HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-9-14, Page 1VOL. 4o NO, xi 15 • • • 0 • 0 • • 0 I3RUSSRLS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1011 4p + ••••S••i•i••S•iS•sS•••••i••••.N•e•SS•SSS•••••••.•es New Advertisementre Portia loot—Tuts Pon, NOW wall aper—Joe. Vox. Auction) solo—John —M 0i 1, NoticNotice to oredltota-F, s. Scott. i Teow: Panto -F, R. Scott. Fell Eon, Directors—W. H, Kerr, Poultry wsntod—Roti. Thorium. mimeo to creditors -S, E Terbi u , Gurney.Oxford—Wiltones Gillespie. ehionntlemullnery-ntiesE, Hunter. .. •.—T Miss Lavinia been vision past two don. Saturday meeting g on Wee voted clition, to dresses were Ed. k'ulton• for the 2lst D. and visited Mrs, Mr, and spent Sunday Public school as principal sistant. Mica Bernice ham where a School.P John Casemore and will then in tour. Miss Mina tion in store, Wingham. Wm, Holmes, chased the, John Oasemoae. $4,800, Possession March 1. Alderson, who g at her home here for weeks, hasreturned to Lon- evening a Liberal political was held here, Wm, Omer- to the chair and in Nominee HieloP short given by W. Kramer and The outlook is favorable , lute the ad- ad- as- g' OD Mise, Della Higgins lies gone .to Wh, ba,xi to take a course in the g Bueinese College. - Mrs, Tony ,Meeghan- and son, Bel- more, ware visitors at the home of Mrs,•Iia s last week, y Robert a. Galtneith and John Bal- four visited at the home of the latter's , cousin, Thn,nas .Caselnore. The �residenCs. of Bilzevale and the vie n t t 1 1 y wel .e pleased to see W. H. Cook, of Luoknow, agent for I9, i), Smith, Winona, around once more, Miss Greta and Frank Fleeting re- turned to their home in London last tveeld, ntber a pleasant t»'o months' visit with their grandparents, Thos. and lits. Higgins. District meeting andSundaySehoot convention lista an 'Tllu['sdav andLa Evangelistic Convention Friday fore- noon, Meetings held in the MethodistsHooNAB:�.,E choich, The sermons f Rev.Mr. o v =Yard, of Heosall, ,n the Methodist church: here last Sabbath, were greatly enjoy- - g Y ed. Morning Cliaeanh'90 was On the Harvest and 1z the eveningthe sub- jest was Lcizalna, In aClclltto[1 to good anthems by the choir, Mies, Bunter rendered a choice solo and a Lrio was given 01 good voice by Miss Ella Haneutd, Miss Barkley and Mrs. A. McDonald, Rev, Mz. Millyard will be welcome' back.i Funeral of the late Gordon McKee was held last Fridayafternoon service tieing conducted bey Rev. Masers.' Wren and McRae, the Young Mena' Bible Class of the 'Methodist Sabbath Schaal, of which deceased was a loyal member, supplied a guard of honor, dropped the class button to the grave and placed a beautiful wreath on the casket. Pall bearers were J. Sleet- mon, A. herr, Joe Pearson, H. Stevenson, W. Whittington and Chas. Iianeiild. . Goo) Won .— stTi. Tuesday 20 rand from the 4th line, Morrie, and 7th and 8th lines of Grey,.constituted a bee and cleaned out a ditch cm the farm of Mrs. Joo, G. Smith, 8th con, She to . very grateful for the kindness and de. sues to express her beet batiks. Tana—MondayP t i Goch �et, evening Rev,. Me. Fhbbert of Garde, gavehis• Lecture "Rambles inGlllLand" at Union church whi(:h was greatly en- joyed, Rev. Mr, Wren occupied the chair and the choir gave choice seleo- tions of music. The offeringof n- Su day and Monday was about $60, The Mondayeveningrio • to Mi prior rs Jennie Hehui' wedding the rnembetf of Roe's , chum ce elect clLea an ai o -y which the , was elect was such afaith- Ful worker, presented with a ni• is mditative of the ele s friendship and warm and good wishes of P e • associates. A verypleasant time was enjoyed and the company separate ed withexpressions of health and happiness for the evening in her new home inuthe of ♦�♦♦♦e.