HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-3, Page 8I"et a Kodak Be Your Company When going on the Summer Vacation, of for a Day's Outing, There will be pictures to be had wllioh in ail probability can never be taken again, Nothing will tell the story of your trip so well as the Kodak, Everything Required nf tshpwUe a villas, Pack Films, Velox Paper, Poat Cards, Brownie Postals, &e. K.otlaks and Brownie Cameras from $I,00 np, You Press the Button We can do the Rest We are equipped to finish your Films by the best methods and print them oa the best paper•--Velox—in the least possible time. Try us. rhe 42%. .ITH DRTJGGIST AND . STATIONER, Pal Pius rams UG T � U5 , COUNCIL meeting next Monday even- ing. THE Fire Engine was out for a test Tuesday morning, m R. Tieossorr shipped several cars of eggs during the past few .days. Crete Holiday will be observed in Brussels on Tuesday, August 25th. 25 °mere in advance gets THE POST to any postoffiee in Canada for balance of xerr. Now is your chance. Ana you going to enjoy the Civic Holiday at Kincardine on Tuesday August, 25th ? Special excursion train Sees of Scotland Excursion, under the auspices of Atwood Camp, will run to Kincardine Friday of this week. See advt. on page 5 for further particulars, THE Windstorm on Monday of last week raised Cain with the corn crop, whipping it into shreds like as if it bad been struck by hail, and also breaking downa lot of heavy growth. Ian Bars, a bay horse owned by M. J. Kelly, of Rochester, N. Y., dropped at the meet of the Toledo Racing Asso- ciation at the finish of the fourth beat of the 2:12 pace. Nearly 7,000 people were in attendance. Ian Bars was a son of Monbars• one time owued in Brussels, by the late Thos. McLaucblin. To ELECT DELEGATES, --Thursday even- ing of this week, at 8 o'clock, a meeting of Brussels Liberals will be held in the Council Chamber for the purpose of electing delegates to the East Huron Nominating Convention to convene Fri- day afternoon. 4th inst., in the Town Hall, Brusseis. CONGRATULATIONS. — THF POST 12 pleased to extend congratulations to Miss Stella Stubbs on securing her Ist class teacher's certificate. J. M. Hender- son, and W. F. Scott, Brussels Stewart McKercber, of Wroxeter ; and C. W. Cosens, of Clinton, are credited with passing Part x. among a large number of others in Huron Co. and are being complimented on their success. . SHOWER,—Last Friday evening a very pleasant time was spent on the lawn at the home of J. T. and Mrs, Wood, Albert street, in honor of Miss Edith Bailey, who was shortly to leave town, After supper and a few snapshots for photos, a "jollification" was on the program for an hour or more. This was succeeded by a miscellaneous shower to the guest of the evening, many good wishes in poetry and prose accompanying the numerous gifts. Musical selections and social chat con- cluded a very happy time, thanks to the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Wood and family. HELLO ON THE INCREASE.—The work of extension to Brussels, Morris & Grey Telephone system continues and new phones are beinginstalled on many lines. It looks as it the Company will be under the necessity of establishing some new lines to relieve overloading, Great praise is accorded the office staff for their promptness and courtesy in the dispatch of the man calls. Persons who have not been at the Central when the lines are "busy" can hardly under- stand how so many calls can be attended to in a day. If fault were to be' found it might be with the persons who some- times want to monopolize the line out of all proportion as to time while possib- ly a score of people have to wait. It sometimes ie a detriment to have busi- ness stalled for simply a good natured gossip. A short sharp service is pleas- ing, to the majority of patrons, WON 2ND Ie TROPHY.—A Brussels Bowling quartette, consisting of A. Strachan, J. G. Jones, R. Downing and D. C. Ross, went to the Goderich Tournament and took part in the Trophy They competition. won their contests P quiet beadilyfrotwo Goderich rinks nd Seaforthm but in the final lost by one shot to Barrister Dudley Holmes' rink Wingham, by x2 to I2. As the prizes for end. place Brussels was awarded 4 Mabogauy tables. We congratulate the quartette who put up great games. The various scores were as follows :— Brussels Goderich Strachan Kidd Jones Holmes Downing Galt Ross, skip 16 Reynolds, skip 13 Brussels iioderich Strachan Carey Jones Muir Downing Proudfoot Ross, skip 23 Tigert, skip 22 Brussels Seaforth Strachan blorson Jones Rands Downing Shine Ross, skip, 25 Best, skip 12 Brussels Wingham Strachan Dallis Jones King Downing Porter Ross, skip 21 Holmes, skip 22 Out bowlers arrived home Thursday Morning via C. P. R. to Walton and were heartily congratulated on so stead- fastly upholding the good name and eenrietWiteetils on the bowling green, 1. Proclamations have been issued pro- claiming Tuesday, August 15th as Civic Holiday for Brussels Lucxxow Caledonian gamesMondayda Y of next week. Announcement may be read on page 5 of THE POST. Beoxs els LEG.