HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-9-14, Page 4ire xus$e1 dost
4, oil
It Means Better Times for
the Baiter of T11'sleoe'r 1
DeAa eta -Tee question of Reolproc.
its is the only issue in the present
cantpein;n. leaving sold grain on both
sides of the lines for it nurnber of years
I have st least a better . idea of the un
jest eondilet/ that existsin the West
than the average man.
My experience is that there is from 20
10 2S een151 a bushel in favor of the
American market for wheat, It le not
thee the prices are at times 28 much as
L6.ceuts a bushel rbOel'enee but the
sample market and the difference in
grading will often make to ceuts better
to the States. There is generally about
6 gents between 4 and 5 grades. When
a farmer ships to a car that will come
within a half a cent of 4 but it has to
take the lower grade be stands to
lose just 5e. cents a bushel on the trans-
More honest grading and the sem
market are points that the West
been strongly contending for and
Reciprocity these demands will be
first things granted.
On March 25th last there was sold
the Minneapolis market tS cars of w
was graded feed barley and this gr
WAS quoted at from om oto
80 cents
that. day. Thelowest
sato for
that leu
was 9) ceuts for one bin but the hi
est was 98,x8 cents above the high
quotation for feed. In Manitoba
stuff would all sell at the grade price.
Those who have the market repo
for Jap, 418 last can look it up and
see that there was on that day 14e ce
in favor of theMinneapolis
Northern. for No
The first car I sold realized in Sa
atohewan t6 cents a bushel and tb
were millions of bushels sellingfor pri
in that neighborhood which if they w
at liberity to get in the American mar
would be worths[
least 60 or o ce
for feed. A lot of that frozen wheat y
often see rallied is of big demands
low grade floor for foreign countri
When 1 went to North Dakota that F
the very poorest teed barley was selli
tor 70 cents and that after a slump
atom to cents in the market,
A' Mr. Brown, of Pilot Mound, Ma
interviewed by Winnipeg Free Pre
stated that he had visited Hannah Nor
Dakota, and wheat was selling.for
cents while on the Canadian side it w
only 80 ceuts, a difference of 12 cent
He also stated that several years pr
viously he had visited at Hannah an
barley was selling there at 8o to 90 cen
while on the Canadian side it was on
3o to 40 cents. Presuming it cost 3
to produce a bushel, at 4o cents th
was only getting 10 can
profit while the Americans at qpe woul
get 6oc or six times the other's profit
The cost of production must be firs
considered and from my experience an
what I can learn the Canadian West ha
on:the whole on the grain business, cos
of production taken our, been robbed o
Miff of the natural profits. thus destroy
ing half its extra purchasing power
One man writes he sold wheat i
Alberta for 40 cents and sent a swept
to a miller r ip his native town in Eng
land who said it was worth $t 20. An
other writes to the effect that he got 2
cents more
than he was offered in hi
own town by shipping.
Barley is a good price now at Winni
peg but the stuff can be easily grade
down to take off most of his nature
profits from the farmer. Some of these
years there will be a bad season with a
hundred million bushels of low grade
wheat in the West and it would have to
sell for about 4o cents less than if it
could be got in to the American market.
In that item alone the West's purchasing
power would be reduced 4.0 million
dollars, A farmer near Emerson lately
had 1,600 bushels of wheat and sent a
sample to Winnipeg and it was graded
No. 4 extra, offered 65c, He also sent
a sample to Minneapolis which graded
No. t Northern and was offered $1.00,
350 a bushel difference and just note the
difference in gra.ling. On cattle there
has been about $1.90 difference in Tor-
onto and Chicago markets, Farmers
paid for best feeders last Fall $5.50 to
$5.75 and claim they lost money. Pre-
suming they made 5o cents a hundred in
Ontario but the States farmer was mak-
ing within a few cents of 5 times the
Canadian's profits, Canada was forced
to go out of sheep but with the heavy
emigration and quite a lot of mutton
eating people coming in the demand has
been increasing. Two dry, drouthy
years in the sheep raising districts
of the U. S, has forced them to unload
on the markets. Yet Canada, with one
eleventh of the population, ships 4 times
as many to the States as the latter sent
to. Canada last year. Take eggs. In
Toronto News of Aug 14th page 10
column 6 we read :-"Speaking gener-
ally American rican cities paid higher
prices but that this year the Canadian
markets have been the most profitable."
