The Brussels Post, 1911-10-19, Page 3talsaientlealleeellefi Fashion Hints SKIRTS STILL NARRLOW, The skirts are, iu the main, nar- row. A few models show slightly. draped effects, and there aro some models in which plaits, have been introduced. But, on the whole, the idea of a narrow skirt has been Maintained. The tailored shits are often in the really mannish styles, And man- / eish oloths ere also used. These �t in dark. colors and rough eves. Double .faced cloths aro gdtaed. All effects are quiet. anportan't feature is the pre- ' ,aerance of long sleeves for af- arnoon dressoo. Praotioally every jacket suit bas the full length 'sleeve. All of the waists aecom- Inlaying the three piece suits, as well as the bodices of afternoon dresses, have long sleeves. Sometimes this lower sleeve has a slight fullness toward the elbow, which it is drawn into' a cuff. But there are no extreme effects in wleeves; km startling novelty to re e,olutionize garment cutting. The bonservative spirit governs. The desire is to make• salable, wearable dresses, suits and wraps. ;From their contact with so many Ameri- ran :buyers it,has been learned_ that too extreme and too advanced ideas ere as bad for trade as anything pstwld possibly be. FALL COLLARS. ''A large variety of collars is be- ing shown for fall. While the new- er model's do not show the regula- bion sailor collar, many are made with the new shaped sailor? which almost reaches to the waist line, but is considerably narrower than the old style. Large, .round collars 'and pointed collars are also much in evidence. Hoods and hood effects' are meet- ing with oonsiderable success. Some of the coats have the collars made so as to have an adjustable hood which can be used to cover the head, when desired. When un- buttoned it forms a.sailor color, Double collars, consisting of a deep cape oollar coming over the shoulders and a small turndown Dollar, usually of another materia], are also seen in the lines. While the majority of coats have the turn- down collar, •a few are made with the standing military collar. PONY COATS. ,For popular priced garments it is difficult to find any for which will meet all the requirements necessary ao well as pony akin. For this rea- son pony skins are again being ex- tensively used. The natural pony is sharing the favor of the dyed variety, and when combined with nutria or beaver trimmings /naked a good looking coat for a email price. It is well to mention in this eon- raection that the real Russian pony coats are the kind mostly used, as the calfskin does not find ready sale, • now that the beat grade of pony has dropped to reasonable prices. OLD AGE RULES. Englishman Says Eat Porrodgey "Werk Hard" Adds Woman. The celebration of a birthday in the cirole of a Predton, England, family named Gardner draws at- tention to the fact that :the total age .of this family of eleven approaches 700 years. There are six brothers and five sisters, of whom the young- est is a "girl" of 51 and the oldest a "boy" in his 73rd year. Not less remarkable than the longevity of. the family is the fact that they are all in good health and working yet —the men at their occupations and the woman at looking after their homes. Asked as to what be attributed the good health of the family, Rich- ard Gardner, who is 60, answered "Porridge 1 We were brought up on porridge. It was the meal both morning, and night, and meat was rarely tasted, the midday dinner usually consisting of bread and but, ter. It was. uncommon • to have more than half a' poilndof meet and a quarter pound of suet on the table at one to serve the whole of us." There is another wonderful old centenarian, named Mrs. Ann Destroy, down in Wolverhampton, who :has just celebrated her 103rd birthday, Asked, what Was her re. oipe for longevity, she said, "Work hard and eat heartily: I've done both," she said, "for •I've had nine children, and have always had to work very Her memory is good and her most treasured reoolleotion is when the late Queen Victoria, then a girl, was • being d inert in a carriage at, fended by the Duchess of Kent The young pi -Incase was thirst ,the Ferriage pulled up at a wayside into Iamb by Mrs. Dovey's parents, and Ile response to a request for a'ease of water, Mr's. Dovey, then ayoung woman hersellf, handed it to the,, princess, AFTER EFFECTS OF FEVER How to wild tip Health and Strength After Wasting Aisealees. When the system is run clown fol- lowing attacks of fever, la gni Pe, oe other wasting diseases, Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills are of special value, They make new, rich blood which reaches every organ ancl. every nerve in the body, and in this way restore the patient to ac- tive health and strength. In proof of this we give. the oaoe of Mrs, James Randall, Silyerstream, Sask., who says 3--"I feel that if there is anyone who ought to tes- tify to the merits of Dr. WiTliama' Pink Pills it is myself. About four years ago I was taken down with typhoid fever, which left me in a very weak state, and my stomach so impaired that even' a drink of milk would cause me pain. To make matters worse the changeof life followed, and although I was under the dare of one of our best doctors, I was eteadily growing worse. Before I was sick