HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-27, Page 5BUSINESS CAROL K. Q. rM. aresepls ixeet of the Maooabeoe, Nv, 24 held their' raptor mottoes in the Ledge Rpom, Uaeker Moog, on the 1st and 8rd Tuoemay evenings of each mouth, Visitors- al way.; welcome, A, SU .1l$ 2, Berm A. A1uQ111171h, 'li, N. WM, SPgNQE t CO.NVitfYANCT ... ISSUED R AxDIS� E op MARRIAGE LIOk7Ni3BS Mee 1m the P001 111110e, Ethel. 80.4 JOHN HARRIS, Ageut J owiolt Mutual Fire Insnraiace Oompany O1floe and Residence- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND' INa006800,, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. L' B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- _ • HES, Will sell Ior better prices, to better men in less time and lose ;Merges than any other Auctioneer in. East Baron or 110 000't charge anything: Dates and orders pan always bo arranged al this affirm or by n er0 )nal application, LEGAL AMU CONVEYANCINII. WM. BIN 0LA1li— • Barrister, 8ulloitur, Cense anger' 20 Ler 'lWilla, Sm.Unice-n to wart's Block I door North o, U ,cru dotal 8. Leiter her tin Metropolitan ilauk, pttOUDir0O1', BAYS & •SILLORAN 1" , NOTARIES BARRISTERS, 8 li. P LIR LIU, 0, N W. PROUDeoOT, K. 0 11. 0. H Ars J. L: BxnnaneN Olaaes-'Pilose lormui•ly nooalded by Messrs Oamorou Az Holt e°Denten, ONTARIO. ALLAN EIDE Royal Mail. Steamers Picturesque, St. Lawrence Route MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL Victorian ..:....•. Fri. June 28 Fri. July 21 Corsican Fri. June 80 .Fri. July 20 Virginian ...:Fid.. July 7 Fri. Aug. 4 Tunisian Fri. July 14 Fri. Aug. 11 MONTREAL. TO GLASGOW Hesperian - Sat. June 24 Sat. July 22 Ionian... ........, Sat. July 1 Sat. July 29 Grampian Sat. July 8 Sat, Aug. 6 Scotian Sat. July 16 Sat. Avg. 12 MONTREAL TO. HAVRE AND LONDON This eervioe is composed of one class. second, cabin Steamers sailing from Montreal every, Saturday. (Moderato rate.) Pall information as. to rates, etc., on applioa- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, :Brussels. Young People ra we can prepare yon for business at /xt The Listowel Business College We, place ani• graduates. in positions. Our graduates are successful. Two Oeuraos-Coiunerclal and Shorthand. Fall Term opens September 5th. EDWIN C. MATTHEWS, Prin. ..ao.tra w,,x0;avt/ agaveTybv tm, Fall Term Opens Aug. 28 ? - In alio Popular and Progressive r �.: ELLIOTT Toronto, Ont., This school ranks high among tho best Business Col - loges ofthis continent. Proof of this By statement Is found in our large oata- logBue.Write to -day for one. Sal - rides l- nres offered our graduates this year, larger than ever before. It MINS to get boat practical education. bv/ tho Oor.Youngreties eAlexander Sud 2 W. J. ELLIOPrincipal. Alesnnder Sta. i Principal. 'V 7idVie%tIa'7,sM'A %^al ,,t ••4A isammowesseistassmmememsege RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger,. or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or bow ' long. ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age Time Rup ......... Single or Doable Name , Address end return to J. S. SMITH sill Cdtodonla 8t. Dept. A Stratford, Ont, ummaNdeammimmemelemmiliMmaim Sbal nese Oeste MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONA Teacher o f Fiona pt P Sudhieo StaOdadB'4°°r14* MISS PERLE SHARP has premed successfully her wend exarmine- tion of the ,Plallof0rte Department Of the To. route Opnservatory of Mus10, and is Prepared to take pupils at her home, Princess street, Friday and ntuid Pmob 1-•'r'vlsita 16the1 1 y S ay o week, OR, T. T, M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto 1 Licentiate unci (4radnate of the College of Phy- 410101la and Burgeons, Ont. I Postgraduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat Hospital, Uhlormo, 211, Ex-Houoe Surgeon to St. H10177 eel's 40571701, Toronto. pl1ce