HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-10, Page 6Hints for Busy Housekeepers. Recipes and Oder Voluehle Informatics at Parttc dar ittgOrest to Women Folks. DAINTY DISHES. Save all cold vegetables, inelud- int; potatoes, chop them, then fry together witil a liberal seasoning of salt andapepper. Rice and Raisin Pudding. -Make a rico pudding in the usual way. When half cooked add a good handful of stoned raisins, stir in carefully, cover the to ] of the pod- ding 1 ding with a thin 'layer of bread- cri:tmbs, and on it mit little bits of butter: Bake _till the rice is ea -----cooked thoroughly. G_ Grape jam should be made from fruit grown out of doors. Wash the fruit carefully and stew gently till tender, then pass through a clean sieve. To every pound of pulp allow urie pound of loaf -sugar. Bring to the buil and creek fast for twenty minutes. Pour info pots and cover at once with egged paper, If liked, a little lemon -peel may be used to flavor the preserve. Savory rice is a very nice change from the ordinary rice pudding. Wash three ounces of rice and boil ib in milk till quite tenter, ad- ding pepper and salt. Butter a dish, spread hal' the rice on it, sprinkle one ounce of cheese on it, add the rest of the rice, scatter the rest' of the cheese on the top, put little bits of butter over, and brown in a quick oven. The rice may be cooked in stock with a flavoring of vegetables instead of milk. Cheese Crusts. -This `is a good hese. usingu 7 remains e wa of t j9} Y 1 Toast sante thin slices of bread, cut into rounds of equal size, and al- low two rounds to each person, •Mix together two ounces of grated cheese, a tablespoonful of cream, and half an ounce of liquefied but- ter, with cayenne and salt to taste. Put a tablespoonful of this mix- ture between two croutons, press them together. Scatter parsley on ;y e each, and if you can spare it some r a chopped liard-boiled eggs. Make hot, and serve. .Vegetable Soup. -Place an ounce of butter in a frying -pan. Slice into it a small onion, ,.in carrot, one turnip, and two potatoes. Stir till all the vegetables are slightly =r' browned, then place them in a stew - pan, add two tablespoonfuls of rice and two quarts of cold water. Simmer gently . for one hour and a half and strain through e wire sieve. Return to the sauce- pan, add two tablespoonfuls of cornflour moistened with cold water., Stir continuously till it boils, then add a seasoning of pep- . per and salt, and serve. Meat jelly is most nourishing for anyone who has tired of beef tea Cut two pounds of shin of beef into small pieces about the size of nuts, carefully rejecting all fat; add a little salt, place it in a covered jar, which put into a saucepan of boiling water, and let it stew gent- ly for eight hours, adding more water to the saucepan when re- quired. About an hour before tak- ing it up stir in half an ounce of isinglass; strain and press through a sieve, then put aside fur ase. Be- fore serving, scrape off every par- ticle of fat that may have risen to the top. HINTS ON CAKE -MAKING. In every branch of cookery the greatest care must he exercised to follow the rules exactly. and in- gredients must all be weighed, not thrown in haphazard quantities anyhow, but precisely in the man- ner indkated. Attention to little things may mean the complete suc- cess of the cake. Everything used in cake -making Worst be perfectly free from damp, or the result will he heaviioss and generally a "sad•' eunditiun, as Yorkshire people say. In mixing sugar and butter heart the latter gently before beginning and in mixing eggs' and sugar ,:lo not attempt to add more than three eggs without adding a little flour every now and then. Some fruits, such as cherries, are hotter when rubbed with lime so as to prevent their sinking to the • bottom of the tin. Flour Should be perfectly free from lumps; currants and raisins cleaned and dried. All tins should be well buttered, and in case of scorching it is a gond plan to cover them with a piece of parchment paper. As much care is necessary in the baking as in the mixing. Sponge and all !light cakes, with those small ones baked in patty tins, re- quire a quick oven, whilst ordinary cakes of the ,sultana and geed Species are most sicceseful when cooked in a moderate oven. The oven should not be opened until at least twenty minutes . after the cake has been put in, and if it has Ee be closed again it must be done leently. When the cake appeesee cooked, insert a knitting -needle, and is perfectly elean, then the is done. USEFUL I-IlNTS. if