HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-10-19, Page 6Ctt Armfuls Too
iHUitSDhif, OCTOBER 19, 1911
Howlett !Fall Fair.
The annual- Fall Exhibition of the
liowiek Agrienllural Society was held
in Corrie on Saturday. Oct, 7t11 and was
a decided success, rbeday +vas all that
could be d,,sired and a large crowd turn-
ed out, Attendaime wru in the neigh-
borhood`of 1500 and the gate receipts
Were $175.
Prize List is its follows 1-.
Heavy Draught.- Team, Dickson
Bros, J & D Cainpbell, ; gelding or filly
3 yrs old, Robt Graham, Wilkinson
Bros ; gelding or filly 2 years old, Dick-
son Bios, Hugh Halliday; geldingor
filly i yr old, Hugh Halliday, Wm
Brown sr ; brood mare, J & D Camp-
bell ; foal, J & D Campbell.
Agricultural, -Team, Dickson Bros,
Wm Raysou ; gelding or filly 3 yrs old,
J & D Wilkin, Wilkinson Bros ; gelding
or filly 2 yrs old, Jas McLeod, Ed
Lambkin; gelding or filly x yr old,
Andrew Schmidt, Wm Brown sr ; brood
Mare, las Connell, 1 '& D Campbell ;
foal, Thos Dobbs, Jas Douglas,
Roadsters,- 'Team, R. F. Wilkin,
Nesbitt Hamilton ; horse, gelding or
mare, John McLeod, Wilkinson Bros;
gelding or filly 3 years old, Wm. Hol-
man, Thos Foster; gelding or filly 2 yrs
old, Andrew Sehmldt ; gelding or fi11yr
yr old, 1) Kauffman ; brood mare, Wm
Holman, Earl' Johnston ; foal, J W
Spence, Bert Failis.
Carriage,-- Team, Harvey Sperling,
J & D Wilkin ; horse gelding or mare,
Nesbitt Hamilton, A M Hamilton
gelding or filly, 3 yre old, Hermao
Downey ; gelding or filly 2 yrs old,
Cecil Cooper, D Kauffman ; brood mare,
J & D Wilkin, Harvey Sperling ; foal,
Wm. Holman, J & D Wilkin.
Buggy Horse, J Schaefer, Robt Fallis ;
saddle horse, J & D Wilkin ; best lady
driver, Herman Downey, T. W. Spence;
best horse in Agricultural and heavy
draught classes, Jas McLeod ; best horse
in roadster and carriage classes, Jas
Jas. Hendrick, Judge.
Durhams.- Bull, under 3 yrs, J L
Wilson, Andrew Davidson ; bull calf, J
1., Wilson ; female any age, J L Wil-
son ; cow, 4 yrsold or over, x and 2, J L
Wilson ; cow under 4 yrs Henry Bay-
lor, heifer 2 yrs old, 1 & 2 T L Wilson ;
yearling heifer, 1 L Wilson, Henry Bay-
lor ; heifer calf. J L Wilson, Henry Bay-
lor ; herd, J L. Wilson.
Grades. -Cow, B Stafford, Henry Bay-
lor; yearling baiter, Wm Lambkin;
heifer calf, Wm Lambkin, B Stafford ;
milch cow any kind or breed, milking
qualities only considered 1 & 2 Wm
Lamblcin ; village cow, Edwin Sperl-
Polled Angus, -Cow, 4 yrs old, B
Stafford ; bull calf, r & 2 B Stafford.
Holstein.- Bull, 3 years old, Wm
Lambkin ; cow, 4 years old, x & 2, Ed
Lambkin ; cow, uuder 4 yrs 1 & 2, Ed
Lambkin ; heifer, 2 yrs old 1 and 2, Wm
Lambkin ; yearling heifer, x & 2, Wm.
Lambkin ; bull calf, 1 & 2, Wm.
Lambkin ; heifer calf, x & 2, Ed
Herefords. -Bull, 3 yrs old, Jas. Dow-
ney ; cow, 4 yrs old, Jas. Downey ; cow,
under 4
. las. Downey ; cow,w under
yrs, Jas Downey ; yearling heifer,
x & e
Jas Downey ; bull calf, Tas Downey ;
heifer calf, 1 & 2, Jas Downey ; bull,
any age or breed, Jas Downey.
T. H. McCord, Judge.
Leicesters.-Aged ram. Robt Sander-
son, Earl Johnston ; shearling ram,
Robt Sanderson ; ram lamb,
Sanderson 1 & 2 ; pair ewes,having
raised lambs 9
'c t in 1 1 r. Robt Sanderson •
pair shearling ewes, Robt Sanderson •
pair ewe Iambs, x & 2 Robt Sanderson ;
pen sheep, Robt Sanderson.
