HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-9-28, Page 5DOPINESS CAROL K.Q.% M. Dreesals 'tent of the It wb110,04 bodhelr replier meet/Ads n the udge nem, Becker lateen, c1,� the Int and 3r4 '1•paed1y evapluge of each month. Yteiture Atwny. W. Me4LI,, SU II � Rtl m .. L uo -c U .. A. , eco lar1ll. , E WM. ' SPSNCS CONVAYANOER pNn 18811B or MARRIAGE LICENSES taco in the Post 011leq, Ethel, 8Q.4 JOHN HARRI'S,. Agent Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company utiles and 1!eaWepon�. WALTON, our, JOHN SUTHERLAN D. FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH,.. AUCTIONEERS,. A- .41 8, SCOTT AS AN AUGT.XON- • nazi, will sell for better priced, to. Dotter Llan, in less oraeand laps chargee than any other Auctioneer in blast Huron or Uo won't 0liarge Anything. nates and Orders. can always be arranged at tyle odiee or. by -p: ,ramal applto0tion, MAL ANLI 4ONVEY.ANCINU. ‘�X - M , a1NCLA11i— , ' Na, room, ttoholtor, Ouuvey0neer, <1.,aary 1'u0lta, ,0o, "11100—h thwart's Nicoll ( .1, o, Nor 1h , .,h LI ,c shite, h- 1•01auf nil 'ai,i• ue6rchabrae eault. 1. 1JolialllFOG 1, 114Yl8 & Si1,LORAN a A It It IMP is It !{cal IW I'lil(tl. NOT Ali1 NH W 1'a, Uar h•1'. It 0 i1. 0. liars .1; I, 1 tLL.1(1N Offices— nine 10101.. y ,i iee,.Io:l by 0lobhri Oan,r•ro,. St Nom. Uenaatue. "0renao MLLM E Royal Mail Steamers Autumn Sailings MONTREAL. 70 LIVERPOOL Turbine & Twin -Screw steamers sail from Montreal every Friday up to and including November 17111. 1011. MONTREAL TO. GLASGOW Sailings from Montreal to. Glasgow every Saturday until Nov. 18th. One plass. ,Second, cabin steamers... ehristmas Sailings 9 FROM ST. JOHN HALIFAX Virginian ...,.,... Fri, Nov. 24 Sat. Nov. 25 Tuisian tint. Dee,. 2 Victorian S'rl,Deo, 8 Sat. Dee. 9 Corsican ....... @at. Dec. 18 Full information As to rates, etc., on armhole. tion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. C, ryC� YoungPeople At. We can prepare you for business at z The Listowel Business College Weplace 'our graduates in. positions. Oar graduates are successful. Two - 1 Courses Conan rolal en ho e d Shorthand. 1T( Fall Term opens September 6th. P P EDWIN 0. A Trrlw8r Prin. sm7¢ta4®VIIA7ma F�n r,........„....,,,............„ ake Your Decision etween SuccessFailure c • A Course i p the Popular �g TORONTO, ONT. Will prepare you for an excellent posi- tion in the Business World, ,The first. 61 Ate is important—your choco of a f School. Our datalogge explains why �' this College ranks among the best on 0. this continent. Write for one to -day. Enter now. - o, Oor. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Ste, ( Principal '041 imersi i0 e7iti1 Zietteereeere aedrAli�w. • w.e3, flurTaR Cured At: your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless p-parentlyhopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long t g ruptured. cared, Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? no not wait Fill in coupon Age Thne Rup,......... Single or Double Name Address. and return to J. S. SMITH 88. Caledonia 84. Dept. A Stratfordy Ont. t,mommellsomminnlorissmwm OCciltICCIEC 1Qard6 B MISE E Rf. ARMSTRONG srRo� i`A M NA z eaghgr of Piano ofutfieeSttandard Darter's rus(((t. doer tettot'tit MiS PE S 8 R �' H k e 4 A P has passed ahceeasfuuy her second examine. Glen of the Pianoforte Department el the ;to. rento Oofseryetory of piuste, mrd le crepe nd to take pupils at her home, P1'inooaa street, t-•Vleite Either] i'iday and Satordey of eacl, week. OR, T. T. Mt RAE A Baoholer of Medicine, Unlvorslty of Toronto ; Licentiate and C+r1ldnote of the College of Ph7'• aininns Jud -Surgeons, Ont. ; )oat, raduate '' Chioago WO, Rale and L!trmit l.�osppltal, Lanolin, III. Ex -House Surgeon. to St, ailoh• Delco over 0'. R. Smith's Drug Store. O'ole• Phone connection with Uranbrook at 911 hours: eel's Hospital' Toronno OR. M, FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT.. Physician and Surgeon; Poet Graduate courses London (Eng.), (Pew York and Chicago EDS - pi tale. Special attentio1l todlseawe Stare, ear•,. troth and throat. rayed tested for 01110303. OR, 'HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of .,Royal College of Dental 8argeona, of Toronto. Otliee in 81010, Week recently vacated by Dr. Feild,. DR.'WARQL.W Honor graduate of the Ontario 'veterinary Oolloge. -Day and night mills, Ofeoe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. Gnaw) i'rt<<'ova Razz mar BRUSSELS Goleta So pain (80100 Noowo Mall 7107 a U1 I Express ...... 