HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-24, Page 5.ti fehti'ruYe4'EVAENA 1r.02ErirpvD.T•14 i Young People i �', We cur prepare you for business at (5; , The Listowel Business College 1 1'S We plane our grndaates in positions. 0 1 Our and Shorthand.ur graduates are successful. Two ,, Fall Term 'Sena September 6111. 0 .4 .41. BUSINESS CARDS. K. i'>.i. r. M, Brussel' l'Peut of the Maceabeee, tie. 24 hold their rv Nlur o'tl gs in tile L od + o 'teem, ' event Bl ooh, t the lot and srd rneaday Visitors 't 74 welcouth. urs et w' a once y1eit 1 aye w 1 U d ltd oW . Mo DiltE B H WM. S E 1311 P fVOE OOL VIIIXANOEXI Aso 1BSUER qF 1VIAwwwI1AGE J IOENBES' me. in the 1'ost )ince, Ethel. 85.4 JOHN HARRIS, l.gellt Lowick Ntutual Fire Insurance Company oak's and Residence- WALTON. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAN DI INe0EAN9&, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS, 1 1 i3. 800TT A8 AN AUCTION- . Ran, will sell tor better price's, to. better Wen, in leas time and lose charges than any other Auctioneer in East Boron or ' he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders eau always bo arranged at thle office or by e d pp '•r nal application. i t1:t3AL A;1tl CONVEYANCING. ��I.lvl BlfitJ(4Alli -barrister, Huhmtur, Uouveyaneer, ✓ otary I'ublie - Ac. ire's -Stewart's mock o, or No.. ,u of ,•+•etre.. Hetet e. bwto, lar 10.- Metropolitan Sault. 1)ILUUDI'OU.1',HAYS & KILLORAN b a 0018'Pr.Hd, tenBeI'P Oltd, N07.•AR1Ma PUMA !, ETC, W. PeouoroOT, it 0 11 0, Heys J. 1.. Etr.n''ne•H Oalues-1 boon formerly cemented by Masan Oamerou S holt n one slue. - (01121ie, ALLAN LONE Royal Mail Steamers Autumn Sailings MONTREAL TO LiVERPOOL Victorian ....,... Fri, Aug. 18 Fri. Sept. 15 Corsican - Fri. Aug. 25 Fri. Sept. 22 Virginian......... Fri. Sept, 1 Fri. Sept. 20 Tunisian Fri. Sept. b Fri. Oct. 0 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Scotian Sat. Aug. 12 Sat, Sept. 0 Hesper1an Sat. Aug. 10 Set. Sept. 10 Ionian Sat, Aug. 20 Sat. Sept. 28 Grampian Sat. Sept. 2 Sat. Sept. 80 MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND LONDON Moderate rate service, carrying cue class (second) cabin passengers, and calling at Havre, France. Superior accommodation at minimum rotes will be allotted on steamers for the balance of the St. Lawrence season. Full information as to rates, etc., on applica- tion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Prin. -seaVarartaviervitseertra :ma'''mavaa'9a, 4y-•pcay6,vdmis.dA Fall Term Opens Aug. 28 r In the Popular andProgreaeive g 81 Toronto, Ont., .This :school ranks 11 high among the boat Business 001• logos of th la continent. Proof of this si statement in Pound in our large data- 3W Logue. Write to -day for one. Sal- t nr,es offered our graduates this year, larger than ever before. It pays to get a the beet practical education. Cor. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Ste. Principal. smiNMENININIIIM RUPTURE Cured At your home . without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what our age is W Y g or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age Time Rap,. Single or Double Name,..... .............. ........... Address and return to J. S. SMITH 08 Caledonia 8t. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. Bu8in•a5 Oard8 MISS BERTHA ARMSTRQNO Toaohor oe Plano Studio at Carter's mune 8ter9, one doer North ofhe Standard Bank ues le, 11-81 t ,Br e I MISS PERLE SHARPS 1 hes paused successfully her second examine. f e Pianoforte a r Y h Gen o th P M atm, I t aro4 t on p route Conservatory 01 of Music, and i e are nt v r a Pr e d to Eike pa Its at her dome, 4 8 turd ayre1t, Plsltli Ethel Friday and Saturday oY eaoh week, DR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Nedielne, 17nivereity of Toronto ; Licentiate and Ogadna,to of the Conceite o Pk - sic ns un dSnr none' Ont,•? Pos • rndu to Uhluu o potExr Nose An1roar HqdppICaI feago Ill. FsFuse Surgeon to St. Mich. eel's Hoapital,Toronto. OSlloe over P. li, Smith's Drag. Store. Tela phone oolmeetionwith Oranbroolt at all hours. OR. M. FERGUSO/V ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon 1 Post Graduate courses Loudon (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos• liliose aitSpecial thr sit attention ta01Pe1ifoi'glass 0. ear, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Burgeons, of Toronto. Office In Smith Block recentlyvacated by Dr. Fend. R M. IW LEAN, A,D.S., Gerrie Ont. Honor graduate University of Toronto, De- lartulentofDentistry ; Graduate Royal Col ege 01 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wrox- titer'every Tuesday 'afternoon and Wednesday. Office In Grand Central blook,At Ford- ich every Friday forenoon. Offie in Gerrie in I.ocuh's Block, 21•Sm DR.: WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, argamo YiVie.wx Raizi I'r,'2? BRUSSELS Goma SOUTH ' Go1N0 Nowt% 52x11 7;07 am Express . 