HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-10-5, Page 51 somas CARDS. K. a, r Bry salt Dont of the Maccabees, No, 24 hold , Sir regular meetings in the Lodge Roe neater i3look, 0 the 1st and $rd 'reedit's), evenings o y as f each month. visit ne al.vny, w. nodi d,_HU ,..---,.qua, a, MAC3IILKN:, B, 8, WM. SPEN. CE COSSTKYANCE1i AND ISSUER. OF MARRIAGE LiORNSES Mee to the Pest algae, Ethel, SO4 JOHN HARRIS,. Agent Howick Mutual Fire Inertritflob Company .Wge atm It aidenee— WALTON, ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAN D, 1NBU0AN1a, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. ytr h, SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - A. • u8a, will dell for better prices, to n, -(tor loon, In Mee time and leas charges trate any other A ucttuuee, in least Huron or lie won't column anything. butes and orders Dan always ue arranged at thea Office or by p ..e'nal ,.pplaogtion, c c tzA r1AP:i rs)NYEYANCiINB1. '' M S1NULA11t 1� i Barrister, i t ac Barrister, lulicitor, , tlouveyaneer, :.4ary r ohne, Jnee—S tewart's Block forth ti, 1loaHuta, h hullos 184 111 0 Mtutrroruhtua Bask. j)rt11U11YO01.', HAYS & KILLORAN htA KItl ET Elia, gJLfiliTUlttl.- NOTARIES t\ • f•aoonp,ur 1t O it, O. HAYS . J. I.. K;LLonAN , Onleee—Those lorwerlyy peel/pied by bleears i; aworou-e: Holt • rduuaroa, • .oN•rewo, H Royal Mail Steamers Autumn Sailings - MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Z = Terbine & Twie-Screw steamers sail from • sii4ontreal ee7cry Friday .up to and including • Navembet'•17th. 1911. MONTREAL. TO GLASGOW Buf.itngk trate Montreal to Glasgow every ••.'Saturday until Nov. 18th. peewees. Second, t `• 'cabin steamers. ehristmas Sailings ,i FROM ST. JOHN HALIFAX • Virginian.......Fri.-Nov.24 Sat. Nov.25 • Tunisian ...... Sat, Deo, 2 ` Victorian. Fri. Deo. 8 Sat. Deo. 9 Corsican. Sat. Dec. 19. �.....r •Ftill'information as to rates, etc., on applica- tion to • W. H. KERR, Agent Alla,, Line, Brussels. YES Young people We can prepareyou for bueineaa at Thn Listowel Business College, e: and place you in a good position when graduating. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. Tourney enter any day. EDWIN O. MATTHEWS,Prin. J t• k n �.46.w�etrarsr Waas.4cmJ6eay,,�v:,y Make Your Decision Between Success cease and Failure lar A.0 r ou so In the Po alar P ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Will prepare you for an excellent post• tion in the Business World, The first step is important—Your choice of a. School. Our Catalogue explain why this College ranks among the best on this continent. Write for one today. Enter now, Cor. Young and- W. J. ELLIOTT, -Alexanderii Ste. i Principal. RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when yuu can be cured P Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age - Time Rup Single or Double Name.'. Address • and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia onto 84. Dept. A. Stratford, Ont. Busirretto Cardfl Bot expected thAt the desired result Will be obtained fd .,ace Mr jailging from Alma LERTHA ARM5T ONQ tIi4 F;ru, lee Pfol#bl Jou sal Ieft Teacher of Piano ' dtirtog lheli-et 15 Otos, to q years from Studio at Carter's Afuolo Store, tete (leer North Of the Standard Bank, Rrirssels• 5-tf MI R L S E SH P R F? S � A E has passed auooeeorully her second exatlhlna• pima of the Pianoforte Department -of the To - tante Ooneervatory of Musib, and is prepared to take pupils at her home, Prinoess 051'eep, t,'Vlaite Ethel friday and Saturday of each week. PR, T. T, M•RA,£ Bachelor of Mbabane, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Shy, stolon anyd Surgeons, Opt, ' Poopst•uraduate Chicago E111. E12x'HNoua mid'einem Hospital, . All h- aePB Hospital, Toronto. connee Eton with 4 aobVOOlL at nil hours.Tele- phone DR, M, FEROUSON ,ETHEL. ONT, Physician and Surgeon :Post Gradnatecourses London (Eng:), New York and Chicago Hos' petals. Special Attention todieease of eye, ear, nese and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, OR, HAMILTON Dental Burgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College. of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, 011iee in Smith Block recently vomited by 1)r, Feild. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario veterinary College. Day and night calls. Moe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. Gnawer) ZilowJ? Barna it r BRUSSELS Genie SOMA GOING NommI1 Matt • 7:07 In Express 10:55 am Express- 11:25A m Mail 1:59 p n1 Express ,.,,,,.. 2:55 .: p m ( Express 8:52p m .. eax WI.r1.40 :PAWIR C WALTON Tc Tornuto To God i h pro Express 7:41 a 10 Express ,,,,,,11:16 a m Express... ,2:57'p m .Express 7:16p is WROXETER Going East 7:05 a. tn. and 0 SS p. nr. Going West..- 12:45. • and 9:17 p, m.. All trains going East oonnoot with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations: GtO.AL LA L' N,ocal•A en t. . e Racal tlews Mems 'DBE Monthly Horse Fairs, for which Brussels is noted, -will be' resumed dur- ing the coming season. R. J. Hill, of Queen Victoria School, Hamilton, sou 08 the late John Hill, of Brussels, has Peen chosen President of the Hamilton Principals' Association. .The Epworth League of the Methodist church have commenced rehearsals for an entertainment entitled "Sowing Seeds in Danny," to be given in the near future. Lame back is one of the most cord- mon on-mon forms of muscular rheumatism. A. few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief. For sale by all Dealers. MESSRS. KEYS &.GALBRA TH have tak- en possession of their sale stable, at the iron bridge Brussels, where they will do business inthe horse line. They: have up -to date premises. Rev, J. ,E. Millyard has received, a strong invitation from the Quarterly Board of the Hyatt Ave. Methodist church, London, to become their pastor for the next Conference term. Never Slit Your Boots. That doesn't cure the corn. Just apply the old standby, Puttam's Corn Extractor. IG ants like magic. Kills the pain, cures the corn, does it with- out burn or scar. Get the beet—it's "Putnam's," HAVE you any news, tell the editor and he will serve it a la mode. In case you do not happen to meet him, use the telephone or the mail. You will be helpingto make your town paper of greater interest and thereby serve the general community. Whatever news interests you, must surely lute' est many others. A GOOD RECORD,—The Exeter Times says of a former Brusselite :—On Sat. urday of last week 'Rev, E G. Powell, of tows. shipped an Ancona rooster to Jas. Walker, of Berlin. In the Spring Mr. Powell sold Mr. Walker a setting of eggs from which -eight pullets were raised the first of which began laying at four months and 12 days' and the rest at five months. Mr. Powell is quite a chicken fancier and is making a spe- cialty of the Ancona breed. ° 1•le has had in the neighborhood o g o tt of two hundred applications for his chickens. Yon are not experimenting en your- self when you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as it has won its great reputation and exten- sive sale byits remarkable ka lite cures of colds and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children and may be given to young children with implicit confi- dence as it contains no har'rnful drug. Sold by all Dealers. HURON CO, SPECIAL PRIZES.,—Already the announcements of the Ontario Provincial Winter' Fair, which is to be held at Guelph from December lith to 15111, are out, In addition to a long list of prizes a speciul award is being offered to Huron County Exhibitors, donated by the. Huron County Connell. For the best Beef Animal shown by au amateur exhibitor resident of the County of Huron. prize $15,00 and for the second beat Beef Animal shown by an amateur exhibitor resident of the County of Huron a prize of $to.00, There should be a lively hustle for the acquirement of this ;$25,00 by the numerous feeders of good stock iu this County. PROHIBITION IN 9 YEARO—This is the statement made by oue of the leading ministers in Christ Chproh, New Zea- land. Mr. Gray outlittes the growth of public sentiment as follows :—Women exercise -the franchise and avail them- selves of the opportunity, Their ad- vent into the realm of politics has been a'distlect advantage to all moral issues, Elections are quietly conducted and women are not subjected to the slightest unpleasantness, livery third year ou the day of the General Election, a vote is taken on the liquor questioti. Of the total emberO tee (taken three years ago there Was a majority it of favor o£ no license,In November of this year a vote will be teketh on tate question of National