it cake A little lard in the starch will do much toward keeping irons from sticking to the clothes, .Save the fat from all meats and potiltry and use in place of lard, except for pie and biscuit. Steaming is far better than boil- ing for fish, fowl, and meat. Try this metltcdl and you will be 'unwil- ling to give it up. To stop nosebleed -Place a piece of brown or tissue paper over the teeth of the upper jaw and the bleeding will stop at once. One housekeeper says she puts a rolled raeker into a squash pie for thickening when she has au egg, and the result is good. To Fry Bacon Without Shrivel- ing -Lay strips with edges elightly overlapping in a cold fry pan and fry slowly until crisp. Whin the drawers of the dres- ser, chiffonier, etc., stick, remove the drawer and rub the slides well with paraffin and save your ten] - THE SUtD1Y• �SCQQ01. STUDY I'TIIR'i'el`f-ONAL LESSON, A.IIGIUST 13. Lessor V1-1,---Jehoeniche. 11 tome the Prophet's Book, :ler. 30. Selden Text, Ise. 40. 8. Verses 1-i0-Jcremialt's rail dio- tated to Brunch, and read to the people. The fourth year of eehoiakim- About B. Ce 005. :it is likely these events occurred after Jerusalem became subject to Nobuchadnezzer. Jeremiah had already prophesied this disaster and the prolonged cap- tivity which was to follow. The people were in a state of fear, anal it was a', opportune moment for the prophet to repeat the warnings which lie }lad uttered fr en time to time for many years. 2. Take,thee a roll . , and write -A similar command came 'to Isaiah, but in his ease the roll was rather a tablet, covered 'with wax. Jeremiah's roll was made of pieces of skin stitched together, and at- tached to rollers of wood on each end. On this, in columns parallel t the rollers, he was to inscribe the words of his prophecies, litter- ed during the twenty-three years of his public career. These utterances are recorded in the chapters which precede this one. • No doubt there per. is a certain amount of condensation A strip of emery tacked to a small as he would have to rely partly up - square board is almost indispeu- on memory and partly upon frog - sable in the kitchen, for one can quickly sharpen -the carving knife on it. When stewing pears add the juice of a lemon and the grated nisei, and two inches of cinnamon to every eight ur twelve pears, according to size. Wide-mouthed bottles are ranch better for keeping tacks than boxes- Then (Inc can tell at a glance whe- ther the tack is of the desired length. A good dressing for Babbage is made as follows: One egg, one tablespoon mustard, half cup vine- gar, half cup sweet milk, salt and mentary records. 3. It may be that the ]rouse of Judah will heal -The sante offer of pardon as was made previously (compare Jer..20. 3). The attack by Nebuchadnezzar ought to have intensified this appeal. 5. I am shut slla Not imprisoned (see verse 19), as in Jer, 33. 1 and elsewhere, but restrained by some cause, presumably by the people's -indignation over his recent predic- tions. 6. The fast -day -A day especially appointed in connection with the national danger. 9. In the ninth month -December. Pepper to taste. It was perhaps the first anniver- Bicarbmeate of soda should rhe found in every house, and in a conspicuous place. Fir burns there is nothing better, as it quickly-re- sary of the capture of the city. The only stated legal fast took place in the seventh month. 10. Gemariah-He was brother of lieves the pain, the friendly Ahikam, mentioned in Hot water in mixing batter has a the last lesson. The place of read- tecdency to make cake whiter. ing described was one that would which should be. as be most likely to bring the mos Sponge take, v yellow as possible, is better made with cold water. To prevent matting from becom- ing yellow on the floor, wash off occasionally with a large coarse cloth which has been dipped in a strong solution of salt. water. When eggs are frozen in the win- ter putting them in cold water will draw out the frost. If a frozen egg must be boiled, put salt in the water and it will not run out of the shell. Cook a can of tomatoes slowly with several slices of bacon. If already fried, all the better. Add an onion cut fine, bread crumbs, and seasoning. Makes en appetiz- ing change. When the knob comes off your granite pot lid, leaving a hole for steam to escape and burn your fingers, take a common screw, put up from underside, screw into a cork, and behold a new lid 1 Cut new napkins apart; double thein lengthwise and dip the raw edges into boiling water to the depth of one inch; then hang thein up to dry without wringing. They will fold and hem easily. Dnrax, in the first place, is one sage within the hearing of all the people coming in from the cities of Judah at the new gate - 11 -19 -The roll also read in th Presence of the princes. 