The Brussels Post, 1911-10-12, Page 5• ,4
K, O. T. M.
Randall Rent Of the Mn
sN9, 21
hold their Millar thei'Lod a
Boom Backer Stook, 011 20 int and Bfid
Tuesday evenings of emelt month,
al+vayu woloum 2
A, SO YI Elie, Oona, A. r1o4UIRFl,
Wee 'Wilke fuse •Mao, Ethel 1O.
Agent Eowick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
onion and tteeidenoe-
• ass, will sell for better prices,to
oetlermen, 1n lose time and lees chages,
than any ether Auctioneer in East Enron or
he won't charge anything, Dates and Wore
eon always be arranged at this o0iosor by
• - personal applloation,
• Barrister, llolioitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Uffioe-Stewart's Block
I door North of Central Hotel.
Soltoitor for the Metropolitan Sauk.
B1111 ETU.
R. 0. H•TO
- aFueT E. 0, W. Paoo
4. It, KmnonsN
Olaoeo-Those formerly accepted by Masers
Owner°. do Holt,
OooNaroa, -ONTARIO.
Royal Mail Steamers
Autumn Sailings
Turbine & Twin -Screw steamers -Gail from
Montreal every Friday up to and including
November. 17th. 1011.
Saltines from Montreal to Glasgowevery
Saturday until Nov. 18th. One class. Second,
cabin steamers.
ii_ Christmas Sailings
Virginian.. Fri. Nov. 2d Sat. Nov. 26
Tunisian Sat. Dec 2
n Fri. Dea: 8 Sat, Deo. 9
:. Sat. Dec. 18
•-' Pullin
Information as to rates, oto., on implicit.
W. H.:KERR."
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.,
tion to
zatar„vt r✓m>v,',t ruv,ArT ew.•44v
Young People
`t We' can prepare yon for business at. to
The ri
Business College
Listowel B si
and lane you inn. position when
graduatingoodP. '
/ You may enter any day.
`4rRg czv�4Da`i�'7ass
:u< n
w. rw
Become Independent
Graduates got and hold good pool. /1212
Mons owing to their superior training, k
P' le doing the highest grade of work in
Business and Shorthand Education.
Students of this yenr are now in posi-
tions worth from 00 to 2100 per month.
Enter now. Catalogue free.
Oor. Young
and tt
W. J. E4
Alexander Ste. S Principal.
ItiCktoltraWitiritlirsiuTititiffra 1,2i5
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or • how long, ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Flinn P cou poo •
Age . Thee Rup
Single or Double
Address.....: and return to
es Caledonia 8t.
tr Ont.
Stratford, Dept.A
S tf rd.
Business Cards
Teacher of Piano troubles. 1 Next important re to know
e ' 1 e 11 'es,Quick
hoe/promptly lvl in o 1
' � as wank it reii0ves bleating and feel-
ing of fullness, puts the entire.
gestivo apparatus in perfect order,
lnakos•yrio feel fit and line all over.
For internal pail Net'viline slla'P`asses
every' knewit,lentedy,' Keep it in the
bootee always, We a source of comfort
ill the 10tH' of emer•ge11eY. Large
bottles for 25c ab all dealers,
le Your Trouble lnulgeetion
'.Ebel) probably you know the evils
Of disteutlon, ferurenbalion and irri-
tation t 14212 aceompatly c igen ive
Stpolo at Darter's Music Store, ono door North
Of the atapderd Bank Bruooela 128
has passed suceesefuliy her 0e0ond examine•
tion of the Pianoforte Department of the To.
ronto Conservatory of Music, and is prepared
to take pupils at her home, Princess 84ree4,
rar•'Vislte Ethel Friday and Saturday of each
:no. T. T. M' RAE
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy
siaiane and Surgeons, Ont, • ,Po8t•gradna4e
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital,
Chicago, Ili, 1lx•F4ouse Surgeon to lit, Mob*
secs Hospital, Toronto.
Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele-
phone eonneotion with Cranbrook at all hours.
Phyeioian and Surgeon; Post Grsduoteconrsee
London (Eng), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Hpeoial attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasoes.