10:65 a ,n Itxpres+, 11:25 a In Mair .. 1:59 p m 19xpress ..,2;560 in Express , 8:62p ,n C•°'l.v'elatrJX xtP'll�d'Pu° waLrON Tu I m unto to Goderioh Express .... 7:41 n 1111 Express ....:11 :37 a m (Express 2:57 P11; j Express 7:65p in WROXETER Going gest - 7:05010(1010 6:55 p. in. Going wast - 1:;45 ar111 9:47p.111. All trains going !vast eon ;Int with 0P. -1t at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T (3.13 stations. OHO. ALLAN, Loon1:A gent. al istritt .;abut Wrngham Miss Maud Flenty is on a visit to friends in Toronto and Guelph. W. Currie, of town, reports having picked ripe raspberries in his garden last week. Jndge Doyle will hold Voters' List Court in the Council Chamber,; Wing - ham, Monday, Oct. 2nd. Collector Griffin reports. that over $7,500 of the Wingham taxes had been paid 1p to the 15th list., the date up to which there was a reduction of lly per cent. Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, of Listowel, will conduct the Harvest -Thanks- giving and Anniversary services in St. Paul's on Suuday, Oct, lst, exactly 18 year's after the late Bishop Baldwin opened the church, For bowel complaints in 'children always give Chamberlain's Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor 011. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better reme- dy. For sale by all dealers, Listowel • The ]'all Fair was a great success. Rev. W. B. Ptl,llls of Kir ' lderbtonlc Michigan,is visiting Isis mother, Mrs. Stewart Fallis, of town. Miss Sproule, M. D., who has lately returned from Europe, where she dis- tinguished herself in her post graduate u course,is the guestOfher father, John proule, and sister, Mrs, J. P, Walter. • An unfortunate accident happened at the Fairon Wednesday afternoon. Harry Kaufmann, a 14-year•-0118boy, while running down the stairs of the dismantled crystal palace, tripped over 0 piece of broker) plank and falling to the bottom, broke both arms. At a meeting of the Sough Cup -football team the following of- ficers were elected : Hon. Presidents, the High School Board ; Pres:, lir. Feasby ; vice -Pres., Mr. Bonis ; 2nd bice-Pres.Mr. McMillan ; Secretary, H. Ratcliffe ; Treasurer, H. Roos ; Manager, Mr. Macclonell ; Captain, Mr. Polden. Whore Does Consumption Begin That Hest sG little tickle becomes a cough, the cough grows severe, is. neglected and travels 0111 down to .the lungs. Treat throat trouble before it gets severe. Oatartllozone heals, allays inflammation, cures throat and bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel worker is Catarrhozone which pre- vent, thousands of Catarrh victims from contracting consumption. Re- commended by ,doctors, proved by time to be unfailing. Oatarrhozone is just whatou need 2” o1. and 1 sold everywhere. $ Seaforth Rev. F. IL Larkin has returned from a trip to Prince Edward Island. C. H. Broad'foot, who has been ill Moose Jaw for some months, L 9 18 visit- ingin ij 1 his family here. g Y W. Oudmove was in Michigan 1 gaur with his pacer, Billy W., attending some of the big race meets Mrs. Black and two children left for their home in Moose Jaw, after a visit with her parents, W. and Nlrs, Cash, Will. Bright left for Toronto where he takes a good position_ with W. R. Brock 0o's, large wholesale honse fn that city. 3. E. Willis who has for some tune 'been in charge of the business of the R. Willis estate, has purchased' the business and in future will conduct it in his own interests, Thomas E. Hays met with a painful accident. He turned too short oh the road, when the horse backed up, up- setting the buggy and throwing him nut. Mr. Marys in the fall ,strimic the side of his head 00 the hard road, bruising his face and injuring his eye. The Wang friends of Robert McKay, reeve of `J'uekeimuitil,, will regret to lea011 uf• the (loath of his (laughter, l� a l)orotli A ?lies, which o(ourred on y b Monday nal iaillt; of (tsar week, after 011ly a Weeks Muesli front typhoid fever, The dcaelteed ryas a