HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-9-7, Page 1VOL. 4o NO, zo 1 51 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, zgll W. H. KERR, Proprietor New Advertisements Rr000k tont—Tlno POST. kioeee for dale -Mrs. R. Durk, Deno for sale -John Mender/a, Servant wanted-61rs. Ronned, Sealed ponders -R. 0.Oa:ambers. Pumping still for sale—T.1{etfer. Apples wanted -John Ounningham, xskxict e Wroxeter Mrs. Oliver Srnith, of Hamilton, is visiting friends here, Mr. Barton, of Becton, has taken a pgsitiou in the Teatime 13ank here. A great many from this, vicinity have taken hi the Toronto Fair this time. Mrs. R. Ballantyne and Mrs. I. Willits, of Prince Albert, are renew- ing acquaintances in the home of their childhood, our.townsman, Dr. Robt, Montgom- ery, has purchased a practice in Bob caygeon. "Rob." was.a good student and we feel sure he will be a success in his profession. There wasa union S. S. Picnic on Wednesday p. m. in the park grounds. A. good many were present and the children seemed. to have enjoyed. themselves 'very much. Mr. Smith, who has been relieving during the absence of Mr. Ryan; manager of the Bank of Hamilton goes to Gorski to let Mr, Holmes• off for a couple ofweeks holiday. Political Meetings MEETINGS IN THE •INTEREST OF Hislop... Archie the Liberal Candidate Will be held for the discussion of the Political issues of the day as follows :-- Wroxeter, Thursday, Sept. 7 Granbrook, Saturday, Sept. 9 Wingham, Monday,Sept. 11 - . At 2.30 p. m. Brussels, Wednesday, Sept. 18 Address by Barrister N. W. Rowell, of Toronto Fordwicb, Wednesday, Sept. 13 Meetings will open: at 8 p. m. M•i'y Bowman, the Conservative can- t ., did' or his representative, invited. s S4 s will be reserved for ladies. OD SAV THE KING. g �G E K fl Mrs. Van Velsor has gone to Vien- na to spend -a couple weeks with friends there, Lead bury PIONEER SDMMQNED,-•Af ter a resi- dence on Lot 19, Con,' 13, McKillop township for over '43 years Thomas A. Dennis answered the Roll Call, to which all Must respond, on Wednes- day of this week. He was in his 85th year and was born in England, eom- tng to Canada when two years of age. His early years were spent in the locality of Port Hope, afterward moving to Oxford Co. 5Q years ago deceased was. ,Harried to Mise Jessie Stewart, of North Eaethope, Perth Co., who died 21 years later, The farm on which Mr. Dennis died was purchased from Mr. Hanna 43 years ago. The surviving children are :— Harry, John and Joseph, of McKillop ; Mrs. Gainforth, of Mich. ; and Mrs. Robs. Miller, of Grey township. Wm. was killed 2 years ago by a wagon running over him, the load crowding .him off the front of the rack. The subject of this notice hardly knew what it was to be sick ' until he tools the grippe from which he never Ap- peared to get 'clear of its effects. Three weeks ago he fell and dislocat- ed his hip and from then failed rapid- ly. Mr: Dennis was a member of the Methodist church, and had a wide circle of acquaintances. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at. 2 o'clock, service at 1.30. Burial willbe made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery. The old time residents of McKillop are rapidly passing away and will soon all be gone from ns. • Gorrie Miss Elsie Hutchinson was the guest of Miss Norma' Lowicic, of Sutthn West. • . T. 11. 'McLaughlin left on a business trip to Sault; Ste. Marie, and other towns. Howick Voters' List was posted up in Clerk's office on Aug. 28th. There are 1211 names of which 631 are quali- fled to act as jurors. J. M. and Mrs. Kaine returned • to the Canadian "Soo. after spending. a pleasant vacation here. They were accompanied by Miss R. Koine. . Howlox 00VNOIL.