Oxford Downs. -Aged ram, McEwen
Bros ; shearling ram McEwen Bros ;
ram lamb, McEwen Bros ; pair ewes,
havingraised lambs in 191 1 McEwen
Bros '
pair shearling ees,McEwen
Bros ; pair ewe lambs, McEwen Bros ;
pen sheep, McEwen Bros.
Grades, -Pair ewes, baying raised
lambs in 1915, Earl Johnston ; pair of
shearling ewes, Earl Johnston ; pair ewe
lambs, Earl Johnston; best mutton
sheep of any breed, Robt Sanderson,
McEwen Bros.
Berkshire.- Boar aged, Andrew
Davidson ; boar 6 months and under 12,
x & 2, Andrew Davidson ; boar under 6
months, Jas Douglas. Andrew David-
son ; brood sow, Andrew Davidson ;
sow 6 months and under 12, Andrew
Davidson ; sow ander 6 months, jos
Douglas, Andrew Davidson.
Yorkshire White. -Boar 6 months and
under in, k; Krohn ; boar under 6
months, E Krohn r & 2 ; brood sow, E
Krohn ; sow 6 months and under 12, E
Krohn ; sow under 6 months 1 & 2 E
Tamworth.- Boar aged, Andrew
Pair geese, Peter Stroh, 1 & 2 ; Tur-
keys, Peter Stroh, 1 & 2 ; ducks pekin,
Stroh, 1 & 2 ; ducks any other kind,
Wm Brown sr, James Downey ; ply -
mouth rocks barred, Mrs James Brown ;
Plymouth rocks barred chicks, Peter
Stroh, Edwin Sperling ; plymouth rocks
any other kind, Peter Stroh ; plymouth
rocks chicks of any kind, Peter Stroh ;
leghorns white, Peter Struh, Mrs Jas
Brown ; leghorns, white chick, Peter
Stroh, A Reis ; leghorns brown, David
Kaufman, Earl' Johaeton ; leghorn brown
chicks, David Kaufman, Earl Johnston ;
wyandotre chicks, las Downey, Mrs
lames Brown ; minorcas, Wm Brown
sr 1 & 2 ; bantam chicks, Robt Sander-
son ; pigeons fantail, Mrs las Brown ;
pigeons of any kind, Wm Brown sr,
Mrs. James Brown ; collection of stuffed•
birds, R H Carson.
Red winter wheat, Andrew Schmidt,
Jas W Edgar ; white winter wheat,
Earl Johnston, Jas W Edgar ; spring
wheat anykind T Krohn ; barley,
Andrew Shinldt Jaynes W Edgar ;
large peas, E Krohn ; atnall peas,
James 'W Edgar, E Krohn ; white
oats, Andrew Schmidt, J W Edgar ;
block oats( .Andrew Schmidt, E.
ICrnhn ;collection of Frain ill straw,
It Krohn ; sheaf exhibit, E Krohn.
yye beer up gur statement* With: Our
Roptitation and i tots y
We ate so positive that we can ye.
lieve constipation, no Metter hew
01110010 it Inay be, that we offer t0
fevnlah the medicine free of all cost
if we fail,
• We think that it is Worse than use-
less to attempt, to cure constipation
With cathartic drugs, Ottthartics Play
do much harm, They may cause a re•
action, 1511i6itte and weaken the
bowels, and make constipation more
ohm') ie.
Constipation is often accompanied
and may be caused .by weakness of
the nerves apd mesules of the large
intestine or Colon, To expect a cure
you must therefore tone up and
strengthen those 'parte and restore
thein to healthier activity.
The discovery of the active princi-
ple of our remedy involved the labor
of skilful research by chemists. This
remedy produces results such as are
expected from the best of the best-
known intestinal tonics, and 16 is
particularly prompt in its results.
We want you to try Rexall Order-
lies on our guarantee. They are ex-
ceedingly pleasant to take and are
ideal for children. They apparently
act directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels, having, it would seem
a neutral action on other organs or
lands. They do not purge or cause
inconvenience. 1f they do not pusi-
tively cure chronic or habitual consti-
pation and thus relieve the myriads of
associate or dependent chronic ail-
ments, your money will be refunded,.
Try Rexall Orderlies at our rick.
Three sizes of packages, 10c., 25c, and
50c. Remember, you can obtain Rex -
all Remedies in this community only
at our store -The Rexall Store. F.
