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The Brussels Post, 1911-10-26, Page 7
• w► 6 iAam tt #Free a.esit~a. Fashion Hints NOTES FROM PARIS SHOPS, The pump bow is seen yet at the bank of the girdle, Large, buttons and Small ones will both be used, Throe thingsmust match your dress—your shoes, bag, and hat, Knitted jackets, short and long, show improvements in form and in finish. White satin veiled with Chantilly makes up some of the richest gowns of the season, Sealskin, lynx, sable, blaeii mar- ten, ermine, and mink will be the millinery furs, Tartan plaid sashes and trim- mings of surah are announced for brightening up dark blue dresses. All skirt; of evening gowns and for dressy afternoon functions will be made with small, slender trains. Tulle is much in evidence for trimming the finer hats and gowns. and for all sorts of accessories. Belts of suede and patent leather will continue in firat fashion for late summer and early fall wear. Thick ribbed voila, almost -cor- duroy in appearance, is used in some of the handsome imported cos- tumes. Taffeta, satin, marquisette, and. chiffon are used for the smartest of the separate waists, and these are variously trimmed to correspond with the general style of the cos- tume., Braid, beads, and buttons are all to be seen in the decorations of blouses, while tiny vests of tucked chiffon or net give an air of smart- ness to many of the more elaborate blouses. Voile, .Henrietta, panama, serge of many qualities and characteris- tics, fancy cheviots and suitings are all for fall wear, with serge cheviot, and broadcloth especially for suits. Narrow self-ruohings and shirred bands are among the modish trim- mings alike for the separate blouse end the dress of satin, Oourtauld's crepe de chine, voile, or other likely materials. New are the hat shapes covered with suede or suede cloth. the lat- ter decorated withflowers having very pointed petals and clustered on the brim, which is turned back flat. Silk plush, almost "shaggy" in effect, is being projected by cer- tain of the leading fashion crea- to>•ss as something novel and dis- tinguished. Rs chief usewill be as u trimming and for millinery' pur- poses. Negligee are highly interesting, many. of them being fashioned .with the exaggerated armhole that simu- lates the kimono effect and that has the sleeve cut a little wider at the top and fitted into the arm with •a self -covered cord. The revival of fringe trimming is. supposed to bear some relation to the tentative resuscitation of mid- Victorian styles, with their sugges- tion of fuller skirts, "Spencer" waists, shawl fichus. and the "bon- net" accessory. Lingerie frocks and silk coats will Fast as long as they can possibly be. worn alone or under an auto coat. To make them very smart the taffeta coat must be short, as a bolero or coat with plaited or gathered hasque, and bord`-id' with swans- down,taffeta gl'aeed. Mention must be made of the new blouses that have assumed Goatee semblance. They are termed "re- versible" or "coat waists" by the sponsors, and in many instances are made of two tone or double faced --satin, finished with revers of the "wrong" side and having, as a sali- ent feature, a belt of the material or of leather. The extension below the belt.ns a matter of about four ,, inches, and sometimes the peplum, is topped by a fringe of line width, orhas the hem edged with a narrow fringe. EVEN HARDER. "It's' hard for a man to get along ,without a woman," "There's only one thing harder." "What?" "To get along with. one.", During the first six months of the present year there have been 650,- 000 deaths in India from plague. In the last ten years tubereulo- sis has steadily decreased in Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, and Ger- many. "Flow did :you happen to hose out?" "Some of my misguided friends got up an automobile pro- cession for mo," explained the can- didate, "Most of the voters; how- ever, have no automobiles,". The prodigal had returned. "b''a• 4.hert" he said, "are you going to kill the fatted calf I" r'I'o,i' res tlpouded the old yuan, looking the butls over carefully. "No. I'll t you 1ivo. But I'll put you to ark and trainsome of that fat off ion.", VITUS DANCE bred Through Ito ]Tse of Dr'1 Williams' Fink Pills' ()hems, or as it is mere general- ly knew*, St. Vitus dance, is a dis- ease that usually attacks the young children, thong]) older persons maY he afflicted with it, Its most corn, mon symptoms are a twitching of the muscles of the face' and limbs. As the disease progresses this twitching takes the form of spasms in which the jerking motion may be eonflned to the head, or all the limbs may be affected, The pati- ent is frequently unable to hoar anything in the hands or to walk steadily, and in severe oases even the speech is affected. The disease is due to debility of the nerves