—Cnnncil,inet ;on Aug. 16th in Township Hall, pursuant to adjournment ; members all present, 'Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and on motion of Hynd- man and.Edgar was adopted. • Reeve presented an agreement between rA. A. 0. Sotheran and Township of Howick, with reference to the mill race run- ning across his property in Fordwicb. Moved by Downey and Hyndmau, that Council accept the terms of the agreement and authorize' the Reeve and Clerk to sigu, the same. Carried. Moved by Hyndman and Edgar, that R. Harris be paid the sum of $1.25 for repairs to sleigh tongue broken- while opening roads in Winter. Carried, ••• •••••N•••lealle ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o_ • -poolSeptC i • p • o• Opens 0 • , • ® s 5th a u • • In order to increase our sales of Boys' and a Men's Clothing we will give 9y A Discount of 10 per cent.. o •d ru_ an g the. .Month of. Sept..., Get your boys ready e for School by getting e one of ,our 9 • • • • • • • • • 0 o9 • • • • ® e c • 'i. 7 N.„ a • • r o •0 y„ id i. •4: t r.i •� t t U i� Wi hot a doubt the e : • : •' _ f! best made and the best l" it•.l I 't a fitting on the market ••• ••4 • • The • •• The Lien •• • • on every suit is a guar- 3i Lion antee that theywill os giveyou satisfaction, A . o l • e • Brand; 1 • ate; �_ We are the only poo- o o_ _ :—• pie here selling this •'� make. We will sell a more every season when they are better known. $ • We have sold a good man different makes,but we no • think the Lion Brand for Boys is the best. Come in • and see this season's styles, and let us tell you more i S • about it. New Styles --Popular Prices. Lion Brandu Suits • • •D. , RO.SS The B g5tore I -Ii !lest Prices for Produce.o • • • ..6.0•••••Nisyra••••sS•ss•I••a•e•sss9se9!*•9sooestoIS T Moved by Edgar and Bele, 'Una 'f3y- law No, 6 to levy the rate, on the $ be read time Srd time and passed, Oav- siied, Moved by ldyndman and Down- ey, that 13y -law No, 7 to borrow money to meet enema, expenses be read the third time and pwased. Car- ried, The 0ourt of Revision ou the Hislop drain was opened, the Reeve in the apron, There being no appeals against the Eugineez''s report, it was moved by Reis and Downey that the Report of the Etlgiueer on the Hislop drain be adopted. Carried, Council adjourned, to meet in Brown's Hall, Fordwicb, on September" 250, when Tax Collectors will be appointed. PRIZE WINNERS.-1+oilowitar are prize wiriness in the Standing Field Orop Competiticu for 1011, oats being. the crop :-1st,. Harvey Sparliug, Gou'ie, variety, Sweedish Select, 80t 2nd, Richard Wilkin, 'Harriston. Lincoln, 76; Sed, Edward Krohn, Goirie, Sweedish Select, '72B ; 4th, Jas. W. Edgar, Fordwlch, Sweedish Select, 72 ; 5th, E. A. Failis, Ford- wicb, Siberian, 71a; Highly commend- ed, John Pritchard, Redgrave, Lin- coln, 61 : Commended, Chas. Dickert, Redgrave, Ligowiti, 68.— 0. ' W. Buchanan, Florence, Judge. Ethel Mrs. Hemsworth, of Listowel visited friends in Ethel during the past week. This week W. H. Love attended the Uuclertakers' Convention at Toronto. Miss Alice Barr, of Ethel, was visit- ing with Robb. and Mrs. Hamilton, Atwood. • Tuesday of this week - Miss _Ella Hansnlci resumed her cluties as teacher in S. S: No. 4 Grey. Mrs, 'Wallace, of Stirling Falls Algoma, is here on a visit at David Milne's. She is a -sister. The new . milliner, Miss Lillian Sprague, of New York, is here to pre- side over the millinery department -of Geo. 31.'Mitchell's store. Ethel should flourish this season as it will have two caterers to the millin- ery art, Miss Hunter, of Oran brook, has opened -a store in the Dilworth block. A uumber from here were at At- wood on Labor Day to hear Rev. Dr. McDonald, the Editor of . the Toronto Globe speak on the political issues and were well pleased. Miss Mina Elliott has taken a school at Langstaff, Wellington 00., where she commencedher duties on Tuesday. She is a good teacher and will do her part in first-class style. - - Alvin and Miss Della McKee