HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-10-5, Page 4"Uniformity is a big world, Bud."
"1'spect it's because 'it means a
Jot; Rose."
Steady—Regular—Dependable Qulltlity,+
there's the FIVE ROSES idea.
No bad dreams bakeday eves -- the
morning batch "flat" instead of "up."
So very exasperating, you know, to get less
loaves this week than last from the same
FIVE ROSES is the sure flour - reliable,
you sea
No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pies, or
Bake things always up to the mark of your happy
Disappointment --never.
Four times Uniform—.Strength, Color, Flavor, too, and
FIVE ROSES—trouble.proof floor.
Use FIVE ROSES always. 10
111/35 CIS asp
1"1•U1TR$04Y, 0C'1"O13I 1 5, 1911
J. ]3OVilt417r (CON,) UtJeteltD NM', 198,
Loteleetlon 1908, Dr.. Chisholm,
(0) 2,171, A., j'Iielap, (L) 2,001, 0onser-
Native Majority 83,
1!,stablished by the Redistribution
A.ot of 1888.•
In 1882, Thos, Farrow, Ooneel'vative
elected by 60 majority,
In 1887; Dr. McDonald, Liberal, el-
ected by 61 majority,
In 1891, De, McDonald, Liberal. sl-
eeted by 908 majority.
In 1896, Dr. McDonald, elected by
159 majority over E, Dickinson, Con-
In 1900, Pr, MoDonakl, elected by
140 mejoeity over E. L, Diokineon.
DI 19004, Dr, Oliieholm, 0onservative,
electedby 184 majority' over Dr, Mc-
• Last election 1908, M. Y. McLean,
(L).2,590; 5. Sheritt, (0)2,432. Liberal
majority 154.
In 1837, Al. 0, Cameron, Liberal el
ectecl by a1najority of 171.
In 1872 by 73 majority.
In 1874 by 86 majority.
Atbye-election T. Greenway, Ind.,
elected by acclamation.
In 1878. M. 0. Cameron, Liberal el
eotett by 65 majority,
In 1882, J. McMillan, Liberal elected
. by 597 majority.
At bye -election in 1883, Sir R. J.
Cartwright, Liberal., rberal ,
elected by ac-
In 1878, John McMillan, Liberal, el-
ected by 758 majority.
In 1891, John McMillan elected by
855 majority.
In 18 6, John McMillan elected by
305 majority over T. E. Hays, Con-
In 1900, Gen, McEwen, Liberal, was
• elected by 221 majority over J. Mc-
-Milian. Liberal.
In 1904, 13. B. Gunn Conservative,
elected by 111 over Fraser Liberal.
In bye-eection caused by death of
Mr. Gunn, M. Y. McLean was elected.
Last election 1908 E. N. Lewis (0)
9,137 ; R. Holmes (L.) 2,075 ; Con.
majority 62.
Established by the Redistribution
Act, 1882.
In 1882 M. 0. Cameron, Liberal elect-
ed by 29 majority.
In 1887, R. Porter, Conservative,
elected by 26 majority.
In 1801, M. 0. Cameron, elected by
379 majority. Mr. Cameron was un-
seated and in 1892, Hon. 5. 0. Patter-
son, Conservative, was elected by 18
majority. Mr. Patterson became
Lieutenant -Governor of Manitoba and
Mr. Cameron was elected by 140
At the general election in 1896, M.
0. Cameron was elected
by 317 majori-
ty overR. McLean, Conservative and
by 1,112 majority over G. M. Kilty,
Mr. Cameron was appointed Lieu-
tenant -Governor of the North-west
Territories and, a bye election was
held February 21, 1899 when Robert
Holmes, Liberal, was elected by 140
majority over R. McLean, Conserva-
In 1900, Robert Holmes was elected
by 93 majority over Robt. McLean.
In 1905, E. N. Lewis Conservative,
elected by 93 over R. Holmes.
