HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-24, Page 4454e 4,isselcf.005f i FON MLO NFANS it Q. IL F. HMO WOOF
A Treatment that. °nate Nothing If it
Tk11,f3SHA t1 AI,/0U6l 24, 8911 Rana,,
Political Notes
Nomination Sept. 14th,.
19to Voters' List will be used,
Sir John A. Macdonald favoredre-
cipr0ciryin recto pr odt 1cis.
The Government aides with the mil.
lions, the Opposition with the million.
Wert Huron Liberal Nominating
Convention at Goderich Qu Wednesday
next. week.
�fDotiald Sutherland resigned from the
position of Director of Colonization
toren for the 'Commons.
There is a strain of humor in the
contention that Canadian farmers are
afraid to !ave a larger market,
The Targe number of people visiting
in the West will make it sumewhat diffi
cult to count noses for Sept, 21st.
It looks as if Id, Y. McLean, the past
.M, P„ will not have opposition in South
Huron N:iminating Conveution on the
, 18th inst.
.A gain of 3 votes in each polling sub•
division in East Huron over 19o8 elec-
tion would wipe out the 83 nsaiuritiy
of Dr. Chisholm.
Barrister Morton, of Wiugham. will
be the Returning Officer for East
• Huron. He fills the bill splendidly
understanding the multifarious duties
At Guelph, Henry Arkell, one of the
largestbreeders of sheep in Canada,
said : "Remove the tariff against Cana-
. dian sheep and watch the Canadian
sheep industry grow, I have voted
Conservative for years, but I am for the
reciprocity trade agreement."
Sir Alan Aylesworth decided, prin-
cipally on the ground of his deafness,
which is a constant embarrassment to
him, bo'h in the House and at cabinet
council to take advantage of the present
opportunity to retire permanently from
public life. after six years of public
service as Postmaster • General and
Minister of Justice.
Following are Returning Officers for
the coming election: -
Huron East. J. A. Morton ; Huron
South, Jacob Kellerman ; Huron West,
Jno. W. Yeo ; Perth North, John. A.
"'Hacking ; Pertb South, J. J. Nagle ;
Bruce North, David Geddes ; Bruce
South, William Connell.
Toronto, Aug. 9th Cattle Report
reads •- Three loads
of choice heavy
cattle brow ht $6 25 per cwt. the top
price of the season. While Chicago re-
ports read $7.5o as the top price on the
same day, a difference of $1.25 in favor
of the American market. Of course
Borden's campaigners Say that Canada
does not raise good first-class cattle that
will take the top market. Give us the
market and we will soon show that we
can win out.
Only six Liberal seats in Ontario are
held by majorities under loo. Of the
seats held by majorities under 250 are
the following :-
Liberal Conservative
13raut 215 E. Algoma 41
Brantford 205 W. Algoma 209
Brockville 144 S. Bruce ............ 1e3
Grey 87 E. Elgin 247
N. Essex 82
S. Huron 154 N. Grey 146
W. Kent 82 Haldimand 246
W. Lambton....246 Halton 212
N. Middlesex... 63 E. Huron Sq
W. Middlesex...Ise W. Huron..:62
W. Northul'd...13o N. Lanark 6
S. Ontario.......243 Lennox and Ad-
dington •.154
N. Oxford•...._. 124 Lincoln -.243
S. Oxford 93 E. Middlesex 249
N, Perth......., 4r Nipissing2,
S. Perth ......... 29 E. Northu'ld 196
Prince Edwardt37 North Ontario.. 200
N. Simcoe51
C. Toronto 187
C. York 45
The convention of the Liberal Asso-
ciation of South Bruce was beld at
Walkerton on the roth inst., there being
some 300 delegates present. President
1. Shoemaker, Warden of the county of
Bruce, was in the chair. All the Candi-
dates retired in favor of R. E. Truax,
M. P. P., including G. J. Anderson, of
Lucknow, who bad been prominently
mentioned. However Mr. Anderson
felt that the right man for the occasion
was Mr. Truax, and he moved that the
nomination be given him unanimously.
If a convention the size of this one
today means anything then South Bruce
will be redeemed. The farmers of the
county are deeply interested in the reci-
procity issue, as was shown when they
left their crops in the field and gatbered
from all parts of the riding to the meet-
ing, remaining to the finish and the
cheers that greeted Mr. Truax and the
otherspeakers . Bakers showed that they Y were in
the fight to ruin. The Following were
nominated R, E. Truax, M.
P. P.., Walkerton ; Conrad Krug, Ches.
ley ; M. A. Halliday, Chesley ; D. i.
Shoemaker, Paisley ; J. G. Anderson,
Lueknow ; P. H. McKenzie, Lucknow ;
G. H. Mooney, Ripley I S, A. Rife,
Walkerton ; J. B. Campbell, Pinkerton,
and Dr. Crowe, Chesley. These gentle-
men were.asked for a five•minute speech,
and all withdrew their names with the
exception of Mr. Truax, who received
a great ovation as he stepped on the
platform. Mr. Truax received the un•
artimous vote of the entire gathering,
When the nomination was over two very
eloquent addresses were delivered by T.
Hunter, of Kincardine and P. H. Mo -
Kenzie, which were highly appreciated
by those present,
Barely LIVed Through It
A. terrible experience had Edw. J.
O'Oonnor of Sault Ste. Marie. "From
boyhood" he wt'ites, "I have been a
constant sufferer from asthma and
catarrh. My nose and throat was
always stopped up and I had drop-
pings in the throat, When attacks
came on I thought I couldn't live
through the nighb. 1 would sit up
and gasp for breath and endure great
distress. Oatart'hozone made me
entirely well." No stronger proof is
required. Asthma is curable, so is
catarrh. Use 'rt7atarrhozone .and
your recovery is guaranteed. Two
Sizes, Zoe, and $1,00 at all dealers.