10:55 a m Express 11:25 a 01 Mail 1:59 p Itxpress 2;65 pin Express 8:22 p In Prat news 4tents Eo,'r Huron Fall Fair Oct,5 & 6 It win be a 'whooper ' 25 CENT.: in advance gets THE Po,r to any postufBce in Canada for balance of 191 r. Now is your chance. Mrs. Tufts, writing from Vic'oria, B C„ says "It seems very pleasant to be at home again after our long trip and I think Victoria is about as good a place. to live in as I have seen. We have beautiful Summer weather and not too hot." A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers. SHOULDER BONE BROKEN. -Dr. Rol- lins, formerly of Exeter, recently had the misfortune to have his shoulder bone fractured. He stepped on a slippery stone while walking along the beach. at Mitnico and fell striking his shoulder with the above result. EXETER paper says of a former 13rus selite:-August Guhr has secured a large dredgiug contract at Bornholm and starts moving his outfit this week for that place. The family will move to Mitchell next week, As Mr. and Mrs. Guhr have been good citizens we are sorry to lose them but wish them suc- cess in their new home. Outs and bruises may be healed in a- bout one-third the time required by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, It is au antiseptic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation. This lini- ment also relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. STANDING FIELD CROP COMPETITION -Following is the official report of the awards made in the East Huron Stand ing Field Crop Competition :-1st, Wm. Work, Grey township, Red Clawson, 87 points ; 2nd, A. C. Dames, Grey township, Dawson's Golden Chaff, 854: ; 3rd, D. Milne, Grey township, Imperial Amber, 76Ii' ; 40, ,T w, Edgar,. Howick township, Dawson's' Golden Chaff, 74 ; sth, Claris, Eckmier, Grey township, Red Clawson, 73 points, R. J. Hoover's crop was highly commended and 703- poius allowed as was Juo. Crerar's at 67j. The judge was George B. Little, of Scarborn, who went about his work as if he understood his duties all right. The prizes run $15, $ra, to, $8, $6,' $5 an 1 will be paid the winners after the Fall Fair. NOTE FROM GRAND PRAIRIE, -Fol. lowing are some notes taken from a letter written by Moore Bros. to their parental home, Brussels, from Grande Prairie, dated luly i4th, Well it is nearingitgoes in mail time again as s less thn two weeks ow. We are hav- ing some very warns weather and dons seem to be so very near the North Pole these days. but itis snaking the gardens grow as we have had so much rain late- ly. On the 4th of July and for two days after they had sports at Beaver Lodge and aumb reat number took there and g tents camped for three days. We have been breaking on one homestead and now we are 0u a scrip. The land is fine and plows well. hand office opens to•nlot• row down at the town site and there are crowds waiting to file, people arriving every day. We sre quite sure of a town tow the land office is there and that is the:only office up iu this part. the telegraph line will be completed there shortly. rwo lots have been sold for banks beside lots of other things starting up, The Government has also granted too acres right beside the town for a Model Farm Mt. Cromwell, the mem- ber of Parliament for Grande Prairie, was telling theta in his speech over at the sports that three railroads were all coming and wouidbe-here in 3 years. We are having a big Fair at the town the 28t11 and 29th of Sept. Have a fine lot of land amongst us and the proposi- tion still looks good. There are still lots of people coming to the country 00111(10 land is being picked up very fast and if Ute roads were passable the country would soon be all settled but the short road from Edison 15 very bad and the only way of getting over it is either on foot or horse back. A tut of people have tried to 'tet through and had to turn back. I think by this Fall the road Will be made fit to travel with loges, We go to nhnrcb Beery fitndny have not visaed sonde,/ aIn a nom)he1). -I s Mr,Forbes. lh. Hove a film ..l. :mister, k r s e service is bell ill s private hope) but we will liaye a 01)01ell