R. Smith.
Packed butter 20 lb, A Yuill, Geo
Haines ; 10 lbs., A Yuill, Geo Haines,
5 lbs packed in roll, George
Haines, Wm Goggin ; 8 prints butter,
1 lb each, J L Wilson, A Yuill ; 2
loaves bread borne made, Jas W
Edgar, Andrew Schmidt ; one loaf
bread. plain buns and pie made by
Sn•l under 16, Andrew Schmidt, Peter
troh ; apple pie, Mrs, 1 11 Stephens,
Edwin Sperling ; pumpkiu pie, Harvey
Sparling. Miss id Tughan ; buns home
made, Andrew Schmidt, Mrs R H
Stephens ; oatmeal cakes, Peter Stroh,
Miss M 'Tughan, Harvey Sparling,
Jas W Edgar ; fruit cake, Harvey
Sparling, Edwin Sparling ; jelly cake,
Edwin Sparling Geo Reinhart ; comb
honey, Peter Stroh ; strained honey
Peter Stroh, Geo Haines ; pickles
vegetable, Miss M Tughan, Peter
Stroh ; pickles fruit, Jas W Edgar,
Miss M Tughan ; maple syrup, Harvey
Sperling, George Reinhart ; jelly, A
Yuill, Jas W Edgily 1 collection of
canned fruit, A Yuill, W It Mc-
Cracken, Miss M Tughan ; collection
of jelly, Miss M Tughan, .A. Yuill.
Bushel potatoes early, E Krohn,
Harvey Sparling ; potatoes late. Geo.
Reinhart, E Krohn ; potatoes any
kind, Geo Haines, Andrew Schmidt 1
collection of potatoes, B Stafford, E
Krohn ; swede turnips, W H NIc-
Oracken, J Holland ; turnips any
other kind, 19 Krohn, Andrew
Davidson ; man old red E
Andrew Schmidt ; marigold yellow,
B Spaffovd, W H McCracken ; man -
gold white, W H McCracken, Andrew
Schmidt ; garden carrots, 1 & 2 And-
rew Schmidt : field carrot, Andrew
Schmidt ; sugar beets, Earl Johnston,
W H'Mcracken ; celery, Geo Rein-
hart, W 11 McCracken ; potato onions,
Andrew Schmidt, id McCracken
seed onions, W'H W McCracken, Geo
Reinhart ; onions from dutch sets,
Andrew Schmidt, Geo Reinhart ; col-
lection of 2 W H McCracken
onions ns 0 1 &
parsnips, Andrew Schmidt, Geo Rein-
hart ; pumpkins, 'W H McCracken,
Earl Johnston ; citrons, James W
Edgar, Andrew Schmidt ; blood beets,
Andrew Schmidt,
Gen Reinhart
turnip beets, NVH McCracken, .6.
Reis ; tomatoes large, Geo Reinhart,
Mrs Jas Brown ; tomatoes small, Nlrs
Jas Brown • cabbage white, Andrew
Schmidt, Wm Goggin; cabbage red,
Andrew Schmidt, Geo Reinhart ; red
peppers, Mrs Jas Brown ; cauliflowers,
Geo Reinhart, Wm Goggin ; water-
melons, Andrew Schmidt, E Krohn ;
squash, W H McCracken, Peter Stroh ;
encumbers, David Kaufman, Mrs•
Jas Brown ; sunflowers, W H Mc-
Cracken, Mrs Jas Brown ; table corn,
Andrew Schmidt, W H McCracken ;
field corn, Andrew Schmidt. W J
McCracken ; white beaus, Geo Haines,
Jas Downey ; butter beans, Mrs
Jas Brown, Peter Stroh.
Northern spy, 1 Miss M Tughan 2
W H McCracken ; canadian red, 1 An-
drew Schmidt, 2 A Reis ; rhode island
greening, 1 W H McCracken, 2 Geo
Haines ; Wagner, 1 J L Wilson, 2 A
Yuill ; king of toinpkins, I Gen Haines
5 Jas W Edgar ; american golden rus-
set', A Yuill 2 Mrs. Jas Brown russett
ankind,1 Jas W Edgar • ba dwin
Harvey parling, 2 WgH McCracken 1
peewaulcee, 1 Peter Stroh, 2 A Yuill ;
ben davis, 1 Andrew Schmidt ; mann,
1 Andrew Schmidt, 2J L Wilson ; 20
ounce pippin,1 Geo Plaines, 2 Jae
Clonnell ; 0(155110, 1 Peter • 86104 1
tltlixtan sweet, 1 llenzy Baylor, 2
111 Krohn 1001100tion or winter apples
1 Andrew $leiltnidt, 2 Geo Malum;
culverts, 1 W 11 Me0raeken, 2 Mrs
Jas Brown ; cayuga red, 1 G Haines ;
duchess 1 A Reis, 2 Geo 3laines
Alexander, 1 J W Spence, 2 Miss AI
Tughau , midden blush, I Peter Stroll,
2 Geo Haines ; show apples; 1 J W
Spence 2 Bert P t411is; St, LAW1'ou0e,1
Peter Stroh ; fall gentian, 1 Andrew
Schmidt; 2 E. Krohn ; wealthy, 1 Geo
Haines, 2 W li McCracken ; mcintoslt
red, 1 J Holland ; grltveustein, 1 Har-
vey Sparlin , 2 Jas W Edgar ; r•ibston
pippii , 1 Peter Stroh, 2 Geo Plaines
collection of fall applee,1 Andrew.
