HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-10-26, Page 4.....9/MW...........i....O.011' ......♦*Ro4o....w••.:
!Boots _ and ShI
_-Y f
j New designs for Fall �tlf c
j and Winter to hand.
j Also Rubbers for the ' o
wet weather. ,r R„•:''
♦ r
: All at Lowest Prices d: r •i
• •
• Harness Department ••
Full stock of both Single and Double Harness, or
j •made-to-order if desired. •
Collars, Rubber Rus, Plush Rugs, Blankets, Trunks and Satchels;
• g .
• Repairing promptly attended to. •
• •.
0 S
and one for seduction, On the first the borne: Frank Lawrence and Wm,
jury gave $t000 damages and on the Lane, of Goderich, the two latter being
second the damages; were fixed at added by order of the court owing to
8800, in each case with costs, there the absence of two of the panel.
being no defence. W. Brydone tor plff
Cooper vs. Hewitt et al was au action
on a mortgage. J. M. Best and W.
Proudfoot, K. C. for plff • Dudley
Holmes, K. C. for defts, Judgment for
plff, with costs at the rate of iatet est on
the mortgage and costs of the court,
Lambertus vs. Dalton,, an action for
price of a number of cattle. POSE-
aso-pored till next jury sittings of court.
Proudfoot, Hays & Killoran for plff ;
M. G. Cameron, for deft.
The King vs. Albert Jardine. The
grand jury returned a true bill for an
attempt to murder, and the cage was a
tried,lasting till noon of Wednesday,
when a verdict was given of assault, and
Jardine was allowed to go on suspended
sentence. W. Proudfoot, K. C., for
The grand jury were :-Audrew Por-
ter, Goderich foreman • Benj Augus-
tion g
Dun nonou • W. E Btoadtp0 t
Seaforth ; Robert Cathers. Howick
Henry Chesney, Egmondville ; Alex
Campbell. Wicgham ; W. C Davis,
Hensall ; Louis Eckmier, Morris ; Jas.
McClinchey, Stanley ; George Stephen
son, Hullett; John W. Welsh, Us.
It Doos Coro Womanly ills
"I feel it my duty writes Mrs. S,
Mead of Ftaserville, Out, "To let you
know that sometimes previous to the
change of life I suffered more than I
could tell. Neighbors told 1ne Far-
rozone was the only remedy and their
advice was good. Ferrozone <put a
stop to my pain and sickness, had'a
direct action on my trottbles that re-
lieved from the start.I safely passed
the turn,.aud now enjoy perfect health
and rest. No womanly medicine can
be better than Ferrozone.” Instant
relief is found in Ferrozone for female
weakness of every Mud, ride per box at
all dealers:
Elms Council will meet in the Agri-
cultal ball, Atwnod'aturda*
November' llth, at 10 o
S }clock.
Elute Cheese. & Butter Mfg. Co.,
Ltd., shipped their last half of Sept.
snake of cheese to Lovell & Christmas,
Montreal, on Wednesday morning of
last week. Amount realized $4442.74.
iht, );' ,
f_w,'bl 1,I,h:�i,
Look at the Wheat!
There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select
the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour, Cream of the
West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And
it certainly does make good bread!
Crcamtest Flour
the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread
You just try it. If it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your
grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag.
The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto
rbr la at$$tis cfst
Do you live on 'i`hanksgivinp; street?
flow many eggs amnia a good hen
lay in oue year ?
Now would be a good time 10 start a
few bulbs for next Winter's delight,
Ir the hog market continues to slump
the producer as well as the pig will
commence to "Squeal"
Mott» ; December 4th, is the date
set for the Provineial Elections, so
there will by no time to lose.
T1rE Central Liberal Association will
convene in Toronto next week to consid,
er certain phases of the work of the
party and their relation to the electorate
at the coming election.
Naxen World's Sunday School Conven-
tion will be held at Zurich, Switzerland,
Tidy 8-16, rim, and will be looked for-
ward to with no small interest. Each
succeeding World's Convention broad-
ens the horizon of interested workers
and already plans are being laid to see
Switzerland in 1913.
