The Brussels Post, 1911-8-31, Page 1r
YOZ;. 4o N O. 9
New Advertisements
Brooch lost -Tri* Pose "
School opens -D. 0.Eoss.
Seek to Mofool F, 11, teinith.
School Ones, Fox,
To oontrnetory-A, 1naoEWf11,
Political meetings -A. Hislop,
Pollbicahm twang -Pi, B. bleore,��
Public roetbng Hy. Hennsworth,
Notice to creditors -W. 1.1, Sinclair.
Gorrice ; .
Fannin Am GORHAIE,—Hon,..George
i'E. Foster addressed a Conservative
gathering here Thut'sday of last week.
.Dr. Chisholm occupied the chair.;
James 'Bowman, the .. Conservative
.standard-bearer, was the first speaker'
.and received an ovation, A, H. Mus-
grove, MI P. P., declared that during.
the old reciprocity. treaty, Canada;
was undeveloped, had no outlet ,to.
either coast and had scarcely any
home market. On the: abrogation of
this, Canada was born and theoohntry
• had, since been built up . ,by the
National Policy. Hon. Mr. Foster
wasiv'en a good reeeptionr He de-
claregdthat Canada is' now the most
prosperous country in the world, 'and
asked who in the audience • were cep -
rain that the change would bila better.'
Ile said that Raleigh', and Arggentina'
were nearer' to Canada than,
to Montreal, the distance . being
measured by freight rates. Canada's
markets would be invaded by countries
butside of the United States that ex -
'ported $655,000,000 of farm prochibta'
last year. Flighty per cent. of the
$700,000,000 offarm products raised
each year is consumed in Canada.
I Miss Maud Ferguson is .visiting re-
latives at Peterboro' for a few. weeks.
School will re -open Tuesday' of next
week with the new teacher at the
Improvements are being made to
the large bank barn of John Mc-
Mrs. It. H. Ferguson was called to
Londesboro owing to the illness of a
'relative. '
Messrs. McNeil attended. the funeral
of the late Abel Bradshaw, of Morris
• township, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Butch/let, who have
,been visiting in this comutunite., have
left for their home in the West.'
Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Lundy are back
from their vacation ,part of which was
spent at Brampton locality. ' Next
Sabbath bhe pastor -will resume his
regular work.
• Rev.. R,. S. Baker, formerly .pastor:.
of the 'Methodist here, has ta-
ken a year off from the ministry foe
the benefit of his health, and• is .new
identified with , a proposition 'very
largely backed, we understand, by•
W. H, KERR, Proprietor
Canadian land interests. ,Ile is living
A Jartiestown
The:first goat of platter is'riow 'dry-
rngg otr .'the' briek walls of -the new
'Vfctoria..Hal1 and talk now turns to
the,ppening exercises, this Fall,
J. R. and Mrs. Miller were away on
their annual driving tour, visiting old
friends en route and enjoyed a splendid
Thursday evening of last week
several from Jatilestowit locality were
ah fJo1sswoetb to bhe 'Women's
stitute Garden
Tn-stitute.Garden party: ,Good time wag
telxrrted. 'Dougall Strachan was a
soloist for the occa libn.
' Mrs:'George Gibson has gone to the
West'on'a visit.•with relatives for a
few weeks., t .•,.-:•
•,,LastSabbath,efternoon Rev T.
pJopenti,,of Clintoi , conducted a union
service'of tliet Presby tori ari ?aid 'Me't•ho-:'
dist congregations and preached.a fine"
sermon: ,.. .
Harry Moore, of Brussels, son of M.
