HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-9-14, Page 5A BUSINESS QARUS,' K;T A. .M. Fru 1 asq Meet Tu 0 i gu Of the Agsuin th , No, 84 Recd nlolr rogrtlar et, oil a the I.a $i d. Toned °vorti Block, oa khe lin and. Ind Tpexduy eyanlu o ou q - gs I n uto.0 Vt ,t„ a ria ul wqY, .811 +, A. en J ate 1 H,(uub ? A • Ino IIs' " C R o au:, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER Of MARRIAGE LICENSES Alpe Bel the post 018ee, Ethel, 804 • JOHN HARRIS, Agent Howie k ,11ptuai Fire rueurauco Company Moe auo Lteeldeuee-, Business Qards MISSE H DER AR A A M xrTRS> NIs TeaQhor.f Pl P ah 4 Studio et Garter's AiusictStore, one door North of the Standard Banat, 13reeeele, p.t% MISS PE R' H L� $ ARPE ue J1 use su P s d coosorte IMF tMee1 2 the wu^ tion of Ano rvat ororoe Minn°, m d88 p e e'ro• ropto Conservatory of Irtusio, and is p 501, 'ed to take puptia at her'home, PrIllOON street, f-w•Vtatts Elhal Friday end Saturday or gaol week, • DR, T, T,'MrRAE Bachelor of Medicine, University °Mort00 i Irioontiate and Greduato of the CollegIe, of Flip O lellg0 o Eve, Ewer Nolle end Throat 1iioepit i, Chicago, Ill• f6x.Bouoo Surgeon 10 St. Mien 11el'a BoapitsF, "1'erlllttl. OlRoo over F. R, Smith's Drug Store, Tele. phoria oomiection with Urnnbrook tit all hours, ... WALTON. ONT, I DR. M. FERGUSON JOHN SUTHERI,AN O. ETHEL. ONT, P401:flan and Surgeon; $oat Graduate roto"sus IasuaANes, ' f soden !Mag ), New York and Chicago Hos- ' pltels, Sewed attention todisease 02 0,08, per, nese and throat. Eyes teased for glnesta, FIRE AND MARINE, I's 11 ELP11. AUCTIONEERS. ii' S. SCOTT AS At AUCTION. cutters e • n ' in111e8aelllor time and Br less creme, ee than any other. Auctioneer In East Huron or nn wun't!barge enethiug, Dates end orders can always ho arranged at this ohne or by -re .nag application,. ti{ Ai. Ali;; 4ONVEYANCIN.G. DR. HAMILTON Dumas 8upgoon' Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto Univeralty ; Licentiate of Royal. College or Dental Surgeon, of Termite. Officein Smith Stook recehtly vacated by Dr, Neild, DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of. the Ontario Veterinary.. College. Day and right calla. Office opposite Flour Mi11, Etltel. ,�vtzd.9kVa Femme: 1t'w'I14rear BRUSSELS i1> ' • M 30101.A.Ut-- Mail Solent • GOING Nott'Prl Ise, ripen, I./elicitor, Uenvn nulnr, Ex roes 7:07 a•m Express 10:65 a ni y p 11:25 a no Bxp .I52pn1 .v,Le,y , uWie,, ecu 'itnau-4i tewart's Bleak Express 2:55pno Express .,.,,.,, 8:52p 141 .d, Or M 0.•,, ,11111,roti: Hoard h Lu IAA forth.. Alutropol,tnu frank, (/Medi IN CtireIC 1fltOUD 001', Id AY$ dI,KILLOBAN —•- • N A NIt1H'reat II, hfLI01.1'01.e, NOTARIES PUH LA I, ETD. W. eu000xuo'r, K C R. O. HAye. J, 1,, KILLDRAN OtUoee-These formerly moulded by Messrs. (honoree dt Holo (5001al00, ONTARIO, A[[1U4 Royal Mail Steamers autumn Sailings MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Victorian Fri. Aug. 18 Fri, Sept. 15 Corsican Fri Aug. 26 Fri. Sept. 22 Virginian ,.....,Fri. Sept. 1 Frl. Sept, 58 • Tunisian Fri. Sept. 8 Fri, Oct. 6 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Bootie'? on Set. Auug.'12 19 Sat. Sept. 6 Ionian Sat. Aug, 26. Sat. Sept. 28 GrampianSat. Sept. g Sat. Sept. 80 MONTREAL To HAVRE AND LONDON Moderate egrslligat(sond)abinpassne,andc Hclass France. Superior accommodation at minimum rates - will be allotted on steam ere for the balance of the St. Lawrence season. Full information as to rates, eta., on applies - tion to W. H. KERR.. - - Agent Allan Line, Brussels. t'" Young People e le We can prepare you for business at The Listowel Business College v. We lace our place graduates Our graduates 800 oogoful. positions. and