f'r'igt,ht, strong, young gill of 18 years, What makes the case more legretnble is the fact that their' little son 13 very ill with the stone discaase. The little boy was taken ill first, but .a few days later she was also tri I Theheart 1 a st s arse 1, 1 t feltsylnpathy of many friends is ex- 1lac to 1 r and Mrs. McKay, lett 1 t a l l s A 1.K ty, ha their bolls o(' afilietion. The funeral With place on l:nesdlty afternoon to the 1lailhtndbatik ((eme(((ry and was hugely attended. As usually treated, Ia sprained auk lc will disable It train for three or four weeks, but by`lapplyirlg Chamberlain's Liniment freely as 0hon as the 1njm'y. is received, and observing the Mucci - ,tions with (((1.11 (fettle, a core 1.1111 be effected In from tu•o to four days. For sale by all dealers. - Blyth W .1; Pyle, loft for stn extended business trip L itnl ? I i a i I I r1,h l to 'West where tie is manag01' r,r the Acorn Itefiniiig Oimlpauy of Cleveland Ohio. • The Ladies Aid in connection with St. Andiew's Presbyterian (hovel) aro milking 1'oplu•ntions to hold a ,b.tzatar on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 41h, ;the 1m11 day of Blyth Fall Fair. Miss Rhode Phillips tele has been fpr the employ Of F. Metcalf, locking after the telephone office, left for Dun- gaanuon wile.( e she has secured a siutilar 1100111011, ,111011 'I'hresM,t l'le- LImghhar is Inking the position valcat- ted here, '('heMinnal rlrelingoftlie l'Vornlin's 01 1114 lull 'l'elnperul1ee Unfon (91(5 held :Monday rr last week. Arte((, the t•ausrtclfun or the regiilar business, 1.110 Olrelfnh'c t ulYiucllx It ink pitue with, the following result :—Piesideut, ll es, (i(ty) If400; l56 ]i1.. President. Hiss 13eItlul ; 2111 Vire I't r silent, It. S , 1t0. Young C. S (1Its. Cll('Lia ; vs. Bihder , 0; gun's!, AI vs. Newcombe ; Assist. Organfl:f. Mts. ()hollow ; Sltperiutendanls of 1),.m. el - metes, dad/tines Cott and \V1'11111111; ; Tempera uirr to S. 80111,1;1-i,Mrs. Elder Systematic giving Hiss Bentley ; Putily • and 1.1ot•hel 's meetings, lfadtunes Gftlley and OheIIiw ; Flower. Mission, Mrs Sims ; Anti -Narcotics, Mrs. Young ; Soientifie Temperance Miss M. Ohellew and Mrs. -Slater ; Press Committee, Madames Johnson and Slater ; Station house Literature. They Give Wonderful Health None are so healthy, so buoyant and fall of life as those who regulate with Dr. Bauilllon's Pills: Even in one night they work wonders. Fur and coating they take. from the tongue, headaches they relegats to the past, biliousness and stomach disorders they prevent and absolutely cure. Think what it means to have the system cleansed and purified by Dr. Ilanlilton'sPills 1. A true laxative, a perfect tonic,, 'harmless and wholly vegetable in composition, they will do you good. To feel and look yourbest use. Dr. nonillion's Pills, 25c at any dealers. • Atwood Dr. MeMane left on Tuesday morn- ing of last week for Vancouver. Mrs, (Dr.) Turnbull, of Vancouver, B. 0„ is visiting friends and relatives in town and vicinity. Out of four exhibits of cheese at the Ottawa Fait R. A. Thompson, of the Elena factory, received 8 first and a gold medal. At the Western Pour A'fe sr s s.•Hol- man Dickson and d Thom 1(son were successful in getting a good many red tickets for their horses. Elmer Cheese and Butter 0o Ltd., shipped 437 cheese being their last half of August make to Lovell 2+1. Christmas, Montreal Thursday on ' a y morning of last week. Amount re- alized $4779.29. On Wednesday evening, 13th inst., the comfortable and commodious horue of'Thoniats and Mrs. Ohapruan, 2nd con. of Elma, was thronged by neigh- bors and friends who assembled to witness the marriage of their only slaughter, Eva Birdell, to one of Elulu's rising young farmers, Nelson Hamilton. Ceremony took plaice on the verandah which was prettily decorated with Japanese lante'ns, and under a large floral arch, the bridal couple standing directly underneath a wedding bell constructed of large white asters.. Rev. D.. Barber, pastor of the Listowel Methodist Church, tied the nuptial knot. The couple were unattended except by Miss Lydia Twamley, who made a charming flower girl in a pretty dress of white embroider end carried a basket o y f flowers, in the centre of which reposed - MADE WELL AN ST'O By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto.—I gladly give you me testimonial in favor of your wonderful medicines. Last October I wrote to you for advice as I was completely run down, had bearing -down sensation in, thelower part of bowels, backache, and pain in the side, I also'suf-. fered terribly from gas, After receiving your directions, I followed them closely and am now entirely free from pain in back and bowels, and am stronger in every way. I also took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before my baby was born, and I recommend it highly to all pregnant women.—MRs. E. W ANDBY, 92 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ont. Another. Woman Cured Maple Creek, - Sask. —I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and Blood Purifier, and I am now in perfect health. I was troubled with pains every month. I know other women who suffer as d did and I will gladly recommend your medicine to them. You may publish this if you think it will help others.—MBs. F. E. Coox, Maple Creek, Sask. If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form of female ills don't hesitate to tr Lydia E. PinkharnVegetable Cora- pound, om pound, made from roots and herbs. asmaller basket containing the wed- ding ring. The bride was given away by her father. Miss Mabel Tugheu played the wedding march. The regular monthly Meeting of the Directors of the Elmo farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Agricultural Ball, Atwood on Thursday 19111 inst, All members of board present but Messrs. Grieve and Cowan. Secretary reported that De. Rutherford. Veterinary Director General, had declined to give an opin- ion on the Freeman case. James &Lillie, of fihna, presented a claim for house and part contenns destroyed by fire•caused by lightning which was ad- justed at $825; Fred Gilbert, of Ellice claimed $50 fora steer killed by light - Mug on Aug. 18, whim was paid in fall ; Louis Monk, of M:ornington, claimed $2 for repairing his house • • •• + • 0 • .. New Fall •o • 0 •♦ • o 0 e. • • • e • Suitingse •♦ • • • to hand • •• o • HAVE ONLY • • •TO BE SEEN TO • • • 'BE ADMIRED • Sold at • o Popular Prices •• • • • • • (lull and see them, o • • ••W. P.Fraser•e• • • Merchant Tailor • APPLES WANTED 0.4 AT awl Brussels Evaporator On and after Monday, SEPTEMBER llth, 20c & 25c per bag will be paid for all good paring Apples de- livered at the Factory. No small or soft apples wanted and if brought will have to be culled out or taken home as there's no market for them, JOHN CUNNINGHAM, PROPRIETOR which was dittuaged by lightning, which was paid In lull. Applieatlons foe insurance Werea accepted amolot - t ,,1p*88 800, TheIselm" 0( l I 1- Ptl t 111 Tuesday, 370; flay of October, Fortilwioh A. So'• 'a 1 1 1 O, tllsi r l and helpers put in '( a wltte!bI(t k h' d 1. S. ' e. U- t 1 A he's 1 a and Adams' stores, Mester Herbie Collins had the nus. fortune to fall from his horse and Sprain his ankle, le, Ales. Alex. Montgomery, uerY, w a has spent the last three months in (hese Sparts, left for bee home in Edmonton. he was aeeomallied byher daughter, ' Marjory, p The many friends or Editor Natters will be pleased to hear that he is stead ily Improving. He went through the operation on Saturday morning, 16(10 inst., which wee successful. Jumping With Nerve Pala ]'bra's how you feel with notircllgia. But why lie awake tit night, grumble 05' coudplafu—get busy with a bottle of Nei viline. It does net like tragic, seeps out the pain tles'rnys 1t. Harm- less 11(111 certain, 10511101 in effect. Nothing is so popular as Nee viline for aches and pains of all kinds, T1 y it for lumbago, test it in rheumatism, move it neuralgia, pleurisy oe colds. You'll soon acknowledge that Norvi- iine beats them all. Sold everywhere in large 25e bottles. Goderich 8 Harry Chisholrn.' son of John .Chis- holm, Colborne, left last week to at- tend Assumption College, Sandwich. Alrs, Thos. Huckstep will return to Goclerieh shortly alto. an eleven months' visit (11118 her nieces in lor- 01ltn, The annual county convention of th.