Th� • tq�
e tnk
A reactionary storm period under the
combined strain of both Earth and
Venus equinoxes, is central on the 3rd
and 4th, and may be expected to bring a
return of storm conditions, with
autumnal rain, wind and possibly light
snow, Northward. Venus lightning and
thunder will probably bring in these
October periods, followed by rapid
change to much colder.
A regular storni period is at its centre
with full moon on the equator, on the
7th. This is one of the most decided
storm periods of this month. Violent
disturbances should be watched against,
both in the Lake and Gulf regions.
Rain, wind and thunder will visit most
parts of the interior during tbis period.
From the 4th to the rich, central on the
7th, constitutes a grave seismic period.
Snow, northward, rising barometer and
much colder, will wind up this period.
A reactionary storm period rod falls at
the closing of the Venus period on the
r•3tb. 14th and z3th. Fierce, autumnal
thunder storms will visit many sections,
with high gales over lake regions. High
barometer,snow squalls and change to
much coler at the culmination of these
A regular storm' period, covered by
the Autumnal and Mercury periods, ex-
tends from the 17th to the 2206. The
crisis of this period will fall on the loth,
2tst and 22nd, Fierce autumnal storms,
with lightning and thunder during the
first stages, will mark this period.
Autumn rains will occur generally at
this time, attended by dangerous gales,
especially on and about the great lakes.
Early snow to the North and West, with
Mercury sleet storms that will hamper
and endanger wires and agricultural in—
terests, need not surprise those con-
cerned. Another very seismic
decided sei lc
period reaches from the 28th to 240,
central on the 2tsr Hi 7 northwest
winds and cold, fair weather will follow
this period.
A reactionary storm period will bring
in storm changes—low barometer, cloud-
iness and autumdal rain and wind, on
the 24113, 25th and 26t1. Stubborn
cloudiness, persistent tendency to
drizzle and sleet, snow and cold' will at.
tend and follow these dates. 'Those
who will be forewarned of disagreeable
weather and autumnal storms, and make
115510 with alt possible outdoor work,
Will be Winners at thie time, ,
Th15 Offer Should ae a Warning. to gvery
Man and Wpman
The neweptipel's and itledieal
journals recently have had uuicil to
elms yeletive to a fantods millionaire's
offer of a million rlollate for a new
`1.'i11s great 1ulllti• nlillionttire was too
busy to worry about the condition of ,
his stomach, lie allowed his
dyspepsia to eon from bad to worse
until in the end it became incurable.
His misfortune serves a9 a warning
to others.
Fvery one who suffers with
dyspepsia for a few years will give
everything he owes for a new
Dyspepsia is ccmincnly caused by
an abnotmai state of the gastric juices,.
or by lack of lone in the watts of the
stomach. The result is that the
stomach loses its power to digest food.
We are now able to supply certain
niissing elements—to help to restore
to the gastric juices their' digestive
power, and to aid in making the
stomach etr•on and well.
We know that Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are a most dependable remedy
fat disordered stomachs, indigestion, --
and dyspepsnL
We want you to try them and will
return your money if you are not
more than satisfied with the result.
Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and
$1.00. Remember, you can obtain
Rexall Remedies in this community
only at cul' store—The Rexall Store.
F. R. Smith, Brussels,
A regular storm period is central on
the loth, and xtends from the 28.1,
of October to the 3rd of November. The
w end c t r v'Ib
g i-
varmer, falling g barometer, and cloudi-
ness increasing and advancing from the
West. Rains turning to scow in West—
ern extremes, Will be in sight to "Official
observers," and to those "on the spot,"
as we enter November.
Fall Fair receipts for the day
and night amounted to $350.
W. Thompson, of Hickson, spent a
few days visiting his son, R. A.
Thompson, of the Elora Factory.
Wedding invitations have been is-
sued for the marriage of E. Olive,
only daughter of R. M. and Mrs,
Ballantyne, to John S. Johnston, on
Wednesday, Oct. 4th, at their resi-
dence, Atwood.
C. W. and Mrs. Harvey and sister
have returned from the West to their
horde on the 10th con. Mr. Harvey is
feeling much improved in health and
speaks of having a most . eujoyable
Anniversary services in the Presby-
terian church, on October 8th, when
Rev. J. G. Inkster, B. A., of First
church, London, will preach. 'Mr.
