The Brussels Post, 1911-8-31, Page 81"FXTJ .:3D Y, AUGIJ$T P. fQ[1 Campsion Notes tf you have anything to sell two 1 . mar• )siboutd be better than one 4044lou tiitk Dom' iion Election N.nninnllou Thursday, Stpi, t4lh. lection on Sep , tat G a "•'1`ha march of the Cameron men" will be the battle song in . West 1.1 Wen and, the victory is slated for September• ow large cc. you think Archie His, • e majority will be in East Huron? is query not infrequently asked these av0, M. X. McLean should twin in South Huron, Ase has Mustard and many other stalwarts behind him so it may be a hot time for Mr.'Merner, A farmer can loyally sing "God save file Xing" and at the same time 'pocket $�f oo a ton additional on his hay crop fter Reciprocity conies to pass. Hugh Clarke, M, P P., Editor of the Kincardine Review, will oppose John 'Tbimie for the Commons in North Bruce." Mr,'rolmie had over Soo majori- ty at last election. The Hensall Observer says :-The Conservatives of East Huron have chosen James Bowman, of Morris, ex. Warden ot Huron as their candidate in the coming contest. He looks some- thing like Keit Hardie, the great Labor champion. M. Y. McLean, the well knows Eclitor of the Huron Expositor, Sea - forth, received the Liberal Nomination 'Y, for South Huron on Friday, at Hen , sall, A. Mustard and P. Lamont were also in . the ballot. J. J. Mentor, a Zurich merchant, is the Conservative `eandid5te and promises to give Mac a li4wly chase but we expect to see the latteP•'win out. The Liberal candidate in Halton Co. in the election contest now on .is Walter Harland Smith', of Ridgewood Farm, Trafalgar. He is an old Brussels boy, born bere if, we mistake not, his father having a cabinet maker's business in a building g5 or 4o years ago, where THE Poor block now stands. We wish. Mr. Smith success in.his campaign for more reasons than "Should auld acquaintance' be forgot." At the Bordeu meeting held at Harris - ton Saturday ;nth inst., Jas. Bowman the Conservative candidate for East Huron, was one of the speakers. He said judging from the appearauce of the g g PP audience theyoY were "a grand and pros. pernu people." They had banded to getlier to bring about Confederation. Why 'should they have this trade agree- ment with the United'States forced upon them ? Future -prosperity depended upon independence of the United States. Thefathers of Confederation had done their best Heas ed both Grit andTor k Y to unite inp reserving Confederation He was a farmer himself, born and rais- ed on the farm. The battle is set in array is West Huron with M. G. Cameron, Mayor of Goderich, leading the Liberal hosts while Barrister E. N. Lewis, of the same towp, carries the Opposition banner. Mr. ttewis has won two contests in the riding and is a great canvasser who pays little attention to public discussion of the ' liveq uestions. His opponent who is a good debater,was M. P. P.fur several win terms and knows the territory should av o on Sept. asst. ex•Reeve Thos. McMil- lan, of Hullett, was the only other name suggested at the Liberal Nominating Convention when Mr. Cameron was the choice by a close vote. OUR MONTREAL LETTER. The days when a voter in the Provitice of Quebec could signify his party polities by the nse of one or two words have slipped far far back on the calendar and the present campaign has opened here with_the customary "rouge" or "bleu" explanation of the habitant's political inclivations meaning naught. Instead, when a man in the hack parishes wants to tell you his sentiments it takes him a lou time. Never have the farm dwellers'been'so Well posted on the questlonsiof the -'how" as tbeylare at the opening of this campaign. Last election and the election before a man said he was rouge orblue and let it go at that. Ask him whyand be variably re- plied with a shrug : "Sais pas" or yes' because," or else"my father he rouge too." Ask a back country Frenchman to-daywhat his politics: are and he will sit down and argue with you for half a day. He's educated and educated