oefore i1Rll• Bad 'o du a let of bnilllug this Sommer tvMelt l i meant IL heap of ewe work.After Oda s r w willnothave90 touch to do. you ) Locxnow Sentinel has ch:singed holds h': r Editor clCencle sellln toMe foreman, iklM g WI. Wraith, rho latter has been in charge for a good share of the owner- ship of Mr, McKenzie and will make good, we have 110 doubt, now that be is telly installed at the helm, We wish 'iia d a most e Sentinel smooth bm an m the S n 1 t g successful voyage under the new cep.. tame , Y Buy it now, Now 18 Ole 111110 to boy a bottle of Chatnbeelain'e Oolic, Choleric and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the Surnnter is over. This remedy baa na superior. For sale by an dealers. PRornitTv TO EE SOLA -On Saturday, 26th inst., at a p. m, there will be offer. ed hp Executors' Sale in 43russels, various lots of property belonging to the estate of the late Mrs lames St ret. ton sr Advt. may be reed in this issue eouceroing the same. R. S, Hays, of Seafurth is soheitor for the Executors. MisuAL. CONTROT, ore being made for another Elocutionary Medal Cnutest in connection ,with Ila Loyal Legion of Brussels, to take place in the mouth of September, 'Those de siring to ewer the 101111)011110n sl-oald hand their names to Bliss Mae Elliott, as early eurulbnent is of advantage to nil conceti'dl, The boys and girls' should enter Heartily into the contest. Pits Your Oaeo Exactly You know how you feel, -blue, sick- ly and heavy. Each morning you waken i11 a doll "dopy" condition and wish it wet e night again. Your liver Is wrong and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton's Pills;, they do cure all liver i11.. At mice the system is re- lieved (hi' potent's, binntl isemriebetl and entitled, appetite increases and diges- Linn picks lip. Health and vigor' re- turn because Di•. hlamilton'a Pills make the body proof against weak- ness and disease. For your liver, your stomach, for the sake of your " looks and Peelings, try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box at any dealers. Oranbrook A letter from R. D. Curry, of Bar River, Ont., formerly of this locality, says he hits purchased tate store and stock of J. W. Collins, of that place, and has taken possession. -His broth- er, Rev. J. C. Curry, of Grundy Cou- lee, Iowa, was there visiting him re- cuperating his health after a serious medical operation at Asbury hospital, Minneapolis. The reverend gentle- man is pastor of alargge and flourish ing church at the above mentioned place. Rev. -Mr. Curry is now a I)., D. conferred upon him last Spring by the Central University of Iowa. Many old friends Isere wish all con- cerned the highest success. Goderich The congregation of West Presby- terian church, Toronto, of which Rev. J. A. Turnbull, formerly of Goderich is the pastor, is building a new church at tate corner of College street and .Montrose avenue, to cost $65,000. Frank - Tom, who is visiting his brother, Inspector J. E., caught with two flies on a 6l oz. rod, at one cast, two splendid bass of the small mouth- ed variety. The first to bite- proved to be a 6 pounder, and the second was of 4f. ib. weight. This is without doubt a record catch in the Maitland river. Few Will Escape The torturing aches of corns. Be prepared, -the only painless cure is Putnam's Corn Extractor. Fifty years in. use and absolutely guaran- teed. Moncrief Rev. Joseph Elliott, of Goderich, took the services in Knox church for the past two Sabbaths. Election talk is warming up as the day for polling draws on. The brickwork is completed on the new ohurch here and the roof 1s on. I t is expected it, will be ready for open. ing early in October. Some pupils of this locality will at- tend Brussels Continuation School on the opening of the Fall term. That school has a great record. The Mann drain is .nearly three quarters completed and is being push- ed along by Contractors Matthews & Harrison who have also taken the job of the Berfeltz drain, 9th con. 1 IA holiday visit is being enjoyed by George McKay sr., with friends at Woodstock, Sarnia and .other points. Although over 80 years of age he is quite smart and even talks of taking a trip to the West. FTI3R 7 YEARS SUFFERIN I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Comp.Oalnd Waurika, Okla. --'I had female trou- bies for seven years, was all run down, and eo nervous I could not do any- thing. The doctors treated me for dif- ferent things but did me no, good. I got $o bad that I could not sleep day or night. While In this condition Iread of Lydiat13. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and began its use and wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In a short time I had gained my average weight and am now strong and Well." -Mrs. SALLIE STEVANS, R. F. D. No. 3, Box 31, Waurika, Okla. Another Grateful Woman London, Ont. -I feel as if I could pot tell others enough about the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has done for me. I was so weak and tired that I could not rest nights. A friend recommended your Compound and I soon gained health and strength and coeld not wish to sleep better. I know other women who have taken itfor the same purpose and they join me in praising it, -MRs. WM. A. BUFFY, 906 Dame $t., London, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham'^s Vegetable Com- pound has surely cured manycasea of female ills, such as inflammation, ulcer- ation, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, back- ache, that bearing -down eling, and nervous prostration. Frank Harrison is away to Nebraska on a visit with relatives. Be is tele- graph operator at Schou, station on the 0, P. R., near Guelph and likes the tvnl•k. G. W. McKay is away to the West. His son, George M., who lives at Abernathy, Sask., has been quite ill with inflarnrilatory rheumatism but many old friends here hope he will soon be all right. The barn to replace the one destroy- ed by lightning on the farm of Geo. McTaggart, 15th con„ is now com- pleted. It stands on the former stone foundation ; is 65 x 65 feet and has a metallic roof. The stabling will be modern and we hope Mr. McTaggart may often have the barn filled to over flowing. J. Petah, of Brussels, made a good job of the barn. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, 01110. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising Ielief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all dealers. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as a rule, be cured by a single dose of Ohamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has no superior for bowel complaints. For sale by all dealers. Grey Township Council Thursday, 24t11 inst. ijcEUNION. A very pleasant reunion took place in Toronto on Wednesday, August 9th, when five sister's, daugh- ters of John Lambie and Margaret Davidson, of Ayrshire, Scotland, and nieces of Rev. Jaynes Lainbie (an early minister and missionary in Pickering and Whitby about 65 years ago. who with three brothers Jaynes, John and Joseph moved to Scarboro in June. 1860) )let after a separation of over 20 years. The brothers have all passed away leaving widows and families to mourn their loss but the sisters are stilt hale and hearty in ages varying from 65 to 76 years, Four of thein were married between the months of December in 1882 and I863 and the youngest two years later. The eldest to Thos. Wm. Johnstone, formerly of Scarboro, later of Grey township, •+•9.9•+•9•••••9•••••+•.•+•+•9•+•+•+•9•'+•9.9.9•+•+.4+ + 1 • • • t M The Great Exhibition of 1911. ESTHE TERN: FAIR W London, Can., Sept. 8 to 16 $28000 In Prizes and Attractions Exhibition of Live Stock The best ever seen in Canada l including ` Many Unique Special Attractions, g AERIAL, mums/. AND HYDRO ELECTRIC FEATURES JUMPING AND SPEEDING CONTESTS BIG DOG AND CAT SHOWS. FOUR S1r.ENDID BANDS A MOST ATTRACTIVE MIDWAY. -BEST EVER SEEN IN LONDON Fireworks Display Every Evening • Reduced Rates on all Railways. Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all other information front W. J. REID1 President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. • •• • 3• 0-4 't .•r •r_4.' t1*+ztkttha' ►rtz't;•+s4,1tit+14.4.4 4z+0 '4.+4+ Oho Woe Wild With Ppin 14D111 WillOW Creek, OrltrnllaRr JJlegel wows i "A few yeas ago was drenched with rain ftntl got anti- ltgn ; it WAS RICO e. steel rod piet'01ug My .biog. I also had earache 4110 wile ju t old vi 1pwin, I applied)livbatting, soaked with lvervillpe to Mycal' and t'tibbed on Nerviline fol. thelulnbetgo, ' 1bb veand t a e That I t in 1'e le d in few 1 g Melee was velNoothellitIeu t could do this." It's the penetrating power of Nervillne that makes it' superior to all other liniments. No. thing beats it, tau. at all dealers, Ot u I f f Huron and nowof Ca • le 1t tl YY , eek. • the sero) to Thos. M'Fac a I fi Lr d c lze t, late of Grey, ()minty of Huron ; the third to Robert Davidson, formerly of ficarbnro, now of Toronto ; the fourth to Francis Sentq late of Scarboro ; and the youngest to