Norm HURON Liberal Convention is
meeting to day in Wingbam for the
selectionof a candidate to take the place
of ex Reeve McKenzie, of Asbfleld, who
retired. Mr. Musgrove's majority at
the last election was 171. His opponent
was ex -Reeve, Currie, of East Wawa -
'1'HAN%BGIYINO Day comes next Mon-
day and will be a public holiday, In
view of all the benefits what could be
more appropriate than the well known
"Praise God from whom all blessings
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
T tgiu,'s some sparking going on
between the Bahama islands and Canada
which may result in a wedding. They
are willing to accept our tariff and think
a remunerative trade could be done
with us as the United States tariff has
told against them. The power of trans-
ferrance, if it should be necessaay could
be changed fromjLondon to Ottawa with
the consent of the Imperial authorities.
Stx months suspension from the game
was the punishment served out to two
rampant lacrosse players for blagusrdy
conduct in a recent contest at Montreal.
To purposely strike a contestant with a
lacrosse stick should be treated as an
assault intended to do grievous bodily
harm and consequently a punishable
offence under the Statute. A few such
lessons would soon put a stop to the
rough and ready style of playing the
game, Rowdy play should be snapped
real sharp. -
AN aviator in Texas flew too ;miles in
g5 seconds and oue in Iows made 58 miles
Streit minutes. That's going some is it
not 1 It may not be long before a line
of air ships may be established between
some of the American cities. Outside
of the speed and great risk run there is
not much pleasure tearing through the
atmosphere at a mile a minute we would
think, especially when the travelling
is done at an altitude of I000 feet. The
day will come no doubt, when the aero-
plane will serve useful purposes but it
will not suit the average individual who
Pers a slower gait and less probability of
realizing on their life insurance policy.
Ws are glad to notice that G. J. Shaw,
a Goderichite, bas been recognized as
worthy of a hero's badge and $1500 by
the Carnegie Commission, in the rescue
of a fellow workman from impending
danger if not death. While no doubt
the deed was done instinctively and with
no thought of reward the presentation
calls the fact into prominence and sows
seed that will grow good fruit in instil-
ling a wider kinship in the family of
man. After all we are our brother's
keeper and physically as well as morally.
If the former were practised more it
would be better for all concerned.
Dort'T be slow at offering a word of
praise to those deserving. Tell the
pastor he preached well when be does ;
encourage the school teacher when be
or she is doing their best for the educa-
tion of your son and daughter ; speak
approvingly of people who lead ie what
is for the general good of the community
and cheer for the noble and the true.
This old world 'could be delightfully
brightened up if everybody undertook to
scatter smiles and sunshine. Cut out
the ill natured fault finding, the selfish-
ness and the "knocking" and try the
better method of getting your shoulder
to the wheel. Praise the. good ; oppose
everything that is wrong in its tend.
envy ; cultivate the helpful and hope-
ful and thereby aid in an optimism
that will have for its object the eoequer-
tg,of the world.
Tako AdvantagefT,hlp Ocherous
Your money bath, upon regneat at
Our store if li.e/tall. '193" Hair 'Tonle
doesn't do as we claim, That's our
guarantee, You obligate yourself to
nothing whatever, Obttld you ask or
could we give you strongger proof of
our confidence 10 the flair teetering
qualities of this preparation P
We could not afford 10 so strongly
endorse Itexall "93' Hair Tonic apd
continue to sell it as we do, if it did
001 do all we claim it will. Should
our enthusiasm have carried us away,
and Rexall "08" Hair Tonic not give
entire satisfaction to the users, they
would lose faith in ns and our state-
ments, and in consequence our bus;-
flees prestige would suffer.
We assure you that if your hair is
beginning to unaturally fall out or if
you have any scalp trouble, Rexall
93" Hair Tante will promptly eradi-
cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth,
and prevent premature baldness, or
the above guarantee becomes opera-
rive. .Two sizes, 50c, and $1'00, Sold
only at one store -The Rexall Store.
F. R. Smith
TiUERN are commendable features
about the Buy Scouts that will win
friends for the organization the better
they become known.
TBsazis every appearance that Italy
desires to be the "gobbler" in the fracas
with Turkey and wishes to be chief
carver also. Little sympathy is manifes-
ted for the Turks as their past record as
a nation has estranged the powers from
rendering intervention offices if others
were iu the embroglio.