Why so ? Simply they bad overdone the
cold storage business and the agitation
and laws passed against over long
storage ge forced a heavy glut on the
market and the same with butter. On
cream and butter now look at the dif-
ference in favor of the U, S. On bogs
there is not much difference the heavy
emigration making an extra
demand on Canadian farmers. In the
U. S, the producing power is becoming
less and Canada's test increasing. You
open up the clay belt, balance of the
prairies, Peace River and Northern B.
C. countries, with perhaps 20 million
people and "what are you going to do
with the stuff you produce"?
ares but you must be loyal" but the
very ones' who are crying loyalty are the
first to go to the States and other lands
with their money and also the first to
try and get the help of those who are
now denouncing everything British and
holstipg the flag of a friendly nation.
One paper makes a big crow about the
value of the Canadian farmer's produce,
One billion dollars• just think of it
never thinking about how much' of the
grain and food it takes to produce the
other, Will the Canadian farmer be
able tdbank a billion after paying up.
Lill casts ? We doubt it, Yet two leen
in the United States own one billion and
both of them started .iu life poor boys,
HAysto Toll. It' Your Halrle Dlseaapo,,
Even lf.y'otl ltlty.e: a Itlxul'le
h ad
hair: you may want to know
whether it is in a.Ilealthy condition of
not, 98% of alto people need a hair
ull a hair out of your bead, if the
bath at the end of the toot is white
and 51st ntilteli, it proves that the; hair
is diseased, and requires prompt treat,
Jtlent if its lass would be avoided. If
the bulb is plek and foil, the hair Is
We want everyone whose bale 1'e -
quires treatment to 'tri Rexall "98"
Hair Tonic. We promise that it shall
not coat anything if. it does not give
satisfactory results. .It is designed to
overcome dem:hutt, relieve scalp irri-
tation, to stifnelate the hair'roots,
tighten the hair already` in the head,
glow hair and enre baldness,
Itis because of Bexall "93" Hair
Tonic has clone and our sincere, faith
in its goodness that we want you to
try it at our risk. TWO sizes, SOo. and
81,00. Sold only at our store. The
Rexell.Store,-F, R. Smith.
nearly one per cent' of that county's
wealth, is unjust fruits of high •protec-
tion. Frank B. Kellogg says he has the
figures to prove it that the Indiana nom-
pany on a million investment in 16 years
made 57 million, • making. from 100 to
250 per cent and on a feLieof their lines
as high as 1050 per cent, Last Spring
at St. Paul it was proven that the Wells
Fargo Express Co. were making 310 per
Railways t at d otherb i
g concerns
with their stock half water and labor of
all kinds has to pay tribute to them all.
Take the Toronto Mail's own msirket
quotations. Prime rib roast Toronto,
20 cls and Chicago Ise, comparatively
the Toronto packer should
f-0 instead lead o
+� 25.U0 horses .they
CU fOi ce
the Western f
t atmers
pay exhorbftaut price for their poor
horses while loosing an extra go• d
market for their best. Also forcing the
farmer there to lose a large portion of
his profits, Mr. Bowman tells how pros-
perous the farmers are. Let us see.
The farmer with his zoo acres and stock,
&c, should
be worth $05,oao, he should
get at least 5 per cent on his investment
with 5 on the farm house and all, each
should be worth 5o cents and a day and
their board and clothes that would give
a profit of at leas $t5oo a year, a new
farm every 4 years or so, For this last 3o
years a lot of them have not been mak-
ing 5 per cent on their investment itself.
