HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-10-5, Page 8"The Best •
I Face Cream :_
1 ever' used" ie what one 01 ouy •
o lady ctlstolrlors tells us about o
Nyal'e'nee Oreain. Knowing
o• whab it is made ofwe
bur1ere 0
certain it would betLi
e improve on. We hardly ex-: 0
o peeled that a big quarter pack- to
• • age like Nya)'s'would win lav- e
• or over other high priced a
• lines but it lies. Believing it i
el the beat article and the best .e
value we have we like to ore- 5s
2 cgmmend it to you. •
r Let es show it to you and tell ,;
e you about it - yal s- that's •
the name.
0 25c per box at ei
+ ' t�dpij 0
8 X*'..i a
s F
p i q
m 00
MOOSIO®eoo011100 044• nr®6t1♦841614
isitors to fair : •�load Root
How about a Iodak?A splendid Cough Cure
If Yon have been Blinking about
one, call in while. In town, and we will
be pleased to show them.
Kodaks find the Brownie Cameras
(which work like a Kodak) we have from
$2.00 up.
With the Autumn season here there
is an opportunity to get some splendid
"Out of Doors" pictures,
Everything] Required
for this pastime -Films, Post Cards,
Velox Paper, Chemicals, &c,.
'Films Developed
Try us when you need films deyel-
oped. We will bring out the best
that is to be had from the pictures
Colds often go from bad to
worse. Keep a bottle of Blood
Root Cough Cure on band and
commenee taking it when the
first symptoms of a cold appears
•-you may save yourself from
having a cold of long duration,
Blood. Root Cough Cure
is a Sure, safe and pleasant rem.'
edy for Coughs and Colds, We
prepare it ourselves -we know
the ingredients and can recon,
mend rt,
25c per bottle
rifleV /223 ti Store
F. R.
rural Ibbs items
BEGINS to feel like Fall,
SCHOOL Board Friday of next week.
How does your subscription to Tux
POST stand.
FIRST shipment of dressed poultry
was made by R. Thompson last week.
It went to Toronto.
25 CENTS in advance gets THE PosT to
any postoffice in Canada for balance of
WI, Now is your chance.
A clearingsale of watches,
wa s clocks,
jewelry,silver ere eta
wh is announced
by J. G, Jones. He promises big bar.
GEo, KEYS took two firstprizes on bis
road horse at Wingham Fall Fair.
Neersitt tiainilton won sad for his grey
roadster team,
QUITE a crowd of Brusselites took in
the Blyth Fall Fair on Wednesday.
The day looked threatening but the
rain held off although the wind was
Tut ladies of the W. C. T. U., Brus-
• • •eels, will serve dinner and tea in the
building one door north of Standard
'Bank on the second day of the Fall
THE reserve seat ticket holders to the
Fall Fair Concert Thursday and Friday
evenings will be admitted to the Town
Hall by the side entrance. Program
starts at 8 o'clock.
canvas of the town for new members to
the Fall Fair and met with a very gen-
erous response, If you have not been
seen they wish to see you.
HAVE you reserved your seat for the
Fall Fair Concert ? Plan it at Fox's
drug store. The program is A I, the
talent being secured at large expense as
the Directors are determined to put on
the best. Go and enjoy the program.
THE following students of the Listo.
wel Business College have recently se-
ured new positions : George Elliott
with the National Grain Exchange,
Winnipeg, and Leonard Rogers with
the Massey -Harris Company; Toronto.
FOWL SUPPER, -Oa Tuesday evening
next a Fowl Supper will held in the
basement of St. John's church, Brussels,
from 6 to 8 o'clock. After tea addresses
are expected from Revds. Messrs. Croly,
Hughes, Wishart and Oaten. Music
will be rendered by St. Paul's church
choir, Wingham.
BALD MEN should call and inspect the
famous Sanitary Patent Toupees, as
shown by Prof. Dorenwend, of Tor-
pnto, at the American Hotel on Tuesday
Oct. loth. These Toupees are not only
perfect in construction, but are the only
sanitary and patented substitutes of
one's own hair.
We welcome C. R. and Mrs. Bennett
and children to Brussels. They have
moved from Arcola where they farmed
several years. Mr. Bennett bas sold his
farmin the West and purchased the
comfortable home, corner King and
James streets, Brussels, from G. House,
They took up residence here last week.