1d. Moore, V. S., has been engaged to
take charge of .Moleswoth Public
Schooland will commence his duties
next Tuesday. 'The salary ,will be
$640. lic: is
a'' bright, active' young
man who should do well here. •
Goaded to desperation by repeated
taunts that he wale shirking, bis work,
a - young farm 'rand named Douglas,
while employed at a threshing on
Saturday, afternoon near Molesworth,
swung' around on his persecutor' and
sent the prong • of his pitch -fork
through the latter's side. ,Despite the
serious nature ,of his wound, Harry
Smith, •the young man assaulted, re-
taliated '.with' his fists as well as he
'could. The steel 'prong 'penetrated
Smith's left side,' dear the base of the
lung! inflicting a serious wound, which
may result fatally. Certain facts seem
to indicate that the act was premedi-
bated, - for it ie said bad blood bad
existed between the two men for some
time previously: Smith is a son of.
Reeve Smrith,.of Elma, and a married
man, while ths'aggressor, Douglas, is
little more than a boy. and works for
a neighboring farmer. So far as is
known no charge has 'been preferred
against Douglas:
LAWNPARTY.—Thllreday evening.
of last Week the Lawn Party was
held on the Public School grounds,
under bhe auspices of Molesworth
Branch of the Women's Institute.
Evening was fine, attendance large,
supper excellent, program well ren-
dered and the financial results over
$65.00. Program consisted of "The
Maple 'Leaf ". y the company ; selec-
tions•from Listowel Blass- Band who
play in good form ; humorous recite•
tenons by Alex:"'Crerar and Miss 'Ella
Fraser,who ably sustained their form=
er reputation ;, two choice solos
e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a
• s
Se p••
•• d
In order to -increase our sales of Boys' and
Men's Clothing we will give
A Discount of 10 per cent.
e p I.
during the Month of Sept.
Get your boys ready. 0
for School by getting m
one of our
Without a doubt the •
bestmade and the best 1
fitting on, the market.
Lion Brand Label
on every suit is a guar- O
antee that they will
give you satisfaction,
Weare the only peo-
ple here selling this
mak.. We will sell 0'
0 •
• The
• Linn
s inore every season when they are better known. •
• We have sold agood many differentmakes, but we •
• think the Lion Brand for Boys is the best. .Come in ••
0and see this season's styles, and let us tellyou more •
• y .._
about it" New Styles --Popular Prices.
• The Bi Sore
• 'iOttter meetings will be announced
•••q4•••••••••••••9••••••••••••••••••s•••a•••••••••• later,
Highest: Prices for Produce. m.
and encore' by Dougall Straphen, of
:Jamestown. Chairman , was' W, H,
Kerr, of Tap POST On ,inotiop of ex-
Reekn;Ftaeei and Ur,. .314taholia hear,.
ty vote of thanks was passed to all
who.hitil corrtribtlted to the success of.
the gatbeting., lie Wornelt'p, Itiati:,
'tate here is a real live organization
doing'peaote4 ivork,,,for the public
good, " It is a vacuum cleaner'
Will be purchased wloh-a share of the
Proceeds ofThirrsday evening's party
for the use of'the lumbers.
inswprtlt hEthel'`t.,.
Will, 1lsis taken a trip
out West
Connell meeting _here ..on Thursday
of this week.
School will re -open tiextTuetuay for
the Fall terns.
A number from this locality ,'will
visit. Toronto flail •
• MissMina McRae of Oranbtook,, is,
spending afew days with Mies l'pence.
Last• -Sunday Rev. Mr! Hayy'Ibek, of
Teestvater, preached in the' Methodist
church. ..
Mrs; Spence has returned home from
• visiting friends at Toronto, and" Lock:
per N. Y.
M•i's.'S S. C'te'hiae goneto,Beli teby
Park to enjoy a holiday for .a week or
so b 'tthe la
k e s # e . •
IC s,.said:S. S, ,Cole will fit up a
factory' tor the, manufacture of his
patent faeuing.niill.
,Some from this lochlity attended the
Lawn Petty at'Molesworth Thursday
eveuuig of last week. -
Miss Annie Thompson and Miss
Edith Ferguson are „taking in the,
sights at Toronto and Niagara Falls..
