HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-31, Page 7BUSINESS CAROL x Q. T. rue. Btu sola iTb c P 1 Mao a N2 4 ,hold Ghee miller' wea(ag4n the ,1i omn Beaker ileek, onthe lot and 8r4 Tuesday V18ll»OVQ011140 of gaa11 month, v. .A ,0aa lf7 , no. SUaLISt,u9t, 4: Mai LrraE, li. WI V1, sPEroc e Q�' ' VLYA CE 0 i Al ki A D` ISSUER, of MARRIA4IE,LIOENSgS eke ,fa the raid Olaua, blither, 30.4 .�._ JOHN'_.... - . HARRIS, Agent Eiowick• Nfutuai Fire Insurance Company (Aloe and doeldenoe- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN P. rnsnANea, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ". • can, writ sell for better prices, to ,pelta.' elan, 1n legs time and len allergen than anyother anctloue0, in East tinrou or be won't (Marge ouythfng, Dates and orders 0411alwaye be arranged at this nleoe or by 0 •ge ,1101 application, It Al APG.) l:ONVEYANCIIra. ��' of S11VUI,A11i- ♦' Iter, iolol, Nehu11o1, Ulm vaynugnl, dolor Pu11110 4o Ili a i,tewo. 1 e 1011108 1, 1 01101 101 i, , ,, I otloi, ,I,ta1,' ,tank ..')Il4)U1)1.00 I, 11 Y13 .8 El',LORAN ABItOS:910GS„80L11:1rr 180, NO'I'Altl t:4 1.11111 :1 1410 1 0oUDr,•l t. IS 0 , it. 0, HAYS J. I, aILL'IaAa OOluee-Those Iormealy accepted by Melon Uamerou: 4 rant - ' Hemmen, bn•l'Ain0. LL. LIN( Royal Mail Steamers AutumnSailin s' 9 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL L Victorian F1LAug.15 Fri. Sept., 22 Corsican F1 }.'Aug. 25 Fri. Sept. 22 Virginian.,, Fri. Sept..1 F1'1.Sept. 25' Tunisian. Fri. Sept. a Fri. Oct. 9 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Scotian Sot. Aug. 12 Sat. Sept.: 9 Hes erian Sat., Aug. 19 Sat.. dept. 16 Ionian Sat. Ionia26 Sat. Sept.: 28 Grampian ..... Sat, Sept. 2 Sat, Sept. 80 MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND LONDON Moderate tate service,carrying one class (second) cabin passengers, and catling at Havre, France. Superior accommodation at minimt}m rates will be allotted on steamers. for the belanoe of the 8t. Lawrence season. Full information aft to rotes, etc., on applies. Mon to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. Young: People We can prepare yon for business et The Listowel 'liminess College We place our graduates in positions. Our8 raduates are successful. Two Oonrsee-Commercial and Shorthand. Fall Term opens September 680. EDWIN G., MATTHEWS, Prin. F.....a.S.._,. 1..l C:rY,7,v.;Y,6eus.„ Make Your 'Decision Between Success. and Failure Popular Course In the Po A P ELLIOTT Will prepay9 you for en excellent post• Mon 1n the 13nshness World. The first step 10 important -Your Choice of a • School...Oar Catalogue explain why this College ranks among the beat on s this oentinen6. . Write for one today. Enter 110,v. • . q Cor. Young and.). W. J. ELLIOTT,, .Alexander Sta.4 Principal., minsisemmerimum RUPTURE Cu.re At your home without pails, clanger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age'is' or how long • ruptured,' Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated ' when you' can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age.....,. Time [Zito...-. .it Single or Double Name .,.... Address andreturn to J.S. SMITH MITH: 8 Caloclonla8ia Dept. A Stratford, Ont. pentetl to MI. and .Mrs, Jolliffe by rho AusftlAss Qlttrd Is. • RT.-. A. M /iS H AR+MISTRQ, eh T a er f a`. 9 4 giIidlo et Carter's 1591410 ,tore, one deur North Of the Standard Baltic, Iirueoefe, 11•tt MIS$ PER‘E SHAR L PG has passed successfully her seeped ek0minfl non o thepianoforte o f D rtnouth o 1. of t r Department e EO Ons C YaWrY 94Molie and r 1 e d totetaloa pupils at her kgme, Pri9ynss street, week, 1x7 Vl81ta•41Ehof,prieny N"lid Betas 4Ny,01 each DR. 1, T, M' RAE Baohyler of Mediolne,. University of Toronto), Licentiate and Graduate or Elite College Of Phy sioians and SurgeOna, Ont. 1 Post•gradhate Chicago E o, Ear, Nose awl Throat Hospital, 01118a'o, Ill, Ex.flouse Surgeon to SG. 5110h - eel's Eoapitnl, Toronto. Office over F. B. Smith's Drug Store, Tele. phone 009neetion with Oranbrook at 8)) hours, DR, M. FERGU$ON ETHEL, ONr, Phyeloian and Surgeon; Post Graduategourses London (Eng.), New Yerk a1td, Chicago: Hos. pi(als. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. - Eyes tested for glasses, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University , Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of 'Toronto. OOice in Smith Block recently vacated by Dr. Valid. R. M. M'LEAN, D,O.S., L.D.S. Porde, Ont. Honor graduate University of Toronto,. De• lpertinent of Dentistry ; Graduate Boy al Col- ege of Dental S1rgetne of Ontario. At W rqx• Ater every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Moe in Grand Ventral bloelt, -At Fordwieh every Friday forenoon. Office in : Gerrie to Lero)1'o Block. 21 -em DR. WARDLAW Honor 'graduate of the Ontarto Veterinary Collet e • Daysnd nlgljl•ealls. Oftloe opposite L' Jur MI11, Ethel. Qxtaxo roame Baa. lrar BRUSSELS. Gotha Soosu GOING NORTH. Mail ' 7:07 a in Express 10:65 a m Express 11:25'a in Mail ' 1:59 pan Express 2:55 p 1n Express - 8:62 p m iocat ileum Items` 1 n 1 iluron Fall Fair i Oct' &6. Ib 5 will he 11 "whoopee 25 CEN'!', iq advance gets Tits PONT to any postoffice inCauada for balance of 1911. 'Now is your chance. A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two days from. bowel complaint, was mired by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic,. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale'by all dealers. ' . Cur THE WEEDS. -There are some properties in town' with a luxuriant crop of weeds that should be cut and de- stroyed at once. It is not much use for other people to seek clean cultivation with such seed beds ready to destroy all the good' accomplished. Cats and bruises nuly be...healed. in .a- bout one-third the time required by the, usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, It is au' antiseptic and 'causes such injuries to heal without maturation, " This lith-' rent also relieves .staleness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. For :sale by all dealers. _. TRousLE AHEAD: -There are a tew boys in town who are going' to make •trouble for themselves by annoying al - :Most everybody who comes in their. 'way, often are very insulting:in their con- duct. Chief Oliver has' been given the names of some of'iliem'andunless better •behaviour is promised there is trouble ahead. That kind of performance un- ,ehecked is sure to end badly for all con- cerned'. Take the hint and quit. • CURFEW BELL. - Owing tothe disgrace- fuloccurrences which have takenplace a p.a e i11 various parts of Owen Sound (ate at night the police have been instructed' to See that every child: under 14 years of age shall be off the street at the ring of the curfew at 9: o'clock. The principals i5 many scenes that would better befit aome.tenderloin district are mere child- ren t2 and 4 years of age and the mai ter became 'So large, that- the Mayor issued orders to. the police to take the matter up. vigorously. Stomach Modlcino Is Woloss. Irnpossible to cure :catarrh . in the nose byt'dosing 'the Stomach., Send .the healing vapor of Catarr ozon e after the germs and you: at once ac- complish ' good. Any case of catarrh ih-curable,=all that's necessary is to, inhale Catarrhozone-You stop,hawk- ing, Nostrils are cleared, throat is healed and freed of phlegm : every vestige of the trouble is forever driven from the system. If you want per- manentoure for catarrh, throat trouble or bronchitis, Catarrhozone is a stand- by. Two sizes, 25c and 51.00 atoll dealers. . Miss Julia ,Sharpe of Ingersoll, was holidaying here fora week with relatives and old friends.. Miss Sharpe has,oec. cepted'all- engagement as travelling companion with Mrs. Kennedy. of Pittsburg, Penn a lady of means and after a brief sojourn iu Muskoka they will toter the British Isles, and the Con ttneut spending a year or more on the trip. Aequalntanee was formed at the Rest Home at Toronto where Noise Sharpe was in charge and Mrs. Kehnedy