over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phoa0 permeation with Uranbrook at all hours, OR, M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Pltyeiolan and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng,), Now York and Chioago Hos• pitals. special attention. todiaeaoe Of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes'tested for glaaees. DR. HAMILTON Dental §urgoon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, Omen In Smith• Block reocntly vacated by Dr, Fend, R. M. Al' LEAN, D,D,S,', L,D.S. Corrie, Ont. Honor graduate University of Toronto, De• pertinent or Dentistry ; Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wrox• eter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. 011liee in Grand Central blook. At 1;'orrlwlah every Friday forenoon, 011ne in Gerrie In Lateen's Block. - 21.8in DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. BRUSSELS GOING SOnyu GOING NORTH 'Unreal - 7:07 a m Express ..:....,10:55 n m Express 11:25 a m Mail 1:59 p n, 8apre al 2:85 p Express 8:52 p : m. m callotOLI.iv dCIFIC WALTON To Toronto To Goder ioh Express..ress 7:41 mI Expressress ......,.11 :87 a nm, Express 2:67 Pm Express 7:6b. WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 3;55 p. m. Going Weat - 12:40 and 9:47p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. zshtrtrt Seals Trowbridge Remember the Garden Party July 31st ou lawn of Mrs. D. Collins, Trow- bridge, under the auspices of Ladies' Aid and Epworth League. Listowel Brass Band will furnish music. Rev. Mi. Millson, of Stratford. will assist on Program. Everybody welcome. Goderich Grain shipments have been quite brisk at the elevators the past week. the movement being principally to local mills for grinding. Her girlhood friends will be pleased to hear that Miss Dolena Reeves, formerly of Goderich, has passed with special honors her examination for nurse's diploma at Dallas, Texas, and she is now a full-fledged -member of the staff of her almamatel•. Alex. 14IeNevin, of Saltford, met with a peculiar mishap while playing baseball at the Saltford Sunday school picnic on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The ball struck the lower half of the bat, and gtaliningin an up- ward direction, hit him on the right cheek below the eye, cutting a bad gash and then forming an equally.bad bruise just over the eye. The wound bled profusely. Right in your busiest season when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose several day's lime, unless you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the flier ap.pearane0 of the disease. For saleby all druggists. Listowel Miss Erie Hawkins is attending 1 T. g the Sumtuer school at the 0. A. 0.,. Guelph, in connection with industrial arts work. Harry Drummond Livingstoue,.son of .1. Liviugstone jr., passed success- fully the final examinations of the Ontario Medical Council, and is now a full fledged M. D. J.'4. and Mrs, Mackenzie, Listowel, announce the engagement of their (laughter,erns to Everett O. Verna, Vain Marriage will take place quietly early' in August. A. Hawkins, of the Standard was in Acton attending the funeral of his. niece, Mrs. Win. White, whose death, occurred on the 12th lustt, at the General Hospital. Guelph, where she had undergone an operation. F. W. Hey returned home last week from a business trip to the West and reports the crop prospects as look- ing exceedingly bright and much activity irt.real estate. Ile was as far as Banff. His niece, Miss Marjorie' Riggs, accompanied him from Settler on his homeward trill. Jacob Godfried, the young man who drives Mr. .Zurbrigg's bread wagon, had the inisfot'tune to break his al'ni while delivering on Wednes- day of last week. In passing the race track he stood up in the rig to see one of the races when his horse gave a sudden start, throwing him to the ground and fractuting his right