HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-11-9, Page 1VOL. 4o NO. 19 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEM'13E 9,. 'l:gzx W. H. KRRR, Proprietor New Advertisements Loenl-T, McGregor, Local -300, ;l'holnson Local -Roby. .'1'1hugteon, PIOUS), Pound-J,tn, Fox, Fano ter I Welsh, .Anq forservlee-,4. Wnlhrr, PhotearnithY-•G1. 1' Mal lnnd , Reduction solo --I, 0 RIeluirde. Tenders wanted -R. H. jf r upon, Orei!tn sera:niters-AT, 8. b1 oLouehhp. Molesworth so/Ken, RE'ORT,-p'ollowiug is 111e report of U, S.S, NO, 4, Grey and Wal- lace, fro the month of. October :-Sr. IV, total 500-M, Cu/tuning 420, A, Sangster 188, II, McDonald 143. Sr. III, total 500-W. Brown 310, M. Doug- las 251, T. Heibein 207; O. Stewart 112. Jr. 1II total 500-1V, Simpson 305,: A. Spence 819, G. Campbell 231, P, See - haver 189, D, Stewart Se. II, total 400-A. Simpson 327, J. McDonald 2'4, N. Brown 235, 0. Elliott 203, ` L. El- liott 149, l-liot.t149, J. 'Cumming 109, S. Elliott 105, B. Ile' bei 1) 96. J r. TI, total 100- A, 'Heibein; 82, H. Mitchell 80, A. Ed - weeds 76, E. Douglas 70. Sr. I -Ex- cellent, -J, Brown, L. Felker, E. Cum- ming, R. McOntchcou, i. Sangster J. Edwards, G. Elliott ; loud -M. Alec - Donald, Mcrf, Cumming, E. A'lcDotr- all, M. Douglas, Class A -Good-. Beatrice McDonald. Johnny Felker. HARRY 0. Moults, Teacher. Wroxeter' R. Aitellesnli spent Sunday at his home in Clifford. Miss Henderson, of Ayr, is the guest of Mrs. Ritchie, • Miss ,Ritchie. has returned- from a visit with relatives at Galt. Miss L.,Aitcheson,of Invermay,has taken a position out W. Robinson's • general store. Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Thos. Walk- er laet Wednesday. funeral _of • the late George Marshall, whr1 was accidentlykilled at Gilbert Plains,' Man., last Friday, while iiicharge of 0 traction engine. took place to the Wroxeter Cemetery from his father's residence in Turn - berry on Wednesday afternoon. .E,N, TEREO INTO REST.-Qn Saturday night, 4th inst., there passed .to the Great Beyond one of one very much estsented citizens- in the person of Ales. Thomas Smith, after a short ill- ness, bo1'ne with great patience and resignation.' The deceased was born in Dninfries township, Waterloo Co.. over 75 years ago and was .married' to her now bereft partner 53 years 'ago and proved a great helpmate. Air. and Mrs. Smith first lived in Branch- ton, Waterloo Co., and • afterwards moved to the township of Grey, where they lived for 24. years. Then theyleft' the farm and .resided in Brusels for two years. After which they came to Wroxeter where they spent 18 years. Mrs. Smith was a very consistent member of the Pres- byterian church at Wroxeter. A husband, two sons (Oliphant and Arthur, of Grey township) and two -.daughters, ; Mrs. John Douglas, Wroxeter, and Minnie et home,)- aro left to mourn the loss of an affection- ate wife and devoted mother. Two brothers, Walter and ` Alexander Burnet, of Galt, and one sister, Mrs. McKellar, of Ingersoll, are bereft of a. beloved sister. The funeral, Which was held onTuesday afternoon, was largely attended. The services were eondiicted by Rev. L. Perrin. In- teimenttook place in Brussels ceme- tery. • Air. Gibson, .of IOgersoll, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning nod. i 1 lbs 314 thodist iu I.lte evening, The dear's nc(^nu•ed Sunday luorn- ing of Stwah A, Young, Folio or te. -late J. Stafford, she Ilan beam iO 2131- inghealth for sumo weeks 1)1114 4(40 I1011 previous to her death lied seem- ed unusually' well and ate a hearty 'topper, Shoetly after that, however, 01)0 ryas sized with ten 11,1,110014 of neuralgia Of the heart front wine!! she olid not rally, passing away the following rooming. Site was 79 years of age, and is survived by two snu:a, Edward, of Buffalo, curl Ben, of libwirk, free husband` and clang') ter, Mrs. S. Playfor0, having Passed away within the .last two years. 