Andrew Sharpe, of Crystal City;
Man., has.been renewing old friend-
ships .here. He was a former well
known resident.
George M. Mitchell was at Toronto
during the past week on a Pall 'pur-
chasing trip. He also took a run to his
parental home at Millbrook.
Sara. McIntosh, formerly of Ethel,
is now doing duty in the Standard
Bank at Midland. We are always
glad to hear of his promotions,
On; Sabbath, Sept. 10th Rev: E. J.
Millyard, of Hensel', will preach at
the Harvest Home services to be held
at Roe's and iinio0 churches and also
at Ethel. He's a fine... preacher.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wren and baby
arrived back from their enjoyable
holiday to Belleville and other points
on Tuesday evening. The reverend
gentleman will resume iris regular
services next Sabbath.
A letter from. Thomas Williamson,
written at Armstrong, B. C., on
August 21st, says they like their new
home as it is inore like Ontario. In
the Okonagan valley fruit and vege-
tables fimnrial' in abundance in ad-
dition to grain growing. Among the
vegetables are 'potatoes, celery, cab-
bage, turnips, beets, carrots, etc. Mr.
and Mrs. Williamson moved from Mc-
Leod, Alberta, -to their present loca-
tion. We hope the change will prove
beneficial to Mrs. Willi'amson'shealth.
A number of Italians were engaged
at' the 0. P. R. yards here fixing the
The choir of Trinity Church drove to
Menesetung Park and epent a very en-
joyable time, a numberof theirfriends
accom an in
P y g.
The village Council n ' is issuing
benture's to' cover the expenditure enchture i
connection with the installing of the
fine Rural Telephone system whose
central office is located in Blyth.
HYMENEAL. -The home of J. 13. and
Mrs. Chellew was the scene of a very
pretty home wedding on Wednesday,
August 23rd, when their eldest daugh-
ter Miss Anna Peuri, was married to.
Arthur Ross Egan, junior member of
the wholesale firm J. W. Wilson &
Co., Toronto, . The ceremony was con-
ducted by Rev. E. A. Fear. Bride
was given away by her father and
looked very pretty in a beautiful
wedding gown of duchess satin veiled
in embroidered chiffon with pearl trim-
ming. The
rimming..The wedding veil was of chif-
fon with lily of the valley. The bride
carried a boquet of bridal roses and
maiden -hair fern. She was'unabtended
save by little Alwin Morris, who
made a pretty flower girl iu blue mall:
Miss Pearl Gidley played the wedding
march aocl Mrs. Daviel' Walder, aunt
of the bride, sang a solo. Ceremony
wasperformed beneath a beautiful
arch of cedars banked with flowers.
Guests then adjourned to dining room
which was decorated in cedar and
mountain ash berries,•where,a dainty
Archie Hislop
the Liberal Candidate
Will be held for the discussion of the
Political issues of the day as
follows a—
Moner:ci; Monday, Sept. 4
Giehannan, Tuesday, Sept, 5
Lakelet, Wednesday, Sept. 6
Wroxeter, Thursday, Sept, 7
Oranbrook, Saturday, Sept. 9
Meotipga Wlil opo„ at 8 p. M.
Mr, Bowman,the ho Conservative can-
didate, or hie ye1eesentatiive, invited.
Seats will be reserved for ladies.
• Conservative Candidate in East ,Huron,
Town, ; . Hall, .Brussels
at "
.. r
S da: .
, Sept. 2nd
At 8 p. m.
W T. White Esq.,
• , sq , TorontD
and MAYOR SPOTTONf Win ham
Mr. White will fully discuss the very
important question of Reciprocity.
Ladies 'Cordially invited
M. H. MOORE, President.
repast was partaken, .the tables being
decorated in myrtle andpansies. The
presents were uurnebous and costly
showing the high esteem in which the
bride is held by her many friends.
