HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-10, Page 3jos P O UBL 101) Tattle Be The of Ing of a ,nese h consider has bee beef am tively hi against 1 staple fo consump through ter -has ary cluri vis here for pork DOUBL A few of pork Deed 20, somethin are slaw highest of beef 1004, wh tered, n ed for the peop dition o were ap bouseho cessation set in an consider OA Within has bee gQonsump doubt to and to t have be Imported from all of the an Central nsfiu, an is sold u "'Kobe b lbeanghter from C and Shiz •E Last b flesh whi lower of than a took to and sine slow but Gumption than 10, butcher nually. fared fo practical which ha from an the hors are assn DEAL Japans sort ef'cc there arc It is, hos unecrupu mix up beef and Sometime to book. ton and limited. P Awor The sle try. God h selves: Three fire. Fly pl low you. ]keep t keep the If you. done, go Want than wa Pride i and', gr The ey work the If you want, an yourself. Dost tl squander life is qi Fate is. less man. he deicer Much caused b business The tr shall kn church, b each oth 'There world to yon can, can't co get the s To ear limps to Oro, an 'sappy, lave and itappines through No ma asthmatic, 08.7. ATINC MOR t AS 'MANX nos ,'016 COl�'SUAIrT101Y, • -- i.re'' Sold Much f Lower Classes Iiorso1Ieab. d prejudice as to nimal floah among as been broken dawn ableextent. Indeed n an increasing demand ong them, but its XI -1 price seriously is being made ,a r diet. For ,hie bion of beef in the country, for remained almost ng the last few ,sing demand is and horseflesh, E AS MUCH PORI{ years ago the consumption in the capital did 000 head, but at g like double that ghtered and consumed. mark for the consumption in Tokyo was reached en 3,000' cattle were of including those military use. At le vvinwere in g to all ar, excited viand. theeokleas dofxlpiosalites ,With d the demand for• ably decreased. TILL SOLD AS" "KOBE BEEF' the last few years a, n a great increase tion of pork, awing Its comparative cheapness, hefact that the come used to it.. to- Tokyo for parts of the -country. imals; however; come Japan, Shikoku 1 the flesh of these oder the general eef." Most of ed in Tokyo are hiba, Ibaraki, tioka prefectures, AT HORSEFLESH. it not least there eh is in favor among little asses,: It is a"Three-quarters decade ago that the eating of horseflesh, e then there has steadyincrease In At present 1VL) head of horses 0d and eaten in TOISYO In Tokyo horseflesh . sale sale under the name of "cherry s evidently been old popular song o and the cherry ciatecl. MIS UNSCB.UPLOUS. se are not adept string new terms, i many similar instances. raver, to be regretted lour dealers are pieces of horseflesh sell the mixture :s these men .aro :sClo The consumption veal in Tokyo is ,p d sips easuros o£ e Fou ode vas. discomfort cubic ow c ntrol. sow T um. se Hobo Eat the eat. the Jap- to a there for eompara- militates universal reason the Tel yo -or that mat- station- years, but noticeable USED not ex- present number The in slaniglt- intend- this time -con - the - in their ,the ion beef has there in the no , people Cattle are slaughter Most from and KY- cattle name of the pigs imported Kanagawa is horse- the more Japanese been a its con- no fewer are an- is of- highly' flesh," suggested in which blossom in this of which that known to with as beef. brought of mut- still very MOW TO STAY aiflil�lbla WBSUM1 R COMES nE czEYEROST 'OM..PI. Tryto Keep a Olean Slate $o 1''ax WS Infiiiitioue Disease's Goo "There's ne way of ,preventing old ago itself," writes Weeds'Hut^ ohinsen in Hampton's,, save by the rather heroic famed. of dying worth while a GUARD TOUR BABY -_.._, : The Demmer months are .the most dangerolie of the year for the little one, Tho complaints of thie sea- sun conic so quickly that often a precious little Life ie beyond aid nets ow Ane of the Discoveries Of Radium. Macrame Curie, one of the dlscov- ere" of radium, who llas been call- ed the cleverest woman in the world, has been seeking, through London le house not s Hollinger HoIJin ev Extension �' ; n Mi es Lfrnfled. *� . M 9 •(uiicorporated'. under the Laws of the State of New .Il�raey, krearone ve pa weep, "It is peefeetl oesible liow- ever, to prevent moot of the limit-' a ions and cripplings, which alone make old age to bo dreaded, by the exercise of our intelligence and <4".determination, before the mother realizes baby is 113. Oom0nreialltrifo at hishtimo elera ,., , Tile moothoi' must guard her baby's health overt' minute. u$ho must be careful of hie