Mr. Spotton and friends are now feed-
ing up on Argentine beef, He should
have told it it was canned or tinned or
shipped in as a joke, Mr. While's
figures are scarecrows. He said Win-
innipeg prices were higher than that of
Chicago, yet Chicago is about 3 cents
higher than even Minneapolis on wheat.
His figures for barley and farming popu-
lation were fine arguments for Re-
ciprocity, proving that the U. S. only
produce one to Canaries 3 of barley per
capita and that the farming population
was only one third and the consumers
two thirds therefore extra good market
for the Canadian farmer,
Digestion and Assimilation.
Itis not the quantity of food taken
but the amount digested and assimil-
ated that gives strength and vitality
to the system. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate
the stomach and liver and enable them
to perform their functions naturally.
For sale by all dealers.
The following is the new law as it re-
lates to Agricultural Societies where
had weather interferes with the Annual
Section 24 of The Agricultural
Societies Act is hereby amended by ad-
ding the following subsection :
If the Superintendent on or before the
thirty-first day of December in any year
receives proof by the joint affidavit of
the President and Secretary -Treasurer
that rain or snow has fallen at the place
of bolding an exhibition and before three
o'clock in the afternoon on any day of
the holding an exhibition, and upon his
being satisfied that as a consequence the
gate receipts were less than the average
of the previous three years of holding
the exhibition, the society shall be en-
titled to receive a grant equal to one
half of the difference between the gate
receipts of the current year and the
average of the gate receipts of the
gate receipts of the previous three years,
but the amount to be paid shall not ex-
ceed three hundred dollars, and the
total amount so paid to all societies shall
not exceed ten tbousand dollars.
Last, week's issue of Farm and Dairy
spoke the following plain, practical
to the farmers
of Canada
Should the farmers of Canada not
support the movement in favor of Re-
ciprocity all hope of farmers as a body
receiving any further consideration at
the hands of either political party will
be set back for a generation. During
past ten years the farmers of
Canada have been clamoring for freer
trade with the United States. Our
demand for larger markets and the
reduction in the ant), on many of the
articles we buy has grown year by
year. Our various farmers' organiza-
tions have all pronounced in favor of
At last the Dominion Government
has listened to our demand and has
introduced a measure of freer trade.
Should we as farmers, or a majority
of us, now vote against that measure,
both political parties would take it as
positive proof that as farmers we can-
not be depended upon to stand togeth-
er on any political question, and they
will decide that their safety in politic-
al matters hereafter will rest in stand-
ing by the manufacturers and the
other better organized glasses: Can
we as farmers afford to lose this fight?
On the other hand, should we win,
what will it mean?. Hon, Clifford
Sifton has kindly told ne, He has
stated that if we farmerswin this con-
test we may be depended upon to soon
ask the government for a reduction in
the duty on certain of the articles that
we buy, the prices ccs of
whare ich enhanced by the tariff, through
ronibiuee,' and he has pointed
out that should we do so the censer.
retires, Having been defeated 011 this
irate of firer trocle, will not deer to
opilasH nut' demands. Is this n1'9 rt
double 101(800 why as l'arutere ave
shoukd stand togel'lle1 ht this the that
great opportunity We littve had .of
}eonaluteiUg on what is t(tllxtitLedly,n
farmers' g1105tion.
Liberal Ooufmittee room in tite
Leckie black.
13ourassa is a blind guide fol' ally
.Britisher to follow.
See that every Liberal vote is polled'
ou the 2Ist, as an unmarked ballot. is
1tgtlin to the Opposition.
rT'heeeshould be (10 polities in the
R.eeipioeity issue as it is it business
queetaou rattler than a political one,
Deputy Returning officers in Brus-
sels for tate election will be W. 91,
Sinclair, II, Henderson and P. Scott.
