HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-8-3, Page 6Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Malmo and OtlRer Valuable'.MMMformaelon
rot Particular leasvreet to Women Polka
leer 'Thioltening Soups or Gravy.
Work half an ovine of butter
Earefully into rather more than
that quantity of !]our. Sir this in-
to the hot licjuid and let it come eo
the boil. Cook fur three minutes.
Currant Loaf. ---set two pounds
of baker's dough to rise as .soon as
you get it. Work into it three
:mecca of currants; two ounces of
sugar, and set to rise again. Bake
like an ordinary loaf. This rnakes
excellent bread and butter for ten.
Thick milk is peculiar with (Mil-
' rime. Boil one pint of milk and
pour it on to atablespoonful of
tlour, wet with cold ntik, and
make it into a, smooth paste. Boil
the flour and milk for ten minutes,
stirring all the time, add a pinch
of salt in cooking, Serve with
brown sugar.
Hot Sauce for Chops. -After fry-
ing the chops, make a little brown
sauce by stirring into the fat a
desserhspoonfui of flour. When
browned, add a quarter of a pint of
wieter, and stir till it boils. Add
e. tablespoonful of chopped piccalil-
li or chutney, and a. tablespoonful
of chopped parsley, and serve.
Baked Suet and Jam Pudding. -
Into half a pouna of flour rub a
quarter of a pound of suet, with a
teaspoonful of baking powder and
a pinch of salt. Beat an egg with
a little milk and make all into a
batter that will just pour. Line a
piedish at the bottom with jam, put
this batter on the top, and bake
in a steady oven for one hour and
a quart r.
Queen Mary Pudding. -Take six
ounces of breadcrumbs, six ounces
of caster sugar, four large eggs,
and one teaspoonful of vanilla fla-
voring. Beat the eggs and mix
we)1 with the other ingredients.
Pour into a greased pudding basin
and bake• for an hour. Serve hot
with sauce or jam.
Prune Tart. -Soak some good
prunes and scald them. Remove
the stones, keep the kernels, and
set them with the fruit in a sauce-
pan with a little sugar. Simmer
the fruit for ten minutes, pour into
a basin, and, ween cooled, flavor
with lemon -juke. Line a flat tin
with short paste, put in the prunes
and syrup, cover with paster, and
bake in a. moderate oven.
Spanish Rice VIAing.-Boil a
teacupful of rice slowly in about
one pint and a half of milk, until
the liquid is absorbed, then sweet-
en and flavor with cinnamon. But-
ter a dish, spread it with rice, then
adcl a layer of jam; continue in this
way tilI the dish is full. Beat up
the white of an egg to a stiff froth,
sweeten and flavor it, and place
in the oven for twenty minutia to
brown nicely.
To Pickle a Tongue. -Mix to-
gether two ounces of saltpetre, two
ounces of bay salt, one ounce of
sal prunella, three handfuls of
common salt, one pound of treacle.
Place a tongue in this, turn and
rub it every day. It will he ready -
in three weeks, but may stay lon-
ger. A little cochineal added to
these proportions improves the
color. After taking out tiro
tongue, use the pickle for a piece
of beef.
Cocoa Mould. -Crush all lumps
out of one tablespoonful of o' cos, t
three tablespoonfuls of cornflour, t
and two tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Mix these gradually into a quart
of cold milk, place in a ehina lined t
saucepan, and buil for fifteen!
minutes, carefully stirring. Da!
reetly the mixture begins to thi,•? ! t
en, take the pan off the stove and'
beat it up thurengely, then lot it h
simmer wale. Torn into a wet 1 „
motel to :at.
O, 'n ,r'n Pudding. --Ruh four
ounces of dripping or lard int() half ! t,
a p�.n,etl of if.,.zr, half a teaes non- r,
ful of baking -powder, one cupfal
of currants, one capful of tre.•ic•le,i,,
end .the same quantity .;f milk. Club
the fat into the flour', add the bak-
ing -powder, u
s .t
leis t e a stiff slough
with cold water. Roil out to a a
long strip, spread the treacle over, el
and scatter the fruit un this. Boll
up as for roly-poly, and place. in
a greased seeded:. four the milk
ever, and belie. in a steady even for
one hour.