up to the minute. Oce is for Laurier but a- gainst the navy, another for Laurier but against reciprocity, He'll tell you why and all about it. Some divesritfied fore- casts have been made as to how the re- sults will tally up in solid Quebec. How near sight any of them may be is, of course, the question. One thing is certain, never, taking it all in all will a less ignorant vote have beau cast. REDUCED INSURANCE RATES. Five years ago, the Fire Under- writers suddenly and very materislty in- creased their rates on Montreal risks. It was contended that the heavy losses from fire which were occurring at that time were largely chargeable to the iu-' adequsey of the city's firefighting equipment and the efficiency of these. who were in charge of it, There was, .naturally much complaining but on the whole the city accepted the situation of the Underwriters' estimate and the sty council began to discuss ways and means for remedying it. Until the advent of the Board of Control but little practical improvement was made in conditions, although the tide of general discussion continued to occasionally disturb the quiet of the City Hall. In the last nineteen months, however two and a half million dollars have been spent on new water conduits, more fire apparatus and generally increasing the efficiency of the fire -fighting forces but, so far, the insurance rate hes remained the same, The city is preparing a long re- port on the matter and, the Fire Under- writers will be called upon to lower their rates. NEW "PRAVEL 'RECORD, A new record for ocean travei, or for that matter for travel of any kind, so far as hutuau heiugs are concerned, his jest beett made bore by the purser of one of that tl'ans-#lllautio litters plying regularly Modic ri:eTaltonlnternall -O nno QtlrPItNotntThe' Mood 1 12a±G+aF»ri .It le canoed by itorrtr9: ;, 1 t!euit illttlitat be OverConae . by ordinary It eatmeut owl the alxl•faeh- inned wayr.of UosJilg the systilu...Witll drugs. llezenia le caused by A paraatje ger») that bot -es into the skill, It is generally a contagious disease, Jntil the parasite is'courpletely destroyed 1 ,oz � al of a and removed, e tsYta ca an 41 cured Full' ..dile third of skirl diseases are in the nein of eczema, Vire' 0% tllrlroughly" believe that R e x lLltccetll Ointment uvhl over, a aonh eozemw mai allied ski)) ailments, , that we unhesitatingly. promise to pgbxnptly return the money paid .08 for it should it in any way be' en- satiafaataly to _ the user. .• 'lt le cleansing, BeCAUSL Of its telu al dab Ci g antiseptic.germicidal, soiithing and healiltg influence, Rexall Eczema, Ointment has a very prontnuweed Arable ix) the treatment of skin diseases especially where the form of ailments oftlae chronic, aggravating sort, We highly recoiutoend it for the dry scaly form or the weeping type, where there is a constant flow of iIl.smelling ex- cretion. Rexall sIllezema Ohltment is very prompt in relieving pimples, blotches, skin dtscoloratrons, ringworm, ache, nettle rash, tetter, hives, ulcers, in- sect bites, and for healing sores and wounds, It is a pleasant smelling, grayish -white ointment, and is vary cleanly for use, Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. Sold only at our store -The Rexall Store. F. R. Smith. between this port and Europe, who has just conptetedltis thousaudth trip across the Atlantic. 'these thousand trips represent about 3,5 o0000 nines of travel a surpassing • any other achievement of the sort r of which may record can be �. found, The thousand trips are equal to 140 trips around the earth or fifteen to the moon, Of course not all these trips were made on the same vessel, nor was there accomplished a quick once, since the purser in question has been "travel- ' ling the Atlantic since 1£65 or for nearly half a century. His fust trip. was of a nature to discourage and but the Most enthusiastic love' of the sea, since it was made on a steamship which took fireonits way to this country and was only saved after all hope had been