'I'unercrl took place to Gerrie cemetery Wed- nesday morning at 11 o'clock. LBlnevel° cemetery Saturday after: noon trier a very appropriate service was conducted. Rev, AIr. Peok'do- ceased'e pastor, chose as his text "L bowed down heavily lis one that mourned ,for his fnnther," ;eta took occasion to pay high tribute to the honored dead, Pall 'soarers were three sons, (Ilio:haeed, Edward, and Wm, aures) and Al'tllur, Hugh A. and Robert Shaw. '1'lµ3 names and deeds of A11•. and Mrs. JOhnsttnr will be remembered for many it yeah es a great benedittiob to the community. aratrlbrook Peter and Mee Bliie areivcd home on Monday having epe,t the past year in California, Iowa and ,Saskat- chewan,: Missionary Sermons will be preach- ed ec( in the Methodist church here next Sabbath ttfWillie' n by Rev. Me. Jamestown ' Bartlett, of Dutigeonon. Thos. and Mrs. AicEwen' spent Thanksgiving with10101ivee at (Scale - Wm. d Wtn. Holt has been home for a visit. Ile is a Grand Trunk lireinnu, running ottt of Stratford and likes his job well. Last. Sunday 13. 1�. Ort.rr, of Weox. eter,' took the service at Victoria •13a11 and 'gave a very interesting sermon Next Sabbath evening R. McKay. of Ethel, wird is always wel- come, will be the speaker. At the Aouual meeting of Victoria 1fa11 tire un e loei' Board of Trustees were re-elacted as follows .-A. Pol. lock, Richard Aliller•, Root, Snatchers Duncan McDonald and Jas. Curt. They look after the ;alfairs in business like manner, GONE TO ERI TOWARD -Thursday of laHst ween Sarah Davidson, relief of the late Wm. Sautes Johnston. of the lst line of Morris, passed away to Tier reward like a sherd of ripened grain to the garner. Her death was not, an onlooked for event as she had been in ``poor health for some time. She was born at Amherst Island, near Riege- toti, `ill the year 1832 crud was conse- quently in her 80th year at the time of her. translation. When 14;yent s of age she accompanied her parents to Godeeieh township, Huron Co., where she was married in 1854 to her deceits - sed husband and they settled in MI on Lot 23, Onn. 1. where she resided' up to her demise. Mr., and Mrs. Johnston had the good fortune to. celebrate their Golden Wedding in 1904 but two years later the tie was broken by a call tuber husband. Mrs. Johnston was the last survivor' of a family of 6 chiidren. The Johnston home was ever open to the preacher of the Gospel from the early days up to the last. Service was held in their house until such times as the settlers saw their way clear to erect a church and to this day it is known as the Johnston church and stands on the' corner of :the old homestead. ' Mrs. Johnston, like her husband, always took an active part in church work and filled hoe place in a quiet affable way. Many a kind word was spoken and helpful action performed known only to the unseen eye and ;the re- cording angel "Verily they shall have their reward." Hospitality was a pronounced characteristic and many a preacher had his heart as well as his body warmed by the wholesoul character of the welcome. A family of five sons and two . daughters, who b have gron up to fill honored places in the community, stu•vivo : Robert, of Saskatchewan; Hugh, of Manitoba ; Richard, Edward, William J. and Silas, of the lst line Morris. The daughters are Mrs. Geo. Mathers and Mrs. James Peacock, also of Morris township. The funeral took place to 4. At the annual' hank.offeeing of the W. la. M. S. of Knox church, held On Nov. 25tb, the respectable aliment of $35.50 was placed npon the plates.. Rev. D: B, McRae is taking a few, well earned holidays and is sPending them whit friends in Toronto. ':'rev, Mr. Wishavt, of Brussels, will pistols in Knox.- church at 230 p. m, .next Suud3y. Alrs. ,Tris. Cameron and Airs. Writ, Alderson are in St. Marys :owing to the .illness of their father•, Jolty Knight. The old gentleman had a stroke of paralysis and- at his ad- vanced age the consequences are not easily fought off. 6 O , DAYS 60 DAYS Cash. Reduction Sale. Boots & Shoes Beginning Saturday, Nov. 11th We offer Boots and Shoes at greatly reduc ed prices for cash at time of purchase, know- ing that customers are prepared to pay cash at this time of year, if they are saving money by doing so. We offer you the opportunity for 6o days,, Now is your chance—our prices will surprise and please you. Our stock is heavy and goods new. C. Richards Walton TSNnsss W.,157%—Tenders will be reeliv- ed Por the aprollase of las