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Lioentiate of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office. in Smith
Bleak recently vacated by Dr. Feild.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary,
College. Day and night calls. Officeopposite
Floor Mill, Ethel:
ete a.wi Timm Iris. war
Mail 7:07 a m Express 10:66 a m
Expreee,..,.,,,, 11:25 a m Mall 1:29.p on
Express 2:66 p m Express 8:62 p m
CaMOSOLIN ?acme.
To Toronto To Goderieb
Express...-. am Express 11:87 7 51
a m
m Express 7:66 m
Express '2 6g P P
w ER T
Going East - 7:05 a.. m. and 8:65 p. m:
Going West - 12:40 and 9.47 p, m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations. •
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
(lain Spoiled
Brussels Fair.
(Continued from first page.)
The Prize . List
Heavy Draught.—Brood mare, Cana.
dian bred, W Robb, J Ovans, J McGav-
is ; imported brood mare, W Taylor ;
horse colt, .J McGavin, Jas Speir, A
Stevenson ; mare°colt, W Robb : two
year old filly, Dickson Bros., W Taylor,
Hugh Lamont ; two year old gelding,
W Robb ; yearing filly, 1 McGavin, J
Ovens • yearling gelding, W Yuill ;
heavy draught team, Dickson Bros., W
Robb 2 & 3 ; stiveepstakes, Dickson Bros.
Agricultural.—Brood mare, Jas Me.
Leod, Mrs J McKinnon, W Robb ; horse
colt, W Taylor, las Speir, Mrs J Mc-
Kinnon ; mare colt, W Robb. D Mc.
Taggart; two year.old filly, las McLeod,
Dickson Bros., W Robb; two year old
gelding. Jas Burgess ; one year old geld-
ing, A Yuill ; span of agricultural
Dickson Bros., W Robb,A Mc -
Dick n Bros.
Lauchlin sweepstakes, Pstakes Dickson
Roadsters.—Brood mare 'W Holman
G Johnston ; horse or mare colt, 5
Johnston, Scott Bros. ; two year old
filly or gelding, J S Cowan, Scott Bros. ;
one year old filly or gelding, A Holmes
r&2•buggy horse x5
§ bands high or
over, Geo Keys, E Rosen, R McDonald
buggy horse under 15 hands high, W
Holman, A Wright, A Holmes; pony
or under. H Arnent • roadster
team, Scott Bros., N Hamilton ; sweep
best W Holman ,est roadster own•
ed by farmer, A Wright, W Holman, R
McDonald, prizes by Standard Bank ;
best pacing roadster attached to buggy,
M Jackson,.Juo. Galbraith.
l.arriage.—Two year old filly or geld-
ing, 12 A Thompson, W Robb ; one year
or gelding, R A Tbom son •
old filly g g, p
horse or mare colt, W Holman, Scott
Bros. scarriaaa span an 16 hands high, J
0 Hemingway ; sweepstakes, 0
Durhams.-Bull three years old and
Speir, rerar; bull two years
over,as S e L
J P .1
old, -D
Milne, T Miller bull one year
oldJ Betz Milne, jas Speir ; milch
cow 4 years or over, D Milne,' 1 Crerar,
D Milne ; milch cow uuder 4 years, las
Speir x & z ; two year old Heifer, D
Milne 1 2, & 3•one
old heifer, D
Milne&3 Jas Speir • ell calf' D
Milne, Jas Speir 2&3, heifercalf, os
Speir t & 3, D Milne ; herd of Durliams,
Jas Speir; best female any age, Jas
Speir ; best ,male any age, las Speir.
jerseys.—Milch cow, W Armstrong.
Holsteins.—Female, M H Moore.
Grade Cattle: -Milch cow, W Yuill, j
Crerar, W Broadfoot ; two year old
Heifer, W Broadfoot ; one year old hei-
fer, W Broadfoot 1 & 2, R Nichol ; two
year old steer, W Broadfoot 1 & 2 ; One
one year old. steer, W Broadfoot, R
Nichol, W Broadfoot; steer calf, 1
Crerar 1 & 2, W Broadfoot ; heifer calf,
W Broadfoot 1 & 2, J Crerar fat cow
or heifer, W Broadfoot ; fat steer, W
Leicesters.—Aged ram, R 1 Sander-
son, T Miller, A Yuill ;. shearling ram,
R i Sanderson ; ram lamb, 'R' J Sander-
son'; ewe two shear and over, R J San-
derson 1 & 2, T Miller ; shearling'ewe, R
J Sanderson r& 2; ewe Iamb,' R l
Sanderson, T Miller,• R l Sanderson;
pen, R J Sanderson.