are home from an enjoyable driving tour in which they visited relatives and friends at Millbank and the vicinity of Linwood and Atwood. Ethel cheese factory has disposed of the last half of Aegustt,, make to D. M. Scott at 13a cents, a tbp notch price. There are 145 boxes in the consign- ment. onsi gn ment. The factory is having a Great run this year. Will. Brown and Lynn Evans were away for a holiday to Etrnira, Lin- wood, Millbank and other points. There must be some attraction in that locality for y the lade. Ethel young ladies should find out about it. Next Sabbath Harvest Home ser- vices will be held at Ethel and Union Methodist churches. Rev. Mr, Mill- yard, Heiman, will preach at Ethel at 10.30a rr and i 1 7p. m. at Ethel and at Union at 3 o'clock and will no doubt begreetedreeted bylarge audiences ences acs he is a splendid preacher. Rev. Mr. Wren will be at Hensall for. Sunday. • CORDON MCKEE GALLED n;- BIS YourR.-Early Wednesday inorning W. Gordon McKee, eldest son of . Andrew McKee, of this place died at - time home of David. Milne, grandfather at the early age of 19 years, 3 mouths and -25 days. Deceased was -born near Molesworth his mother passing away shortly after. He was never very rugged -yet was able to get along,nicely. Haying a fancy for business he tdok a course at the Business College, Tor - on to, and; on its completion secured a position in the Jno, ICDonald & Cos, wholesale inthe same city. His health began to fail and "on consulting ` a physician he was sent to Gravenhurst where he received treatment at the Public !Meeting of Electors of Western Ontario at .Stratford Friday Sept ti J �p i.. at 1.30 in the afternoon. Wilfrid Laurier Prernier of Canada Hon. George P. Graham, Minister of Railways anal Canals. Hon. Mackenzie King - 'Minister of Labor. Hugh Guthrie of Guelph,, And other prominent Liberale will ad- dress the gathering. Special Trains as Follows; Woodstock and intermediate points at 11 a. in., rotarnitig at 7,15 p. In.. Goderich and iuterrnediate,points at 10 a.m., returning by regular trains. Mount. Forest and intermediate points at 0.45 a. in., r'etur'ning by reg- ular trains. - Sarnia and intermediate points at 9;35 a. n, i i seta n t n 'li regular slat trains. , g y g SINGED FARE. Bands half single•fare. An cordially invl#od. Ds b. 081E4E, HY. HEMSWORTH, - 8eoretory, ' Presidontl. (FWD, Spvlu TIM Masa. , sanitarium but despite it all he failed and responded t0 the sntnmoue 11@ above stated. Gordon had no fear of the call but talked hopefully of the life beyond, ile had many friends who regret his demise and sympathise with the bereaved. The funeral will take place from his father's residence here Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Service at 2,30, Interment will be made in alountPie/loan tcemetery, the new buryinground at Ethel. FINANCIAL DISTRICT MEETING S. S. ODNVENTION AND OoNpsRRNOE. Thursday, Sept, 14th,' the annual Financial District meeting of Wing - ham District will be held in the Metho. dist church here, commencing at 9,30 o'clock and closing at noon. On the afternoon of the same day a District Sabbath School Convention will con- vene in the same place at which the following interesting program will be presented, Rea. D, 'Wren, al; A, Dis- trict S. S. Secretary presiding :—De- votionai exercises, Rev. J. A. Walk- er ; A comparative study of S. School Statistics for the District and ,plans for the year's work, Rev. D. Wren ; Discussion ; Music and offering ; Otir Conference Sunday. School Motto, Rev, J. E. Cook ; Discussion, Rev. S. Jefferson ; Round Table Conference on Sunday School work, `Rev. Byron Snell, Conf. 8: S. Secretary ; Music How to conduct a good Sunday School Rally, Hugh Richmond; Young Men's Bible Classes in Rural Sunday Schools, Melvin Sleurruon ; Discussion, John McDonald ; Address, "Diamond Fields of Life," Rev. Byron SnellAdjourn- ment.