Anrericnn Presby teras» church building at Wnit0n, nti to 1)091) on Oulu rdsy, Nov., 18th, The highest am0s tender not neoessnrily ecseptede Building as trusteeet, Brisk veneer wal einclaemeved by trustees and brick 15111 not be inehnted 3n este. Address tenders to It, li. FEaaos0N, Walton The organization of the proposed Odd Fellows' Lodge here was -not proceeded with last Friday evening. Rev. R. A. and Ales, Lundy, A. Gardiner, W. Knechtel arid Jno. Smiljie were at London this week at- tending ttending Missiouaiy Conventions The members of the Ladies' Aid be- longing to the Methodist church at Walton are having a Night-cap Box Social on Tuesday night, Nov. 14th in the basement of the church. .6 grand program is being ,provided.. Louis Blake is in Detroit taking -a comae in the Watch Making Depart- ment of the Detroit Technical In- stitute. About Dec, 1st he will re- open, in the new store, the jewelry and repair business lately conducted by his brother -Denis 16- Walton.. Morris Bolger Bros. were holidaying with relatives in Bruce County. J no. and Mrs. Shurrie were holiday- ing with Stratford relatives. , W inter is corning and the Pain King roan is on his rounds. 10 Dents in advanoe, gets THE POST for atrial trip to Jan. 1st 1912. A wedding, or two is on the pro - grata between nnwand Christmas, There is some talk of a millinery establishment being opened' up in Bb1evale. Some folks think some other folks tall) ton much over the Morris and. Grey telephone. Rev. Mr. Cook's servicesaremach appreciated by his ^congregations on the Bluevale Circuit. • John Brooks, let line, was hurt re- centlyby a colt tramping on him. He is improving we are glad to state. James Bowman, M, P., will leave next week for Ottawa to be present at opening of :Parliament on the 15th inst. Two little girls have come to reside ane with Ohms. Turvey, 1st line, and the other with Victor Jermyn. Con- gratulations. Miss Hester Johnsen underwent a severe operation at Winghatn Hospital Wednesday morning. She is . now improving satisfactorily. Ebenezer Anniversary Services will be heal the 1st Sunday in December, Rev. Mr. Wren, of Ethel, will preach. A Thank -offering will be taken. Last Sabbath tnornine the Novem- bee quarterly Communion service Ives held at Sunshine conducted by Rev. NIr. Durrant, pastor. It was a profit- able servicer• Miss Irene Clegg, who is teaching at Troy, 'Wentworth Go., WaS home for the Thanlcsgi-sing holidays. Miss Ruby, who is at Ospringe, Welling nr t r Co. did not et bore but took in "the Teachers' 'Convection at Guelph instead. A large number of old ''orris friends attended the funeral of the late Joe hunter, at Brussels, Wednesday afternoon of last weep. They sym- thise verysincerelyy with the be- reaved. The dwelling of Wm, Rutledge, 8rd lino, was, destroyed by fire recti and to make matters wotses, was saved. Mrs, Rutiedo milking the cow at theetin' glad that big hearted nef- Interestiug themselves in the which is a most deserving one. Smoot. REPORT. -Following la the school report for S. S. No. 10, Morris, for, the month of October, the nate being arranged in order of me Sr..IV.-Examined in Arith„ L Spell., Gram. Ter'essa Robb, *Her Curt, *George Moffatt, *Wafter Messer, *Moffett Miller, Jr, III.-- .Maggie Richardson. Sr. III.-Ex- smined in Spell., Mem., Arith„ Grain. Viola A1cLeod, *Zetma Purvey,' Mary Miller, *Herbert Powell. Jr, III.- Exatnined 13 Mem-, Arith., 'Grain,. Alaggie Breckenridge, "Selah Brecken- ridge. St. 11,-Examinecl it, . Geog., Aeith., Mein„ Spell. Hazel Robb, *Alex. Shaw, *Addison Fral3 *Melissa Johnston. Jr. 11..