HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-10, Page 5It'
K. O. r, M.
Breseela Tel gf the Atappalieas, NO. g4
hold their Iogaler. meetings in the I,todge
pour, naokor 7}1Qelt, on
and 8rd1
Terrain), 0 tPoof eon mouh.
VnullraYn A 1a
A 4 8.s0-104 td to:ul
l, 'a,NoCUtati, f;. S,
We In the Post Office, Ethel. 20.4
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Ofttoe and ltosidenee-
i • ERR, will bell for better prices, to
batter men, in lase time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East .Huron or
be won't charge anything, Dates and ordera
sun always be arranged at this oi8ce or by
pure mal application,
1iatrteter, Hulleltor, Oeuyeyuneer,
r'ea ,kc. .,'Cion-etewert'. Block
I Is a: nor Ln 11.en4, al Il„t„t
4)Y bettor fur tor; -6l etropol'tau 13 auk..
pliOULP 00 V, Hayti df KILLORAN
44415401' 141tI3, SOLICIT- ORS, 802 ARDIS - - BRUSSELS
1'U141,1.1, It'1'O. GofNG Some GOING NORTH
W Crrnunr,or, R. 0 ht. O. Sara Mail 7:07 a m Express 10:65 a n,
.1, L. KILL 11)119 Exprora 11.:26 a In Nail- ....... ... 1:09 p m
Uaioon-•l hove for merry nooupled by afseori I4xpre90 2:85 p m Express 8:92 p m
t:awere. ,t Holt
nenaala,l, IIN'99at0.
Business Canis
Teacher of Plano
theoStandard Bauk,�i8Fr eoa016pne doors 00
has passed successfully her second examina-
tion of the Pianoforte Department of the To•
Tonto Poaservatory of 610.910, cad in prepared
to take pupils at her home, i'rinoesa street,
t5 'Visits Ethel Friday and Saturday of eat*
DR. - T, T. M"RAE ti
Bachaler of tfedioine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy,
oiosaas and Surgeon, Pot, Post•groduate
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and %%raat $oBpttal, I
Chicago, 50. Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mioh•
tte01$pe 000ver IP. It, Smith's Drug Store. Tele-
phone oonneorion with 0ranbroo1 et all hours.
Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York end Chicago Noe.
pitals. Special attention todlaease of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses..
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate. Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith.
Block recently vacated by Dr. Fend,
R. M. AV LEAN. D.D.S., L.D.S.
. Corrie,. Ont.
Honor graduate University of Toronto, De•
pertinent ofDentietry ; Graduate Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wrox-
eter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.
Office In Grand Central block. at Fordwich
every Friday forenoon. Office in Gerrie. in
Leech's Block. 21.0ni
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. • Day and night calls, Offioe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
QtesSaa i rerfol air Rapp it'dr
Royal Mail Steamers
Picturesque St, Lawrence Route
Victorian.... .. Fri.. Juice 2e Fri. July 21
Corsican ..,. PH. June 80 Fri. July 28
Virginian ... Fri. July 7 Fri, Aug. 4
Tunisian:....,,. lien. July 14 Fri. Aug. 11
Beaper'ian Sat. June 24 Sat. July 22
Ioutan Sat. July 1 Sat. July 20
GrampianSat. July 8 Sat. Aug. 6
Scotian Sat. July 16 Bat. Avg.12
This service is composed of one Ohms, second,.
cabin Steamers sailing from Montreal every
Saturday. (Moderate ' rate.)
Full Information as to rates, etc., On applica•
bion to
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
Young People
We eau ,prepare you for business
, The Listowel Business College g
Ei Weplace our graduates in positions.
Our graduates are successful. Two
Courses -Commercial and Shorthand.
Fall Term opens September 5811.
vm aiypm�� $44 ago_6eq
Fall Term Opens
A g.