Thomas David- son, formerly of Soarbot'o, now of Byueeels, County of Huron, A photo of the five sisters was obtained which will be an heirloom in their respective families, Many pleasing reminiscen- ces were indulged in by the husbands. wives and widows mixed with certain regrets as they realized the improba- bility of such a reunion being possible in their experiences in this world a. gain but with thankfulness for the long lives and many blessings enjoyed byall. James Parr, whose fine barn was destroyed a few months ago by lightn- ing, has put'cilased material for a new building. It will stand on the site of the o, h Id one, the stone foundation re- quiring a little attention before the structure is erected. Mr. Parr receiv- ed $2450 from the Howick Mutual In- surance Co. We are glad to report that, Mr, Parr has a fine crop this har- vest and we hope he may strike tnany fat years in the time to come. Health Depends on Qood Blood Everyone who uses Fereozoue has gond color and great vitality, Reason for this is Fet•rozone's power to create nourishing blood. I was broken down, had no strength and. couldn't eat" writes Mrs. Chas. Benny, of Cloyte, Ont. "My nerves were ir- ritable, I was thin -blooded and con- tinually unhappy. I tried Ferrozone. It gave me new energy, force, visit. It brought me strength- made me well" Greatest tonic and re -builder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes. OUR MONTREAL LETTER. -- With the trade that is offering and waiting to be handled at the Great Lake ports, but which we cannot get at because our steamers, lying there loaded, are unable to discharge their -cargoes on account of the- congested conditions in the grain elevators, it is no exaggeration to say that we, as well as outer local grain shipping com- panies are losing at least a thousand dollars a day, declared a prominent official of a local grain shipping com- pany this morning, speaking on the state of affairs winch with bub one or two breaks, has existed since the pres- ent season of navigation commenced. "What is worse." continued the official, who is an authority on the shipping of grain through the port, there seems to be no relief in sight until the Harbor Commissioners new elevator, is completed next May, and even by then you will find that the facilities of the pout for the storing and handling of grain will not be nearly sufficient to take care of the crops we expect. We know the Harbor Commissioners are doing their best to provide accommodation for the grain coming into the port, but that does not help us. But private firms should be encouraged to build elevators along the water front. With the one building there will be four or five. Still there is plenty of room for more. There is this to be borne in )mind also if conditions continue here as they have been ever since navigation opened this season, and if something is not done in very short time to remedy the congestion, the grain shippers will lose patience, and you will find our Canadian grain being shipped through Buffalo Instead of Montreal. DISEASE SPREADING TELEPHONES According to Dr. Laberge, civic health officer, diseases of the most virulent and contagious nature lurk in the harmless looking transmitters of the public service telephones and in the interest of public health, the doctor has made a report on the sub- ject to the board of control with a view of the provision of some legis- lation looking towards the sanitation of these instruments. People suffering from tuberculosis and kindered other dreadful diseases Dr. Laberge said were just as ready and likely to use the telephone as anyone, consequently it was high time that something was done to reined conditions. The it' to thorough washing and cleaning daily of all telephones was one of the principal measures in this respect suggested by Dr. Laberge. ISRAEL'S LOST TRIBES Believing that the lost Mongolese tribes may be fatmd in the farthest North of Canada, Christian Leden, the celebrated Polar explorer, and Harold Thaulaw. of Christiania, are in the city en route to the wildest and most uncivilized portion of the Dominion. The trip will not be limited only to investigating the habits and antecedents of really un- civilized redruen of the north, but it is believed to be within the range of possibilities that a new passage through the Arctic Sea may be dis- covered a discovery which would lead to new ways and means Of inter- course with the Asiatic nations. The object of their trip is to hent Indians, not with