Gift of the groom to pianist was a
pearl crescent, to flower girl a pearl
brooch and to the bride a pearl ring.
The gift of the bride's father was a
Grand Heintzman piano. Guests
'were present from Nobleton, Laskay,
, nittiLut : •r,n,l ---Thorold. The
bride's travellingsuit was a Light
grey tweed with large blackand tus-
eau hat. The happy couple left on
the 4 o'clock train for Toronto and
Niagara Falls, the best wishes of
their numerous friends accompanying
Dr.'J N. Perdue ise '
tttn his 13 g
s s table
which was buried last year rebuilt M.
Mauls with his men are doing the
work. He had a raising of the timbers
about 20 mei responding to the call
and everything went along fine. He
is leaving the brick walls putting a
new iuside roof 00 it.
Last.Fridaye'vening-'a large audi-
ence assembled in Industry Hall to
hear the political issues discussed.
Jas. Bowman, the Conservative can-
didate, was supported by A. H. Mus-
grove, M. P. P., of Wingham, while
Thos. McMillan; of Hullett, had 45
minutes to champion the Liberal side
of the story. Sonte affirm that Mr,
Bowman would have bad better re-
sults if Mr. Musgrove had not spoken.
Blyth will break about eveu on Sept.
NEWSY NOTES. -Mrs. Alex. McKer-
ciher and two sous, of Howiok, are
visiting with relatives in Galt.—Ray
Carr has accepted a position in the
Bank of Hamilton commencing work
in this branch on Monday.—Geo, and
Mrs. Allan left this week for a trip to
the Coast. --Miss. Minnie Smith went
to Galt Friday, where she will spend a
few weeks.—Percy Wright of the
Trader's Bank, has been bransferred
toBowmanville,—W. and Mrs. Whit-
ney left for their home in Goderieh
Last Saturday. The former has been
employed in the cooper shop here.for
some weeks,—Mrs. R. B. Harris ie at
present in Michigan attending her
sister. Mrs. Epilett, who is seriously
i11.—Mrs. G. P. Jackson is the guest of
her parents, in Toronto.—Mertes and
Mrs. Howe returned to their, home in
Dunnville on Friday.—Miss Gertie
Ross, of Brussels, spent a few days re-
cently with Miss Agnes Black.—Poli-
tical.meeting will be held here Thurs-
day evening of next week, addressed
by Mr. Hislop and others...
MATRIstoNIAL•-The home of George
Howe, was the Beene of a very inter-
esting ceremony Thursday evening at
8.30 o'clock, when his daughter, Miss
Georgie, was united in marriage to
Arthur W. Robinson, eldest sob of
Postmaster and Mrs. Robinson, Rev.
Mr. Collis officiating. The WeddingMarch was played by. Miss Sophie
Robinson. Bride, who was given
away by her father, wore a dainty
gown of white all oyer embroidery,
the orthodox veil and carried d c arrled ashow-
er; boquet of roses, her only, ornament
being a pearl necklet, the gift of the
room. Miss Dorothy Stewart, of
Toronto, was newer ' irk and had an
exquisite dress of white all-over lace.
7. he groom's gift to her was a signet Interment was made in B
ring. After congratulations a dainty
lunch was served after which a pleas-
ant social evening was spent. Mr.
and Mrs. Robinson left on Saturday
morning for their future home in
Battleford, Sask., followed by the
best wishes of their many 'friends, the
bride travelling in a navy blue Serge
tailored suit with bat of black 'and
tan. -
Township rate of taxes for 1911 ,will.
be 3.8/10 mills on the dollar.
Miss Nellie Anderson, of Dundalk,
Ont., is a visitor at the home of James
Anderson, 5th line.
Council is
asking for
t construction of the Blyth
creek drain. See advt.-in this issue.
A number;attended the political
meeting at Wingham Thursday even-
ing of last week to hear Hon. G. E.