-' ed lit At'itlt., Mem„ Spe' Turvey, Elva' Ramsay, C11, rest,' Verna Johnston. JAMES BOWMAN, M. P. FOR EAST HURON QNext week 1V1r. Bowman will leave for Ottawa to attend to his parliamen- tary duties and THE POST thought it a fitting time to- present a personal sketch accompanied by a,pllntograv- ore, He is the second son of the late John and Sarah Bowman and was born 911 the 3rd line, Morris township, on Oct. 31st, 1801, where he has always resided. On November 18th, 1882, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Work, of Grey township, and Their family consists of one son, (Robe. at home) and three daughters, (Mrs. J. H. Galbraith, of Brussels ; firs. Russel Wheeler, of Southampton and Miss Viinie, lvho is attending school at Brussels.) Mr. Bowman entered the Township Council in 1892 and after 4 years at the Board stepped up to the Reeve's chair which he occupied for 2 years and -then promoted to the Co. Oouncil, whose members were theu elected in Dis- tricts. For six years he sat in that body being honored with the Warden - ship ]6.1894.. - In the Provincial Election of 1905 he contested the East Riding of Huron for the Provincial election but was defeated by Arohie Hislop, by 142. Last September in a Dominion con- test in East Huron he won out by a majority of 198. Air. Bowman is a good farther and is highly respected by a wide circleoffriends. He is a Presbyterian in church relationships and has been on the Board of itlanagers. In 'his recent campaign he displayed no sinall .energy 10 pursuing a thorough canvas in addition to addressing many public meetings. We wish him a pleasant ineumbeney of office. amined in general proficiency. Percy Henderson, Margaret Miller,, Sperling' Johnston. Sr. I. -Excellent Price Henderson, Janet Miller. 'Very Good Harvey - Johnston. Good Goldon' Moffatt, Laura Johnston. Ist.=Excellent Harvey Robb. Mar- garet McDougall, Duncan McDougall. Those marked * missed one or more exams. B. B. BRYAN$, Teacher. Grey Miss Annie Rozell has gone to Tor for a month's visit. ' • Peter Bishop, an old former resident, • has been visiting relatives in Grey township. _ Wm. Bateman will go to Toronto for Ino Winter and Will live with his daughter, Mrs. Freeman. • Samuel Gormley, of Pickering, has been visiting at the ]some of James Armstrong, 30th con. He is a nephew. Owing to poor health J. I. Welsh is offering his fine 200 acre farm 6th con. for sale. If not sold it will be open to lease. The farm known a 9 home- stead, s the Hoy h me- tead Oth eon. has as boon mrcha •eel by J. W.Monism', of the 0. P. R. staf, at Guriph Amus 0Lempbell, who has been in the 'C 'est since last March, is back • to, Grey. He may continue to make his home here. Miss Irvine Forbes, who has been liv- ing eetro4 3339, ' for the past 8 mgtrfii's'tracks. '".visit to her uth of the affair was the but it . ;' • _'m I kin sl Mrs. W. Rands will go 'to Toronto next week to attend the Provincial Women's Institute. She is the Presi- dent of Brussels Branch. Last week Misses Beatrice and 011a Armstrong, 10th con„ and their Anniversary Tea Meeting at Donuy- S. Gormley, attended the brook and report a gooe time. A PIONEER CALLED AWAY, -Thurs- day -evening of last week, at 6.80 o'clock, John -Robb, one of the few pioneers of Morris township, died at the home of Wm, Work, his son-in- law, in his 88rd year, He had been in failing health for some time and hence° the end -was not unexpected, De- creased was born at New Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, on October. 21st, 1829. He was one of eleven children, only one sister sur- viving at ur-viving_at the present. AIr. Robb came to Canada at the age of 22 and spenta few years in Tuckersmitlt township, Huron Co., after which he took up 150 acres of •over nment land on the 6111 line of Morris township where the made his home for many years, a1d upon which' his son John still lives. On July 11th 1856 deceas- ed was married to Aliss Eliza Landes borough, who made a fine helpmeet and predeceased her husband by "14 years. 22 years ago Mr. and Ars. Robb built ao t cmottal0home sumo in Brussels 1n sse s be I th and after the good wife died Mr, Robb took tip quarters with the cllikh'en• He- was a very hearty' man, iuclnstrons, genial and sfu11 of vim. In 1881 he visited the om,T4u;'d where he spent six Months .tv - ,,,,• , yes and firetuis, The sub - rice , Tlie'ieawus +. r of the office- - rbh, . Brass - ' a had Jived:At Mr, Work's:for, the ;past 4C ncyeae wrsho at. Anlotl ten(10g4 those front a werdis- e tathe fuaea'al 3)1). anti Mrs, Walker and Jas, .Moody Of 13tucefielcl ; Wm. Landeborough and sister, C11as. Landsbor•ongh and ife trod Wm. Macau and wife, of Tuckersrnilh; Roht. Work, of Tots onto ; and Miss Grace Robb who is at- tending the Normal School at Stt'at., ford. John Robb wee a than highly and worthily respected and his re- moval cute down the list of Ole pion- eer settlers of theeth line of Motels to Joseph Smith, who although about 82 years of. age, is remarkably active., At Mr. Rob'sfunerval, itt addition to Air. Smith, were noticed other old residents, Jno. R. Alilles, Thos, Strachan, Alex. Stewart and Jno. Leckie, whose combined ages would total over 400 yeat•s, a quintette not easily matched foe vigor and alertness. 