HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-3, Page 7+4+++++.44.44 4-+++++++ @: +++4+
CHAPTER XXV'. ,ed me into marrying him, and that
sitting in her
you—you, Mrs. Darnley, had
Mrs, llsruloy was sit
Shaming . little drawing -man, know
him, I have corms to yon to
which, alt dismantled as it had been wronging
if ;this be arae.? if I am
when she had departed for Nice, tion, Iwi you by asking Luto gear
tion, I will humbly beg.ytu.to par -
yet looked oosy and pretty in the ,don me,"
ifttlen•oon dusk tine the iireglow, Thera wire clead silentio in the
Met was resting back luxuriously, room, broken only by the ticking
glancing through a pile of Totters of .the clock; then Mrs. Darnley
which awaited ,her, one of which rose from her chair and faced the
was (rem Lady Burton, eying a tri.
long and exultant account of dear g "slues if T say that it is .true,
Maude a engagement to the yowg
Sir .Richard Boothby, one of the she said, with strange deliberation, retches of the matrimonial market. '`what then 7"
shrank bade from her.
"Boothby !" sneered Mrs. Darns- "What --what could have made
ley, ee she hong the effusion into you clo such a thing?' broke from
he firer "It ahould he Boodle, as her pale lips. "What had had I evr
' being nearer noodle! Poor crea- done to you that you shonlcl de -
Dwight 1 1 foldd he has been lvberate1y wreck my life, my whole
caught blindfolded.dfolde. Well; if all happiness, as you have done?"
reports eoneerning him are true; "I will tell you what you did,"
they will be well matched -not a the other returned fierce! "you
brain between them !" y' y
stole my sun's heart from me; you
With which kind remark :Mrs. crept in where I should have been
Darnley took up her tea and sipped alone; you ,bewitched him, and it
it, was, necessary to save hint - from
The sneer left her face after a you."
while, and a frown came instead, Nancy stood motionless, speech
contracting her smooth, handsome less, and the other woman, seeing
brows. this, went on swiftly, moving rest -
"After alt, brains do not mean lessly to and frotas she spoke.
everything; if one's children are "I dict not intend to stand by and
lunatics -well, they can be man- see my son ruin himself and his
aged so much the better." career for you; if it had to be
It had been a bitter blow to Mrs, done again, I would do it. After
Darnley that her son should have all, what do you want more? You
been so ettorly crushed by Nancy have moody, and money can do
8'•amilton's apparent falseness and much for persons of your status."
her speedy. marriage, and in her The insult made Nancy wince.
heart thorn was a strong wave of She half turned away, but as she
jealousy to strengthen the dfslilce was going oho looked back.
she had always felt for poor Nancy. "I beg to toll you that my soli -
"I shall speak openly to Der- niters will require you to confirm
rick," she inured on, "anti tell what you have just told me," she
him it is his bounden duty to marry slid, in a quiet, very oold tone.
Dorothy. The girl is over head Mrs. Darnley started as if she
and ears in Jere with hien, and the had be shot. .
marriage is daairable in every "hat—what are you going to
way. 'Thank Heaven that creature do?" she asked, hurriedly, for once
is saf ly out of his path; it was a frightened out of her calmness.
strong measure, but a good one, "Yoii surely are not mad,enough to
and I don't regret a try share In has- think you can get freedom through
ing given her a hu§band and a this?"
fortune." "Mad or no, I am goingto try,"
And yet an uncomfortable es- was the girl's firm answer.
pression passed over Mrs. Darn • Mrs. Darnley gasped.
ley's cold, haughty face -as she said In that second, visions of dis-
this to herself, an expression which grace, public dishonor, perhaps
deepened into something almost punishment—for if she had not :ac -
like consternation, as the door was tually forged that letter of Henry
. opened at that moment and her Chaplin's, which had been the chief
maid announced : instrument in working on the girl's
"Mrs. Orawshaw:" mind, she had been a consenting
Mrs. Darnley put down her tea and active party to the fraud —
sup with a baud that trembled flashed hideously clear before her
alightly; then rose to her feet. eyes. This must be presented at
"Mrs. Crawshaw 1" she repeated, all hazard—at any cost.
as if doubting her ears; then suave- "And Derrick—have—have you
;y, ''This is indeed a surprise! To no thought for him?" she murmur-
what do I owe the honor of this ed, huskily. "If—if you do. this—
visit?" T shall be disgraced, and my
Nancy flung back her thick veil; shame will be his shame."
her face was very pale, but calm. A mist rose before Nancy's eyes,
"I wish to speak to you on a she paused. Then alto said in a
rery important subject," site an- low voice :
twered, quietly; "I shall detain "Your son has nothing to fear;
PPon only a few moments, The he lies done nothing dishonorable
htnportanae of my business must be —your shame saunas touch him."
cry e'scuse, fee,this intrusion." Mrs, Darnley drew a. deep
Mrs. Darnley bowed. breath.