Downs.—Aged rain, McEwen Bros ;
shearling ram, A Stevenson x & 2 ; ram
Iamb, McEwen Bros x & 2, A Steven-
; ewe two shear and over, McEwen
Bios. A Stevenson 2 &g ; shearlingewe,,
McEwen Bros 1 & 2, A Stevenson; ewe
lamb, McEwen Bros, A Stevenson, Mc-
Ewen Bros ; pen, . McEwen Bros, A
Berkshire,—Boar one year and over,
A Davidson, 1 S Cowan ;, hoar under
one year, J S. Cowan, A F Davidson, J 5
C °Wan••, sow one year and over,1 S COW*
an, A P Davidson ; sow under oris year,
J S Cowan 1 &`k,'A F Davidson. •
Yorkshire,—Boar one year and over,
R Nichol ; boar under one year, R Nich-
ol, 1 & 2 ; BOW One year and over, R
'Nichol 1 & 2 ; •sow under one year, R
Nichol 1, 2 & 3,
Tsmwortli,—Boar under one year, A
F Davidson, W Grieve 2 & 3 ; Sow one
year and over, W Grieve; best pen pigs,
1 Cowan, A F Davidson, R. Nichol
Barred 'rocks, W Armstrong, Jos
Speir 2 & 3 ; white 'leghoras, W Harris,
W Arnistroeg 2 & 3 ; brown leghorns.
W Long 1 & 2, Jas Speir ;, Rhode island
Reds, W Harris; bantams, W Harris,E
Plum ; Hondane Geo Chapman 1 & 2 ;
Langslians, G Chapman; white Wyan•
dottes, Jas Speir ; black minorcas, Jas
Speir; geese, Jas Burgess; Pekin ducks,
Geo Chapman, Jas Speir Rouen ducks,
W Armstrong, los Burgess ; collection
of fancy pigeons, W Harris, .W Long ;
collection of rabbits, W-Yuill; collection
of guinea pigs, B Oaten, W Long, 2 & 3.
'White Fall wheat, 3.K Wise, Jas W
Edgar, W Broadfoot • red Fall wheat,
J K Wise, ,las W Edgar, Wm Arm-
strong; barley, J R Wise, 3:W Edgar;
black oats, J K Wise, Jas W Edgar ;
white oats, 3 K Wise, Jas W Edgar,
Jas Speir; small peas, 3 K Wise, Jas
Foir , Jas W C
c u
r ' largee peas, Jas
J K Wise timothy seed J K
Wise ; clover seed, "hots Jas
Baldwins, 'W-oot, Aruestrong,' Robt
Sloan ; falnuese,. Geo Kerr, Mrs D B
king of toll) kins Co.,Ca R Pi•U-
ter RSloan mann, R Slows RProc-
ter northern spies R Sloan Won
Armstrong R I greemugs R Sloan,
Elston Cardiff ; golden russets, R
Sloan, R `Procter ;' stark, R Sloan,
Blenheim Fall pippins, R
Sloan, Geo Chapman; Giltuan.sweebs,,
R Sloan, Wm Armstrong; oltario,
W Broadfoot. R Sloan ; wealthy,
Mrs Alex McDonald, R Sloan ; alex-
ander, Alex Stewart, R $loan ;
stone pippins, Elston Cardiff, Geo
Chapman ; colverts, R Sloan, Jas
Speir • roxbury russets, Geo Chap-
man,R Sloan ; Canada reds, R Sloan,
Elston Cardiff ; Cayuga redstreaks,
Elston Cardiff, R Sloan ; fallawater,
R Sloan, Jun Crerar; gravenstein,
Elston Cardiff, R Sloan ; maiden's
blush, Geo Chapman, R Sloan phoe-
nix, R Sloan, Geo Johnston • peewau-
kee, 0 Turnbull, W Broadfoot ; ben
davis, R Sloan, R Procter : crabs, D
Milne, Andrew Simpson ; Winter ap-
ples, R Sloan. Jas Speir ; Fall apples,
R Sloan, Jas Speir ; apples, any other
variety not named, R .'Sloan.