11. Micaialt-It was in the door of his father's chamber that th book was read, and the son car ried the news of what had taken place to ' is father, who was other wise engaged in another chambe with the princes of Judah. For th position of these leading men, se s last lesson. 12. He went down -From th temple to the king's house, which stood on lower ground. Elnathan was spoken of in the last lesson. 15. Sit down now, and react it-• There are several evidences that the princes looked with favor upon Jeremiah and his attendant. Barucl7's position was the one or- dinarily assumed by an Oriental teacher.(see Matt. 5. 1). 17. How cadet thou write 1 -Ivey -desired to know precisely how muc.a, responsibility rested upon Baruch, and how much upon Jeremiah, in order that they might give a true account to the king. 20 -20 --The reading of the roll be fere the king. of the mist powerful antiseptics 21. Stood beside the king-T.iter- knr,wn, When used to wash the ally, -above the king," he being head -as much as one can hold in seated, while the princes were the hollow of the hand to about a standing. quart of water -it d -stroys dart- 22. The winter -house --Both sum - ciruf'f. mer and winter liawsas were en Must culinary failures come from keyed by these people i f the East, the habit of guessing. Weigh ev But they were almost always sep- erything that is to be weighed and arate parts ,•f the same house. Ir measure carefully all the other in- general, the inner, or prutecte gredients. Do this even if you have portion of the house, was used it made the article repeatedly. , winter, while the external (ofter The poisonous articles to keep upper) an'i airy part of the houst mice 2..way are dsngerous if there served for summer. are children. Mice cru not like file 1 23. The brazier ---A depressiot smell of peppermint, and a little was built in the centre .•f the room oil of peppermiztt spread around; and this was filled with charcoa their hiding places will keep them 1(much like a warming -pan) for herlt away. ing purposes. Jehudi had unrolle< Good Furniture Polish -Drain only a few columns (leaves) wbei off your leftover coffee, and when the king, in. spite of the interces you have a quart mix with a table- sion of some of the princes, riith spoonful of sweet oil. Wash the lessly cut the roll into shreds wit] furniture with this and polish with a scribe's knife (penknife), ani e. dry cloth. 11 the coffee is strong threw it into the 'fire. it will cover all scratches. 21, They were not afraid - Th If buttonholes have to be made on king's contempt, for Jehovah's mei a material that frays badly, pro- sage inspired them with no terror coed as follows: Mark the position How different had been the con of buttonhole with a .thread, then duct of Jehoiakim's father, Josiat run a line of machine stitching when the Back of the `Law wa around the thread. Then cut the found}, With a sad heart he ren hole and buttonhole it in the usual manner., hat which is requir- edwhite Pelt q ed to do duty for a second season, may he easily cleaned with pow- dsred meg_nesie. Make a paste of it with cold water and lay over the soiled parts. When quite city brush it off with a clean brush. his garments. Through this ac was proelaimel the nation's impen tence and the sealing of its, door It was' God's final proffer of mere; 27.32 -Jeremiah hidden to. r write Lhe roll, and t0 add a three concerning the destruction of tl eity. 29. The king of Babylon she certainly come, This, of course, dares not mean that the Babylon- Ian Icing had not come aireadee His attack upon Jerusalem in the fleet instance, a year or eo before this, was •by no moans as severe AS that which Jeremiah here pee- diets. The fulfillment took place in a few years, in the reign of Je- huiakini's son, Jehoiaohin, and still further in the wasting of the city at the end of the feign of Zedeieirth, 30, None to- sit upon the throne of David-Jehoiachin, within three months from his accession, was hur- tied away a captive to llabylon, No child of his •Succeeded to the throne, - .His. dead body shall' be Cast out. -The assertion i 2 Kings 24. e 'WO . a n gsharpers no ' rept with his .fathers" is in are way Centrodietet' to this ire- 3 Y1 phecy, The same. account is silent concerning his burial. The fact that -Baruch included this in Jeremiah's i . prophecies, after the death of Je- 7 w thatr felt n'' dif- hoiakim, shows l e e o ficulty as to its fulfillment. Kings and Chronicles both give only brief accounts of these times. 