- -Evening session, ;hairman— Rev. J. W. Hibbert. Devotional ex- ercises, Rev. J. W. Andrews ; Music ; Address, "The relation of the Holy Spirit to the Sunday Teacher," Rev. Geo. McKinley ; Music and offer- ing ; Address, "Diamond Fields of Life," Rev. Byron Snell. Friday morning an Evangelistic Conference will open at 9 o'clock'with the follow- ing pi ogram :—Devotional exercises, Revr. RutledgeAddress, "Evan- geli ," Rev. Dr. Rutledge; Oaten ; Discussion ; Address, "Every Pastor his own Evangelist," Rev. J. J. DJirrant ; Dis- cussion ; Address; "What our District can do for Evangelism," Rev. H. J. Ferguson ; Discussion ; Adjournment. Rev. J. W. Hibbert is Chairman of the District, and Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. D., Financial Secretary. A cordial invitation is extended to all persons interested in .church work. Two delegates at least are asked from each 'Sabbath School in Wingham District. Grey Ben. and Mrs. Dark from Galt spent Sunday at John Hollinger's, 10th con. Misses Ida and Lorena Frain enjoyed a holiday visit with relatives in Tor- onto. Mrs. Jno. Steiss and Miss Elsie are holidaying at Stratford and other points. Miss Mary Monies, of Zion City, Ill., is here on a visit with Mrs. W. Rands. Miss Maggie Grant, of Leamington, is here on a holiday visit with rela- tives and friends.' Miss Jennie Rands left on Monday for her school at Belgrave where we expect she will give a good account of herself. Quite a number will go to Stratford Friday of thistohearweek Sir Wil- frid Laurier and othee mem sof h r t e be Cabinet W. J Rozell, of Detroit, who has been visiting here has gone to Buffalo and Niagara Falls for a trip. He will be back here. Last week Sydney'Armstrong, 10th con., left for • Canfield, Haldirriand Co., where he is engaged to teach this term. We wish hini success. A political, meeting in the interests of Archie Hislop, the Liberal caudi- date, will be held at Oranbrook, Sat- urday evetring of this week, opening :8 o'clock. Miss Addie Grant, daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Grant, 12th con., has gone to Clinton where she is taking a course at the Model School. We wish her a pleasant time. Owing to financial straits R. Dock- et, 6th con., was compelled to make an assignment. J. Leckie, of Brus- sels, is the assignee. Me. Docket went to the West on one of the recent excursions, BARN BURNED.—We are sorry to state that the barn and contents of It. McLeod, 6th con., were destroyed by fire la pt Saturday morning from li htniu . H I3 e had threshed g g ice n few days before hence lost his season's crop. Mr. McLeod had some incur- ance in the Howick Mutual but that will fall far short of compensating him for his loss. HYMENEAL,—The1 hone of W. A. and Mrs. Hogg was the scene of a very interesting ceremony Wednes- day evening of last week wt 6 o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Miss Sell- T.' was united in marriage' to Win. J. Mitchell, of Mossbank, Sask., Rev. David Wren, M. As officiating. Wedding March was played by Miss' Annie Strachan during the rendition of which the bridal party took :their places under a floral arch and before a bank of ferns. The bride looked quits charming iii a gown of white silk moll and carried a bnquet bf pink roses, her only ornament being a crescent of pearls, the gift of the groom. The bride was unattended save by Viola Hogg,' niece of the bride, who made a eery pretty flower girl dressed in pink sillt and carried a boc3uet of pink ear, nations. Groorn's gift to the flower. girl was a signet bracelet and to the organist, a gold filled brooch. After hearty congratulations a dainty lunch was served after which a pleasant social evening, s g was pent. .Wedding gifts afforded ample evidence .of. the pet -hilar ol tix z01 the principals. The happy c p leave