Inkster will also lecture on "The
Orkneys" on the Monday evening fol-
lowing. His lecture will be illustrat-
ed with lime light views.
When Long Breaths Hurt
You know that troubles exist which
need quick attention. Proper action
consists in
a vigorous rubbing of the
chest and side with Nerviline which
sinks intoh
t e tissues where theP aim
is seated, acedIves relief in a few
minutes. No liniment so clean, so
strong, so powerful. Results guaran-
eed with every 25c bottle of Nerviline,
Get it to -day,
Mrs. S. Bricker has recently pur-
chased a McLaughlin touring car.
R. K. Hall, je., has gone to Toronto,
where he purposes attending the
Faculty of Education.
The annual Oouvention of the Perth
Teachers' Institute will be held in
Stratford on
Thursday and
this week.
1VIrs. and. Mise Oarthew were visit -
town,previous to leaving for
in);1'tiv, where they will shortly take
up their 1'e•ker and E. A. Roos, have
pronto,uwhere they will
returned to dies at the Toronto
resume their s
J. S. Brix
University. tistowei Fall Fair
Total receipts of. '6900, exclusive of
this year were over agogP al grants,
Government and '-r
��tt� jnor , to th
which will add about $3ou
R. S. and Mrs. Paul were in Mea -
ford attending the funeral of Mrs.
Paul's mother, Mrs. Smith relict of
the late John Smith. The deceased
was one of the early settlers of the
district and was in bee 81st year.
One at Night Makes the Next. Day
Bright; No Charge: if It Doesn't
Because of its extremely gentle and
effective action, Rexall Orderlies have
become the mosto ular Remedy for
We are so positive that Rexall
Orderlies will do all that is claimed for
them that we positively guarantee to
hand back the money you paid, ns for
them upon your mere request, if you
are not entirely satisfied.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy, are very pleasant to the 'taste,
do not gripe, cause nausea, or any
other annoyance usually experienced
when ordinary cathartics are used.
Rexall Orderlies have a positive
regulative effect upon the bowels and
tend to provide permanent relief from
Constipation and the myriad of asso-
ciate ailments. Besides theyhelp to
overcome the necessity of the eponstant
useaP laxatives to keep the bowels in.
normal condition.
We honestly believe there is no
strnilar medicine so good as Rexall
Orderlies, especially for Children, aged
or delicate people. They .are pi0-
pared in convenient tablet form in
three aive5 of packages. Prices, l0c,,
25c., and 50e, Why not try them at
our risk on our guarantee :i
Remember, Reknit Remedies can be
obtained in this community only at
our store—The Remelt Store. P. R.
Smith, Brussels.
For regulating the
bower, invigorating
the kidneys and
stirring up the lazy
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills
have proved for over
half a century, in
every quarter of the
world, absolutely safe
and most effective.
25c. a box
The Banner bas changed hand and
last wt ek was the closing publication
underthe props ietorship (di'. I1. Kay.
A. H. Smith, of Woodstock, editor of
Rod and Gan, has purchased the Meet
and business with the intention of con-
tinuing its publication, Kay Bros
may go \Vest.
Corn cutting and silo iilliug is flow
the melee of the day.
The 100 acre Mein
f Abs.
Ra nattLucknow' Lot 15, a,. 3, has
been leased to Andrew Jnr lin of
locality, fora term of years.
1'he new school house in b, 8. 1 u. 1
is well on toward completion. When
the Nieuwe is placed and the new
seats in the building will be about)
ready for occupation. It will be a
snug spot.
C. W. Laket, who went \Vest last
31arrh has taken up a farsrr of 320
neves neat' Tessier, Sask., and will take
possession next year. At present he
is engaged in building an elevator at.
Tessier. Mrs. Eaket is still in Wrox-
Wm. Mitchell, of Tuenberry, has
word from
his son at Nlossbauk S
He and his bride arrived safely at
their destination. He reports having
a granary that will hold 2000 bushels,
but had to secure lumber and build an
addition to hold their season's grain.