"Will. vet sit down, and may I .She had one more card left, she
rive you some tea? Pray excuse -must;play it without delay; it was
,he very bald appearance of my a cruel, a, wicked act, but there
;cam, lairs. Crawslraw, I really did, was no other escape from •the net
Sot anticipato any visitors; T am that was closing round her.
returning to Nice almost immedi- Bending forward, her face white
tte1y." to the Iips, she looked at Nancy.
Nancy did pot take the chair "Don't be so easily deceived,"
placed for her, she felt she must she murmured, "if I am dishonor -
;et to her subject at once. She ed, so will Derrick be also, since
.-.}ante a step nearer; refusing with a —since hr too, was party to the
festure the offerees tea. trick, as you call it, which gave
"Mrs. Darnley," alio said, hur- you, a penniless girl, such a mag-
dedly, "willyou answer me one nificcnt fortune! Yes—Derrick
Inostion1 You must forgive me for stands with mo in this."
putting this question to you, ,but "IL can't be true—it can't be
py position is ri desperate one, and true!"
it is no time. for false sentiment. Nancy stretched out her hands
"What question can you have to and retreated till she reached the
ilk me?' wall, where she rested a moment,
Mrs. Darnley spokecoldly and stunned, overwhelmed with this
tasentfully, but her hands moved awful statement.
-tervnusly,, alt the same, as she re- The mother waited with sicken-
!laced the tea cup on the tray, ing anxiety for the girl to speak,
Nancy'e .hlno eyes rested upon and us no words passed the strain -
ler for an instant. ed, white lips, she spoke herself :
"I want to asst you this — woes "Do you know why he did this?
roti aware of Inc reason which --because ha wished to he free, and
boreal uta to become Thomas Craw- 1'et sec yeti well oared for. Ho
thaw's wife?" thought it was for your good to
Mrs. Darnley paused, then also marry this other man—my son is
erevaricated, poor encs--••"
"This is, indeed, an extranrdin- But Nar.ey stopped her with an
rsy question, sho said, in sharp, ;imperative gesture.
l c r tones; I really fan1 to au - "Don't say another word," she,
lerstand you, Mrs.. Crawshaw." said, its low, husky tones; "I—I
"Butler ordinary eircumsta.nces have heard enough."
grain it would he extraordinary; ":,Lad you. will do nathieg?
hides' the present ones, no," the promise me von will do nothing,'y '
ail answered, fneli,Jrg all at onto Mrs, Darm6 almost knelt in ler
rnil, 'Iwo nights
a n my
us•:Nancy trlookedat
et elm was getting close to the ea erness end despair.
)s.nd, bit a dr•nnken .fit of madness, There Ives 00 need for words, Tier
t,teitipted to take my life; before eyes spoke when her lips refused
be did this,' hhwevar, he toured out o Stars of t Ilan Who nought a Bok
, 1 { move, and after a while She S 0
c. a torrent of abuse tipon nra, and tanned arrest and walked steadily from Franklin,
harngling in with rh.is he tatnrtod out of.the acn. out into the cheer-
nia with hearingbeen easily ,de- one busy repsmorni tng, whens Franklin
loss sbre rt., with a heart its alolrl rig was aa•eparin • his ttatve,a ser
salved, dotlttring that lie had tri e— ice in tier young breast: lklrs, 1 f e l
roe rho press, rt lounger stepped ie.
il[Ir. Anrfrewa pratstes De„
Morse's Incdb n Root mils.