The Davies Peeking Company is op-
posed to 1 he Reel pssoity agreement,
They paid 120 per rent dividend one
year. Jnet thhilt of It 1 All their
capital stook back with 20 per cent
added I Surely they could stand a
little leduoliou, but apparently they
are not satisfied with ordinary divi-
Do you feel that you simply can't go
any farther -that yon roust have rest
for that lame and i
d L 4'li n
u g built relief
froul•that ehnstant dead tired feeling
-freedom from those etabbing, dart-
ing paints ?
.[L is uaLnre's
w u• '
t crag that
t N 8
k y are
it and
you noel the
help of Booth's
Kidney Pills, the
kidney remedy.
Lt every mach-
ine there is one
part that, works
the hardest and gives out Hest. The
kidneys work night and clay, and
naturally a life of unusual activity
doubles the duties of the kidneys and I
in time the straits tells. The kidney's
give out and mama cries "Stop."
Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all
defilers, 60c., postpaid from the R. T.
Booth Co. Ltd., Fort l?leie, Ont, There
due .
TwoM�lls Using Same
Quality of Wheat
May y t
Produce Same Quality of Flour
11111l111111l1111l111111@JIW111111111III1111111IquIWN1111gNN11111N1111111111111p gq111111111111111111IONII1111111mIIaVNIR
'Dainty, Disappearing Doughnuts..
Devoured near an fast As you
Golden- tooth « teasing -- able - bodied
nuts of dough.
Made from dough that Tastes Like Nuts,
you know.
ES flour.
Get thaUse t indiv dual toothsomeness o
Manitoba wheat kernels,
Doughnuts with a Palate -Pleasing Personality.
See 'em bob up in the rich deep fat -swelling, soft,'
textured, •
A hole entirely circled with Light Digestible Food,
Fat without being fat -for FIVE ROSES is thesturdy
slutinous flour that resists fat absorption.
Just enough to brown deliciously, to crisp quickly.
No greasiness, heaviness, sogginess. +
Filling a vacant, place so pleasantly with never aai '
outraged' stomach.
Like these make YOURS.
uul�l Ilpullll►I
IIJIIIO N MOOD. 111...140 OONAM, MonrwJI'
nlI I I I II 111! III II I111111111 1111111111111IIPcI
ie no pill just as gond. Send fora Free Like A New Dlaoaee.
box. The test will prove the truth of New to .the .nutn who never had
our staterneet, corns is the paid relieved by Putna '
The quality of flour largely derful system of cleaning and
depends on the milling. Two scouring, pas sing through
milis rnight grind wheat of the twenty distinct machines.
same quality and the product Fifty-five steel rollers, the
of one far outclass the other. largest in Canada, reduce the
It is not only the high quality wheat into flour. Then it is
of the hard wheat .used, but purified and dressed by "bolt-
also the superior or millin fac'
ing" it through silk sifters of
ties, that places ''PURITY" fine mesh. Not a "branny"
flour so far above all others. -particle or speck of dust is ever
Our milling plant at St. Boni- found in. "Purity" Flour.
face, Manitoba, cost .nearly You may have to pay a little
$1,000,000, and is one of the more for Purity, but baking
most perfectly equipped mills results, quality and quantity,.
in the world. The wheat itself prove it is worth far more than
is subjected to the most won- the slight difference.
We have two other modernly equipped mills at Brandon,
Man., and Goderich, Ont.
"More Bread
and Better Bread."
Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Limited,
Rub It In
a The Pain alit. Comes . n
Pains and aches will come
to every household, and the
prudent mother keeps a bottle
of Rather Morriscy's Liniment
on hand to meet them.
Whether it's cuts or bruises,
burns or frost -bites, chapped
hands or chilblains, sprains or
sore muscles, back ache, tooth-
ache, ear ache, rheumatism,
sore throat or pain in the
Father Morrisey9s Liniment
gives prompt relief.
It "rubs iu" quickly and thoroughly, goingright to
the seat of the pain- Scarcely atrace of itstas on the .