Schmidt, 2 Earl Johnston ; general
collection of apples, 1 Andrew Schmidt
2 Jas W Edgar ; crab apples, 1 Peter
Stroh, 2 Jas Donnell ; lomhard pintas,
W 11 McCracken ; gueii plums, W li
McCracken ; ]Duero Plumps, Peter
Stroh, W 1l McCracken ; rnoore's
nate plains, W 11 McCracken ; ponds
seedling plums, W 13 McCracken ;
Washington plums, W H McCracken
Yellow egg plums. W ll McCracken ;
collection of plums,W H McCraekeu ;
pears, A Yuill, .ndrew Schmidt ;
grapes, Geo Reinhart, Peter Stroh.
Asters, Mrs Jas Brown ; dahlias, W
H ]McCracken, Mrs Jas Brown ; sweet
190118, Mrs. Jas Brown ; stocks, Edwin
Sperling, Mrs. Jas Brown ; table
baguet, Mrs Jas Brown, Edwin Spar -
ling ; basket of annuals, Mrs Jas
Brown ; collection of house plants,
Wm Stinson ; begonia, Mrs las
Brown ; collection of ferns, Win Stin-
son ; foliage plants, Wm Stinson.
Megan, Mrs Bele, 611-8 R Slevel-
sou ; ttprou fancy, Mrs W McKenzie,
Miss Livingston ; bead work, Mrs
W Tamlyn, Mrs Hele ; bed
spread, G Reinhart ; braiding,
Mrs Stevenson, Geo Reinhart ;
enllection of fancy work, Mrs Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs Stevenson ; crochet. work
in novelty braid, Mrs H A Aldred,
Mrs. Tandy') ; crocheting wool, Nlrs
Stevenson, Miss Livingston ; crochet-
ing -cotton or silk, Mrs Stevenson,
Airs Hele ; drape, Miss Livingston,
Mrs Stevenson ; drawn work, Mrs
Stevenson, Mrs'Jainlyn ; doylies, emb.
Miss Livingston. Mrs Tatnlyu ; doy-
lies crochet, Mrs Aldred ; embroidery
eyelet, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Livingston ;
embroidery on cotton or linen, Mrs
Tamlyn, Airs Stevenson ; emb Mt mel -
lick, Jas W Edgar, Miss Livingston ;
emb Roman, Miss Livingston, Mrs
Tamlyn ; emb shadow, Miss Living-
ston. Mrs Tamlyn ; emb bnlgarian,
Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs Stevenson ; emb on
muslin, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs. Tamlyn ;
emb as applied to dress making, Mrs
Stevenson, Mrs. Tamlyn ; emb coro-
nation, Miss Livingston, Mrs Tamlyn ;
emb wallacehian, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs
Stevenson ; emb by lady over 00 years
Edwin Spat•ling, Mi.'s. Tamlyn ; 5
o'clock tea cloth emb Mrs Alred, Mrs
Livingston ; 5 o'clock tea cloth lace
work, Miss Livingston, ,Mrs Tamlyn ;
5 o'clock tea cloth, drawn work, A
Yuill, Geo Reinhart ; novelty in fancy
work, Mrs Aldred, Mrs. Stevenson ;
fascinator ; Mrs Tamlyn ; gloves hand
made, Sirs McKenzie, W H Mc-
Kenzie, W H McCracken ; hardanger
an Scrim, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Stevenson;
3 handkerchiefs fancy, Mrs Steven-
son, 111 FS Hele ; knitting fancy cotton,
Miss Livingston, Mrs McKenzie ;
knittingfanc wool, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs
Stevensn ; honiton or point lace, irs
Hele, Mrs Stevenson ; teneriffe lace,
Mrs Tamlyn ; battenbnrg lace, Mrs
Stevenson, Mrs Hele ; duchess lace,
atm Stevenson, Miss Livingston ; tea
cosey, Mrs Stevenson, A Yuill ;
laundry bag, ams Steveneon,
t i woman's
t'9 mcKe 1Z e
woollen mitts, Miss 'Livingston, Mrs
Hele, men's woollen mitts, Mrs Mc-
Kenzie,Mrs Stevenson ; fancy table
mats, Mrs Hele, Pim Stevenson ; toilet
mats, Mrs Stevensnn, Mrs Tamlyn ;
hooked mat, Mrs Stevenson ; mat any
kind, Geo Reinhart; netting, Miss
Livingston, Nlrs Steve,son ; photo
frame Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Bele ,pin
cushion,Miss Tu hen Hele ,
pierced brass, Miss Livingston, Mrs
ll'arnlyu ; pyrography on velvet, Mrs
Tamlyn, Miss Livingston ; pyrography
leather, 6115 Hele, Mrs Tamlyn ;
pyrography wood, Miss Livingston ;
Eczema, Psoriasis, and other skin
troubles are caused by myriads of
germs at work in the skin. Unless
these germs are promptly destroyed
they rapidly multiply, gnawing their
way deep into the sensitive tissue.