♦•NA��►♦4!e♦•i1♦N • g • • • • r a f • : 'rT7Irm►�►�►-rT-`•" • • ♦ The • •' locality • • . i • • - i Miss ♦ • Em • • 0 • Friday • Sept. • '• , •• • ♦• • New • ♦ at • • • Eggs will • ♦•••••♦•♦•♦••M••N•••♦♦♦• '. - Ladies are Milliner mra up Reasonable be .. eS N and 29 Block to taken t of Ethel h invited l? enin UT Saturday & -date stock P31Ces. as cash. . • • ♦ • • • '• • •O ♦ z i ♦ an d ♦ �' •t9 the • of _' •Fall • • ♦ • �: • • • • s • 30 • • • • Ethelp • • • •• • • ♦ • • Welted n eco as being mean and sang being so economical and demo MAY e enforced condition, ill say there even' w y • not going to be a core • to Kiri away, Vote for Rootprooltg ap a wider market, e ' THE BATTLE IN lr Y _,.. �p L Rain r'!P, iS trict Rai _ q, Hletop and J. cowman. Nominate b Bluovale. Mrs. Galloway, of Howiok, Hobert Hays, Mrs, McKee, of Tiverton, at the parsonage. gg opened with'•A. Poslilf, and Miss Aitchison as Shaw left for Winis a she will attend, High has gone to Ottawa, go 'west on a;pxospect. Haney has taken a Poor Miss Macpherson's millinery of Wingham, has.pur- old Holmes farm from The suet paid was is to be given. - . . Thursday Of this week the of 1-Icd Nomiu s for,East Ridin of kIu g be was held in the 'Town Iia hero. J, A. Morton, Beturnin Officer, received the names. 1 Archibald Hislop, as Liberalnot:einslander bearer and Jae.owman, as nomine, of the tibe ba vatfvs party and a wee betide the battle with the bailors wei be fought and decided. Follvcymg the Nomination hour platform meeting was held and is i session as THE POST goes to pees There was a large attendance from sections of the riding and the He was taxed to its seating capac n There was a majority of 83 again Mr. Mateo at the last election whe .Dr. Chisholm won but by a 'oarefl computation It is expected by 14h sup ort friends rhotic will win, Th supporters of Mr, Bowman.do "lc acknowledge this and areputtingup strenuous favor s and Reciprocit; willi• carry in the rural districtcal and cais rryto turn the scale i favor of Liberalism. Talk wont d this and the polling of every vote i imperative necessity. Au unpolle vote counts against the party will holding ft. Let the masses rule toric than the classes e victory. and instil if wish to see victor youy' Oranprook • , Miss alio Balser, visited friends in Brussel laste s we .k, • 0. and Mrs. Alderson and daughters were visiting relatives in Avonton. There will be more satisfaction in the Rural phone now the -line is in :d into three, Mrs. Harcotict, of Walkerton, and S. H. Kaiser, of Stratford, are visitors it the homes of A. Reymann and A. Helm. John Knight, sr. who' has spent the hast'six weeks with his daughter, Wes. W. Alderson, has returned to St. Wheys where he will make his home Or yiMonday r sometime. We wish the old ,entleman a good many years of tealth and happiness., • ,, Walton " Mrs. Williamson is still quite poorly and has hada hard tight but we hope got more rapid uT improvement. pher Next Wednesday aftornoon the Wvmen a Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. David McOntoheon, "Canning and Pickling," by Mrs. W. Knechtel, and Demonstration by Mrs. Wrn. Robb and Miss Eva Mc- Outcheon will be on the program. All ladies svelcanxe. POLITICAL.-'- Saturday' evening of this week a political lueating wi l be held in the A. 0. U. W. ball, corn- :naming at 8 o'clock, to be addressed by Archie Hislop, the Liberal condi- date, and others, The Reciprocity questinnivillbethreshed out and Mr. Bowman or his representative is vited.• P in- Monerie'fi A house belonging to Jas. Bailie, Elma, was burned by lightning last It was at night.unoccupiedDilworth that time. Belgrave Several ladies from this locality at tended the W. M. S. District Oon- vendor: at Brussels on Wednesday. Improvement Improvement is noticed in the health of our well known villager, Jno, Scandrettand wehope hewillcontinne Co improve. - The Annual sermon to the 0. 0. P. will be preached by the Rev. J. A. Ferguson in the Presbyterian' chuich next 3ihnday at 11 o'clock a, m. A ood starthas been ma g deb your public school. The new teacher is Miss Jean Rands, of Brussels, who comes with splendid recommendations and we wish her success. Rev. Mr. McEcheren, of White- church, occupied the pulpit in Knox church last Sunday and preached a very fine sermon, taking his subject from the life of Jacob and,Eseau. Fridayevening of this week a public meeting in the iberal interest will be held here. Addresses- by A. Hislop 'and rtliers. Opposition candidate or a supporter o ok; .invited. Meeting opens at 8 • On Sunday, Sept. 24th, the Annual Harvest Home service will be held in. Trinity church, Belgrave. Rev. Mr. Jeakens, of Clinton, is to he the preacher. A Thank -offering. of $85.