32. Another roll -Ila contents are doubtless in th bo for us, to large extent, in the book of Jere- _ tniah as we have it, chapters 1-35. v • e edepends r e e e pu (1 TT ing MAKING. SAFE 116EST info ',phis - "'„ DisT1tl1li;7,'Io\ op, RISJ( flRST AIM of WISE 1NFI;STOR. �-. n Investing :lot So a.ttsy Milt Sounds -Why Emu Iiivestuients are Not ewe Po spialeenewrit Tee . 0 e l Iiow'-2easolt Small Investor . ,Shen° Try 8°111eihlnb Lige. Tiseie ls. in Canada, a growing amount of capital which is seeking investment_ Pile experience of 010 United states dui, ing a.. motley period of its existence, when the lack, of ivestment. knowledge. enabit i of the get•rioh•4ufek tvpe to Stasi hundreds of millions of b aeollars from: the savings of the th. fly, n prompt d the Publisher of this paper to Aevote •in future soma space each week to the rah' licatton of investment luformateou, To this .end t ay havD ,ecueei the servitl°9 of, one of rho for�most ftnanoial writers in Canada to 1111 this column each week .with. general information on flnaueial sub,iopts in the hope that it will rove useful in helning our readore to i'udga' for themselves the merits of investments, Tha following arttola 1s tntrodn°toey in nature, l7uviug tbo,neat fQItnioYtilaty� dealt ns khans of investments dealt zed. and their good and bad Points eritioise o w111 ]bexample aon6iaa2 nmttlit%hoeo of bonds and iu�•°stment stooks of vario is sorts. The pronar sort of incestmeuts for women will also some to for . eoustaara• '. tion. These" will nota ere lir ` Sia niul articles but will bort g mar eaco You from potting your monpy into ermine ventures at some gimpy future time. The impartial and reliable character of the information in this 001- umn may bo depended upon., The writer of those articles- and the publishes of thio, paper liavo.no other interests to serve in connection with this matter, (By"Investor.") arkecl Al The man who rem moet any fool can make a fortune, but it takes a verse assn to keep it," was much more than half in earnest when he spoke. Keeping a fortune, or even a modest amount of savings; does not mean merely' keeping it safe. A well-chosen in ground will do that. But, so to invest ones money that it not only remains safe, but also brings in a substantial income, is a prob- rem vcltich takes much thought. To the average man, the tem "investment" "has no very clear 3 meaning. As often as not, we hear men state that they have invest- ed" in a mining stock,.when even the term ``speculation" -which in- valves taking a certain amoltnrt of chance -would be much too mild a word. To others, investment at. once brings up thoughts of mart- gages. Yet between these two ex- tremor -the well -secured farm mortgage on the one hand, and the the other -lies a great field of op- ortunrt su hin a *ariet of in- vesUmen to suit all. tastes and all requirements. WBAT ARE INVESTIt2E1TTS 4 Now, as to what constitute in vestmen4s. Strictly speaking, an investment is anything which we may buy that will bring us in an income, and retain its value, i.e-, can be des. posed of without material loss. Thus, the purchase of a good farm which may be leased or worked so as to bring in a good return on its cost, is an investment.' But this is a ver small and relatively �' y unimportant field for the investment of our money. Not everyone has sufficient capital to buy a farm, and, as a rule the rental of a farm is not a high enough return on the investment to make it worth while. For one must remember that out of this return sufficient must be laid away each year to rebuild all buildings at the end of, say, thirty years. Part of the re- turn from rent represents a pay- meat for depreciation on buildings, etc., which, despite repairs every year, come that much nearer the time when they must be rebuilt. Perhaps if they are well construct- thirty years is too short a time to allow; but 1t is never unwise to err on the side of safety. There is, • however, in addition to tree small return and the risks of a dishonest or unfortunate leasee, one very sound reason why a per- son with limited capital should not invest in farm real - estate; unless, of. course, he is a farmer, who in- tends to operate it himself, and in this case - a high return on the .amount invested represents. to no small extent the payment to the farmer of his own salary -though