How would it be if every resident of
Brussels for one year would undertake
to boom our town in every possible
way? The effect would be surprising
to many, we believe, and would be pro-
ductive of good results. We have a tidy
village, with A t business facilities, first-
class school, 'healthful situation, splen-
did water and a country surrounding
that cannot be beaten in products and
ownership. Will you join a "Boost"
Club 3
You are no doubt aware of the great
crusade against Consumption in which
Canada is each year taking a greater
part, and in which this Association has
done pioneer work throughout the
"The Great White Plague" is much
more prevaleut than most people have
any idea of. Expert medical authorities
tell as that one person in ten is doomed
to die of Consumption at present.
A tree illustrated lecture with 110
Lantern Views will be given on Tues-
day evening 31;1 inst, at eight o'clock
in the Town Hall (the Reeve has kind-
ly consented to take the chair) by J. B.
Watson, Field Secretary of this Asso-
ciation. A collection will be taken at
the close.
Mr. Watson's lecture explaius in a
simple, interesting and complete .ray,
exactly what the disease is, how to
avoid ir, and bow to treat it.
Parents especially should know how
to protect themselves and their child-
ren. Every private individual- man,
women and child -is iu danger, and
should know bow to combat it,
i' writingto say purpose is that
as this opportunity may not present it-
self soon again, we think you should
take advantage of it We feel sure you
will Dot regret it. Yours faithfully
347 King Street West, Toronto.
Larne back is one of the mo€t com-
mon forms of muscular rheumatism.
A few applications of Chamberlain's
Liniment will give relief. For sale by
all Dealers.
Fall Assizes and High Court
The Fall sitting of the High Count of
Justice was opened in Goderich on
Tuesday afternoon of last week by
Justice Riddell, this being his first
official visit to Goderich, and H. D.
Gamble, K. C., of Toronto, appeared
to conduct the crown cases, of which
there were two but only the Brown
Jardine case was tried, the Hummell-
Johnstoncase being again postponed.
as the prosecuting parties did not ap-
pear. Of the civil cases, ten in num-
her, only the following were tried :
Ross et al vs. McKay et al, an action
on a promissory note, was upon appli-
cation of plff., postponed till next sit-
tings. Chas. Garrow for Offs. L. E.
Dancy for defts.
Isherwood vs. Sanderson, two actions
-one for breach of promise of marriage
v .
An Otyor That lnvol os no Mono
ii You Accept It.. y Risk
We are so positive our remedy will
completely telieve constipation, no
matter how chronic it may be, that
we offer to furnish it free of all cost
if it fails.
Constipation is commonly caused
weakness of the nerves and muscles
of the large intestine. To expect a
cure you must therefore tone up and
strengthen those organs and restore
them to healthier activity.
We want you to try Rexall Orderlies
on our guarantee. They are eaten
candy, like c particularly good for
a y, and partncu y
children, They seem to act directly
on the nerves and muscles of the
bowels. They apparently have a
neutral action on the other organs:
They do not purge or cause other in-
convenience. We will refund your
money if they do not overconte chronic
or habitual constipation and thus aid
to relieve the myriiacls of associate or
dependent chronic ailments, Try
Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Three
sizes, 10e., 25c., and 50c. Sold only at
our store -The Rexall Store, •I+'. R,
For sale by John Patterson, Brussels
t. l� t 1
Cured by the New Method Treatment
Thourands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave
through_Eerly Indiscretion■, Excesses and Blood Di.esses. 11 you have any of the fol-
lowing symptoms consult u■ before it is too late. Are you nervous and weak,. d&apon-
dent and gleamy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles
under themwoak
kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dream) and Losses, sedim,ont in urine.
pimples the face, oyes sunken,hollow cheeks, careworn ex resslnn'poor memory',
o, distrustful,lack energy and strength, de mornings, restless nights, changeablemoods,weak =mood, premature decay, bond pains, hair loose, Bora throat, etd.