This is what causes that awful itrh,
and what seemed a mere rash may
grow worse and develop into a loath-
some and torturing shin disease with
its years of Misery.
Don't take any chances 1 Destroy
the germs at the beginning of the
tremble with that soothing and cleans-
ing wash, the D. D. D. Prescription
for Eczema.
Itis gnite a simple platter for you
to find out for' 'smut self whether or
not D. D. D. will erre rm. Simply
send poor name and address to the
D.-1). Laboy•atories, Dept, 13, P, 90
Colborne St, Toronto and get by re-
turn 01511 a free trialbottle of the
]remedy. It will give you instant re-�.
lief at the very first application.
pillow shame emnbrotdery, Edwin
Sperling ; pillow sliiJms any other,
Mrs Tautly)), Mr's Stevelsoh; patch
ell cloth ribs Atelenzie, Mies Tug-
han , twitted quilt, Mrs Vele, Geo
Reinhart ; crochet quilt, Edwin Spar•
ling, Mee Tautly') ; patched quilt, W
II MyOraekel ; pieced cotton quilt,
Mrs Hole, Gen ileinhart ; silk or vet.,
vet quilt, A Yuill, Geo Hlalns; best
quilted (1;1111, 11re McKenzie, Gc o
Reinhart ; u'roll's stoekinto, 3Ir+
McKenzie, \V 11 11iCCrarkvll e1)1 '.•;
sox, Mi'e 11eJCel.xie, Jas 6V. ledger ;
leans ut'ilrst shirt, Niro M(Kenzic,
Miss Togliatti ; ;man's fine shirt, Mrs
McKenzie, Mies Livingston; sofa
pillow e,nbo idered, 'Herman Downey,
Mrs Aldred; sofa pillow ueetllework,
Miss Tugluau, Herman Downey ; sofa
pillow, any otherGeo Haines, Nis
Stevenson ; ladies' wool shawl, Mrs
Talnlyn, Miss Livingston ; ladies slip-
pers, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn ;
centre piece 'embroidered in silk, A
Yuill, Mrs Stevenson ; centre piece
embroidered in cotton, Miss Living-
ston, Mrs Tamlyn• tray cloth, Mrs
Stevenson, Mrs Aldred ; tea cloth,
Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Tamlyn; tatting,
Mm Stevenson, Mrs Bele ; whisk
holder, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn ;
[Continued on page 6]
They Keep the
whole system
in the pink of
Their singular curative pro-
perties discovered by an Indian
tribe -introduced to civilization
nearly a century ago -com-
pounded since 1857 in the
Comstock Laboratories at
Brockville, Ontario.
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills
have a remarkable record for
consistently curing constipa-
purifying the blood, banishing
headaches and clearing the
24 skin, 25c. a box everywhere.
• Complete and well"
• assorted stock of Fall
•• and Winter Woollens
t. including
Soltio s
ouercoatin s
• --
• Fancy Vests
• that should be seen.
• Fit and Workman-
• ship Guaranteed.
W.P, Fraser
• •Merchant Tailor
•9 i
the victims of early indiseretluos and later et.
ceases, who aro failures in life -you are the
oneswe can restore to manhood and revive
thespark of energy and vitality, Don't give
up in despair because you have treated with
other doctors, used electric belts and tried
various drug store nostrums.
Our New Method Treatment hat snatched
hundreds from the brink 0f despair, bas re-
stored happiness to hundreds of homes and
has made successful men of those who were
o and
out." We prescribe specific, rem-
syiSfom each individualcaseaecoritn to the
urn me and complications -we have aosymptoms
umedicines. OStoleour oftat secrets of
our wonderful success asour treatment Can-
not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to
each individual case. Only curable cases ac-
cepted. We have done business throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
OR, 90 PAY
HEADER nHiago tyou rleoys
1 na your blood been inceasedf Kavayou
weakness? Our New Method Treatment will
curd you, what aline clone forr others it will
do for you. Consultation o'
lotion Freo. No mutter
who bas treated, yen, write P -an bones;
opinion Pro.of Charge. Books Free
"Boyhood, Manhood. Fatherhood." IDlustrat•
ed) on Diseases of Men.
No NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT'. No names on boxes er enoel.
ones. Everything Confidential. .Question List and Coat of Treatment FREE FOR HOME
Q f
Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
e art -
All letters from Canada must he addressed
lei melon Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
stetted ea
nee us personally call at our Medical Ynstitute in Detroit as wetreat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are forCorrespondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows:
L Writo fel but private address.
The Wornan -
This, 'is the problem
confronting the average
housewife -a problem of
vital importance to the
home, and one best solved
by a trip to our store and the
purchase of
For the Woman Question is not only
what to eat, but how to cook it, and you find
the answer in Gurney -Oxford, -first in con-
struction, as well as .convenience; first in
facilities for control and readiness. The
.Divided Oven .Flue Strip assures perfect
baking because of its even heat -distribution,
and in every detail the perfect construction
of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory
cooking results.
Another phase of the question is
economy, and we invite a visit to our store
expressly that you may examine the marvell-
ous fuel -saving device the
Oxford Economizer
Gurney -Oxfords are the only stoves
licensed to sell with this wonderful patent. It
needs only to he set at a proper angle to
hold heat ,for ]ours without attention. No
fuel is vkfasted---a saving of zo per cent.
The Grate is .Reversible with strong
teeth that save accumulation of clinkers
and waste.
In point of appearance -nickel trim-
mings, beauty of design, etc. -the Gurney -
Oxford has not, a rival, Come to our store
and find the best answer to the Woman
Question -a Gurney -Oxford stove.
You are not experimenting 013 your-
self when you take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as it has
won its great reputation and exten-
sive sale by its remarkable cures of
colds and can always be depended
npou. It is equally valuable for
adults and children and may be given
to young children with implicit confi-
dence as it contains no harmful drug.
Sold by aliDealers._
Let Tho Stomach Alone
You can't cure catarrh by dosing
the stomach. The disease is in the
throat, ansa and bronchial tubes. In-
hale Oatarrhozone to the spot where
the disease really is, -it clears away
foul secretions, stops discharges at
once, purifies and heals the passages,
literally annihilates every trace of
catarrh. Nothing else is so direct and
certain as "Catarrhozone." Results
guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00
at all dealers.
L a dz•es-
St. Thomas,Ont.
FREE 013
Auction Sales
2Lna11NT8, &0.-51. B. Soott, auctioneer.
has been instructed by the undersigned to sell
by pablio auction at Lot 27, Con, 0 - Grey,on
Tuesday, October 24th, at 1 o'clook,thefouow-
lug property, viz. ;--1 brood mare rising 5 yrs.
supposed in foal, 1 heavy draft mare rising 8
years, 1 heavy draft geldingfoal rising 0 mos„
1 mare 4 years old, 4 cows supposed in calf, 2
heifers rising 2 years supposed in calf, 5 Hot.
stein heifer outsets 5 steer calves, 1 brood sow
supposed in pig . 5young pigs 2 menthe old, 1
Massey -Harris 'binder, 1 Toronto mower, 1
horse rake 1 Champion seed drill, 1 disc har-
row, 1 set iron harrows, 1 riding plow nearly
new, 1 single plow, 1 wagon, 1 new combina-
tion stook and hayrack, 1 set of bob.sleighs
with box and stock rank, 1 Chatham fanning
mill with bagger nearly new, 1 round water
tank 5 feet in diameter, 1 set platform scales,
1 cutting box,1 Oxford cream separator, quan-
tity of straw, quantity of hay, 1 Cook elove, 1
parlor heating stove, 1 kitchen table, 6 kitchen
chairs, 2 Large sized milk sane and other artic-
les. Sale unreserved ns proprietor has Bold
his farm. Terms -All sums. of $5 and under
cash; over that amount 12 months credit will
be given on furuithing approved joint notes;
5 per cent. off for Dash on credit amounts.
Horn and HighGrade Cattle, eel well
bred Horses, Inplemeuta, &c. -F. B. Scott,
auctioneer, has been instructed by the under-
signed to sell by public auction at 834 Lot 21.