Roast Leg of Veal.-Trtkc nut the
drone from a loin of real, 1111 the
cavity left with veal .stuffing, awe
skewer into a good round fillet,
binding it in shape with tape when
half cooked. Put a paper over the
fat and baste frequently till you
are sure the meat is quite done,
for veal requires to be very well
cooked. Just before serving pour
some melted butter sauce over the
joint, and pour a good gravy
echel.r Pudding. --Peel and
a "" 's , ziyt apples to weigh half th
pound. Tate the same quantity B
f ,breedcvum•. s, a tablespoonful of w
1 e f currants and
k o
_.our,.twa minces s
two ounocit et'.]sugar. Work these It
ingredients tilgether then mins- m
tern them with one egg beaten up
in milk. Mix all thoroughly, pour
into a greased pudding basin, and
buil two to three hours. 'Turn out
to servo, and pour a nice sweet
eauoe over.
Sheep's Head au Gratin. -Take
a singed sheep's head, have it split
open and thoroughly cleaned. Place
in a saucepan with an onion, two
carrots, and a stick of celery, add
sufficient water to cover, and boil
gently for three hours, or till the
meat slips fern the bones. Ar-
range the meat on a ,:fish and press
it into shape. Pour over sorne good
brown gravy, and on the meat
some br toned brcaderumbs. Serve
very hot with potatoes and vege-
Never allow meat to remain in
paper, or it will quickly taint. •
Uncooked potatoes fried in fat,
purify it better than anything else.
Raisins are easily stuped if first
steeped for a few minutes in bon-
ing water.
Stains on knives may be remov-
ed by rubbing with raw potato
dipped in bethbrick dust.
Oilcloth will last for several
years if well polished with bees-
wax and turpentine.
Hang saucepan lids on nails in
an airy part of the kitchen, then
they will be perfectly sweet'.
Flour baked till it is well brown-
ed makes a very good coloring for
When peeling apples put them
into cold water to prevent their
becoming discolored before being
Boots hardened with the wet,
should be lightly rubbed with vase -
lima to make them pliable again.
Bent wbalebones can be straight-
ened by soaking in water for a
few hours, then bending into shape
and drying.
A wet umbrella should never be
placed fertile downwards to dry,
nor should it be opened. Instead,
shake it well and stand it handle
downwards to drain.
A Sanitary hint. -Peon hot
strung soda water down all waste
pipes every week. I1 this is clone
regularly on a certain day the
pipes will be kept in good order.
Stair pads save the wear of the
carpet, but they cost money. Try
instead laying a thickly folded
newspaper over the tread. It is
most efficacious and costs nothing.
Tea -leaves will remove the odor
of fish from plates and dishes. Wipe
plates used for herrings and had-
lock,cwith tea -leaves before put-
ting them into the washing-up 1
bowl. t
Picture glasses should be clew ied c
with a rag dipped in methylated
spirit. Water is not advisable, as
it is apt to run under the glass, b
when the damp would spoil the
Po clean bedroom. ware which
gets stained on the inside. Where
there is much deposit in the water
the jugs, ete., get very much
stained. Empty them, and then rub
well with some dry salt.
For Tin Ware. -Take a quarter
of a pound of household soap,
melt it with .a. very small quantity T
f water, and then stir in a beeped t
ablespoanful of powdered whiting s
u form a paste. t
A striped silk blouse may b:i e
washed thus: Make a lather, not p
c,o Strong ; when hike -warm put d
e the blouse and sclneeze it ie, the h
other till quite clean. Riese. and e
hen roll tightly in dry t ,wel.After 1
quarter of an- hour, ]von, using T
,t irone. Treated in this way the p
'Jeer will not run.
Harness Bladang.-,felt four
unces of tnutton :met with twelve t
unces of beeswax, twelve ounces 0
f sugar (Needy. four ,enc -' of raft ti
sap dissolved in water, and two c
unces of finely powdered indigo.
1i'hen thoroughly disc ,lvcd and
demi stir in half a pint of tur-
entine. Lay this on with a spew,
ucl then polish with a brush and
A.1.70 Teen' 0.
see -
Lesson 'eI.-Jeremiah Tried and
Acquitted, Jer, 26. Golden
Text, Psti. 27. I.