and is always cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, tone and strengthen the nerves and thus restore the sufferer to good health. The following is a 'striking instance of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do in this trouble. Mrs. Chas. Phipps, Pelee Island, Ont., says :-"At the ago of fourteen my eldest daughter, Edith, became much run down, and the trouble developed into St, Vitus dance, First her left arm became affected, then the left leg and • entire .left side. She grew so bad thatshe actually could not hold anything in her hand, and could only ;;o about with a sliding, jerking motion. Not- withstanding that we were giving her medicine, she seemed to be growing worse, and finally her speech became much affected. We became so much alarmed' about her that finally her father got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and we began giving her these. In the course of a few weeks she was much better, and before all the pills were gone she was again enjoying per- fect health. This was in 1908, and as she has not had a symptom of the trouble since I feel justified in say- ing the cure is permanent." Be sure youget the genuine pills. which are . sold by all medicine dealers or may be had at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Oat. LEFT FORTUNE IN BUTTONS. Collection Includes Specimens from. ]Pint + Centm's. A great surprise has come to the heirs of a man who died at Ghent, Switzerland. It was found that he had left a fortune in buttons which he had collected all his life. At. first the news caused much laugh- ter, but an examination of the col- lection changed this. The collector had divided his but- tons into series, They dated from the ninth century. The collection was started with a button from the robe of Ohariemange and ended with one taken from the uniform of Napoleon. , There were buttons from all the regiments which had existed in France, from the archers of Charles VII., to the Alpine chasseure. The collection included buttons in wood, glass, bone, ivory, lead, brass, zinc, silver, gold, emeralds,' rubies and diamonds.' The material value of the collection was put at $15,- 000, while its artistic value is worth considerably more. STATESMANSHIP. "Why did you declare that you were anxious to retire to private life ?" "Because," said the statesman, "I thought it was up to me to say something to remind the public that T hadn't done so." • Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Elephants are capable of carrying from 1,700 lbs. to 2,200 lbs, on a long journey, while maintaining a regular pace of, four miles an hour. A Remedy for Earaohe,—To have the earache is to endure torture. The ear' is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it, considering it work for a doctor. Dr, Thomas' Ecleotrio Oil offers a simple rem- edy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated -cotton and placed in the ear will work wonders in is- lieving pain. NAUGHTY WILLIE. Willie—Teaeher licked me be- cause I was the only one who could answer a question," Mother (frightened) -"What was the question?" Willie—' `Who put the pin on teacher's chair?" Sand dor free' sample t© bopt. W. L., National Drug and Cllsenloal Co., Toronto. WAS OI' MAXI(IAN KANT, ✓4 nrnisbes D1ctl;oiuo, . Drink and, Fibre for Illisket Weaving. "In Mexico there is a plant that feeds a greater number of persons in more different ways than is known perhaps in any other eountry of the world," G. W, Lucas, topo- graphical engineer for the Mexican Transcontinental Railway. "The maguey is a species of gag. tus .which thrives in greatest extent and profusion on the great mesa of the ropublio of Mexico. Tt is perhaps the most remarkable plena, as regards its utilization, of all the more comm n tropical plants on earth. In this country a plant of the same family is known as the Century plant, but of course the variety in Mexicois different, and here apparently the plant is used for ornamental purposes, "This plant throws out tiny sprouts with from five to eight branehes edge -a with small e'spinas or needles,_ which: identify it as of the cactus family. It does not at- tain to its full growth until its fifth year, but it may be made useful two years earlier. In its third year one or all of its branches are tap- ped, making cavities in the sides of the branch in which the sap or juice of the plant collects. "This latter liquid is what is known in Mexico as aqua miel, an efficacious medicine in many dis- orders of the human system, but it must be used as such the first day after it is picked. If allowed to stand fermentation takes place and .the aqua miel changes into what is known as the most eommon of the intoxicating drinks of Mexico— pulque. "When distilled puque is the groat national drink of Mexico and is known as mescal. The mescal distilled in the