ShoithRnd.Fall Term opens September 6111. �^ - EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin. ,wa91ea7ierreAa39AsaVAvrcoz Make Your Decision Between Buccoes and Failure A Courses in the Popular. CENTRAL Bfii3llTEVRP. ONT. • Will prepare you for an excellent pool, tion a the Business World, The first �. $ otep to important -Your choice of a School. Our Catalogue eap-lelna why this Cellege ranks among the best on g this continent; Write for one toelny. Enter pow. Cor. Young and j W. J. ELipOTT, . Ate:cander Sta. 1 Principal. r "4k2>`4AVA 6m'0a^Al>,aa`4A'elAsd RUPTURE: Cured At your home without pain, danger er oro operation. My method Will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is. or •how long , ruptured. Why wait until rup- ture Y P ture becomes strangulated when you can be' curedlt?'. Do not wait - fill in coupoD Age . Time Single'or Double • Name ... ........ Address,, ......, Ned i'ettirn"'to Jr Si, SMITH 8e Calodohla st, Dept, A. • Stratford, Ont ?' WAA.TON To Toronto Tp Goderioh Expreea 7:41 ainExpress 11:87a In Express ' 2:67 p 141 I Express 7:65 p 141 WROXETER' Going Eash' - 7:0535. m. and 8:65 p, nn. Going West - 12:40 and 8:47 P. m. All trnine going Eastconnect with 0 in Orangeville for Owen Sonnd, Elora and T G. B. stations,' GEO. ALLAN, tont nLA , e gent. Mistiir•t .Aetna Trowbridge Norman Boyd, of -Hamilton, visited his uncle, Robt. Oliver. 0. W. Oosens was visiting his bro- ther, S. 0osens, Parkhill. Mr,. R. A. Crane has returned home after spending several months with her sister, Mr's. John Large, of Tor- onto. Miss' Iva Allen returned house to Rochester, afterspendiug the Summer with relatives here. She was accom- panied by her grandfather, who pm - poses spending a couple of weeks with his daughter, Mrs. J. Allen, bf that ciMrs W. Pickford and danglltee, Ruth, of Washington, have returned home aftera short visit with the former's'sister, Mrs. J. Code. They were accompanied by Miss Lottie Code who intends spen ding some time in Washington. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, for I have used it withet'fect s writes Mrs, M. I. Basford, Poolesville, Md. For sale by all dealers. Atwood John Roger attended gthe annual meeting the Embalmers' ' 'Associa- tion tlOn InO T ,onto After being with. Iiay, Brae., of Listowel in charge of grain elevator of Atwood, for nearly 80 years, Robt. Anderson; has recently retired, and his place is being taken by his brother Hugh, of the 10th con., of Elute, he having sold his farm to J. T. Ander- son, another brother. A very unfortunate accident hap- pened on Tuesday afternoon of last week at the home of Won. Mere, when' little Lloyd had his leg broken. The accident was. a peculiar one, Melvyn an elder brother was iu the act of getting a coat ,that was hanging on the wall by climbing upon . a ledge and in so doing lost his balaupe and fell on Lloyd who was lying on the floor with the above result. -7.- Stool KnIfe in The'Ri@ah That's Ghe seusatinit a 1i Robert Price of n, 4 rimed be P p e t • knew t was li (= on, A11G, tee i sciatica and of cogtee used'4Nerviline," As usual it cured and he says ; "No Iininien( can excel Neryiline. _Safer() pains tirade my side lame. It. wee lisle, a steel knife running thrbeggh` the flesh l rubbed in lets OYNei•viline and was completely cured." -,q, regular snap for Nerviline to cease. ,S' eiatiea and rheumatism. It sinks into the core of the pain, eines it in short order. Large 25c bottles at all dealers. Listowel Listowel Fall Fair, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, 10 and 20. Harvey K. Schell, of Polo, Ill., has r et,In' neee t town mid is < making ar- rangements