HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-27, Page 8HOT WEATHER SPECIALS For a Oool Drank.. (Pry a package of Eiffel 'Power Lemen- arte.Powdor, A 5o peeltage makes 1 qt OG Lemonade already Sweeten- ed. weetenell, A bottle Of Lime Fruit juice at 2Se will lake manys gimlet* et a tlail'st quencher, For that Simmer Drink -s Boston Cream We have Tartaric Acid at 5c 02, Strong Essence of Lemon fie oz. In the Hot Weather :Po 000i testblood and keep healthy use {ri•4Ge of Magnesia, Sc ea, Effervescent Phosphate of Soda, 50, Also Effervescent Fruit Salts. Fresh Baking Powder If you ever use chits yon will want it again, 25c 1b. Frequent Bathing Requires plenty of geed Soap. Two of aur leaders are -m Rexaq Glycerine Soap, 2 large bars ase ; Shell Brand. r Castile Soap, 2 1b. bar iso, Talcum Powder Almost a necessity. Have you used VIOLET DULCE TALCUM This is s very high class Powder per- fumed with the odor of fresh cut violets, 25c, Next to a Sea Bath Sea Salt roc pkg, Large pkg, in wooden box, 200, Florida Water, Toilet Waters Sponges, &o, Palm Leaf Fans New stock just received at 55 each. Other Folding Fans roc each. rhe Store F R SMITH ■ DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. ,a gi Nan ,ars Duo you see the snow 7 TUESDAY will usher in the month of August, 416 acres are encompassed in the limits of J3russels. owicx Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Directors meet Saturday of this week at Gerrie.,. PLANT your Fall advertisements. The public will do well to watch out for the bargains. A cart of horses was shipped on Tues- day for the West, by Messrs. Galbraith & Keys, from Brussels. SONS of Scotland Excursion, under the auspices of Atwood Camp, will rnn to See Kincardine Fridayweek. Se of next advt, onage 5 for further particulars. LAST Saturday Ernest Plum got the first finger of his right band badly squeezed while working at the shop and is disabled from tis 03051 activity in the meantime. 'We hope he will soon be o, It. CEMENT 'sidewalk has been put down at "Ferndale,'' the comfortable home of Councillor and Mrs. A. C. Dames, corner of William and Albert streets. Angus Campbell did the work and made a good job. W. A. CRICH, Seaforth, formerly of Brussels. has received word from his brother, John Crich, who is located at Oseado, Michigan. where they had serious fires recently, that he was safe, but that he had lost everything through the fire. SATURDAY L. T. DeLacey and Miss Edna Henderson, daughter of George Henderson, of Seaforth, were united in marriage in the Presbyterian church Seaforth, by Rev. T. J. Robinson, B. A. The bride is a niece to ex -Reeve Hend- erson, of Brussels. May their joys be many and their troubles few, A Good POSITION. -Many young men and women would like to get good posi- tions in the business world but cannot, owing to lack of practical education. One school that places many of its gradu- ates in good positioos is the Elliott Busi- ness Colleg sof Toronto, Write to the C lie a for a Catalogue. It is sure toin- c g• g terest any ambitious young man or woman - W. C.T. U. -The regular meeting of Brussels W. C. T. U. will be held on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. McGuire, the meeting to take the form of a Missionary Tea. A contribution is asked to aid in Mission work among the Lumbermen. An educational pfogram on "Mission work among the Lumbermen" will be given by the members. All members are in- vited to be present and bring a friend with them, Toox is'r PLACE, -P. Scott's speedy mare "Lesa Vale," captured 1st money in the 3.30 trotting race at Listowel, Thursday afternoon of last week, in straight heats and did not have to ex- tend herself to do it. 224; was hung up Ise the best time. She will be entered in other racing events this Fall and will no doubt give a good account of herself. This was "Lesa Vales" first race and she demonstrated that she is a dandy green trotter and among the best that ever started in Canada, BRUSSELS SCHOOL STILL LEADS - At ,the recent Entrance Examination 16 pupils belonging to Brussels School were candidates all of whom, with one exception, passed. 