powder and shot, but with cameras, einemetograph machines and phonographs in much Ole same way that the wild animals he has known have been shadowed by Ernest Thompson- Seton. The King and Queen of Norway approve of the ex- pedition and have lent their royal patronage. The University of Chris- tiania and the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin are also in sympathy with this Polar idea and have commissioned MMMT. Loden, who is the general of the campaign, to find crit things £or them, Itis Mr. Leden's theory that there is a rlteiat connection between the In- dians who are above and beyond the %treat Lakes and tits Boonton. , It is not civilized Indiana 110 want 10 study 'd• to �^1 t G 1 n. "v' i e said Mr, J, ap w 11 the u a rl z d � c e the Indian wholives anew Net l' I l an the border elvilizatioo, who has a taste for Phillip mortis cigarettes and appreciates silksocks, b ut ones wt ie h nobody knowsAnything about,Atd w hope t Had one, From they will travel by 0, P. R, stl'aigllt to there 1 e du oto ft's. tla ) on and a1. Ia to n, mp Constipation tri th e root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 25c. a box. the Athabaska Oyer .and 11504,' els °' r c e l we 1 k1 Af , IbaB called the lake, upand ,al across the Great Slave river and lake 1111..0 11)0 northeast end of the country, ��♦ s•••1N•tN•N.•!♦4M1•• O • • 9 4 New dal Suitings ♦ • to hand • • °. HAVE ONLY e TO BE SEEN TO • BE ADMIRED • • Sold at • + Popular Prices • 0 mCall and see theta, •• 0 • • W • I Pi Fraser • 9 ♦ • • .- o • , Merchant Tai los 4. 4. • •••••••••.1.444444•+•÷4. r9k91•d•9•f 0+40+04.044 449.444, II ••b9•h4' • WeLiket Kodak • • • o• • • • • • .q. • • • • •1 • J. Re WENDT, Jeweler Aad Engraver, Wroxeter • 'I •••4••••+•+•01.144 4+•+++04.++.9+•4•+0++•21•+•'A0•1••+•d•• We are always best satisfied when our customers are best. satisfied. '!'hat's 01ie reason why we always like to talk about Kodaks.. The Kodak goods have qnatit Y written all over them. KODA KS made and popularized amateur tr 1 )h to o gra- ply. They have always led in improve- ments in new ideas. We carry a full line. They era not expensive -$5.00 np, We'll be pleased to show the goods. 4. + ••t••••+• 4.1.•+••.+.....•....4••+•••••+9+++000.400++++4'• 4. • • •• • • • + ••• • • • • + • • • •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • TheToronto MiIISnor Parlors • •F d• i • 4. + • Were opened for this season, according to announcement, with an elegant display of Fashion- able Millinery. Misses Sanderson & Carr + 4 + • Wish to thank the -Ladies for • their attendance, their compli- i nrents and their highly esteem • ed orders. If you have not seen i our display call in. • • i'. 0•' SATISFACTION ASSURED •••+•.404+.+904+♦00..040404040.0. NERVOLL LE DgB UUTATED nit YOUNCQ MEN AND MIDDLE-ACCD MEN, the victims of early indiscretions and Inter ex. cesses, who are failures In life -you are the restore to manioc! and revive v can001 ontlsi e c c ' v r and vitality. Don't t i e the spark of encY g up a despair because you is a treated with other doctors, used trams. buts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, bus re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men of those who were down and out," We prescribe specific rem- edies for each individual ease according to the symptoms and com li0nt i n -wo have no o s n patent medicines. This is our ofthe accrete of can- not wonderful spressscribe our les adapt dato eat t 1e for we Prescribe remedies adapted to each individual orae: Only curable came aQ- cepted. We have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY READER Ars oyPoAn vloutiLnMove Jou los t I eome1aruY Iles your bloobeaus ioseasee weakness? Our New Method Tretment will cure you. What it lilt done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Hooka Ftiee- "LloyhoorlManhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) ou Diseases of Men. come.NAMES USED 'WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No namoa on boxes or envel. TREATMEyT ng Confidential. Question List and Coat of Treatment FREE. FOR HOME DRs.KENNEDY 7NEM' Cor. NNichigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. logrNOTI■/�� ra�eet Alt letters from Canada trust be addressed ��o��iY6. to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-, mannatoneniasone meltt in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all lettere aa follows : DRS. KENNEDY ,& (KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. LWrtto for our private address.