for their Western home carrying with them the best wishes of a host of friends for their fat•talo'pvpsperiay.hnd,l>,appiness , • Harold Armstrong, 9th eon., has. legog'lnae tet0, StrWe atfowish rd tohim atstendu0ce$sthe Cel. . itE-OPI7xING SBRvlctts,-..Owing to the renovation that is going on in con- nection with Roe's ehureh the usual Sabbath setvice will not be held next Sunday. The following Sabbath the pastor, Rev. D. Wren, M, A., will preach specie! samara at the reopen- ing services being heist at 11 a, m. and 7 p.rn. On the following Monday evening a grand Concert will be held in the church of which further notice will be given. Camila CALL,—Last Saturday after- noon while working in the gravel pit on the Robt, McDonald farm, 9th con. a cave-in occurred by which Roy Onnningg•hatn, had a close call for his life. His father was also working in the same place and was caught too but was able to clear himself by his hands and rushed to his eon's rescue, The latter was injured in the back, right arm and right leg but will soon be able to get about as usual his many friends hope. It was almost a miracle he was not killed on the spot. LIGHTNING KILLED IT.—This week, Wm. Armstrong, 9th con., missed one of his fine Tamworth brood sows but thought it was likely in the bush. Tuesday morning when he went to one of the back fields to plow he found it dead by the fence. Ee thinks it was killed by lightning as the fence bore evidence of the electric contact. One splinter from an upright rail was hauled 20 feet. The animal would weigh about 300 pounds and was worth at least $40. Mr. Armstrong will no doubt receive a share of the loss from the Howick Mutual, Henfryn The special Harvest Thanksgiving services in St. David's church Henfryn which were to be held on Sept. 10th will be held on the following Sunday, Sept. 11th, at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. There will also be a special service on Monday evening Sept. 18th at 8 p. nl. Morris John Anderson was home from Wingham on Labor Day. Miss Carrie Jackson has gone to. Ailsa Craig to her millinery position. Mr. Nethery and sister were visiting at Jas. Anderson's, 5th line, the first of the week. Morris will be largely represented next Thursday at the Nomination for East Huron. Mrs. McMurray and daughter, of Mitchell, visited her sister, Mrs. S. Jordan, 5th line. Another wedding is mooted and Morris township supplies the bride. The parties will reside in Brussels. There will be a good turn out of Morrisites to Wingham next Monday afternoon to hear Hon. Geo. P. Gra- ham, minister of Railways and Canals who speaks in the Town Hall at 2.30. A. Hislop will also speak. Jamestown Mrs. Edward Bryane and Mrs. Alex. Bryans were visiting at Toronto. Victoria Hall will be ready open- ing about the 1st of October it is ex- pected. Horse blanket lost an Con. 2, Grey, Thursday morning. Finder will kind - 1y leave it at Jamestown store. e The bricken n v eelsg of Robt Strachan's house is about finished It may be tenanted before Christmas. Our old friend David Breckenridge is in very poor health and is confined to bed. He is about 85 years of age and has been a very hearty man. The Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. James Strachan last Thursday afternoon, Attendance was good and several new members joined. Mrs. Barnard's paper on "Oui Country and our obligations to it." would be halal to surpass as she had so many new ideas and all very helpful and practi- cal. Miss Jessie Strachan's recitation on "Jock Broon" was a splendid ad- dition to the' afternoon's proceedings as were piano solos from Misses Marjorie Strachan and Ferre Balmier. Next meeting will be held on Sept. 28th at the home of Mrs. Robt. Hamilton. Oranbrook Rev. R, F. Cameron, of Georgetown, is visiting his mother. Any one wanting a bargain in buggy should see