Iu the Popular and Progressiva a
't Toronto, Ont., This school ranks 2t
'1 high among the best Business Col- ri
6'{ loges of this confident. Freer of this ,t,dd
'statement is found in our large mita.re
to ue. to
-day tday for one. Sal.
arias offered ffe ed .our
�Ya/ graduates es fit
year,tolarger tn ever before. ID anis ge
the best practical education. V
Oor. Young and (
Alexander Sta. i Principal.
I4^.aY6 CROVi21-QR^a'l'6^71�9Fr...r 2`i® w•lw
At your home without
pain, danger or 'operation.
My method will cure•ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured i'
Do not wait fill in coupon
Age Time Rup.... ....
Siugle or Double
and return to
88 Caledonia St.
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.
swift .,ieWs Items
'1 he carcasses of hundreds of noose
have been discovered in the burnt dis-
trict around Porcupine, and the depart-
ment isconsidering the advisability of
forbidding the killing of any moose for
three years
SOME sneak thieves have beeu busy
at the dastardly practice of stealing
flowers from the graves iu the Amherst.
burg cemeteries. Watchmen are making
a search,' and if apprehended the pilfer-
ers will be prosecuted,
An ordinary case of diarrhoea can,
as a rule, be cured by a single dose of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. This: remedy has
no superior for bowel complaints.
For sale by all dealers.
-A convention of the Liberals of South
Huron, for the purpose of selecting a
candidate to contest the riding in the
Liberal interests at the coming Domin-
ion election will be held in Henaall, on
Friday, August 18th, at eleven o'clock,
11. m. It is particularly requested fhat
every division in the riding be fully
Outs and bruises May be healed ina-
bout one-third the time required by
the usual treatment by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment. It is an
antiseptic and causes such injuries to
heal without maturation. This tini-
meet also. relieves soreness of the
muscles c es and rheumati
c pains.. For
sale by all dealers.
Ur To THE MARK. -Heretofore the
wisdom of Solomon wag required of all
railway conductors many times; a day
when the question of the child's age
arose. This very delicate problem has
just been solved by an American line in
a manner that would make the author
of the book of Proverbs lonk't
o his
laurels es a shrewd judge. By careful
computation it WAR ascertained that the
average height of five -year-olds is 41
inches and accordingly a mark was
painted at that height from the, floor in
their cars. Hereafter there can he no
insiuudtions regardiug the veracity of
parents who desire to save the money..
If dispute arises, the youngster is march
ed up to the fare height mark and the
answer is obvious.,
Shako Hands With Asthma
Awfully distressing is asthma. But
worse, if possible when combined with
Bronchitis. Relieved quicker by
Oatarrhozoie than anything else
cured' BO thoroughly by "Oatarrho-
zone" that it doesn't return. Oatatr-
rhozone's healing vapor is breathed'
right into the lungs, destroying the
cause of Asthma and succeeds in the
moat chronic cases. Try it, Two
sizes 25c and100
$ . at all dealers.
PARCEL Posl - Postmaster -General
Lemieux, speaking in reply to a question
in the House stated regarding the
parcel post system, that he had directed
Geo. Ross, of Toronto, to prepare a re-
port' on the subject, which nue hoped
would soon be completed. There Were
practical difficulties in the way and what
might easily be done in England could
not necessarily be attempted in a vast
country like Canada or the United
States. The strongest opposition to the
parcels post system,. Mr. Lemrieex ridd-
ed came tI•om Ontario, 'rhe rural mer-
chants were especially bitter against
it, believing that it would insure largely
to the benefit of the mail .order business
of the big department stores.