arm below the elbow. Installation of officers took p11600 111 I. O. 0. F. Lodge, No. 1710, following officers' being filled': Noble Gravid, A. M. Smith ; vice -Grand, W. Snelling ; Treasurer, George Bi ay .Financial See. Tetany, J. ll, 1'erhmne ; appointed /dicers, Warden. W. J, Oliinie ; Con- ductor, B, Bamford ;Inside Guardian, G. Stevenson • Outside Guatclian J. Inglis ; Chaplain, Irl. Bolton ;16. S N. G. A. Wicker L. S. N. G., F. Melia. R. S S., (1. M. Scott ; L, S. S., yP. Levan ' R. S. V. G, .7. Cockerel] ; L. 8, V, G., 7+, "Von Zluben, ri'13Fw R40E8,-„-r.Cilel'e were large ilelde rif Sil st'elass horses at the opening (1f lite Listowel .U&iving�i ParkeAnode- times Meeting jYeilneeday of Met weelf The 11'17014 95527 ht flee (801121 x11(1 gold tithe made, 80101 cry. 61 11804, nr, 48 2250- ltltoy'tinul0,li. 14.:.R. Soott,1Woven. I 1 1. Sit James, b g 1 P.0 Berniia % 'un,, 2 2 8 nfoDMeRinrtenr,, b 8............ R. 1J6pli.tr 7 8 2 Maggie Tipping, b. W. hitt, Tiotowol $. Nps•' 8 8 6 4n1y B., g. g. : J Bleck, net 07004 Phms, 2,82)4, 220x, 11,11.24. 117, purse $280- Bylyia 'T , h a1. ; Crniebotmt Stook Pru 97,..... (11117. 2 1 1 1 nilly W., b, Oudmae & GO• leek, Soofor lin „ ., I 2 8 8 Wnitst' 17., bt :Alf.l{uttle , 2 g 2 2 Will o' the Wisp, b.18 1r..E Wan Lockport IQ 4, 4 4 4 1 lime, .17 2.102 2.20, 2.22. Th l i d race, 2.14 pace ; purse $300 - After one: heat lead been gone a heavy thundel'stmen broke and It was post- poned till Thursday. The most ex- citing feature of Thtu'sdaywas the 2,23 rage in which eleven houses start- ed. The first race was the 2.14 pace, puree $300, postponed from . Wedues. clay. Seminary :- Alcove,P. Burnham, Kingston, 2 1 1 1 Lew .)enc, T. Hodgson, Ori ilia, 1 2 2 2 Wild Pi -lichen, G. Macro. St. Thomas Red Dart, l0' l ivin„ eirme with 4 4 4 4 Time 2.18X, 1.184, 2,16x, 2 2,2a ch,09, Parse 9250 Paddy McKinley. J Calvert. Durham... 6 8 1 1 1 Fannie 7„ Welhnm•e Bros,, Tilbury ..... ,,,. 0 1 2 2 0 Silly Shama, 78 Scott, Toronto 1 4 8 8 8 Nellie Nteholas bloaters, Bros Owen Sound ........ ......., 4 2 7 4 2 After a dead heat the following were sent to the btu ns, they having no eltani:e-far 111117 of the money ; Rov Penedo, lIn ogle S , Eva B , Nellie Braden, Dolmas. Wur John, Chapala Time 220X, 2.11x, 2.1911j4, 2.1024, 2,21x. 280 trot; nice $ 260: n Lora Vele, P cent,, avik 1 Smarm T S. Koch, Tavistotnrk 4 2 2 T. J. Lewis, Barras. St. Thomas 2 6. 4 Time 2 2434. 2 24x, 2.28%. Free for-allparse $800 ' Porn's., T liong'on, Orillix .... . 1 -1 1 Rt. Antllony. P. Barnham ltngsfoa 2 4 2 Jamie Price, W. R McGirr, Owen Bound 4 2 8 I. X r. G Trudell, Tilhar v 8 8 8 Time 2 14.._,10X 2.14 1 /4.' Why Do You Faint? Sometimes from shock or fright, but usually because the system 1s weakened and .depressed, -it lecke power to react from sodden strain. This condition demands rebuilding, demands nourishment, which is 'best snpplied by Ferrozone. • In every form of debility Ferrozone isa specific. It fortifies the digestive and aseitnula tive power of -the body, promotes the elimination of waste materials. builds up tissue, gives energy and resistance. To have rich, red blood, enduring nerves, a strong constitution and last- ing good health, use Ferrozone. Sold everywhere iu 50c boxes or six for 82.50. Wingham Thursday, July 27th Winghatn's Civic Holiday. Annual excursion to Sarnia and Detroit o11 Saturday, August 5. Dr. P. McDonald, of London, was calling on old Wingham friends. Mayor Spnttou was in St. Oatharines last week attending the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge. On July 4th, at Brawley, California David 0. Graham. died son of R. A. Graham. of this town, aged 80. Next. Sunday the pulpit of St. Andrew's church will be supplied by W 'C. Taylor, son of T. H. Taylor, of Wawan ash. IP. J. and Mrs. Hill left on a holiday trip to points in the East.. They ex- pert to visit Yarmouth, N. S., Boston, Mass., and other places. A. J. Mitchell, son of Simon Mit- chell, of this town, who has for the. past four • years been foreman in a furniture factor at Hespeler haspm- chased . ch sed au interest in theListowel L st vel Furniture Co. and has taken over the management of the mechanical end of the business. OBrr.