I had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but thought no more about them. But now when T was sick and .helpless and almost hopeless, and with no benefit coming from medical treatment, 2 kept thinking of the Pills and finally decided to try them. I did so and I am thank- ful to be able to say that they re- stored me to health and strength, and enabled me to pass through that trying period, from which so many poor women emerge with shattered health. I hope that many other poor sufferers may read this statement and take fresh courage from it, as I am sure that what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done forme;they will do for others. I may add that I always keep Dr, Williams' Pink Pills in the home, and feel that they are better than a doctor." These Pills are sold by all meth - cine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. "nh'illiams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FREAK RESTAURANTS. Schemes to Attract Customers In Search of New Sensations. There is (or was) in Berlin ascer- tain safe where rudeness is the key note of the waiting staff. Every patron who enters the restaurant is hustled roughly into a. seat, ab- ruptly interrogated as to his wants and finally has to submit to seeing his food thrust before him with as little ceremony as one might show to a stray dog, says London Tit Bite. This cafe is of courMe one of the many freak resteuranta which. abound on the Continent and the entire scheme of rudeness is simply a device to attract customers in search of a new sensation, which they undoubtedly secure. Tourists who did the sights of Paris a few years ago will probably remember the amazing "co,tvict" oafe, where every waiter was garb- ed like afelon wearing the hiecous uniform of the French co evict. Chains, handcuffs and other grim relics decorated the walls of the ex- traordinary restaurant and the plates en which the food was served were models of prison dishes. The owner of this freak cafe no doubt amassed a considerable fortune. Paris is undoubtedly the parent of weird cafes. Near the Boulevard Montmartre there stands he fam- ous Cabaret de Neant (Inn of No- thingness' of Death). The en- trance to the cafe is through a small opening in a black shutter and ono() inside the visitor is appalled by the gloom of the room. Lighted Saves Worry. Time and Trouble Post Toasties Can be served instantly with cream or milk. It makes a breakfast or lunch so superior to the ordinary, that it has be- come a ' welcome pantry necessity in thousands` of homes, and adds to the comfort and pleasure of, ' life. "Tile I`temor'y Lingettre �Ntt W Dais. . 'RIiU. ln'bok, Ii1eh, by flickering tapers its walls are hung with skeletons In various forms of activity, Food and drinks are sorvedln coffins and the waiters are garbed like undertakers' routes. More cheerful are' the restaurants of the Isle It,obianon, a summer re, sort near Paris. These restaurants are suspended from the branches of huge trees and amid the leaves and branches of magnificent oaks and beeches patrons 'eat their food and sip their summer drinks, music be- fng provided by a special band of feathered musicians, A "silent" cafe was inaugurated some years age in Paris probably to nater to votaries of the "rest" cure. Not a word was permitted to be spoken above a whisper and even the orders to the staff had to be given in writing. The strange ven- ture only enjoyed a brief life and soon faded into still greater silence. YE SACRED MONKEY. Tho Formosan aborigines wear no clothes except a narrow waist -band, and their skin has assumed a hue BO resembling earth that when they aro in a forest, and have donned their usual head-dress—a chaplet of leaves,' or a wisp of grass -they are hardly distinguished from their en- vironment. They worship the moon and the monkey, and it is on re- oord, that some years ago, when a Chinese ship approached Taito, on the, east ooast, the light at her masthead was taken by them for the moon, and they offered no resist- ance. They are very superstitious, and they place the most implicit re- liance on, and accord the most un- reasoning allegiance to, their chiefs. The soles of their feet are like leather, and they can traverse ground of any nature. They are said to be extraordinarily skilled marksmen, and the resistance they successfully to the attempts made in former days by the Chinese, the Dutch, and the Span- iards to subjugate them shows that they are are a resoluta race. TO BE KEPT DARK. Little Marjory—Mamma, what is .a spinster? Mother—A spinster, my dear, is a woman to be envied, but don't tell your father I said so. CONSTIPATED CHILD.REN - Constipation in children is the surest sign of danger—the most convincing signal that baby is go- ing to be ill. Constipation leads to and actually causes more suffer- ing in little ones than any other trouble. To keep baby well his little stomach must be kept sweet and his bowels regular—Baby's Own Tablets will do that—they will do it safely, surely and without pain or griping. Concerning- them Mrs. S. 0. Braaten, Bergland, Ont., says :—"My baby was both- ered almost continually with his stomach and bowels and was great- ly constipated. Baby's Own Tab- lets quickly relieved him and I would not