1\'e iyaut you to fry three large
bottles .or Rexall "993" Hair Tonle ou
our personal guarantee that the trial
will net Qost you apenny if it does not
give yon absolute satisfaction. That's
proof of our frosts in this remedy,
arid it should indisputably demon-
strate that we know What 1
e are tail
tug about when we soy that Rexall
"98 .Bair Tonle will grow hair on
bald heads, except where baldness has
been of such long duration that the
hair are entirely dead, the follicles
c need and ro
t over,
the scalp
is glazed,
Remember, we are basing our state -
mento 519011 what
as already
accomplished by the use of Rexall
"93" flair Tunic, and we have the
right to assume that what it has dune
for thousands of others it will do for
you, In any event you cannot lose
anything by giving it a trial on orir
liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50e. and
$1.00. Remember, you can obtain
Rexall Remedies in this community
only at our store -The Rexall Store.
F. R. Smith..
Weather in the West continues to be
moist and generally cool. The most re.
cent crop report -gathered from all
parts of the prairie provinces -indicates
a generally excellent crop, but a lack
of bot, clear weather, the most marked
characteristic of the West as a rule, but
one that has been very little in evidence
this year. About Winnipeg, all crops
are in splendid condition, market gar-
dens and the hay crop being in especial-
ly fine order.
Purchase of the street railway by the
city is still a burning question with
civic officials and the people generally.
Nothing has been decided, but itis ex•
petted that Sir William MacKenzie's
visit to Winnipeg will bring the matter
to a head. Winnipeg street car service
is excellent and cheap, workingmen's
fares going as low as three -and one
eighth cents, while school children are
carried for two and a half cents each.
Duncan Campbell Cameron was in-
ducted into office as Lieutenant -Gover-
nor of Manitoba last Moudsy. Mr.
Cameron is well known throughout
Canada as one of Winnipeg's leading
citizens and a man of fine parts. He
succeeds Sir Daniel McMillan and is a
worthy successor of an excellent offi•
Many American farmers are passing
throegh Winnipeg on their way to land
which they have putchased in Manitoba.
Saskatchewan or Alberta. A party of
200 went through one day this week
and two other smaller parties followed
on the heels of the first. One manager
of a land company bas brought in 400
farmers from the States this season.
Wheat cutting began at the Brandon
Experimental Farm last week. This
was early wheat but the main crop will
be in cutting °ooditioa shortly, par-
ticularly if but weather arrives soon.
The big event of the province this
week is the Dominion Exhibition at Re-
gina. Regina has been crowded with
visitors, and the fair -easily the largest
ever held in the province -has attracted
many thousands from all parte of tbe
country, and, to some extent, from the
United States. In spite of rain. the big
fair has had good attendance and splen.
did attractions In all departments.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture A. F.
Mantle, sent out a strong denial of a
story of black rust on the grain in
Saskatchewan. Mr• Mantle said there
was no truth in this report, although
continued wet weather might bring a-
bout such a result. Since tbe Deputy
Minister's statement was given out, the
weather has been better and all the ex-
perts agree that a fortnight or so of
clear weather will certify the biggest
crop of wheat ever gathered in Canada.
'During the past three months some
twenty-five hundred homesteads have
been taken up on the Goose Lake ex-
tension of the Canadian Northern Rail-
way. This country is rolling prairie,
the soil being chocolate clay loath with
clay sub -soil. There are about two
thousaud homesteads left, which are
rapidly being taken up.
All the West is interested in the an-
nouncement that the contracts will be
let soon for the Hudson Bay Road.
Enthusiasm is somewbat abated, how-
ever, by the fact that many previous an.
nquncements of a like nature have failed
to materialize but since the work must
be done sometime, hope revives at each
mention, and at the last in order no less
than those which preceded it.
Calgary estimates of the July earn•
ings of the civic street railway placed
at o coo. The plant is
the figures
doing splendid work and the city will
spend $27o,Ooo in extensions for 1912
Every district in this province re-
ports crop prospects of the very best.
Harvesting bas already begun in South-
ern Alberta, and the average yield is
placed around thirty bushels to the acre.
Last year's average was fourteen bushels,
and yet Alberta -cities and province in
general made the greatest progress in
the history of the West.
Steel laving on the Brazean branch
of the C. N. R. is being rushed ahead
with all possible speed, Tracks are now
laid as far as 25 antes West of Stettler.
The route plans of the C. N. R. for
the new line West of Macleod, Alta.,
have been filed at Pincher Creek and
show the line to run through that town.
J. D. McArthur, who is the contractor
for the Alberta Central Railway west•
is putting forth every effort on the con•
struction. Two large outfits started
out from Red Deer last week, and will
do grading and a number of men have
gone out to add to the gangs already on
the bridge work.
A bulletin just issued from the Red
Deer publicity office shows that the in•
crease for the second quarter of build-
ing pertnits, in that city, over the same
period last year is 420 per cent. B'reigbt
receipts and tonnage are practically
three times those of last year and ex-
pvess And telegraphs show big increases.
The Post Office returns show increases
of 54 per cent. Returns of the Land
Office: register gain of as high as zee
per cent,
The Greed Lodge of Oilt4u1,2, L 0,
0, F., opened .its 67th animal sess1012
151 Suckle 's Hall on the Rah Mat., at
Niagais, Falls, A11 the atlleet•s and
over 400 remssentatives were present.