-Few well were better known in this section of Herron county than. Thos. A. Mills, who passed away on lath ifist,-in his 68tH year, after a pro- tracted illness. Mr. Mills was born in the township of Beckwith, in the county of Lanark, and spent his early years in that section of Ontario. in 1802, he accepted a situation as clerk in a store in Elora, and thus began a mercantile life: After' eight years' service as clerk, he engaged In business for himself. The opening up and development of Huron county attract ed the young -merchant, and in 1873, he located in Wingham, where his business faculties brought him success and a;prosperous business. The busi- ness he bnilt up is probably the oldest mercantile establishment , town' 1 havingbeen in existence forr 33 years mutt is still popular with the purchas- ing public. For some timept'evions to his death, it was evident that his energies were failing mud he went to Buffalo four months ago for treat- ment. He died as above stated and the remains were brought to Wing - ham, aind on Saturday, taken to Elora for interment, Mr. Mills wets a strong Liberal and ever active in the interest of his party. In religious matters, he adhered to the Anglican church, and the Mills Memorial Hall is evidence of his eliberality to the parish. He WoMtT SOMSOFSCOTLANDVC NIAYAvo� INCURSION opERATIoNsMrlyd08811111, No. 78, Atwood, will 1'1111 0t Monstrousrs Excursion By taking Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The following letter from Mrs. Orville Book will prove how unwise it is for women to submit to the dangers of a surgical operation when it may Joe avoided by taking Lydia I7, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, She was fous'weeks In the hospital and came home suffering worse than before. Here is heti own statement. Paw Paw, Mich.—"Two years ago I suffered very severely with a dis- placement. I could not be on my feet for a long time. My physician t r e a t e d me for seven months without much relief and at last sent me to Ann Arbor for an operation. I was there four weeks and came home suffering worse than before. My mother advised me to try Ly(ua E. Pinkham's Vegetable: Compound, and I did. Today I am well and strong and do all my own housework. I owe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and advise my friends who are afflicted with an female complaint to . try it."—Mrs ORVILLE Rom R. R. No. 5, Paw Paw, Michigan. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the stan- dard remedy for women's ills, and has positively restored the health of thou-. sands of women. Why don't you try it? leaves two brothers, John of Caro, Mich., and Wrn. of Tawas, Mich. ; also two sisters, Mrs. Stanley of Perth and bins. James, of Cleveland. A- mong those from a distance at the funeral were his brothers from Michigan, Miss Etta Mills, Tawas Mich., Miss Stanley, of Perth, Mrs. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Van Every, of Essex, Wm. Mills, of Woodalee, and Mrs. Richardson of Detroit. For Summer diarrhoea in children always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. For sale by all dealers. Molesworth Misses Moffatt from Belfast, Ireland,• were visiting; with David and Mrs. Howe. Wm. Mitchell, of Manitoba, is home visiting in the neighborhood of 2nd con. of Grey. Will. McDonald, from the West, is home on a business trip and purposes soon returning. Rev. D. B, McRae, of Oranbrook, occupied the pulpit in St. Andr'ew's Church here on Sunday. Thomas McDonald is confined