R. Procter ; Fall pears, R Sloan ; Whi-
ter pears, Andrew Simpson, Alex
Ynill ; plums any variety, W II Mc-
Cracken variety plums, W H Mc-
Cracken ; cluster of grapes, Ed Gar-
vin. Wm Armstrong ; best collection
of 'Winter apples,' R Sloan, Jas
Edgar. Jas Speir, prize bY metropoli-
tan Bank
Bushel early potatoes, R J Hoover,
Jas Burgess, Ed Garvin, Wm Arm-
strong ; bushel late potatoes, R J
Hoover,r Jas Speir, Jas Burgess, W
Ynill ; collectiou of potatoes Geo
Chapman Ed Garvin, W H McCrack-
en ; swede ttitotips Geo Chapman W
Ynill : turnips any other variety, Geo
Chapman W liiottdfoot
• Iiwhite field
a •
carrots,W S Acott. F gg al-
tringghaoio carrots, NV Armstrong, W
II Mc0rackeu ; scarlet nantes, Jas
Burgess, Wm Armstrong ;'early horn
carrots, Jas Burgess. Geo Chapman •
long blood beers, Geo Johnston, W
McCracken blood turnip beets, Jas
Bugs •
r s W Ii McCracken e
sugar beets for factory, Mrs. A. white
A. Ma
r McCracken • parsnips,
W N1cU a
Donald H P ,
W H McCracken, W Armstrong ;
Winter radishes, Gen Chapman, Mrs
W Wilbee ; sugar mangolds, W H
McCracken, Geo Chapman long red
mange) wurzels, W H McCracken,
Geo Chapman 'loug
yellow llow marigolds,
W IMcCracken,RProctercellow
globe mangoldsW H Mclraken
swede turnips, M0Oracken's special, W
Broadfoot, R Procter.
Red onions from seed, W R Mc-
Cracken, W Ai mstrot g Y.
onions from seed, W H McCracken, Cracken,
Geo Chapman : giant roars onions.
from seed, W H McCracken, Geo
Chapman ; onions from top sets, W
H McCracken, Geo Chapman ,•onions
W from Dutch acts, li McCracken,
Geo Chapman top onion sets, W I1
MoOracken, Mrs E Sellers ; ears of
corn yellow Canada, Jul) Orerar, Thos.
Miller ; ears of corn white fiinit, W 13
McCracken, Geo Chapman ; ears of
corn yellow dent, R Nichol; J W
Edgar ; fodder turn, W II:McCracken,
Jas Speir ; collection of corn named
varieties, W H McCracken. Jas W
Edgar; curled savoy, W H Mr,Crack-
en, Geo Chapman ; Winter cabbage,
'W S Scott, Cleo Chaputan ; red piolc-
ling'cabbage, W H McCracken, Mary
Marsh ; cauliflower, Miss Kelly, Mary'
Marsh ; yellow field pumpkin, Geo
Chapman, W H MoOracken, ; mam-
moth pumpkin, Mary Marsh,W Arm-
strong • squash, Geo Chapman, NV H
McOraekeu ; large tomatoes, Chas 1I
Knight, Mrs 13 Sellers 1phun or cheroy
Ie Your Cold Bettor 7
No, its as bad as 0002, Nothing
seems tb help, Why not'use the np•
to -date specific "Catarrho2oue," which
drives out told in one day. Inhale
Cetarrhozone and you will be relieved.
in two minutes. Continue the treat-
ment and cute is .assured. Healing,
Senn destroying and pleasant', notll+
ing for colds, Almorot trouble and
Catarrh compares with Oat,terhoirene,
Sold everywhere.
By Lydia E.:Pinkham's
'Vegetable Compound
Belleriver,Que. —" Without Lydia
E, Pinkhamis Vegetable Compound I
would not be alive. For five months I
had painful and
regular periods and
the uterus. I suf-
fered like a martyr
and thought often
of death. I con-
sulted two doctors
who could do
nothing for me, I
went to a hospital,
and the best doc-
tors said I must
L1I1IUfIILS''l' submit to an oper-
ation, because I had a tumor. I went
back home much d'aceuraged. One of
my cousins advised me to take your
Compound, as it had cured her. I did
so and soon commenced to feel better,
and my appetite came back with the
first bottle. Now I feel no pain and
am cured. Your remedy is deserving
Of praise.' — Mrs. EMMA CRATEL,
Valleyfield, Belleriver, Quebec.