Mayor 0. E. Dotes, on behalf of the
Council and eitizens, warmly wel-
comed the body to the city, and as to
nlatk of is colfids
ce, granted them
its freedom.
The reports of Lhe o11Iee,s were
presented and itdnpteS The report
of the Finance Oommittee ehowed a
strong growth ausl that Order In
Ontlrlo Was never in better cotlditiun.
Sixteen 1od6es were isli toto tIming
the year and at the end of June 30,
there were 383 lodges, having a mem-
bership e 1111 't o't n..
her i f 40,000The (stern r a t
sh o
legislation was cbauges to clause 100
Lodge constitution, which
placed the matter of iepresentatives
on district committees in the hands
of themselves with certain li
in clauses 23-48 up(88, mak log the
meanie of these clausee more clear.
A committee was appointed Lo tact
during recess in the matter of revis-
ion of the Constitution of subordi-
nates. Some changes which were ask-
ed for in the districts were made in
accordance therewith. The House
Committee report a year of excellent
progress and clearly show that Lhe
change in location was in the best in
terest of the Home. Some matters
of interest therewith to all members
are the "opening of the grounds to all
members of the order,' a reconuientla-
Iaon that full information as to nd-
utissiuu fees, rules, etc., be o'tir it I
each lodge, that a hospital ward be
opened as soon as possible.
ort n•otk
1"c't ion of the good In a tt n Lt
done by the Patriari'hsg Militant
beauch an appropriation of $500 was
made to assist titers their work.
Nntioe of motion loss given 60
change the first day of meeting of the
Grand Lodge from 1Vediesday to
Thursday, to give the representatives
to Grand Lodge and Grand Encaulp-
rnent an opportunity to attend both
On Thursday morning one hour was
set apart for a service iu loving mem-
ory of the brethren who, after a life
of service, were called away tidying
the past few months -namely, M. D.
Dawson, Grand Scribe ; Ed. Beltz,
Grand Treasurer of the Grand En-
campment, and J. B. King, Grand
Secretary of the Grand Lodge, who
for nearly half a century filled that
office with credit to himself and honor
to his body. A full report of the
service will a be found in the journal of
proceedi ngs.
The felicity -Mg officers were install-
ed into office for 1911-12 :-Grand
Master, S. A. Poplestcne, Blyth ; De-
puty Grand Master, F. S. Evanson,
Prescott ; Grand Warden, Perry T.
Coupland, St. Mary's ; Grand Secre-
tary, Wilt. Brooks, Toronto ; Grand
Treasurer. W. 1. Ms0ormack, Toron-
ro ; Grand Representative, D. Derby-
shire, Brockville ; Grand Marshal, 15.
Crocker, Toronto ; Grand Conductor,
Wm. Lee, Essex ; Grand Guardian,
Wm. Anderson, bit. Forest; Grand
Herald, A. 11. Mattice, Tornnto ;
Grand Chaplain, Rev. John Lloyd,
Among the visitors from other
Grand juaisdictions were :- Past
Grand Sire Pinkerton i • nk rton of Massachus-
ettes ; General Raney, Oommander-in-
Chief of staff of Grand blaster Oooue
of New York ; Grand Reptesentative
-Kingsbury of Connecticut ; Grand Re-
presentative Slater of Michigan •
Gland Secretary Hutchinson and
Grand Patriarch Winters of Con-
necticut, and Grand Representative
Mitchell of Alberta, bearing fraternal
greetings from their several jurisdic-
Letters were also received from
Grand Sire Oockram and the Grand
Lodge of the Maritime Provinces.
The reports sbow a decided in-
crease both numerically and financial-
ly with a larger amount paid out for
relief than in any previous year,
making the past a record term.
Hamilton was chosen for the next
place of meeting.
Messrs. Wilton, Leatherdale and
Black represented Brussels Camp and
Atwood...-. ..... ................Sept. 21 22
Brussels Oct. 5 0
Ohesley . .. Sept. 19 20
Durham ........................Sept. 26 27
Exeter . Sept. 18 19
Gorrie..... Oct. 7
Harriston .........................Sept. 28 29
Kincardine Sept. 20 21
Listowel....... ...... . ..... . • Sept, 19 20
London Sept. 8-48
Mildmay .Sept. 255 28
Milverton .........................Sept. 28 29
Mitchell ...,Sept. 19 20
Bit. PolesL ........... .,.......Sept.
28 29
Ripley .... Sept. 28 27
Seaforth .... ................. Sept. 26 27
St. Marys Sept 213 27
Stratford...... Sept. 14 16
Teeswater Oct. 4 5
Toronto Ang. 20 -Sept. 11 :00.178 in the dollar ; .township rate,
'Walkerton S 19 16 00 26 1: 11 1 1 School
Winghum Sept. 28 29 rate, .00167 ,0 the dollar, was tread a
Sept. fm the coal.,. and Genera c too
Executors' Stele
If the Parisian Sage, the hair grow-
er that Jas. Fox guarantees, will not
cause hair to grow where the hair is
thinning out, nothing on earth will.
And we say to everybody you can
have your money back if Parisian
Sage isn't the best hair grower, hair
saver', hair beautifier and dandruff
cure on the market to -day.
It stops itching scalp and falling
hair and makes hair grow thick and
abundantly, or money back. 60 cents
for a large bottle. Parisian Sage
makes the hair soft and beautiful and
promotes growth.
Grey Council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey met in Township Hall, Ethel
Monclay, August 7th. Members
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and confirmed.
Teethe% for painting Lhe five bridges
advertibeil were opened.
Brown -McArthur. -That the tend-
er of J. A, Hemsworth, at $101.00
and any excess over 105 ft. on the
Botz Bridge and over 35 ft. on the
Mitchell bridge at 30 cents per foot, be
accepted. (tarried.
McArthur-Oole.-That the tender
of W. A. Stevenson for the construc-
tion of Close Municipal Drain at the
contract price of $55500.00 be accepted.
Fraser -Brown.- That the tender
of Ohas. Henry for construction of
Storey Municipal Drain at 85 Ms. per
cu. yd. be anceptecl. Carried.
MoArtbur-Brown.-That Harrison
&'Matthews be awarded contract for
Berfeltz NJunicipal Drain at the price
of their tender, $1605.00, provided
they begin work within a reasonable
time, Curried.
Cole -McArthur. -That if the con-
tractor on the Locking Drain does not
begin work inside of two weeks Clerk
be inotructed to advertise for tenders
to complete the work. Carried.
By-law No. 10 of 1911, fixing the
following rates, viz ; County rate,
Canadian National Exhibition
August 26th - TORONTO - September 11th
Lin Steck aed A=dedUre- Art -Gems from Euro -
Greatest show on Contin- peen galleries -masters
entl Special Prizes of from best collections in
$500 each. increased Canada and United
Prizes in all classes. States.
Manufactures - Greatest
display ever shown in
America: Goods man-
ufactured while you
Festival et Empire-Picter. Celdstreai Guards Band- War Beneath the %m-
in the gloms of the Cor- Musicians of the Royal Showing a battle between
onationceremonies. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a
performers in uniform. permission of the ling. Submarine.
L,Y.R.A Regatta -Athletic Sports -Boy Scouts Review -Vaudeville -Japanese Fireworks-
Twelve Massed Military Beads -Trotting sed Pacing Renes, Rte.
Icor all Information write Manager J. 0. Olt11. Cay Rall, Tomato. '
Brown -Prase:, -That By-law No.
18 of 1011, to assess and ley rates for
County, Township and School purposes
for the year I911 be now read a third
time and: finally passed:. Carried.
Brown -dole. -That the following
accounts be paid. Carried.
Wm. Bray, gravel, $34.50 ; Mrs. A.
Fraser, gravel, $5.80 ; W. 0. EllacoLr,
gravel, $.08 W. 0. Ellacott, commu-
tation statute labor, $4.00 ; P. J.
Bishop, Iamb killed by dogs, $3.33 ;
W. H. Kerr, half printing contract,
$85.00 ; Geo. Brown, to pay shovellers
$2.00: 0. Smith repairing culvert,
$8.00 ; G. Krauter & Go. spikes, $1.05
Thos. Brown, repairing culverts Coes.
18 & 14, $4.00 ; John Evans, repairing
culverts aideroad 5 con. 14 $9.00 ; John
Grant, flooring Botz bridge. repairing
culvert, etc. $10.00 ; John Lowe,
gravel, $32.30: Duff & Stewart,
58300 feet 3 inches amara 140.75 ;
e t e, `b
J. A. Cole, repairing culvert, con. 8,
82.00 • A. McKee, commutation
statute labor, 811.00 ; D. Brown, clear-
ing logs, etc. bdy. G. & E. $22.00.
McArthur Brown. -That we do
now adjourn to meeb again on Thurs-
day, August 31st, 1911.
A. H. blaoDoNALD, Clerk.
A HopsehoId
Father Morriscy's Liniment Should
bo in Every Home
How seldom a week passes without
some member of the family suffering
from a sore throat, chest or back, a burn
or a: cut, a sprain, strain or ache 1
Such troubles will come, but there is
no need of suffering much from there.
Keep a bottle of Father Morriscy's
Liniment in the house, use it freely,
and the pain has little chance.
During his lifetime Father Morriscy
prescribed this Liniment regularly, and
it proved very effective in relieving all
sorts of pains and aches. In Rheumatism
it is valuable as a "rub", when "Father
Morriscy's No. 7" Tablets are taken
internally. Similarly, applied freely to
throat and chest it helps " Father
Morriscy's No. to" (Lung Tonic) to
quickly break up and drive away a sore
throat cold in the chest or cough.
Taken all around it is one of the best
family liniments in existence. Price 256
per bottle. At your dealer's, or from
Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd.,
Montreal, Que. 22
If you have 110 appetite for meals,
can't week, can't rest and are annoyed
with too frequent nrinatiou and a
burning, scalding pain in making
1f at eight you retire, hoping for
sleep that either does not mime oe is
troubled and
fitf u7, y o
have kid 11 e y
trouble a ti d
need Booth's
Kidney Pills.
the guaranteed
remedy for an
kidney a n d
-Wahiee trOt1-
ble. A few
doses of _
Booth's Ki cl-
ney Pills will wake up the sluggish
kidneys and regulate the urine Con-
tinued treatment will cure' and heal
the weakened Mans:ye arid restore the
appetite in the natural way. 'Sold
evety-where 50e a box, of postpaid
from the 11. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort
Tyrie, Ont. Free trial gent on applica-
of Village Property
Under instructions received from rho Ex-
ecutors of the lest Will and Testament or Jame
Strettou, deceased, there will be sold by pub-
he unction, enblos or in separate parcels as
hereinafter specified, by Mr. Thonuts Brown,.
auctioneer, at the Stratton Block, 1n the VA'
Inge of Brussels, in the County of iluron, on
Saturday, the 26th day of August, 1011,
of two o'clock 10 the afternoon, the tollawing
lands :-1st-4Psrt Lots 12 and 10, on the West
side or Turnberry street, in the said Village of
,Brussels, onwhich is created a brickblock of
stores. sad -Lots 20 and 80 on Elizabeth Street,
in said Village of Brussels, 011 which Is erected
a dwelling house. erd-Lot BPA, on the West
side of Turnberry street, in sold Village of
Brussels, '4th -Lot "b" on Queen street, In
said Village of Brussels. 6111 -All other lands
belonging to said estate.
Terms of sale -Twenty 1201. per cent, in cash
on'day of male, thebslanee without interest,
to be paid within one month thereafter, when
the purchasers will be entitled to conveyances
and to be let into possession, subject to all ex-
isting tenancies. Further particulars and
terms of sale will be made known on the day
of sale or m¢ be had in the meantime from
y e t
the undersigned,
Dated the 8511 day of August, 1011.
Auctioneer. Executors' Solicitor,
8.8 Ssaforth, Ont.
The People's Column
T130R0'-BREI YORKSHIRES, either sex,
at breeding age, for mile, Also 2 young
Shorthorn bulls, 0110 of them 1st prize whiner
at Brussels Fair. JAS, SP101R, Lot 20, Oaf. e,
Morrie. Box 270 Brussels F. 0. Phone 100,
AT A BARGAIN. -W111 dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, at $850, a great
bargain, in order to aecnre quick sale. Rey
may be Mid from Sir, J. Leckie.. Fa• further
particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the under-
signed. J. H. CAMERON',
10 St. George St., London,
stable, well, &o., and 2 acres of choice
land for sale in thu Southerly part of Brus-
sele. Immediate possession can be given. For
further particulars apply to F. S. Scott Brus-
sels, or JWO. MOARTBUR, Walton P. d.
undersigned tt'l11 keep for service on loo
20 Con. 2, Morris 'Maple Grove Alphonso
at1i,"=82686= bred by B. S. MaDiarnlid, Nin gal,
Ont. Terms $1.08 cash. Have also a Yorkshire
bug for sale ata bargain.
8.4 W. S. 1f0itREs'r• Prop.,
Phone 116 JaiiestuwliP.0.
WARM EOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. 14,
McKillop township, containing about 1.12
scree, all cleared. On the premises is a brick
house, bankbarnwith hog pen combined, and
a new power mill for pumping, grinding, &o.;
also good beating orettar.', chiefly Spys. Land
is in extra good state of cultivation, having
been propped light and large stock of both
hogs and cattle fed on It for years. Farm is
situated N, miles from school and 2 miles frau
Walton O. P. R. sbttion. For further portion.
Mrs write J. 1t. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or
on p
apply the realises 46.15
Alihl FOR SALE -The 100 acre farm, he-
w-ing the property of the hate Peter 14sNeti,
00128 (Jon. 1.1 Grey isoffared for sale by the
undersigned. There are 88 :Lures cleared, bat.
ance well timbered. On the farm there isa
fnod bank barn,. large driving shed and a com-
ortable house. Pluee iu good condition and
well fenced. For further particulars apply to
JAB. A. 1ONAII% or JAS. D. MoFTAIlS, Exee-
titors, Oranbrook P.O., or F. E. SOOTT, Brus-
sels. 4-tf
FARM FOR SAL M -The undersigned offers
r for sale, his 100 sons form, bein • Lot 110,
w Gacres rey.
5 aAbout 70 81iacres seinswamp,er n Fal wheat, ed
e down. Fl plowing being done. the
farm iso rmohode, bank
a barn, gt,
good ,chuachddrilled
well. los to post.office, church sedWheel. For fnrtbempartio-
lnra apply to 101M OSBORNIE, Proprietor,
or F. 8. Scott, Brussels, •
FARM 31011 SALE, beingSouth half Lot 26,
Con. 4, Morris townsh, Btu'on Oo., eon -
taming 100
on•taining100 sores more or less.. On the prem-
ises isa frame house. Lank barn, good tn'ehord,
tve11, windmill, &o. .A11 cleared except about
an acre, School IM miles distant. Only 1111
miles from Brussels, 0 acres entail wheat In
and about 60 acres- needed down. For price,
terms and other Information apply on the
prentlaes or if writing Brussels P. O. 'Phone
120. Or P. 0, Saott,l3ruseels.
11.15 , A. L.31156ZR, Proprietor.
ARMS FOR BALE.-.Lots.21 and 22, Con, 11,
es wanton, and Lot 20 on the 10th oonoes•
Bion.. Lots 21 and 22 001nposo'the Gardiner.
homeetead and contalns about 180 acresall
Bret-clamland, well fenced, well rile drained
a,d has 16 sores of good hardwood bush ; good
comfortable buildiilgs With all modern im,
provanents ;plenty of goodsAi•Ing Waterp sad
a good lioaring nrehfir& • Tltis• fa otud or. 1.119•
choicest farms in the County of Huronandwill be 8014•°1 tams to suittirolmsor. Lot
28eoutains'126acres with Ith.maill
l house and bare
all h1 pnsturo und.has.»eon for Yrars There
ere ten acres of good bneh on thin farm. For
further liartleufars apply t0 AL,DE;.. GA11,71114.
ER, Walton P. O., or on the lirdhiiees, Ott
Fall Term
from Au 28
'Phere 10 a great demand upon us for
trained help. 13odnees men state that '
our graduates sre the best, No have t
three departments : - Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy. The
[Moon for six mouths is 455 and
nd f Por one
year 480. Investigation will prove to
your satisfaction that there 1' no bet-
ter Business College in Oauada, Get
our free catalogue NOW.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
Vpvq.'i 12,VAV,y.,ym.•,ra1,W4wC,raaie AN,V,b.'
UMrty Years +
+ de
• Out Seven Colleges have been
j established during the punt 30 ;®
+♦ years. The largest trainers in •
+ Canada. Owing to nuc coutICC- I.
• 11011 all civet' Ontario, we do 4,
+ better for our graduates than 0
4 any Giber School. You may o
* study all at home or partly at .1.
+ hone and finish at the College. •
•N Affiliated with The CnmmerciaL
• Educators' Association of Can- .;.
+ ads. 11 tvonkl be well for you •
Lo investigate before choosing. '
• Exclusive right fot' Ontario of
+ the Wedel -famous Bliss Book- •
• lceeping System, which is un-
• equalled. IL is Actual Business
+ from Start to Finish, and the •
• student keeps sone books as +
p Chartered Banks and Whole- ,1•.
+ sale $muses. Eutee any time. •
+ Jodividotl instruction.
• Fall Term From Aug. 28th +
• Write, call or phone for a,•.
Aparticulars. 0
e Business College
O GEO. SPOTTON, President
Ohre. W. Burns, Principal p
+40+:÷04.24 4H:4,44+4+440
The undersigned has ptu•ebas-
eci the Harness Busiuess of G.
House, 'lawn beery st., Brussels,
who will continue it in Lite old
stand whore he will be pleased
to meet all the old customers
of the shop and many ni'LV
Afull line of both Light and
Heavy Harness and Horse
Goods always in stock or male
to order, Nine range 1)1 Grips,
Trunks, Telescopes, As., to
ehomso from at moderate
Will much apprecialo a share
of public patronage.
Oatefnl attention personally
given to either repairs or now
0 iSY fWi
0"' �
ILAILNLIt34 iIAl lilt ,
_ _____...___
a, Jelly
® � 4111k
?Ifa t
� � "'�-�
J ..
� ,l,
� ' ,,.�
- �
its Strength
b a
No hotels,
And when
' It doesn't
:it gentlYr
t a Brack-no0Nurs.
Bake angthing,
Use Melting
tooth some
Be flourwise.
p puff
m s
nor lumps
you turn
soggy nor
arefull .
cY��` reak.
mn Y
pESe flak
paste -flaky
for anything
r g
al den
it out
pie crust
P. astry.
r u
hold your
m bspongy,
the damp
I II ( I I I
01 tOe «000. M,LtINO OOMP,tar
Toronto Ang. 20 -Sept. 11 :00.178 in the dollar ; .township rate,
'Walkerton S 19 16 00 26 1: 11 1 1 School
Winghum Sept. 28 29 rate, .00167 ,0 the dollar, was tread a
Sept. fm the coal.,. and Genera c too
Executors' Stele
If the Parisian Sage, the hair grow-
er that Jas. Fox guarantees, will not
cause hair to grow where the hair is
thinning out, nothing on earth will.
And we say to everybody you can
have your money back if Parisian
Sage isn't the best hair grower, hair
saver', hair beautifier and dandruff
cure on the market to -day.
It stops itching scalp and falling
hair and makes hair grow thick and
abundantly, or money back. 60 cents
for a large bottle. Parisian Sage
makes the hair soft and beautiful and
promotes growth.
Grey Council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey met in Township Hall, Ethel
Monclay, August 7th. Members
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and confirmed.
Teethe% for painting Lhe five bridges
advertibeil were opened.
Brown -McArthur. -That the tend-
er of J. A, Hemsworth, at $101.00
and any excess over 105 ft. on the
Botz Bridge and over 35 ft. on the
Mitchell bridge at 30 cents per foot, be
accepted. (tarried.
McArthur-Oole.-That the tender
of W. A. Stevenson for the construc-
tion of Close Municipal Drain at the
contract price of $55500.00 be accepted.
Fraser -Brown.- That the tender
of Ohas. Henry for construction of
Storey Municipal Drain at 85 Ms. per
cu. yd. be anceptecl. Carried.
MoArtbur-Brown.-That Harrison
&'Matthews be awarded contract for
Berfeltz NJunicipal Drain at the price
of their tender, $1605.00, provided
they begin work within a reasonable
time, Curried.
Cole -McArthur. -That if the con-
tractor on the Locking Drain does not
begin work inside of two weeks Clerk
be inotructed to advertise for tenders
to complete the work. Carried.
By-law No. 10 of 1911, fixing the
following rates, viz ; County rate,
Canadian National Exhibition
August 26th - TORONTO - September 11th
Lin Steck aed A=dedUre- Art -Gems from Euro -
Greatest show on Contin- peen galleries -masters
entl Special Prizes of from best collections in
$500 each. increased Canada and United
Prizes in all classes. States.
Manufactures - Greatest
display ever shown in
America: Goods man-
ufactured while you
Festival et Empire-Picter. Celdstreai Guards Band- War Beneath the %m-
in the gloms of the Cor- Musicians of the Royal Showing a battle between
onationceremonies. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a
performers in uniform. permission of the ling. Submarine.
L,Y.R.A Regatta -Athletic Sports -Boy Scouts Review -Vaudeville -Japanese Fireworks-
Twelve Massed Military Beads -Trotting sed Pacing Renes, Rte.
Icor all Information write Manager J. 0. Olt11. Cay Rall, Tomato. '
Brown -Prase:, -That By-law No.
18 of 1011, to assess and ley rates for
County, Township and School purposes
for the year I911 be now read a third
time and: finally passed:. Carried.
Brown -dole. -That the following
accounts be paid. Carried.
Wm. Bray, gravel, $34.50 ; Mrs. A.
Fraser, gravel, $5.80 ; W. 0. EllacoLr,
gravel, $.08 W. 0. Ellacott, commu-
tation statute labor, $4.00 ; P. J.
Bishop, Iamb killed by dogs, $3.33 ;
W. H. Kerr, half printing contract,
$85.00 ; Geo. Brown, to pay shovellers
$2.00: 0. Smith repairing culvert,
$8.00 ; G. Krauter & Go. spikes, $1.05
Thos. Brown, repairing culverts Coes.
18 & 14, $4.00 ; John Evans, repairing
culverts aideroad 5 con. 14 $9.00 ; John
Grant, flooring Botz bridge. repairing
culvert, etc. $10.00 ; John Lowe,
gravel, $32.30: Duff & Stewart,
58300 feet 3 inches amara 140.75 ;
e t e, `b
J. A. Cole, repairing culvert, con. 8,
82.00 • A. McKee, commutation
statute labor, 811.00 ; D. Brown, clear-
ing logs, etc. bdy. G. & E. $22.00.
McArthur Brown. -That we do
now adjourn to meeb again on Thurs-
day, August 31st, 1911.
A. H. blaoDoNALD, Clerk.
A HopsehoId
Father Morriscy's Liniment Should
bo in Every Home
How seldom a week passes without
some member of the family suffering
from a sore throat, chest or back, a burn
or a: cut, a sprain, strain or ache 1
Such troubles will come, but there is
no need of suffering much from there.
Keep a bottle of Father Morriscy's
Liniment in the house, use it freely,
and the pain has little chance.
During his lifetime Father Morriscy
prescribed this Liniment regularly, and
it proved very effective in relieving all
sorts of pains and aches. In Rheumatism
it is valuable as a "rub", when "Father
Morriscy's No. 7" Tablets are taken
internally. Similarly, applied freely to
throat and chest it helps " Father
Morriscy's No. to" (Lung Tonic) to
quickly break up and drive away a sore
throat cold in the chest or cough.
Taken all around it is one of the best
family liniments in existence. Price 256
per bottle. At your dealer's, or from
Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd.,
Montreal, Que. 22
If you have 110 appetite for meals,
can't week, can't rest and are annoyed
with too frequent nrinatiou and a
burning, scalding pain in making
1f at eight you retire, hoping for
sleep that either does not mime oe is
troubled and
fitf u7, y o
have kid 11 e y
trouble a ti d
need Booth's
Kidney Pills.
the guaranteed
remedy for an
kidney a n d
-Wahiee trOt1-
ble. A few
doses of _
Booth's Ki cl-
ney Pills will wake up the sluggish
kidneys and regulate the urine Con-
tinued treatment will cure' and heal
the weakened Mans:ye arid restore the
appetite in the natural way. 'Sold
evety-where 50e a box, of postpaid
from the 11. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort
Tyrie, Ont. Free trial gent on applica-
of Village Property
Under instructions received from rho Ex-
ecutors of the lest Will and Testament or Jame
Strettou, deceased, there will be sold by pub-
he unction, enblos or in separate parcels as
hereinafter specified, by Mr. Thonuts Brown,.
auctioneer, at the Stratton Block, 1n the VA'
Inge of Brussels, in the County of iluron, on
Saturday, the 26th day of August, 1011,
of two o'clock 10 the afternoon, the tollawing
lands :-1st-4Psrt Lots 12 and 10, on the West
side or Turnberry street, in the said Village of
,Brussels, onwhich is created a brickblock of
stores. sad -Lots 20 and 80 on Elizabeth Street,
in said Village of Brussels, 011 which Is erected
a dwelling house. erd-Lot BPA, on the West
side of Turnberry street, in sold Village of
Brussels, '4th -Lot "b" on Queen street, In
said Village of Brussels. 6111 -All other lands
belonging to said estate.
Terms of sale -Twenty 1201. per cent, in cash
on'day of male, thebslanee without interest,
to be paid within one month thereafter, when
the purchasers will be entitled to conveyances
and to be let into possession, subject to all ex-
isting tenancies. Further particulars and
terms of sale will be made known on the day
of sale or m¢ be had in the meantime from
y e t
the undersigned,
Dated the 8511 day of August, 1011.
Auctioneer. Executors' Solicitor,
8.8 Ssaforth, Ont.
The People's Column
T130R0'-BREI YORKSHIRES, either sex,
at breeding age, for mile, Also 2 young
Shorthorn bulls, 0110 of them 1st prize whiner
at Brussels Fair. JAS, SP101R, Lot 20, Oaf. e,
Morrie. Box 270 Brussels F. 0. Phone 100,
AT A BARGAIN. -W111 dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, at $850, a great
bargain, in order to aecnre quick sale. Rey
may be Mid from Sir, J. Leckie.. Fa• further
particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the under-
signed. J. H. CAMERON',
10 St. George St., London,
stable, well, &o., and 2 acres of choice
land for sale in thu Southerly part of Brus-
sele. Immediate possession can be given. For
further particulars apply to F. S. Scott Brus-
sels, or JWO. MOARTBUR, Walton P. d.
undersigned tt'l11 keep for service on loo
20 Con. 2, Morris 'Maple Grove Alphonso
at1i,"=82686= bred by B. S. MaDiarnlid, Nin gal,
Ont. Terms $1.08 cash. Have also a Yorkshire
bug for sale ata bargain.
8.4 W. S. 1f0itREs'r• Prop.,
Phone 116 JaiiestuwliP.0.
WARM EOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. 14,
McKillop township, containing about 1.12
scree, all cleared. On the premises is a brick
house, bankbarnwith hog pen combined, and
a new power mill for pumping, grinding, &o.;
also good beating orettar.', chiefly Spys. Land
is in extra good state of cultivation, having
been propped light and large stock of both
hogs and cattle fed on It for years. Farm is
situated N, miles from school and 2 miles frau
Walton O. P. R. sbttion. For further portion.
Mrs write J. 1t. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or
on p
apply the realises 46.15
Alihl FOR SALE -The 100 acre farm, he-
w-ing the property of the hate Peter 14sNeti,
00128 (Jon. 1.1 Grey isoffared for sale by the
undersigned. There are 88 :Lures cleared, bat.
ance well timbered. On the farm there isa
fnod bank barn,. large driving shed and a com-
ortable house. Pluee iu good condition and
well fenced. For further particulars apply to
JAB. A. 1ONAII% or JAS. D. MoFTAIlS, Exee-
titors, Oranbrook P.O., or F. E. SOOTT, Brus-
sels. 4-tf
FARM FOR SAL M -The undersigned offers
r for sale, his 100 sons form, bein • Lot 110,
w Gacres rey.
5 aAbout 70 81iacres seinswamp,er n Fal wheat, ed
e down. Fl plowing being done. the
farm iso rmohode, bank
a barn, gt,
good ,chuachddrilled
well. los to post.office, church sedWheel. For fnrtbempartio-
lnra apply to 101M OSBORNIE, Proprietor,
or F. 8. Scott, Brussels, •
FARM 31011 SALE, beingSouth half Lot 26,
Con. 4, Morris townsh, Btu'on Oo., eon -
taming 100
on•taining100 sores more or less.. On the prem-
ises isa frame house. Lank barn, good tn'ehord,
tve11, windmill, &o. .A11 cleared except about
an acre, School IM miles distant. Only 1111
miles from Brussels, 0 acres entail wheat In
and about 60 acres- needed down. For price,
terms and other Information apply on the
prentlaes or if writing Brussels P. O. 'Phone
120. Or P. 0, Saott,l3ruseels.
11.15 , A. L.31156ZR, Proprietor.
ARMS FOR BALE.-.Lots.21 and 22, Con, 11,
es wanton, and Lot 20 on the 10th oonoes•
Bion.. Lots 21 and 22 001nposo'the Gardiner.
homeetead and contalns about 180 acresall
Bret-clamland, well fenced, well rile drained
a,d has 16 sores of good hardwood bush ; good
comfortable buildiilgs With all modern im,
provanents ;plenty of goodsAi•Ing Waterp sad
a good lioaring nrehfir& • Tltis• fa otud or. 1.119•
choicest farms in the County of Huronandwill be 8014•°1 tams to suittirolmsor. Lot
28eoutains'126acres with Ith.maill
l house and bare
all h1 pnsturo und.has.»eon for Yrars There
ere ten acres of good bneh on thin farm. For
further liartleufars apply t0 AL,DE;.. GA11,71114.
ER, Walton P. O., or on the lirdhiiees, Ott
Fall Term
from Au 28
'Phere 10 a great demand upon us for
trained help. 13odnees men state that '
our graduates sre the best, No have t
three departments : - Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy. The
[Moon for six mouths is 455 and
nd f Por one
year 480. Investigation will prove to
your satisfaction that there 1' no bet-
ter Business College in Oauada, Get
our free catalogue NOW.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
Vpvq.'i 12,VAV,y.,ym.•,ra1,W4wC,raaie AN,V,b.'
UMrty Years +
+ de
• Out Seven Colleges have been
j established during the punt 30 ;®
+♦ years. The largest trainers in •
+ Canada. Owing to nuc coutICC- I.
• 11011 all civet' Ontario, we do 4,
+ better for our graduates than 0
4 any Giber School. You may o
* study all at home or partly at .1.
+ hone and finish at the College. •
•N Affiliated with The CnmmerciaL
• Educators' Association of Can- .;.
+ ads. 11 tvonkl be well for you •
Lo investigate before choosing. '
• Exclusive right fot' Ontario of
+ the Wedel -famous Bliss Book- •
• lceeping System, which is un-
• equalled. IL is Actual Business
+ from Start to Finish, and the •
• student keeps sone books as +
p Chartered Banks and Whole- ,1•.
+ sale $muses. Eutee any time. •
+ Jodividotl instruction.
• Fall Term From Aug. 28th +
• Write, call or phone for a,•.
Aparticulars. 0
e Business College
O GEO. SPOTTON, President
Ohre. W. Burns, Principal p
+40+:÷04.24 4H:4,44+4+440
The undersigned has ptu•ebas-
eci the Harness Busiuess of G.
House, 'lawn beery st., Brussels,
who will continue it in Lite old
stand whore he will be pleased
to meet all the old customers
of the shop and many ni'LV
Afull line of both Light and
Heavy Harness and Horse
Goods always in stock or male
to order, Nine range 1)1 Grips,
Trunks, Telescopes, As., to
ehomso from at moderate
Will much apprecialo a share
of public patronage.
Oatefnl attention personally
given to either repairs or now
0 iSY fWi
0"' �
ILAILNLIt34 iIAl lilt ,