abandoned. It is • likely that it will be long before this 3,800,000 mile record will be beaten, even with the greatly increased. speed of the present day liners. Health For Run -Down Women zs.Jno. i PromPromthe experience of ll Pauke, Saskatoon, nothing compares with Ferrozone. "At times l was con- fined to my bed and couldu't do any work. I was run down in flesh, lost strength, nay appetite failed, my color was pallid. Weary and caastdown, it seemed I couldn't catch up. Ferro - zone, of life in m started a std new kind Y boar i 1 built me n vitalized and strengthened my nerves, and fineily cured my heart and stomach pains. Ferrozone is a rebuiider that has special virtue in female ailments. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes ; try Ferrozone. Personal Letter To Young People DEAR FRIENos.-It is my desire to get in ton with all the young people in this section OI the country, and it is almost impossible to do so by personal letter. I take this method therefore of reaching you through the columns Of THE PosT. You are sure to come to a time when you will decide which course to take, and what occupation you will choose as a foundation for your life' work. I there- fore wish to say that when that time comes, (and no doubt it is now here with many of you), and yon desire to ;eater business, you can obtain a thorough knowledge of modern business methods at Listowel Business College in a short time and at a moderate cost to you. Dnring the coming year our Courses will not merely be confined to text books -alone, but we will have actual practice for all students in the writing and hand- ling of the different forms used in busi- ness, with an actual practice of using 'Loose Leaf Ledgers in the Bookkeeping work, and the duplicating of typewritten. lettersin the stenography Department. We will olso have a Special Farm Ac'. counting Course for farmers sons who do not want to leave the farm, and who wish to attend College for ashort time'in order to improve their education. In addition to the regular day school sessions, the students are allowed the privilege of attending the night school two nights per week throughout their term without additional cost to them. 'FIris has proved very beneficial to those who have in the past availed themselves of the opportunity. The College will he equipped with a complete library of business books of all kinds, and the leading Business' Maga- shies as reference books to which the students will have free access at all times. I have made a thorough study of the best methods of teaching Commercial subjects in a Special Course for that pur- pose in the city of Rochester, New York, under the tuition of the leading Commercial teachers in the country, and my very best efforts for improvement are at the service of my students. The busi- ness world is begging for competent young men and women to fill positions of responsibility and trust, and if you are equipped with a knowledge of busi- ness methods, yon may be sure of a good position in the business world, Our graduates are proving successful by retaining their positions wherever they have been placed. The tuition rates for a Course of study in the Listowel ,Business College are as follows :-Three months $25,0o, Six months $4z.00, or $6.00 per month for the second three months ifpaid monthly and for the school year of ten months! $60.00 If there are any questions in regard to Business College work which you would care to ask, I shall be pleased to hear from you. Yours truly, E. G. MATTHHEWR,. Principal, Listowel Business College, A,n-Ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as a title, be bused by a single. dose o Ohaticbel tine ' Colic, ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 'this remedy has no superior for bowel : cotllplaints. rat sale by all dealers, , FgAR,QF ANNEXATION DMA. Sin, -`Atte fear that 11 u ay Wad to itemisation Set•1118 to ' be I be only aargnineut left to these opposed to J eoipi•oeity au'gnlneet. Att answer to that I would point