to bed and under the doctor's cafe but we hope for a speedy recovery. Atwood The population of Atwood is 652. A. new cement walk is being laid on King at. Mo. Freeman has the con- tract. Rev. J. O. Reid P spent art of last P week at St. Thomas, attending the Summer School. Airs. Foster who has been looking after the drug store for the past four months, left for Clarksburg. The corner stone for the new Methodist church at Donegal, will be laid on Tuesday afternoon, August 1st. Geo. Lochhead has been appointed by the CourtHi h g of Justice for On- tario a tlommissioner for taking affidavits. Everett G. Ooghlin, who recently passed his examinations in the College of Pharmacy, with honors, took pas- ession of the drugstore of this village. No Liniment Can Cure:tt That pain between the eyes isn't neuralgia. Many think so, but it .is catarrh, plain ordinary catarrh that needs attention right i h now. Your g n proper lead is to Oa ahoy i ' use tat .01 ' i 1 e. Doctor's recognize it as a cure that surpasses all others. Sure, because it does tea 1 c r the trouble ; safe, because no drugs to take, you breathe its heal- ing vapor direct to the course of the trouble, and mire is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00. Sold everywhere. There will be three or four vacancies to fill in eounectiou with charges in Maitland Presbytery owing to resigna- tions of pastors. It Is not usual to have so many at any nue time in the Presby- tery. ••••••••+•+ •44444-104.0444444+ &3•t' •r 3•e+3'i's3•t••rs.•r 44.1.0444444+,•til • • i i .1. We Like to Talk Kodak • We are always best satisfied when oar customers are best satisfied. That's one reason why we always like to talk about • Ifodaks. The Kodak goods have quality •F written all river them. KODA KS made and popularized amateur photogen- phy. They have always led in improve: meats in new ideas. We carry a full line. They are not expensive -$6.00 np. We'll be pleaed to show the goods., J. R. W E N DT, Jeweler and Engraver, Wroxeter +4+++++++++•+++e+•+•+•+e+3 +e+.)4+•fe+,+14'++.+!+•+e34; i Palmerston to Kincardine o0 Friday, Aug4 TIME TABLE AND FARE81 ,Palmerston ....... ......... 7:80 a. in. 8148 tlowsnstown 7:60 180 Listowel 8:0D 128 Atwood 8;16 I10 Henfryn 8;26 105 Ethel 8;82 1 05 Brussels 8:46 1 00 nluevale 0:00 86 Wingham.... - 0:10 76 Wlntooharolh 0:12 110 Looknow9:85 80 Arrive at.Kiioardiue10a 10. Children over five and under I we've years half fare. Tickets good going special -train only, valid returning same day, except Palmerston and Gowonctown, valid y returning following day. Train leaves for home at 7 p, nr. The 48th Highlanders Band of Toronto ; The Lnoknow Pipers Band and others will provide mum for the occlusion. Boating on the lake; Bowling on the green ; Poet Ball, Base Ball and Caledonian Games Will take plane in the park. Thio Is the Great Excursion of the Sea- son. Come and enjoy a geed days outing. Donald Murray, Wm. Robb, Committee Geo Loohhead. Thos. E. Shearer, Geo. Hamilton. MonoriefE We congratulate Miss May Living- stone on passing recent Entrance h exam. and hope lice tame success will mark her futre advance steps. W. E. Hanley, manager of the Hone Bank, Ilderton, is spending his vacation at his home here and for a change is wielding the hay fork in plane of the pen, Good exercise Will. Miss Mellen nand, of Ethel, has been engaged as teacher of Moncrieff school as successor to Harry Moore. We welcome her to Moncrieff and wish her the best of good fortune in her work. The salary is $500.00 per an anus. Perth County The Zurich Herald is taking its annual week off. Mrs. McCormick is having a plate glass front put into her restuarant, Zurich. Nice showers of rain the fore part of last week have iinproved the grow- ing crops wonderfully around Zurich. J. A. Williams & Co. of the Zurich grist mill, have installed a Leonard automatic