10 taking honors. Miss Dora Smith, the painstaking teacher of the class, is to be congratu- lated on her success as are the girls and boys who proved workable material. Asan additional honor Truth Deadman captured 607 marks out of a possible 65o, the highest in the Co. at this exam. Brussels has much reason to be proud of the excellent showing made at the Entrance, keeping, in line with the past record for unsurpassable excellency. Names ot successful candidates may be read in another column, They are alphabetically arranged. Marks obtain- ed' by each will not be published this year, JOHN BEST DECEASED, -The Perth Ex. posher of July13th, speaks of the death of the father of George Best, Brussels, as follows :-A sufferer for many years from rheumatism, John Best, of the second concession of Drummond, was relieved of itis sufferings last night, wben deatlfcame peacefully. Deceased was 76 years of age, He was born in the township of North Elmeley, on the old Best farm on the shores of,Rideau Lake, son of the late George Best, but for many ears he had been a resident of Drutnniond, His wife and one daugh- ter and three sons survive, g ive, George, of Brussels, and john and William at home. ,Mrs,amesCoutts isadaughter. Henry Best, of the Ferry, is the last servivin e er of a familyof eight sons and 'daughters. tThe funeral tooklace Thursdayafternoon, when the services Were conducted by Rev. J, D. Richard. soil, "add' the'remafns interred in the tardily plot liltithe Ferry cemetery, READ the advt, Of the C. P. R. relat- ing to the Farm. Laborers Excursion to the West. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION AUGUST 15113. -Arrangements have been made with the Grand Trunk Railway to run the annual Sabbath.School Excursion a- long this line to Kincardine on Tuesday, August 15th. Keep the date clear. See bills for special train, fares, etc. A good program of sports is expected. BACK FROM THE WEST. -Hugh R. Elliott is back from Saskatoon. He cat the first finger of his lett hand a short time ago with a hand axe and blood poisoning set in. As the trouble was not abating as quickly as he hoped for Mr. Elliott decided to come home as he was unable to go on with his work and was suffering considerahle. We hope hew illsoon regain the use of his hand. wr g -0- ORssosam pin lost in Brussels last Friday. Finder please leave at THE PORT. Foa SALE: -700 bushels.oate at 86o per bushel, also 700 bushels mixed grain at 10 per lb.. ELI SM1TH, Lot 4, Con. 7, Grey. Phone 2110. • 1 CRESCENT pin lost. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at TunPoss. APPRENTIOs WANTED, -A bright girl or boy wanted at THE Po1T to learn the printing business. One who has passed the Entrance Examination preferred. Apply at THE POST,. GENERAL servant wanted at once. Apply to MRS. W. M. SINOLAIR, Brussels. ANYONE who will take hold of a good enter- prise should Gail and see T. McGregor, W. H. Kerr or S. Wilton, Brussels. Amster, Loose Leaf Ledger for students practice at Listowel Business College. Fall Term from Sept. 6th. Do you intend taking a Business College Course. Let tiset acquainted. Edwin G. Matthews, Listowel, On t, THE beat time to enter Listowel Business College is on Sept. 6th, the opening day. A good start is half the battle. KITCHEN girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. James at the American Hotel. FARMERS SONS : We have a special Farm Accounting course for you at Listowel Busi- ness College. Fall Term Sept. bth. Pon SALE OR TO BENT, -House and lot on Turnberry street, Brussels, belonging t o Thos . Nicholls. The 60o erebeingWiLft r Coa 12, Grey, is also offered for sone. �r fur- ther ur they particulars apply to A. F. Stewart, Bras. sets South. 0 Hymns Co. MEDICOS. -The following in this Co. have passed the final, in- termediate and primary examinations before the Ontario Medical Council ; Final -William Geiger, Hensel' ; Dun- can Allison, Belgrave, Intermediate - Duncan Allison, Belgrave ; Chas. Alex- ander and E. H. MoGavin, Seaforth. Primary -S. J. Coulter, Hensel]. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -Friday after- noon last the monthly meeting of Brus- sels Branch of the Women's Institute was held at the comfortable home of Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, 7111 con., Grey township. There was an attendance of 36. The prog ram was a good one con- sisting of a piano solo by Miss Belle Mc- Kinnon ; "How to manage when unex- pected company comes" by Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne and Mrs. Alex. Yuill "Allowance for children," introduced by Mrs. P, Scott. Both topics were discussed in an animated manner. Miss Gertie Duncan sang a solo. Chair was occupied by Mrs. W. Rands, the Presi- dent. A tasty lunch was served and Mrs. McKinnon was thanked for her hospitality. The next meeting will be held Friday, August 18th in the Public Library audience room, Brussels. New. programs have been issued for the com- ing six months. An invitation leas been accepted from Belgrave Institute to visit them in September and the trip will take the place of the regular monthly meet- ing for Brussels. 'rue LATE MRs. S. HINDS. -The fol- lowing are additional particulars refer- ring to the demise of the late Mrs. S. Hinds, whose decease was reported last week in THE POST ;-Mrs. lane Hinds, aged 73, widow of the late Samuel Hinds, of Brussels, Ont., died Thursday morning, July 14th, at the residence of her son, R. J. Hinds, 386 Agnes street, Winnipeg. She was born in County Cavan, Ireland, and came to Canada at about the age of s6. Mrs Hinds leaves a family of seven children : Freak, of Victoria, B. C. ; Fred., con- tractor, of Winnipeg; 11 J., of Sohrieber, Ont. ; Thomas, of Winnipeg ; ° Misses Sarah and Lily Hinds, of Winnipeg ; and R, J., with whom she resided. ln- torment was made at 13rockside nems. tery at 3.3o Friday afternoon. The subject of this notice came to Brussels from Ireland 1855, where she was maerri. ed to the late S. Hinds, 5o years ago, Mr Hinds is dead about 17 years. Mrs. Hinds went West 35 years ago, Rev. Mr, Adams, pastor of Young Methodist church, conducted the funeral service assisted by Rev. A. Gordon who officiated at the marriage 5o years ago, The floral tributes were beautiful Those attend- ing from a distance were Mrs, James and Miss Maud Kelly. Cypress River, Man. ; Miss Jean Norton, Calgary, Alta, ; and J. J Hinds,;of .Sohrieber. Out, Mrs, Hiuds was of u3oind, mother- lyturn, a good neighbor and a fine Christian woman, Old friends in Brea. sell and locality will sympathise with the bereaved, us ness (chance is often missed when it might have, been easily embraced by Systematic saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by .depositing your saviblgs in . The METROPOLITAN BANK $I.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H, GIL.ROY, MANAGER ALL kinds of weather. Civic Holiday will be observed In Brussels on Tuesday, August 15th. ciao POUNDS; -R. Leatberdale and Jas. Sharpe went raspberry picking on Wed- nesday and secured so pounds each. HAD A GAME OF E-DrhaOWLS Shaw, T. Jackson and B. Gibbings of Clinton, and Dr. Kay, of Lapeer, Mich., came to Brussels Wednesday in the latter's car. After the Base ball game and supper the above quartette had an enjoyable game of bowls with D. C. Ross, H. James, W. Ballagh and F, Burchill, in which the locals had an easy victory. Dr. Kay was a former Csuuck, living one time at Belmore. He is a brother- in.law to ex Reeve Gibbings, I. O. 0, F. -Thursday evening of last week Western Star Lodge I, 0.. O. F„ Brussels. was visited by D. D. Le. M. Brown, of Wroxeter, and the re elected officers confirmed in their chairs. The only change was in the Recording Secretaryship which has been held for many years by W. H. McCracken.. Ow- ing to poor health he asked to be relieved and J. G. lones was elected as his suc- cessor. Mac. wasa most faithful officer. Malcolm Black is the Noble Grand and attends to his duties carefully. There is a move on hand to boom the Lodge as soon as the Fall term sets in and the rash of Summet is past,W. Martin a is the new D. D well