Rev. Mr. Sanderson, of Bowmanville,
was in town on Wednesday arranging
for the visit of Dr. Watson to Brussels
on Oct. 31st, when be will deliver an
illustrated Lecture on the great work
being done by the Muskoka and Weston
Tuberculosis Sanitariums, Mr. Sander-
son, although 81 years of age, is as spry
as a cricket and greatly enjoys his work
in getting about among the people,
-Saturday afternoon of this week H.
A. Jiffkins will hold an auction sale of
35 heifers and steers, 20 mileh cows and
two road horses, at
the Central Hotel
Brussels, at 2 'clock. Cattle are good
ones and horses standard bred and well
broken to harness: F. S bcott will be
the auctioneer. Here is an opportunity
of securing good stock.
Millinery Opening of Brussels milliners
was a marked success and the displays
made were most attractive. They were
stylish, fair priced and "pretty," To
desoribe the new styles is not our in-
tention but we advise all the ladies who
have not called to do so and thereby
learn more in 5 minutes than we could
picture to thein in a column We are
glad to bear business was good. If you
want to see the latest styles call on
Brussels Milliners.
PASSED AWAY. -Thursday oflast week
Mrs, Dennis died at her home in Tor-
onto, aged 41 years, leaving two sons and
three daughters, Cause of decease was
inability to regain her strength after an
operation for causer. The subject of
this notice was Elizabeth Ann, daughter
of the late Joseph Kenney, formerly of
Leadbury and she was married about 20
years agog Her mother and sister
(Mrs, Mckadzean) are residents of Brus-
sels, the latter attending the funeral of
Mrs. Dennis ou Satun•clay. Deceased
spent several weeks with relatives here
during the past Summer end enjoyed the
esteem of many old friends who will re-
gret to hear of her death,
Thanksgiving comes on Monday,
Oct, 3o.
Dominion Parliament will meet on
Nov. r8th.
Lord Strathcona, althoneh 9r years of
age. goes back as High Commissioner.
Italy and Turkey are at war.
East s Huron Fall Fair Thursdayand
Friday of this week.
Brussels tax rate is 20 mills on the $.
At Concerts in the Town Hall, Brus-
sels, Thursday and Friday evenings of
this week. Did you reserve your seat
yet 1
There will be no Provincial Election
in the meantime.
25 cents gets THE POST to the close
of 1911, to any Canadian address.
Fort SALE. -A 8londyke heater at the Meth-
odist Parsonage.
FOR SALE] Large wardrobe, dining room
table, sideboard and bedroom suite. Apply to
Mrta, J. Litman, Brussels.
HAND satchel found. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this notice,
POULTRY WANTED. -Will be open to bny on
Monday of eachweek, commencing Sept, 181h,
any quantity of chiokens, fowls and dunks, for
which the highest price will be paid.
11-4 Rone. THOMSON, Brussels.
GENERAL servant wanted at ouoe. Apply
to MRS. W. L. HOLLIES, Brussels.
Rouen and lot, eligibly situated in Brussels,
for sale or to rent. Further particulars may
be obtained from Mrs. R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes,
ANYONE who will take hold of a good enter-
priee should call and see T. McGregor, W. H.
Kerr or S. Wilton, Brussels.
APPRENTICE WANTED. -A bright girlor boy
wanted at TRE Poaa to learn the printing
business. One who has passed the Entrance
Examination preferred. Apply at THE POST.
FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -House and lot on
Turnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thos.
N10)101 s- The 60 acre farm being WM Lot 2,
Con. 12, Grey, is also offered for sale, For fur-
ther partioulsrs apply to A. F. Stewart, Brae-
sele South.
-Program of annual meeting to be held
on Thursday and Friday, October 19th
and loth, in the Assembly Hall of the
Seaforth Collegiate Institute. It is
hoped that all the teachers of East Hur-
on will remember their duty regarding
regular attendance at the sessions of this
Convention. Program. Thursday
forenoon, 20 o'clock. Opening exercis-
es, reading minutes, appointing Com-
mittees • Oscar Shaw, Entrance Sub-
jects" ; H. T. J. Coleman, Ph. D , "In-
terest and Effort in Education." Thurs-
day afternoon. Miss B. R. Hull, "The
teaching of Nature Study in the Public
School as a Foundation for Botany and
Zoology" ; G. W. Holman, Subject to
be chosen ; R. D. Cameron, "Govern-
ment Annuities" ; H. T. J. Coleman,
Ph. D., "Training for Citizenship."