Another Operation Avoided.
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.-I run a sewing
machine in a large factory and got all
run down. I had to give up work for I
could not stand the pains in my back.
The doctor said I needed an operation
for womb trouble but Lydia E Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound did more
for me than the doctors did. I have
gained five pounds. I hope that every-
one who is suffering from female
trouble nervousness and backache
e the Compound. end. I owe
will tall my
Cham She is the
Mrs. Pink
.thanks to M
friend for health and
all women who suffer should write to
her and take her advice MISS TILLIE
PLENZIG, 8J ay Poughkeepsie,N.Y.
Thirty years of unparalleled success
confirms the power of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound to euro
female diseases.
lb" Orl•lnal Corin Oure
No substitute hos ever been devised
that gives the �4lluiok, Pltiniess )stunts
of Pntnotn'e 1Uorn Extractor, For
fll'ty years its success lute boon un
ri f au fou I
s led, or sa_ot d therough
ai P
y S
" ,,,
baa s oil ,
ca a nae u 1 t
m y
deny silk on battenburg, Miss Living-
ston ; embroidery shadow, Miss
Livingston, Marjory Strachan ; ems'
broidery cotton or muslin, Mss E I
Stewart, Mrs li W Tamlyu ; embroi-
dery on silk, Mrs J 0 Bele, Mr's Zoel-
liter; embl'oideryset of doileys, Mrs
Ttuttlyn, Mrs Zoellner ; embroidery I
set of table mats, Mrs Hele, Mrs
Stevenson ; erase stitch embroidery;
Mrs Tainlyn, MissLiviugaton; french
beadingembroidery, Miss Aumnt;
sofa piow embroidered. in silk, Mrs
Stewart, Mrs Zoellner ; sofa pillow
shadow embroidery, Miss Livingston,
Mrs Tamlyn ; sofa pillow eyelet em-
broidery, Mrs Zoellner ; sofa pillow
bettenbarg, Mise Livingston, Miss
Amen ; sofa pillow drawn work, Mrs
Tamlyn,. Mrs `V Wilbee ; sofa pillow
bolting cloth, Mrs Zoellner, Mrs
Stevenson ; sofa' pillow patch work,
Mrs E Stewart, Mrs J 0 Bele ; sofa.
pillow hand painted, Miss Livingston,
Mr's Stevenson ; coronation braid
work, Mrs lairliyn, Mies Livingston ;
drawn work cloth, Mrs Zoelluer, Mr's
Stevenson ; battenburg cloth, Miss
Livingston, Mrs Tamlyn ; lace point,
Mrs Stevenson, Mee Zoellner ; lace
•houiton, -Mrs Zoellner, Mise Living-
ston lace teneiiffe, Bob Warwick,
Mrs Tamlyu ; crochet work cotton,
Mrs E Stewart, Mrs Stevenson ;
crochet work wool, Miss Livingston,
Mary Nlarah ; crochet work in silk,
Airs Stevenson, Miss Livingston ;
fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs Rele,
Mrs Stewart ; fancy,knitting in wool,
Mrs Taullyn, Mrs Stewart ; fancy
pill cushion, Mrs Stevenson, lVlise
Livingston ; knitted bed room slip-
pers, Marjory Strachan, Mrs Zoellner ;
whisk holder, Mire Tarnlyn, Mrs
fancy foot stool, Mrs Stew-
tort Alex Yuji! mantle drape,
Livingston Mrs Zoellner fancy photo
frame, Miss Livingston, Mrs Stewart ;
crochet quilt, Bub Warwick, Mrs
Stewart ;,patchwork quilt, Airs Slew -
art, Mrs ionlyyu ; log cabin quilt,
Mrs Stewart, W Ii McOracken ; fancy
quilt, Mrs Tainlyn, Mrs Stewart;
knitted quilt, Mrs Hele, Mrs Tam-
lyn ; .knotted or tufted.quilt, Mrs
Stewart, Mies Kelly ; crochet table
mats, Mrs Stewart ; knitted pair of
woollertstockings, NV H McCracken,
Mrs Stewart ; knitted pair of cotton
stockings, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Zoellner ;
knitted pair of Woollen socks, Mr's
Tamlyn, Mrs Stewart ; knitted pair
woollen mics, Mrs Hele, Mrs Stewart
knitted pair woollen gloves, W 1
McCracken, Mr's Zoellner ; mat hook-
ed, R McDonald, Mrs Stewart ; laun-
dry bag, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs Znel-
lner ; hardanger centre piece, Miss
Ament, Mrs Zoellner ; ribbon work,
Mrs Stevenson, Mias Livingston ;
stencilling. A Yuill ; Irish crochet, Mrs
Hele, Mias Livingston ; lady's fancy
apron, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Tamlyn ;
fancy towels, Miss Ament, Miss Liv-
ingston ; fancy pillow cases, Miss
Livingston, Mrs Zoellner ; fancy work
bag, Miss Arnent, Mrs Tamlyn ;
novelty in fancy work, Mrs Tamlyn,
Mrs Z001100r ; collection of ladies'
fancy work, Mrs Stevenson. Mrs Zoel-
Iner, Mrs Hele.