There is an old saving that—"A man
cannot get married and do well in one
year." His bride was Miss Hogg, of
Grey township.
T)RRNBERRY Consom.—Council met
Sept. 2511,, members present, Reeve in
chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and adopted on motion of Messrs.
Mulvey and Rutherford. Moved by
Mr. Rutherford, seconded by Mr.
Mulvey that we expend $100.00 on
Oulross Boundary opposite Lots 24 and
25, provided Culross expend an equal
amount. Oarried. Moved by Mr.
Mulvey seconded by Mr. McBurney
thatt Clerk h le k be instructed
to write
to the Municipal World asking
steps are necessary to compel, Tele-
phone Company's to remove their
poles to where their agreement calls
for them on the highways Carried.
Following accounts were passed and
cheques issued :—James McDougall,
gravel, $1.26 ; J. King, gravel, $4.20 ;
B. Ringler, gravel, $2.40 ; John Butt'
gess, Revision Voters' List, $68.73 ;
Elliott ' Bros., Ole, $7.25 ; Mrs. B.
Holmes, gravel, $13.50 ; cKinnon
Bros., gravelling, $86.75 ; Robt. J.
Dickson, Insp. gravelling, $7.550 ; H.
B. Elliott, adv., $1.00 ; Arthur Lin-
coln, brushing 000, 11, $6.00 ; Thos.
lv ar•
t & repairing r toad
$10.0 ; 17d. Hi P g
Higgins, rep. app, to
Gemmills bridge, $8.25 ; A. Hill & Ooy.
Jobb's Bridge $400.00 • F
Carruthers, rep. bridge $1.50 M. Wil-
son, rep 25 side road, $3.28 R. Sha,)vr ,
revision Voters' List, $1611- ^4""
Oasemure culvert,
ri tiv Geo.
journed to meet
5,7 -Clerk's ing on
a -
Monday Octel ;d at 10 o o'clock a, en
Joss BURGESS,Clerk.
1111 III
,, II
milulll i
Ill l
nate who are contemplating the pnr
chase of Ridgewood i ar•k for the put'
pose of establishing a saaidLaritirn
The employees of the Goderiol
Organ Oo,. showed their appteciatiOt
of their fellow workman, Neil Me
Donald, and their, good wishes on th
occasion of his recent rnat'l;iage, by
presenting him with a handsome and
comfortable leather covered otrk
On Wednesday. evening the con-
gregation of Knox Church held a
memorial service for the unveiling of
two brass tablets which are placed in
the church in memory of their former
pastors, the late Revs. Dr. Ure and
James A. Anderson. The' program of
"service included an outline sketch of
the congregation and appreciative ad-
dresses on the careers and work of the
beloved and revered pastors.
- Hospital, Clinton, died there Sept.
- 1 r
711. Ho
never. regained i
ec con •'ti
g sc,i ttr
Hess haying received a bad fracture RAMS FOR SALE -The undersigned has 8
n pure bred Shenrling Leicester Rams for
t sate. ,Lot 17, Con. 9, Grey township." Thus, $-ISIiATFGRDs. ONT.
t are fine ones, ROBT. L. 1110DONALD, I
- 32 -EP Oranbrook P. O. 8 greatly A fire that caused serious damage to I Our registration read exceeds thatr
e the stock of Fergus Jamieson merchant f i 171
Mum monlimilliMsallek.
The People's Column
of the skull.
Dorn. is a.goodcrop.
The farm house belonging to W.
Jackson, 81h line. has been iimproy d
by a cont of paint. .
A new littchen has been built to the
rear of .1. .1. llcCaughey's residence,
8th line which will add to the comfort
and convenience of the same.
Miss Grace Robb, 6th con., left for
the Stratford Normal School, last
week, where she will put in a term.
We wish her success and expect she
will make a fine teacher.
Huron County.