Township Voters' List Court will be
held at Blyth Wednesday of next
week, opening at 9 it. in. Judge
Doyle will preside.
Miss Mary Hall left for her home
in Toronto, accompanied by her
mother, Saturday afternoon after
spending . tht•ee weeks with her
Norman A. Hall, of the Merchants
Bank of Canada, Toronto, was spend-
ing his vacation with his grandfather
and grandmother, James and Mrs.
Hall, 6th line,
Invitations nue out for the marriage
of Miss Mary Michie to George Martin,
the wedding to take place at the hone
of the bride, 6th line, on Wednesday
evening of next week.
At the annual Agricultural Fair held
at Outlook, Sask., recently. Robb. D.
Cole, formerly of Morris, and son of
A. T. Cole, 6th line, received lst prize
for hie driving mare and colt.
OBITUARY.—At 6 o'clock last Fri-
day morning Abel Rradshaw, an old
and highly respected resident of the
4th line, was called away to another
world. His death was not unexpected
as he bad been in failing health for
about a year. Deceased was the last
of five brothers and was born in Rud -
510n, Yorkshire, England, on March
5th 1854. He came to Canada in 1857
and after spending about 5 yearsin
the locality of Toronto was married in
1862' to Miss Mary ,Beharriell, and the
young couple moved to Morris town-
ship where they purchased from James
McGill South } Lot 18, Coe. 4, upon
which the home wasestablished. Mrs.
Bradshaw died in 1888 after an illness
of a week. The children ire Mrs. Jho.
Sherrie, Mrs.. W. Davidson and Thos.
I, Bradshaw, of this township, and
Mrs. E. Finch, of Stratford. Deceased
was a very hearty man and knew little
of poor health throughout his life,
He was genial, neighborly, hotiorable
and industrious and had a wide circle
of friends. The funeral took place
Sunday afternoon, .Rev. George
Jewitt, Of Mount Brdges, who was
visiting there, conducting the service
in the absence of Rev. Dr. Oaten, A
very suitable '
n ddrese was based on
Psalm 90 and 12, "So teach us to num,
bee out days, etc.," in which the duty
of number ng was dwelt upon and the
teacher p0 nted out. Pallbearers were
A. Speir, Robt. and Jas, Shedden, W.
McCracken, Neil Black and B. Brewer,
cemetery. In addition to :northers of
the family friends were preeent in the
persons 'of D, Hog and and W. Ad-
dison and wife, of Hallett, and 111.
Finch and eon, of Stratford. The
bereaved will share iu the sympathy
of the community_
R, A. owab 'Toronto
Miss EttaMcDMcNairnald"is as ving friends
in this vicinity.
Jas. Bird and, Bliss A. Steel were at"
Seaforth this week.
Mrs, billing and Charlie returned
from Ingersoll on Friday,
R. L. McDonald and wife are holi-
daying at Toronto and Niagara Falls.
Misses Muriel and Mildred Sperling
are visiting Sam. Campbell to the
Misses Nellie and Georgina Camp-
bell, of Ashfield, are visiting with Jas.
and Mrs. Bird. this week.
Chas. and Mrs. Knight gave a pic-
nic in their grove last week, over 50
of their friends being present.
Mr. and Mrs. Naylor and son, of
Auburn, visiting '
werewith C. and
Mrs. Seel, Mrs. Naylor's'parents.
Mrs. Angus returned to. Toronto
last Thursday after visiting for some
time with her brother, Geo. Sperling.
Miss Millie Alderson entertained a
number of young friends with a Lawn
Party on Friday last, it being her
Frank and Mrs. Pabst, of Buffalo,
are visitors with Mrs. John Gorsalitz
sr. Mrs. Pabst is a daughter of the
Friday evening of this week a Con-
servative Meeting will be held here.
Addresses are expected from James.
Bowman, the candidate, Mayor Spot -
ton, and A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., of
W i ngham.'