LucaariVE Posrrtoxs.-It is generally
conceded that owing to the Chain of
Seven Colleges, with which Wingham
Business College is connected, that its
graduates get the choice positions,
Many young men who graduated two
years ago are now receiving 51'dm 8t000
to $3000 per year, 'young women from
$6o to Si to per month. The Wingham
Business. College is one of the largest
Schools in the Province, and the demand
for Its graduates is many times its supply
Mr. Spottou has solved the life prnblent
for thousands and placed theta on the
"Highroad to success," and ho is in a
better position than ever to do the settle
for you, You will be welcomed at any
of lois town or city Schools. We tinder -
stand that he trained Twelve Hundred
stitdents last year, and anticipates a
large increase tiering the incoming year,
It would be well for young people to
et his Attlee, If he thinks you are not
adapted tar Catnrptrpial pursuits he
will .frankly leit You.
Y t
When pr# Fa TOO F act
7014two iiicligestton, perhapscr'alnps,
ee In any ouao the ay5Lern ie overload-
ed with matl.ee that should be (Malin
tlted, Breath gets bad, eyes look dull,
1 orefrequent,
t c s 1
11 t}ttt lie 1 not
Cleanse and puliky filo whole system,
wily not strengthen the stolna(11, en•
rich the blood and assist yyour over,
taxed digestive nt,'gaos i' lIttsily done
with Dr, l3an}Ston s' Pills ; their an:
GOO Is 941080ratlf, ili , In ever
g Y g'
case they 'give the exact assistance
the ailing organs require. You'll feel
fit and tine, eat with a relish, Bleep
like a top, have a clear Color, aid rest-
ful sleep, 1'f you regulate your system
with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c,
per box, at all dealers.
Connell met on'Satttrday.
Dn April 2714), Arthur. Wpm, of
Newry, had a silting of Bhtok Milan eo
eggs hatched, and July 21st, the youth(
pullets began to lay.
Allan and Mrs. AloMaue, of Atwood,
ar 11(101100 the engagement of Linde
eldest datigbter, Margaret E, to John
Fleury, of. Sebringville, marriage to
take place in September,
Robert I+ai'rel) has sold Iris 100 acre
farfn to Jamnee Donaldson, and the'S0
acres across the road to J. 4. Hamtl-
boti. Fortner intends buying the
property of the late John New (Jigging.
On Sunday of last weelc William
Holman let Itis famous stallion "Dash-
wood" out in the Held and in some nn•
fnt•lnnate way the animal brolce hie
right front leg, and .had to be shot.
Miss Rosa Robb and J. 11. Ratcliffe
were successful is passing their recent
examinations. They are now qualified'
to enter into the Fatalities of Educa-
tion ttt the University of Toronto and
Queen's University, Kiugston.
Rosy Chocks For Palo Girls
Don't be debarred frciu strength:
and spirit, don't give into illness and
despair. F&•reozone supplies tone and
vigor through which all functions of
womanly lite are maintained and
forlifed. Prom New Richmond, Que.,
comes the following statement' from
Mrs. Isidore I3oissoneault : "I take
deep pleasure in testifying to the
owerfnl influence of Ferrozone For
, •
years nay daughter has been pale and
sickly. -showed signs of advanced
anemia. Her lips got so white and
her cheeks so devoid of color );feared
consumption. I can certify Fe`rrozone
made ata excellent cure, and to -day my
d'aughter's health is the best." 500.
per box at all dealers.
July31. Members all present ; Reeve
in the. chair. Minutes of last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Masers. Wheeler and Rutherford.
Reeve reported that he had called on
Lawyer Holme1-to engage his services
at Court of, Appeal to be held by Judge
Doyle inOlerk s ofB.ce, Blnevale, Tues-
day,July 25th, reappealNor•th Iuron
Telephone Cc). Mr. Hohnes' did not
think it necessary to attend the Court.
Judgtneut. reserved. Mclurney-
Mulvey-That Clerk be instructed to
notify North Huron Telephone Co. to
erect their poles on 8th con. line, Turn -
berry, not less than 80 feet from centre
of road.- Carried. Wheeler- Mc-
Burney -That By -Law No. 8 be pass-
ed to provide funds to meet current
expenses of Itiuuicipality for the
current year. Carried. Rutherford -
Mulvey -That By -Law No. 9 be pass-
ed to provide funds to meet County
Requisition for current t year.