food and careful, n rural Ense g land far from London, with a arden in which a 1211e girl could play." Those were all the particulars "the cleverest woman in the world" gavethe man of bueinena of her. requirements. It seems the doctors have ordered Authorized Capltaf - - $1,5QA,c�QCO , Treasury - : 500,000 s PAR VALUE OF SHARES esee Man if not most of the chap y, ,g- ice we associate with old age, wit;eh we have in mind when ivo think of growing old, which in our pomp Dna teC hnieel terminology we al- lude to as senile degenerations, are the result of infectious diseases and bad hygienic habits. For instance, remote at first his stomach Is kept sweet and: thatp his bowels move regularly jLndjthe freely. To do this nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets they are mothers best friend at all times of tiro year, but more especi- ally in the summer, when, if given occasionally' they act as a pre- },native of those dreaded summer .,hang° of air for the particular lit- gill in questfdn-a small per- son who is the apple of her moth- er's eye, and of far more account than all the radium in the universe, Madame Sklodakska.Curie is still' a young woman, being not much ov- or forty.. 1 -ler featured are dis- tinetly Polish, but her forehead is Dl REO1ORATE; Erwin A BENSON, Mech. Supt. Neiman car co, Mileage. PRenenice L, SIMMONS,,2nd Asst. Auditor Pullman Car co. Chloaeo, ' JOHN L. woODS, capltaltat, Chicago, ' ,I Roseee W. TINSLEY, Pres. Tinsley -Jackson Go., meet. I' JOHN R. TURNER, Corporation Trust co., New York, sight as the connection may neem, many of the disabilities of old age are the results of those lightl re- y garded and almost despised infee- tions called 'childrens, diseases' and `common colds,' n • "It seems ludicrous to think of a grandfather who has not fully re- covered from the measles or of a is -still suffering troubles, or if they • do come on suddenly tile" Tablets will just as quickly remove the cause and baby will soon be well again. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The -Dr, William' Medicine Broekvi]le, On`t. Co.,' wider than one is accustomed to see in a woman. She istall and well built, -and her manners are a trifle distant -some . call her aus- tare, As in the fitness of` thiugs, her hair is her "crowning glory," it is arranged in a large roll behind her heat), absolutely intro- cont of tongs or culpins. Again has especially The Company is organized to take control of the claim immediately adjoining the Hollinger Mine on the North. This claim is known to contain the extension of at least one of the Hollinger veins. 30,000 shares are offered for sale at $3.00 per share, and the subscription list will be closed as soon as the 30,000 shares are fully subscribed, when the stock will be listed on the different Exchanges. grandmother who from the effects of whooping cough, but such long delayed Nemeses as these are of painfully frequent on- ouri•enoe, "A healthy flrst.childhood is the --------4. • ENGLISH SCII00L BOYS. Truiinhag that no Longer Fits Men for the Tasks to be gime. • and again society, Parisian society, .tried to lure her into its centre, but:the more it seeks her the farther she flees from it, and now society is•getting tired and leaves her alone. Cheques or drafts, payable at par in Toronto, must accompany sub - seriptions. ' best alfuyen For three hundred of pursuing, aref onlyha suffie suffiaeconciently one.nfortunate in your .environment Y in mayarlavehal full prohood nto d of lh aetrile symptoins and die of old age at 45. A large percentage of the mass of humanity, both men and women, do 'so die, old before their time. "If or mor:g years the whole aim of a public: school education has .been`to fit a boy; nob ; for work, but for the oversee- fug of work, Until comparatively recently for the sons of gentlemen, and more especially of country squires, wh•fch class iiormetl Ilse huge bulk of the public school; In the Forth Bridge there is a horizontal chief pans uand ll of a,000tt ofinoe 000 tons on their bases. Half -a - dozen British ironclad, might be British hung upon them without causing any undue strain. e FULL INFORMATION WILL BE FURNISHED BY �Yl, MURRAY ALEXANDER, oI' USSNER, STi3ATi�Y & Ca.9 Melinda Street:, 46 Ring Street @f ., TORONTO. you want your child to reach a healthy, happy, uncrippled old theca were but three careers; the g of the estate itself for The kill' That Leads Them All. -- age guard his cradle and his nurs- ery with jealous care against the the eldest son; the army, which 'then deananded little: Pills are the most portable and compacteof;tlll medicines, and whei SANITARY. I START SOMETHING. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE, demons of the little fevers of. in- fancy and childhood. Even the so- called dulling of the old mans or no. expert knowledge, and the church, which am ahted to the overseeing of the easy to take are the most accep- table of preparations. But :hey must `attest their power to be po- Little Willie -What is humidity, Pat" "What"is an anecdote, pal" An anecdote, my son, is a short p y ASK pS Ns, HE KNOWS. e OWSconeui� me. senses is due•nine times out of ten to ailments of childhood. p and the positron of the squire's right hand man. • Even pular. As Parmelee s Ve stable„ g Pills are 'the moste popular of all Pa ---"Boiled atmosphere, my P son, and funnytale which at once a minds the other fellow of a tale TY you want to buy a farm, consult Y me. "The failure of his hearing is due to successive attacks of umuredor when, say about the middle of the last century the merchant class Pills they must fully meet all re- The eeuine Wilson's FlyPacts which is neither short nor funny.” HAVE some of the beat iCroil stook. 1 Crain or Daiis ta=me in butane, untreated colds which spread from began to invade the public school guirements. Accurately compoun- axe by far the best fly killers made.and nrioes right., his throat up to his eustachian tube to the drum and the bones of his it was customary after a very brief period of probation for the mer- led and composed of ingredients proven to be effective in regulating Every .housekeeper should use them. All Druggists, Grocers, and Gen- Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is a speedy cure for dyseu- u D<itA SCN Ninety Colborne Street, Tciouto. , middle ear'; the dimming of his eye- sight is due to that decay of the chant's son to take up the position of partner rather than apprentice. the digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to be bad any- era, Steges sell them. ,ery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and Dom- sAsxarooN FEEDS you if you are a hard-working vitality of the centre of the crystal- To this end, therefore, that theMagistrate-"What where. is the char a g plaints incidental to children teething. It immediate re- k'armer in any branch. Could you urns see our .agricultural 'rrospertty, no - thing would thereafter kgep you whore line lens which .we call cataract, a deco, caused bythe infection y shooks and overwork and under- g feeding strains of life. r' lin s of the c lop g finished product might become an efficient overseer of labor, was the whole system of education direct- ed. And well in•deed it served its purpose. 1 venture to say, writes polished The doctor is a man,man Of this there is no doubt; But he's very fond of saying "cut it against this man, officer?"Police-you r"There isn't any,our honor • y ' business was dull and 1 arrestedof him just to keep my hand in." gives lief to those- suffering from the ef- facts of indiscretion in eating un- ripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never are. What moneyhave son caved the past seven years? In leas time• with less the , fa mersfe' i(9odfortunitdyohere. Write COMMISSIONER, tosatchov BOARD West.F cru ianllaa. of the old men or women. which a correspondent in' the National We'll have to out. AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD, fails to conquer the disease. No chain them to their chairs or make Review, that never again w'11 Eng- REST one need fear cholera if they have AGENTS WANTED. their old bonds a torture to them half the night long are not due to any normal or necessary process. land se•e such good landlords,: such good magistrates, such good eler- gyenen or such leaders of No matter how deep-rooted the - corn or wart may be, it must yield to. Holloway's s Corn Cure if used y blAa.w2VSLOw'a aoorn:xo SYauP has been used for over SIxTY YEARS by MI5,L1ONS of TEL its fele with car FECTCHILD SUCCLrW WHILE -SOO CHn4 the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, a bottle of this medicine eonvenl- ant, START TEA RO C'TE TODAY. Send ``i s soda ierms01rLiei circularsorfor San,' nt. OOnneeted with. advancing. years form rheumatism splendid soldiery as eh Sally labs, Century. as directed. and -to the bALLAYest all PAIN remedy'forUBESBI WIND .O It is ab.. "Mrs. DECKED OUT. A GENTS }PANTED: A study of other but to cense of which is almost invariably an in- faction or the result of some form