known Brusselit e G. M BASEBALL The Maitlands have enter- ed the limelight again. " Wednesday afternoon they presented the Lion Brand. Clothing Co's. team of Cliutou a smart "licking." The locals did not tendon the pill so very often but their team work proved more efficient than that of the visitors. Harland, Clinton's left fielder, who boasts a little surplus avordupois, made a classy running catch of Mohlillan's fly in the 6511 in- nings. C. Scott was chosen by Brus- sels as their heaver, while L. Doherty handed up the ball in beautiful style for Clinton but was not any too well sup- ported. C. Scott was too effective so was replaced by McMillan to give the Clinton boys a chance. These oppor- tunities were few as McMillan tossed the ball in masterful style. The boys thought some of the decisions handed out by Dr. Shaw. of Clinton, a trifle •'raw." The dope was as follows :- CLINTON H R BRUSaEL3 H R. Levy, 'Lb 0 0 Thomson 8b 1 0 Harland 1Y 0 0 F. Scott 2b 0 0 McGaughey ss 10 Hnwkshaw 12 1 0 Forrester, of 0 0 J. Leckie a 1 1 Graham rf 0 1 - McMillan es p......0 0 Doherty. p 0 0 Fox 1b . 0 1 Rumbali c 0 0 B Leckie c f... ..... ,0 2 8tltylb 0 0 OScottp Ss '1 1• 01uff 2b 0 1 - Rosslf 0 0 1 2 4 8 out, t Summary -Struck u , b y Scott in 4 innings 4 •, by McMillan in 4 innings 6, by Doherty so ; Bases on balls, by Scott s, by Doherty i ; Left on. bases, Brus- sels 8, Clinton t ; Hit by pitcher, Doherty 2, McMillan 1. A return match will be played shortly. People We Talk About Joseph Murr was visiting relatives at Henfryn. B. D. Fitzgerald, of Durham, was a visitor in town last week. W. F. Scott, of Ottawa, was in town for a short stay last week. W. and Mrs. Sellers, of Toronto, are visiting at E. C. Duoford's. Miss Eva McCracken is home from Toronto for a month's holiday. Miss Isabel Ma!locb, of London, bas been visiting Miss Stella Gerry. Juo. F, McCrae and niece, Miss Muriel. Kerney. are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. W. F. Stretton was visiting her sister, Mrs. Lawson, at Goderich. Mrs. Thos. Curry and daughters are holidaying with relatives at Atwood. Dr. J. W. Coyne, of Ridgetown,' was holidaying in Brussels for a few days. Miss Winnie McGuire is holidaying at Wingham, Londesboro' and Milverton George Keys and John Galbraith have gone on a business trip to the West. Miss Hattie Murray, ot Seaforth, was in town for a few days visiting Misses Downing. Mrs, N. Flatt is home from an enjoy- able visit with relatives and friends at Tottenham, Mrs. Albert Spiuks, of Fordwich, is a visitor with Mrs, (Dr,) McNaughton, Mill street. Miss Gerrie Coates, of London, is a visitor with her cousins, the Misses Ament, Brussels. Miss Meata Brown, of Tnronto, i5 a visitor with heraunt, Mrs, Harry James, at the American. Ross . Fraser, of the Metropolitan Bank staff, Port Elgin, is here on a visit with the .home -folk, Too. Beattie, of Cheeley, said "Good Day" to old friends in Brussels last week, He was a former resident, Misses Code, of Trowbridge, and Miss Hattie Leech, of Cleveland, Ohio, were the guests of Mrs. (Rev) Oaten this week, Miss Vern Walker is holidaying with Miss Eva Snider at Cayuga and she wili visit at caller polute before returning home.. George and Mrs. Crooks were among the excursionists to the Northwest last 'Tuesday. They will spend a month,or so. visiting. Mrs. W. C. Backer and children 1 Mtn, Alfred Seeker, and Miss Pearl Baekor are enjoying Lake Huron I dine, breezes ilia Summer cottage at Kinner• Mies Viola McCracken, is visiting friends in Blueyale, 0, Ewan is away on a trip to the West. He went by boat from Owen Sound. Mrs. R. Dennis and children of Toro- nto, are visitors • r Dora Mc- at Mrs. Fadzean's, Miss Lela Rumour, of Claremont, is the guest of Mrs. G. H. Sam's, at "Blair Athol." H. L. Jackson and Lloyd are away for a holiday to Toronto and Hamilton for a few days. Miss Molly Hutchinson, t 1 Fordwich, is holidaying witn Miss Florence Mc- Naughton, of Brussels. Miss Irvine, of Mitchell, and Miss Johnston, of Blyth, were visiting Mts. lames Ballantyne on Wednesday. Mrs. A. Morrison