• W. 0. T. U. will be held in the Temperance Hall, Gede,ich, nn Tues- day turf Wednesday, October lOt)1 aur 11th, On the evening of, the 10th, Rev, 1h•. Den ey, of Loudon, will give an address. William Andrews, rt highly -respect- ed farther, of Gndet•ich township, was killed tit Uoda'rich Wednesday after- noon. lir. Andrews was di tying to the evaporator with a heavy load, of apples tud when near Isis destination the barrel on which he was sitting rolled forward, carrying the unforUw- atte man beneath the horses. One wheel passed over hi's head, killing him instantly. lot•. Andrews VMS well known throughout the county as a drover and for some years a butcher in this town, A letter from Chas. 0. Lee to the town 00011011 contained an offer to purchase the Sum- mer hotel for the sum of $4,000. After considerable discussion it was inoved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Olark, theft the hotel be sold to Mr. Lee for Abe sum men- tioned, Mr. Lee agreeing to have the place ton ars a Sumpter hotel for at least five years and to pay all taxes. This was carried and the matter of closing the deal was referred to the special comuliltee with power to con- sult the solicitor. Digestion and Assimilation. Itis not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimil- ated that gives strength anti vitality to the system. Ohawrllerlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and eatable them to perform tisefr i'nnctions naturally, For stale by all dealers. Maitland Presbytery The Presbytery of Maitland met at Ashfield on Tuesday,9 h 1Sept. .,e 13ev, 1 0. A1. Rulherf0tlp te•idiu a h Rev. 1 11 McLennan, "1. Mr. A LJ,e uttw of < I r 1 1 tut? was asked to situs corresponding member. ,ttev. Mr. 13remner, convener of Augmenta- tion, reported that only one charge required assistance and that it was hoped that it would not ui' ' 4 rorty((? long It was recommended that the ministers present the claims of Aug- mentation before their congregation urging greater liberality. The Clerk presented a call from Port Dalhousie in favor of Rev. D. Tait, offering $000 stipend with use of manse and four weeks' vacation, Rev. Mr, Perrie was appointed to prosecute the call and give reasons for the trans- lation. Messrs. McKenzie, Little, Mc- Arthur and 010111., of Teeewater, rep- resented the claims of 'Teeswater and with many of the members of the Presbytery spoke in highest terms of the work done by Mr. 'fait and regret- ted his proposed departure. Mr. Tait -signified his intention to accept the call and the translation was agreed to, Mr. Petrie being ap- pointed as interim Moderator and to declare the pulpit vacant on October 1st.hes session ass on records ofVr � n barn, South Kinloss, Molesworth and r h r d .L • r1Elt- now were examined and fouud to be correctly and carefully kept. • The Commissioners to the Assembly reported as to their diligence. lir. Duncan and Mr. Matheson were ap- pointed members on the Executive of Y. P. S. Rev. 3. A. Ferguson was appointed Moderator for the next six months. Rev. Messrs. Hardie and McLean were appointed a committee on Aged and Infirm Ministers Fund. F, S. McKenzie and T. E. Kenney halving been examined were certified to Montreal college as students for the ministry. The Clerk reported that Rev. Mr. r �1 alk r t 1 0 0 Toronto, had declined , 1 ed the call tou Dttn t utlon g Mr. Duncan stated that he hail moderated in a call to R. M McEaeh- ern by the Dungannon charge, bat that Mr, l(lcEhwheru had asked his name to be withdrawn. Mr.I3ardle was appointed as con- vener of committee on Systematic Giving. It was agreed to have the next regular meetingat m Winghaon Dec.. 7th, when Dr. 1:, P. McKay and Dr. A. S. Grant will hold a Conference on Missiohs and address a public meeting in the evening. Clerk presented the Statistical re- port in painted forma to be distributed among the families of the congrega- tions of the Presbytery. Report shows the average' givings per' family its the Presbytery to sti- pend of ministers is $2.50 less than the average of the whole church and the average givings to the schemes of the chnroll is $1,59 more per family `than t 1EIrelaOxlse a41E4 sr ICi hp e 1 i lt119P1'9 e by+ Ger of A?aftletnd is '1 2.0 0 l )' .. 