a patient. Miss Sharpe should fill the bill to a nicety aid '1 HE Pose' hopes to chronicle some of the sights and scenes. witnessed in the jottrneyings.' RtcsrTtON AT RoOKWOOD - On 'l hur,day August 3rd. tine Rev, Orlando Jolliffe and Mrs. Jolliffe arrived home' from West China wherethey had been laboring as miasiontifies for the past seven years. On Friday evening a reception was tendered them at their parents' n•esidence. Rockwood. The lawn was tastefully decorated with Slags, streamers. and Chinese lonterps, Although the affair was Ander the•sus.' piCes of the . Methodist Church, the gathering, was not confined to that denomination. Rev, .W. H. Douglas. delivered a short address suitable to the occasion. An address of welcelne to the travellers was delivered by 1, 'P. Wood, of Brussels, a' former •resideneof Rockwood and an old friend ' of the tat -tidy, In his reply Mr. Jolliffe gave the company an idea of the conditionsndition s of life i1( China and spoke hopefully on the fulere of the ;Chinese Empire. 10 the house was displaved ae address in Chinese characters which bad been pre' loattlug.men of the city 10 which they ata slat1ou44, pov, Mt'.. Avison, M, A.:'c1C Guelph. delivered a hfief•; hu; • e- r situ ad b which � 1 y i Aa a assled his lxtt g audleu00 to wish to hear hint agaili. A very oaierthle•fealet11 of the evauilg w11 tha glumetl Hafns Again” by Mesdames81(1(1(44 aad' Pimp mer, and Townes end Carp l'1 LtttlCile,ln t •e t I close F program.. was served l the n e o the r am. a l h r i g Rev, and Mrs loll Oa are expected to vt it 91 the bottle of 441. Wood fat us tels,'wbirntlie tevereud gent tempt' may deliver an Ilddress o11 Chine i 'Buy it uotv,' Now is the time to buy , a , bottle. of Oltwnlbe'lailt's Colic, Cholera and bi(trrhneitBernedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the Surnn1er 101) 00. This rented has no superior. Far sale by all dealers, 38 YEAas rum -31 years ago on Aug. usi est the present proprietor purchased 'for: PQA1, 11014(1n 11114 beau eslab,lis11e4 by McGill)ctiddy fires' in 1873 • During the rop'dly Fleeting teals many changes have taken place fwd very few it4'tlre hit,' ties, people of Brussels are here with whom we pet acquainted in 1880. A• m'd4) 11c vnryiug acmes '('ug PONT has urnopel ed Butt talk; to s wider con. st)tuenee to day than in tont Defied of its history. We have been favoleil With gelternus 0appolt and ')n return have eteleavore,l to supply a newspaper worthy of the same The proprietor ` is e•ate nl elifester:41s hik 1t the 1( n warm friencl,,Iiip4 estabtiste.d ,lace 'ar. Hunted the L,luunal chair Of P11It Po,'o' The Origin Of Gall Stones, 'they -are simply dried bile, made up of crystnllitie constituents of that fluid, Very common is this disease among 'nets:bents, clergymen, shop girls and those of sedentary habits. 1't evenUofF 'consists in maintaining °tercet action of the liver third bowels, '•1lTjoii iy "Geeta ii4CLiirl',1l4,l4r1i Hamilton's Pills. No pet son using this medicine need feta• gall -stones, nen' will they ever be bilious. Sound digestion, wind appetite, a clear color Will evidence the health giving pruperitie9 of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are the safest and best for general family use. 'Insist• onhaving only De. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, •25e per box : at all dealers. ItIm o' HAkn '1'0 1EA'I'.--toe family or Win an rs. ArinstronLwhose too farm. adjoins Brussels on the L an, has a unique and not. easily equldlt d record along scholarship lines. Out of a,fnmily of 2 daughters end 5 sons, the oldest of whom is oily 25 'years of age, 6 have already obtained and Class Teachers' certificates (two of them this Summer) and the youngest 460, is beading the same way having. pissed the, Entrance. Four of the boys also passed the Matri• • )at1011 exam,Ma ions. It is certainly n Ltr t li" creditable t story and shays- what. steady purpose and close appiicatio'n hacked up by toed level heads may do. ' Mks Jean and Tom will likely attend the„Normal School next tern at Straford and Harold will pursue his studies for a - 1st Class certificate 'at a .Collegiate. We congratulate the young folk on their sttainmeut and hope it work prove an incentive to others to work and win. ut9Ts1c'r MEETING. -The Financial district Meeting of the Wingham District will be held in Ethel Methodist church. Thursday. .Sept. 14th, at 9 3o a. m. At 30 p. m. and 7.3o p. m. the annual S S. Convention will be held. A good program is i11 preparation. On Sept. 