manydo not reailize this feat -and varies in proportion with his skill as an husbandman, as anyfarmer knows. Everyone knows the old that it is foolish to ptit all ones eggs in one basket; the same applies to investments, but with greatly increased force. One should never, under any circumstances, so invest money that, should a fire, a failure, or other unforeseen, aoci- dent, emcee, all world be lost. Our capital, even if it is very small, allot rid be distributed over a cls- verse field. And in this di.stribu- tion, it slioulcl be' remembered to mak-ethe spread cover. a wide field, not only in class of investment, but in location. In this '.manner, for ' example, the failure of craps in Central Ontario would not affect mortgages held in that part of the Provence;. depressinn in Canada, would not affeet municipal bonds, Many other examples can be easily always aim to divide the risk. "eliatributien of risk," ws it is oa}led, is the first Step of the wise man who aims to keep his r'£orteme" big or little. t�le, NEWS UQ SUNSET WHAT TOR WESTERN 1 ARE po1r.G, 1#to+•gess of the G] elft. IY ° In 14 FEIN Pointed. - Items, , glean, B. G., census au aro hal!'ing considerable with the Uoukltobors, Yaneouvgi^ has lost on biggest inluetrees ty the in .of the Ship ar g'�, „ Y ds by it ,Dad Taylor, who is Vancouver for the mutde •, 1 is 82 years e ,tj number Of slid'ga Of were shown at the Arctic : hood Theatre Dawson gently. One of the most comp racy bt]]lcliugs in Can.ad one greeted at Victoria, n a value of $250,000, T1]e model town owned Powel River Pulp and Pa party, has sustained damag to the extent of $35,000. Kamloops intends spends for:developie a 500 hors 000 • on file Bcui'iel' -river a ,.. of the North Thompson - A new post office with .ago of 7e feet is to be Revelstoke, Kamloops. T tura will be two storiesi Government Agent J. has been appointed stipen gistrate for the province ish Columbia in Lite Jaun Plans leave been pass new sewer system of th .Cranbrook. The system $100,000 and will take twc to build. ) 01- allowing three pr escape, while on duty, R land, jailer, has bean ask 'sign his position on the ver police force. A sum of $1,000 has , by the late Mrs. O. M. B the Vancouver branch of eiety for the Prevention o to Animals, Meetings are being her tonin, in an effort to eros est in the project for s direct line al s-ailway Peace Riser district to Y The Daughters of the have been presented with Shield by prominent of work during the coronal -titles. The receipts of the Cit Westminster shote a larg last year, the electri trent alone showing over the same time last Robert Twoby, of Port been awarded a sub -co the construction of stretch of Canadian Railway line between Kamloops. a• 'TRIALS J WA'I'I;It. A lllsliltaily Ilat»leafs}1u1 Way Of Proving ()ne'B Iunat�oucal.' '.throwing people into the, water to let it deter'min'e thein`,ion'oeertce Ol' g]]ilt tl'Aa widely in fisc in'clle ,seventeenth and eighteenth eon- furies, A Synod of West Prussia forbade its use in 17116. Sporn>�lio eases however oecus'redl durin the whole of the nineteenth ring h airy• - - 5 Prof, E. P, Evans wrote in 150 of its use in Dalmatia, where en -Me0utolleon, spine dietiiets ib was still euStom- ai',y to throw all tyle Yl=O1nen into t}e0 water O]] a apeciltcd clay to see whether they 'would sink Or swim. : A rope Was attached to each in p . order to save from drowning those who ,proved their innneaoee b Y sinitiug, while those believed to be guilty because they .floated; were also rescued 'sued made t0 p nomiao to forsake their evil ways on pain beim e stoned. . of b -A traveller has described a mod- an survival o£ the. ordeal used ]•n detecting thieves in southern ,Rus-• ria, says the Dietetic and I3ygt- eit1C Gazette. All the servants of the robber the household where Y occurred were asaemblecl and as many balls: of bread were made as there were .suspected persona. A sorceress then addressed each .one of the number, saying that the particular ball of ,bread' which sh° }solei en .her liancl would sink or swim as the party addressed was guilty or innocent. Slie then flung it into file water. - in or- Boiling water eras used deals by the r'•ersians and it is •the referred to in the Avesto. It con- `taiued both the sacred elements, water and -fire, suggesting the de- luge past and the fiery doom of th'e fuLnre. •In the simplest form of the hot water test rho bare arm was plunged to the wrist in trivial cases, and to the elbow in more serious trials, usually to bring out lenge or coins thrown therein. In