for starting the nu - facture of horse and" cattle powders bete. The industry will be an oifsh0t of the Polo. Manuf.LOturillg Co., in Illinois. A sanitarydtiliking' fountain has been placed at the corner of Main and, Wallabe streets where the old drink, ing fountain stood. It is . a white porcelain faucet, 811 which thea water is continually flowing, told from which one can drink without having to use an unsanitary cup. A special meeting of the town council was field and an agreement signed between the town and 'three ca tali pl ata by which, 335 Elie event of the town loaning $25,000 at 4s%. they will erecta large brick of eerneet fac- tory and agree to elnploy;not lees than 60 mon, They, will manufaetiu'e telephones and electrical appliances and their factory and equipment le to have a; value of not loss than $40,000. In the !went of the e i1 y 4 - lt tV tarrying tyork Evill he commenced at once; and factory' it is expected will be running by ilte spring of 1012, Death game 'With a terrible sudden - nese to Robert 11441ilton, who drop: led deed it 1119 i)!It#N Alain strep' t WH8tr about 10 rf ckTh r qday morn,ing. Ile. was 111 lila 35513121 health and hpd been down to59nWednesday after - nn on.ll •lc r; ' l a t oubl is astrl)pnfied Co It at v!i ettnsrd 1118 satddpn demise. The II leu t G1LSH i " 1 t was t s (i'al, of " is age m, and was horn in Ireland, coming to Canada and settling 131 Elmo nearly fifty yeal•B ago, lie leaves a wife, but no family, it Bungs In Your -fare That same cough 18 everywhere you go, dein/ 041,3 hollow because coneti Wye. First 31 was ,cattier6 whirls could have been mired by Catarrh - ozone. Mural, liever neglect it mild, never twills! with C(1tlttrl1, go to 'yo thlrgglst and get On8aerhllzo)e. It's instant de*tll 4o colds, cures them In tt few minutes, Throat trouble Lund' catarrh tIORtppeltf 4484 by magic. Ottt- tetehuzuueis the great throat, naso 48438(8 brutcllild remedy to d)e,v. 'rl1c trs- arrd84138eiI, d001.111 81310131:1il1eil-.wliy, because it does retinue gnillcIY and 01111 Lhounghly, 'rum sizes,. 210 owl 41.00 at ell (teeters, NMoleswortb Robt. Mulntesh left for I;'in)oull,n. Mrs. 1)avid home Atte been visiting (1.few days with her parents. in Patnr- eeetnlI. ACCID2'Igl,-Charles 158110bell, npia r. isl, met with a bad ,ttelideut recently whirl laid hire Irp,for a few (lays Ile Was bringing home a 1(1)1(1 05! hpoy MI 1) 11 bee farlll he has and when about 411, 31138981`17)11 the 8411111850' ll 815Lrliiug Milo'. The horse turned sharply ,841 eight 'tangles across Ibe toed 11p4ettnn1the .tv1t 1)41tmltiron•-, IIIR113'. Mitchell out and the honey 4143 trip 351' haat, tvltllud1c [nese proceed,. along the read tit 0 ins!: pace. 11 Mitchell gat it bad bruise over thele 'bytemudun Ile shoulder and "tiler (111 1138 body', bit 8'35, linoolely 00 bone !fele-blol,t'0. Tt1E BEST RE body ; they are the 11ltels that remove 11 f ll 1 c 8 lie Mood the waste matter th 4(1 at 351215 lil;o deadly poison ou the v1ka11Gy anal health of the system. Dr, 13at11il- ion'sPills stimulate the kid Heys, OX, pet fermenting i 1 a rtnlg Mat'. ' tet from t i restore le 1884 bowels, t 1e )� tl c li Yer end stimulate tl. tuuuhtte a 11 excretory ., and 1 sat secretory organs, lbls. pueblos Glie blood to cltliekly replenish 15851E and establishes perfect stealth, No medicine does anuli lastinggood as 1)t', 1lahlilton's Mlindrake (145(5 53utter- hiltPllie, 255ie.1413(11 tleaiers Cheese and Butter Prize Winners, For-Women—Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound BelleYllle Ont. -"I was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia If. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. J. took Several bottles of it, and I gained strength 812 rapidly that 1t- 'seemed to make anew woman of me. I can do as good a day's work as I ever (lid. I sincerely bless the day that I made. up ply mind to take your medicine for • andIamexceedinglyemale weitkltess, grateful to you for your kind letters, as I certainlyproflted by them. I give you permission to publish. this any0time you wish." - Mrs. ALBERT.'WXOISEmm, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. �11 Womeneverywhereshouldremember ft • that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will cure female weak - 8 ness and 80 successfully carry women s through the Change of Life as Ldia Pinkham'sVegetable Compouut, made, from native roots and herbs. FAr 80 years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female 111s -inflammation, ulceration, die- ] placements, fibroid tumors, irregulars , ties, periodic pains, backache, and n er o ♦ »erust, p atlon. For bowel complaints in children alwveys give Ulm tub911,15n's Colic 0110101.a fold Diarrhoea Rein04y ant1 5(19(11)' nil,' 11 is (•1)111(141 to effect 1 cure and when 11137409dwith waive 11) 1 sweetcoell is pleasant to tltke. Nc )h' (' si her tau l „ i( r' i y fi( be tl bet ' I Ile• ` I ewe 1 ]( d\ For 1 n sales by all 41eidrrs Ford wich School re -opened with a good at- tendance. The old staff of teachers IIT chat'ge. - • Miss Lillian Jlclgar returned to Winghant to attend High School for (1(10l,hei' year. Rev. and Mrs. Andrews have re- turned from a pleasant holiday spent aG Otterville, Aylmer and other Wesc- ein Ontario points.. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Mahood, of Sioux City, Iowa, and Dr. and'Mrs. F. Chalmers, of the same city, were. spending a few days with the fo1'tner's. Another. Miss Gerrie Dobson is the guest of Detroit friends. Miss Mabel' ISobsou has gone to Toronto, where she seem, - ed a position on the occasional. staff of teachers. When the bridge builders were erecting the steel bridge on the 10th con., West ofFordwich sideroad, some of the supports gave away and the steel was deposited into the river. Nothing. serious happened and the bridge was soon put in place again. Diairloea is always more or less prevalent dutm g Septehtber. Be pre- pared for it Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. Fot' sale by all dealers. Mytht h Fall Fair -October 8rd and 4th. Miss Pearl Gidley passed her senior examination 145 music with first class honors, Miss Nettie Stewart left for St. Oatheriues, where she is eugag ed at teaching, 0. Spafford, 0. P. 188. agent is at present confined to the (souse witlr hie old complaint. E. Coming is very low and suffering considerable. As he .iswell rip 141 years chances of recovery etre doubt. fol, Chas. Bode has disposed of his resi. deuce to .1-lavicl Nichol, of 314 Ilett, and itis Mr. "Move's intention to move least where he epee! his rattly days. Jas. llirons, who b(1s been iu Dallas Oity for the past couple e2 7e428, 18 110W 011 a visit to hie parents here. 58e Ilan a good position in the West. D. erre ` Dr. Gn Stewart, wtt who has as been visiting here n '' v g u.te leftfnt lila bents at Cup - et•, Sask., where be'haa an extensive practice. His aunt, Miss J. MoGowati whoeetas been 1 on .the sick list, accon. ponied bio, intending' to intake her home in the West, If you want special advice write forittoMrs.Pinkbanl,Lyynnfl,Mass. It is free and always Lelpful. Mrs. ,l'. 