Verses 1.0 -At some nutewort
gathering of the people from 1
uncl near, the prophet takes h
stand in an outer court of le
temple at Jerusalem, and pr
claims weeds of solemn waruin
m'ngl d with proffers of mer
from Jehovah.
1. In the beginning --In the ne
lesson we shall come upon a tiro
in the fourth year of the reign
Jelioiakim when the prophet's rel
tions with the king and peop
reached a critical stage, and
was no longer lister ed to. mu
crisis had not yet arrived. Bi
Jeremiah had already declared th
certainty 0£ a captivity lasting to
seventy years (Jer. 25. 11). Wh
he does in this chapter is to s
forth the difficulties under ethic
he has announeed the will of Go
in the prophecies of the chapt0
2. Stand in the court -The oute
court where it would be most eas
to get a hearing before the peopl
assembling from the cities of Jude
Diminish not a word-Throug
Moses, Jehovah's people had bee
commanded neither to add to no
diminish the message received b
them from Jehovah (Dent. 4. 2
Standing as he did in peril of hi
life, it would be natural for ea
project to wish to suppress th
harsher portions of his warning.
3. It may be they will hearken
Jeremiah's judgment of the cone,,
tion of affairs in Judah is depic
ted in his arraignment , a Jchoia
kin] (Jer. 22, 13-17). But non
could more fitly have declared no
only toe wrath of Jehovah agains
a guilty people, but also the ev
erlasting love and compassion o
Jehovah, and his long-suffering
Offers of pewee and pardon wer
still held out, but on this and an
other occasion (Jer. 33) the poo
pie and their leaders contemptu
ously refused to change their
course. Compare Jer. 7.
5. Rising up early and sending -
A phrase peculiar to Jeremiah and
meaning frequently in his pro-
6 Shiloh -A town of Ephraim,
central in positron, which accounts
for its choice by Joshua as the
nesting place for the ark and tab-
ernacle. Though a town o° eon-
siderable importance in the time
of the Judges, it became excessive-
ly idolatrous, and so lost the ark
in the days of Eli, and fell into
the cruel hands of the Philistines.
In Jeremiah's day it was a 'n -
age of no special significance. In
Iris way was Jerusalem to be made
untemptible among the nations.
7 -15 -The charge against Jere-
miah by the prophets and priests
efure the princes and people, and
his defence.
7. Prophets -These were the
also prophets, who, however, had.
the ear of the populace, They
were in constant opposition to Je-
emiale both in Jerusalem and
abylon (23: 0, 28. 1, 29. 1). They
unneeded in neutralizing his mes-
age with their lying flatteries.
8. Made an end of speaking -
hat none uttered to molest him
ill he had co -el ided its address
hows that, in spite of incredulity,
hey still cherished a half rever-
urding to the Mosaic law (Dent.
rophet. It was only after he had
one epeaking that' the people laid
Old on him and declared that. se-
ceding t the Mosaic law (Deet.
8. 20), he must he put to death.
heir charge was one of bias -
hone -Jeremiah had spuk with-
ut the command of Jehovah.
9. Why hast thou prophesied in •
IP name 0f Jchnt•ah'1-It was in-,1
to them that such
,fines shank! befall Jerusalem as
ams Upon Shiloh.
I0. The princes ---It is thought
"My ]lair is .falling out, old
chap!" a solicitor confided to a me-
llical friend. "Can you recom-
mend something to keep it in 1"
"Certainly!" wee the agreeable.
reply. "A cardboard box."
"I tell you, yen can't beat my
wife for presence of mind," said the
man at the club, proudly, "Listen
to this. One day last week an old
gossip of our neighborhood called,
and I left her and wifie alone in the
parlor. An hour later, having the
impression that our caller had de-
parted, I bounced into the room
with, 'So the old cat has gone, eh V
Well, as I lifted my eyes, there was
o woman herself in front of me,
ut my wife -bless her --was there
ith the goods, 'Yes, dear,' she
aid, calmly, 'I sent it, to the cats'
nine in a basket first thing this
arming.' "
,rise were the heads of prominent
ousel ef the tribes, who had
rought with them to Jerusalem
1 a time d di -order the prestige
£ their local reputation. 1' he
ower which they here exhibit had
radually grow nip through their
mployment in important offices
,out the c••urt, and.is an evidence
the. decay of the monarchy.