0. and :Mrs. 'Tut•ubell, 15th con., at- • tended the funeral' of the late Mrs, Thos, Smith, of Wroxeter, the form- er's aunt, on Tuesday. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the report of Nos 1 Grey, for September and October: Examined in Ar'ith metic, Literature, Spelling, Geog- raphy, Writing, Reading, History, Drawing. Total 650. Honors 488. Pass 390. Jr. IV. -Willie Alcock 328, "Wiliie Grant 320. Sr. III. -*Mervin Miller 349, 81Villie Somers 848. Jr.. LII.-Jeau Grant 552, *Malcolm Engle 73. Sr. Ih-Alerrianr Lowe 531, sWillie Engle 228. Jr. II.- Cecil Soarers 523,Jim Armstrong 484,, Willie Miller 400, Clarence Bollinger 306. . Pt. 1I.- Excellent, Willie Perrie. Pt. I St. -Good -Ernie Coch- rane. Pt. -I Jr.- Excellent -Jessie Miller, Russel Grant. Most regular in attendance Merriam Lowe. Those marked * missed one or more exams. PEARL BARRER, Teacher. MATRIMONIAL,- On Wednesday, Or.t. 11th, at high noon at the home of John Jackson, father of the bride, of MViwa Hills, Sask.. Miss Alai'yE. Jackson was united in marriage to Milton Walker Rands, of Calgary. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Hannah, and Herb, Christopher, now of Moose Jaw, but formerly of Walton, acted as .groomsman. Bride's dress was white silk mull with lace and insertion us trimming. The bridesmaid was also dressed in white mull. Many hearty congratulations and good wishes were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rands for a long, happy and useful life, after which the com- pany sat down .to a feast of good things prepared in Mrs. Jacksons best style. The young couple are making their home in Calgary where the groom has been for a couple of years. Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rands in their home town of Brussels send congratulations. "May mecaany a bright path lie before th And many a blue sky spread above May peace around and sunshine o'er them More closely draw the bonds of love." • Ethel A. Henry and Miss Olive Lake, of Grey, visited friends in Lakelet on Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. Slemmon will attend the Provincial Women's Institute at Tor- onto next week. The evangelistic services are still in progress in the Methodist churchand are characterized by good results. Airs. Lucas and children, of Belmore, have been visiting at the parental home. She is a daughter of C. and .Mrs. Raynard. This week Bev. Joseph Elliott, of Goderich, the Conservative nominee for Centre Huron, was calling on the electors in this locality. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Barr er., is not enjoying very good health at present. Many old friends wish for improvement. John Holinbe k and family have - become residents of Ethel moving from their farm which has been pur- chased by Angus Brown. - Laymen's Missionary Banquet will be held in the Township Hall on Thursday evening of next week. Good addresses and choice music will be included. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Bell, of Molesworth, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church in the absence of the pastor who is holi- daying in Toronto, Dont forget the auction sale of breeding yonng ewes ng cattle and horses tet Ethel v t Friday afternoon of this week. Arch. L. McDonald is. the proprietor and F. S. Scott, Auction- eer. Wolutsr's INSTITUTE. -The Novem- ber meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the hbnie of Mrs. A. McKee, Thursday, 16th inst. Topic, "The great value of tact," "Books for children," to be taken by Airs. (Rev.) D. Wren and Mrs. J. McDonald. HAVING seen the signatures of a few of the business men of our town. 