Prohibition. It is new titrewill he 31111)88/1 n + liquor trade in New "4elle ud ZZOAfI.'rIIINO 114114 nitl. s'IAN 'J esteltg' ANclt I'ltol'I.ft '40 '1'1111 - uvix - ' . t )f 1a '^1115 ifi I' ow 1* Z lln I. nor: I mo just nvrlf iul; to dell you 11(181 liquor is a great ala to naliV'a. 1)11 \ on not notice In Log - land that liquor was a sir when people get dlatlls 1 Why did Putt bripg ithere I ien ? DMA. trifle with a cold is 'good o(L. vire Pot pkndent.ulen and women. It limy be vital in case of 31 child, :('here is codling bet tee .item OhanlbeelaiI('0 Gough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is eal'e 1511(1 eu1•0, 1!1188 sale by all Dealers. Some codrplaialt hes- 001110 regar.diug , tetegiving of half the load in ease of an automobile coming behind it team The parties claim 'het when they come uu behind fellow with a team lie • 8. ub homy refuses to give any of the road; 00 matter if there is plenty of roost to turd out,:- Now the law rec,lgnizes the right,: of both the n1aii with Lite Lean) and the man ‘,vith nee, and lhe.e tights should be respected, ('here are plenty of men who are 1utiniug autos who should 'be driviug ox teams and vice versa, bits all men should not• be 5reatcd (ha, way. 'I'ne law s•ty9 that when a MSG (4 (13 10(18)1011 5)3 a faster vehicle. the than driOng the slewer vehicle, .(tell turn ant tort give half of the 'beaten path, Another Great Discovery A well known 'rt'ntlenlan in BlackBay, Out,; Mi. John Cowan, tins COVer ed an 311)00111to speelflc 1'ur 1111111• madam, and writes "I was affected With L y Sciatica which I contracted years ego. The disease hada great hold in my blood, and It was hard to make any Imprea- - slim on it, Reading of Ferrozone I Was_ Conrinued of its merit anis it's certainly the best I have ever tried, \Vhy it just drove away the Rheu— matism. Even stiffened old sufferers will experience quick results. The reason is that Ferr'ozetie auto through the blood and thereby destroys the cause of th'e disease. Price 50o per. box at all dealers. JUBILATION OVER THE ILdq" ION — 11atn day evening.Sept. 2310 there was a gaue,ing In Clinton to give expression to the oveifiowurg' exuberance on ac• count of the triple success in Hui on on Election Day. About 8 o'clock theme - cession lined up before the Raltenbury House and nharched to the market quare. headed by Clinton Band, On a nivel John Rdnaf0rd, who officiated as Master of Ceremonies, congratulated he Co on its great 010100y. For th ong years, he said, the Conservative ariy,had sat in the cold shades of Op- asition and no 0.12.0 would' b'atne thein 1they were elated over the victory. He introduced DavidCantelon, chair - an of theilocal forces, Wm. Camp - ell, the Nestor ( 1 West Huron, and ev. Joseph Elliott, of G,'derich, each t whom made brief congratulatory peeches E. N Lewis, M. F. for the West Riding, thanked the electors and ore particularly the people of Clinton. as. Bowman, NI P. for East Huron, ante next and 'hoped he would prove worthy of the high trust he had corn. itted to him. Telegrams of couerat- lation were read from 8. A. McGaw, f Winnipeg, and "Tom" Jacksou, in ancouver, B. C,, over the result. hen J J Merner, the standard bearer t South Huron, was called upon he as most enthusiastically received and ery mcd_stly referred to the contest Well resulted in his election. The °slug address was given by Mayor potton, of Wingharn, who jokingly what :night have become f him if free trade in natural products ad become law. The crowd saw the ke as 25o pounds of adipose tissue timed up before them in the Mayor's ersouality and laughed. He was glad know that Canada was still desirous. maintaining her relations to the otherlaud above everything else,. !leers were given for the three nee -M. P.'s Id the band played "God save the ing." Gude rich Band cause down ou e evening train, togged out in charac- ristic costume. In a•iditiun to supply g a musical program they caused auv a laugh by their antics both usically and otherwise. A number of e leading Conservatives from uear•by itis went to Clinton to joie in the bilation The Liberal'` did not be. ridge the Cot ervatives their' 11(1115' ow -nut A lh'l; t} I ':Litury and they rtainly made a clean sweep of it. The eskers were very profuse in their anks to the Liberals who