- 00 is being asked for. Next Tuesday the Women's Insti- tutu will convene. One of the interest- ingfeatures will be. a visit to the meet- ing by members of Brussels Institute. There should be a good rally. .Tisa meeting will be held at the' home of Mrs. Roht. McKenzie. A musical and literary program will also be rendered. Morris Brussels Fall Fair will be dandy. Township Council will meet next, Monday. Mies Gertrude Duncan was visiting friends at Toronto. i1lise May Wilkinson, 4th line, was visitin in To[ onto. ' q , London big o f to the wowing card 'fol• a number of Morris residents this week. George Manning and Walter Broad- foot took in the sights at Toronto Fair last week. Politics are warming up but Thurs. day of next week will settle. the matter for a while at least. Miss Florence Kindall, of Ann Arbor, iitiich., is visiting at Wm. Wilkinson's, 4th line. A dandy span of gray shire horses has been purchased by P: McCall, 7th line, from his brother John, at a fancy puce. Pete is bound to drive the best. Miss Maud Bryans has gone to Chicago where she will take a course of treatment for her health which We hope may result in complete rester- orlon. eat is noted in the Ldition of either condition of either Wm. McOall, or Jno. McArthur. Both are pioneers of Morris: and well known to many read- ers of Tsra POST. Miss Borneo Blake, '6th line, has been battling •with a severe attack of whooping cough. She and her mother went to Kincardine hoping the change would do thepatientgood. A clearing Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, etc., is announced by lost Medal', h1$a soth ld'hie rune fa m to Wm.•SkelCmh and purposes remov- P P ing to Lnckno a to engage the ill Element business hence the sale will a unreserved. List may be' read in another column. THE LATE X. WHEELER.—The Elora Express of last week sppcake of Che demiee of the late Wm. `Vheeler, Wellington Co., who was a former resident of the 4th line. as follows :— uncertainty of life has seldom been more impressively demonstrated in the case of Wm. Wheeler a respected resident of Pilkington, in AugAlma 28th, he vicinity. asssiieting tat the threshing of Robert Gale. He had • been working in the mow, and in some way fell about twenty feet, just how, no one knows. He was injured about the head and spoke onlya wordwhen P oi`two then lapsed into unoonsaous- Hess, from which ha did not recover until he passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 29th. The deceased had reached thea a of 83 g Years and 14 days. He was born in the Co. of Simcoe, being aeon of the late Ghailes Wheeler. When the subject of this sketch. was about 15 years of age, the family moved to Morris township, in the County of Huron, where they settled on a solid bush farm. —Here the de- ceased bore his share of the work of a pioneer and helped clear• 311 acres of land: In 1875 he married Susan Trask of Alyea, who proved a worthy help- meta to him. In 1382 he moved to the 2nd concession of theTownshi of Pilkington bought a farm and greatlyare improved ft also s putting' up a first,- class house and barn. As a further evidence of his intelligently directed industry, ib is worthy of cote that he leaves his widow and family in posses- 81an of two fine farms, well equipped and with first-class buildings. Be - sides his widow be leaves o mourn. his loss two sons and one dao iter, g Harlem and Alvin and Miss Ella Ann Wheeler. He 1e also sur- vived by four brothers and one sister, viz :Charles and John Wheeler, Bel- grave.; Lawrence Wheeler, Brussels ; Francis Wheeler, Vancouver, B. O. , and Mrs. Marshall Hughes, of Edrnon- ton, Alberta. The funeral which was one of the largest ever witnessed in the community took place on Friday, September rat from Iris Mita residence to the Elora cemeterv. The sei•vicea were conducted by Rev. Mr. Lounds, of the Alma Methodist church, assist- ed byRev. J. G. Reid, . of the Alma Presbyterian church. The pall 'beat- l:ra were Messrs. Wm: Brown Levi Trelsk, Charles Wheeler, Lawrence tiVheelee . John Wheeler and Win• Emrich. Among those present from a distance at the funeral were :— Charles and Mrs. Wheeler:; John and Mrs. -Wheeler ; Lawrence and Mrs.: ;Mrs. Ta lot, of Bel rave ; y g ' and.Herb Wheeler. The deceased will be much missed in the nom- mnnit He was all honorable roan y whose word was his bend, and n good neighbor. The sympathy of the solo -g g,. mlttilty goes out to those who have • •i♦D•'1♦F•k♦+•i !4♦1•A•des♦d P U • "belt h y F The i Fall h ShOWn 0, i Wednesday ► t 86 Thursday r Whatever marked will hibit. + i ' Bel BRUSSELS �' +♦••4••4•••••••4••4••••••••••••♦••4 �. Hats and on by be fittingly Monte a �►�'T.