Thursday evening. An "At Home" will
be given by the teachers of the Seaforth
Collegiate and Public Schools to the
teachers of East Huron and others in-
terested in education. At this gathering
H. T.bl
J, Coleman, Ph. D., of the Facul-
ty of Education, Toronto Univereity,
will give an address on, "National Ideals
in Education," and there will be other
program which will also be of an enter-
taining character. Friday. Election of
officers, Financial statement, Andrew
Scott, "President's Address" ; Nelson
Higgins, "Phe Duties •of a Teacher" ;
Harold Hogg, "Canada and the British
Empire" ; J. M. Field, Ph, C., I, P. S.,
Practical Training of Entrance Geog-
raphy" H. T. J. Coleman, Ph. D.,
"The Fourth Dimension, --A Sthdy in
Human Behaviour," Officers. Presi•
dent, Andrew Scott ; 1st Vice Pres.,
J. H, Joynt ; end Vice Pres„ Miss Dora
Smith ; Secretary -'treasurer, John
Hartley , • Executive
Committee Misses
McKay and Wilson and G. W. Holman,
Charles Holland and Robt, J Beatty ;
Auditors, W. D. Fair and C. E. Dowd-
Church u rchChirues
Thursday evening, Oct. lath the an-
nual Thank -offering meeting of the W.
F. M. S. will he held in Melville church,
at 8 o'clock. An address will be given
by Mrs. (Rev,) Bell, of Molesworth.
Wingham District Epworth League
Convention is to be held (D. V.) in Kin•
cardine on Oct. 24th and 25th. A splen-
did program is being prepared. Details
later, All Leagues urged to send rep-
Next Sunday Rev, F. K. Hughes, of
Millbank, will conduct Harvest Home
services in St. John's church at 11 and
7 o'cloak. Special music will be ren-
dered and the church will be appro-
priately decorated for the occasion
Rev. Mr. Horne, agent of the Upper
Canada Tract Society, gave a very in.
teresting and instructive lecture in Mel-
ville eburoh Wednesday evening of this
week. The vieyvs.shown in illustration
of the subject were excellent and did
much to make clear the importance o£
the world among the sailors And others
Who spend a large portion of their tithe
on the water, Roy, Mr, Horne is very
enthusiastic in his chosen work and do.
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Systematic' Saving
Begin now to prepare for the day of op-
portunity by depositing your savings in
Complete and well
assorted stock of Fall •
and Winter Woollens •
t. including 4.
•Footings •••
r ••
• Fancy Vests
• that should be seen. •
ship Guaranteed. _
Merchant Tailor •
Fit and Workman -
W, P. Fraser
serves the hearty support of all who de-
sire to see the good work prugress.
People We Talk About
Jas. Irwin, of Toronto, is a visitor in
Miss Gertrude Ewan is holidaying in
Mrs. McLean, of Egmondville, is
visiting in town.
Mrs. Jno. Long is back from a 3
weeks' visit at Saginaw.
Mrs. Joseph Pugh, of Wingham, was
visiting at Mrs. Paul's this week.
Fred. and Mrs. Longfoot and Thelma,
of Stratford, are here for a visit.
Mrs. J. T. Wood has been visiting rel-
atives in London for the past week.
W. Emigh arrived borne last Saturday
evening from a short trip to the West.
Miss Linda Colvin, milliner, at Tavis-
tock, visited at her home over Monday.
Will. Heist, of Atwood, is here on a
visit. He has been laid up with sciatica.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy, of Listowel, were
visitors with Dr, and Mrs. Holmes,
Jno. Patterson, of Toronto, is visiting
his uncle, G. N. .McLaren, for a few
Mrs. Herb. Cunningham and children,
of Palmerston, are here on a holiday
Miss Jessie Cunningham has taken a
position at the Bell Central Telephone
Jno, DeWolf was away to Toronto
undergoing an operation tor the benefit
of his hearing.
Mrs. J. T. Ross was not very well part
of this week, J. T., was also off fluty
for a short time.
Miss Belle McDonald was visiting
relatives in Molesworth locality during
the past week.
Harry Churchill spent a few days last
week in town. He is relieving agent
on the C. P. R.
.Mrs, john Carter is renewing old
friendships in town after an extended
holiday at Owen Sound.
Miss Marion Forrest was here for a
few days from Kincardine, She was
a welcome visitor,
B. Gerry spent Sunday in Wingham
the guest of his son-in-law and da•-ghter,
W. H. and Mrs. Willis.
Mrs. Samuel Askin, of Stratford, was
here for a few days to visit her mother,
Mrs. R. Alcock, who is ill.
and Mrs.