1sT, Stretton nt1c1 little son, who have been visiting here with her p111034846 313141 fl'iOfl(5s 135 Brussels, re. turned to her home in Kansas Oity, Kansas, last week. The teachers in charge of the public school are :-Principal, Miss Powell, of London ; Miss Welch, of Guelph ; Miss Thompson, of Clinton, and Miss Black, of Bluevale. Polling on the 21st is to be held in Slater's shop for the North and the Standard office fon' the South division. Deputy Returning Officers are :-A. Carr for the North and Elam Living- ston for the South. A storehouse For Poisons You may not think so, but that's' what you become when the kidneys are affected. Theseorgans cleanse the .......,.••••••••••••••••• •• • •• •t • •• • • New Fall • 0 • s • n • HI[IflEI • •— • • • • • • to hand •• ♦ •• • A HAVE ONLY •• o TO BE SEEN TO •• - BE A.DM.IRED •• • ••• •• •Sold at • Popular Prices ICall and see them. - 2 ll.•- w bra •ser '• • * MerehantTailor ♦ s 1 NC.L.E HARNESS Oak 'Tanned Loather, tip. to.clate style of. Trim- mings, all our own melte, ' and the prides will suit yon (quality Considered.) We will build to order any style of Harness you may wan t'if not already lit stock, Trunks, Satchels, Rugs and.Dusters. Large Assortment of Shoes in stock to choose from' and prices lower than the lowest. Let us show them to you. Two Sets Second -land Single Harness.- g X4,50 & X6,00 RJ'O'HAtD .....,60se,64„eser.e0,66som;i„4' '21,e ('5Su1t 11 the competitions for 11e best butter and checee at the T4ir(n14n Exhibition are as follows :- Se Aloe 1,'Jtine co:ore,4 11Hese--i, 1), Menzies, Molesworth 411 ;, ,'' A, J"hump• son, A t'Wi1o4 , 3, l'. s01111eu, 1Vhod- stock , 4. 85. i' helve', flail haul 6, Geo, Ramey, Newry, 0, ,l, 1±1. Carter, Parton, Settion 2, •July colored 1, 12. Oar tel, Gilead ; 2. D, Menzies, ,48 1 •swnral ; 13, D. P. Howes, Alaltlahti ; 4, 0. D. Mc- Eeezie. ingt'rsul ; 6, U. J; J�uunelly, Scottsville ; 6, R. A. Trelev(1u, Roth- $eeti011 8, ,llrne white -1, 13. F. Howes, Maitland ; 2, T. O'Flyuu, Tavistock ; 3, R. A. Thompson, At- wood ; 4, D. 110uziea, 1)1olesworth ; 5, W. Stokes, Britton ; 8, Geo. Jflupey, New? y. Setltion 4, July white -1, Geo. Etnpey, Newry 3, OuthberLson, Sebriugville ; 8, P. 'O'Flyiei, Tavi-. stook 4,B 10. Howes, Maitland ; 5, 0. 1'84. Francis. Cassel ,•' 8, 0. J. Don- nelly, Scottsville. Section 5, ,August colored -I, 0 A. 13arber, Woudatock ; 2, E. Outlet., Gilead .43, R. A.TIbmpsou, Atwood; 4, Geo. Haney, Newry :5, H. 1V, Hamil- ton, Menktou ; 0, J L. Stadelbauer, Listowel. Section 0, August white -l. R. A. Thompson. Atwood ; 2, 1•i. J. Neebe, Tay ist,ek; 3, 11, W. Hamilton, ,11ouk- ton ; 4, Gen. Ewpey, Newry : 5, W. G. Goodwin, Bi8nuttic ; 6. D. Menzies, Molesworth, Set:tl Ull 6, Stl 1 r s II u i H. W. Handl- toe; 1Jonk1011 2, R. A. Thompson, Atwood 3, Geo limpey, Newry. Section 8, Flats -1, R. A. Thompson, Atwood'; 2, Geo. Einpey, Newry ; 3, E. Cru Ler, Gilhead. R. A. Thoupsoi. of Atwnod, won the Association Cheese Trophy again this year. This being the third year in succession, the trophy becomes the property of Mr. Thompson. The trophy was won for the highest scor- ing cheese on exhibition. Farm dairy, Butter -I. L. B. Greg- ory, Poplar Hill ;2, 1, W. Robertson, Vankleek Hill ; 3, 8. H. Pugh; Milver- ton; 6; Maggie Johnston, Bowood. Farm dairy, section 8-1, Mrs. A. Flemrng, itlilverton; 2, Mrs. Simpson, Atwood ; 3, Maggie Johnston, Bo - wood ; 4, Mrs. A. Thompson, Fergus. Farm dairy, section 7-I, Mrs. L. Wilson, Burlington ; 2, Mrs. W. Mor - ran, Walkerton ; 3, S. H. Pugh, Milverton ; 4, Maggie Johnston, Bo - wood. Helps Mon To Work Hard That's_what Ferrozone does ; it sup- plies tlieadditional strength that en- ables a man to maintain health under difficulties. "Last Spring I was so completely stet y fagged ed nu ti could not work" writes J. W McNichol of Turn- bull, Man. "In the morning I was tired limbs ached