry a full line. :
They are not expensive -$5.00 up. 8-
-We'll be pleased to show the goods.
J. R. WEND T, Jeweler and Engraver,
•i.♦.+•••••••••••••444+•••••+••••••••••••••••••••••••••'. F•
••t•♦•F••F•••i••••3••••d•••F••i.••t•••7••••i••3•••A♦•i•♦•i•••••I•••♦•F••••a••t•• •
1101eLt.AREn1 s
ladies Fur lined
and For Trimmed Coats
The largest stock and best values to be
had -
Special Fur Trimmed $15 $18 $22
Special Fur Lined $40 $50 $55
Warm Winter
A complete crock and full range of sizes
in Turnbull's Unsbrinkeble Under-
clothing for Ladies, Misses and Children:
Penman's Red and Black Scotia and
Fleece Lined for Men and Boys.
light and -
All sizes and shapes in the Celebrated
Granby Rubbers. Light and heavy
weights ; highest` quality' with prices:
lower than last season,
Men's and Boys'
Suits and Overcoats
Our New Fall Suits and Overcoats are
here. Perfect fitting, well made' gar-
ntents-Progress Brand-ju all the -new
t;olotings.: See 10ann and make cern-:
Highest Prices for !indite,
Goons Bight or your Money
G N• rincLAREN
••a• h•+••14+4. a•'5• as4'r •••a••i!••t• ,••�♦•a••➢ • h• Ne• t• a••yyd•�•1•• i 1•