out that though Nations may raise of lower the blur. ries to trade, the Aetuiul trading chit only bb done by the individuals them- selves so that these romans wile also afraid they may lose llteit• loyalty by selling their cantle to Buffalo Nyould• -only steed to epenil'os of the buyer where he intended to sell. The buyer would l I t old stay Well Y! scrip W 13ui1'Alo I will pay yell eight oeuts bntif 1 ship them to Toronto, for either Oily' eu' British coosuuspiion, 1 r'san only pity you $6.00. The nervous farmer could take the lower price' audstill have -a string to bis loyalty but his more en. terprising neighbor, whose loyalty dues not depend on his pocket book, could take the higher price,, They might even go further enol trait a big '1' on the gate No that buyers who ttii p11ying the high- er price would not meed I0 call. Sincerely yours,• THOMAS WOODCOCK. Westfield, Aug. 22, 1011. Are You Subject To Stiffness. Psi'iitsps itis in the neck or shoultlets, First thing is a good rub with Nervilitte. No more speedyremedy eon be adopted. When applied to the muscles Nerviline gives them fioxibil- 1Ly and vigor ; inflammation, soreness and stiffiuess disappear. "Whether in the cheat' or throat nothing can sm. pass Nerviline writes 0. 13 Denton, Lumber ,Merchant at Oak Bay N. R. "Rubbed on alt night, troll hitt' is gone by morning. I have proved Nvrviline agteatmedicine." Everyone the same, and, Nerylline always makes' good, 25i bottles sold eve) ywliere, OUR WINNIPEG LETTER The crop is still the big thing in the. West, and a. very big dung it will surely be. The longed.for hot Weath- er came and net Loa late, as Soilte feat, ed, it .would, After a season . which brought a bit too anurit rant in some parts, the crop is being hot shed off with weather so sniendidt clearand warm that field's that were green' 'be- fore have ripeued''and are being cut fast. A feaatureof the crop is the earliness of ripening in Manitoba: Many fields about LViuuipeg have been cut a week or ten days and the harvest is making rapid progress on all hands: Reports of yirlds from the several districts beat' out the forecast of 200,000000 bushels of wheat made by ex eeienced men some weeks ago:' Oats, barley and flax ate also due to make records and there has never been a better year for field crops. Market gardeners have done especial- ly well around about Winnipeg this year. There was a gendral scarcity 01'Pe•t otato s andhe season has been a most favorable one foe t1 us.or c 1). The Hells werelautt_d earlyin and ose of them have done well. Early potatoes were dug the lbtli of July, .and a gardener on the Eatat side of Red River near Winnipeg, sold 178 bushels from three-quarters of an acre of land at three dollars a bushel. This was 00- exception but the rule with all potatoes planted on early land. An- other gardener sold • $547,40 worth' of cabbages from half an acre and had his cropoff bythe 1st of Auust; g Prices for all fresh vegetables ,rule high in the Winnipeg market and their is a good demand foi all the truck raised. The splendid erop outlook has at- tracted much notice from tourists through the West and notice of a most practical nature in many. cases... Railroad men have been notably ate; tracted by the flourishing state of'the West, and new lines into Winnipeg and the' West are planned. Aa J. Darling, president of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul toad. and William Rockefeller, a leading direct- or, passed across the prairie provinces a few weeks ago and declared ,that the sight of the wheat fields avid general prosperity of the country was a reve- lation to thein. These''taiload ofil cials were so strongly impresser) with the possibilities for business in West- ern Canada that the toad in which they are interested will secure rte,-.,rw.•..,„d•....--. - .. .. .., 4 qd _ +- � • • ' ;•,'..• - '' o .1 1. , , Colne orwrhoiesolme -gtveY'in ROS�� it Eat its s is e 's again, Verb Pre Insides Pie Tune, PrepresttolCe t C+ 'ES wrapped crust. '� . , . Pr. udtce without eCl --FIVE ROSES and flour. 