Our Now Method Treatment can cure you and make a mall of you. Under lis influ-
ence We. Wain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers
disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des-
pondency vanish, the eye becomes bright the face fell and clear, energy returns to the
body and the moral, ph sicat and sexual systems are Invlgoratedt all drains cease -no
more vital waste from the system. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard
earned- dotterel. Wo will euro you or no pay.
READER: No matter who has treated yourwrite for anhonest opinion l:'roe of Charge.
Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men.
D��e NEDi'�t
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St„ Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE All letters froto Canada must be addressed
to our Cabadfaa Correspondence Dcpart
test went in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no pationt0 in our Windsor' offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address,
At its mostino at Barlaiyood on
Monday, gent, 28tht the 1tesbytery
of gn',Appelio 1010080 Rev, A, Hen,
det'son from hie charge there, 00 anis.
after Oct. 801,11. Ile is to be indneted
into his new charge let Kipliug,
on Oct, Slat. In the departure of
Rev, Henderson, the residents of
Fait'nledc, Brookside, tttelsgood and
surrounding districts lose all eloquent
speaker and .an earnest Oltrlstlan.
Rev, Ale. Henderson will teeelve a
a 1 u y tel' $1,000 yearly and a month's
Clerk Loelilteacl of Biwa has ean-
pleted the Collector's roll for the year
1911, The total amount of taxes to he
collected for the year is $28,080,85, lie.
sensed as follows :-
County rate 2,08 tnilis ..., $7232.80
Township rate 24 lolls ,.. .•.,.. 8007,22
G & G R rate 381.62
Maitland dr. damage tax levy 159.51
Kerr & Crawford damage t•. 1. 28,31
Baillie dr. damage tax levied,115.20
McOlory costs, tax levied 140.86
Municipal dr. is local imp ,,11107.81
Award drain taxes, Engineer'e
and Olerk'a fees and int 118,19
Statute labor taxes 151.00
Dog taxes 618.00
School tax levied by sections, 4550,92
Municipal school tax 11 ,;pill 4453.56
You are not experimenting on your-
self when you take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as ithas
won its great reputation and exten-
sive sale by its remarkable cures of
colds andcan always be depended
upon. It is equally valuable for
adults and children and may be given
to young children with implicit confi-
dence as it contains no harmful drug.
Sold by allDealers.
That you Have Kidney Trouble
If your back is constantly aching
and if yon experience dull shooting
pains, if your passagesfrequent scanty
and painful, yone kidneys and bladder
are out of order.
Neglect quickly
brings on rheu
coati soh, - dia-
betes, Lumbago,
sciatica, etc.
Boo e Kid-
ney Pills are
guaranteed to
relieve or your
money back.
They are the
specific for kidney and bladder trouble
All druggist, 50c box, or postpaid from
the proprietors, The R. T. Booth Co.
Limited, Fort Erie, Ont. Free trial
on application,
E.451 0th 4,
Morriscy's No. 4 Eczema
Ointment Healed Like Magic.
Nauwigewauk, N.B., ,Oct, 3, 1910
"I can gladly recommend dear Dr. Mor-
riscy's Eczema Ointment because it cured
me of a sore which I bad on my easier
over 8 years. I did everything to have
it cured, and had the most skillful doctors.
treating it, but it would not heal up. I.
went under treatment with Father Mor
riscy's Ointment, and in a short while it
was cured. That was 3 years ago, and I
am sure the cure is permanent When I
think how quickly No.wonderfulmeit indeed,because ye.• know I doctored with several
•skilled ph) sioians;who could not help nee.
You surely most have a big demand for
this wond, trill Salve. My only regret is
that I did u.,t use it at first, as it would
have saved me over 8 years of pain, to say
nothing c Can unsightly ear and expensive
doctor bilis." John Ryan.
The shoveprescription is not a "Cure.
All" orsu-ealle,I patent medicine.Dr. Mor.
riscy p-esrribed it for 44 years, and it
cured the. otinds alter other doctors failed.
1', i .•, fin, per pox at your dealers, or.