—Weare sorry to hear that Harry Querin, formerly ot Brus- sels, bad the misfortune to have a leg broken and his ankle bruised while handliug barrels of salt and is now in a hospital in Alaska, It is hoped he will have a speedy recovery and as good use of his limb as ever. SCALDED ARM.—The little daughter of Ben. and Mrs. Edwards bad her right arm scalded a few days ago, The mother was handling a pot with bot water on the stove when the little lassie pulled her dress causing the water to splash doing the damage. She is getting along nicely we are pleased to state. —o= SPRING calf for sale. Apply to Fred. MIS. Craeken, Brussels. Phone 41 BOY'S coat found. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. Tali POST. ONE of the best building lots in Brussels for sale, Low price and easy terns. Cash to loan at current rates, Apply to W. M. GIN0LAIR. Tan first Perm Laborers' Exourelon to the West leaves here August 12th. Tickets and all information from H. L. Jet:owe, 0. P. R. Agent, Brussels. APPRENTI02 WANTED,—A bright girl or boy wanted at Tun Poss to learn the printing business. One who has passed the Entrance Examination preferred. Apply at Tan POST. ANYONE who will take holdof a good enter- prise should call and see T. McGregor, W. R. Kerr or S. Wilton, Brussels, AcTt r, Loose Leaf Ledger for students practice at Listowel Business College. Fall Term from Sept. 5th.. Doyon intend taking a Business College Course. Let us get acquainted. Edwin G, Matthews, Listowel, Ont. Tan best time to enter Listowel Business College is on Sept. 5th, the opening day. A. good start is half the battle. KITCHEN girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. James at the American Hotel, FARMERS SONS : We have a special Farm Accounting course for you at Listowel Busi- ness College. Pall Term Sept. 5th. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—House and lot on Turnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thoe. Nicholls. The 50 acre farm being W34 Lot 2, Con. 12, Grey, is also offered for sale. For fur• ther particulars apply to A. F. Stewart, Brne• eels South. —o— SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION AUGUST 25211,—Arrangements have heen made with the Grand Trunk Railway to run the annual Sabbath School Excursion a- long this line to Kincardine on Tuesday, August 25th. Keep the date clear. See bills for special train, fares, etc. A good program of sports is expected, THE LATE MRs. REID.—The death oc- cured in Wallace township on Monday of last week of Annie M. Algier, relict of the late James Reid, in her 66th year. The deceased bad been i11 of paralysis for the past several months,and bad 0 living with her daughter, been tv n w u Mrs. g 8J. J. Kennedy on the 3rd con., of Wallace. She was born in Germany in 2845, and came to Canada in 1851 and in the year 2870 was married to James Reid, who predeceased her some years ago. The late Mrs. Reid was one of the old set- tlers of Wallace and her kindly disposi- tion and warm heartedness made her a favorite with her friends who will feel her death very deeply. A family of two sons and four daughters survive:— William J. and T. Fred, in Wallace ; Emma K, and Lulu D, in Toronto and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy and Clara J. in Wallace. The funeral took place from the residence of J. 1. Kennedy on Wednesday afternoon to the Evangeli- cal Cemetery on the third of Wallace being largely attended by neighbors and friends, Rev, Mr. Daman of Listowel conducted the funeral service. Deceas- ed was an aunt of Mrs. George Edwards, Brussels. MATRIMONIAL,—A very pretty wed. ding was solemnized at the home of Seth and Mrs. Bailey, John SC Brussels on Wednesday, Aug 2nd,when their daughter, Miss Edith A. was united in marriage to 1. Arthur Smith, youngest son of Mrs. and the late lobn R. Smith. Albert street. The ceremony took place at high noon, Rev. Dr. Oaten, being the officiating clergyman. .yman. The bride en- tered the drawing room accompanied b y her father. Miss Kate P Smith sister of the groom, rendered Lohengrins Wedding March most effectively and Miss Mae Wood sang sweetly •'Greater and Deeper," by Creams. After con- gratulations and a couple of snap shots, tbe company sat down to a dainty re- past. The bride was attired in cream Gloria silk trimmed with satin and Guipure Lace and carried a handsome shower boquet of lily of the valley and white roses and in addition wore the gift of the groom, a beautiful necklace set with pearls. The groom ,presented the pianist with a lovely ring with a single pearl setting and the soloist a brooch also set with pearls. The bride went away in a navy blue tailored suit with hat to metol], The wedding gifts were very Choice and many good wish- es will accompany Mr, Smith and bride in their journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. Smitb took the 2 55 p. m. train for Toronto and other points East. They will return to Brussels for a few days, after which the happy couple will leave for Edmonton, Alta., where Mr, Smith has a prosperous drug business, usiness hance is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic S av n ,g" Begin, now to prepare for the clay of op- portunity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK $1,00 OR MORE OPENS AN AOOOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Tuesday, 2 C1v2c Hvlida u inst. The business r places will be 5th closed. Postoffice hours g to to a. m. and 5 to 6 P. m. A, J.'LowaY was busy this week re- pairing the top of front at the McCrack- en block. Loose and broken brick was removed and replaced by good stock. WEDDING AT WALxERTON.