Tibet plaintiff and defendant settle their cause judicially by plunging their arms into boiling water containing a black and a white stone, when he who brings up the white stone wins the verdict. A King of the Goths in the seventh Council of Toledo, recommended the boiling test for crime. �; MODERN IDEAS ABOUT SLEEP. - Many Persons Take Too Much ofJt -The- Nature of Dreams. Sleep is no longer indefinitely considered a wandering abroad of the soul, writes Fred W. Eastman in the Atlantic, but is now known to be a temporary poisoning of the brain cells by the waste products resulting during the day from the activity of the body in general_ Thus when a muscle cell or a nerve cell acts nutritive material within its walls is broken down into substances that are of no value and merely impede further action of the cell unless removed' Normally these waste products are washed out by the blood stream vvhieh at the same time provides new cell food, and is finally itself purified by the excretory organs, the brags and the kidneys. In the course of the day, how- ever, production is in excess of re- moval and then the clogging effect of these substances is manifested by fatigue in muscles and brain, the extreme degrees of which re- sults, in the latter organ, in the in- ability to act, which we now know as sleep. The third of our time taus spent out of commission is therefore really due to the inade- quacy of the excretory organs for purifying the blood. Perhaps, ori account of popular opinion and personal habit, the waste much time in a jellyfish con- j Yover clition that would be more profit- ably spent in active pursuit of our ambitions. The answer of course upon the na iniicf our oc- If there is much muses - l lar .effort effort involved with a eorres_ ponding large amount of waste in the cells, and blood, eight hours or more are probably necessary. But if our work is of a sedentary nature and mainly of the brain there is naturally a smaller quan- Eby of ,accumulated waste and less time is required for its removal. Many are the instances of great men, past and present, who have lived healthfully and worked un- teasingly and strenuously 011 only four or five hours sleep, or half theThe laborer's portion, Dreams are due to.an increase of sensation and circulation over that which exists in profound sleep. Observations made upon patients with cranial defects show that when we are dreaming the brain is greater in volume than in deep sleep, and less than when we are awake. Thus this intermediate volume of blood would indicate that dreams are, an intermediate stage, between unconsciousness and g vcakefuhiess, and their incomplete and irregular intelligence would indicate the same thing, This increased 'circulation is ns- welly due to sensory stimulation af- : fecting the vasomotor centre and • causing a return of blood to the • head,with resultant increased con.- ' sciosness. Contrary to popular belief dreams in themselves do not 1 contribute to light or broken sleep 1 in which they are present. i Such a condition is due to the Sshaft t ever present stimuli, -which accord- ing to their strength or the degree 1 . of irritability of the -cells maintain even. in. -sleep a varying degree of. } consciousness, of which the dreams _ are merely a manifestation, There- 1 fore the fatiguing effect often also ,'e the ed to, dreams is not due to 1 atadage, _ ahem but to the lighter degree of tor - sleep and less e°---a000mCan,ell x�sand ation eec.d they accompany, 3,• t which are due to some irritation. 1 4,----_- '•GREAT FUII SALES. LONDON S e An interesting sight in London is ne of the great periodical sales of raw skins and furs held at a Inc warebnuse-.in the city, The magr'i- e rude . of the trade and the vast amount of money involved would ,e surprise any one who visited one e of these sales for the first time. At premises inGreatQueen street 1. the pu or to flour one can wander from floor i piled with thmtsanda upon etrau t sands of skins until one begins to e wonder where all the c'etttures they encc *tiled lived, ,. a INTERIOR OF THE EARTII. T Ii a Illy as Mach Known About it as Abottt the 5tttrs• Te interior of the earth is scarce- ly mare accessible than the stars to direct experimentations and is less known through valid indirect evi- deuce. Some information is given by earthquake shocks which, though local in origin, shake the whole earth, By collating the.re- cords of seismegraphs in various places it has been learned that the velocity of the earthquake wave is three or four miles per second in. the