Mr, Oeorge Andrews of Halifax, N, S.,
"!for many years I have been troubled
with chronic Constipation. This ail-,
meat never comes single-handed, and 1
have been a victiin to the rmany Illnesses
that constipation brings in he train,
Medicine after medicine I ]save taken in
order to and relict, bot one and all left
me In the some hopeless condition,. It
seemed that nothing would expel from
me the one ailment that caused so much
trettble, yet at last I read about these
Indian Root Pills,
'Chat was indeed a lucky day for me,
for I was so impressed wall the state-
ments made that I determined to
sive them a fair trial,
They have regulated my -stomach and
bowels, 'I am cured of constipation, and
I claim they have no equal as a medi-
For over half a century Dr. Merse's
Indian Root Pills have been curing can-
et,pation and clogged, inactive kidneys,
with all the ailments which result from
them, They cleanse the whole vocal
and purify the blood. Sold everywhere
at 2,ebox. 2
Darnley stood motionless for near-
ly a quarter of an hour when ane
was atone.. 'Then she shudcfeeed,
.She felt, abased, degraded by what
site had done.
Derrie.k, it was for you — for
Jou "' she whispered, and she
shivered again. ''What an escape!"
she muttered, pacing to and fro.
"But am 1 safe?: Will she betray
mo?" ,She passed her hot hands
over her eves, then, as the vision
of Nancy's face returned to her,
she drew a deep breath; it was an
expression of convincing relief:
Derrick would never know the
truth from Crawshaw's wife.
Then Mrs. Darnley started, and
came to a standstill, Her quick
ears had caught the sound of foot-
steps running up the stairs. She
had forgotten until then that the
hour she had appointed to see her
Mil was near.
"He is Coming," she said to her-
self, and with a swift movement
she flung herself into her choir and
took up her book.
The strong eal'1 on her nerves
brought back her real self.
"How fortunate that she has
been gone so long! A quarter of
an hour earlier they must have
met," elm thought, and the next
moment she was greeting Derrick
with itsr usual cold smile, and not
a sign of the humiliation she had
felt so surely left on her hand-
some face.
e .a a
Janet watched and waited for
Nancy's return, and as hourpassed-
hour she grow nervous.
"What can have happened?" she
Tanned, anxiously. She stood all
the time at .the little window gaz-
ing down the street, and in her
!rand was crushed a telegram.
"Can she .have seen? Can she
know already?" she muttered
again and again. "But it seems
impossible. Who could tell her?
Thank Heaven 1 sent that young
lady at Bipstone Hall our address!
1f I hadn't done that we should
never have known this nett,
Dear -dear! I wish she would
And at that very moment hes
sharp eyes described the slender,
black -robed figure walking wearily
"I have been nearly frightened
out of my life, ma'am," she cried,
as she ran to greet Nancy and
draw her into the room. "Dear
heart, how cold and white you
And. forgetful of all else, Janet
began to chafe the girl's icy hands
and remove her bonnet and cloak.
."I am all right. only tired—only
tired !"
Then 1iancy's eyes fell on the
buff=colored envelope Janet had
thrown hastily on the table.
"What is that, Janet? What has
Her eys grew wide with fear.
Was she traced already?
"Can you bear some great news,
ma'am'1 Yes, 1 see you can. You
are as strong and brave as a lion,
Yon see, I disobeyed you, ma'am,
and let Miss Leicester know you
were safe, for I thought the poor
young lady would fret her heart
out, maybe, when she heard what
had happened thea night. I've
heard from her every' morning.
since I wrote, God bless her! and
now she has sent this. Let me hold.
your hand, child, while you rend.
Nancy's heart seemed to rise in
her throat. Far one instant she
could see nothing plainly, the next
moment she was staring down at
the written words, her fatigue,
misery, Derrick Darnnley's cruel
treachery, all forgotten, as she
"Bring Tour' mistress here at
nue. 11ir. C'rawshawv died this
(T'o be Continued.)
to the store, ;and sent en hour or
snore looking over the books, etc.,
acid finally, taking one in his hand
asked tile theta bay the prion.
"One dollar," wan the answer.
".Ono dollar," said the lounger;
"can't you take tette than that?
"No, indeed; ono dollar to the
Another hour had nearly passed
when the lounger said;
"Is Mr. Franklin at home?"
"Yes, he is in the printing of -
"I want to see him," said the
The shop boy immediately In -
mediately informed Mr. Franklin
that a gentleman was in the store
waiting to see him, Franklin wan
soon behind the counter, when the.
lounges•, with book in hand, ad-
dressed hint thus;
"Mr. Franklin, what is the lois
est you can take for that book ?"
"One dollar and a quarter," was
the ready answer.
"One dollar and a .qusrter 1 Why
your young man only asked ane a
"True," said Franklin, "and I
could have better afforded to have
taken a dollar then than to have
been taken out of the office."