1 U lees lel $ s than that of the whole Syood and $214,00 less than the avows a of the whole ohi2rch, which is $1148,00, notwitlt" standing act? J1 fc'tht !Il the : this one 0 gf the wealthiest P,;'osbyteries of the church, W. 3, Wne'r, Clerk, rho Public le Often Faked Unscrupulous dealers actuated by large profit often r 1.n rnn and core ecues"s good as Putnam 's.:Ter 111 only one genuine Oorn Extractor wed that is Putllaml's Painless wbieh is it Mir/tele of efficiency and prompt. nese,' -Use no other. Wreckage froth the missing Midi ti1g Marti') Was tonna1 off, Point Until. Forest liras have (dsst•oyedan im1119nsi�' quantity of pulpwood in Newfoundland: The steamer City of Genoa was surllr I t, Clair lti collision with the III S a vql• in coils w 1 k on W, 3, Gilbert, i 1t , 13y catching her anchar iz the power Cable crossing the Welland Canal, the steamer Acnes ((speed the dislocation of traffic In it. Qatharlacs district, "1 have a world of confidence In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for 3 have used it with perfect suceees, writes Mrs. M. L Basford, Poolesvfile, Md. For sale by all dealers. `+q+•+•04/0.3.441••3••10.0••1'`0,1 44104'P'II'1440•041+4,040+A .41+•+. •i • • • + • • We Like to Talk Kodak We are always best satisfied when our customers are best satisfied.. That's one reason why we always like to talk about Kodaks. The Kodak goods have quality written allover thecal. • • d• • + • KORA KS•. made and popularized amateur photogra- • oily. They have always led in improve - merits in nese ideas: We carry a full lime. •o They are not expensive—$6.00 zip. We'll be pleased to show the goods. J. R. WENDT Jeweler and Engraver, Wroxeter • • •••••+•+•+.+•+0+40+0+114.44+0 44+0+044+0+0+40+•+••••••••+• w• This Little Crank In Your Kitchen Saves 20°0 on Coal I!IIWIIIII III!L Ike `- ;a 1ECONOMIZER. PAT OCT.27 08 1IOEN1E0 FOR Cee WITH GURNEY. 00E0 4,e u It is a wonderful patent device, the Oxford Economizer, and is licensed, for use only on STOVES and RANGES This marvellous regulator keeps the oven at a given temperature. No heat is wasted—nothing goes up the flue but bad odors, steam and smoke.' The fire is held for hours without attention—ready for immediate use -- and all this labor, time and fuel saved by simply turning the crank. With the Divided Oven Flue Strip you have even baking, because of the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement. The RevereibleGrate is provided with strong, interlocking teeth that re- duce coals to ashes by a single turn. In appear- ance, in details of finish and design the Chancellor is an ornament as well as a necessity in any kitchen, The re Range e rep- resented g P• resented and other Gu - r ney-Oxfords of every sort for every purpose, dis- played on our floor. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION NOW Wilton & Gillespie • SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW Row many young men can look back on their. early life and regret their misdeeds. "Sowing their wild oats" in Various.evays. Excesses, violation of na- ture's laws, wine, women and song"—all have their victims. You have re- formed but what about the Beed you have sown—what about the harvest? Don't trust to hick. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life tl� 1 DBBIL i' UY by degrees; if you are suf- o1.•e(,wap�yp• y5 43-\ tering from the results of ' o�5t ,s,� L' ''- past indiscretions; if your SOsho lr ,?•'.,' bloodline been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if 3'cu are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing ort? est' ifyou are suffering t as the result Y P ofa miss ant life—DRS,K.t3o.K.R Y A E YOUR R REU a F' GE. >;Yyour case before themconfidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and MADDER Die. eases and ell Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to call, write for a Question Manic for • 55O311ty '1.1($;.t.T1O1 N'3 . ��aa le 4f � .` 11�4r t; wtr.ra a � yk.� ,� 7 a< � , �sl , s. a'��, ilii i ys �» l n� Y 1 EDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada xnust be addressed to our setoessenstesza Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients nr our Windsor °ti(((es 'which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: Writs tar DRS. Ick NNh D & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. our private: odd roan,