Jos. and Mrs. Reymann and son-in-
law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
of Detroit and Miss Millie Foerster, of
London, autoed to Oranbrook on
Thursday and spent a couple of days
with relatives.
Council meeting Thursday of this
Mrs. A. W. Beacom and Miss Laura,
of Mullett, have been visiting at the
home of Robert Pearson.
There will be a large turn over in
Fall plowing if good weather prevails
as harvest is through early.
Mrs. Hays, of Lucknow, is a visitor
with Mrs. Chas. Rozell, 9th eon.,
and Mrs. S. T. Plum, of Brussels.
Thos. and Mrs. Davidson, 11th con.,
are visiting friends at Bluevale and
Wroxeter for a couple of days this
Mise Teenie McArthur anfh Miss
McIntosh, of Toronto, are enjoying a
holiday with P. A. and Mss. McArthur
Bch con.
Next Tuesday the annual Voters'.
List Court will be held in the Town-
ship Hall, Ethel, at 10 a, en„ before
Judge Doyle.
Among those who went West were
D. Savage, A. Dunbar and Robt.
Docket. They will assist in harvest.'
ing_operations and threshing. •
A new ^-emeh't-driving sued 30x40
feet has been built for James Denman,
Lot 33, Con. 12. D. Cole did the
cementart an
and the proprietor P
O. T. and Mrs
. Smith and Jos. and
Mrs. Raymann, of Detroit, were here
last week on 14i i
v s t to relatives and
old friends. They made the trip by
aubo and had a good time.
POLITICAL.—Next Monday evening
a political meeting will be held in
Moncrieff school house, at 8 o'clock,
to be addressed by A. Hislop, the
Liberal candidate and others.
The many friends of Robert Pearson
will be sorry to hear that he has not
been having as good health as usual.
He was threatened with appendicitis.
We hope he will soon regain his usual
Will. J. Rozell, of Detroit, is here
on a visit for a few weeks to recruit
his health which has not been any too
good of late. We hope the bracing
North breezes of this locality will
tone hint up.
Blti Eads.—Valentine Foerster, 12bh
con., has a strain of Black Minorca
poultry not easily beaten. Two eggs
last week measured 6r x 8} inches' and
6 5/8 x 81 inches respectively, a rec-
ord not easily outdone,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, of Seaforth,
visited at Eli Smith's last week. Mrs.
Loftus Stark, of Toronto, is holiday-
ing at the same home. She is a
daughter of Mrs. Marsden Smith.
Mts. Robert has returned to her home
in .Toronto.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stoltz, of New
Dundee, Ont., were visitors at the
home of H. T erinau
y West gravel
road. The visitors"'are� e old friends of
the host and hostess, have spent 4
years in West Africa or a Mission
field and tell many interesting stories
of life on that Continent and the pro-
'gress that is being made among the
black people.
--Last Monday evening Miss Katie
Denman entertained a goodly number
of her young friends to a Birthday
Party,which was also a farewell party
for their young friend Stanley Hutch-
inson who has since gone West to join
his parents at Okotoks, Alberta.
nddgeicingwas. spent in games, music
HomitaviNO.—Among the holiday
visitors who have visited at the
hospitable home of Thos. and Mrs.
Davidson, lith con., this season were
the following :— Robert Ross, of
Zorn, • Robb. . a nd Mrs. 'Davidson and
grandson, Robert Davidson, of Tor-
onto : Bertie French- 01 Toronto `Mrs.
Elizabeth Scott, of +Agincourt, Soar
bora' ; George Elliott, of Agincourt,
Scarborce : Thos . and Mrs. Johnston,
of Carlyle, Sask., ; James Elliott and
Miss Teenie, of Bluevale ;Mr. French,
of Wroxeter.
Last week Stanley Hutehlnson
for. Okotoks, Alta„ to join his favi
Jno, M. Hutchinson, and bluffly
went West last Springq y
very eorry to learn that Wm, ;