State of San Luis Potosi is regarded as the best quality and is called tequila. "It is not only in its medicinal and drinking qualities that the maguey plant is useful. It is one of the most important fibra plants in Mexico and is utilized in the weav- ing of baskets and clothing. It is a tough fibre, but as flexible as a linen thread." • TEETHING TIME WORRY. Baby's teething time was once a source of worry toall mothers—it is yet a time of worry to .many, though there are thousands of mo- thers who have learned the secret which banishes this worry. Mothers who worry, who see their little ones suffering from difficult teeth- ing; who are worn out by day and kept awake at night by the cries -f the baby in distress, should follow the example of the thousands and give their little ones Baby's Own Tablets the remedy for worry — the never failing banisher of baby's pains. Concerning them Mrs. Monette, Jr., Rapide de 1'Orignal, Que., says:—"My baby cried day and night and suffered from his teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets made him healthy and hap- py and his teething easy and pain- less. I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. If you have another man's um- brella he is at least entitled to your sympathy. Recognized as the leading speel- fie for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It' seldom fails. It pays to be honest at least it pays your employer. ellnard's..Liniment for sale everywhere. Inr Russia cups_ and saucers are never used, tea being drunk from glass tumblers in 'silver holders. The Mantle . Lamp Company, Dept. 125, Montreal, Can., are giv- ing away absolutely FREE one ALLADIN 111AN'TLE LAIlIP in eaoh community to introduce this won - aerial lamp. It burns coal oil, and is +revolutionizing lighting every- where; is odorless, safe, economi- cal; conomi-cal; needed in every home. Don't fail to send them your name and address. RAILWAYS CHURCHES. Among other luxuries on the Trans-Siberian railway line are chapels which are attached to the principal expresses. Priests travel with these moving churches.' The chapels are quite elaborate, panel- ed with beautiful woods, lavishly decorated, and overlaid with gold leaf. They are intended, not so much for the use of the faithful passengers aboard as for the people passes. At an appointed hour on Sundays, the train halts at the waq- side'platform. and peasants living In the neighborhood . flook to the ser- vice. If a girl really wants to ]marry a lean the oat lead pins up to the altar without waiting for leap yeas. vint3 near stations which the, train SAVED HERSELF YEARS OF PAIN 11' 'BITE -IIAD USED DODD''SS I{1CDNI Y 1?I]iL$ f.'IR,S'T. Mrs. Meltae su110VO4 for over two years, then two boxes of Doha's Kidney Pills Iuaile a ne'a' woman of her. Previl, Gaspe Co., Que., Oct, 23 (Special)—That she might have es- caped two years end seven months of suffering had she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills in the first place is the firm conviction of Mrs. John Mc- Rae, an old and respected resident of this place. And this is the rea- son she gives for believing So: "For two years and seven months I :was a sufferer from Kidney Dis- ease brought on bya strain anll a cold. My eyes were puffedand swollen, my' muscles cramped and I suffered from neuralgia and Rheumatism. My back ached and I had pains in my : joints. the two years I was under t e doctor's care, but .he never seem- ed to do me any lasting good. Two boxes of Dodd's Sidney Pills made a new woman of me." To save yourself suffering cure your Kidneys at the first sign of. trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure cure. VERY FULL. Figg-"Brown can't fill bis or- ders. He discharged a lot •of his hands because they got full." Fogg—"I see; and now he's got his hands full." Revive the Jaded :Condition. — When energy flags and the cares of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills:, They will regulate the action of a de- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store, r-- PROBLEM. "There is one thief who is 'al- ways anxious to restore what he stole, yet when he puts it back makes double his theft." "Who might he be ?" "The man who steals a kiss." A Sensible Merchant Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sire, -Your traveller is here to -day and we are getting a large quantity of your MINARD'S LINIMENT. We And it the best Liniment on the market, making no exception.. We have been in business. 13 years and havehandledall kinds, but have dropped 'themall but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. W. A. HAOERMAN.. JUST SO. "What was Mr. Wise just saying —that he loved his wife?" "No ; he said that she was very dear to him.". TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulatedEyelids. Murine'Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine -Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 60o, $1.00.: Murine Dye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 26o, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Laugh to -day; your -sense of hu- mor may be out of commission to- morrow., Mlnard'S Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. Many 'a man apparently goes to pieces before he is broke. Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tonsilitia begin with sore throat. How mueh better to cure a sore throat in a day or two than to be in bed for. weeks with Diphthei'ia. Just keep Hamlin's Wizard Oil in the hoose. SINGULAR. "Talk about luck I" "What happened?" "I found a ten -dollar bill in my last summer's suit." "Gee. Why, I thought you were married," Well, Wein THIS la I'IOGiIE DVE that M MYON; Can NSC dued ALL these DIFFERENT Ki NDS of Goods with the SAME Pyo, used Ci.EAN and DIMPLE to Use. NO chance ofeoingth wRONO Dyy, forth°Goode, ' t eV Depl' .to cuter. BRIfa.0 lurll Reign rd and STOPY Bour rooklet te, The Johasoe,alchard.00 Co., f.lmited, leentreel,'' LONDON PUBLIO HOUSES. A return of licenses extinguished. in the county of London reveals several peculiar names of public houses, says the Pall Mall Gazette. Among the animals are the White Horse, Red Lion, Unicorn, Lion, Fox and Hounds, Stag, Flying Horse and White Hart, Birds are represented by the White Swan, Hen and Chicken. The title of Bishop Blaize has not saved a house in Shoreditch. A Mitre had been surrendered in Stepney, a Veteran and Gladstone have gone under in the East End. PAT'S WIT. Pat being brought before the re- corder for the first time, the fol- lowing conversation ensued: • Recorder—What is you name? Pat—Patriek Casey. Recorder—What is your occupa- tion I ccupa-tion? Pat—Oi'm a sailor, Recorder -A sailor? I don't be- lieve you were ever on a ship in your life. Pat—Sure an dos yez ,honor think Oi came from Ireland in an auto- mobile? AFRAID O'il' HIM. "You never go to banquets with your husband? "No. I'm always afraid that they'll ask him to`make a speech." "And he can't make one?" "That's it exactly. He can't. But if he were asked I just know he'd get up and try." On her eighty-first birthday an inmate of the Old Ladies' Home, New York, recently skipped twenty- one times with a rope to celebrate the occasion. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. —Through lack of consideration of 'the body's needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- come chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to com- bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful always. The man who knows he's in the right 'need not argue. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Luck seems to have a mania for dropping in on those who do not expect it. Some persons have periodical ab- -Lecke of Canadian cholera, dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great precautions to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. " LUXU RI sE Of DR. PROSSii, Paris, France Gives .Beek the natural odor to grey hatrwitl,ont any • dye, and melon to grow, and We Oen Provo It,. INA Omar L,y• ee soarer* et an. known Perna**, an is so elben aeon la adrerttvementq inch by an experiment anyone oma head of bola tat aetive you absolntoly bee ono`troatblant of " LUXURiNB ", ear for the lake droving to Feb what ft oan do on your own hair, and what )thee done ee tboeaaode of othorr, All thorn faro do to get the troathlsht ie. -Send as the ooet ei mailing and paoidoag Mab fe 1e eta, with your address, sed we 11ill Coni you ono right away, Write to -day, address DR. PROSSE, Dopt. n, Montreal 19 ED. 3 ISSUE 42-11 t 0 or o g sI o: be th Is] w et w; ea ai re hF all ht of -fact chairman. "We're not blaming you. You done the beat you could." RAD BAD SORE FOUR, YEARS Zam-Bull Ras healed It! Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wickson Ave., Toronto, says : "About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my face. This spot increased in size until it became about half an inch in diameter and very painful. I went to a doctor, but the ointment he gave me did not have any good effect. The sore continued to discharge freely, and was most painful. I had it eau terized, tried poultices and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and I continued to suffer from is for four years! "A sample of Zam-Buk was one day given to me, and I used it. Al- though the quantity was so small,. it seemed to do me some good, so I purchased a further supply. "Each box did me more and more good, and, to my delight, before I had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was going to heal the sore. In less than a month it was healed! "I know a lady in the east of the, city, whose husband suffered for years with an open sore on his leg. On my recommendation, Zam-Buk was tried in that case. The other day, when I saw her, she told me that it had healed the sore con pletely." Zam-Buk is a sure cure for ec- zema, piles, abscesses, ulcers, scalp sores, ringworm, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises and all skin injuries and diseases. 