The lounger seemed stnppriaed,
and wishing to end the' parley of
his own making, said: "t;ome, Mr.
Franklin, tell me what is the low-
est you can take for it?"
"One dollar and a -half,"
"A dollar and a half 1 Why, you
offered it yourself for a dollar and
a quarter."
"Yes," said Franklin, "and I
had better have taken that price
then, than a dollar and a. half
The lounger paid down the price,
and went about his buaineas—if lie
had any—and Franklin into the
printing -office.
Our Father in leaven, to Thee
Our hearts and our voice we
For Thou hast ordained us to be
Employed in the service of
For us Thou dost all things pro-
While. unto Thy promise ' wo
For Thou art •our Keeper and
Our Father, and Saviour, and
A path for our feet Thou dost
Thou retest the land and the sea;
We know Thou wilt never forsake
The souls that are trusting in
Help us in all knowledge to grow
And set our affections above;
And through us lead others to
The measureless wealth of Thy
Iona Station, Ont., 1911.
A. Symptom of Stomach Trouble
Corrected by Good Food.
There is u•ithsome forms of stomach
treuble, an abnormal craving for
food which is frequently mistaken
for a 'good appetite." A lady
teacher writes from Carthage,
Mo.. to explain. hew with good food
she dealt with this sort of hbrtful
"I have taught school for fifteen
?•ears, and lip to nine years ago
had good, average health. Nine
years age, however, my health bo-
man to fail, and continued to grow
worse steadily, in spite of doctor's
prescriptions, and everything I
could do. During all this time my
appetite continued good, only the
more I ate the more I wanted to
eat --I was always Hungry.
"The first symptoms of my
breakdown were a distressing
nervousness and a loss of flesh.
Tho nervousness grew so bad that
finally it amounted to actual nros-
tration, Then came stomach trou-
bles, which were very painful, con-
stipation which brought on piles,
dyspepsia and severe nervous
"The doctors seemed powerless
to help me, said I was overworked,
and at last urged me to give up
teaching, if I wished to save my
"But this I could not do. I
kept on at it as well as 1 could,
each day gr'owine m re wretched,
my willpower alone keeping me
up, till at last a good angel sug-
gested that I try a diet of Grape -
Nuts food, and from that day to
this 1 have found it delicious,
ways apectizing andappetizing
"1 an•C my restoration to health.
to Grane-Nuts. My weight has re-
turned and for more than two
yearn I have been free from t`'o
nervousness, constipation, stile',
headaches, and all the ailmor!la
that used to fruliislr me. so, acct•
have been able to work freely and
easily." Name given by Post:rnr potash, atxl since it may bought
Co„ Battle Crock, Mich. 'direct from the importers, it seems
Moats the little book, 'Tho head
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's
a Reason."
ever road the above tonsil h Mw. ons
appears tr5th tInte'*5 t1mb, Tide AN
Extra Granulated
Its uniform high quality commends itself to all good
Ask your Grocer for Redpath Extra Granua•ted Sugar
The Canada Sugar Refining Co, Limited, Montreal
Established in 1854 by John Itedpatb.
Useful Hints for the Tiller of th3 Soll
THE 011eill'A.E.D.
Three years of spraying, pruning
and cultivation will bring an or-
chard that you are ashamed of into
a condition that you will be proud
If volt think of setting out an or-
chard and have had no experie•ree,
better hire a good man to elesw sou
If you can get a man from your
neighboring experiment station
you will indeed be fortunate. If
not, the ntry to get the man who
grows the best fruit in your epee -
The inexperienced planter thinks
he is getting a bargain when he
buys trees three or four years old,
but experience will show him that
yearlings are better and he should
never plant anything over two-
year -olds.
Always buy clean, straight trees
with short stems and oven then do
not be afraid to prune before
All fruit crops and most vege-
tables where starch is a constitu-
ent part require the presence of
potash as one of the mineral ele-
ments of the soil. The only
known source of potash was wood
ashes when the value of this ele-
ment of plant food was first recog-
nized, but ashes now play' but a
very unimportant part commer-
cially, having been superseded by
the potash salts from Germany.