A. Reymann. Y m n. Mrs. R d and datz a d eaug r Barbara, arbara are visitiuginSt. , Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Cott, of Blyth, visited at A. McDonald's ou Labor Day. Mrs. E. E. Wallis, of Burks Falls, is visiting with her friend Mrs. Menzies. Wm. and Mrs. r s. Pollard of Listowel, visited the Misses s Switzer on Labor Day. Wm. Forrest, Detroit, spent a few days -this week under the -parental roof. Master Geo. Reymann, of London, spent a few days with his brother, Earl, here. Miss Lizzie Attridge, of Wingham, spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. M. Kreuter. Reads. Messrs. McRae and Cameron and others heard Rev, Dr. MacDonald, of Toronto, at Atwood last Monday. Arnold Rathwell returned to Luck - now after spending the last two months with his uncle, Geo. Sparliug. A. Reymann and Win. Rands autoed with Walter Miller to Walkerton last week and erected a 60 ft. Baker wind- mill. Wm, and Mrs. Hunter, of Oshawa, and Ernest, of Meefo'd, spent a few days with their parents, John and Mrs. 11unter. - Mise Emma Fiu i ' Hun ter went to Ethel on Malloy to open up at Millinery store in the Dilworth block, ' We Wish her all kinds of success. Miss Allie Forrest went to Clinton on Moidey to attend the Model School. She will be ;gently Missed being. oigtanst �qoIsetes, . Miaeee Annie and Mabel Menzies took a holiday trip to 'T'oronto and Niagara Falls. Saturday evening :of this week A. Hislop will discuss the Reciprocity question at a public, meeting to be held here, commencing at 8 o'clock*. Last Friday evening Jas. Bowman' held a political meeting in the Long Hall, M. Ii. Moore of Brussels was chairman and addresses were given by the candidate and A. 1-1. Musgrove, M. P. P., for North Huron. The Castor (Sask.) Advance says :-- The Misses Sperling, who' have been spending the last few weeks here visit - in their cousin 0. Rathwell left last F udayfor Brussels Ont. En route they will visit friends in Edmonton and different points in Saskatohowan. They will be greatly missed by their many friends iii Castor. Fordwich Wednesday evening of next week Editor Smith, of the Farmer's Sun, Toronto, will address a public meeting in the interests of the Liberal candi- date. Mr. Hislop will also be there. Opposition speaker invited to take part. MoncriefF Mrs. George Bateman, of Ethel, was a visitor at Wm. Schnook's. Miss Irene Kreuter has returned to her home after a visit with friends at Moncrieff. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Lundy was in his pulpit here after his holiday of several weeks. During the past week D. K. and Mrs. Livingston were visiting in Tor- onto and seeing the sights at the Fair. Miss Lizzie Attridge and her neice, Miss Olive McEwen, of Wingham, were visiting at the former's home here. ' Prize Lists of Brussels Fair on Oct. 5 and 6 have reached this locality and indications point to a big time if good weather favors them. Tuesday morning school opened with Miss McLelland, of Ethel, as teacher. We wish her first-class success. The salary is $500. Misses Harrison and McQuarrie have gone to Brussels to attend the excel- lent Continuation School there. We hope the girls will do well. They will no doubt do their best to excel'. POLITIOAL.—Thursday evening of last week a political meeting in the interests of Jas. Bowman, Conserva- tive candidate for East Huron, was held in the school house here. Ad- dresses were given by the nominee and A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., of Wingham. Thos. Mcllfillan, of Mul- lett, championed the cause of Liberal- ism. The three speeches were atten- tively listened to. As to the converts the 21st will reveal when the ballot box is opened. A. Hislop, the Liberal standard bearer,addressed a large meeting on Monay evening, H. Mc- Naught was voted to the chair. Ed. Fulton spoke first and