'a ups a ofteln. eats,, tin t. 1rIV g it the .' ' - - i � e r � l / ® � py ® A� ✓ .. • .. ti.Difficult .;., • ., �4,�...Ik:� irj , dm . �1 , rlyet ,and Fb -� j' `--�•. Z. atv6 rm , •' �t I.-... nest! s•; `�� �,fig ~ ' a Great An lose- Flaky, Put sweetness All cherry-ror custard Put see At 1.1..FIVE dP into . soppy the the Pie for f of r fined too, --meat, FIVE hungry Time- ROSES. rut --- topand Pie Crust Pste and i a � ,.-textured,. elfin -melting g -crisp crinklyY - your babe things of Manitoba with the rich lemon pie -ora maybe, or ROSES'ucrust wedes fade behind c even .. the wheat. red pg mince- P le end" busy bottom:` Things. rare kernels. juice -or about'ern. tender. nutlike healthy milk of teeth., • the I _ • 11111111011111111111 HiII„IIIiI�I1�IIIIIIIIlllllilll'� e)rat I g3 'iIIr teCIA1Ct IIIII1IIIII1111111111l1111111 IIIliall IIIIII�IIIIII 111III I - (�I i NIIIIAIP1t 1111t i,ueA1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI,II •n I IIIII I . . , , 1IIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I IIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIiIIp.m,IIU,,,.m IIIII1,,I 04 hlllll„,„llllI teraded li llll11, IIIIII1IIII .. '-✓/ IIIit i IIII I I II111If I II II IIII it I II I it II i I I III Ilial IIIIIIIIIII I 1111 iiiI AOr IHC OOD. 1,1a0 COMPANY L,.1 OMONTAEAtI _ �l 'an entrance into \Vinttipeg at the' very first opportunity. The Minne- apolis and ,St. Louis'. toad is another system that has been attracted by the. 1 West growth of theCanadian and will buildto _the boundary,at least to connect .with the Great Northern and Grand Trunk; Pacific i,,ii' this side, The Great Northern railroad is do- ing a big work with its terminal facili- ties in Winnipeg. After some trouble between -the road and the'city on the matter of grade crossings. the Great Northern officials clecidedtt5Y field the point, -and will build five subways • to avoid the grade crossings cowing into the city front the West. The work of h t• h vin the preparation includes the mo g of 1,800 houses and building enormous freight shuts and Yards at 'a point which will be highly advaritag'eous for the railroad and those who ship goods ,over it. For the present the Great Northern will use the•fine new Union :Station as its passenger terminal. This station was opened for public Ilse on: the 7111 of August after completion ata cost of a million and a'haif. • I.t is' easily the finest rail way station iu Caoaadn. Ailvit., s from Saskatchewan tell a story i,r semarlcable growth and pros - 'polity in that province. In the Saskatoon district the crops are simp- ly' amazing, imply'arnazing, and the• city Board of arlade has been busy sending harvest h atids into the surrnnuding country. 1,700 men had been sent out thus, up to, the fifteenth of the month, and abut 8,000 moire' were needed. For province, 15,000 men were required to harvest Lhe crop. -Construction work ,on ,the Grand ,Timnlc Pacific line at ,Prince Albert, was corilmeficed last 'week in Life city litnits and a gang 5t sixty' teams with scrapers were engaged. Thee work is in charge,of,Assistant Engineerklow- ard and the grade from Prince, Albert.. to SouthSaskatchewdn se distance of YOIJ PAY WHEN CURE Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS ers m b •.'-ml!@. Cured by the New Method Treatment • 1/ moi" NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT ..G3 NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle-aged men aro anuvally,swept to a premature grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- lowing symptoms consult us before it is too late: Aro you nervous and Weal, despon- dentaettgloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, wean back, kidney's irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses; sediment in urine. pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor Memory, lifeless, distrustful lack energy and strength, ttreamornings, restless ni^hln, ehastnealls moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, • sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE 'A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make ammo of you,. 