tomatoes, Jas' Burgess, Miss Kelly ;
butter beans,. Jas 'Speir, Mrs A Mc-
Donald ; white beans, Ed Garvin, R J
Hoover ; beans any other variety, Ed
Garvin, W H McCracken ; round
striped citrons, F Haggitt, Geo Chap-
man ; Watermelons, 0 H Knight ;
mnskrnelons, CH Knight ; cucumbers,
0 13 Knight, Mary Marsh ; white
celery, 0 H Knight ; sunflower, W H
McCracken, W S. Scott ; garden pro-
duce, W H MoOracken, Thos Miller.
Twenty-five pounds tub butter
home made, Mrs E Stewart, Wm
Armstrong, Menno Jackson, Alex
Yuill, five pounds table butter, Mrs T.
Whitfield, RJ Hoover, Mrs Jas An-
derson, Mary Marsh, Alex Yuill ; fac-
tory. ; Leckie's
• cheese 3. K Brown a
special, 25 pounds tub btter, Won
Armstrong, Leckie's special,
5 pounds table butter, WM Arm-
strong ; two loaves of bome•made
bread, Kerr's special J W Edgar ; 5
pounds butter, Kerr's special,, Mrs Jas
Flannel hi one piece, J K Wise, Mrs
EStewart ; pair of blankets, -Mos E
Stewart • ragcarpet,
Kelly .
ane Mrs E Stewart,arti
Zoellner •skein sell homespun, W
H McCracken,
Mrs Zoellner • speci-
men of darning, Mrs H W Tantlyn,
Mrs Zuelloier ; maple sugar, 0 H
Knight, W Pi McCracken ; maple
molasses, Marjory
Jnhnstnri Y Strachan, ' Geo
; hooey comb, G ADead-
man honey strained or extracted,W
Armstrong, G A Deadman ; rhubarb
vitie; W
Scat, J KWise • straw berry
tvine,'J' K Wise,Mrs Walter Wilbee •
elderberry win, J K Wise, Mrs W
Wilbee ; tomato catsup, 0 H Knight,
Mrs A McDonald ; apple jelly, W
Armstrong, J'W Edgar ; grape jelly,
W Armstrong, Jots Burgess • rasp-
bett•y jelly, Mrs E Sellers, 13 Milne ;
jelly 1 from any
other frunt
named W
Armstrong. A Yuill • white home
wade Acca
d, Mrs T Whitfield Wm
n home made bread,
brow nm
Meno Jrckson, MrsT Whitfield bons,
Mrs T Whitfield, Mrs Jas Anderson ;-
tea biscuits, 'Bob Warwick, Mos E
Sellers ; dark fruit cake, Mrs D B
Moore, Bob Warwick ; white fruit
cake, W Armstrong, MrsSellers jelly
cake, Bob Warwick, D Milne ; oat-
meal cakes Bob Warwick, Mrs J Mc-
Kinnon ; short bread, Jas W Edgar,
Marjory Strachan collection of can-
ned fruits, W H McCracken, Alex
; apple pie,
Mrs J K Brown D nill
Milne ; lemon pie,A Yuill,
0 3
Collection of shelf hardware, Gerry
8s Walker.