was followed by Mr. Hislop who dealt with the Reciprocity question chiefly. There were no Opposition speakers. Several willg o from here to Stratford on Fri- day to hear Sir Wilfrid Laurier. CAMPAIGNNOTES IMPORTANT EVENTS Sir Wilfrid Laurier o aur en at Stratford Friday of this week. Single fare tickets for return trip. Passsengers can take the 11.25 train and get to Classic city in time and get back ou evening train. Hon. Geo. P. Graham, Minister of Railways and Canals, will address a public meeting in Wingham Town Hall, Monday afternoon of next week, at 2,30 o'clock He is a fine speaker and well worth hearing. Meeting in the interests of A. Hislop, Liberal Candidate in East. Huron, who,will also speak: Hon. Ma Graham will be, in Kincardine in the evening. Brussels School Board • Special meeting of Board was held on July 21st, in Board Room with D. 0. Ross, R. Leatherdale, M. H. Moore, R. Henderson, Jno. Cunningham and. M. Black, present. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and passed. Let. tees were read by the Secretary from several nes g town schools, stating salarieshborin o paid their principals. and assistant teachers. Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by M. H. Moore that teacher's salaries in Brussels school for ensuingear, commencing on Sept. 1st, 1911, be as follows t— B. S. Scott, Principal, $1200 Miss V M. Davidson, 1st Asst. 800 s s Miss Dora Smith, 575 Miss Hattie Downing, 475 v ing, Miss Get tie Ross, 475 Miss Flo. Buchanan, 475 Carried, Moved by M. H. Moore, seconded by John Cunningham, that in the three lower grade rooms the mini- mum salary. he $425 and the maximum $475 and in the Entrance room, the minimum be $500 and the maximum $000. Carried. Property Ootnmittee was instructed to see about erection of fence on South side of school yard. Meeting then adjourned. SPECIAL MEETING Special meeting held Aug. 25th, with Messrs. Leatherdale, Henderson Ouuningharn and Black present. Minutes read confirmed. Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by 'R. Henderson, that a clock be placed in each room by Property Committee. Carried.. Moved b M. H. Moore, e seconded b Y o by R. Henderson, that the hid text books hi Forms a and III be allowed ftp to !text mid -Summer and that new pupill be asked to buy the new tines. Clan- tied. Board adjourned,. •M, EXAMS, Secretary, People We Talk About Eneas and Mrs, Crich are enjoying a visit in Toronto. Fred. Wood "did" the "Toronto Fair during the past week, W. As Grower made a business trip 10 Toronto last week. S. C. and Mrs, Wilson were in Tor- onto for a few days. W, P, Fraser took in the Toronto Exhibition this week. - Miss Pipe was visiting friends at Har- riston and other points. Mrs, P, Watson, .Q ween street, WAS visiting this eekin ' t. rolea. J. D. Warwick and sou Bob took iii the sights at Toronto Faintest week, Mrs. J. G. Jones and Miss Minerva areenjoying a visit with Toronto relatives. - Miss Luella Ross and Vernon spent a week with Toronto relatives and friends. Mrs, S. Askin, of Stratford, was here on a short visit with leer mother, Mrs, Alcock. Mrs. Addie Wright and•sons are home from their' holiday to Toronto and other points. A. T. and Mrs. Currie 'and Douglas spent a fee days in the 9neeu city last week. After an extended business trip to the West Wm. Emigb got home Tuesday night. W. F, Stretton was in 'Toronto for a few days, combining business and pleas- ure. Peter and Mrs. Dudley and daughter, were visitors in Toronto during tbo past week. - Miss Markle, of Montreal, who was 'visiting Mrs. F. H. Gilroy, has returned to her home. Mrs. Fletcher Spading and Wyman were visitors with Seaforth and Mc- Killop. friends. Mrs. S. Wilton and Misses Elsie and - Marguerite were holiday visitors with relatives in Brantford, Mrs. A. J. Lowry and Miss Hazel visited for a few days with