Rutherford- Mulvey- That By -Law
No. 10 be passed to provide funds for
Tp. grant to schools for current year.
Carried. Mulvey -Rutherford- That
Drainage By -Law No. 20 be passed to
provide funds to meet awards in
Henderson Drain in Turnberry.
Carried. Wheeler -McBurney -That
Drainage By -Law No. 20 be passed, to
provide u i
e fu❑ da to meet award on
v Pea-
cock Drain on boundary Tuenberry
and Morris Carried. Following ac-
counts were passed and cheques
issued :-Arthur Shaw, treas. Morris,
Jermyn drain, $75.50 ; John Burgess,
Pt. salary, $50.00 ;. Municipal World,
Coll'r roll $1.75 ; Duff & Stewart,
bridge contract, $10.00 ; Robt. Shaw,
Court of Revision, $LSO ; Peter Hast-
ings, drain and tile 9th line, $3.25
James Orr, rep. Turner drain, $2.00;
Wut. Holmes, seat for road Machine,
$3.50 ; John McNaughton, gravel and
damages, $15.98; Wrn. E. -Mitchell,
gravel, $3.42; A. Wheeler, gravel, $3 ;
Jas. McDougall, gravel $1.57
Ben Ringlet., geavel, $3.70 ; Mrs.
Robinson, gravel, $4.18 ; J. H. Smith,
gravel and damages, $1.00 ; S. Van-
stone, gravel, $5.76 ; E. Cells, gravel
and damages, $2.58 f Walter Lott,
gravel and damages, $6.04 ; Wm. J.
Campbell, gravel and damages, $3.40 ;
The experience of Motherhood is a
trying one to most women and marks
distinctly an epoch in their lives. Not
one woman in a hun-
dred is prepared or
understands hoax to
properlyl. 0couer'se near:
ly every woman now•
treatment at the
time of child -birth,
but many approach
the experience with
all organism unfitted for the trial of
strength, and when the strain is over
iter system has received a shock from
which it is hard to recover. Follow-
ing right upon this comes the nervous'
strain of caring for the child, and a
distinct change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of chil-
dren, and indeed child -birth under riglit
conditions -need be no hazard to health
or beauty. The unexplainable thing is
that, with all the evidence of shattered
nerves and broken 'health resulting
from an unprepared condition women
wi11 persist in going blindly to condition,
It isn't as though the experience
came upon them unawares. They have
ample time in which to prepare, but
they, for the most part, trust to chance
and pay the penalty.
In many homes once childless there
are now children because of the feet
that Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal,
healthy, and strong.
Any woman who would like
special advice in regard to this
matter is cordially invited to
write to Mrs. Pin ha Lynn,
mat Ly ,
Mass. Her letter will be held in
strict confidence.
John McBurney, gravel and damages,
$3.40 ; Rueben Stokes, gravel and
damages, $3.18 ; Wm. H. Armstrong,
gravel�and damages, $3.28 ; John
Marahetll, gravel and damages, $2.68.
Meeting adjourned to [meet In Clerk's
office, Monday, Aug. 28th, at 10 o'clock
a. 3n. Jome BURGESS, Clerk.
Buy it now. Now is the time to buy
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
alrtioet certain to be needed before
the Summer is over. This remedy has
no superior. For sale by all dealers.
Mrs. H. B. Mbrphy'and daughter,
Miss Marie, are visiting in Graven -
Miss Helen L. Hawkins, graduate
nurse, left for Lethbridge, Alta., where
she goes to take a poeitiou in the Galt
Listowel football team brought glory
to the town, again by wresting the
Intermediate W. F. A. championship
from Preston on Wednesday of last
week. 'There was a jubilation on the
return of the victors tot
to v1).
Chas. and Will. Zilliax and Gordon
Rogers of Toronto have been visiting
in town left for Osoeze camp at Ethel.