That i8 one reason why it is so effective.
With a bottle of Father Morriscy's Liniment in the
house you can save yourself and your family hour's and
hours of needless pain,
"There's ease in every drop."
bottle a Ie at your Dealer's. 30
Father Morrlecy Medicine Ca. Ltd, Montreal, Quer
v x�otit
II Oorn Extractm', 01d Cowls and new
ones cared quickly by "Putntinr's."
Sold ever ywhere.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Abel B1'ed-
shaw, late of the 'Ibweship of.Mor-
ris, in the County of Huron, farmer,
Notice is hereby givenpursuant to "The Re.
vised Statutes of Ontario" 1897, Chapter 128,
that all creditors end ethers having any ohel,u
against the estate of the said Abel Bradahnw,
who died on or about the Twenty-fifth day of
August, A. D. 1911. are hereby required on or
before the Twenty-third day of September, A.
D. 1911, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to
Thomas Bradshaw, Brussels, Ontario, the E.
ecutor of the Last Will of the deceased, their
Parisian Sage Puts Luster into
Dull, Faded Hair
Every woman Leader of THE POST
who desires radiant hair that every-
one admires should go t0 James .t5ox
and get a large 50 cent bottle of
Parisian n
a Sag
e. I is It nob only
lightfa and refreshing hair LLdressing
and beautifier, but it is solei uuder a
rigid guarantee to banish - datideulf,
stop falling hair and itching 'scalp, or
money back. •
Parisian Sage is the best hair tonic
known. Itis the only one that will
cure dandruff, cleanse the scalp and
Make the hair grow long and beauti-
ful. -
Ohrt+than and surnames, addresses and "de The. People's Column ,
ARbr FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers
for sale his 100 more farm, being 2831 Lot
29, pot. a, Morris township, Huron Ou, 06
new cleared. : Therein o 'drilled horse
new bank barn, orehard,&os,els idrPossession
o s woo, &sirs 2; f
Miles , 19th of brussels, pars, s lar first ar
March, 1912. For further pnrtioulars, os to
price, terms, &o., apply- on the premises or
Brussels P. 0. to 11. BEAM, Prop. 8.4
and the nature -of fullparticularssecurities (if an)he claim)
by them,'
And further taste notice, that after such last
mentioned lone date
the said ec am
xee willproceed
to distribute the /woes/woes of thedeceeaed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, having regard
onlcntatef elaecrBlitbenotice.e. othe
that field Executor no
stable for the said comets or any part thereof,
to any person or persona of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by him at the
time of such distribution.
Dated this 80th day of August, A Di,1911.
9.3 - Solicitor for Executor.
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the under-
aignrd,and endorsed "Tender for Public
-.Banding, Chesley, Ont ," willbe received et
this office until 4 00 p. m., Wednesday, Septem-
ber 20,1011, for the work mentioned,.
Plana, specification and formof contract eau
be seen and forms of tender obtained ontappli-
cation- at the office of Mr. Thos. A. Beatings,
Clerk of Works, Postal Station IfYonge St.,
the office -'of the
Clark If,
Owen Sound, Ont., and at this Departatent.
Persons tenderingare notified that tenders
will not be Considered unless made on the
printed forme supplied, and arguedwith their'
actual signatures, stating their occupations
and places of residence. In the case of firma.
the actual signature. the nnthre of the occupa-
tion, and place of residence of each member of
the must be given. -
Eaeh tender mpot be accempanied by an Re:
oepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to
the order or the 11lH1onourable the Minister of
thenhm, 9nt of 1811 tenderpwhichewillib for
felted if Ube person tendering decline to enter
into a esntreatwhen called upon to do so, or
fail to complete thework contracted for, If
the tender be not aoaepted the cheque will be
The Department doom not bind` itself to ac-
cept the lowest or any tender.