�T 777r that represent the Winter seasons Septa is distinctly new and the charming touch displayed in will of this. ` • modes A i desirable, -individuality, !•4MbeF•'Q.3♦.t♦F♦i be formal for formally R ■■ Y _ the /� `s $ and: ex- a n • ♦ ♦ a. ; . • ! + . • +• .i • ♦ a. 4. • •i•• a • • . 0 ar e ® ® • a • F • 6 ® ce • o ytryp ® • • 0 0 o 0 • o w • • 6 ; • 0 ® O 0 ® • 0• • a ®present ® • • m 2 • • •g • • • i. • Jamestownan PIoxEER ems151ONED.=After a r•eai- dance of 56 year • in the, townsht s of P Gre and Morris, David Bracken- y ridge answered the Roll Call, Co which' all must respond,' on Saturday, Sep tember 9th. He was in his 93rd year and was' born in the, County of Armagh, Ireland, coming to Canada when 16 years old. After reaching Oakville he started Westward settling On a farm in Wellesley township where he spent 21 years. In the Fall of 1855 he pushed Westward into O'rey where he located on Lot 5, Can. 2, in a region known as the Queens Bush. After a ied Miss Lee,oyear's Toronto; hettleti tdocvn to face the s'ontoi and and , privations' of pioneer life. After spending 22 years in Grey he pulcli.ased what was - then known as the Oowan farm, Con. 1, Marla, where he spent the remainder ofof vi his life. Mr. Breckenridge 9 chil is cur- vived by his widow, 9 children, 31 grandchildreu and 5: great grand- children. The children areas follows : —Mire. itlenry Cowan, Cro vell.gMichi- Kan • Marshal, Iron Bride Algoma Joseph, of Turnberry ; David, of Morris ; John 'R., Sault Ste. Marie; William, of Turnberry ; Mrs. Robert Slesfer, of Morris :James, of Philadei- phis ;and Wether, who occupies thelin, old homestead. All of these, with the side tion of Marshal were resent P , (hiring the last illness of the deceased. The funeral took. place on Monday at 1.30. Interment was made in the Brussels cemetery. y . It M_ h., Mloh.,J day with this locality. are independent tables. We would Huron Count HIT s0 about 9.30 John Ellis' things lively was cracked, chimney stairs set up all around. the. wonder not killed DIED IN to state that Jno. and last Monday of 10 days, death was supposed b thel handle bright lad community family. The uesdayafternoon 5]i Win. Michie, of a veryinteresting needs.), evening o'clock, when bliss Mary, Rev.eorge Martin, J. A. officiating. was beingrayed brothor of took their drapery, bride, who brother, was own of cream boquet of fern and ware of the groom. toothe h vhiclluests greens where ed, after which evening was distance were of s. ander Thos. and bride's travelling tweed with couple left p their future followed by many frieudf. RECIPROCITY The laborer ed in this reciprocity. that before or factory down the Prairies and they depending. if the tiller proper compensation has less purchasing less and retailers sales ditto. less and it less work. U.8 last year Austrians the working able, Tlhe here iu a few youth life do wihemit them Po To the foreigner drill appreciate has been getting even if it IS wrist it now beat re Canada's the cream off sources, The will ask an fore the laborer purchasefoe p Providence the farmer stored'with easily taken crops, clover, pP divide up his acres itself duce a bigg the laborer when the strife. to be flares In the of f5 P n o b ve lenjoying have been en o Y relatives and old They travel of railway They are always not mind annexing Y• LIGRTNING.—Monday o'clock lightning house. 3rd line, for asecond. stovepipe split to the stove, clothing on fire and a general It was a close was that somebodywas or the house burned HIS 000TH.