The entry of the new gate -this
as the place orc.tnarily chosen
r triale. Fur the building of this
te, see 2 Kings 15. 35.
11. Piwpheeied against this city
The ease of Stephen comes ne-
rally to mi. d. The threat of
solution to both city end tom-
e was still fresh in the ears of
e people.
12. Jehovah sent me -This was
e burden of the prophet's de-
nse, The firmness of conviction
th which he faced his accusers is
en in the repetition of these
ads, with the additional affirma-
on, of a troth.. in verse 15. H:o
d not shrink in fear from the
neat they might do; only he would
ave them remember that Jt was
God, and not any one man, against
whom they, were fighting,
10.24 --The princes anis people
take up the eharges made by
priests and false prophets, and de-
claim Jeremiah /anaemia The
cases of Micah and Uriah are cited.
13, Ile hath spoken , . in the
name u£ Jehovah -TM -twit the ol-
dens of Judah sere doubtless world
lyeminded men, yet they judged
this case without the fanaticism
which ehat'aoterized the priestly
and prophetic class. They saw
that Jeremiah was in earnest and
carried no brief for himself or any
claim, but came direct from Jeho-
18, Mieah-One oY the minor pro-
phets. His prophecies were given
in the days of Jotham, Ahez, and
Hezekiah. A. comparison of verse
18 with Micah 3. 32 will show that
the elders of the land, represent-
ingthe people in the case, were
giving an exact quotation. The
precedent of the action of king
Hezekiah, in listening to warnings
fully as stinging as those pro-
nounced by Jeremiah, was a well-
chosen one.
20. Uriah -It is unlikely this
case was introduced by the elders
at this particular time. It seems
more probable that Jeremiah him-
self introduced the illustratiou
later in order to show how great
was the peril of a man who, Like
him, made such a prophecy against
the sacred city.
Kiriath-jearim- A town ,on the
road to Joppa, about ten miles
northwest of Jerusalem. It stood
on the border of Benjamin and
Judah, and had for twenty years
been the resting place of the ark
(1 Sam. 0. 21).
23. Sieve, him with the sword -
This arbitrary and cruel procedure
on the part of the present king,
was made possible by the fact that
Jehoiakim was a vassal of Egypt
(2 Kings 23. 34).
24. Ahikam the son of Shaphan
--He was one of those sent by Jo-
siah to .consult Holdall. Later he
was made governor of the land by
Nebuchadnezzar. In this position
he had occasion to stand by his
friend Jeremiah again.
Are Used by Swiss Prison Chief to
Reform Convicts.
The convict prison of Witzwyl,
in the Canton of Berne, one of the
largest institutions of its kind in
Switzerland, has a new governor,
who is determined to introduce
"reforms." In order to make the
eonvict give up his daily allow-
ance of tobacco and stop chewing
and smoking, the governor is try-
ing to "persuade" the prisoners
to exchange tobacco for chocolate
of equal value; but he admits that
he has not met with much success.
The new governor also believes
that music "soothes the savage
breast," and he was glad when re-
eentl- four wandering Bohemians,
with guitars and violms, arrived at
Witzwyl, under escort, to serve a
short sentence. Several times a
week they play in the evening to
cheer up their fellow prisoners..
Use Tame Birds as Deeoys ,or
Wild Ones.
Thousands of Chinese hunters
trap wild eagles in Mongolia every
year by the employment of tame
eagles as decoys. They carry the
tame eagles on their shoulders, and
when a likely locality is reached
the;; arrange nets, within which are
placed large quantities of bait,
usually small fish. Operating
lines are stretched to a distance of
about 500 yards from the nets, and
when the wild birds have joined
the tame ones at the feast those
nets are brought into action. The
value of the capture depends up-
on the condition of the feathers,
which ase used for fans. Only -the
largest feathers are of use, and a
fan of black feathe-s, white near
the middle, brings as high as 825.
Charles Higgins was 'gaged,
but somehow he did.,'t feel e!lo-
gethcr happy, so he decided to
break off the engagement.