The new Oot nnetcial Hotel at Hen-
sall, was opened to the public on Nowt-
ination Day. '
David Cooper, whg Ail..nnt of his
ri wltie 'ur'
r v
g 1
Hensal w a,•'x •'ng along Queen st.,
,h4y,rr nd was taken to Gnnn's-
t' d
1 Goderich
metaled attendance in the Col -
„date has reached 185.
Anneal Thanksgiving dinner in
Victoria St.Ohnt'ch on Thanksgiving
Mrs. (Rev.) James Hamilton, who
has been ill for a couple of weeks, is
in Toronto receiving treatment, and
Mr, Hamilton was in the city last
week waiting on her,
The plasterers have finished their
work in the interior of the new Past
Office and when the carpenters have
completed their a theppill
rt buildingwill
be about teady for occupancy ad the
changes in the main room as now
used can be commenced.
Ernest Heaton of Toronto accom-
panied by John 13. Noble, 0. h7., J. P.,
of Liverpool, Eng., were in town. Mr.
Noble represents an English Syndi-
For Backache and Kidney Trouble
The simplest and most effective
remedy for sick kidneys is Booth's
Kidney Pills. If there is a weakness,
congestion, inflammation or soreness,
Booth's Kidney Pills quickly relievts it.
They :gen sly.
stimulate, tone
and strengthen
sick Fitt
drive away',
backache rheu-
r u
matie a11t t
p aid
dizziness, Clear
up and regulate.
the urine and
restote a perfect
filtering of the
blood. Best of
all this relief is perntanettt. I
All druggists sell and guarantee '
Booth'e'Kidney Pills, 500, a box,
Money back iY they fail to relieve,
Write the R. T. Booth 0o,, Ltd.. Fort
Ifele, Ont., fora free trial.
Z i
1 1f�iL
of Vankteek Hill, was started by, burg-
lags. -
Capt. Crowe of the 3osh Reg. wou the
Governor -General's match at 0 taws. 1
The Birley team was selected, but Private
FARM FOR SALE' being Lot 19, Con. 16,
Grey Township, containing 100 acres • 1%
COB SALE -A few good Oxford down and
l� Leicester. rain. lambs and a Leicester
shearling ram for sale, Apply to S. WALKER,
Lot 29, Lion. 7, Morris. Brussels P. 0.
18.6. Telephone 108.
o previous years. Why 7 Our so col is the beet orits kind in the West Best �
1S to courses given, best in teachers etre
((((Q played and best in assisting graduates
1 C
mind. Business men state thaEsthe
Clifford failed to qualify.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Robert
Bennett, late of the Township of
Grey, in rhe County of Huron, farm-
er, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The
Trustee Act,” being Ohapter 20, Statutes of
Ontario, that all persons sone havingany claims
against eG the estate of 1
gthe said
Robert Bennett,
ne t
who died on orabout the Twenty-eighth day
of June, A. D. sen are hereby Oc required1 or
before by Sixteenth day of October, A.D.. 1911,
to send by post, verid, deliver to Nelson
Mitchell, of the said Township of o Grey, Post
°dice address Molesworth, Ontario- or to Jno.
Barrie, the said Township of Grey, Post
Office address Walton, Ontario, the -Ex-
ecutor of the last will of the deceased, their
Christian and surnames, addresses and de -
one, tbo full particulars of their claims
the nature of the securities (if any) held
And furtbe• take notice, that after such lest
mentioned date the sold Executors will proceed
todistribute -the assets of the deee,sedanong-.
et. the parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which they shall then have
notice, and that the said Executors will not be.
jai Por tha said sssate or any .pS6o'tl,ereof,
to any person or, pore,U)1221.11»"'e claim notice
s uU n0l,Lav8 ween received by them at the
alma of such distribution.
Dated at. Listowel this 8th day of September,
A. D. 1911.
By 7. E. 'Inflame, their Solicitor,
story frame house 20x80 ft.; kitchen 19x24;
hood Pt•ane barn, 40x90, on stone stabling; 8:
good wells( ail seeded to grime except 20. mires;
10 acres in bush; orchard; 294 miles from 0, P.