and her daughter, Miss Grace, of Michigan, are visiting Mrs. Hannah Ballantyne and other friends here. Miss Carr. milliner, has gone to her home at Midland and other points far a holiday. The store here is in charge of Miss Nettie Brown. Mrs. Pao. Cober and Miss Elsie, of Toronto, are renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality. They resided here for several years. Miss May Deadinau, of Toronto, and Roger Deadman, of the Dominion Windsor, are here for a holiday lode t ay visit with relatives and frieuds john Sharpe, who has been at Calgary, is here for a few days on a visit with re- latives. He wilt return to the West where he takes s position in Calgary. 13. and Mrs. Gerry and Miss Thursa left on Tuesday for a holiday visit with relatives and friends in the West. • They will be away for a couple of months probably. Tuesday Wm. Jewitt and grand daughter, Miss Stella Stubbs,' left for Calgary, Alta., where they will visit the latter's parentsand other relatives in various sections of the West. Dr. J. W. Shaw's many old friends wereleased to see him back to town on Wednesday. He is one of the old boys of Brussels who enjoys a good medical practice at Clinton. and is always wel- come to town. Reeve Leckie was giving evidence at an appeal Court before the Judge at Strattord in an appeal of Listowel against Perth Co, equalization as it re- lates to Listowel. Mr. Leckie was one of the Co. Valuatorr• Mrs Duncan Livingstone and Miss Maggie Livingstone,. of Detroit, have gone to Buffalo N Y., to meet the former's only brother. Ino. McVicar, of Nevada He is at Buffalo for a medical operation winch old' friends hope will prove successful. M ] MTS. W. Fawcett, of Swanwick avenue Toronto, formerly of Brussels, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Mary, has gone to Saskatchewan, and will visit her sister, Mrs. (Rev ) 1. C. Hartley, Rocanville, and her brother, Judge Gordon, Yorkton. ILLNESS OF MISS MCINTOSH,-MISS Isabel McIntosh, of Honan, China, is at Clifton Springs Sanitarium, recovering from an operation. She is making satis factory progress and it is hoped that with some weeks' rest and treatment her health will soon be restored. All'ap- pointments to address meetings, which Miss McIntosh was hoping to fulfil dar- ing the Summer before her return to the foreign field have been cancelled,. also the date of her sailing has been postponed for a little. Church Chimes Next Sabbath Rev, Dr. Oaten will be on the Belgrave circuit, preaching Sabbath School anniversary sermons at Belgrave morning and evening and Sunshine in the afternoon. The services at Brussels Methodist church will be conducted by Rev. Mr, Durrant, of Belgrave. As a token of the thigh regard and earnest appreciation of the vigorous work accomplished by Right Rev. Bishop M. F. Fallon in the diocese of London duriug his two years of -authority. the assembled priests of all the parishes' under 1•fm presented His Lordship with a $4.450 automobile at Assumption College, Sandwich, last week. SUMMER CONFERENCE.- The Young People's Missionary Movemeht of Cana. da and the United States is holding a Summer Conference . iu Woodstock, started on July 24111 and ending on the tet of August. The Conference is being held at the Woodstock College, which is admirably suited for the purpose. Miss Edna I. Cuyler, of Whitechurch, is a- mong the number attending. We regret to chronicle the Meese of of Rev. Dr. Stewart, pastor of Willis church, Clinton, who wttil his family is. spending the Sommer at Hayfield, On Thursday of 1551 week while preparing to attend the mid -week service in the Presbyterian church, be was taken ill with what has proved to be a slight stroke of paralysis, which has rendered him partially. helpless, The Doctor has been to poor health for some time, sof- faring from heart trouble, and his many friends will regret to bear of his addition- al trouble. He is considerably improved since Tbursday. 