"Dearest," he whispered, as he
sat alone with itis beloved, "w hat
would hie pat say if Charlie told
her that he could not marry her?"
The maiden pondered.
"His pet would say," she cooed,
"that she has a big brother who
is a. champion boxer, and this big
brother would probably make
things uncomfortable for Charlie.
And she would also say that she has
a lot of letters that would make
it very expensive for him, too."
Charlie also pondered.
"Ha! Ha!" My precious," he
murmured at last. '13u1 Charlie
hasn't said it, has he 2„
r'No, of course not,"• said the
girl, "He knows better."
So they aro to be married in
Labor is the foundation of many
a fortune -but not necessarily of
the laborer?e.
118 Je EXpeotetl to Keep the Natives
iZEriet-Cilt of the Groat
The appointment of Field Mar-
shal Lord Kitchener, British agent
to Egypt, seems to have satfsiied
every one, The status of the Brit-
ish Agent to Egypt probably will
be improved a mare important title
and a higher salary attached..
Command of the British troops
on the Mediterranean, heretof,na
held by a general at Malta, will bo
traztaferred to Lord Kitchener.
The home country expects hem to
crush with a strong hand the grow-
ing dissatisfaction of the natives
in Egypt.
It was through his military geni-
us that the army in Egypt was re-
halbiltatecd. He became sirdar,
or commander-in-chief, and firm-
ly established the supremacy of
Great Britain in that country.
. Lord Kitchener's latest appoint-
ment makes him indirectly the suc-
cessor of Lord Croner, the prede-
cessor of the late Sir EIdon Gorst,
who is known as the maker of
Egypt, and was British Agent and
Consul -General in Egypt from 1853
to April 12, 1907, when he resigned.
Two important events occurred
duling Cr•omer's "agency" in
Egypt. In 1883 the restored Khe-
dive abolished the joint control of
England and France, and on the
recommendation of the British, ap-
pointed an English financial ad -
viper. The Anglo-French coeven
tion ef April 4, 1904„ further re-
moved restrictions which /member-
ed the management .of Egyptian
It was- Cromer who secured the
appointment of Kitchener as corn -
mender -in -chief of the Khedive's
army, which was Ultimately to
make life and property as safe as
in London as far south as Omdur-
man and beyond. It was Cromer
who damned the Nile at Assouaa,
to increase the irregated area of
the valley. And it was Cromer
who, satisfied with the work al-
ready done, proposed in 1903 a
change in the internal administra-
tion of Egypt which he believed
the country was ripe for.
Lord Kitchener's services in the
Boer war added to his military re-
nown and made him the popular
idol of the Empire.
A tall, lithe, elean-]imbed ;figure,
deliberate in movement, still and
Piercing eyes of deep blue, ' eem-
plexion sunburned a dull brick
red, a square, cleft chin, a reso-
lute mouth, shaded by long mous-
tache, the face stern, cold, in-
flexible. Such is Lord Kitchener.
'Born in Ireland of English par-
ents, in June, 1850, his boyhood
was passed in that country. Ra-
ther a bookworm than an athlete,
he showed but little capacity for
outdoor sports, bis talents leaning
chiefly toward mathematics. He
entered the army as a lieutenant
of Royal Engineers in 1871, and
first saw service in the Franco-
Prussian war, having offered him-
self to the Trench authorities, and
was actively engaged on several
occasions, but owing to an attack
of pneumonia was invalided back
to England.
Ab the earliest opportunity he
sought service abroad, and was
sent to Palestine under the aus-
pices of the Palestine exploration
hind. In this work he was con-
nected men
nectecl with many well-known ll -knot n v ,
:such as Farrar, Holman Hunt,
Walter Besant and Sir Charles
Warren. After spending six years
of danger and adventure surveying
Palestine, which had not then been
civilized by l'ook's tourists-, and
was overrun by ruving bands of
robbers, be was removed to Cyp-
rus to organize the courts and put
the civil service on a firm basis.
In 1879 Lord Beaconsfield appoint-
ed him one of his military vice-
consuls in Asia Minor, and he sub-
sequently returned to Cyprus and
,rade a survey of the entire island.
During these years Kitchener had
obtained a mastery of the Arabic
language and character, which was
to stand bin. in good stead later.