now mg any other medi- cine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. �F. HIS BLARNY. Maid—But why should a great strong man' like you be found beg- ging? Wayfarer—Dear lady, it , is the only profession I know in which a gentleman can address a beautiful woman without an introduction. For over fifty years Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and other painful ail- ments have been cured by Hamlins Wizard Oil. It is a good honest remedy and you will not regret having a bottle ready for use. EPIGRAMS. A promise is a debt. Peace feeds;, war wastes. The good seaman is known in bad weather. The one -eyed are kings in the land of the blind. True eloquence does not consist in mere speech. A. lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. Virtue is so amiable that the vicious admire it. One bird in the dish is better than a hundred in the air. No sooner is a law made than its evasion is discovered. A woman laughs when she can and weep when she pleases. RIS ECONOMY. The children in the Blank family were taught habits of neatness at the table by being compelled to pay a fine of one cent for every spot they put on the tablecloth. One day Harold, a boy 'of seven years, was discovered rubbing the overhanging part of the cloth between his fin. sere, and, when taken to task' for [is he said "W'hy, Mummy, I was just trying to etrb y two spots into one W SOLVED. ,wmis-1 wom%r if there will !swear be amiversel Gillis—Style. All they've got to do Is to get the nations to agree. that ie ease of war the Winner pays tl'^ nendious, 010 NOT HAVE TO CALL THE DOCTOR BECAUSE SHE TRIED DODD'S ZiIDNEY PILLS MST. One boy of them cured Mrs. Mary A. Cook's Rheumatism from which she had suffered for fourteen years. Mannheim, Ont,, Oat, e,— Special).—How quickly and cattily Rheumatism can be cured when. you use the right means is shown in the case 'of Mrs, Mary A. Gook, well known and highly respected here. In an interview regarding her euro, of which all the village knows, Mr•.s, Cook says: "I had lthemnatism so bad that sometimes I would sit up nearly all night. "I first thought I would try the doctors, but luokily I. decided to first try Dodd's Kidney Pills. "They cured me, and I didn't have to try the doctors. And just to think that after' fourteen years of suffering one box of Dodd's Kid nay Pills should cure 1 T will re- commend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone who suffers.. from Rheuma- tism," Yea, it is easy to cure Rheuma- tism when you go the right way about it. Rheumatism is caused by urio acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are working right they will strain all the uric acid out of the blood and there can be no Rheuma- tism. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make the Kidneys work right. UNAVOIDABLE. Owner—How did you come to puncture the tire? Chauffeur—Ran over a milk bot- tle. Owner—Didn't you see it intime l Chauffeur—Na; the kid had it under his coat. 'Tis a Marvellous Thing. — When the aures effected by Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil are considered, the speedy and permanent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever it has been used, it must be regard- ed as a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should result from the six ingredients which en- ter into its composition. A trial will convince the most skeptical of its healing virtues. No man, oan hope to be happily married unless he is a good listener. MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. A FINANCIER. Boss—There's $10 gone from my cash drawer, Johnny; you and I were the only people who had the keys to that drawer. Office Boy—Well, s'pose we each pay 55 and say no more about it. Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the ex- crescences away by using Hollo- way'e Corn Cure, which acts thor- oughly and painlessly. IT WON'T WORK. "Consistency is aewel." "That's all right, but you can't work it off on any girl instead of a diamond ring." TRV MARINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25o, 50c, $1.00. Murine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250. $1.00. Bye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Bya Remedy Co., Chicago. Whining women and children aro bad enough, but deliver us from whining men. Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator dose not require the assistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. Office seeking seems to be a chro- nic disease with some men. Mlnard's Liniment C s Burns, EN. BEYOND HIS KNOWLEDGE. Diner (who has just had what was described as ''hashed mutton") — My hill, waiter. Waiter—Yes, sir. Now, let me see, wot did you 'ave? Diner—I have not the slightest idea. ED. 4 ISSUE 41-11 ell, ! ell! 