supported 1{ ed em in defeating ieaprocitV. The best plaster. A piece of flannel mpened with Ohamberlaitr's cut and bound on over the affected its is superior to a plaster and costs 13, one tenth as much. For sale by dealers. S p p n R 0 s 0 0 V 0 w v w cl w 0 h to p to of m C at 11 th to in m m th Pe lu 1 hl ce s th th da uh pa on all flORE PINX1IA IT GROWS HAIR But Not After the Hair Root Iq Deaai. •loft, Fox will tell you that il.e'sells ;t I Peat manline bottles of Parisian iia e 1because It g (Yes satisfaction 1SegtMaAr)tees Jt In eradicate den- "" drltt2, stop falling and splitting hair land Itching scalp, of money back, CParisian Hage will Make hair grow if the h • root t hair rc of ie not dead, 't t urs life �yi atnd lustre p • t aGrr i tc dull nl and ,. dad heir and t i n is themostdelightl'ul hair dressing in i 1 Added to the Loilg List due to This Famous Remedy, Glanford Station, Ont. --'I have taken „•. LydiaE.PJnkham's Vegetable Com- pound for yease and never found •i any medicine to compare with it. I, had ulcers and fall- ing of the uterus, and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully until I' began taking your medicine, It bas 'also helped other women to whom I have recommended 't,"—Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station, Ontario. Another Cure Harvey Bank, N. B.—I can highly, recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to any suffering woman. I have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation. and it cured me. — Mas. DENIERS BARBOUR. Because your case is a difftcultone, doctors having done you no good; do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pelled a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in- flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache,. that bearing -down feeling, indigestion, . dizziness, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth millions to many suffering women. If you want special advice write for it to Mrs. Pinkham,' Lynn, Mass. It Is free and always helpful. IN the Penmanship . Contest at the Listowel Fall Fair forlvhieh prizes were given by the Listowel Business College, Miss Annie Allen, Gowanstown, won ' the First Prize of Three Months Scholar. ship in the Listowel'College ; Miss jean Morrison, Newry, woo the Second Prize, two months Scholarship in the College, and Douglas Bell the Third, . Which entitles him to One Month's Scholarship. Similar prizes are offered at the Palmerston and Gorrie Faits. Biliousness is due to a discolored condition of the 'stomach. Cham- berlain's Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especial- ly to act on that organ ; to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by all Dealers. P THE Chopping Mill at the Electric 9 Ll ht Plant BRUSSELS Will Run Every y Week Day from this date and attend to all orders with promptness and care. Satisfaction guaranteed. Flour and Feed always on hand for sale. We are prepared to install Electric Light in homes or pub- lic buildings. Ask about our rates and terns. A 1 service promised. Jno, Patterson, Mgr. O 4 • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••f••• Ae•O•••<••.••••4•••••••• • • Boots --• A•--- •• •• •• ••i Ncwtesign• s 4, • for Fall •and Winter to hand. , 4w. • Rubbers for the �•: • , ` wetweather.i • ,�r ,< • • �l ' ;lv' ,y• :• All at Lowest Prices ''' i • • • • •0 i • Harness Department • • • Or • • Collars Rubber Rugs, Plush , Rugs, Blankets, Trunks end Satchels, •• • • Repairing promptly attended t•o. • O LO.RICHARDS •• e ,• •14.0......0••••••••••,..0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Full stock of both Single and Double Harness, made-to-order if desired. t le world. Ou y 00c a large bottle. Pat'ielen Stege is the beet hair grow- er and beentifel', dandruff. cure and scalp cleaner known. Try it on our money back plan, REEVE Swil'rzER Acommie/mi.v Surer, —S nuttel Swei'zer, Ul Shipka, Reeve of the totvriship•of Sutphen, was accidently Bitot in the leg about ten o'clock Puree daq' moieiug of last week and died a. boil (tree drloek in the afternoon. Mr, Swell zer"incompany web acouple of others were out duck shoid{ug about six miles Sou' 11 of Grned Reed It seems they were getting into 0 boat when one of the guns aec'deutly dis- charged end the contents' entered Mr, Sweitzer's leg. 