When the Egyptian army was be-
ing drilled by the English officera
in 1882, he volunteered his services
and was appointed one of the two
majors of cavalry,
When the ill-fated Gordon was
shut up in Khartoum it was Kit-
chener who managed to smuggle
through the Iittle new of the outer
world, whiab Gordon received, and
who aseidttouely sunt news" t0
,Khartoum northward, unfortunfte-
In 1892 Kitchener was appointed
samba, or commander-in-ehicf, 0!
the. Egyptian Army. Then cum-
zzreneed the conquest of the ,Sou-
dan, Without a single pause the
work wont forward. Kitchener is
never in ,a hurry, 'With rigid self.
control he feels the grouted firm
beneath him before advancing a
step forward where others had
used-eamois he conceived the idea
of a railway, and turned a raid into
an irresistible conquest,
Then oamo South Africa, He
went out to Cape Town as Loyd
Roberts' ehief of staff in December,
1899, when three British armies lay
eheckmated and confusion ruled
supreme ,at the baso. He brougnt
order out of such a chaos of mis-
management as.has rarely faced an
officer. On him fell the brunt of
ally the secret preparations ibat
ended in Lord Roberts' brilliant
dash into the Orange Free ovate,
the relief of Kimberley and the
capture of "Cronje.
The recent work of Lord Kitch-
ener has been that of organizing
the military forces of the empire.
Keeping of Felines Endangers
Public health, Says Connell.
Not content with having raised
the cost of dog iicenses from five
marks to twenty marks a year, the
Munich City Council .has now de-
cided to impose a tax on cats. The.
supporters of the new impost con-
tend that the keeping of cata in-
volves danger to the public health,
besides frequently constituting a
nuisance to the neighbors. When
owners have to take out a yearly
license it is thought that cats will
bo.better cared for and that they
will not be allowed to increase and
multiply indiscriminately, as at
present. It is thought, too, that
with a lesser number of cats the
wanton slaughter of singing and
other small birds might be dimin-
"I have had many wonderful ex-
periences," remarked the returned
explorer. "But one of the most
curious occurred when I was gold -
hunting in California.
"I came to a valley between two
mountains where I found a most
wonderful echo. So deep was it
that several ]yours elapsed before
you received a rep,y to anything
you shouted.
"It suddenly struck me that 1
might be able to make use of this
echo to good effect, and when 1
went to bed that night I put my
plan into execution. Before I lay
down to rest I shouted at the top
of my voice:
"It's time to get up!' and, would
you believe it, gentlemen, the echo
awoke me at eight o'clock the next,
morning by shouting those identical
words in my ear 1"
"Doctor," sighed the haggard
man, "I'm in a terrible state! 1
haven't slept a wink for nearly a
week. The oat next door howls all
night. Can you do anything for
"Yes, I think so," said the doc-
tor. "Let mo see. This powder
here will work the trick, I think.
You'll sleep now all right."
"Oh, thank you, doctor! When
do I take it?"
"You don't take it, my dear sir.
You give it to the eat!"
The milkman stood before hoe
nervously twirling his hat in hiss
"So," she said sternly, "you
have cornu at last?"
"Yes, madam. You sent for rue,
I believe," he replied.
"I wished to tell you that I
found a minuw in the milk yester-
day morning.oi•ry"
I am , maclani; but if the
cows will drink from the brook in-
stead of from the trough, I can -
net help it."
SIsll•VL.� Heel RIGHT.
Conjuror -"My assistant will
now guess without assistance how
many hairs any gentleman present
lies on his head.'
Member of the Audience-' How
many are there on mane?"
Assistant -"Two million four
hundred nuc] fifty-seven thousand
six hundred and twenty-four."
Conjuror -"If the gentleman
will count his hairs he will see that
the number is correct."
Oil for for 'Toothaches. -There is no
pain so acute and distressing as
toothaebe. When you have so un-
welcome a visitor apply Dr, Tho-
mas' Eclectrio Oil according to di-
rections and you will find immedi-
ate relief. It touches the neryo
with soothing effect and the pain
departs at once. That it will ease
toothache is another fine quality
of this Oil, showing the many uses
it has.