engine. The old one had been in operation for about 12 years. Huron County. West Wawanosh township tax rate for 1911 is 19/10 mills on the $. Alf. Walters has purchased the shoe repairing business of J. Smith, Exeter. J. B. McArthur formerly of Hensel], has located in Vancouver B. 0., and purchased a residence. The new road to the lake at St. Joseph is being gravelled and will soon be in first class shape. Wm. Geiger, of Hensall, has been successful in passing his medical Council examination and is now a full fledged M. D. 13, Either, clerk of the Township of Stephen, has made his quarterly re- turns of births, marriages and deaths. There were 14 births, 7 marriages and 15 deaths. Flax pulling is well through at Zurich. The crop is fair and would have been extra good had it not been for the extreme heat of the past month. -- Blanshard and 'ashore° Townships' Old Boys' Re -union and Monster Field Day, will be held Monday, Sept. 4111, 1911, in Diamaud Park, Kirkton. The sports will begin at 10 a. m. by a base- ball match between Usborne and Blanshard. Concert at night. .As David Wynn and Frank Mallett were returning to Exeter from Blansh- ard, where they had been putting up lightning rods, their horse became frightened at an automobible about a mile South of town and jumped into the ditch, throwing the two men out. The horse got over one of the shafts and the shaft entered its breast just behind the front leg, going in nearly a foot. Tuesday morning of last week Mr. Wilson representing the Underwriters Association, was in Exeter and called out the firemen to teat the water- works. The time in getting the water minutes was about three from the first stroke of the bell which was quite satisfactory and was quicker than the average planes. Single and double streams were tried and in the afternoon the fire engine was also tested. Canadian News German capital has been invested in Porcupine. Thirty Italians were deported from Windsor. The bodies of several Porcupine fire victims were buried in Toronto. Sir lames Whitney is optimistic over the future of Northern Ontario. The route of the C. N, R. is through valuable land in Northern Ontario, J. J. Jackson, of Toronto, has bought a Bieriott monoplane and intends to use it. Copper coins and dynamite Have been found in a deepexcavation at Guelph. Pa Charles Fobs, of Toronto, Forbes, oto made an effort to commit suicide in the Jail at North Bay, Sir Wilfrid Laurier was given a moot enthusiastic reception in Montreal on returning from the Coronation. Six. Montreal firemen were overcome with ammonia fumes while fighting a fire in a cold -storage warehouse. Dr. Gilbert, the Nationalist member for Dr m rthabaska declares u moud and A his intention of supporting reciprocity, The Railway Coninisaion decided to repeal' Ibe case of the Yukon & White Horse Pass Railway in October, and in the meantime the order to reduce the rates is suspended, William Cooper, a victim of the Porci1- ins p filo, died at New Liskeard, John iM, Imrie hos been appointed permanent Secretary of the .Canadian Press Assoelation. Itis reported that lite Grand Trunk Pacific has purchased a large tract of land et .Weybtivn, Sask., for railway yards. 1 be Asylum and Central Prison prop. ertles, Toronto, are likely to be sold CO the GrandTrunk T u and the Masse Y• Harris Company. AT. F, eocksllutt's Son George, aged fifteen years, was operated upon at Fox Point, Muskoka, for, appendicitis. That is the reason the special train was re. quired Monday of last week, Hon. Robert Rogers, of Manitoba, is fp Ottawa establishing a labor bureau for the Manitoba Government, He says his Province will require twenty thou. sand men to help with the harvest. The by-law to extend the electric pow- er plant at 0111115 was ea'rried by the ratepayers, A big company is being formed in the town to manufacture implements and wagons for the West. Rev, Mr. McMillan hes resigned the pastoral charge of Belmore and Mc- Intosh on account of his wife's health. The Ecumenical Conference of world wide Methodism will be held in Toronto in October and will be s most interesting and instructive gathering. They keep the whole system f in the nY'➢ltl 43 condition. Their singular curativo Indian pro- perties discovered by= pe tre d t !b —'intro t1c edtoclvll civilization nearly a century ago --Com-' pounded since 1857 in the Comstock Laboratories . at Brookville, Ontario. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have a remarkable record for consistently curing constipa- tion,billousnessandindigestion, purifying the blood, banishing headaches and clearing the 26 skin, 25o. a box everywhere; SO t G HIS WILDOATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW _.7 I3ow many young men can look bac' or their early life and regret their n 14101de. v,ing their wild cats” Int ri,.us ways. lixenst..co, violation of ue- ttr- s laws, s o, women 1 sang" .1 have their victims. You have rr'e- foruted but n hat about the meet you 1: c Arta -what about the i ry est? Don't trust to It 1f you Ire at pr :i:t t Itl,in the t c -c i Clutches f n rr tlibi t Which i E.= your. hie ) , ' by d groes if l,;u are 0u1- t ° 0742 11y 'l:",', fern 1), from the results of '"l)f'uk Ee past indiscretions; if your SOROw3 ;Z!/", bloodhasbeen t.intcd from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you ere married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of n misspent life -DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your caro before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU C Ail FLAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERRVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis. eases and ail Diseases Peculiar to Igen. CONSULTATION FREE. books Frac on Diseases of Mon. If unable to call, write for a Question Blank for 117511IIa 17 8t1A'rliHr.ri - RS.g e4j .4•' 'it1 ij 4e - 1 Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Inaasnincerisesta 'Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Ad,lress all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. write for our private ndti ress. Canadian National Exhibition Augest 26th - TORONTO - September llth CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Live Stock mei Agilenitere— Art—Gems from Euro. Manufactures Greatest Greatest show on Contin- pean galleries -masters display ever shown in ent! Special Prizes of from best collections in America! Goods man 1500 each. Increased Canada and United ufactured while you Prizes in all classes. States. wait. THREE GREAT St'EC!ALS Festival of Empire—Pieter- Coldstream Guards Band— War Beneath the Waves ing the glories of the Cor- Musicians of the Royal Showing a battle between enation ceremonies. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a performers in uniform. permission of the King. . Submarine. Hoses OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS L.Y.R.A. Regatta -Athletic Sports -Noy Scouts Review -Vaudeville -rename Fireworks - Twelve Massed Military Bands -Trotting and Pacing Races, etc. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS For all Information write Manager 3, 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto. •••4.71,+•••••••••••••••••••++•+.7.+0+4,44+•••+.4.044+414.044 47; -1•. The TorontoMiIIineryriots 4�•. + 4. • 0. • Were opened for this season, • according to announcement, with •w + an•elegant display of Fashion- - t • able Millinery. *-' fi o.� R '3 MissesSanderson arr•M`, 4.•4i Wishto, thank the Ladies for a-, • their- attendance, their compli s co ments and their highly esteem ti ed orders. If you have not seen <, •our display call • p Y in. a• • SAT1SFACTIANASSURED! •r++>k.0•+•+et••+e**+s+,t+s+s+4+e+ea•+'s.c•1•$'! 4,•.•A•},A•.•.a•40+.4•y