By order
SP aretar
Department local of Public Works,
Ottawa, August 81
Neave era
Pup will not be paid for this authority fisernent ifrom the Department.
they ant. ,.it without t:11thoriEy
from theDepartmenb,
S Crlt48
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the unddr.
etgned and endorsed "Tenders for Arm-
oury, Sarnia, Ont„' will be received et this
office until 4 p. ",,, on Wedeesday, September
20, 1011, for the wont mentioned.
Plana, speelficationt and toren of contract can
be asou nil forms of tender obtained on eppli.,
cation at eniee of M,r. Thoe.A.. Hastings,
, Clerk of Works, Postal Station .11' Yonge St.,
Toronto, Ont„ at the Pest Office, Sat'nie, Ont„
and at this Department.
Persons tendering are notified that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the
printed forme supplied and Melted with their
actual signatures, stating their occupations
and places of reaidenpe. In the 0050 of firms,
the actual signatures, the nature of the ecru:
potion and place of residence of each member
of the firm moat be 515511,
Exalt tender must be 44ocompanied by an ae•
copied cheque on a chartered brink, payable to.
the order of the Honourable the Minister of
Publics Works, equal to ton per cent10 p, c.) of
the amount of the tender, which will be for•.
felted if the person tendering deoline.te enter
into a contract when celled upon to do so, or
Sallie complete the work contracted for. If;
the tender he not accepted the cheque Will bo
TheDepartment deal not bind Reel' to no- I_
omit the low'eet oBr y ord11117 er tender, I
Department 05PnblidWorks S¢eretor7, i
Ottawa Au n
t at Works,
l9 f.
N•eWsps,brs'Wilt nothlipaidforthisadver• e
tioemenb if the( Insert.it'wltliout authority fu
Dorset ram would creditably head yuur
stock. Eligible for registration in the Contin-
ental Doran[ Club, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, and
the Canadian "National Records for Dorset
sheep, Ottawa. ,Price 58 each. J, E. 000R,
Lot 18, Oon.6, Morris, Brussels P, -O.
Phone 807. 841
ATA BARGAIN, -Will dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, et 9820, a great
barrimy be had from in orderto
Leckie, Fitsk or furtl er
particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the under-
signed. .1.: H. CAMERON,
10 8t. George et., London.
stable, well, &o., and 2 acres of choice
landfor sale irn the Southerly part of Brus-
eels. Immediate poeeession ban. be given, For
further particulars apply to F. S. Scott Brus-
sels, orJNO, MoALt4HtIR, Walton P, d.
FARM EOR SALE, -Beteg Lot 20, Con.
McKillop township, containing about
scree, all cleared. On the premises Pea brie
house, bank barn with hog pen eombiued, an
a new power mill for pumping,grinding, de
also geed bearing orehar,, chifly Spys. Lan
is in extra good state of cultivation,. havin
logs and cattle fed °nit for years. Farm
shunted 5g miles from school end 2 miles fro
Walton ite J •R �1AMILTON,rWalton particu-
lars .,o
apply on the premises. 40-tf
77� Our registration greatly exceeds haat 0.
i of prevloas;years • Why 7 Our roheol. i
1 15 the best of Its kind in the West: Best
98 In courses given beat. in teachers . em-
(((� ployed and beat in assisting. gradua tea
to positions. Our graduates are in de.
mond. Business men state that they
are the best. In the past three days we
had eleven applications for help which
the(mild not -Cern ore have three dapnd an is s -Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy. Got our
.free entelogue for Pali particulars. 74
Comnnence your courseatonce,
0 D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal.
• 4.
•1 Our Seven Onllegee have been +
• established during the past 30
+ years, The largest trainers in •
• Canada, Owing to ot11' emcee- +
• Lion till. Over Onta1'10, •we do 6•
+ .better for our graduates than •
•1 auy other School. You niay +.