'to a statement of the evil effects of Local Option here I wish to state that they are only' a meagre representation of the business men of Campbellford. The My manufacturer whose name appears e list says that the statement to signature is attached does not is views and he has signed nt expressing opposite, t ou the list the inter, lawyer; arness-dealer eal con - h s ,well r REV..JOSEPH ELLIOTT, CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE 1(5 0011(041(35 HURON. Political Pointers The Power Portfolio is mentioned us au addition In thel'rovineial Govern. went. Several scats has been offered to \'V. Rowell hot he has not yet made his choice. \V. Pl•uudl'orit, K.-0 M. P. P., will open his campaign in Centre Huron next week. Dr. llerclourt has had more than six months to make his report oil the bf-lingual schools and yet. it is not Perth eau a i ng. Leader Rowell and outer prominent. Liberals will address public meeting in 31rissey Hall, Toronto, on 'Tuesday ' 14th inst., as an inaugural to the Prnviorial campaign. For October the Dominion .revenue exceeded $10,000.000, or 2i lrtill]on over. October 1910. The Dominion debt is 3181 million dollars which was de- creased. by ecreased-by over $5,000,000 in October. A new electoral district will be set. apart including Tetnagiuli to James J3ay, to be known as 'Tentiskarning District, with Oounty buildings lo- cated at New Liskeard, Haileybury or Englehart. It the cost of the military service in Canada were subdivided among the various families the share of each last year would be from. $6 to $8. There was spent on Militia $6,858,000 ; Naval 52,256,000 and mounted Police 713,0901. a sun totalling well up to $10,000,000: When Premier Whitney said he had abolished the system of granting subsidies to railways he apparently overlooked the granting of a subsidy • of two million acres of land to the Mackenzie Mann line north : of Lake Superior. Announcement was made some time ago that the annual meeting of the Dominion Grange would take place on December 6th -8th. As the Provincial election campaign will then be at its height it has been deemed advisable to postpone the meeting until some time in January. N. W. ROWELL, R. C., Newton Wesley Rowell was born in Middlesex County on the 1st of November, 1867, his father being Joseph Rowell, of London township. He entered upbu the study of Law in London and moved to Toronto in 1891, where he completed his studies in late, and was called to the Bar the same year. He has been practising law in that city for twenty years. He was made a King's Counsel in 1902, was elected a Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada at the last election in May of this year. Mr. Rowell was brought up in the Liberal faith. He is not withoutolitical experience, having contested,lthough'unsuccess- fully, the seat for East York in the Dominion Rouse of commons in 1900. He has been active and prominent in religious affairs and particularly u) the Laymen's Missionary Movement, with which he has been connected in- timately from its inception. He was elected Chairman of the Canadian Council of the Movement in 1907 and continued so till 1910, when he retired. On most of the general boards and committees of the Methodist :church Mr. Rowell holds a seal In particu- lar he 1s a . member of the Mission Board, the Board of Education and the General Conference Special Com- mittee and was elected as one of the two laymen to represent the Metho- dist church of Canada on the inter- national Methodist Commission ap- pointed ' bythe recent Ecumenical Conference. He has been an active. member from the hest of the ()hutch Union Committee and is Chairman of the Committee on Laws of the United Committee. iMlr. Rowell is a member, of the University of Toronto and also of the Senate and of the Board of Regents of Victoria University. ills social proclivities are indicated by his membership in St. George's Society and the Irish Protestant Benevolent' Society, while he is also a member of the National Club, the Ontario Club and the Queen City Corning Club. Mrs. Rowell is a daughter of Revs Dr,. , Alexander Langford. Charles Lellis claims he saw Bill Min- er, t. .fluted desperado on a train be. t . -surto and Cobalt, Dr. W. J. 13 es n ', fort