Lawson, of Goderlch
weed d to Brussel last Brussels A Saturday and
spent a few days with friends
Mrs, Alcock Thomas street has been
quite poorly. She is well advanced in
life but has been a real hearty body.
Miss Lizzie Brown, of the Rural Tele-
phone Central, is away to Toronto en-
joying a holiday for a week or so,
Mrs. Robert Holmes and twin sons
purpose removing to the West where
the former has taken up a homestead
and where certain duties as to assuming
possession have to be entered upon. We
wish her success.
Mrs, G. H, Santis and son, (Finlay
McKenzie), of Claremont, Arrived home
Wednesday night for a holiday visit at
the home of her parents, • Postmaster
and Mrs. Scott.
Jno. and Mra. McVicar and son, of
Smith Nevada ; Mrs. Schooley, of Ne-
vada ; Mrs. D. McInnis, of Port Elgin
and Mrs. Cannell, of New York are
visiting relatives in this locality, It
means the renewal of old relationships
and is is great pleasure after long years
intervening. Mrs. Duncan g s ncA Livingston,
of town ; Mrs. ias. Strachan, of Grey ;
and Mrs, J. Mitchell. of Molesworth.
are sisters to Mr, McVicar ; Mrs. Geo.
McDonald, of Molesworth locality, is
Mra McVicar's mother; and Mrs, Jno
Sinclair and Mrs. A. Rosa areAirnfS of
the same lsdv. We are.pleesecl. to state
that Mr. McVicar's health is improving
since he underwent an operation,
Alek, Stewart, Queen street. West,
was a Judge at Wingham Fall Fair last
week. Few men are better posted in
Miss Vera Wilbes, who was home on
a holiday visit for several weeks, has re-
turned to Stratford, She is quite en-
amoured with the Classic city.
George Murr, who has been in St,
Thomas for some time, was visiting at
his home here last week before leaving
for Coleman, Sask., where his brother
Wm. is located.
Dr. George Ross, who has been in the
West, was home on a short visit en route
to Toronto where be has taken a good
position 4n a dental office, We wish
him success.
Brussels Council
Regular session of Brussels Council
g ss s ou 1
was held Monday evening with Reeve
Leckie and Councillurs Ament and
Pryne in attendance,
Minutes of last meeting read and pas-
Accounts were presented as follows :
O. Doll, work on street $ 2 00
Jas. Sharpe, electric light...-. • 245 4o
Jas. Sharpe, Hall light 7 05
S. Plum, fixing hose reel 4 30
R. Oliver, salary 37 50
Moved by P. Ameut, seconded by R.
A. Pryne tbat above accounts be paid.
The report for scales for September
was $29 95.
Tender was read from Harry Kirkby.
of Morris, to construct the Fisbleigh
drain and furnish all necessaries
except top of catch basins for the sum
of 35368. On motion of Pryne and
Ament the tender was laid over until
Oct. 16th when a special meeting will be
held, Carried.
The rate for the year 1912 was struck
as follows :-
Co. Purposes $498.78
Local Purposes 2918.00
Consolidated lgoo.00
Woolen Mill • 253.00
General Frontage rate 4g8.00
General School rate 2253.0o 6
School debt 383.00 2
1 3J10
4 1/10
2 3/10
Total 20
By -Law No. 5, 1911 was read three
times and passed.
Council then adjourned.
Grey Council
The Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of GI ey met in the Township
Hall, Ethel, Monday, Oat. 2nd. Mem-
bers present. Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted.
McArthur-Oole-Thatthe tender of
Thos. Alcock of $2600.00 for the con-
struction of the Brewer drain be ac-
cepted. Carried.
Brown -Fraser -That the tender at
20c per cu. yard of The Woolman Con-
struction of the Buchanan Drain be
accepted. Carried.
'McArthur -Fraser -That the tender
of W. E. Sanders supplying the tile
required for the Alderson Municipal
Drain for $875 be accepted. Carried.
Brown -Fraser -That the following
accounts be paid :-Harrison & Mat-
thews, 0outract in full blann drain,
$903.10 ; Canada Ingot Iron Culvert
00., culvert for Storey drain, $53.64 ;
Ivie Campbell, gravel, $7.20 ; A.