'THIS ;ea HOME DYE that ANyQWI: a1► USC 1 deed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDSL_ of Goods with the SAM eye,: taxed CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of Bing the WRONG Dye for the Geode hal to col All colo t-e�Inn yy Druaekt or D ,!., ras8G I rearda d 5Tmited, ilatap� The Jobnaoa.RJ,howaoe Co., Limited, Mamma OROUP NL COL® FIELDS Fortunes Are Being Made Let us send you particulars FREE. WATERS -UJ RRfM SUN91cATE 43 Vlctorfa 8t., Toronto, Canada WHY NOTI According to Dr. Sargent, of Harvard, "woman is nature's fa- vorite." She's everybody's favorite, isn't she 2 A Remedy for Bilious Headaohe. —To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to direotions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. CLEVER, INDEED. "He seems to be very clever." "Yes, indeed. He oan even do the problems that his children have to work out at school." Baltimore, bid., Nov. 11, 1903. biinard'e Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs.—I eamo across a bottle of your MINARD'S LINIMENT in the hands of one of the students at the University of Mary- land, and he being so kind as to let me use 1t for a very bad sprain, which I ob- tained in training for foot races, and to pay that it helped me would be putting it very mildly` and I therefore ask if you would let me know of ono of your agents that is closest to Baltimore so that I may obtain some of it. Thanking you in ad- vance I remain, Tours truly, W. 0, MsOUEAN. 14 St; Paul street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P. S.—xindly answer at once. "As an artist, I suppose you, as- sume to bo indifferent to money." "No ; I',m not indifferent. But I'm not sufficiently acquainted to at- tempt familiarity." Cholera and all summer com- plaints are so quick in their action that the cold band of death is up. on the victims before they are aware that danger is near. If at- tacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor• dial, and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful ra- pidity and never fails to effect a euro. ORIGIN OF TRIAL BY JURY. Whence comes the system of trial by jury, with which so much dis- satisfaction is often expressed ? The authorities differ. One speaks of its origin losing itself in the night of time; another says it is "atrial that bath been used time out of mind"; a third affirms that it was introduced into England by the Nor- mans, and a fourth says that the Soandinavians established the sys- tem more than a thousand years ago. At any rate, there is evidence that, in the reign of the Conqueror. a dispute arose about some land which the sheriff claimed on behalf of the King. All the men of the county were assembled and eworn to any the truth. Eventually they found for the sheriff, The judge, dissatisfied with the verdict,direct- ed the men of the county to choose out of .their number twelve who should, upon oath, confirm the verdict if they thought fit. This they did, but authorities now agree that the twelve were not jurymen!. The legal existence of jurors was first recorded under the rlantage- nets. Formerly a, jury who could not agree were shat to vriso , and during Queen I4"llzebeth s reign a banquet; was usually givrn to the jury by the successful litigant. Mlnard's Llnl(ptint for sale everywherb. PRAC7TICAL SOCIETY GIRLS. Show Eagerness to Fit Themscives Por Making a Living. Moro and more English girls in high eoeial positions appear to be fitting themaelvea very practically for making a living should circum- stances demand, Some years ago one young girl, now the wife of an English diplomat and daughter of one ofe soo]ety's most reeognized leaders, bad ser- ious thoughts of taking up the study of gymnastic, work and physical eul- ture very thoroughly in order, should it be ever ,necessary, to earn money thereby. As it was she car- ried away several medals et one of the most; fashionable gymesiums in Belgravia. Another girl, a daughter of the late Lord Henniker and a sister of the present baron, now Baroness Claude de Chassiron, studied ahort- band and typewriting in London, where more than one society girl had fitted herself for a bushiest) career. She is a niece of the late Miss Helen Henniker, who was ao notable a figure in society till her death in: 1907. Mrs, Julian Clifford, well known in the muscial world for her singing, is a sister of Baroness de Chassirou. Her little son, Master Julian, only 7 years old, is considered a musical prodigy, and recently conducted "William Tell" at a concert given by his mother at the Kursaal at Harrowgate, when she herself sang. To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. —Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and sys- tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restriet the healthy ac- tion of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on hand. Seven Princes of Wales have been obristened with the name. of Ed- ward, Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "AUSTRALIA -ON -SEA." As far as is yet known, 840,000 square miles of Australia are float- ing on a sea of water. In any part of this area a bore put down will eventus,tly tap an inexhaustible supply of water. At present the daily outflow of these bores is 16,- 000,000 gallons. Unfortunately, much of this water is impregnated with minerals so much that it in• jures vegetation, though supplying millions of sheep and cattle with drinking -water. The water, when tapped by the boring machine, flows up with immense force, spouting hundreds of feet in the air, and often destroying the machinery used by the borers. When the pipe is sealed up it has been known to force its way up through 3,000 ft. of solid rock, clay, and sandstone. No lunatic who is confined in