upper strata of the Earth and more than ten miles per second in the central nucleus. earth, .as a whole, may be compared to a great spherical bell' which when struck makes- only two or three complete vibrations per hour. As the note emitted by a piano string depends on its length, thickness, and tension, so the "note" of the earth bell and the velocity of.waves in its different parts give •some indication of the state of the concentric strata of which the earth is composed. The information thus obtained is very incomplete, and scientists have endeavored to fill its voids by means of various plausible hypotheses. A review of our present knowledge of the earth, recently presented to a French Scientific Society, contains two remarks, of especial interest 1 r concerning the 'variations ofe grav- ity and pressure in the earth's interior. If a shaft were, sunk vertically to the centre of the earth and an object, suspended from a spring balance, were lowered down the the weight of the object, as , g � , indicated by the dial of the bal- ante, would at first increase, as the descending object approached the deeper and'clenser strata. After- passing a certain de th however p g p ' the weight would begin to diminish to tile' centre and It wonld cont'nue to diminish to the centre of the earth, where its value would be •zero, because the object- would there be equally attracted In every direction. - The pressure increases enormous- ly with inet'easing depth below the earth's surface, It must be about 200,000 atmospheres at a depth of 400 miles (l-10 the earths radius), 4,000,000 atmospheres et 2,0,00 miles (half the radius), and more than 1,- 006,000 atmospheres at the centre. 1311011 arpressures the materials ab of file earth though heated above the their me, mg point'§, are probably toutea•5olid and as rigid as glass or steel, lienee the velocity velocity of propagations of vibrations mustex- teed the velocity of sound in orate- ary solids, such as east iron, in which it is 20,000 feet per second.--- Scientific American: -r WORDS Or ll'TSD( Money talks; but not ir. Bence of the man who ha: Making money and mal aro alike, in that the mor the more you want. , If you take one mans a r chances are the next x Comes along will convincr first man was wrong. Many men' figure just they dare to be bad. When we, act the same house, whether there's present or not, we have good stand in with our fi The man with one idea tithes a bore -sometimes 1 ation. It depends on the the idea. There is nothing that off' lies and cause them and die like, supreme in Time isa, great leveller, have luek.enon h to act p g and to maintain silence the lies will die and be fo Thou foolish, gold -blip Thou spendest thy healt wealth, then thou wake hath a pain, and the do wise, and thenceforth th eat. wealth getting heap about the future you dr and worked for while y -to-day I She -"I'm going to geed my engagement-ring;I otci 'e-"Givme and aciclress." She --`Do „ to kill him1' He-} leo; aeh']iitn the ring. Before using a new lam wrap it in clot]] and kettle of cold water. B a bon and hell for feftee Let file water cool bolo ing chimney. No or,clin ar, •break a chimney treat way: __ The Kin has •a ro � g pp v pointmenl of Mr. Willis Charles Gladstone, - of Castle, `i.n 1 itis Ma• enant tat the Country o the place of.Me. Hugh deceased. .'-Che nein Brut grandson *lege W. E, 11 CDs 2 ISSUE 8i---1lthought of. Therefore, in invest- COAST elol'L St Toll'( , thoritles troublo of its destroy, - 8. hold at r of Eli C age.. Victoria Brothers City, i'd.- Tete lib• a' is the B.C., a( 1 by the por Come ge;,by'fire ng $200,- 0spower' tributary. river, a. front - built at TI • sten- height. height. Kirkup dary ma - of Brit. e Cache. ed forthe o city of. will coat o seasons eerie • to obt. Bor- ed to re- Vancou- I • left Eecher to the So - Cruelty d in Vie. tse inter - curing a from the ancouver. e, Empire u a silver' tizens of anization on foal - of New e increase c depart - $11,080.95 year. land, has ntract for a 40 -mile Northern Hope and M. the pre wisdom. ing love e you get dvice, the an who you the how far in our company a pnttty nmily. is seme- n inspir- man and will choke to wither difference. and if we the truth about lies, rgotton, did man. tle getting • wakes up and etor looks au spend- . Wl]at earned of ou forgot you back love ,ars his name you want I want to p chimney, place in a, ring it, to n minutes.. Pe reniov y heat will eel in this ed the em - 01 Glyine Hawarden Nest • Lieut - f Flint, in , R. Hughes, enact is. a Gladztono.