But times have inevitablyChan . ed aril in the main of ao tae for the Metter; the de- r, Doctor- I must forbid all brain solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for wiaslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other laud. twenty-svecents a borne. • Knieker-This gives a column to the bride's costume l What did the �1 Agency propositions convinces., us, that none can equal ours. You wIU aF wase regret it if to on don't apply for Dept., 288 of infectious disease. at all events sign of a more equal chance wotrIce" Poet -`=But may T not Teacher -°`I would lil.e someone bridegroom wear 1 giber Bas Ottawa.raveners' "Every infectious disease that vital slate giving to every human being ,born into write some verses 1" Doctor -"Oh, l" in the Blass to define the meaning Rocker -A sacred look. MISCELLANEOUS. you can cr las off your the world is a great one. Te be a certainly of -vice versa. Bright Boy -"Its Tiler and FARM SCALES. Wilson's means five more chances on the for happy and landlord at all now is next door Minard's Liniment cures Colds, Eto. sleeping with your feet towards the item_Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. scale of a hundred a comfortable old age. On the other to a er.aninal offence, while in every the tendency •is •rapidly down t know how t0 head of the bed." Mfnara a Liniment Co., Limited. q�DT TOOod ae GLASS BTCHOe Hr OME.-Our as hand, all the so-called senile changes may be produced. at a piti- profession growing to have at the head of of- If a girl flirt it's because her beauty isn't Minard's Liniment cures Distemper. Oentlemon,—I s June, 98, I had my hand bittenoanffe badlymangledby and wrius st Bglass, plate glass, smoked and windoW E. Potter 5 Go.. glass.46 By Emailt.. 25c. Montreal, fully premature period -and in act- 'fairs those who have been through the mill from the very bottoms:, But skin deep. Anyway, if you don't like the heal nihil and thegenttgavesniefus bottle �vAWMILL MACHINERY, Portable or ual life are so produced with pain- ful freq uenc -by either underfeed- q y Ing or overwork ati-an early age or one would ask, how far has the curioulum afforded by, our grant 'altered Clean Stomach Clear Mind. - , The stomach is the workshop of the umbrella a friend loans you it can be returned. of • MINARD S LTNIhfENT, which I be an using. Tho effect was magical; in five hours the Pain had ceased and in two weeks the wounds had completely healed t7 hones, Lathe Milia, Shingle b{nla, Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies. The E. Long Manufacturing Go., Ltd., west Street, Orillia, Ontario. by confinement in foul air without proper exercise. "Careful studies and measure- rents have shown that our time of shown public schools been to meet this change'? In the main hardly a jot, and it is almost a truism tov say that an ordinal. gramnnztr vital functions, and when it gets out of order the whole systemmouse in•% sympathy. The spirits Bag' the mind droops and work be- flies are hatched in manure and revel in filth. Scientists hate discovered that they are largely and my hand and arm were as well as ever. yours truly, A. E. ROY, Carriage Maker. st. Antoine, P.t1. al. ons, eta Ia- , ANGER, TUMORS, dexternal, tarsal and eaternat, coral without pain by our home treatment. Write us °°afore too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.. Limited, couingwooa, ctrl.. actual maturityand arrest o growth in physical characters, such school education fila a boyfor the struggle of life Metter than six comes impossible. Th first •care should be to restore healthful an. responsible for the spread of Tu- ,bereulosis Typhoid,Di htheria, FON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's 1) Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. as height, weight and chest girth, is much later than formerly .cup- posed. Instead of reaching, as was at one time, confidently stated, our years at Eton. Here, then, we see turned out year by year a large and ever increasing class contain- g ing in many ways the very cream tion of the stomach and the best reparation for that purpose is P P Parmelee' s Vegetable Pills. Gen- use for. has won them a ' P Dysentery, Infantile Diseases of the Bowels, etc. Every packet of Wilsons Pads will kill more Flyy GtLEVFit INDEED. ' „ „ He seems to be ver clever. Yes indeed. He can even do RITE us to -day for, our choice fiat of Agents ,cons. No outlay necase. 0y T•hoy are mosey makers. Ap• ply B, O.6- I. Co. Ltd., 228 Albert at.. Ottawa ant. IARLS OF TRUTH, to the wise is enough.