R. station. All In state of cultivation. For
further particulars apply to .ALEXANDER'
BARRON Cranbrook, P. 0. I11.4. •
Telephone 2818. ' 1
o positions.. Our graduates are in dm
FARMS FOR SALE—Being Lot 4, Con. 11,
and Lot 0, Con. 18, Grey Township, Huron
Co. 0n these ferule are good buildings, well
eneed and nd drain
ed 6190good •
olcgrass ;plea-
ty of water ; nearly all seeded to edea and 3u
i n good state o[ cultivation.
t Both r
t are close e to
and to the and
on hof Brussels. They
' ill Aid y cheap 'eeasy ternis of pay -
Apply on the premises.
8•tf JAS. BOTZ, Brussels?, 0,
IFARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers
, for sale his 100 -tiara farm, being N% Lot
29, Con. a, Morris township, Huron Cu. 66
acres cleared. There isa comfortable house,.
neW bank barn, orchard, drilled well, &o, 234
miles South of Brusaela. Possession first or
March, 1912. For further particulars, as to
price, term, &c., apply on the prelnisaa or
Brusaela P. 0. to B. BEAM, Prop. 8.4
AT A BARGAIN,—Will 'dispose of cottage,
EIli beEq,gp;0pt, Brussels, at $850, a greet
w gniu' .i. oruel ., -7. "^:'•4iiolc mile. Rey
may shad from Mr. J. Leolno`•: For further
articular • t,,
particulars sae Mr, Leckie or 0 , ha under-
signed. b J. H. UAMERON
10 St. George i ,t,,. plan
stable well &o. lin •
ores of choice
land for sol
e in the Southerly
UC Brus-
eelsI di
t i
Yp Bus
further ,articulars appplyy to F. S. SUM, &•us- •
sols, or �N°. MOAR'1`HIIlt alt n.
are the best In the past three days we
( hnd•eleven. applications for help which
we could not supply. We have three
departments :—Commercial, Short./
hand and Telegraphy. Got our
free catalogue for full particulars.
Ooinmeuca your course at once.
D. A. MCLACH LAN, Principal.
:o. G reM.v4vrVaM =,4rmmaz. ; i
e•(•O•l•O.4.0•I.O•r0•I.O•i•O •FO.1.O•:•04.0•F♦-i•
IThirty g.
3, Oat Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years. The largest trainers in !}
Lantra. Owing Co 4111 •On
Lioli all over Ontario, we do ,t.
+ better for our graduates titan •
1 any other School. You may
o study all at Mine or partly at. +
•t• honor and finish at the College. •
Affiliated with The Oonimereial
Educators' Association of Can- 0
adtt. It would be well for you •
� to investigate before choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of +
world-famous Bliss Book -
k i
exp ng System, which i 'nu- +
equalled, It is Actual Business 0
from. Start to Finish, and the
student keeps same books as
Chartered Banks arid Whole- •+
. more a e possess on can be given. For 4.
, Walton P.O. i
+ sale Houses. Enter any time. •
Prof. Dorenwend's
of Toronto
will be at the
American Hotel, Brussels
on Tuesday, October 10th
with altr
large and vatted stock
the newest Parisian, London
and New York creations in Hair
Curls, Puffs, Etc.
Ladies with thin
hair will be interest-
ed in our improved
transformations. The
new desigoe 1n Curls
are very dainty and
atttactiy+e, We invite your inspection of these goods.
Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees.
for Men Who are Bald, are so constructed that onlythe wearer
Will know that itis not thew own hair. 'They give the protection
necessary to physical health.
ist themselves
as readily
(18 your own hair would. Light,
strong, rnade in any style,.
shade or shape,
The only Sanitary and Patent
ed Toupees Manufactured."