all over. Had no appetite, was sleepless, nervous and unhappy. Ferrozone put new life into me. Now I can eat heat • tilt', nerves are strop I sleep well. g I know P the joy of health." It's by supplying nourishment and good blood that Ferrozone builds up; try it -60c per box at all dealers. Grey Oouncil Municipal Council of the Township of Grey met in ,the Township Hall, Ethel, on August 31st. Members all present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and adopted. McArthur -Fraser,- That Reeve be instructed to look after the cleaning out of the portion of Howard Municipal Drain asked for in requisition of Duncan McTaggart, Carried. Cole- McArthur,- That Buchanan Drain account be placed in Metropoli- tan Batik, Brussels. Carried. Brown--McArthur.-'That Clerk be in- structed to ask for tenders for tile re- quired for the Alderson Municipal Drain; the tenders to be opened on Monday Oct. 2nd, Carried. McArthur- Fraser.- That following accounts be pairs :- lohn Sanders, drawing grave), 500. ; Geo. McDonald, gravel and (haulages, $6 to ; 12. Menzies, gravel, $9.28 ; H. Dobson, gravel, $7.76 ; W. C. Steven- son, gravel, $14 40 ; S. Walker, gravel $4 66 : C. Pollard, gravel, $7 18 ; Wm. Oakley, gravel, $1 84 ; A. Pollock, gravel, ,$5 44W Ro I sou re at, ra culvert, $10 00 R Francis,removing stump, bdy. Grey and Logan, $.75 John Rolm, coo Statute Labor, $2.00 ; J. H. Williamson, work on grader, $4.00 ; H. Clark, worst on grades $t,00 R. Clark, work on grader, $2.00 ; S. T. Plum, repairing serape'', ler 750- IbinMcEval gravel, b OU $ WHemingway, gravel$r.rz W.Henngway, to pay sh0vellets, $7,50 ; R Miller, gravel $14.80; 1?. Lemont, to pay shovellers, $2 00 ; S. Snell, shovelling, $2 00 ; J. McNair, tile and digging drain, $5 25 A. H. McDonald, pt. salary $200 00 ; W. Hudson, gravel. $4961 Geo. Edwards, rag•bolts, 75c ; Mitchell Bros,, spikes, 200 ; 301131 McDonald, culvert, lot zr con, 2, *moo : W, Blinco, culvert and digging award 'drain, $5.10 ; H, Canlpbell,,repairing culvert and draw- ing gravel, $6 00 : R, lacklin, repairing ettivert, $7,00 •, G. Emitter & Co., spikes 28c ; Chas, lferr, tile culvert $2,80 John Sava e, cutting brush, $5 00 ; W. aa l l er delivering lumber for culverts, $5-00 ; R. McDonald, gravel $8 88 John Brvans, gravel, $6 oo; W. Bray, gravel $7.36 ; Robert Bowes, gravel, F7 user--Brown,-That We adjourn to meet Monday, Oet. 2328, Carried. H. !b A, IncD :.... ONA,t.D, Clerk. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a tnan for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's L5hiulentfreely as soon as idle injury is 1eee2Yed, .and observing the (llree- 0 Gong with v' th sal 01 bottle, t mire r t nl' cam I” eireoteddn front wo to falls Mt) 8.' i''ot sltle by ltlldealela, JM neb .t4et fie1 d died. at Ingersoll ( front injuries ea re5ei e d when 1 a loaded w.I8gon ran over his lead. fT dies' C o.�^r VE St. T,hQIll Is,Q.nt. THREE COOKS AND THREE REASONS These three cooks differ widely in. ability and experience, but all are agreed that the Prime essential in goad. cooking is the stove on which to cook, end all concede that every stove necessity is met in a GURNEY -OXFORD RANGE For no matter how much or how little cooking is done; no matter what the experience given or required, there are certain prime requisites for every; kitchen range. Whether the cook be a professional chef or the young bride with only him" toplcase, the stove must furnish these three easentiars-eteadineas and control of heat, even baking facilities, and a grate that gives plenty of air to the fire witha roving of fuel and convenience in handling. For theae'three problems -on which all cooks are