'Under its InOn- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purilled so that all pimples, blotches end utesl5 disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervopasees, bashfuluess and des - pendency vanish, the eye becomes bright the face full and clear, energy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systemsare invigorated; all drains cease -no mm'o vital II, iv Prom kiln system. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you 0f your hard eurued dollars. We will euro you or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated you,'write fox. an honest opinion Frae of Charge. Boole Free -"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated), on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRs.KENNEIiY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit', Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed NOTICE ore on ence De t - to our Canadian C r sd essuntass cent itt Windsor, Ont, If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as sve see and treat' no ,patients in our Windsor offxcea Which are for Corrdspondence arid. Laboratory foe Canadian business only.: 'Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. We.'ltotet' our prlVate address. , ..-. it twenty miles, Will be'cotnpletod before the snow Ries, The grade ,from the Sonth will reach the other bank of the Saskatchewan about the same tame and the bridge will bo ) tit in dur- ing the 'Winter. Raile uiIi alsoo +be: laid this season from the South to the Saskatchewan River, and will be com- pleted into 'Prlpee Albert early in the Spring, 80 that the line will be operat- ed into this city early next Summer. The road taps an exceedinglyfertile country. which has been etled fuer Haan ears and 'which will contribute years the rowth of the cit greatly g Y Recent warm weather hits harried the crops anthe Prince Albert district and farmers gay that the yield will be the heaviest in 26 years. the weather throughout the season has been par- ticularly favorable for the growth and maturing of the crops. 'The visit of Mayor Holmes and Al- dertuan McLeod, of Prince` -Albert, to Ottawa for the purpose )f securing a r s g dean ite statement from the Dominion Goyy erameut towardsthe construction of th 'civic ower works at La Dolle Falls on Saskatchewan River was most successful. The Government will assist the city in the tmdertaking and work will be rushed this season.., Cecil 13. Smith the?veil known engine- er, under whose supervision the Win- nipeg- power plant was constructed, spoke recently at a Oanadian Club luncheon hereand stated that, in his opinion, the undertaking of the power pliant ex Prince Albert will result in - touch, aclivity in manufacturing throuliolrt this district.- Nervous istrictsNervous -Condition Results From -Kidney Trouble •Sick kid rieys Make you feel sick in a 110108er Of ways and it is now known that a nervous condition often results :from kidney trouble. When the kid- neys are sick the whole nettvous system becomes irritated causing headache, dizzy spells, • fits of, "blues," neural- gic attack s, x'heitmatic pains weak eyesight, dull tired days, and a constant inclination t0 worhy over trifles. - ' Booth's Kidney,' Pills strengthen sick kidneys, cure backache, regulate the urine and restore to normal con- ditions. They ate guaranteed. All dealers sell, 50c a box, or postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. If you woad like to test thein free write for a trial box. ladies' COLLEGE St. Thomas,Ont. LUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE on REQUEST NOTICE Notice le hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters .Lists AM, by HIS Honour the Judge ot the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town- ship Hall, Ethel, on Tuesday, the 6th day of September. 