'rSth, at 9 a m„ an Evaugelistic Con- ference will be held. when the following topics will be discussed -"Evangelism," Rev. FA. Oaten Ph. D. 'The Pastor: His Own Evangelist.” Rev. T, 1. Dur- rant. "What Our District can do for Evangelism," Rev. H. T. Ferguson, B. D. 25 minutes allowed each speaker to introduce his topic and 25 tnioutes forgeneral eneral discussion of each theme. All ministers and lay delegates are urgeded to plan, to stay for . Evangelistic Con- ference. Rev. J. H. Hibbert, of Gerrie, is Chairman of Wingham-District. , Jamestown • OsITuray.1-.--The. late Rev,Donald Strachan avho died at his ome on 1Yarmonth street, Guelph, on August 4th, was a native of Argyloshiro, Scotland, having been born atCatup- bellton, on May 2910, '1827, and was therefore i11 hie 85th year. At a very early age be began to teach • school 'fn llislrwn shoe. He subsequently ,at- tended .tehde Normal School in Edin- burgh , and had t'lie hi(h,privilege those year's -of hearing such then as' Norman McLeod, Chalmers and Guth- rie. When he came to this country' he settled in Middlesex County, tak- ing up his residence in Glencoe and teaching school during the week and preaching to the few families settled there on Sundays. Through his labors the Glencoe congregation was organized, Desiring to give his whole time to tire' ministry, he went to • P131tATI ER ONLY CHANC W as Cured by Lyd i'a E. Piu k=p bam'sVe etableCom pound g Lindsay, (Set -,. I think it is no more than right for me to thank Mrs. Pinkham for what her kind advice and Lydia L, Pinkham's Vegetable Com• moe WW. I' rote to her Some time ago I was a veer sick woman. Buf- fering from female troubles. I h a d inflammation 0 f Um female organs and could not stand or walk any distance. Atlast was confined to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do, A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, I feel likeanewwoman. mmostheartily recommend this medicine to all women who suffer with female troubles. 1 have also taken Lydia. E. Pinkham's Liver ;Pills and think they are fine." -Mrs. Fn eivlt- >nsLEi L OSktaj, Ontario. We cannot understand wh-y o8tle"u- will take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly half-hearted exist•. once, missing three-fourths of the joy of living, without first trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound. For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, inflammation, ulcer. ation, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indiindigestion and nervous prostration. g Queen's College, Kingston, taking the full theological course, and on gradu- ating was settled in-Hillsburg, in Wellington County. His.tninistry ex- tended through' most of Erin and Garafraxa townships. After the union oft 1875 he was called to Rock- wood and remained there 21 years. In' 1897 he retired to Guelph and con- nected himself with St. Andr'ew's church, where he entered into all the life ancdinterest of the congregation, was in the true sense a valued mem- ber. Ile was twice married and leaves behind him his wife and four sons and four daughters. The funeral of the late Donald Strachan, took place Mon- day morning from his late residence Yarmouth street, and was largely at- tended. Rev. Mr. Crozier, of Nepawa, Man„ conducted the service. Pall bearers were K. McLean, Sheriff Allam, Jaynes Anderson, Col. David- son, Won. Stratton and Colin Camp- bell. Thos. Strachan, of this locality, is a cousin to the deceased. Rev. idi'. Strachan had visited here on various occasions. Seemed to Oive Him a New Stomach "I suffered intensely after eating dud no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpetors, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "Thefirst few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising 'elle and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." 