—We Homer, the second Mrs. Brown, teh at 6 p. m., after aged 11 years. an abscess in the to be caused by beiug of the plow.Remember and the sympathy is extended to the funeral took place to Blyth hie, 6th line,The home was g ceremony of last week, her eldest was united in marriage of Georgetown, Ferguson, son, of While the wedding p by Thos. the bride, the bridal p laces ander an banked with ferns. was given away becomingly attired Gloria and white roses and maiden a gold Bracelet, After congratulations adrdeco decorated the wassuperior a dainty lunch a very pleasant spent. Guests C. A. and Mrs. ; Mrs, Jas. Actoin Mts. Michie, of Acton. suit cuss of hat to match. The on Monday afternoon home in Georgetown the Best wishes i Vander- m a boli - g friends in by auto soee tithe- welcome. them to night struck and made The ceiling from the up- shake- call and down. are sorry sou line, nese an illness Cavae of bowels,• struck He was e of the bereaved Wed- cemetery. of Mrs: the scene Y Wed- at 6 daughter, to Ont., Bel rave g + march Michie, party arch of The by her in a carried a hair Ghe gift with ever- was serv- social from a Michie, and Tha dark grey ha for for of their LABORER is asks- again st the town to hew on the not got work he buys whole make to 2o% were of a type and sir-. will come can the • up in with wage he: what he land, to be the tilting new re. and be- life can have to kind to is largely which is certain He can 10 will pro. wheris000 now, going y dl i g be ask- to CAMPAIGN NOTES A vote for Hislop is a vola TO Laurier and the Larger Market. Johnnie Canuck can match the son of Uncle Sam. and have .no fear c competition with them. Nomination in Brussels Thursdayc this week followed byaddresses b, the candidates and oters. About 7,000,000 pounds of Canadial butter were sold to the Eastern $tat last year, from which interfere000 war realized. JohnIdid not ier.withou loyalty to Buil either. The Canadian Government has a bout a score of paid agents looking fo better markets for Canada at a cost o about $125,000 and yet some peopl kick because we wish to trade with ori nearest neighbor. that this Reciprocit agreement affects only natural pro ducts and hence there is no foundatio for the misleadingstatement of tit+ Opposition that the country will `bo flooded with United States maeufac tared goods, since they afore, subjec to the same duties ae before. The total trade ' between Canada and the United States in 1910 amount ed Co $338,652 687. This means that every time the clock struck middighi Canadians and Americans had don over a million dollars worth of hoof nese for each workin da the revi g Y. p ons 24hours. This with a tariff Wal on both sides and no annexation feel ing exists. Could they not do Ewc million dollars business in the saint time under reciprecity (with the tarif wall down) without thinking of an nexation . Canada spends millions everyyeai promoting Grade in natural pdctt with foreign countries, shoving oui products of farm and dair into places over high tariff wails anc incompetition with every other natio that produces like products. No we are offered a market of million, adjoining our own country, ctliose 3000 mile boundary ie moetlYar imaginary line, there are Chase timor• chis mortals wlho fear and dread tial , annexation may result. Why not be annexed by Japan, China, France, Germany. Mexico or any other nation with which we have negotiated e trade treaty P In 1910 the average American tariff against Canadian products was id per cant, while the Canadian tariff Must American h products averaged per cent. In the face of the high tariff wall Canadians sold $9,439 • 557 worth of ordinaryfarm product to the United 'States paying duties el $1,390,I86 thereon, while- Che StateE ter cent low in the facea tariff ly per cent rawer to the extent of only $1,436,847, or only a slight amount more than the duties aid on the p Canadian farm products sent to the States. Looks as if when tariff wall; were removed the ratio would be kept"'® up at leafs. If we continue to sell us them seven times f much asthey sell us, the balance of trade should be sattafactoty to Canada, QUESTIONS NEEDING ANBwFREi • If reinprarity in farm products is go;ug coded to thf r n pe d ms fks' e _0 