agreed -the GURNEY -OXFORD RANGE has three answers, three good reasons why. THE OXFORD ECONOMIZER if, a small lever for the steady maintenance of heat, Seemed for use only on Gurney-Oxfords.himo Y It effects a rem urkohlc saving its nfuel as well as Lbor. Nothing can go up the chimney but smoke and odor. The Divided Flue Stripdistributes . t Iurine gaunt t evenly, in front a well as bask of oven, thee ewuring against failure in baking- There is no better teat of practical stove work than this oven control. Are you always duatingP The Gurney -Oxford Rever• Bible Grate eaves dirt and labor; one-half turn and the ashes are out;witile the interlocking teeth grind the hardest clinker. There are ggleety of other "reason?' for the advantage of the Gurney -Oxford, as a call On us will eonein00 you. Come in and see our varied. !me, and we will demonstrate all these (centres to your entire satidsatioa. Wilton & Gillespie ♦d•♦.F•i••+•••••+•-•••1.♦4•+•+•+••1.44+•+4.•••♦••••1.0.14 f•♦4•♦-!•♦.1.404'♦4•♦ ti + • • • • • • •+ • • • •+ .r • + • • • SATISFACTION ASSU • 4••' • + The TorootoMil�inetyParlors .•�, w ,t+ 4••,' •• 4-. 4.1 4= + 4- .' r .e Were opened for this season, I according to announcement, with l an elegant display of Fashion- 1 able Millinery. Misses Sanderson & Carr Wish to thank the Ladies for their attendance, their compli- ments and their highly esteem- ed orders, 'IIf you have not seen our display call in. R E D • +4+•+3114-•+•+•4•41ke4••4.44144•♦ •1••.1 ♦, 41.44- s0+41 111.+8+•• 41-1•• 7 1.411' NEKvou OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure von and make a man of " you. under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so thee nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental Youfeel are amen and Icnoowmarriagge cannot be alfailurre. from the let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars, C32"NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E.u S lnmols relates his experience: erlbnae: "Ias ea'with Nervous Debilityamany years. Ilay to indiscretion and excessesin youth.I became verydesppoondent and didn't caro whether I Worked or hot. I imagined everybody Imaginative dee mosgaut night weaken d ine-my back acted, bad pains la tho back of myy head, hands andfeet were cold tltedln the morning, m g, ora appetite,ori toYin$ea woia sbt7 e09 blurred, memory poor, etc. Numbness the fingers set Maud the doctor told mb Medic ne-gp andy tried tmanyufrot class physicians, wore an electric belt for three months, but received little benefit, I BEFORE TSEATMEST evaaiudueed to consult Dos, Kennedy & AFTER THEATaIENT. Kennedy, though I bad lost all faith doctors. Likendmwningman I commenced the Now limmoo TREATMENT and ft saved m71450. Tha improvement was like ma io-1 could feel tbovlgor going through the nerves. I was oured mentally and physically. I have tent them many patients and continuo.t0 do so. CURES QUARANTEEI) OR NO PAY - URIN a 80 8Ca P euro VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URIN ar YMOM LA S. KIDNEY, AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Dioceses BlaokCONSULTATIOfor oTrnatmcnN FREEt. BOOKS FREE. iE unable to call write fora Question L3om D V, ,. R ,_r KENNEDY Cora Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed s to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - I ' 88- 3- went i it Windsor, Y Ont. II you e , desire vs e e to personally y nail P call y r Medical itt so petiolate in our `Windsor offices $ 'which e�foroCorre pondit as we seeer etnnd I9aboratory for Caltadiatt business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS, KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private 121811555. n