1^..th,•r hiorriscy Medicine Co., Limited,
,htyutr�,.l. 200
Ladies cA
o Complete and. well j
assorted stock of Fall j
and Winter Woollens j
t including
• Siftings
D�ercoatm s
0 9
• Pontin s
Fancy Vests
j that should be seen.
j Fit . and Workman-
ship Guaranteed.
j Merchant Tailor o
is the woman whose kitchen shines with a handsome., roomy range -whose
face beams with the satisfaction afforded by a perfect cooking equipment,
For every woman wants a good stove. Whether she does her own
cooking or not, she eats the meals that
and feels a pride in
justifies the neigh• ,
Oxford stoves and
known feature of
are prepared on it,
having the beat.
satisfies, that pride;
bor's envy. Gurney -
ranges carry every
convenience, coon- only and control
with some new points of excellence that are exclusive..
First of all is the lever that holds. No danger of the fire going out
between meals. The Oxford Economizer will hold the heat et a low ebb
till you want it; thenturn the handle, and your stove is hotin a jiffy.
Besides this saving of tide and worry it saves in fuel to the actual extent
of one ton in six.
THE DIVIDED FLUE STRIP is the envy of all women who bake.
It guides the heat equally along sides, book and front of the oven.
Let us demonstrate these and other strong advantages of the Gurney;
Oxford line. We have stoves for every purpose, every fuel, and a variety
of prices.
Wilton & Gillespie
NoticeCreditors to C
Io the matter of the estate of John Mac•
Arthur, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, In the County of Huron,
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re• 1
elsed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 120,
chat all creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said John MacArthur,
who died on or about the 2811 day of Septem•
bar, 1911 are required on or before the 10th
day of SI'ovember, 1911, to send by post prepaid
or deliver to Annie MacArthur or Mary Mao,
Arthur, WaltonP. O., the Executrix of the
deceased, their Christian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions and statement of their
accounts against the said estate and also the
nature of the security if any held by them.
And further take notice that after sneh.hist
before mentioned date the. Executrix 10111 pro.,
ceed to distribute the assets of the decensed
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have got notice and that the said Execu-
trix will not be liable for the said assets or any
Da of
Agent for the vena r x.
r Stands to the front as the best school
x`19 of its kind in the province. Our courses
r are beyond those of the ordinary Best-
nese College. This school has a eoutin- - Y
61, ental have
three for high-grade troth- �•
no Leve throe deperttShorthand Com- :S.
mercial, id thed maandfor
-Tined P'
r graphy—cud the demand Por trained
help greatly exceeds 1110 supply. Stud-
ent5 are entering mush week and the
sootier you enter the better for your-.
d self.. Get our tree catalogue at once.
,0 - . D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. ,;9'
.urn viyayG�dvr04y5l, x02xiva,zi.Z. . `.A 24.0)
thereof to any person orpersonsof whose
ms notice shall not have been received by
at the time of such
[Thirty6•Sthis 10thda.S.8OTh➢.1G[ years •
+ •
• Out Seven Colleges have beet '4'
a established during the past 80 +
AMS FOR SALE -The undersigned has 8 ® years. .The largest trainers in
R pure bred Shearling Leicester Rams for ,l,' ,Canada., Owing to our toupet- ♦
sale. Lob 17, con. 8, Grey township. They • Lion all over Ontario, we do
are flu a .1.
Atte ones. ROBT. L. b1oDnbrook p better for one graduates than •
12-tt Oresshrook •P. O. • any other School. Ynu may '4''
FOBB SALE -A few good Oxford down and O, sLiudy all at hone ur pattly at .+
Leicester rain lambs and a Leicester : horse and finish. at the Col ee. •
shearling ram for sale. Apply to S. WALKER, I' Affiliated. with. The Commerciatl 4'
Lot 20, Couc7, Morris, Brussels P. 0.•
.18.8 Telephone lee. • Educators' Association of. Gan- g.
The People's Column
t oda. It would be well for you •
to investigate before choosing. 't'
Tixclnsive right. for Ontario of 3p-
4. the world-famous Bliss Book- ♦
• keeping. System, ,which is un- 't
j equalled. It is Actual Business ,p,
+ from Start, to Finish, and the a
student keeps same books as '4°•
• Chartered Banks and Whole=
FARM FOR SALE being Lot I8, Con. 16,
Grey Town hip, containing 100 acres;
story frame house 20x00 ft.; kitchen 10x24;
good frame born, 40x00, on atone stabling; U
good wells • ell seeded to grass except 20 neves;
1U acres in ibush; orchard; Mollies from 0. P.