This does not mean that they
should be disdained by farmers
having even a limited supply, such
as comes from the fires for domes-
tic use, but should be carefully
saved and applied where most
Kainit is a form of potash ferti-
lizer which is extensively used as
a direct application, especially on
cotton as a specific to prevent
blight, and on coin to drive away
cutworms and rot lice, as a consti-
tuent of home -mixed fertilizers,
and is also an ingredient of low-
grade commercial fertilizers. It is
not the best form in which to se-
cure potash when it has to be ship-
ped far, as the available plant food
consists of about 12 6 per cent. of
actual potash, equal to 23 per
cent, sulphate, rho remainder be-
ing sulphate. and chloride of 1uag.
nesia. and Chloride of sodium, all of
little if any value as plant food.
It is best therefore, when a
high grade article is desired, to
use sulphate ur muriate of potash.
Sulphate of potash is suitable for
every crop and soil. It contains
forty-eight pounds of actual pot-
ash in each 100 pounds. It is the
right form to use for tobacco, po-
tatoes and fancy fruit and vege-
tables. The manufacture of sul-
phate i$ more costly than that of
muriate, hence the selling price of
sulphate is somewhat higher. Its
mechanical co ilrn
is the best of
any of the potnislr salts, it being in
the form of a lino, beery, dry pow-
The rnttriato of potash used for
fertilizing purposes contains 60
pounds of actual potash in each
100 pounds, a higher per cont. of
actual .plant food than is furnish-
ed. It is suitable for .all crops
oycapt tobacco, potatoes and a few
fruits and vegetables raised for
exhibition-urposes. It can be ap-
plied long in aclvniree of planting
the crop without da:ager of loss by
leaching. 1t is suitable for use on
swamp -land, and a pound of real
potash in this forth costs less than
in any outer. At the low cost of
wise on the farmer's part to "get
a plenty while getting it."
This is also true in applying pot -
Y ash; use plenty, for it unites with
Canutno, true, and tun et human hi crest. other elements in the soil, forming
combinations which are availabl
for plant food, but are not quit
so foluble in water as the potas
alone. Of course in sandy soil
the loss of any plant food is great
er than in soils of a clayey nature
hence the former soils must be fer
tilized mostly for present need
unless care is taken to apply barn
yard manure or to otherwise ill
the soil with humus. The humu
question is one, however, that de
serves the consideration of ever3
farmer, whether he uses commer
Bial plant foods or not, for decay
ing vegetable matter in the soi
'neat -es its mechanical condition
thus making it work easier, and it
also is a medium through which
the roots of plants can secure air,
and, more than all, it fortifies the
soil against both deluge and
drought and prevents the baked
condition which users of commer-
cial fertilizers sometimes complain
of, and which is so easily prevent-
Manufacturer and Farmer Should
Have Pc.teetion.
`a'IifT IR�AILIVAY 3'I'$.YBII,It A.NU ;.
The Tito Pootltnefts ou 'Whloh. Ali
rrcight aleiral'ts tit 0
The waybill .and the bill of
ing are the two doountents upon
wine') all the vast fabric of railway
freight reports is founded, The
waybill plays the larger
Y 5 part by
Ordinarily it in a printed form
on tough paper to stand the many
hard knocks it receives both In.
doors and out before it is safely
filed away. It ie four and one -hall
inches wide by sixteen inches lone,,
On its back many roads print in
detail various instructions for its
use 1t Is the connecting link, say;
the Railroad Man's Magazine, be.
?ween the point from which the
goods are shipped and the point
of delivery.
It is an itemized statement of
each consignment. Where the eons
tents of a car are all being' shipped
to the same point but. to severs
consignors there will be severe/
bills, but if the carload is for bu$
one consignor only one waybill iii
Each car must have at least one
waybill. It forms the initial blank
in the system of freight accounts,
o as the check does in bank accounts,
e .It is an order en the freight con.
h deter to carry the property and an
evielence that the transaction had
s been recorded.
Each waybill must be numbered
' by the agent who issues it. These
numbers generally run consecutive-
s ly beginning eachmonth with num.
-bei one. If a carload of freight is
loaded at a point where there are
s no track scales the estimated
weight is inserted by the forward.
ing agent. Tho ear is then weigh-
- ed at the first weighing point and
- the actual gross, tare and net
1 weights are entered.
The gross weight is that of the
car and contents as shown by the
track scales; the tare is the weiiht
of the car, which is stencilled ah a
lower corner of the outside of the
car, grid the net weight the differ-
enee between the two.
Upon many lines only ono form
of waybill is used. On othere there
are many varieties. Live stock
way bills, for example, aro often
longer by some four inches than
the ordinary kind and are on dif-
ferent colored paper. This is to
prevent their being overlooked.