Gen. Watson, Richard Paul, Geo.
Bailey, Ed. and Harry Roos,.. N. and
B. Bamford are also camping at
At the meeting of the Listowel
Cheese Board twelve factories boarded
2,609 boxes
cheese aliwhite exec t 180
boxes. On the ' board the ruling bid
waal2o., and only one sale was made,
but practically everything was sold on
the street afterwards at this figure.
The home of 0. A. and Mrs. Fink-
beiner was the scene of an interesting
social event. The Ladies' Aid of the
Evangelical church came in a body to
surprise Mrs. Finkbeiner. Miss E. C.
Bender read the address, and Mrs. 0.
B. Dietrich presented Mrs. Finkbeiner
with an ornamental vase. Miss Eva
was presented with a beautiful jewel
Thorns In tho Flesh
Even worse is the agony of corns.
Why suffer -care is waiting in every
drug store in the form df Putnam's
Corn Extractor which relieves at once,
cares thoroughly and without pain.
For good tesnits use only Putnam s.
r •+MF•+•+•••••+•*•+•+••••+••I• +•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+••A••p•+ •
The. Great. Exhibition of 1911
I London
,Can., Sept. 8 to 16 •
• in Prizes and Attractions.
Exhibition of Live Stock The best ever seen in Canada
•1. Many Unique Special Attractions, including
+• Fireworks Display Every. Evening 1p..
Reduced hates on all Railways,
Prize Lints, Entry) Orme, and aU 00hsr fntormatidn from
W, J:. pEID, Vresidttnt. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. q'
life and Meter into tiuu wia"eiaatGo�
p x Aft r
t .4 4 h Ir Root is De
T e Ha R x ad
t Jae, Fox will tell you that he sells 1t
neat litany bottles of Parisian'' Sage
tet)ause it give9 satlofaetion.
Ile guarantees it tO eradicate (land -
ruff, stop falling nod splitting hair
and itching stain, or money back,
Parisian Sage will make hair grow
1 if .the hair root is not dead • ie . tuts
life anti, luster into Gull and Padedh '
1)c Is ole
and most tjelightttil hair dress-
itl 1 the g n 1 world, Only 50 Ceuta a
large bottle,
Parisian Sage is the best. hair grew
er acrd beautifier, dandruff cure and
scalp cleaner known, Try it on our
motley back plan.
St, foul's Church 01)011' 18 holiday-
ing on the lake shore at Kincardine.
T. Ji nod Mrs. YVattt, of Mitt., Mich„
teem cathing on old 5540ods iu 1Viog.
',Vingharu Bowling Club will Hold
tieirann.ualbotvling Tournament oil
Wednesday, Aug, 16(11 and following
Bliss Beth Ouldet', of the Lillian
Massey School of Domestic Science,
and Nliss Amoral Silver, of Toronto,
were guests of Dr. MtorgaretC.,Calder.
The little boy, Louis Darnell, who
fell off the iron bridge in Lower Town
fracturing his skull, is improving
There passed away 314 Clinton on
August, 1st, Win. Hanna, brother of
the late John 1.lanna, of Winghaul,
aged 80 years. The funeral took place
Thursday front the residence of Mrs.
John Hanna to Wiughaw cemetery.
Irwin Pattison met with an acci-
dent in the Union factory. While en-
gaged at, his work, a piece of board,
being put through a machine near at
hand, by another workman, flew from
the saw with ,great force, striating
Mr. Pattison on the left cheek, 111-
fietiog et wound that required a num-
ber of stitches.
A. well known Des Moines woman
after suffering miserably for two
days ft'oi n bowel complaint, was cured
byone dose n
f Chani
berlain'sn '
Cholera e and Diarrhoea hoeat R
eined Pot
sale by all dealers.