'For sale by all dealers. Blyth There is a good crop of flax being harvested in this locality this seasbn. L 0. 0. P: Hostile GRAND -ASTER POPLESTONE,-T1IO I, 0. O. F. gave a reception 'Thursday evening Aug. 17th to S. A. Poplestone, of Blyth, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge I. 0..0. F. f Outari• in hong • o r of his 4, 'recent election to that_position. Headed by. the Citizens' Saud of London, a. procession of Ocldfellows, followed by the guests in antomobiles, marched to the school grounds, where about two thousand people gathered' to honor an Exeter Old )3oy and member of the Exeter Lodge, No. 67. The chair- was taken by . L. E. Dickson. Acting Reeve Levitt gave au address of welcome on behalf of the town ; J. G. Stanbury, 13. A., gave SINGLE HARNESS•' Oak Tanned Leather, up- to -date style of Trim- mings, all our own make,. and the prices will suit goof (quality considered.) We will build to order any style of Harness you may want if not already in stock. Trunks, Satchels, Rugs and Dusters Large Assortment of Shoes in stock' to choose from and prices lower than the lowest. Let, ns show them to you. Two Sets Second Hand Single Harness $4.5'o & $6,Oo LC.TR.ICHA R an whinge/ of welcome on behalf of.the, lodge.t . Grand aske1P o oaka er. re- plied rhe,ytnd thanked the people fee Wy- lliert1 this the gzwdo io rrtlou ht' lord aver Been, He paid a high Li•ibnfa to hie mother, who is ail le teemed resident of that tom), n , ttlzd w11010 he said bud stood behind hien 1tLl 't ee and ' al tr m n 1 )raspiretl hhlz on In hie ltir P11,06 G7'1044(1 Master Blewett, v 14 0 of 9ttal50 I cl gave a wn address on Odtlfellowehip After the speeches a band concert ryas held A raised 010o1I0 was 1:1(118 and decorated with bunting anti Sage for the occasion. 15114751547, OF S. T. MoKnsNoN.-The remains of Sidney MacKinnon; who died %chile in Loudon, England, were laid to rest Monday of last week Pro- fessor Gaudier of Knox College con- ducting the funeral at the home of the detteased, 482 Avenue road, Tor- onto. T. Wahnsley, Mr, Schofieltr, John Knox, (Hamilton), S. trees, 1Vm• Guthrie, and J„7, were the pall -bearers, and the chief mourn - eve included "Edward A. Miles (sen,in- law), Sidney MacKinnon Miles, Lan g - ford Miles, 7. S. MacKinnon, Af. A. illcNau hton, D. J. MQNlutghton,:•D. J. I8lacKinnon and Rosy MacKinnon, HOME AGAIN FROM EUROPE The following ace impressions of D. M. Ferguson, of Stratford, a former Brueselite, who visits the Continent a couple of tinges each year purchasing goods for iris large store :-Duncan Ferguson of the Dtinean Ferguson Company. Litnited, has returned from his fourteenth, annual purchasing trip to Europe, in the best, of health, and with ti lisp of put (Muses that he is sure will greatly please the patrons of his large establishment. Whilst the ob- ject of his trip was business and the rniitL y,',T,rt• of his time was taken up 111 violtiug the`leii•`•!!', ,markets, he had an opportuliity of vt4,ie`353 g the Coronation.