Live stock must be fed and water-
ed in transit at stated intervals
and if this is not attended to ser-
ious consequences for everybody
concerned are quite certain. Per-
ishable freight, ore, coal, coke, and
other things that can be moved by
the trainload have special forms
and sizes of bills.
The conditions under which pro-
perty is shipped mupt be carefully
recorded on the waylti11„ such as
"owner's risk," carrier's risk,"
"released," "strapped, corded and
scaled," "knocked down," "set
up," and so on. These are much
abbreviated, "K. D.," being used
for "knocked down," and "S U."
for "set up."
The possession of an original bill
of lading by a properly identified
individual establishes that persou's
right to claim the property it cov-
ers when it reaches its destination..
The original bill of lading is there-
upon surrendered to the railroad
company, the charges paid and
the cansignor removes the goods,
That is the reason why certain
classes of bills of lading are used
as collateral upon which to borrow
money, they being indorsed in that
event as a bank draft would be..
Certain classes of bills of lading
are negotiable—that is, they may
be bought and sold, the title or
ownership of the property covered
passing to the person who buys the
bill of -lading, and to whom it is
therefore indorsed.
It was Abraham Lincoln who
gave popularity to the Protectioa-
Let side of the tariff question when
he said:—"=When we buy goods
abroad we get the goods and the
foreigner gets the motley; but
when We, buy goods at home we
get back the goods and the
money." This sound philosophy
characterizes another of the late
President's famous homilies:
"The farmer and the manufac-
turer," the president once said,
with his ohaacteristic shrewdness,
"are both in the same boat and I
reckon they've got to learn to na-
vigate the craft together or they'll
upset." "He compared the case
of a Pennsylvania farmer," con-
tinues the historian in question,
"and a Pennsylvania iron imple-
ment maker whose properties ad-
joined. Under a m'otective policy
the farmer sunnlied the ironmak-
er with bread, meat vegetables.
fruit, fodder for horses, etc. and
the ironmaker supplied the farmer
with all the iron, iron implements,
etc„ which he needed. Assuming
that a, change is made and the
Protective polios abandoned, the
farmer then discovers that he can
buy his iron implements cheaper
from Europe than from his neigh-
bor, assuming that he sells a suf-
ficient quantity of flour in Europe
to enable him to effect the nur-
chaso of the iron. he ultimately
discovers that the cost of carriage
to the coast, transportation by sea
to England, insurance and cartage
on arrival, does not enable him to
receive such a good reward for his
labor as he formerly did when sel-
ling his flour to his neighbor, tho
ironmaker, He therefore, deter-
mines to sell his flour as before to
his neighbor. But meantime the
farmer discovers that while he has
been purchasing his iron imple-
ments from Euro pe his neighbor,
the ironmaker, has been compelled
to stop his works and dismiss his
employees not having sufficient
work for thein. The farmer, there-
fore, now finds that ho has more
wheat than he knows what to do
with ; also, that he is no longer
able to sell his fruit vegetables,
fodder, meat, horses, ate., to his
neighbor, the ironmaker, as he has
gone'mit of business. In fact, he
finds that through buying abroad
in the cheapest rnarket he has de-
strayed this home market fur his
own products and thrown a num-
ber of his fellows -countrymen cut
of employment."
Many a nut nwho isn't a liar=
doesn't tell all tine truth•be knows,
"Perhaps you have heard of the
Wangle Memory System?" suggest -
.ed th.e seedy -looking man, laying
his bag on the table, and annexing
an office chai.
"Perhaps 1 have," replied the
"It is an infat,
llible system," went
on the stranger. •'You sometimes
forget things; don't you? Listen.
For five dollars you may learn how,
to remember everything. Will you
take a course?"
"No, thanks."
"It is absolutely infallible."
"1 don't care, I don't want to
knonv it.
da , then," y snorted
, the
seedy -looking manend stamped out
of the oflnea.
Two-•mfsnutes later he cense clash-
ing into the office again.
",Sorry to trouble you," he said -
But 1 left my tag behind me
hen I wenn cmt!"
"Insommnia." !smart t a"'DU)
hammier "in evidenty eontagi
nus.'' "Row do you "'digure thak
out?" queried the modical student. -1
"I have noticed," oplained the
bachelor, "that when test next
door neighbor's dog can't oleo;
can't a,ftlrer,'t-