IIeabh, gravelling contract, $42.34,
gravel, $11.68; Duff & Stewart, 1800
feet tatnarac, $32.50 ; J. W. Rose,
gravelling contract, 324.82, gravel
$5.12 ; G. Baker, repairing culvert,
$1.25 t W. Bray, work con.. 17, $5.50 ;
W. Miller, work con. 17, $8.00 ; 3'. Mc-
Kay, drawing tile, $3.75 ; John Lowe,
gravelling, $18.80, gravel $I3.90, shov-
elling gravel :61.25 • W. H• Baker•, re-
pairing culvert $200 OI B
Established l073 OF CANADA. - 80 Bram
For suns up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are
convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue
Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any
banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable
Savings Bank BRUSSELS at Everyp�rgB�ranch,
BR V S1�'�JLa,r4:7 BRAN Cn11
3. 3'• Rowlands Mang air
gravel, $9.80, to pay shovellers, $2.50 ;
11, Campbell, cedar for culvert, $2.00 ;
W. Scott, work' on bdy. G. & R ,(Grey's
portion 300 ; G. Michel putting rail-
r a
ng on four culverts $11.00 esL. Frain,
repairing culvert, $1.50; Connolly &
Nicholson, on contract6th Con. Drain,
$570.00 ; Thos. Alcock, , on contract
Shiele Drain, $200.00.
Cole -McArthur -That we do now
adjourn to meet again in Long's Hall,
Oranbrook, on Monday, November
6th. Carried. A. H. M .0nONALD,
HON2iea.-In Orenbrook, on Sept, 25th, to Mr.'
and Mrs. H. Hunter a eon.
MaAiseua.-III Morris township on Sept.
20th, John McArthur, in his 79th year.
Cox. in Gre to nalu on Set. 28th Ear -
riot aged 92 re,l10 of the tato rjeorg ,
Coa, used 02 years, 30 menthe end38 days.
SATURDAY, Ooe. Mc -Young cattle, cows
and horses Central Hotel,Brueaele. Sale e
Sa at 2
gyp. m. H. A. , a Prop" B. Soot, Auc.
THURSDAY, 002. Mts.-Permrstook, imple-
ments, household furniture, also., N1,4 Lot 10,
Con. 5, Morris. Sale unreserved at 1S o'olook.
Jno. Wheeler, Prop.,.T. Gundry, Aue.
teat -40.8800. 40,.8828.
Barley 80 8855
Butter - 19 20
Potatoes - - 80 00
HHoay 11 80 12 00
40 8 40
Wool ; 50 12 818
The People's Column
WANTED -Ladles to do plain and light Bow-
ing at home, whole or spare time ; good
pay ; work sent any distance • charges. paid •
send stamp and full particulars. National
Manufacturing Company, Montreal.
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, 1M miles
North of Seaforth. Good slay loam,
all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn,
cement floors, large frame house, newly paint-
ed ; good wells at born and house ; buiings
and fences In excellent repair. An ideal home
cheap. Apply (Miss) SU81E GOVENLOOK,
Seaforth, Ont.
Municipal Bonds for Sale.
The Municipality of Morris is offering 5%
Drain Debentures for sale in sums of 82044.00,
8250.00, $814.05 and $800.00. Apply at onoe to A.
17d0EwEN,Olerk, Blnevale, or Jon/4 Snow -
Ream, Reeve, Walton. 19.2
PLEIdENTa, &0. -Thos. Gundry, auction-
eer, hes been instructed, by the undersigned to.
sell by pnblio auction at Nr,�.Lot 10, Con. 5,
Morris, on Thursday, October 1211, at 15
o'clock, the following property, viz.• -1 aged
work team, 1 standard bred mare with colt et
toot, 1 standard bred Eaplan gelding 2 years
old broken to drive, 4. cows auppoaed to be In
call, 1 heifer in calf, 1 steer 2 years old, 0 steers
1 year old, 2 calves, about - 60 young hens, 1
Froat St Wood mower 1 seed drill, 1 horse
rake, 1 new aouffier, 1 N' o. 21.Oookahutt plow, 1
gang plow, 1 dise harrow, 1 set iron harrows,
1 cutter' nearly new, 1 double cutter, 1 good
t°ellggy, 1 open buggy, 1 good low wagon, 1
nal') lifter and rack, 1 Ckatham fanning mill
ac�' bagger, 1 set 2000 lb. scales, 1 hay fork,
es and pulleys, 1 grindstone, 1 turnip put-
era about 26 cow chains,2 good
B o water barrels
1 h hardwood, and wood reek.
about l0 cords 20 inch 2 water.