There will be no drought this year
to curtail the crop. Ram has fallen
with profitable regularity all season,
and if there is no more, the crops will
go through in good shape. So tnuch
rain in the growing season, not only
assures the crop, but forecasts a dry
harvest season, a feature scarcely less
valuable than sufficient moisture in
the earlier stages of the crop.
Harvesting has already begun 111
the more forward sections of the
West. The first harvest excursion
passed through Winnipeg this week,
and preparations are ioeing made
everywhere for getting enough hands
to harvest the enormous crop that is
now assured, Efforts made by the
Provincial governments of Manitoba
and Saskatchewan to procure harvest
hands in Eastern Canada and the
States, have met with splendid suc-
cess, and the rush of thousands to the
grain fields of the West is HOW on.
From 50,000 to 60,000 men are needed.
Results of the big farm tractor com-
petition held in connection with the
Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition last
week, have been announced by the
judges. The decision is carefully fig-
ured out
by incharge,
Tues t e
Avery motor the highest ercentage-
444.3 of a possible 500. The Kinnaird
Hayes machine was seconded with
423,9. This is the biggestfarm tractor
contest in the world.
Railroad work is going forward
rapidly in the West generally and par-
ticularly in Winnipeg. The Canadian
Pacific is about
to make big additions
to its terminals here e e and will add two
stories to its station ; will build a sub-
way to connect with a new four-story
building north of the tracks; will build
a first-cla•s-waiting room for travellers
in the Royal Alexandra Hotel annex,
and will nearly double the size of the
hotel itself by making it a 700 -room
Work on -the approaches to the new
Union Station is being pushed rapidly
and trains will be running into the big
depot in a month or less. The new
station folds greatly to the railway fa-
cilities of Winnipeg, and is well cal-
culated to serve the railroads and the
travelling public.
Brandon's big fair closed last week.
All records for attendance were smash-
ed, and the . entry list was forty per
cent. greater than that of last year.
Winnipeg business men ran a big ex-
cursion to Brandon, three hundred go-
ing by special train. '
Among other important work recent-
ly undertaken by the Canadian North-
ern Railway, a new station will be
completed and opened at Brandon for
traffic nn August 1st. The outside
work of the new Canadian Northern
Hotel, which is being erected in con-
nection with the Canadian Northern
station, is completed, and the work of
the interior has commenced. The
hotel will be opened for business on
New Year's Day.
Brandon clearing house returns for
the week ending July 20th, were 8576,-
845„ showing an increase of $17,818
over the sante week of 1910.
The tonnage of freights handled by
the three railways for the month of
Jane was : Received, 13,874 tons ; for-
warded, 7,557 tons ; showing an in-
crease in forwarded freights of 2,724
Moose Jaw matters move merrily
on, The Canadian Northern Railway
have announced the plan of their
entrance into the city from the south.
The station wi11 be erected at the
corner of Thirteenth and Stadacotia
Streets, and the freight sheds and
yards will be located behind Athabasca
Port Mann, 13, O., is getting into the
spotlight. It has been announced that
the British Columbia Steel Corporation
with a capital of $10,000,000, will pro
teed itnmecliately with the construct
tion of the immense steel plant to be
greeted at Port Mann. This brings
the Pacific Coast terminus of the
Oanadiaa Northern forward in a Very
prominent manner,
Calgary is congratulating itself on
the Not that it has advanced fr.tm a.
town offour Port n
housa dpnp
elation to a
eitynf fifty thousand in ten years,
The census figuresarenut made final
u eo Calgary has been olaitnin
p ple, i is likely that the 00un
of 50,000 will be near the mark,
1 Harry Davey, of the Boatnsville
Bxprese, formerly editor of the Alit -
obeli Recorder, has purchased the
St, Marys Argus front A. 0. Wood,
who has been appointed to succeed
the Into II, Na. Wilson as collector of
customs for St. Marys,
j' Stratford vital statistics for the
month unL l 0Julywere ir' .
f 22 births, 10
11iarrh4ges and 8 deaWis, The b[titlls,
are good, the marriages very. fair and
the death rate low,
•tp•o•z•••1••'t•••••a'•+••••.•say.I•e'sr••++s•t•q'l'••+•••i•••o k*+o,r+r
We Li ke
alk Kodak •h
We are always best satisfied when our •F
customers are best satisfied. That's one
reason why we always like to talc about
Kodaks. The Roiled( goods htsve quality
written all over them.