'I'ite wound was hurried- ly dressed and Mr. Swellzer was driven home a distance of about twelve miles, reaching there in tile afternoon. Dr, (Vas ca110(1 front Parkhill but could do nothing as life ryas nearly gone through lost of blood, 1 -le was conscious after reaching hone and died shortly after- wards. Mr. Sweitzer was well and favorablyy known throughout the district. fie owned a saw mill and flax mill and not long ago was burned out for the second time Deceased was about 6o years of age and is survived by a wife, three boys and two girls. Fordwich The C. O. F. intend bolding a don- eert in Brown's Hall on Thanksgiving night. Rev. J. Ball, of Oil Springs, was in town shaking hands with his many friends. Miss Edith Adams has returned af- ter a two months' visit in the North 'nest. She enjoyed' her trip immense- ly and it eeeuled to improve her general health very much. A. A. Dobson B Se. of Montreal was married to Ethel F. Barker on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, at 421 Chestnut St. S. Lansing, Michigan. Rev. A. B. arid Mrs. Dobson attended the wed- ding. • When Women Suffer Look out for weakness or disease. See if there is not a sideache, • head- ache, restlessness and the "blues." These svmptous indicate that you need the gentle assistance of Re. Ilatnilton's Pills. They are women's greatest relief, prevent functional derangement's, renew the life of the blood, purify and clean the system throughout. No tonic so potent, no results so marked as follow the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c per box at all dealers. Gorrie Harry Dane left for Winnipeg. Gorrie Fall Fair Saturday of this week. " Mr's. Kaine has been very poorly lately but is improving. Will Earngy, of Charlton, New Ontario, was horse fora few days. Miss Winnie Talton, graduate nurse, from Owen Sound Hospital, is p visit- ing her home in Gorrie at present. Public Library has been moved and is in the charge of J. R. Williams at his shop,one ° 1e door South of the post office. • Rev. Mr. Kinder and his bride have returned home. Their many friends in and around Gorrie wish them every happiness. Wingham ilIrs. Dinsley and Miss Norma Dins- teg left for Detroit where they intend residing for the next few months.. J. W. Orr left Wingham for Menton, Alta. where he purposes locating. Mrs. Orr will nob leave Wingham un- til next Spring. Dr. and Mrs. Towler of Los Angeles, California, who for many years were respected residents. r f Wiggha•• S..nin,'wr'h "i„ ' - .g Mends. in town. T. E. Elliott has purchased Jas. Slemiu's store property on Josephine street and has opened business in fancy groceries and confectionery. Will. Simmons left for Stratford to spend a few weeks in the office of the Bell Telephone Co., when he will re- turn to town and take up work in the Wingham office. Among those who left to attend Normal, were —Nlisses Jeanette Brock, 'Florence Imlay, Ada Haines, Lizzie Hetherington , Mildred Jewitt— to Stratford Miss Greta Kennedy to London and bliss Pearl McPherson to the School of Faculty, Toronto. The Deaf Made To Hoar Deafness because usually due to Catarrh, is quite curable. In a thou- sand cases this is proved absolutely true. Success invariably attends the use of Oatarrhozone which has cured catarrhal deafness of twenty-five years standing. Penetrating through the passages of the ear, the soothi riff vapor of Catatthozone relieves the inflam- mation, destroys the seeds of Catarrh and thereby allows nature to re -assist herself. Try Oatatrrllozone yourself, 25e and. $1.00 sizes sold by all dealers. Blyth The new rectory in connection with the Anglican church, is fast nearing completion and it is hoped that anoth- er month will see it ready for mon,. pluton. The sad news reached here last week' that John Carter had passed away in Denver, Colorado, on Sept.