'renders are being called fa by the Provineiai Department of Public Works for the construction of the new Government House at Ctoriey Park, Toronto, of which the fouudatiobs are already in hand, the tenders are to include stone rind brickwork, fire The Standard Bail of Canada TORONTO Has removed to its new Head Office Building King St. West; corner of Jordan St„ Toronto. !0 amllir*+lepesgit1 t 6 �. 6 • Green • • s •• Guaranteed I Maisel utely Pure a • • • it 40 • • • The Savings Bank Department i There, is hobs better. • than the Green we at the new location will be made a Special • offer, ,.'irou take no p w °helots, We will feature of the Bank's business. a oheei'fully refund O much free price where . • • our Palest Green fails • .01 ....n.......,.., ______, to give satisfaction. • proofing, steel work,' rooting and car. pentering. Perth County The I. O. O. F., of St. Marys, decor- ated the graves of their deceased breth- ren last Sunday. Dr. A. J. Brown, Mitchell, sold his splendid residence in which he is at present living to Wm. Pridham, of Fullerton, Listowel Agricultural Society is nego- tiating for the purchase of the race. track, including' the outlying grounds and Crystal Palace. Miss Ethel Jickling, a former St. Marys young lady, was married recently at Saskatoon, Sask„ to R. T. Chown, "a popular druggist and pharmacist of that city. Rev. J. D. and Mrs. Fergusson, of Monktbn, left for their Summer camp ing ground on the .Georgian Bay. --They will be away until the latter part of August. The Grand Trunk is building a new bridge across the Avon on the Goderich dine al Stratford, the old structure not being strong enough for the large Mogul engines. Stratford Presbytery will be held in Mitchellon August tet, to sustain call of. Rev. Mr. Millar, of Toronto, to the pastorate of First Presbyterian church, St. Marys. James Elliott, teacher at 'T. S. S. No. r, Hibbert and Logan, removed from the centre of a lime stone three clam shells which were petrified and as hard as a rock, showing that at One time this part of the country must have been submerged with water. Charles McCourt, who now occupies the position of supervisor of schools at Fresno, California, is at present on a visit to his aged motber and brothers in Milverton and : Eima. It is 36 years. since Mr. McCourt left for the golden West and during that time has not been back on a visit until the present, He sees vast chauges in this country in the interval. Great regions that were rank swamp when he left are now beautiful homesteadings. While Mr. McCourt believes that farming methods as prac- tised in this country are superior and more likely to keep up the fecundity of the soil he prefers his own beautiful far off California for climate. FOR FALLING HAIR You Run No Risk When You Use This. Remedy. , We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage already eady done by using Rexall 9 3" Hair Tonic with persistency and regularity, for a reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic germicidal preparation, that destroys microbe% stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, pro- motes hair nourishment, retnoves dan- druff and restores ;hair . health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and itis delicately. petfurned. It is real toilet necessity. We want • you to try Rexall "98" Hair Tonin with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It Gomes in two sizes, prices, 60c. and $1.00.' Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at one store -The Rexall Store,. F.111, Smith. 80RN DAosY.-In Wroxeter. on Jnly 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Davey, a daughter. MaDosALD.-At Walton, on July 2020, to Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, twin sone. oalesa.-In Grey township on July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Oster, a Son. _ SM1TH.-Ill Morris township, on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, a eon. MARRIED DnLeOBY-HENDERSON -At the First Prgnby- torten church, Seaforth, on Saturday, July 15th, by Rev, Thos. J. Robinson, 13. A. Mr. Lewder T. LsLaoey, to Miss Edna Olive Henderson. DIED MoJ,Antee.