1011 at ten a'alOelc in the forenoon, to hear. and determine oomnlainte of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the -Muni- elpa lity of the ToWn.hlp of Grey for 1011. Dated 11,e 10th day of August, 1011. A. H, MACDONALD, 8-2 •01er1. of Grey, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held; periannt to. the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, byHlaHatottr the fudge of the County' (court of the County of Huron, at the Tewu I'iall', Blyth, on Wednesday, the Oth day of Ba tembor,10 1011, at otolock a, m,ito hear and determine ooro,l1a1nf o (01'01'8 ad omissions ,1the Valero' List of the hunteipulity of goy - .111:3 Pros ton, Dtdat{uonne Auitdst Stet, 1011 • A,'MAd10W N,'glarbsofMorrie. . The People's .Oolurrin k:'u'P unci r4MO'-'iyte,"ealicsoiQ lro' Term from /lug, •� Fall Ta 28 AR hi FOR SALE: -The tu,clersigned oilers 1 m0i, les ilMorris 0 seretownelnp, , Huron lUo, 05 2oO tr 6 acres cleared. 'em,eis tomfortablahouse, new bank barn, or fned drwell &t. South of Br al, Pbseeesltto purchaser. liar further p1ntioulao, RA to, price, terms, Rea, apply on the, premises or Brussels P. 0. to Y. BMA hl, Prop. 8.4 wO DORSET RAMS lfoxt- -SALE.- One Dorset- ran, would creditably headyour stock. Eligible for registration in the Oontht- i lechenicsbttr Ohio and tnuel Dorset Olu i N g, ' Dorset ''tion 1 Records for Do the CuOttaw Na a 1 e I emelt. J. E. 001[ awn. Piton no U ahee OEt �8 A, 'r Brussels P. 0. Lot 18, Cion 8, Morrie. Phone 887, , . 841 TRAYED on the premises of the under- 1 ill on Au•. eiBBhea Loc 7 Con, 14 M0S o tlrd, 18 head of cattle as follows lop, one gray with horns and one white dehorned': the balance are young cattle 1 and 2 years old. 8 of themwith white heads, -Owner 10 requested. to prove-proper(y,pay expenses and inke them. 51088y AItOHIE MoOALL UNP, 0•d'� Walton.' FAR =ARM. TORENT.-The undersigned ned desires to rent her 100 -acre farm, bring Lot 15, Con. o,Crey ren hiu,Huron o There is a comfortable brick house hank burn, orchard, &c„ on the premises. -1W, miles to clnuoh and. sante 'distance to -eeltoot. Possession 1St of March, 1912, with privilege of Fall plowing. For further information write or imply to 8-tf 111118. JOS, RAYNAltD, Lucknow. 'raORO'-BRED YORKSHIRES either sex, 'atbreedlug age, forsnte. Also 2 young Shorthorn batle„one of them 1st prize winner at Brdsseit Fair, 3018. SP1E1R, Lot 20, Dont: 0, Morris,'' Box. 270 Braesela P.. 0. P11o11e108. AT A BAROADT. WitL dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street; Brussels, at 5860, a great bargain,. in'order;tosesure.quielc sale. Key 'may belied from Mr, J, Leclne. For further • p rble lars'see ifrg oki a dr write the under- signed. George Bt., London, OMFO1I.TABLE BRICK HOUSE withC stable, well, &o, and 2 aures of choice land for sale iu the 'Southerly pput$ of Brus- sels..., Immediate Poss_epssiion 01,1 be given, For Sefurther pNO. MLOARiuSU1:,ly t lepton S. Scott, Bros- sets, rits• aee,o J YORKSHIRIE BOAR - 'FOR SERVICE -Phe undersigned will keepfor service on Lot 5�8o Ooni 2Morrie, ple Cirove Alphoneo .alit;'-82686,mbredbyH. S. McDievm1d,1',it sL Ont; Terms 5100 cash. Have also u Yorkshire hog for sale ata bargain. • 04 W. S. FORREST, Prop,, Phone 115 Jamestown P. 0, FARM EOR BALE.-Behtg Lot 20, Con. 14, .McKillop -township, containing about52 acres,alteleared. On the prsndseo is a brick hous, bank barn with hog pen combined, and a new power mill for pumping,grinding, &a,; also good bearing orehm',•, eb aly Spys. Lund is in extra good state of cultivation, having been propped light and large stock of both hogs anfld cattle fed ou it for years. rain, le situated V, miles from school and 2 miles from tare write J. R. HAMILTON,,Walton P. O., or apply on the premises. Walton U. P. R. station. For further pad6-if•tieu- FARM FOR SALE, -The 100 note farm, be- ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 28,Con, 14, Grey, Isofferedfor sale by the undersigned. There are 8s aoroscleared, bal- ance well timbered. On thu Yarm there is a iablhuollnedvoolcoftoaoncom- fortable peingdndd well Poneed. For further partioulars apply to JAS.!A. MONAIlt or JAS. D. MoNAIR, Exec- utors, Oranhrook P. a, or F, B. SCOTT, Bros - Bele. • 7-tf. FARM: FOR 0AL10.