• 21st and was buried there on the 23tt1. De-' ceased was a brother of Oeuncillor Garter and up till a few years ago was a resident of Blyth, conducting a har- ness busihless. Ile disposed of his business and moved to Midland, but his health ilii not been good and this Spring vis ted ed hire a few g f \ weeks tt • Y ingto regain 1118 health, t 1. He return- ed to Mi�it td feeling somewhat better but he only stayed there a short time when he decided to trove to Denver, but he hasn't there long until the • disease carried Itim away. lairs. Oar. til' Y t Wits also brought a bl,tr 0 1 1 h up t t r and i, n i many fiends Will s-Yyl.ir1NNatihJse with her and-CnttnciJlot' Garter in their affliction, Apre pretty wedding 1I was a°letnnize l at Ot,m.Monday Ionday evening of last week, at Trinity church, when Miss Alice, daughter of ,)no, and Mee. Mole, of Auburn, became the wife of Samuel Sparks, of Port Elgin, Rey, MI'. Farr pe3'for'lniug the ceremony, . Tlye new- ly wedded couple will make their hone tit Poli Elgin with the best wishes of the br'ide's many friends in this locality, Ab the regular meeting t' .tee rn of St, mar $ town council the widow of Andrew. Lee, who was lolled this Summerwhile working for ,the W.. 2. & 21, board, was granted $500, Special Demonstration of the Chancellor and others of the splendid line [of durable, economical, reliable and attractive Gurney -Oxford Xf® O rd and Ranges now on display at our store—a demonstration that marks the eceli Century achievement in stove -making. Come and examine the special points of excellence— The Oxford Economizer —a marvellous device for the control of the heat. It gives a saving of 2o% in fuel, besides economy of time and labor. A patent authorized only on this line. The Divided Oven Flue Strip is a great economy of food. All danger of failure in baking is minimized with this clever arrangement for even distribution of ,heat. There is no better test of practical stove - work than this perfect oven control. Another advantage lies in the Reversible Grate equipped with strong interlocking teeth that save waste, maximum heat with less fuel. The Broiler Top—the strong oven door, are excellent features- and these all combine with attractive designs in wide variety of size and price. You are earnestly invited to come and inspect the Gurney -Oxford line—for the good of your purse, your health, and "all the comforts of home," Wilton & Gillespie •• 4.14+•+•4••1•••4••i••fi•••l•e3•••Fefi•&e•l••'3•••1•••II•e•l•••P••3•••II'••I•••1••d•••6•• + • • • 4' We Like to Taik Kodak m • + • • We are always best satisfied when our customers are best satisfied. That's one reason why we always like to talk about ♦ Kodaks. The Kodak goods have quality written all over them. d• • • KODA made and populatfi4e' amateur photogra- + phy. They eve always led in improve- ,•4, The ts,:1I.1'iiew ideas. We carry a full line. • T. are not expensive—$5.00 up. + We'll be pleased to show the goods. ! 4. •J. R. WENDT,y Jeweler and Engraver, Wroxeter ••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • YOUR BLOOD 18 TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of all those afflicted with e110 Blood or Skin Disease to our New Method 'treatment as a guaranteed Cure for these complaints. There is no ex- cuse for any person havinga disfigured face from eruptions and blotches, leo matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specifier remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- sons in the blood and expel them from the system. Our vast experience in the treat- ment of thousands of the most s.rious and complicated cases enables us to pe..tect a cure without experimenting. We do business on the plan—Pa .Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have tiny blood disease,: con- sult us Free of Charge and let us prove to you .lunt quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of disease, Under the iallbence of the New Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again, the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and rho victim realises a new life has opened up to film, YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Seed for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to eofl, Write for a Question Lily. for Horne Treatment r t. DRS.KENNEDEIDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Mir OTIC E All letters from Canada must be addressed rr to oto• Canadian Correspondence Depart• lam tient Windsor, Ont, If you desire to see us personally p call at our Medical I s ' Y n titute inDetroit as we 408ind treat offices no patient/ in our Windsor which aro for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all Tetters as follows Write for our prDivate adIt3, Kdress.ENNEDY fie KENNEDY, Windsor, Out.