Do not fail to eall'and see them.
nCo.C of Tor
(Tho Houeo ot"Quality Hair Roods) .103•106 yongoiniimmommumennnarinmerimensow
FARM E011 SALE.—Being Lot 20, Con. 14
'MoKillo to a
p w On containing about U
sores, baall k barn With
the precombriiea band
house, bank barn for hog pen combined, end
anew oowe,Hill orc1h1a.,chl grinding, and
ias oin good bearinggtate f , chiefly ns. Land
is in extra good state of cultivationgstuck. having
hoe, and cattle ad light and largo stuck oP both
hogs toated muPed on soh for years. Farm is
Walton u 2. mAea from school f r her a frau-
IrerlteJ •RR.•HAMILTON rWaltlon P.n0,, or
apply on the premises. 40.45
at breeding age, for sale. Alao:2 young
Shorthorn bulls, one of thea 1st prize winner
at Brussels ]Pair. JAS. SPEIR,1,0180, Con, 8,
Morrie.. Box 276 Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 16e.
FARM FOR $ALE rhe 100 acre. farm,
be -
in theproperty of the IatoPeter Mc
Nei I
Lob 28, Uou 14 Gisrey, es,, s oecleared,
red.Theore Senoresefaela1i,ro to
agnoe we�l timbered. On the farm there is e
I iortalle bank lPluuein good conandin0annd
For well tensed. 1 r '
o lurcher
tlura apply l
stars, Uranbi calx Y. O:, or F 8.800115 8f Brus-
ARM FOR SALE,—The undersigned ottersfor sale, his 100 acre farm, boil»g1t Lot 80,
Con, 10, Grey. About 70 acres cleared, butane°
in swamp, 8 acres ht Fall Wheat, 81 acres seed-
ed down. Fallplowin m is beidone. On the
farm is a triune house, bmllcbaru, driving shed,
good orchard and drilled well. Close to post
ogled, church and satmol. For further portion
lars apply to JOHN 081.1011N11), Proprietor,
or F. t3. Scott, Brussels,
FARM 81011 SALE, beln South half. Lot `6
Con, 4, Morris township, Huron 00„ eon.
twining 109 Mores more 01.1080. On the prem-
. Loos is a frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
well, windmill, &e. A11 cleared except about
an sore. School 154 miles distant, Only 2%
miles from Bruseele, a acres of Fall wheat hi
and about 60 acres seeded down. w For price
terinIses other ingormation apply 'P the
/26.Ors or if writing Bsels, m P.O, Pltoifo
126. Or F. S. Scott, Bruseele.
11-tf A. L. KEli12, Proprietor.
.FARMS FOR SALE.—Lots'2i- end 22, Con. 14,
Molililop, and Lot 28 on the 18th C011000.
MOIL Lots21 and 22 amnpose t, Gnrdine•
homestead and contains about 7t��yy�oren. nil
first -Mims land, well fenced, well't710 drained
and has 16 acres of good hardwood hush ; good
comfortable bufld)ngs with allmodern ii»
peovements; plenty of good spring water and
a good bearing orchard. This is ono of the
ohotoestfartes in the County of Tinto, incl
will bo sold onter
s to
Hutt n
28 contains 1M acres with Wer, Lag
w G n sinal < 3'
uao need bnw
all in pasture and has 110)1 1o1 cors, Thin,
are tan sates of good tush 0 111 . G. For.
1 further torticul , 01 0ply **ALEX. GAItiy11
'w (IDR, Walton P.0,, or e, the prim : M' 40.11
A Individual instruction. 0
,400 Fall Term From Aug. 28th. +
• Write, call or phone for - 40
A partioulars.
♦,pBusiness College •
♦OEO, SPOTTON, President ,•1,
Chas, -W. -Burne, Principal ♦
Chan4e in
The undersigned has purchas-
ed the Harness Business of (I.
Hoes°, 'Turn berry st„ Brussels,
who will continue it 10 11110 old
stand where he will be pleased
to meet tail the old customers
of the shop and many new
A full line of both Light and
Harness r
Roomy s an 1
Goods always in stock or made
to order. Nice rangeof Grips,
Trunks, Telescopes, .Foe., to
choose from at moderate
Will nccmch appreciate a 613are
of public patronage.
Careful attention personally
given to either repairs or new
G.C. Manners