Embroidered tea cosy in silk, Mrs
E Zoellner, Miss Livingston • embroi-
dered tea cosy in eyelet, A Yuill,Mrs
Zoellner ; embroidered five o'clock tea
cloth in sills Mrs Stevenson, Mrs
Zoellner ; embroidered live o'clock tea
cloth in cotton, Mrs' Zoellner, Mrs
Stevenson ; embroidered tray cloth: in
silk, Mrs Zoellner, Mrs Stevenson
embroidered tray cloth in cotton,
Miss Margaret Ament, Mrs Zoellner ;
embroidered table centt•e piece in
silk, Mrs E Sellers, Mrs Stevenson ;
embroidered table centre piece in cot-
ton, Mrs Zooliner, Miss AI Ament ;
embroidered table centre piece on
bolting cloth, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Zoellner ; embroidery menet mellick
work, Mrs Zoellner, Mils Livingston ;
embroidery roman, Miss Livingston,
Mrs Zoellner; embroidery ledobo,
Miss M Ament, Mrs E Stewart • em-
broidery wallachain, Mrs, Zoellner,
Mrs Stevenson ; embroidery silk on
drawn work, Mrs E Stewart; einbroi-
Don't trifle with a cold is good ad-
vice fot prudent men and women. It
may be vital in case' of a child. There
is nothing better Herrn Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs and colds
in children. Ibis safe and sute. Pot
sale by all Dealers,
Professional photographs, G. F.
Maitland ; amateur photo., Mrs.
Tamlyn ; hand painted china, six
pieces, Miss Livingston ; single piece
painted china Miss Livingstoll
nthg H.
pictures (oils or water
colors) Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Living-
ston ; . oil painting, landscape or
marine (from nature) No Number,
Mrs. Stevenson ; oil painting study
from still life, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Stevenson ; nil
painting, ting,
Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Livingston
water color landscape or marine, Mrs.
Tamlyn, Miss Livingston ; portraits,
in either oils or water colors,Mrs.
Hele,.Mrs. Stevenson
•. picture in
sepi, Mies Livingston, qhs. Steven-
son ; animals in either oils or water
colors, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Steven-
son ; pastel, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Stevenson ; crayon drawing, black
and white, Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss Living-
ston ; pen and ink or p
encil sketch, G
) Deadman, Mrs. Hele • pyrography.
Livingston, Miss Ant; Pierce
brass collection, Miss Ament, Elston
Table boquet, Miss Belly, G. A.
Deadman ; hand boquet, Alias Kelly ;
collection ,f cut flowers, Mi
s Kelly,
bhs E. Sellers ; pansies,Miss Kelly,
Mrs J Anderson ; phlox drummondi,
Miss Kelly. W. Armstrong asters,
Bliss Kelly, Mrs. Sellers ; stocks, Mrs.
Sellers, W. Armstrong ; petunias,
Miss Kelly, Mrs. Sellers ; balsams,
Airs. Sellers ; verbenas Miss Kell ;
x W. H. McCracken
perennial phlox, ,
Mrs. Sellers ; collection of sweet peas,
W. Armstrong, Mrs. Sellers ; collec-
tion of nasturtiums, Miss Kelly, W
Armstrong ; collection of ornamental
grasses, s native Bob Warwick
collection m• ornamental fruits, G. A.
Deadman ; collection of roses, Miss
Belly ; varieties outdoor flowers not
specified in aboye list, Miss Kelly ;
best floral novelty, Miss Kelly ;
geranium in pot, Mrs. Sellers, Mrs.
Armstrong ; tuberous begonia in pot,
Miss Kelly ; collection of dahlias, 117,
H. McCracken, C. Knight ; best
collection foliage plants (begonias and
coleus) Miss Kelly ; best collection of
ferns, Miss Kelly.
Boy's penmanship, lst verse of f
d"The Maple Leaf") J. Ioover,
Ross Menzies, Jno Hutiihsnn ;girl's
penmanship (1st verse of "The Maple
Leaf"), E. A. Deadman, Lizzie Martin,
Mabel Edgar ; best collection of weeds
mounted on cardboard with common
and botanical names competitors
under 10 years, R. J. hoover, Bob
Warwick ; best collection of seeds of
weeds, Ida Rands, R. J. Hoover, It.
Warwick, (The prizes for • weeds and.
seeds were offered by Brussels Branch
of the, Woollen's Institute.)