TiE Or ARsHip
1)0011 lel.'' 'TUE Dl(EAI)NO UGIl1'
Smeller '.type of Towel With lee
ineb (,net and Secondary hate
cry )rill be, BUM.
It is umierstoud that the �lclutiz'-
alty leas et last been oonvineod by
the arguments of those opposed to
the constant increase, in the size of
warships, expressed in the build-
ing of Dreadnoughts and super-
NavalPhilip Watts, • Director off
Naval Cfonstruction, has deeigned
a new type of battleship whish
while embodying all the tactic f
qualities of the Dreadnought, will
be about 30 per cent, mailer than
the ships new building for the na-
The new Vessels will not be be-
gun ootid next yeas, when the new
design iril1 be applied to the bat-
tleships of the 1012-18 programme.
They will be about 18,000 tons, and
will have as their main armament
six guns of 15 -inches calibre, some
weapons being now under
proof under the pseudonym of
13trial.5 A.
This gun fires a shell about 1,000
lbs. weight, and is as great an ad-
vance on the 13,5 -in. gums of the
Orion class as the 13.5 was on the
12 -inch of the Dreadnought.
The Admiralty has also given
way to outside pressure in the
matter of secondary armament. So
far England alone of the groat pow-
ers has abandoned this armament
in her Dreadnoughts, Germany,
France, the United States, and
Japan having all combined a bat-
tery of 0 -inch or smaller guns with
the main 12 -inch weapon.
In the new type of battleship the
secondary battery will be restored,
and it is believed that twelve or
fourteen 0 -in. guns will be mount-
An enormous speed is said to be
looked for in the new ships -thirty-
four or thirty-six knote, as compar-
ed with the twenty-one of the Or-
ions and the thirty of the battle -
cruiser Oueen Mary, building on
the Tyne. The new ships will be
neither battleships nor cruisers,
but a combination of both,' and
should the type prove successful,
there will no longer bo a dividing
line between the two types, the
effective points of both being com-
bined in one unit,
The new design is a triumph for
Lord Charles Beresford, who has
always insisted that the Admiralty
should furnish the navy with ships
of medium displacement for shal-
low water fighting -such as 1',n the
North Sea -and that in view of the
frequency of misty weather i'1 those
waters and of the consequent pro-
bability of close range actimes, our
ships should be provided with sec-
ondary batteries of medium calibre
quick -firing guns, which in such
conditions would bo most effective.
"From the very first, said Lord
Charles Beresford in an interview,
"I was against the policy of build-
ing Dreadnoughts and super -
Dreadnoughts. Every day we live,"
he acid, " our folly in building
these mammoth ships is becoming
more apparent.
"We started tee trouble, how-
ever, and immediately other na-
tions followed our Lead. Now we
have to keep c.p np with them. We are.
suffering for oar arrogance by the
huge annual drain on the. muney
set apart for the navy, which the
building of these great ships ne-
"Now it is a question whether
the can afford to scrap the Dread-
naught type. _ It is necessary for
our ships not only to travel great
distances, lint when they have trav-
elled far from one' base, to carry
sufficiental i
coal, and ammuni-
tion for use on arrival. •They must
not only carry enough coal to get
there, but must have plenty to
"The fact that we have nolo suf-
ficient small vessels, however, is ob-
vious. Personally I am in favor of
the Dreadnought type in place of
the super -Dreadnought, which I
consider is a useless waste of min-
t' y. But what I wish to see more
than anything else is a greater,
number of smaller ships to protect
the greater Dues.
"Light cruisers are needed most.
Take, for instance, a big action in
which it is necessary to repel a tor-
pedo attack coning from all quar-
"The direction of a Dread-
nought's gun on the torpedoes
would be almost futile. et might
disable ono, but in the meantime
tine rest would probably have die-,
appeared from range.
"What we want," he concluded,
"is a fleet of small craft which
could form a groat circle round the
bigger vessel and protect them
against torpedoes creeping in et
night and doing incalculable harm.
These ships, swift and powerful,
could with their small guns repel
the deadly attack of the torpedoes.
"Then, again, with the Declares
Lion hanging over our heade, too
Want innumerable light cruisers to
protect our trade routes."•
.t'f •t+