troughs, 1 set double harness, 1 set plow har-
ness, 1 set single harness, 2 good robes and
blankets, 1 15 -foot ladder, 1 stone boat, neck.
yoke, whibletreea forks and chains, 4 cream-
ery cans, 60 sap irnckets and spites, 1 meat
grinder, 2 heating stoves, 1 cook stove, 1 stove
drum, a quantity of stovepipes, 1 sideboerd, 1
extension table, 1 child's cradle, 1 child's bed•
stead, 0 dining room chairs, 1 bedstead, wash-
stands, 1 bath tub, 2 conchae, 1 Earn organ, 1
banging lamp and small lamps, plotures, quan-
tity of rag carpet, 1'Daisy churn, batter tray
and spoon,- 1 Imperiel Oxford. stove, 1 sewing
machine and other articles. - Sale without re•
serve an proprietor has sold his farm. Terme 1
-All sums of $10 and under cash ; over that
amount 8 menthe' credit will be given on fur=
melting approved joint notes, 6 per cent off
for cash on credit amounts. Wood to be WW1.
JOHN WHEELER, Proprietor, '
YOUNG PIGS .for sale, 0 weeks old. Apply
at Lot 18 Oln. 10, Grey, Phone 240,
.144! b• l3. ENIGB T, Orenbroolt R O.
FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers
for sale his 211% flare farm, adjoining the
village of Brussblla__. There is a goad brick
house, two wells, bank barn 06 trees In the
orobard end the premises is in 101 up•te,dete
shape. Possession nen be Elven any time. For
price and further particulars apply to GEO,
OROO88, Brussels, 18.1f.
We have pleasure in
you that
our Falltock of
Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Mantles
have been received
and we hope to have
an early opportunity
of showing them to
IVyA All the Newest Styles
All the Newest Cloths
Extra Special
f 66 Sample Coate, Ladies' and
Set of Travellers 0hildren'e, not two alike, used
by a traveller for this season's
Samples selling. Bought at 25 per cent. discount. All to be
p sold at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. They are
all in good order and its not neeeseary to tell you that
the Sample Coats are as good and often better than the stock lines.
Summer Lines
25c Hose for 19c. 1.25 White Waists for 70c.
2.25 and 2,50 Ladies' Oxfords for $1,60. 5.50 and 6.00 Readymade Skirts, $3.90
60c and 65c Dress Goods for 45c, 250 and 85c Gloves for 19e.
25a and 850 Summer Dollars for 19c. 8 only 2 -piece Welsh Dresses, light
1.25 and 1.50 White Underskirts, 98c. colors, regular. 2.50 to 8.00, your
6.00 and 6.50 White and Colored Mull, choice for $1.75.
one piece dress, your choice $4.50. 8 only Ladies' Spring and Fall Covert
Bargains in Summer
r IInder
gDoats regular
80a House Waists for 89o. g your choice for 5,00. up to 8.50,
Highest Prices for Produce
Guaranteed Flour
® 1.l
Chas. err, Next Time You Bake Bread
•4••h04.8•••F•4.4.l•••i•.+.+.4-. .4.•+••i•••i•••:-•+•4'••P••1••4••4•••F•+s4 •
FashionaIe_MiHinery iesseleseserarsitesser• a -;;;v
WE return our hearty thanks to the
Ladies of Brussels'
and vicinity for
their generous support in connection
with our Millinery Opening.
New Goods, Latest Styles and Fair
Prices are three elements we figure on gaining
us customers. Call and see us when you re-
quire Millinery.
• i
Misses Sanderson Carr
2;t'•4'•44+•+•44+•+•944•444+•8•• 444'•'t'*•F.•'F••N••1•.•h•'F•
used Cream
� of the West
will make ke
flaki s
e t most m nutri-
bread- you have ever tasted. If you
haven't tested it order a bag next time you
go to the grocer's,
Cream tWest Flour
the hard Wheat flour guaranteed�nfor bread
01--1,0-0.1=.00.1 t 0C 0t:A 0G] 0 f 0t 0
E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West
Flour ie a superior bread flour, and as such is subject
to our absolute guarantee --moneyback if not satisfactory
after a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized., to
return price paid by customer] on return of unused
portion of bag if flour is not as represented.
The Campbell 'MilHnr Co. Limited, Toronto.
Archibald Campbell, President
0o OC] 0E:=10(=10 000r� oCD o i_,
�+�+�+• For sale by John Patterson,