Conicert talent was "All right:"
Every Judge was on hand with one
Gate receipts totalled $35,45 as
against from ,$500 to $700 of other
IMOc I` could the
If the Alle tc isa bi
bsize list )n soft water we wauia have
een right in it tall Friday,.
Drill ll m aie they athletic
mit dooror Japanese
000lt s had to be c tl ed
t a 1 off.
The half mile track W4tS in prime
condition on Thursday bub "0 what at
difference a few hours make."
Although, the Society will hove a
deficiency of from $800 to $500 every
Prize wiener will t'eeafy° their full
award, , .
Among the newspaper oven present
were Editor's McLean, of the Rulon
Expositor' acid Elliott of the Winghatll
L ono a 16str were u k iv Bawl, strong, tv i on
hand but, rendered their program un-
der diffleultiea owing to the down-
pour. The boys play well.
Inside display outpolnted that of
any other year both as to quantity
and quality. There was hardly an
item on the long list that was not
competed for.
Presidents Leckie and Robb and the
Directorate worked faithfully in look-
ing after their various duties, Friday
the work WAS rendered' very disagree
able owing to the rain,
Friday night's Concert filled the
Town Hall to overflowing. The
Directors lose money every year by
having to turn people away. The
double Concerts no doubt relieved the
situation somewhat but many could
not get seats Friday night.
Despite the rain the Judges and Ex-
hibitors stuck to their work Friday
afternoon until the judging was com-
pleted, Notwithstanding the use of
umbrellas, rubber coats, rubbers, &c.,
many a man got well soaked. Some
of the exhibitors missed their classes
by not being on hand at the tiine.
The' telephone in the ""Palace" saved
many a step,
The additional eeating' a0c0minoda'
tion was not r'equit'ed on Friday,
0221120012214121player'piano, indtbe
P las& w i h t ra01 r cod sal
he at a
of attention.
The Jape were disappointed because
they had no chance out of door's to
p2112 on their acts.
We sympathise with Dungannon
whose Fair was also slated for Time -
day and Fi'iday..
Some think the Fall Fair should bo
held tW0 weeks earlier and lilies a
collision with the equinoctial stories,
The Treasurer, W. II, herr, will pay
the zi; rrdaY, Oer h,
the priofficese ofon 711E )?QST, ctobfrom 920t'e. m.
to 5 p. tn.
THE 31100E8.
Ileavy h.orses—John Vance, Tavls
Light horses—Ed, Christie, Exeter.
Cattle, sheep and pigs—Alf. Hales,
Poultry—A. W. Wakeford, Listowol.
Implements • and carriages—w, 73•
Humphries, wanton..
Grain—w. h, Pryne, Brussels,
Fruit—Thos. Curry, Brussels.
Roots and vegetables—R. Armstrong,
Domestic manufactories—Mrs—A. R.
Currie, Brussels.
Dairy products—T. B. arcEwen, Brus-
Ladies' work—Mos, (Dr.) Spence and
Mrs. Anderson, Lucknow.
Fine Arts—Mrs. Jas. Archibald and
Mrs, A. McLennan, Seaforth.
Flowers—sMisses Smith and Stewart,
Children's Penmanship, &c, B. S.
Scott, Brussels.
•+••1••+•+,4••+•+•.0•4.♦+•+••b•+ e4•344414•+.+04•4••N•+♦+•+.+ •
• Fashionable Millinery+•
• +rN7 ►7� ��T��7
• rT7-er-9I17"ilrNI
WE return our hearty thanks to the
Ladies of Brussels and vicinity for.
their generous support in connection
with our Millinery Opening.
New Goods, Latest Styles and Fair
Prices are three elements we figure on gaining
us customers. Call and see us when you re- •
quire Millinery.
�. 1- •
Misses & Carr
• t'♦+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+♦+• -F•+•+•+ +•+•
Going Out
of Business
Entire Stock to
be Sacrificed
The undersigned having' decided to move to the West
intends offering his large and well selected stock for
sale AT COST. It includes
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, &c.
Sale Will Commence Saturday, October lth
and will continue for 3o Days as all must be Sold.
Bargains may be expected so the
Public generally should make
sure to catch them as they go.
Butter and, Eggs taken as cash.
Stock is all New and consequently all the better