I2. station. All in state of eultivatieh. For
further particulars apply to ALEXANDER
BARRON Oranbrook, P.O. - 18-1.
Telephone 2818.
4. sale Houses, Enter any ,time. •.
WARMS FOR SALE -Being Lot 4, Com 11, • Lldividultl instruction. and Lot 8, Con. 18, Grey townthip,.Huron +-
Co. On these farms are good buildings, well -• Fall Term From Aug. 28th dr
fenced and drained, also good orchards ; plan. -4' •
ty of water ; nearly all Beaded to grass and in • W rite, Balt or phone for ,l.
n good state of cultivation. Botil are close to 4' particulars.
school and to the Vitiage of Brussels. They. '• ,prte-�
will be told cheap and on easy. terms of pay' + W I hl 0911"'1 A M
went. Apply on the premises.- - •
8.11. JAS. BOTZ, Brussels P.O. + - + •—
•• uusiness College +
FARGt FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers.
for sale itis 100 core fame, being NE Lot
29, Con. s, blorrls township,- Huron Co. 65
acres cleared. There is a comfortable house,
new bank barn, orchard, drilled well, &t.' 234
miles South of Brussels. Possession first of
March, 1912.. For further particulars, . es to
price, terms, &o., apply WI the premises- of
Brussels P. 0. to H. 11EAM,Prop. 8.4
AT A BARGAIN. -Will dispose of oobtnge,
Elizabeth etreet, Brussels, at *860, a great
bargain, In order to secure quick sale. Rey
may be had from Mr. J, Leckie,' Icor further
partloutars Bee Mr, Leolcie or write the under-
signed. J. H. CAMERON,
10 St, George Bt„ London..
stable, well, &e., and 2 hetesof choice
land for sale in the Southerly tort of Brus-
sels. Ilumediate pos0eeeimh ami be given, For
further particulars apply to F. 0. Scott Bra
sale, orJNO. MOARTEi1:T1t, Walton P. tfBrim.
FAR114 FOR SALE. -.The 100 nerd Parish be.
Mg the property of the late Peter Mehell,
Lot 28 Con. re 1 offered U G s e 381 0 Blear cleared,
ese well timbered. On
80 mares of there is It mood well tnnberitr On th0 farm there Is n
good bunk bar"; largo 1n goo t. 00 and a eon-
w e well house. Place in, good emtrO apo yrtd
JAS fenced, A For or JAS D. particulars apply Exec.to
JAB. , MnNA1ft JAS. D, .SCOT, 13rtue
eelse, Oronbrook P.O.,. or F, B. SCOTT, Mfrus-
FARM FOB SALE. -The undersigfled offers
for sale, his 100 acre farm, being Lot 80,
Core 16, Grey. About 70 notes cleared, Milano()
in swamp, 8 acres In Fall wheat, its acres nand•
ed down. Fall plowing is beingdone. On
farm toaframe henna bank bari, drivingshed,
000dhand drilled well: Close o
post -
office, °handland school. For further pmtidu•
lata apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor„
MP. F. R. Scott, Brussols.
FARM iron SALE, behiSouth half Lot 26,
Con. 4, Morrie township, On 00., eon.
taming 100 acres more or less. On the prem•
ism is a frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
well,windtnill, &o. All clamed except about
an sore. Seh0o1 114 miles distant, only 234
intim from Brussels. 6 sores of Pall wheat id
and about 60 acres seeded down. Por price,
terms and Other information applyo the
promisee or if writing Brussels P. O. 'Phone20. Or P. S. Scott, matelots.
11.11 A. L,161ERR, Proprietor,
O GEO. BPOTTON, President ,♦4,
Chas. W. Burns, Principal •
at the
Light Plant
Will Run Every
Week Day '
from this date and attend to all
orders with promptness and
care. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Flour and Feed always
on hand for sale,
We are prepared to install
Electric Light in homes or pub-
lic. buildings, Ask about tart'
fates and terms. A 1 service
he. Patterson,Mgr.