Toronto rel- atives and friends, George and Mrs. Brown are home from an extended visit to North Dakota ani Westerly Canada. - Mrs. Lawson, of Goderich, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Stratton, during the past week. - Miss Nellie Cowan, of Toronto, was: the guest of Mrs. W. Emigb, James street, during the past week. Mrs. Foster, of Kincardine. was visit- ing at the home of Ronald McNaughton, - her father, Princess street. Mrs. lames Cummings, of Buffalo, N. Is., is here on a holiday visit with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Oakley. Mrs. James Shaw accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Hunter back to Oshawa. M. Hunterralso here. was s Charlie Leckie has gone to Seaforth where he will attend the Collegiate tak- ing up mat class Teacher's work. Mrs. Thos. Oakley, Queen street, is home from an enjoyable visit with friends at Goderich and Benmiller. A. McGuire was at Toronto, Monday, for a holiday and Mrs. A, McGuire visited friends at Corinth last week. D. Walker, of town, is at Toronto, at- tending the Undertakers' Convention. Mrs. Walker is also in the Queen city. Lizzie Galbraith and Miss a iib Mrs. Jno. G Bowman were among the large number from this locality who visited Toronto. Mrs. George Walker, of London. was s visitor with her cousins, Mrs. A. R. Currie and Mrs. S. R. Ross, John street. George McMillan has taken •a holiday trip to the West to visit relatives and frieods, some of o e whom be has not seen for many years. Peter and Mrs. McQuarrie, of town, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Annie, of Blyth, spent the holiday with relatives in Goderich, Miss Mary Ross, of Brussels. bas taken a position as Milliner at Paisley. She is a competent hand and we wish her suc- cess in her new post. F. H. Gilroy, James Sherrie, W. Gillespie, Jno. Galbraith and Robert Francis combined business and pleasure in a trip to the Provincial Capital. Rev. Dr. Oaten and family arrived hone last week from the various points where they were holidaying. Mrs. Oaten has been quite poorly since her return. Jno. Smith and Miss May are back from a fine tour of the West. It was the former's first visit. Miss Smith has gone to Drayton to resume her position as teacher, - Dan. Ewan got back last week from a holiday outing to various points in the Great West He saw inauv people he was acquainted with and enjoyed his trip - Very Wm. G Glassier of Hamilton former - 1 lit d his tri ends, of this loco an a tr ands b1. Luzon, J.Tomlinson, R. Clark and R. Brag, took in the Exhibition at Toronto on Sept. 4th. Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson has gone on tour as an expertJudge udg a at Fall ll Fairs in thea 1 E sten section of the Province. v et' n Her specialties are Ladies' work, manu- factories, etc, She should fill the bill well, Eph. Downing, sou of Mrs. lno. Downing, of Brussels, and a graduate of THE Posr, has gone from Winnipeg to Calgary where he takes hold of a new publication. We hope success will at- tend his efforts, Miss Mina Hueter, assistant in ' Brus- sels postof&ee, is away for a holiday visit with old friends at Clinton, Gode• rich, Kincardine and other points for a week or so. Miss Clara Hunter escort+ panted her. A. Gilmour, who taught in Brussels school last term, bas been engaged as Principal of Tara .Continuation School at a salary of -attests He commenced - work on Tuesday, We wish him the. best of success. D. and Mrs. Stewart, of Antagonish, N. S., are hereon a visit with old friends Mrs. Stewart is a daughter of ; Jno, 13toadfoot of this to al" and a t t y, a is lid stranger to good many in Brussels. Mrs. Robt. Sullivan and children, of New York, who have bean here for several months, will leave.- for their home next ,veek. They are greatly made up with 'Brussels' and the friend., ships they Kaye formed: