HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-24, Page 1VOL. 40 NO. a BRUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, > gxx W, .,F,I, KERR, Proprietor at Guying a Pearl w weeks Qa, WAS ks. business n1, are visiting tassels, a, is here A. number of Greyites enjoyed a (ley paeronizin the at the lake by g Sabbath School Recursion to Kin- r 3 e, Tuesday 1 week. vas d n lues day oP last After being at BVighton fen two weeks nn relief duty Frank Davldeen, . , son of Thos. Davidson, 11th eon•, was moved to Dundee and Arthur streets branch of the Metropolitan Bank, P ' where the manager is A•1?. Mellish, formerly well known in Brus- sans and locality; and with whom Mi'. Dayidsou was associated when the latter first entered the Bank, It will be like old times to Frank. Wednesday of last week Lawrence Arinetron son of W, K, Arinstron g, g, 6th line, lett for Calgary, Alta., where he will attend Normal School theta, w1. during the coming term, He le a good student and we wish hhn sue- _ eerie, a Teas PosT is sorry to. learn that former well known resident of the 7th lige James (Mennen, paid Nature's debt on Aug. 8th, in Detroit, Dropsy g was the ailment it is said. IC is 6 years since he went away. He still owned his 100 acre farm here when he died. Mr. 'Merman had many old friends in Ghia locality,. els' Miss H. M. Gordon is vis Orae eville g � . ,• Miss Minerva Jones Is en o. holiday with'l oronto,elatives. MIS Mrs. A. McKenzieand M were visiting l'eesweter friends, Miss Steller Gerry spent s fe holidaying with London friend Y g , Will. Hayoroft, of Kamilt home for a holidayof a few wee Rev, Dr Oaten is. combining and pleasure in a trip to Muako -Miss Beretand 'Beverly Oaten rrie, holidaying with relatives at Go. Mrs. Eastman, of Detroit, is her sister, Mrs, T. Kelly, of B Ne dyer dale ents w A r rn -- Notice -P. S. Scott, Local -A, O. Backer. Hoarders -Tex FOE'a, Notice -A. MaaIDwen, harm for cola -H. Seam. Rams for sale -J, 13, Cook, Notice -A, H. Macdonald. ramie for sale.. -Jas, Rota. Farm for sale -Alex. Barron, To Canadian Eers-ti Exhibition -G. i ,,.- , •• R W.i Fall Droo Goods- t o , Now Pall oats---A..3traohae Now Fail opera -C+. N. Halogen• Timothy sood-W. J. McCracken, Farm to rent -Mrs. Jos. Baynard.. Notices( to ereditore-w. M. Stnelair. Young eft on a tri to the West on P ,- C the 22nd to visit his sone, Mian Mabel e. Ditvdaog and brother Elam, and >vi , and Mrs, Avery, all from Cartwright, n re visiting a he parental hone ait t ' p home, Thus. Davidson's,- Thos, Dennis, who has been poorly for some i had the nesfortn to have his hip dislocated rh u .e . hi Shslocatcd Che other night and hes P g'Mrs in a very tee?t['ioua condition. -The p. and are are all through harvestinginterest In and are tail aver keen interest in • -. ngy - the coining election, a large majority, being in favor of, trying Reciprocity, Christian Dakniier presented hie daughter., Mies Grace with an up -to. g , P date high rade DohertyPiano, g. Miss Shannon, of Hamilton, former teacher here, has been visrtlng Mrs, Dr.. Ferguson and.' calling on old ( ) g6., friends. A. Arnett, wife and two children, and i e Conor, of Detroit and M s t Annelle of London, were visitors . .1'ot'onto, at Fred, Oxtob 'e, 9th con. Grey.. Y They made lite, trip by' auto. Miss Oxteb went. to London with May y them for a holidity visit. Leech and Rev, W. W. Leech, both Superannuated, reside in 'Toronto, p The funeral was held on Saturday at 2 ° p. in, mteiment taking la A in Gor. Vie cemetery.. Rev, J. H, Ribbert eon. ducted a moat appropriate service in the Methodist chni'oh and Rev. Dr. Oaten,. of Brussels, made allusion to. the ersonal character of the deceased. P Edward Leech, of Trowbridge, and. Robert Leech, of Detroit, are veteran brothers of the subject; of this notice, the latter beingto very pool' health at p this time, Ohangea-BruaselsTelephone company. +- Henfryn Hullett Walton Wm. and Moa. McCallum visited friends at Bel rave over Sunda Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Bishop, who have been seriously ill with typhoid fever, are making favorable g[Hansuld, Progress eM a gladmttq supervisorao£ cr ,iMiss Schools of Fresno, California, and Miss Maude McOourt visited at the barna of Wm. and Mrs. McCallum an Wednesday. Next Sabbath morning the service in Duffs church will be taken by W. H. Kerr, of Brussel , The pastor, Rev. Mr. Lundy, will be home for the following Sunday. g y A PIONteER CALLED,—One of the old and highly esteemed residents of Grey township, passed away on Wed- neeaay nightof last weekin the person of Thomas Johnston. the deceased was it native of Ireland, but about 60 years ago came to Canada and fora time worked for the late Alex. Wilson of Seaforth. Afterwards he moved to Grey township, where he continued to reside for many yearre. After moving to Grey township he was united in marriage with Miss Jessie Buchanan, who died about 14 years ago. Follow- ing the death of his wife r. Johnston went to reside with his son, Duncan, and it was there he answered the final summons. About Julylst Mr. John- ston suffered a paralytic stroke, from the effects of witioh he never rallied. The deceased was a mom of the high- esteem byall ofo a hisld in thexce ellest qualities and his death makes a bad break in the ranks of those who have aided so mach in making this the the followifine ng family- it is. He xRev survived John- aton, of Varna ;Duncan, of Walton ; Thomas, in Grey ;James, in Michigan ; Mrs, McTaggart, Grey ; Mrs. P, herr, McRitbielop ; Mrs. Moon, Blyth ; Mrs. Mc ittie, Hullett ; whoMrsre Williamson, her Greyand Annie,.To resides with her brother, Duncan. e file bereaved family will be extended tihe sincerest sympathy of many friends in this their hong of affliction: The funeral D took place Saturday afternoon, Rev. B. use e' ondof actiaran br an aook, deceased's P g Pp P service. Interment was made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Jno. Fulton, Andrew Johnston, D. Crawford, Wm. Neal, W. H. Humphries and R. H. Fergu sOn + Mrs. 2.. H. Green, of Cayug Mo. Jamestown on a visit with her mother, Mi Miss Berve Bryans took a trip thisJno, Galbraith; who ,took to the West, arrived h week Co Toronto and also Thousand week. Islands. She was accompanied by Miss Anna Hunter (nurse) is her friends, Misses Mamie and Ella a holiday wlkh friends at Ri of Ethel, Jamestown Branch of the Women's Kincardine, Friendship ok'1` Myrtle s p, Institute will meet next Thursday, has bees spending part of her Ang. 31sD, aG the home of rho Freebie in .Brussels. dent; Mies Marjory Strachan. T Miss Bell, of Lon.desboro', will be "This country of ours jguest of Miss Wiauie McGuir and our obligation to it," and will be arue‘ e old friends. taken by Mrs. Edward Barnard. RMisses Viola annual nd Marie will also be palled at this meeting andCranbrook, were visitors 'w each member is asked to respond by Winnifred Long, town. giving something bearing on the Mr. Fitzgerald, of the Met subject. A program will also be pro- Bank, Linwood, spent part of vided and a good attendance is hoped days with Rtussls frlendt, for. Everybody welcome. Miss M. L. Olivers ant last Noires -Mrs. Wm. Moses has re- the nein cit Little l ss turned from a pleasant trip in Detroit, To onto, came bsek with her, Cadillac and other paints. She was Miss Dunbar, who hold a pc accompanied by Mre. fames Elliott, G, N. McLaren's store• is holo and blies Jessie, of Brueale.- 41rs. her home and with other friend John Strachan, is visiting her daugh- Mre. A, D, McCosh, Pi•ne River.- Mrs. Klusmaun. of Los Ange and •Miss Wade, of Batavia, Mrs. Walter Jackson has returned to the home of Mrs. Wm. Ross, Brussels after having a pleasant visit Mrs. ([rev,') T. W. Cosens, of with. the Strachan families, -Mies was calling on old friends In tc Nitta Richardson left for Winnipeg on Monday.She was visitingher en route to visit relatives 5 agents anPriende here fora onth, bridge, P Dame Gossip reports two a n,on ge Mrs, Wm, Cameron, Me) tee e, her daughter, Mrs. Abra,wito ne in the near future. Sound, is renewing old Encu CELEBRATED 80TH BIRTHDAY. -On the evening of the 12thult., a very en- this locality. o able time was a entt at the home Mrs. W. W. Harris and chi j Y P holidaying for a few weeks v of Mrs. Hannah Shar to Lot 33, Con. g '0• Howick, the occasion being her tives at Rothsay. Mr. Harris there over Sunday. and t oat Heeso cin liaweandrduugh A. J, Lowry and son Harold fix,, Jiro. and Mrs. Brown, kindlyxn. London for a week or so ass tvet', her old friends and i - format's brother in catering t0 "all that is left of them" to assist in on Mrs. Jessie Ker, is enjoying ome at Listowel. Her duties as Lil cele ratio ice Mrs. Sham It is camenow into• Y p „ the Public Library are being a dathet aoldes t r mn us embersie •Qofueethe Bart to by her sister, Mrs. McAlpin have been her neighbors ever sine Andrew Sharpe, is here fro that time. A woman of kindly, City, Manitoba, renewing of obis in disposition she is verymuch ships in Brussels and locality obliging ypd standing thepassingyears first sseaks well both for herheandn her Miss BettiPaul of Bay C p.Edna Jenkins, of Wingham solongago •should have a nshe bde uun-n McLean and Miss Dorothy M broken until the resent time, After Torduto are guests of Mrs. J a bountiful eupp r, which was served Brussels. b Mrs. Brown, iu her usual inixnit- ff J. Stewart, manager of t able way, reminiscences of the past and Bank, Parkhill, and Mrs were indulged in,ricin the hard are visiting relatives and old g of ge eav Brussels. W. T. is one of no Boys." ne has ndibai passedshie awayhand pleas - ant chatwenton until the time to H • R. Brewer and bride, of part was come, when wishing Mrs, were calling on people in thi They left Cor thea Western , t `µ �` istrii t ,C1U s Rey. and To HER Mrs. Ashby are holidaying MRs, W ei:mi a Monday at London fora couple of weeks. h enve.a etp Last Monday an aged and This Week Ed, Collis, J. Woof, Mies highly respected woman passed away Molesworth -Mrs. Bond, of Bright, is g visiting her niece,, Mrs, Donald Menzies for a week, -Mimi Dickson, of • Granbrook Mies Beatrice McQuarrie is visitingthe friends in Detroit, Jessie Bawtinheimer andiMiss Emma to the rest that remains i'or" the pec- Keir have taken in the excursion to ple of God,' in the person of Mrs. War- Weet.' We wish them a goad wick, who was in her S4th year. She of time. Mrs 7 11 a Ritteraon It frnmauwh ell ,Atwood, ie visiting at Mrs. Joe Cummins for a few days,- Miss. Anderson Miss Bunter, of Hatnil- ton, are spending their vacation at J. Miss LulForMcDonald is a visitor with friends in Fordwich. • 3. Rana` took in; the excursion Co Kincardine ee Tuesday. Mies A nes Th, of Atwood, is visitingwith Mrs. Thos• Cameron, Mee, Carochan and daughters, of Linwood, ars visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Kase and daft hters, Vera y g find Teens, of Winnipeg, .are visitors at J. J. Gorealitz. o,School will ro-open on the 6th of g r Ethel borne the funeral took place Widnes- Council meetingThursdayof next day afternoon to the Burris cemetery, t Rev. Mr. Osterhout, who was vieitin • week.y- at Gorrie came home and conductedsubject are + Misses Mamie and Ella o this vieitin friends at Toronto this week. the service. Deceased had been in Charles- aneauld has returned home failing health for some time. She. after' a week's visit to Stvatford and was a kind hearted body who played Tavistock. her part nobly both in and nut of the Last Sunday evening Mr. Carl, of church and was areal mother an Israel Wroxeter, preached in the Methodist whose name will bdt soon be forgot- church her. ten. Mr. Warwick died some years all.. Maddese, of Newton, and Miss ago. Jno. Allen, neat' Londeshuro, is a brother of the lace Mrs. 'Warwick. F• Stewer t's,--Tom Menzies. Larne Campbell, Geo. Robertson, and Thos. Elliott, all started for the West on Wednesday, -Mr. Mr. Far son and Miss Ferguson , of ch, and Mies Whitely and Miss Baker, of Gorrie, visited at R. Mitchell's on Sunday.- Union church service in Presbyterian church in afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.- Miss Mar Fraser is spending her Y 8 holidays under the parental roof,- Chas. Leppard made a flying visit to our burg on Monday. September with Oscar Shaw and Miss pDanbronk of Donegal, were visitors ' g ' F. Houston teachers. Heaters Otto and Arnold Pvess- prieh, of Poet Huron; are visiting their grandfather, T. Foerster. g - at George Batsman's. , Bluevale Master Harold Freeman, of Luck- now, has been visitingold friends at Mrs, John Casenxore and family 1 Ethel during his holidays. visited at the home of J. W. Gal- Nora Gowanatotvn, is brIar Wroxeter NEwBX NOTTy6.-Rev, J. H. Cater- hout, a formerpastor of this lace p and family, of Londeaboro, spent two friends Leadbury N wsy NOTES. -Dennis Bros. have utchased a new thrashingengine f 1 eterloo Manufacturing from the W g Company. The old engine whichhaswill done their work for a good number of years was completely worn out.- The Ladies' Aid of - Duff's church, Walton, held their monthly meetingDrew, at the home of Mrs. Wm, Smith an report a very interesting time. -Thos. Miss Lake, of spending her holidays with her A. large delegation of Conservatives cousin, Miss Grace Eckmier. took in the Borden rally at Harriston Jacob and Mrs. Hollenbeck, who on Saturday. recently sold their fern' near here, 'Miss Clara Reid, of Gienannan, and y take up residence in Ethel we are Miss M, Citptelon,,of Wingbath; visit- pleased to hear. ed their friend, Mies Florence Gal- This week Mrs. John Mitchell, of braitlL this locality. and Mrs. John Miller, of Win. and Mrs. Holmes, 01 Wing- left on a tripto friends. at hang, took an auto trip to'Bluevale, Boiesevain, Man., andetherWestern and were visitors at the home of John points. Casenxore. • Mr. Rose S. S. A., secretary of the y in this vicinity. -ter, weeks with e, Mies A. Rose, of Brussels, spent Sun- day with Mrs. R. Black. -Misses Ellen and Mary Young left this week for Oregon where theywilt in future re- g side. -Alvin Hemphill, . of" Remelt, called on friends herelast week, -Miss J. Ritchie returned from Galt on 'Saturday where she has spent the last month. --Amongst those who left this B station for the West on Wednesday were J. Booth, W. McLean, Jno, and Mrs. Earner, A. Gallaher and D. Mof- Laymen's Missionary Movement, of •••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•••e•♦♦!t•♦♦♦!•♦♦t►♦•••i•O•4♦•♦♦t•••••••♦♦♦ Trinity College, John to, was a visitor •• ♦ at the home of John Galbraith. ♦ g g(�e n ■ ng ♦ Williitm Mitchell, of Niosebank, • Grand Trunk-C{IOUYIOII National 2 Man., and his friend, Miss Hogg, 01 visited the t sister, sFriday. fat. -G. K. Hall visited over Sunday in Kincardine where Mrs. Hall andmany her sister, Mrs. Templeton, of Chicago, are spending a few weeks. - W,: S, Flanderaon, whose Rne barn recently d was de$l ••• • Mrs. Jonathan Casemo e,on • s c • ' •�1 will receive 500 insurace olightning, - -�-- - n �l n y System EXhIbItIOiI T�1 OIItO ♦= e buildings and $1100 on the contents from the Howick Mutual. He will re. Rev. and Mrs, Osterhout and child- • • : ren, of Loro' were here for a • August 26 to • holiday visit. Mrs. Capt. Baine is a • S' N���' "ARC' g • sister to the Partner. The trip was • (tG3nimumuLargeP5ol Sept.. 9, inclusive made in the parson's auto, • • Last Saturday Mrs, Heine sr. ♦ FROM.. ALL STATIONS IN CANADA WEST OF CORNWALL AND OTTAWA -: celebrated herS4th birthday. A pia- • •• nic party was arranged at which this SPECIAL LOW RATES ANO TRAIN SERVICE DN CERTAIN DATES .fine old lady was able to be present. •• ♦• We extend congratulations, ♦ Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A.E. Duff. D.P.A., Toronto'. ♦ DEATH QF. JUBFide .LEECH. -An al- ♦ • mole life-long resident of the county •••♦••••♦♦♦•••••••••♦••1•♦ ••N•♦•�•••••••••••••♦♦♦•• • of Huron in the person of Joseph. Leech, of Blaevale, was found dead in build. -Mies E. • Hoche, of Mildmay spent Tuesday with Mre, IR, Wendt. -Friday of this week the Board of the will Howlett Mutual Fire Insurance 0o. will convene at8ecretary McBer Inspector office to meet Government A. K. Boswell who is milking his.. official call. -Rev, and Mrs. Wm. H3trtley, of Durham, visited recently with the format's mother, Mrs. G, Barton, of TmnberryyoMre. G. David- son entertained the young ladies M. even- M. M. Society to tea on and family, ing.-Ed. Kalbfleisch and family, of -- — - - his bed at the home of George Leech, e•••••••••••••••••••••••••�•••Nfi•a•fa�••E••••••e••••'• Gorrie, at au early hour Thursday 0 • morning of last week, death being due • to heart failure. Mr. Leech was one e • of the ten Leech brothers who found- ® • X cal • ed Gorrie, and for some ears the vin- • nage was knows as Leeehville, but ]air • er the name was Chan ed to that of Menswear g ® • Gorrie. The deceased, who was un- • married, was in his Slet year, and was Y ® III • a prominent Methodist and staunch p • • ••Co • Conservative. He is •survived by five •a. Red 1.1 Ct 10 n S • brothers, two of whom, Rev, Geor a Mildmay, spent Sunday at the .home spent of C. Reis. -S. M. Robinson, of Tor on- to, spent a few days of this week with his parents, W. M. and Mrs. Robin- son. -Miss Van Eery, of New York, is the nest of Mrs, F. V. Dirk on.- g Byron Simmons, of Forest, ie spend- in a week with his father, Chas. g Simmons. -Miss Cora Sheriff, of Win ham, fs holkda in with Mise g y g Millie Harris. -Jas. McEwen, of Sault Ste. Marie, ie enjoying a few holidaye with his agents, Jno, and la s. Mc- p Ewen, of Tnrnberry Morns Misses Irene and L la Wilkinson Y , 4th line, were holidaying kn Seaforth. ex -Reeve Taylor is erecting a rest- y g dense in Calgary. That looks as if he were thinking of staying there. Everett Walker, teacher in Regina, Alta., was home on a holiday visit, to the West this week.turned• Sher in many birthdays yet to come, p Y week accompanied by Mrs. Mc they wended home their separate mother of Mrs, Brewer. ways. Among the older [nembere A. E, Denny, of Buffalo, N were Mrs. Joa. Armstrmig, Jno. and Mrs. McLeod, Geo. and Mrs. Gibson, been here for aa Vacation r sit i Andrew and Mrs. Doig, sr., George Mrs. W. Oakley. The visitor and Mrs. Robertson, a son, Robert and DryGoods business, and is o town old boys we are always gl Mrs. Sher and •son-in-law, M •• and Mrs. A. M, McKay, of Che Mrs. Vittie, were also present. y was hero recruiting her heal[g returning iVlias Mary Dark left this week for Battleford, Sask., she has Miss Lizzie Ross, her sister, people We Talk About0•®• a • O • Brussels Telephone Directory, Y Grey Grey Council Thursday of next where taken a position as teacher. Many old friends here wish her success. About thirty ladies assembled at the home of John Vancamp, 6th line, Wednesday of last week and spent a ver social and pleasant afternoon. yarvey Bryans, Chas. Conngn and x Jas. W. Kelly and Misses Maud Hen- derson and 141iss Get tie Bielby are away to the West on a trip to various points. By the Cochrane fire Milton Wat- son, formerly of Sunshine, was a loser. He was from home at the time attending to his duties as a Bush Ranger. The Voters' List Court for Morris township will be held iu Industry Hall Blyth, on Wednesday, September Lith, at 9 a, m, All interested should :govern themselves accordingly. R. J, Clegg, B. A„ and son, Harold, who have been visiting et the home of the format's mother, Mre: Jys. Clegg, 5th line, left for their home in Roseland, B. 0., Tuesday of this week. Rev. Geo. Jewitt and family, of Mount Brydges, are renewing old friendships here. The reverend gentleman is an old Morris boy who has done well and Mrs. Jewitt is also a former Morrisite. We are always glad to have them come home. We are sort to hear that an old Wm. Jewitt is back from the West, housekeeping at Chesley for h Roy Emigh has gone on a trip to the to town. Oliver Jewitt, B. 4., who h west, the staff of a New Westmiuist J. F. Rowland is back from 'his 13. C., is here on a short vacation, will attend the Faculty of Ed Fletcher Sperling and Jas' Thuell are Toronto during the corning to away ou a trip to the West. visitor is a son of irev, Geor Mrs. W. J. Hunter, of Oshawa, is re- and grandson to Wm. Jewitt, Hawing old friendships in town. Tha'Teeswattoer News save lames Sharpe was away on a holiday C. left last wed to Detroit, Toledo and other points. spend Ferguson,ra month with her -sister Miss Fairy Robb is away to Thorold land. Miss Zetta Ferguson, and St. Catharines oo a holiday visit. been visiting at home for a Miss Annie McQuarrie is attending weeks, returned at o for a the Fall Millinery Openings at Toronto. nd Miss Nettie Brown went to 'Toronto York the same day where she last week to attend the Millinery Open- ing fora nurse. Barrister G. F. Blair and so inks Mrs. Addie Wright and sons are a- were renewing old friendships sels. Mr, Blair has bsen at way fora holiday visit with relatives the past year and is so enema and friends. the West that he purposes re Stanley and Mrs. Lowey, of London, there from Goderich. were visitors at the home of L C. and carr Mrs. Richards. y with ttieni the good many friends in Huron Co, Mrs. Will. Lowry and Greta, nt Goma so Poas Cotaoas London• were holidaying with relatives Henderson, who has been in f. and friends Here, Joe Thomson, of Montreal has been Druggist Fox for the past 3 enjoying a holiday with his mother and accepted a position in a deal Port Colborne, Ont. He is at lumbers in Brussels, pus, gentlemanly level head+ James and Jno. Shurrie were at man who should do well wh Teeswater attending the funeral of Lena lot is cast. We wish him the McKenzie, a cousin, success attainable. Miss Lizzie Murchison• of Win ham, g t_ 0 p P • week. r Miss. May Oxtoby is`liway e • e • • Following are additions and changes 0 • in numbers on various lines of Bias- eels Tele hone subscribers. Those in- o for Fall Goods p on a visit to Detroit. Miss Kate Telfer was visiting over Sunda at Atwood. y • ® o • °o you • you • • tire • • • O make room heavy purchases of terested should make the necessary in this department of our store we purpose to a' alterations in their Directories from greatly reduce our stock of Summer goods' and . • this list AT ONCE as it will greatly S add to their convenience and also,to are the one to benefit. This only Aug, ISt gimes • that the Central. Other chaiigea two good months of Summer. in which -to wear at- s will be published later in ;1HLPOST :- bought at SLAUGHTER PRICES. Party LIEF No. Y4; - 9th & 10th Cons. Gre) • 248 Berfeltz, Emil •'in •2414 Brown, John Will. Stevenson, 10th con., has Aur- chased a new gasoline.en gine, Misses Ida and Ella Bands were holidaying with friends in Seaforth. blue Freda Grieae, of Milverton, was a visitor with the Misses Telfer, 10th con. Mr. Sailing has bought 12 acres of land in Henfryn, They will be inov- g there soon. • • • • • 0 • • 0 e ® Straw Hats We still have a few Straw Hats left• that we purpose clearing at 30 per cent. discount. The stock is of good shapes in the Soft styles as well as Bard Sailors. • 2411 Brown, John K. • 240 Brown, Thonnts . 244 Barr, Robert • 245 Cunningham, Hugh • 2415 Cunningham, Huh , •• 246 Knight, Charles S g • 217 McDonald. Robe• M 2410 McNair, Wm. • 2412 McQuarxie, Charles • • Party Line No. 50 - 5th 110th Cons, Grey • Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, 10th con., are away to Gaylord Michigan, on a visit with relatives fora few weeks. Allan and Mrs. Lamont, 7th con., left on a holiday to the West on goodgfamily Wednesday.•We wish them a t;me, Tuesday, Sept 5th, is the date of the Judge's Voters List Court for Grey township.Court will open at 10 a. m. in Townhip Hall, Ethel. This week R. J. Hoover, 9th con., • s • • • • e • • ' -• Shirts Men's and Youths' Negligee Shirts sizes from 14 Co 18>j, with soft cuff, to be sold at big reductions. • 604 Becker, Garfield •• ' 505 Baker, W. H. • 506 Baker, Wm. • = 5013 Baker, John 5010 Hollenbeck, Jacob • 5015 Lakc, Isaac • • 5012 Stevenson, Wm, •O 508 StevenWm. and M. Moses, Motets township, are away on a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. They went by boat. from Owen Sound. Mrs. Jno. Burton and three child- ren of Abernathy, Sask., are visitors y'Y at the home of Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, 15th con. The former is a and well known resident of the 3rd line, in the person of Abel Bradshaw, i has been visiting her cousin, Miss R. Shurrie, Tnrnberry street, Church Chime: — is past 70 years of age. Mrs, Brad- sham passed away to her reward 28 years ago. .tawMany improve. hope d Pg IN THE OLD LANA.—Rev. Andrew Scott, of Danville, Illinois, son of the late Adam Scott, 6th con., Morris, is sojourning with his daughter in the Old World this spinner. He has spent three weeks in Scotland and is at present in London, England, will enjoy some time in France and Ire- laud before returning home. Mr. Scott is Superintendent of Missions for his church which is known in the hook after rch. It isp ed States ofhiiss the duties Christian the interests of the ministers and their churches in ten counties and when a pulpit becomes vacant, help select the right man to fill it. A most res on- Bible position it is but as he has been sleeted to it for the third thne in suo- cession, it is evident he is the right man for the , place. lie liar 138 churches in Ins territory looking to him for advice and counsel and about ns Man ministers. were away to Cadillac, Mich„ on'a Last Sunday W. 1. Ga visit with relatives and friends, charge of the service in the McKinnonissara were v cCi a ken. and Torrance, e, church rMr,Seaf rof Stratford of Listowel, a Normal School chum, last the pulpit of Melville church week, bath most acceptably, He Miss Winnie McGuire is in Toronto officiate next Sunday, iooking up the new styles of millinery he pastor of the Method fur the trade of the coming Fall and has been granted three wee Winter. by the Official Board, Rev, Geo. Buchanan, 13, A., left on Wed- may take a trip to the West, nesday for Portage la Prairie, Man„ Rev. DE. Cameron, B. A. where he is on the teaching staff of the St, John's thumb. Brussel[ Collegiate, been m the West, is expected Mas, James McArter Was precariously his work iu the course of anc elypast covering nicthe ow her many friends eve. As a large number of the r will be pleased to bear, the Methodist church choir Miss Cella Hess, of Zurich, was a hohdaytng for the past two visitor with Miss Liu. Colvin last week, volunteer songsters have hi They left on Thursday to attend the choir places. Regular choir 1 niillinery openings at Toronto. to be in charge next Stanley. Mrs. John Stnelair and two children, Next Sabbath Rev, Dr Oat of Brantford, are visiting at the bome of absent from town. The more Geo. and Mrs. McMillan, the former's will he taken by ltev. George parents. Miss Leo Trainor, of Haiqkytiota, Mount Brydges, son of W. Manitoba, 1s also enjoying a visit it Mr. Brussels, and iu the evening' McMillans. McRae. of Cr'anhro 1s will re • • • • • • •• •• • ■ r Z'apiece Su its Our Two-piece Suits at $4.00, $6.00 end $8,00 cannot be equalled in town. • • • • 507 Siemmnn, Win.0 •: Party Line No. 33 - -5th Line, Morris • 389 Clark, James 0 - 3811 Clark, Thomas 0 887 Craig, Robert 8310 'Greeley, James • 8315 Martin, Frank Robert McKinnon L. Hollinger and James Dickson are away to the 'West on the Farm Laborcis' Excursion this week. They will spend a couple of months out there. James McVicar, of Nevada, 31. S, A. is visiting relatives here, Mt'. Mc- Vicar is both a Civil and Mining ai,umberof �.w+ • _ 338 McArter, John • a 8310 McNeil, Alex. '. Space will not allow for a complete list but we mean • 884 Russell, Jaynes • • 835 Watson, John • to reduce all lines of Summer Goods and would be • 830 Watson, Win, g ••pleased to haveyou interestyourself in REAL t 3512 Young. • ARGAINS■ _Party LIES No. 51 5th line, Morris • • Z 517 Adams,, Allan ' ® • 618 Barr, Peter •D • 510 Brondfnot John s S 614 Cardiff, Elston • 5112 Cook, Wm. • III • 5113 Jordan, Duke • • 5114 Kerr, George • • 510 Manning, Herb ® The Big Store Highest hest Price for Produce • 6111 Pipe, Wm. g • 515 Smith, "Wm. J, a ••e•••••••••w a 5110 Snnir. Gilbert Engineer, and spent years in Goldfield Mine, Nevada. Wes, and William Snell and their• wives autoed from Exeter to Grey 00 Saturda 12th inat., and visi• ted over Y Sunday at J. K. Bakers. The gentle- men are brothers of Mre. Baker, No Ie1, new is wellsck ons toward coinpletiol house in S. n, the plasterers getting to work this week. School'will be held in the old building• until new ore is ready for occupation. Mee, George Weidenhammer, and Mies Tiernan, of Hartney, Man., are visitors at the home of the former's brother-in-law, Thos. Alcock. They Will spend a few months in Ontario before returning to thole home in the Waat: Harris, a oar of ome last'''" enjoying' play and eeewater. vacation was the e. They Long,' of ith Miss ropolitan hie holt- week in Lyle, of sition in raying at , • les, Cal:, visited at Brussels. Clinton,. wn while t Trove. ides with ar Owen ships in Idren are ith ra!a was also were at isting the the Lon- a holiday brarian at attended e. m Crystal d friend - y. He is -class. ity ; Miss Mrs. E eLear', of amen Fox, he Stand - Stewart frieuds in the "Old Calgary, locality. home this Cann, the Y., has is mother, is in the ne of the ad to see• 'Chet who h, has re. improved. who was er is back as been on er College, visit. He ucation at rm, The Georg Jewitt Brussels. -Mrs. D. uesday to in Cleve - who bas couple of for New is train - n Kenneth in Bros - Regina for tired with moving his They .will wishes of 1. x.- Will. ne store of ears, has store in industri- d young never his very best' 'side" tool: Anglican occupied last Sab- will also ist church week holidays Dr. Oaten rector of who hat to resume ther week eembers of have heed Sabbaths en filling expected eu will be in'g service lewltt, of Jewitt, of Rev. D. 13. etich,