50c. box, all drug- gists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Go., Toronto, for price. In ease of skin disease use also Zam-Buk Soap, 25e. tablet. Peace often costs more than a fight. Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 choice positions filled In past Four Years. Some other,ust filled:- I. B. HANN, from Newfoundland, planed with Sask. hlilnng Co., Moose Saw, se Stena FERN SMITH. Steno, Peabody Overall Co.,Windsor. n. 0. ROBINSON 1 skkpr. with Bell Furniture Co., Southampton, Ont. ELOSSIE ANDERSON, Steno. and Bkk r, Can. Wolverine 0o. Chatham, MILDRIDD AND. Winn, Winnipeg. 1R. SCOTT, .h De teacher, pwith Drake Oollego, Newark, N. J. The salaries of the three shown last week average oar 4700 per annum. The salaries of the six here shown average aloes to *700. Our students arerepared forth. big positions where the big pay 1, offered. IT PAYS O ATTEND TUE B gun as tells of thmwork at Chatham. Catalogue 8a tolls of our home comes. Address, D, McLACOILAN .0 00.. O. 11. College, Chatham, Ont, totmen DANK OF MONTREAL ,BUILDING YONCE AND QUEEN STS.. 'TORONTO R. M. WHiTE Manager MONTREAL-OUBBEC-NALIPAX-LONDON(EN a.) FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS.'.' Ili you want to sell a farm, consult me, IP you want to buy farm, consult Me. IHAVE come of the beet Fruit. Stook, Grain or Dairy Farms 00 Ontario. and prices right. XI W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne JAy. Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. r'T NEMPLOYED MEN ()R WOMNN, DO l,.J 7011 wieb to make° Five Dollars da for balance of year? . If so, consult J. L.. Nichola Co., Limited. Toronto. diisDAY AMAND UP—ALSO dp,Q oommiscion—forBAL) local , represontar tivoo; immediately; permanent p00051003 experienco Unneeeseary; rapid advance -a mint; spare time aooepted. Nlahole, Limited, Publishers, Toronto. OMNI'S WANTED. - A LINE FOR every home. Write us for our choice 100 of agents eu»Dliee. Wo have the greatest agency propoeition tn. Canada to -day. No enemy necessary, Apply B. 0. L 0o., 228 Albert St, Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FARM SOALES. : Wilean'e .LAI- Scala Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto.. SAWMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLE (.7 or heavy Lathe Mills. Shingle Mille, Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies. The E. Long Manufacturing Co.. Ltd., West. Street, Orillia, Ontario. LEARN TBE BARBER 'TRADE RIGHT-. The bider Barbar College is the ori- ginal college; founded in 15931 graduates aro now successful barbers all over the world; you get expert instruction; con- stant practice: write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. C ANOER, 717MOR8. LUMPS. eta. In. V terns' and external, cured without before by OUT . Dr.ome treatment. elmn, wCoilinns g. wood, Ont GTON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. — A STUDY OF other Agency propositions oenvfncee ua that none can equal, ours. You will al• ways regret it 1f you dont apply for pari Haulers to Travellers' Dept.. 228 Albert St, Ottawa. Cf PEOIALI8T8 ADVICE FREE. Consult 1� US in regard to any disease. Lowest ppricesin drugs of all - kinds. Truman fitted by mail. Send measure. men?. Glasses dated b age. Write today for anything. sold in Sretwlase dram stereo to Dr. Bollman, Collingwood, Ont When buying your Piano insist on having dl, do OTTO N IGEL" Piano Actions. DY DING 1 CLEANING .0'ortho vary toot, song your work to the '4311ITISIl AMERICAN SYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa. Quebec. Na IL NIGHTINGALE STOOK BROKE:9 Member Standard moos and Mining Exchange LISTER STOCKS CARRIED OR MARGIN Correepondonee invited. g MELINDA ST., TORONTO Good Weekly Income Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment Diplomas Granted ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE 368 Queen St. Wast Toronto, Canada BOYS AND GIRLS SONO FOR PARTICULARS ABOUT THE CHRIST GLOBE YOU OAN MAKE iG GENTS Orl EACH COPY YOU BELL ADDRESS, THE CE G!-!RISTMAS Q'ad;C i TORONTO, CANADA Prepare- yourselves for the cold weather. We are offering for a few weeks only Ladies' Muskrat Lined coats $30 Gent's Muskrat Lined coats $se The ladies lining is 38 inches long and trimmed with Genuine Alaska Sable Oollar and Lapels, The Gents coats are trimmed with Otter or Persian Lamb Caere. Upon receipt of the money we will ship to any part of Canada. If not satisfactory return at our expense Coats made to your own measure- menu, same price: A. J. ALEXANDOR 504-606 St. Paoli 5t., Montreal Bern' in mind that yosc aro deal with Wholesalers.