• g aping fox catches no poul- those that help them- removers. are as bad as a and they will fol- by shop and thy shop }viii h would have your business. •if not, send, care does more harm 1 of knowledge. s as loud a beggar as want :at deal more saucy. of a master will do more n both his hands, would have a faithful ser- 1 Dna that you like, serve love life? Then do not time, for that is the stuff of. -• really kind; every worth- gets along far better than in this world is y people neglecting, their 10 lie about each other, is many sing"We oaeh other there' in ut they don't try to know er on earth.• ire only two things in the }vorry over-bha titinps ontrol and the t)tin a'' ouotherwiseis g Fix the Srat for- oequd, n moh0 and a bit Y seat o at tna4ti ooeuPYto 1 hewonders why he nes' When he Warne We, pay attentiontie blip wife,, l ooze into his 1 10 ° ovary crilok and key die, full strength at 23, and our full fact of ottr manhood, tor which there eral years leading in medicine. A trial flies than 300 sheets of stick paper. Y P P the roblems that his children have P Q.PECIAL/STS ADVICE FREE. Consult chest girth at 25, as a matter of we to increase slowly un- is at beaus an ever decreasing de- mond, and which, we place will attest their value.. Brown -"Ito wanted to get 7nai ri- work out at school. „ I us in regard to any dieeaea. Lowest prune in drugs of all kinds. continuo til 35, 38 and even 40 years of age. "Byed living a healthful, active; our .moreover, find to our dismay our oldest and finest colonies do not appreciate. After a girl is married it seems to to the neighbors to let out y , when I was didnt -one but so father said I didn't have, sense ,TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY: r Red,u eak,7yeeard roc Red, Weak, weary, Watery Eyes re. meet.Trussfitted itby d bit. Send teatoday forst. Glasses fitted by air Write t drily' for anything cola so fl=at -alae, ditto stores to Dr. Hellman, Coningwood, our, happy life and keeping, up all interests we can grow and develop and adjust ourselves and feel that one Luckily the world is large and opportunities are great, and there till remain vast treats of country be up remarks to the effect that she didn't marry the man of her choice. enough. So I waited until I was g ,thirty." Green -"And you mar- rind at thirty 1" Brawn -"Oh, no ; a Murine Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sen Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, hoc. �`i j ® V'�°�rOt.9 we aro growing until we are day suddenly dead, without ever in any distressing or pain- where what are held to be the veryat faults of his education will prove Me As a vermicide there is no pre- that equals. Mother thirty I had too much sense to want a wife." $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Book and Eye Advice Free by Mail. tet.'i41o8.4iwwo';4oStreatto Montrats Ho1.lat.5 Orli Imh ftmarec.n Dyeing .Oo. realizing fol way that we are growing old to valuable assets. Of such countries second to none rank the paratian Graves'UVorrn Exterminator. 1t Minard's Liniment curds Cargat,in Cows exurbia EYO Remedy Co., Chicago. HIS DEFENCE. at all, "Already old ago has gone quite out of'fashion. The civilized, edn_ hagdtlands of British East Africa. And why 1 "Because it is. I von- has saved the lives of countless children. -- A number of secret cameras have been seen at the Royal Photograph- • THE HOTHEADS. "It is said that impetuous poo- A young Trish soldier was ebarg- ed with striking his superior officer, cated mac or woman of 70 is young- er than the savage o€ 40 0 peasant of 50. 'What with steady and ture to affirm, In the face of in- evi able criticism, essentially an overseer's codint : When poverty crawls in athe sky -light love hides in he ce ie Society's exhibition at Prince's Skating Club. ' One /resembles a pair of field glasses. While the pho- tographer is looking ple have black eyes." "Yes, and i£ they don't nave then= the are apt to " y p them. Captain Y---, and when asked by the President if he objected to any of elle officers forming the Court, s •read of regular vacations county or suburban homes andhe Y walking elubs and anand goof alls and travel of all ITEMS OI INTEREST. The Austrian parliament lives six Coro irking of contention is p=otty p P apparently at P distant view he is i ieperson snap -t his sing de. unsuspectingmore -get Pain Flees Before It. -There is virtues in a bottle of Dr. answered: "Sere, T objects to ye all :" "On what ground? asked the