-At St. Marys, Ont„ on July 22nd, Donald MoLarty, in his 80th year. BRUSSELS MARKET 50 75 Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Potatoes Hay Hoge .......,. Cattle Wool 30 75 04._' 05 5270 70 17 0 »o 0 774 15 715 5 12, 18 The People's Column STRAYED from Lot 20, 0th Line, Morris, on Thursday of last Week, a white female terrier With brown strip on face. She ie a trifle lame. knowledge of her whereabouts will be thankfully received at TRU POST or Rural Telephone No, 108. COMFORTABLE HOUSE and sore of land for sale on Albert street Brussels, Good locality and premtoee ln,,r�'yti•aiaee repair. Immediate possession if desired, For further particulars apply on the premtees to 1-4 MRS. ANNIE FORBES. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned, upg ttohon oMorndaygeAu it710Tofwahainf Grey ridge, McFarlane bridge and Mitchell bridge on Con, 2; Bot. bridge on don. I2; audlfing'ebridal, on Con. 10 8 0' t A. H. sfAODClerk of Grey 5wp1 BLACK COLLIE PUP with tan oyer eyes.' 0 35c per 1b. .-+ tan lege nada white on front toes, 4 months 0 . tl old, etrsyed from Lot 10, Con. 5, Grey, duly os - 22nd. Informationwill be thankfully received b J.MOSES Brussels P O P1 282 G )(Po: XS40 4, • q ,rosea a .. ions • Debentures for Sale. • 0 Themnntahielity 52 the Township of Morris t"3 DrugStore , • is offering 5i', Drain Debentures for sale in •.. • sums from 5200 to 34,000 Address • • JOHN SHORTREED, Reeve, Walton, or A. MAOEWEN, Claris, Blum/ale. 8.2 I O. • °see sesese•osoe•eseeet49•ca 69 a BRUSSELS DAYLIGHT STORE eal 'IN �i- r. argains lel i' ALt SUMMUI coons AT G. N. McLRN'S Highest Prices for Produce SINGLE HARNESS Oak Tanned Leather, up- to-date style of Trim- mings, all our own make, and the prices will suit you (quality considered.) We will build to order any style of Harness you may want if notalready in stock. Trunks, Satchels, Rugs and Dusters Large Assertmew at of Shoes in stock to choose frons and prices lower than the lowest. Let us show them to you. Two Sets Second Hand Single Harness i4,5o & $i6.00 11.0.RICH 8 Or. asammemortmennettmonw A ME' FOR HARVESTING N WESTERN CANADA 0001a111.1•11 Additional for Return on Following Condition, $10 GTripoini• GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd-Pror. all stations on all files on and South ofthe Grand Trunk. Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, [inhaling all stations on C.P.R. TorontotoDetroit and - Branch Lines including 0teiph nub -division from Guelph 12th -prom Soutlt sa s lid BromptontationsNorth South. AUGUST 1 of Grand Trunk Mala Lino, Toronto to Sarnia, including C.P.R. points, Bolton Jot. and west 1 also Grand Trunk points,., Toronto to Calendar Inclusive.. AUGUST 1eik-Front all staalone in Ontario, Toronto and East, Or!liia and Seotla jet. • and Cast on G.T.R. also Azitda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST' -23rd -Froin all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West, AUGUST 29th -Frena all stations Toronto and Bast in Ontario and Quebec, also Ifastof 02illia, Scotia Jct. and North Bay. ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS i'ICiiEi'S WILL f1E 801.1 i'0 WINNIPEG ONLY Repreeentativc farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and- Alberta Governs menta win meet sail ongaae iaborer,..oa arrival 57, Whmis t. Free eneedermtion wall bo se natwhere and Saskatoon including. breeches, and at ono .cent a male each way west thereof fn 5tskatchcwan find Alltsrta. A ggthat l to Is furnlaltod Wath each ticket, more,ls cart!efcate, when executed by farmer showing that laborer line works.' thirty days or more, will b0 honored front that Point tat• second class ticket hack to starting points in Cateran, at 3150 00, prior to Nov, roth,1011 Tickets are good only on special -]''arch aLaborers trains, wlildt. wjll be ani froln Toronto and Onto: lc points to Winnipeg mo lthoat change, making trip In about 10 burs, and will be issued W 1500700 as well as to mon, but will nor'. be 10711111 0t bait fare to 16111110/0, For full particulars sec nearest C.P.1L Agent, or write-• tt 1 lnOh1P50f4APA C P I1 Toronto •/'12 .,. 4`71... H. L, JACKSON, Agent, BRUSSELS r