a lunatic, asylum can be prosecuted for a criminal offence, That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach? You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat, colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crude salves are) into your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then why do so by way of the pores? Take no risk. Use always the pare herbal essences provided in Zam-But: Zam-Buk contains no trace of any anhnal oil or fat, and no poisonous mineral color- ing matter. From start to finish it is purely herbal. It will heal sores, ulcers, absces- tes, eruptions, varicose ulcers. cuts, burns and bruises morn quickly than any ether known preparation. It Is antiseptic, quickly stops this smarting of a sore or alt, cures plies, inflamed sores and blood•pofsontna. It is a combination of healing power and scientific purity. Aesthete who have proved it. .40 drus� p�piafr and stereo doe bac or Eata-e!i5 Ca, s'oeonto, forprioe. sraitn BE IN YOUR NOME t,^0.00.. , - ....}`518''Ii<i'.s: :°: BANKS AND BONDS q Bonds have the ersfe sttcp es safe and profitable uivcatmea% Formerly Banks, Iatsse mn n Com Companies and n- other Au concerns invested their cato pluses largelyin Real stateMortgagee, to -day they purchasing the Bondissues if established and prosperotlileE pgratfons considering that gild' offer the greatest security and ,best interest returns. to There Is no reasopable amt1 ment to offset the fact nest w.i t is the best investment for the Bank styplus is the best IM'IM ment for'the individual investnte. 9 Write to -day for our bottanet on Bonds, and Bond issues We recommend. R L SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITa0 BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN ST&. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Manager �'' Mown. EaL-Qu en Ec.H,.LIFAX-LONDONb8NQ,) CANADA BUGINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,888 choice positions tilled In past Four Years. Some otters Just tilled; - I, B B INN, from New(onndlaad, placed with Sask Milling co., Moose Jaw, as Steno. PEEN SMITH Stem., Peabody Overall Co. Windsor. I; U ROBIN.rmA Slaps., with Boll Furniture Go., Southanipt on, Ont. FLOSSIE ANDEIthON, Steno. and SM. Gan. Wolverine Go„ Chatham, MXLDRED 4510). aRSON Steno with De Laval Separator Co, Winnipeg. 11, 1. SCOTT toucher. with Drake college Newark, N. 5. The salaries of the three shown last week average over 5700 per enema Ike salaries of the six here shown average close. to SM. Our students are prepared !untie big position whore the big pay to offend. IT PA1 TO ATTEND TDB 8E51. Oatalogue s8 tel4. c( thework at Chatham. Catalogue 54 tails of our home °muses. Address, D. MbLACHLAN dt CO.. C. n. Goliege. Chatham, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS. F you want to sell a farm, consult ma IP you want to buy a farm, consult 1L me. IBASE some of the beat Fruit Stock - Crain or Dairy Farms to bntario. and prices right. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne. Street, Toronto. ACENTS WANTED. 14../ NEMPLOYED MEN 05 WOMEN, DO J you Irish to mako Five Dollars day for balance of year? It so.. consult J. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto.. MISCELLANEOUS. L9'AY and FARM SCALES, Wlloon'e J8. Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. SAIVMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLE or heavy Lathe Mills. Shingle Mills. Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies.- The E. Long Manufacturing Oo., Ltd., West Street, Orillia. Ontario. TWENTY TO FIFTY BARBERSADVER. tised for in Toronto papers alone. al- most every day; let us teach you barber trade; expert instruction.; oonatout time. tiee; tools free. Write for catalogue. Moloy Barber College, 211 Queen East, Toronto. CANGER; TUMORS, LU1tYS, ate. 10. ternal and external, cured without. ham by our home treatment, Write ssi before too lata Dr. Bollman Oollina• wood, Ont. /'a0 TON SCALE GUAaANTEED. Wileon'e 1p Seale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. C'+ PEUTALters ADVICE FREE. Consul% ue to regard to any diseaeo. Lowest pries in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by Wail. Send measure. moat. Olnseee dtte4 by ego. Write to.das for anything sold in first-class drub atoroe to Dr. Hellman. Oollingwood. Ont FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Rid Gloves altaned' 'these can be sent by pest, 10 per 00. 'rhe heat place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO. ' MONTREAL, Ho H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stook and Mining Exobange LISTED STOCKS CARRIEUON MARGIN Correspondence invited. .33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO .YJ OYS /md , IRfS WILL piny Yoko o�PCoomm scion of/»74a•,V Cemrs for each copy of /his heal/iful- 6hri:OnasyauBhcaion !eau sell it is one c,1`' /he desl- avis/mus 110//dayMemhers in /he world, /1 has /hree /arae ,Se era ler Qo/Oreo: prefaces, e5'end a/ once for adoerns ray ✓no/%rotdfu//par. //cu/ars -"Pe trizezeniasSiro..0 ,ro,ranyo G9A^rOR Oun Ca,0se 05 /a7Ze.Rnac ING Home Study Course Good Weekly inoome Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment Diplome Greeted Royal Collage Of Scter,Ioe 358 Queon 5tt, West Tordnto, Ciunadts _.