•- • As the guest of George T. general passenger agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, he had a splendid view of the procession from the offices of the cotupauy in Hotspur street. Ile describes it as of unsurpassed pomp and randeur, in which medieval P g P and themodern were wonderfullyin- termingled. He was particularly im- pressed by the manner in which the whole people -even the poorest -join- ed in the rejoicings and festivities as betokening the confidence in and re- spect they had for the mouarehy. This was interpreted by some writers to it feeling born of the hope that has dawned on the masses as the result of the beneficent legislation in their in- terest in recent years and confidence in the constitutional monarchy to give it effect. That both the King and Queen are popular apart from the positions they occupy was made plain on all sides. The feeling is that they personally have the well-being of the whole people at heart. Never-be- fore everbe- fore bad he heard such hearty cheer- ing 1s:alollg the whole route of the procession, or seen any better order maintained. The metropolitan police deserve all the credit that was accord- ed them by visitdtrs. As an exarnple to the world of the unity and power of the British Empire it was 0 magnifi- cent success. When Mr. Ferguson crossed over to the continent he happened to be in Berlin when the German cruiser "Panther" arrived at Agidar in Mor- rocco and the "incident' became the leaning topic in the press of all Eur- ope. The way in which the German merchants shrugged their shoulders over the criticisms in England and France indicated that they expected is none o trouble. Trade to good in Germany just now and there is a strong feeling for territorial expan- sion, if not in Holland or Holguin'' by colonies in Africa or South America. They wanta field for the overflow of their population and Morocco would do in the absence of a better field. • Mr. Y m Ferguson is ver much 'impress- ed ri ed by centralizing methods of British and continental manufacturers. One sloes not have to scurry all over the country for the same line of manu- facturers -they are concentrated in different cities. Lace manufactur- ing, for instance, in England, is con- finedn 1 flit in ham dis ei the N t trot and t g on the continent to •Plauen, Saxony, the largest lace centre in the world; Leicester, in England, for hosiery; Berlin for mantles ; Kemnitz,, Saxony for gloves and hosiery of cotton and silk • St. Gaul and district in Switzer- land'for embroideries. There are few factories on the con- tinent for the making of these things. They are almost wholly made in the homes of the people. It is just lately that power -driven eulbioidery ma- chine has given an impetus to factories. Hitherto there had been nothing but hand work. Now the machine is playing a larger part. Formerly it was possible only to get a piece of embroidery four yards long, 101 em- broidery can be gotten thirteen and a half yards in length by reason of its being done automatically. At one time a lace maker had to stand and trace out the embroidery design as a wide to the forty odd needles follow- ing the skald pattern ; now there is machinery to do this tracing. At these centres of industry, a buy- er uyer putting up ata hotel for the night has his name registered 011 a black-. boad. „Ir1( the morning,'" said Me. Fergu- son, "there are fifty merchants out- side you'. door." This snakes it easier, for the buyer to communicate his tytth15 and for the sellers to supply hiu1, The building up of these large .cities by each specializing on one line of manufactures greatly impressed 141r. Ferguson, who saw in the system the economic advantage to the buyers of the world in' going to these centres. He thinks it could be employed to advantage in Stratford, where the have made a splendid start in creating a furniture manufacturing centre" 13y specializing along this line the city }nay become the point which furniture buyers all over the country; will seek its the sottece of their supplies. Paris, of course, Mr. Ferguson pisit- 41 as; the centre of fashion, but not of factories. Everything these is hand - Made and largely in , the homes, There are 250 Hrm8 manufacturing artificial flowers, but not ,a eIng'le „Aower'.nla tin •' l feetory, fw t L , TGs 1 4r Y i 1e )ll- dividiralitypyi,. into rtbp"`jlansJsvinjt that, It IS eininled, 54409 P18418 lite rep,, utation Ity' Alto .ot'e1Gor .of fashion 1)1 ,WOlneli'fl wear, IBnt Hie great aL Gr do cantra of t1 e world Is L odea e o r , Here are whole - ,sato houses in the different lines 4411 grouped ed in s e c ro ns which e h 'flakeses pur- chiming oomparetively easF. And you can get have everything yen saw 1 deWFl le ' • e with only a small Lormnls- sion added. Nearly a hundred year's ago Napoleon described HI/gland as "A nation of ahopkeepers." They are the world's shopkeepers to -day ane- pplying every want from everywhere, ]fve1l Americangoods can be bought -cheaper there than in the Uuiteci States, NO MORE DANDRUFF Jas. Fox 'Knows what Is Mak- ing Clean Scalps In order to rid your scalp of filthy dandruff' you must kill the germ, There is a hair dressing called Parisian Sage which is now sold in every totvir in Canada. Itis guaranteed by las. Fox to eradicate dandruff, stop fail}ng hair, splitting hair and scalp 1 itch inwn� t weeks 00 money. back. If you have dandruff get a large 50 cent bottle to -clay and rid yourself of it. Renember that if dandruffierms are not destroyed in time, the hair will surely fall out and baldness will follow. •4 •• e • • e, •a 4 a • • Nauu'II • • • • a • • • • ♦ • • • • • 'to hand • ,t • • HAVE ONLY •• TO BE SEEN TO o 13E ADMIRED • Sold at • • • O ••• 0 • • • • O • • O • 4 • Popular Prices i• Call and see Iheut, • • 4 i • • W P.Fraser • Merchant Tailor 4 ••• •♦••••••e•••••se.•,••••• Grand Trunk • Canadian Nationala i • R'y System Exhibition, Toroatn i 4 "•`, ANGLE FARE August 26 to • .y> iii -,Tin charge 26cSept. 9,inclasive •e• ; - • FROM ALL STATIONSt 1lW„CANADA WEST OF CORNWALL AND ?:'AWA 48 • SPECIAL LOW RATES AND Milo-SERVICEON CERTAIN OATES • • • Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A.;~'i1u8 Tbronto ♦•••e••ee•ee•e41.•e1011/e41••104• ••••••••••••••e4040.4444.1114*** .7.'•••+••••••r•d•••lit••4'•a•••F♦•l••••••••••f•♦•II••'P••••••••••>+efil +•••a-• e + • 4, • • • We are always best satisfied when our • customers are best satisfied. That's one 1 reason why we always like to talk about, • Koclaks. The Kodak goods have quality + . written all over them. •• KODA KS • • made and popularized amateur photogra- +. phy. They have always led in improve- • meats in new ideas. We carry a full line. They are not expensive -$5.00 up, +♦ We'll be pleased to show the goods. ,1 J. R. WENDT, Jeweler and Engraver, Wroxeter e + • We like to Talk Kodak i'♦+•+•+•+•+•+•+♦+•♦•.0401+•+•+♦•N•+♦+••i••+44+•'1'•+4+40+•+40+ • + • + • • • •4 • • i •+ ♦ • •+ • • + • • + • SATISFACTION ASSURED The Toronto Millinery Parlors Were opened for this season, according In to announcement, with an elegant display of Fashion- able Millinery. Misses Sanderson & Carr Wish to thank the Ladies for their attendance, their compli- ments and their highly esteem- ed orders, If you have not seen our display call in. • • 'l- 0 .4. • + • • s -p • • .4▪ .. ,4. • • '1- • • + • + n • 4. • + e 4 • + 4••+•+•+•+•+•+•+♦+•+•+••1'•+•+•+••1.•+••1••+0+e4.04•4e'4••+e•1+4/4.4, 0 CanadianExhibition National Ex ><bition Angust 26th - TORONTO - September .11th CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Lk Steck mil ABrisaihrle— Alt --Gems from Euro•Mamlfactores Greatest Greatest show on Contin- peen galleries -masters display ever shown in end Special Prizes of from best collections In America! Goods man - $800 each. Increased Canada and United• ufactured while you Prises in all classes. States, wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS Festival if Empife—Pictur- Coldstream Gaards Band— War Beneath tea Waves'--• ing the glories of the Cor- Musicians of the Royal ' Showing a battle between oration ceremonies. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a performers in, uniform. permission of the King. Submarine. HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS e.,V,R A kcltatta--Athletic Sports --Boy Scouts Review-VaudevllIs-Jopanese Fireworks - Twelve Mame Military Bands -Trotting and Pacing Raced, ctn. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS Pot all lint imitation write Moaner I. O ,osit, Clty 111411, Toronto.