—Wednes- da of this week H. R. Brewer,of Cal- gary, Y er formerly of Brussels, was united I Y, Y of Walker- ton. to Miss McCann, in marriage ton. Further particulars ill be given next week. GOVERNMENT .SURVEYING PARTY, — This week a company of seven, consist- ing of Chief N. H. Smith, B. F. Smith, N. M. Grace, N. Fleming, D. K. Robinson, F. Baker and O. Parch, have been camped in this locality. They con- stitute a Dominion Government sur- veying party from Ottawa makiug what is technically called a Geodetic survey, Ne w Government maps and dia- grams. They ;started at Shelburne, Grey Co. and are heading for Sarnia. The last named gentleman is the cook for the patty a most important position in a camp with six other husky busy men, W. C. T. U.—The regular meetiug of the W. C, T. U., which took the form of a Missionary Tea, was held at the home of the President, Mrs. McGuire, Friday, July 28th. After devotional ex- ercises, Mrs, Rands, County Superin- tendent of the work among the Lumber- men, took charge of the program and an interesting talk on the work done by Miss Sproule and Mr. Pethick, among the lumbermen. This was followed by readings by different members. Misses Jessie Elliott and Lily Sharpe favored the audience with well rendered solos, Mrs. Wright accompaning them with the piano. After the meeting closed, a- bout 5o took tea on the lawn. $i8,00 was contributed to the work. BOWLING.—Thursday afternoon of last week three rinks from Blyth Bowling Club came to Brussels by auto and car- riages and played a return game on the lawn here. The home team won on the round by 6 shots. Scores were as fol- lows :— BLYTH BRUSSELS McKellar Elliott Sims Ballagh Hamilton Downing McMnrchie, sk 27 Ross, skip .......... zo, Scott Burchill Strachan Manners, skip 18 Coonibes Stewart Sloan McTaggart, sk. 24 Emigh Chellew Carter Glennie, skip....25 Totals 56 Leatherdale Caineron Jones James, skip 24 62 EDDIE NICHOLSON DIES AT CALGARY.— The sad ALGARY.—Thesad and unexpected news reached town that Eddie Nicholson, of Castor, Alta., had died at Calgary last Thurs- day. A letter to THE POST from ex• Reeve Taylor, formerly of Morris town- ship, Calgary, ar, but now a resident of Cal dat. ed July z th gives the following par- ticulars :—"DEAR EDITOR,— No doubt you will have heard of the sad death pf one of Morris township boys well known in Brussels in the person of Bd. Nichol- son. He met with an accident about the end of May which resulted is a broken arm, and when set it remained tilt at the elbow,Anxious to have the v proper use of his arm he carne to Cal- gary for treatment of a massage nature at first, but this not proving successful he decided to have an operation. The sad part of it was he died before the completion. No blame can be attributed to anyone as far as known as I never saw a doctor more puzzled with the results, as were also the attendants at the hos- pital, Much sympathy was shown by the many friends here for deceased's wife, and the same is also extended to the sorrowing friends at home. not "for. getting his mother. The Odd Fellows here marched to the station when the remains left Saturday at 2.3o for Wing- hain." The funeral took place Wednes- day afternoon from the home of deceas- ed's mother, 1h line,Morris to Wing - ham - , 4g ham cemetery and as very largely at- tended. Service was conducted at the home by Rev. A. C. Wishart, 13. A., of Brussels, assisted by Rev. Mr, Farr, of Blyth. Pall bearers were brother Odd Fellows of Brussels Lodge( of which Mr. Nicholson was s a w s a worthy member) viz :—J. A, Hunter, W. J. McCracken, Dr. Hamilton, R, A. Pryne, Wm. Hen- derson and Alex. Anderson. The floral tributes were beautiful and bespoke silently tbe deep sympathy with the bereaved. At the cemetery the Oddfel- lows service followed that of the officiat- ing clergyman, some es three -linked brethren dropping the evergreen spray upon the casket, as they surrounded the grave, Service was taken by J. A. Hunter and W. H. Kerr. Mrs. Nichol- son was Miss Annie, daughter of ex - Reeve McCallum, formerly of East Wawanosh, now of Wingham and was married over 4 years ago, tvben Mr, Nicholson was a resident of Brussels. They went to Castor, Alta., where a bakery was established and a store built. The outlook for business was good when the accident happened caused by the falling of a small building Mr. Nicholson was working at. Mr. Mc- Callum was in the West at the time of his son-in-law's death and on hearing the sad pews Went at once to Calgary accompaning his daughter here. Io addition to deceased's mother he has •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • New Fall• ings. i •j♦• •S'uit• • • • • to hand 2 •• • Y HAVE ONLY •• • TO BE SEEN TO w •• BE ADMIRED • • • Id t • So a •• S Popular Prices •• • • • • Call and see them. • • • • • • • •• r W• ■P■ Fraser ♦ •♦ • Mercbant Tailor i• i