-the undersigned offers for Bale, hie100 sore farm, bele Lot 80, Con. 15, Grey. About 70 acrescleareti, balance in swamp, 8 acres in Fall Wheat,. 81aorea seed- ed down. Fall plowing is being dune. On the farm is a frame house bunk barn, driving shed, good orchard and drilled well. Olese to post - aloe, 'Mural; and sohcol, For further perilmt- lers apply to JOHN OSBORRNIE, Proprietor, or F. S. Scott, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE, being Booth 11011 Lot 26, Con, 4, Morris township, Huron Oo,, con- taining 100 acme more or less. On the prem• tees is a frame house, bunk horn, good orahnrd„ well, windmill, &o. All Moored exeopt about an sore: School 114 miles distant. Only 2t2 miles from Bra: vola. 0 norm of Fall wheat (s and about 60 acres seeded down. For pries, terhrs aid other information apply on the premises or if writing Brussels P. 0.'Phone 120, Or P• B• Saott,.>A. T L. lCecRR Proprietor. , r„'i1RMS P011 SALE,-Lots,21 end 22, Con. 111, Mclitllop, and Lot 28 on the 18th Commie - Rion, Lots 21 and 52 nomnpeso the Gardiner Homestead and contains.aboat 180 acresall first-class land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 16 acres of gqood hardwood bash ; good comfortable buildings With all modern ito- provements ; plenty of good Boring water and a. good bearing orchard, This is ono of the ahaloottfarms in the (leerily of Hut'on an11 will be sold on Lerma to suitureilnoor, tilt 20 omitenle 120 aeras with small I 1 a and barn all fnpaeturonyears. ndlms been fob ye)se. 'SMen•o are ton 00710 of good bosh cin this ,farm, For faherpartloulnra8plALIE, DN- EliiWpitrtarp:O:,oroputytohoyromiBso,GAItn5•(If e CEpTRAL , STRATFORD.ONT. Thereis a great demand upon ns for trained help. Busineesmen state -that a our greduatesare the brat, We Lave' t three departments:- Commercial, ,611 Within and and Telegraphy. to 415 phyfo The te Within for xix mm�ths 1s d willand. .prove for one . investigation •e- : ear 80.be ro t 0 • y $ p E nr. sn isfnt6tfon. that there is no bet'. P4 y o t ter Business College in Cans e,• Get t d , our Yruoantalogne NOW. y D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. ri,t' .41 } Y vW vi0 - xis vllx' YW irot g yiav t',y 'w1' . vtr7 .t b G 4.. A 0 b. >. ,t. O•!•®r0•F♦•r0•i•®ti•♦•'r0•t•♦•i•♦•!•♦d•♦3.O•F :ThPty ears O' •F • Om Seven Colleges Have been •1•. .4. established ,during the past 80 ,r. ® years. The largest .ttainet's in ♦: •P Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do H. •A bet ter for inti' gracluates than ♦' any oilier School, Yott may p study all at home or parrtly at 3• 1- home and finish alt the College. ie. Affiliated with The 0ounnergtal :. ® Educators' Association of Can- ,,, 7 ado, It. Would be well foe' you e to investigate before choosing. •4' ® Exclusive' right for Ontario' of the world-famous Bliss Donk- ♦c. - keeping Syst.ent,. which is :Un- + ♦ equalled. IL is Actual Business • 1 from Start to Finish, and the •, ♦ student keeps same banks as 4 Chartered Banks and Whole -t. 1 saJe.Houses, Enter + any. time- : e' $ Individual Instruct:au. • 4'. ® Fall Term From Aug. 28th , i " ♦ Write,eall or phone, for .,. •F' parnetthe•s• 4,1., W1NQHAMa+ ® Business College .(i°., GEO. aPOTTON, President + or O Chas. W. Burns, Prineipel ••, glinSEMYSINSEGSMINGMISSKSZERESSIWI The undersigned has purchas- ed. the harness %silees of G. House, Turnhurry st.,Brussels, who will (NM:Arnie ib in the old stand where he will be pleased to meet all the olcl costoulers of Che shop and many new 00e9, , Aftillline ofwi t both Light and Heavy liarness and Morse Goods always in stock or made to order. Nice range of Grips, ''rnnits,' '1'elesco�es, &0,, to choose Tb'om tat moderaCtt ln'ices. ' Will much .appreciate n' share of public patronage, Oarefnl al:tention personally given to either repairs or new Worlc. Ff r. d tl l IAIbN1f ' MAIZ I :T.iJI