[made and popularized amateur photogra-
phy. They have always led in improve -
men ts in new Ideas. We carry a full line,
They are not expensive --$5.00 up,
We'll be pleased to show the goods,
J. R. WENDT, Jeweler and Engraver, Wroxeter
•� M
nostrils -
A Combined Treatment
That Really Cures
Canadian weather, with its
extreme cold and sudden changes,
gives almost every one Catarrh..
and makes it hard. to cure. Some
recommend internal remedies
some external applications.
Father Morrlecy used both -
tablets to be taken three or four
times a day invigorate 1 nv80 1 .rte the
system, purify the blood and
help it throw off the disease, and
a soothing, healing antiseptic
salve to be applied inside the
This combined treatment known as
"Father Itiorriscy's No. 26"
attacking the disease from within and without, soon cures.
Mr. A. C. Thibodeae, General Merchant in Rogersville, N.B., writes on
Jan. 22ad last :
"A few words As to the merits of your Catarrh Cure. For the
fast 10 years Ihave been troubled with Catarrh of the head and stomach
and during that time have tried all kinds of other Remedies with no
results, until I tried your Catarrh Cure which I am glad to say :has
cured me. Ihigbly recommend it to those who are suffering with this
Don't trifle with Catarrh -cure it with Father Morriscy's No, 76,
50c for the combined treatment at your dealer's. 68
Father Morrisey IVledicino Co. Ltd.
it2ontroal, Que,
50,000 FARM
Goin>i n Additional for Return o
O Trip $ Following Conditions:
AUGUST 3rd -Front allstationson all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main
Line; Toronto to Sarnia, including all stations on
C.P.R. Toronto to
Detroit and Branch uincluding Guelph sub -division from Guelph
South and Brampton South. .
AUGUST 12th Tram all stations North of Grand Trunk Main Line,Toronto to Sarnia,
'Including C.P.R. points, Bolton jet. and west; also rand Trunk points,
'Toronto to Calendar inclusive.
AUGUST 16th -From all stations In Ontario, Toronto and East, Orillia and Scotia Jct.
and East on G.T.R. also Azilda and Eastern Ontario.
AUGUST 23rd -From all statlons Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West.
AUGUST .25th -From all stations Toronto and East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of
Orillla, Scotia Jct. and North Bay.
Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern-
ments will meet and engage laborers on arrival. at Winnipeg.
Free transportation will be famished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific where
laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, including branches, and at one cent
a mile each way west thereof .in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
A certificate Is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate, when executed by farmer
showing that laborer has worked tltkty days or more, will be honoredfrom that pont for a
second class ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at 018.00, prlor to Nov. 30th, 1911,
Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers trains, which will be run from Toronto
and Ontario points to Winnipeg without change, making trip in about 36 hours, and will be
issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children.
For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write -
R. L. TROMIPSON, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto
•+•+•+•.. •-Fes•e•F••Fo4•• 110+•+*++•1••d•••h•+44-4>+••1•••aok• P•• 1•••1•• •
The Toronto Milliuery Parlors
Were opened for this season,
according to announcement, with
an elegant display of Fashion-
able Millinery.
Misses Sanderson Carr i
Wish to thank the Ladies for
their attendance, their compli-
ments and -their highly esteem-
ed orders, If you have not seen
i our display call in. i
egrAtte get•'h•44414,S+4,,4*+. it• 1•i•_f'k 9ttl e+s•l• ,'.kete* .i t_tel "