and automobrlrlig sorts those who would have con- sideral old once are now only 70 or 76 year young. "Not only is there no' definite period in adult of later We when years, The Italian; German, Prus- Sian and Spanish live five years. The French, the Dutch, the ]3e1- gian, the Portuguese, and the Rou- manual ileo four years. The Dan - , When you want to clear your Itonse of flies, see that you got 's Fl Pads. Imitations are Wilson Y always. unsatisfactory. It is no uncommon thing in Cali- fornia to dine and dance inside the trunk of one or other of the e0or- Thomas' Eclect=io Oil as a subduer of pain than in gallons of other medicine, The public know this and there are few households throughout the country where it President, "It's not guilty 1 am I" Of course, he was informed that' his innocence was not yet proved, "Well," he continued, "1 abject perm .hese: so-called senile, changes be- gin, but there isnoperiod at which ey become accelerated or start '0 rapid rat- than ish and the Swiss live throe years. The. United States Parliament lives two years, and the Austro -Hangar- ian only one , FOLLOWED. T A gentleman was once night re- hire,, when he found that mous trees which are so common there, some of which are over 300- ft. high and 90ft, in circumference. cannot be found. Thirty years of use has familiarized the re•a;ile with it, and made it e. hnnseholcl throughout to Colonel X—" "State your objection." "Sure, he wasn't there •when 1 progress at a more before. In fact, the extraordinary year. Mr, James Thomas Z� ells, aged turning 110 was followed by a man. Nob �� medicine the weatern woitld. sthruck the Captain l" exists that what we tenni seventy-three, was married at St. to be overtaken, he bur- -{'� 1 j' paradox old age is the time of life In whi.li we are growing old least rapidly John's Cliui'eh, Laling, to Mrs' EmmaCoster, aged seventy-one. wishing tied forward. The more he bur- tied, however, the more the man � , n, �j;. 1I 0 a/ /� % �'+'. PINED FOR HER DOG. A little We should have Mut few regrets if people didn't find us out, The only thing that makes it ap-The have been couple wale sweethearts ill their but their hurried. Coming to a church lie % pathetic story came to light the ober day in the alvei tis that we pear 1ypro it rowing old an our. lives plead Y B this on and the .thou'+cusp. impar apt- 8armed ibis acoumul hichawoa�ioanmoiuPcog a pitch w „emu,When • . • is not difllcult.for a girl to love y man that het P1 ' o��l' any Oung ant's vita witlttaB to object to, • �i Toros ooiapritlsy that:1+'ill Heim - a of boleti luck youth, engagetnent , we's i eolceu off. Each married and Wettest up, a' large family. They ago,y and, beltg free,sdecided to marrbot Clirnose parents arrive at about the age of fifty-five 8 Y &Vic their af- {eetionate. sons and daughters club togelier and give them each,, sof- fin. and wish them many happy re- tuttiut of the dsr�",, When de tit comes thee° reeept s bre used'ter the manage tor which they were in- teed, oifln vie 10 be soon in houses in Mina, some. of iron ht. that he would get rid of • R follower by walking round it,' when he found twat thef and followed him round. Summoning Iiia courage; he sharp- 1 said . What are following yyouU;n me for?" "If you ,von please, _sir," said the going to Mis. Brow e, man," "I ani ' and the porter at the station told me• that if I followed you I should fines liiir hemp next door to yours." K I. II N EY -., /J :" C PILLS •. .' f �� C t\\". , „, ' 'll L .t(1 D N L 1. -"' HMS UI.,A r'� p' l y • R l f G ii -r'; p t 5 . , Igone,s :' e, - , a It a "y 5 .' " t - 3 t . ing columns of the Paris, France, papers. A lady offered $60 reward for the return of a little dog bo= longing to bei' daughter- The child is an Invalid. Her do whom she loved more than anything on•ear • , had disappeared, and the child was literally dying because the dog had The advertisement brought o ponse for several days, but the other day a little girl, poorly dressed,• rang the bell at the. in- veli s fiat, and she carried the dog in Iter arms. She had found the rtt • s' +� " '• YotN will find rolief iii lath -Bok ! ',• it eaao the burisff�g, Ml ��ppqq�� : PIN *tops Bleeding and in efie 0860. Perseverance, wltb2aib- auk, manicure: hYhylGDiIJrCYl1 this 7 . fide viers a at talk `' . i is a eoKskd in his oaq n. • He..eitlla it nervous many, ataxies. 'them being utilized as wardrobes. nl.ars'. Llnim.E1 air.. bireteerin. 1»• 7 1 t1I Well xfag ten miile% out in the country, rosant-t:rsti imtpt..,t7e k • ._ ,