A, Hooded cvithfarm products from the United States, how is it that every farmers' Ca oda iso11 and agiicultur i. naps., in Canada is in favor of Rech• proclty 7 • If the United States farmers have such a large surplus of farmproducts that they could drive us out of our 0 Moine madders under free trade, how is it that theyare not clamoring f g ar free trade with Canada P If fres trade be such a benefit Go the the United States, how is tl that) never 'farm • ' • y sic organization m the United States Lund ever leading g agricultural paper asitias the border ie opposing reciprocity 2 pIf Groat Britain is tile, best nlarksl for all our preclude the• i w is it tial while we have free trade with Great Britain we have tient only1 worth f : goods S ,0112.Oai, a to GreathleBritavt during the past 5 years, while we have shipped 15 pl d + 70,000,000 to the United States ever ahigh tariff wall P We must do our own tlnnkinn its ���4.y ! �. Inm e••••P••D••4••P♦•F♦•P••i•••t•♦4•••1•••F••t Wroxeter NzJwsx NOTES.—W. S. R an left for y Lucan on Tuesday to attend the fnner- al of 010lative.—Wm. Tegrin, of To., onto, is spending two weeks with his parents, Rev. L. and Mrs. Perrin.— Rev. Mr. Collis cvas in Londesboro ong Sundayin the absence of the y pastor, Rev. le H. vers out, who had charge of the Anniverear services held Balm ae y t e that day.re Miss l?layter, her Toronto, visited' recently with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, of Turn- beery.—Harry Brawn is able to be out Dr. .and Sirs Jacksoner his rhavetreturned from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Toronto.—W. Aitcheson, of Toronto 13I dei»g Q' K. Hall's > place in the Trader's $ink while the latter is hav- in two weeks holida s.—A load front h redrove to Wingham on Monday to hear the Hon, G. P. Graham's ad- dress.—Mrs. r s,. H. Brawn has returned from Elora cvhereNehe has spent the last two months.—Miss Bessie Lovell. is home from Ohicafo for few weeks vacation.—Amon st those who ' at g tended the Toronto Exhibition this year were D. and Fisher, Mee. D. Miller, Mrs: J. R. Millet; Thos. Brawn, Thos. Hemphill, J. R. and Mrs.• Wendt \tit• S. Mather, Alex. Mcllouga11. Peter and 141gs. Moffat, W. C. Hazlewood, Robert I7arls, J. H. Hardy, Rev. Mr. Collis and F. Davey.—A politic 1 meetingin 'the interests of Archiep Hislvp, was bald in the Town Hall last Thursday evening and was well attended. The speakers were Archie Hislop, Jolla Pritchard and Dr. Fowl- eP• A during a!i Lion Brand more think and about The S ® 1 r,✓% � ,•••'le.;\ t �wr. l he, The • see Ill Discount • r, a „!® 1 a everyseason We the this it. Bi Sig ill O pens order to increase Men's Clothing of the �' our Month „ , h Vit =" ..• ;:p' :' <r" �• li l UUU many s Highest sales we will 10 'Get for School one l'.e, Without - best fitting : Lion on every antes give••you We " le pg •. make. better different is elle and let g Prices ... AMA 01 Boys' give per of your of our Llan Brand a tS p • 5th and Cent • Sept ■locality boys read y y by getting . a doubt - the, and the best. the market. The Label is a guar- they will the only pec- sellin' h this Ip We will Sell but we Come in - you more .,y for Produce. • •p • _. .. ... Ethel Mise ElsleDnnbarhasretmmedfram a two weeks' visitin Toronto. 141 re. Wm. Pollard back,lrani a visit with her sister at Thedford. , Robt. and Mrs. Dilworth, are back from an enjoyable trip to Toronto.The Wander if Ethel public school will win the prize for Fancy Drill thisthan Year P hileli lspeliand t Wednesday at of Bthe home of D. W. Dunbar, Geo. sod Mrs. Dunbar, of Bund- ridge,yale visiting with relatives anti\ friends in this localit Mrs. Hubble and Miss Hamill, of St. Thomas, are visitors at R. D;hvortkh's. They ai'e > elatfves02 the hostess. A number of. the members of the W. M, S. in this attended the District Convention at Brussels on SVettnasdaY• ' The preaching service in the Meth- odist church next Sabbath evening will be cancelled owing to the re -open- in • services at Roe's church. l Tuesday evening of next week a special meeting of Ethel L. O. L„ Nn, p 631, will be held at the Orange Hall. All members are requested to •attend. Tuesday evening Archie