Co,,, 14, MORillop, on Friday, October 27th,. at
1260 o'clock, the following valuable propperty,
viz.; -1 heavy draft aged mare supposed in foal
to Bursar, 1 heavy draft registered imported
mare supposed in foal to Bursar, 1 heavy draft
filly 8 years old aupposed in foal to Belledoyle,
1 heavy draft gelding 4 years old, 1.heavy draft
ally rising 2 years, 1 general purpose filly ria.
ing 8 yearn 4 registered Short Horn cows imp -
posed in Calf, 1rogiatered Short Horn heifer
rising 8 seppoeed in Calf, 1 regletared Short
Horn heifer rising 2 with calf at foot, 1 regia -
tared Short Horn heifer rising 2, 8 registered
Short Horn Heifer calves, 1 registered Short
Horn bull 0,91, 1 reglotored Short Horn bull 2
years old, 6 young grade cowe supposed to be
in calf, 6 grade yearlings, 6 grade calves, 1
Massey8arrie reaper 0 foot out, I Deering
mower 5% foot out, 1 Maesey-Herris hay ted.
der, 1 Rook Island hay loader,1 fanning null, 1
dine harrow, 1 Messoy-Bnrris springtooth
cultivator, 1 seed drill, I set IS;horse barrows,
1 walking plow, 1 Perrin riding plow, 1 Ping
plow, 1 set 200013. Reales, 1 bag truck, 1 land
roller, l rabber tire buggy abndet new, 1 road
Dort, 1 cutter, .1 light 2 -seated Rlei b, 2 sets
heavy sleighs, I'truolt wagon, 1 etanderd Wnik-
ervllIe wagon, 1 battle andhay reek, 1 Kemp
entente spreader, 114•). p. White engine, 1
Watson( cylinder cutting box with blower at.
toehmoitt and 00 feet carrlers,1 Ja11et grinder,
1 phlpor, 1lslicer, 1 set teem Mendes, 1 sot sin-
gle baritone, 1 double set light hareems, 1 wheel.
berrow, 1 setter kettle, nap bucket? and. lanes,
skins,gentility on ,hovels An11 e Scat of hotherhnr.
Holes forks, n a
Hilae then robrie a to esolden. :anew Tertian
carve o ' {of 510 0111 hes sold 811 farm, over
-All 11 of menthe
e o ender w rash ; fur.
mmMt,rb 11 months o'edSt will be gluon on Pnr•
nl•lnnentiproved joint;notes; 4.per cent, per
annum off for ea 11 on credit amounts,
Notice to Creditors
In the /natter of the estate of John Mac-
Arthur, late of the Village of Bros•
sels, in the Couuty of Huron,
gentleman, deceased. 1
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- I
vised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129,
that all creditors and others having olefin
against the estate of the said John MacArthur, I
who died on or about the 29th dayof Soptem-
her, 1911, are required on or befre the 10th
day of October, 1011, to send by poet, prepaid,
or deliver to Annie MacArthur or Mary Mac
Arthur, W'altouP. 0., the Executrix of the
daoeesed, theh• Clu'iSlien and surnames; ad-
dresses and descriptions and statement of their
accounts against the said estate and also the
nature of the security if any held by them.
And further take notice that after such last
before mentioned do ed date the is of the eclpr d
amongst the
the titled of the demising
arthees en s of which
regard onlytoBB
g d5 chines which aid, ecu-'
then have of no
g liable
end that id said Exoon-
trixwillnot he liable for the said e r n
part theref to anyperson ors persons of whose
claims notice shalnot have been received by
them at the time of such distribution.
Dated this 10th day of October, 1911.
15.8 1P. S. SCOTT,
Agent for the Executrix.
AMS FOR SALE -The Leicester
pato brad Con.
Lalaesns p. They axle. Lot 17, OR 9,BTGrey township. Trey
are fine ones. ROB]. L. MODONALD,
Oranbrook P. O.
COR SALE A. few good Oxforddownand
Leiceater ram lambs and a Leicester
shearling ram for sale. Apply to S. WALKER,
Lot 29 Oon, 7, Morris, Brusaslo P. 0.
154 Telephone 168,
lc ARM FOR SALE being Lot 1 1B yon. 18.
11- Grframe oomtnt5.;
y Pt g 100itc ?taros; 24;
story uneshouse,20x1, ft,; ne stabling
good frwells;
buntie ded90, on a axe stabling, i;
good sin ue ; orch to gross except 20 aeras.
30 sorts to Proal • nrstate; £�milesltiv from C. P.
R. station. All to state of onlALIIMA, For
further 7 �ranbro imply to ALEXANDER
BARRON,ephone 2 18. P. O. 10.9..
Telephone 2618.
WARMS FOR SALE -Being Lot 4, don, 11,
and Lot 6, Con. 18, Grey Township, Huron
Co. On these banns are good buildings, well.
fenced and drained, also good oroharde ; plen-
ty of water ;t aultivattot. nearly all seeded to grass and in
wood state
6 o Both are Close ty
will be
and to the Village ea Brussels. They
wenbe Boldly cheapnand premises. easy terms of pay
nrea'tt. Apply on 'JAS.he 21016
8•ti � 'JAS. HOTZ, Brussels P, 0. .i.
FARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers '♦I'
for sale lila 100 Bore farm, being N% Lot
29, yon, 8, Morris ow p, Huron (e. 55 +
acres cleared. There is a comfortable !rouse'5 •
new bank barn, orchard, drilled. well, &o. 2;ry g.•.;.•.}.0•F•••3•••4•®4•O•P••F♦d•••}•••F••}•♦
miles South of Brussels. Possessionfirstof
March, 1912. For further particulars, as to
price, terms &o., apply on the premises or
ruseels'P. a, toll. BEAM, Prop. 8-4
FARM EOR $ALIO.-Belug Lot 20, Con. 14
MaKillop township, containing about 02
cores, all cleared. On the premises is a brick
house, bank barn with hog ,on combined, and
a new power Mill for pumping,grinding, &c.
also good bearing orolmr.', chilly Soya.. Lunt
is la extra good state of Cultivation, having
been cropped light and large stock of both
hogs and Cattle fed or, It for yams. ]farm is
situated 911 miles from school end 2 ,riles from
Walton 0. P. R. statim,, For further partion-
lars write J. 1t. HAMILTON, Welton P.O., or
apply on the prenieea. 40-tf
TH0100'-BRED YORKSHIRES, either sex,•
et breeding age, fineaale. Also 2 young
Shorthorn bulls, one of then 1st prize winner
at Brussels Fair. ,IAS. SPE1R, bet 80, 0on. 8,
Morrie. Box 278 Brussels P. 0. Phone 100.
. •
• Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 80 .••I.
+ years. The largest trainers 10
• Canada. Owing to our
Zinn all over Ontario, we do +
'D• better for cur graduates than •
� s thcr Shoot. 'n
School. You may
study all at home or partly at .•yT.
Moine and finish art the College. •
• Affiliated with The Oommeroal +
0,Educators' Association of Cart- ,l••.
I would be well for • y ou ♦
to investigate g choosing.
t ate Before
• Exclusive right for Ontario of +
• the world-famous Bliss Book- •
• keeping System, which is un- +
• equalled, 1t is Actual Business
+ from Start to Finish, and the •
• student keeps same books as 'r
Chartered Banks and Whole- ""
+ sale Houses; Eater any time. •
• Individualinstruction.
kFall Term From Aug. 28th +
♦ Write, call or phone for •
partdcnlare, •
Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, President
Chas. W. Burns, Principal •
AT A BARGAIN. -Will dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, at $850, a groat
bargain 1n order to secure quick sole. Key
may be bad. from Mr. .J; Letting. - For further
articulare nee Mr. Leckie or
writethe under-
signed. J. H. CAMERON, tdor-
10 8t. George St„ London..
stable, well, dm., end'2 acres of (tlsolee
land for sale in the Southerly part of Brus-
sels. Immediate possession canbe given. Por
further particulars apply to F. 8• Scott, Brns-
eels, or J140. MCARTHUR, Weltoh P.O.
FARM FOR SALE, -Tin 100 Wore farm bo.
ing the property of the late Peter 210E 011,
Lot 28, Con. 14, Grey, de offered for sale by the
underetg sed. There are 85 norm eloarod, Wi-
lmot, well
norm timbered. On the hum there is u
good bank barn, large driving shed and a con•
fortable house, Platte in good condition and
well fenced. For further particulars apply 60
JAS. A. MCNAIR or JAS. D. 100NAIR, Sam).
utors, Oranbrook P. 0„ or F. S. SOOT' Brinesets. 17.11
WARM FOR SALR--The undersigned offers
F for sale, his 100 acre form, being bat 00,
Don. 15, Grey, About 70 acme cleared, batmen,
in swamp, 6 Doren in Fall wheat, al noes
ed down, Fall plowing fa beingdone,
farm Is a frame house, lmkbarn, drvhehed
good orchard and drilled Well. (lone to poet.
office, ohuroh and school, For further 502(500'
tars apply to JOHN OSB012NE, Proprieter,
or F. B. Scott, Brussels,
=ARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 65,
Con. 4, Morris toWnship, Haven 00 , 000-
tolning 100 aerea more or lees, On the pretn-
ieos is a frame hnttee, bank haru, good orchard,
woll, Windmill, &o. All cleered except about
all acre. School 1% Mired distort, Only 944
nil les front Brussels. 0 acres of Fell wheat In
and about 50 acrea seeded down, Per prior,
terms and other information imply on the
romlees.or SP w,ithlg JOesotela P. O. Pimuo
110, Or F. S. Scott, l)napnls.
1141 , A. L.IUlISR, Proprietor.
Chopin Mill
at the
Electric tight Plant
Will Run every
Week Day
from this date and attend to alt
orders With pt'onlptness and
care. Satisfaction guaranteed,
Flour and Feed always
on hand for sale.
We aro prepared to install
Electric Light in homes or pub-
lic buildings. A81t ;about rine
rates and terms, A 1 service
7 ..