• study all, at home of partlyat
+ Home turd With
at the College. •
I• .Affilialeci with The Oolmnerelal
• Educators' Association of Can- +
d• ada. It would be well for you •
• to investigate befars choosing. '1'
A Exclusive right for Ontario of +
+ rho wm4d-famous Bliss Book- •
• keeping System, which is no-
: equalled. IL is Actual Business
+ freta Star d d'
eh and the
• student keeps sane books as a'
• Chartered Banks nasi Whole- $'
+ sale Rouses. ,Enter any tune. •
9z + From Aug. 28th
• Individual it:strut: tom
t4' I • Fall
It Write, call or phone for
• particulars. •
td l
ileei cropped light and large stook of bot
,n •• Business College
GEO. BPOTTON, President +o
Chas. W. Burns, Principal
THORO'•BRED go1I18M01ES either sex,
!! at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 yqung
Shorthorn $rt sselslairr. JAS.tSPElli,l prise
Morris. Box 275 Brussels P. 0,. 'Phone 105.
Altai FOR
7 he 100 Hare
ing the property or the late Peter b
Lets} i
1y bbs
L 8 Con.r
oncA 14, Grey,f8 e offered for fear dy, bhe
e web timbered.
There are SG tome there is
6goodwelt rn,large
On the farm [baro l p
fort blehotiee. 1Plauein good conditionnand
well fenced. For further particulars apply. to
JAS. A. MCNAIR or JAS. D. 010NA11(, ExeO-
utors,rOranbrook P.O.. or F. S. SOOTT, Brus-
FARM FOR SALE. -Tine undersigned effort)
for sale, his 100 acre farm, beingLot. 80,
Con. 16, Grey. About•70 ecrea (steered, balance.
In swamp, 8801,08111 ball wheat, 81 mesa seed-
ed down. Fall plowing la being dole, 0n the
farm is a frame louse, bank barn, driving tilted,.
good orchard and drilled well Close be -Host.
office, church and school ` For further molten.
]ars apply to JOAN OSBORNIO, Proprietor,
or F. 53, Scott, Brussels.
FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26,
Oou, 4, Morris township, Huron 00„ con-
taining Macros more or lent. On the preen -
18138 ie a frame house, bangs barn, good orohnrd,
well, windmill, &e, All cleared except about
an acre. School lis miles distant. Only 21,,.
miles from Brussels. 0 acres of Fall wheat In
about t 50 acres seeded down, For prise,
other ing preemie P. 'P the
0.Oor.f Scott,
Bl ssels. is P. 0,. Phono
20. Or F. S. Sabtt, IIrunnels.
11-tf A. L•.1011111, Proprietor,
FARMS FOR SALE. -Lots and 22, 0011. 14,
MoKlllop, and Lot 28 on theu 18th 0011008-
81011, Lots 21 and 22 compose .the Gardiner
homestead and contains about 180 aere5, .all
first-class land, well fenced, well. tile drahned
and los 18 tierce of good hardwood bush t good
comfortable. buildings with all ,modern 1nl-
provements t plenty of good epprh,g,water and
n good bearing orohnrd, Tide 1s one 0f. tho
olnrltcestfarms in tho County of Boron 'cold
will be holden terms to suit )m'ahaeen Lot
nti 126
a with t smell
house tied deli
t} ih lutetium and has boon for 9110143
a ni
tierce of good buaki on NL farm Per
(rete :the Doper menta 10-e I•IC
re ton
ether partlautnrs apply to A LEX, GABOIIQ
lir Walton P, 0., or on the ll101111808. 49•tf
The nndersi ned has 5 plll'CIifLS-
eel the Harness Bnsiness of G.
Ilonse, Teen berry st.,Brussels,
who tviil Cominco it In the old
stand where he will be Pleased
to meet all the old customers
of tale shop and alloy. naw
A full line' 0f both Light and
•Heavy Harness and horse
Goods always in stock or u)ade
to order, Nice range of Crips,
'lrunke, Telescopes, . tie., to
choose feoni at moderate
Will much appreciate a share
of public patronage. . ,
Careful attention personally
given to either repairs or new