Hislop held a politica meeting in the Township Hall. W. Kreuter was chairsnali and in addition to Mr. Hislop, W. H. Kerr and J. H Thou,snu spoke. After a holiday visit of 7 weeks at Rochester tali Miss N Y., Toronto and Handl- , M s Varela Pollard is back Home. She wild accompanied -by her uncle, George 1 Driver, of Rochester. Friday and Saturday, 20th and 30th mete., ore the dates set byget Miss Emma Hunter for her Fall Millinery Opening, Dilworth block. Read her a v'tin this issue. All parties who have bean snaking a dumping ground of the river West of the Mill road in Ethel are requested Co remove same and Pave any trouble as that is not a public dumping ground for that kind of rubbish, Several of the creditors of R. Dock- et attended a meeting of those interes- ted at Brussels on'Monday afternoon. It is exPoataa that with careful management tho'J)ocket estate mayElton 75 pay cents on the -dollar. tin'[tibei' of Ethel Foot Ball en- thusiasts witnessed the chain ionehi p P snatch between Listowel and Green River, at Listowel, lest Saturday. '1'lle sets was a tie 2 2 and a third match will be necessary setCfs the supremacy. yY Wosuc 's INSTITuri•—The Septem-. bet meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in Jacksons Grove on Thursday, 21st lust at 2.30 p. m. „ Subject Our 0ouu try's Resources, to be taken by Mrs. A. H, McDonald and 'thawing Miss Stella Dunbar, Each member in attendance is requested to 1)1,4g a little lunch. In ansa of bad veatlxer Mrs. S. S. Cola lute kindly :offered her Aivirm Von a't.e ..,,Data„ \r ' have sold LlOtl season's New D'* Store r , y/c 14 c jY e• ':.:. `am r( ?i,\ ,. a•)l j t� [#>, ., 1, I i i , it 'i t r, , i (: ! I 1 # " Y` ;;,! 3' ; I;. ;` .,' _.- ''f° .--a 4 ' when theyare a good Brand for toys, + styles, y Styles—Popular C S ` FAVORS THE and factor man y campaign n to vote ga They should remember they get work in that the far[ner hits forest or pioneer on the Farmer's prosperity of the soil has for his power, hence sell less and Manufacturers is' upto the workmen ' were Italians, and others mostly class consider same conditions years and what that are compete comes to the extra compared to in his native considerablyreduced is, which shuld is history when its large held of man with the potgold p interest on all of it of an ' rine in they has been very and the vary air a i'eatfertilizer gtherefrom by alfalfa, etc. land for genegations, intensly worked competency, but p y' 20 years krises Irani in life le simply P Then they Of old and the Tarnier' g S,Li�S made on gi Brand suit that satisfaction are here known.A makes, best, us tell .Paces, S Grey 1 Robert Campbell, of Lyon, Sunday- ed at Doodad Mclnlies, Oranbrook, Miss McFarlane, of Atwood, is a visitor with her cousin; Miss Addie: Cardiff. Gem and Mrs. Grierson, of Listowel; paid a visit to Wilson and Mis. Evans. The ladies are sisters. Miss Elizabeth Dickson who was teething at Amberley, Bruce C0: has taken a school near Drayton, Otlt., cammeneing work Tuesday of last weelr. We wish het a pleasant and prosperous incainbeney. A political meeting in the interests of A. Hislop will be held in the A. O. U. W. Hall, Walton, Saturday even- ing of this week. Jas. Bowman will be tilers the following Tuesday. Bozell, recent) of Detrol Y t Mich., has gone to Hastings, in the same state, where he will farm for a while, He was acquainted with .a ri- q 13 cultural life here sct will be quite at trains in goingback to ;t. Danie1G41asier, '11th tion., if bltek, from Calgary onrr business trip foe a week. He hof 'sold his Palm stock; implements, to his nephew, Daniel Glassier who has been working the formers faun for the past season. Mr, Glatseuer; is really; enamoured 'Wheeler g with the West and will take the re- members of the family bank with win, He has not sold liis farm here nor does the intend to do so, at least notLo, the resent.' Young Dan. ,list g will have to secure a housekeeper of , :..• .._.:. Ij • 0 • '0 • • • 15 0 0 • ei a 0 e A e ca • es• • • • • • • • • • • 0 • i • 3 3 • • •• • • s • 0 • 1 ,.1 eutmunly • IVereaytlR. divide up, The farmer, who has been this fight, a 15 all • Ha a• t' n sl . o• a 0 le d e e r a w 90