HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-27, Page 4• r., , "aa•a!''" • . • Elag NrXt$StIS /ClZt 1 NegleCted Cllid6 h to avthie work aotte before freeze belittle° Of the tWenty aallee Still te lae graded.e It hi 010 dint Of the eenipany JIMY P7' /9" OUR NIONIREAt. LETTER. - • _ TttMoutreal will be the first city in the world to be eooled artincially during the Sumner mouths es soon as an effi- cient aaetein for accomplishing tine re- sult la completea la the most striking re stilt of thereoeet hot wave whicb in five days caused more than 16a deaths and nearly ram proatratioes aad kept the anthe n ces teari lig through the streets to such an exteot that the city,thorougla fere resembled an enormous race track The posaibIlity of providing a niuoicipal cooling system bas been dismissed be- fore, but never has anything been done because of the fact that it bas been thought that the expense of its ioatalla- tion amnia be too great. Now, how- ever, Hie realization has come that it would %grt tremendous economies. Experts who have looked into the mat. ter figure tbat every stifling Summer day causes a loss of at least $50,000 to the city's business interests through the decreased effieleucy of labor of all kinds ender the 'existing conditions. Every day when the thermometer shows go degrees or over means a decrease in working efficiency of about ao per cent it is figured. Moreover, practically every kind of business feels the effect through slackened public interest. Cool air would be supplied to the city during the Summer along exactly the same lines, though on a larger scale, as those by which heat is supplied to the great office buildings in Winter. The solution of the problem has of course not yet been worked out, but its actual value in dollars and cents makes its ultimate ar- rival seem inevitable. MALE CULINARY EXPERTS Au iuvasion of women's rights on the part of the male sex is now imminent here as a result of theaestablishment of a novel cooking school exclusivety for men, the first of its kind in the city. ID it they will be initiated into all sorts of culinary mysteries which heretofore have been taught only t:: women and within 6 weeks it is expected that the 16 pupils who have entered up to date will be able to make bisceits which will far excelthe best that father ever made and rival the tarot= mother product. Iu- ciden tally they will learn to cook meats, make pastry. manufacture a pie or pre- pare any other dish which may be de- sired. The establishment of this unique school is not, however, an effort to educate husbands for suffragettes who can care for the household while the wife is engaged in politics or busi- ness. The idea is merely to undermine the sovereigu independence of the cook who at present comes close to being the ruler of many households. The founders of the school 'believe that as soon as a realization is achieved of the fact that a threat to leave on the part of the cook does not meau that the family will be left in dire straits, a fairer relation will be established all around. Incidentally a course in the new school will be valu- able to the husband left desolate in the city during the time bis family is at the seashore or in the mountains. If the idea develops as it is hoped it is expect- ed. that Summer cases of dyspepsia will be minimized and the so-called servant problem, solved, at least in part. VALUE OP WHITE COAL The following table shows the extent to which the development of waterpower has proceeded so far in Canada :- PROVINCE INYESTMENT H. P. Alberta 9,425.000 81,700 British Columbia 13,3,43,00o 134,315 Manitoba 14,470,000 58,000 New Brunswick 836,000 36,792 Nova Scotia 370,500 2,137 Ontario 84,265,100 8or,536 Pr, Edward Island itacmo 44 Quebec 70,872,200 563,156 Saskatchewan 385,000 According to the above, Ontario leads Quebec by about 250,000 horse power production, but it will not be long be- fore these figures will be materially chang- ed if present plans do not miscarry. A- round Montreal work is being rushed night and day on several water power developments which, when completed, will add considerably to Quebec's grand total. At a special meeting of the sliare- holders of the Sherbrooke Railway and Power company held here at the offices of Clarence McCuaig, the President, the purchase of the Eastern 'Townships Electric Company and the Stanstead Electric Company was ratified. The acquisition of these companies is an im- portant step to and Sherbrooke Company, as it thus obtains control of the major part of the electric lighting business in the thickly populated district between Sherbrooke and the United States border. The Eastern Townships Electric Co. furnishes electric light aud power to North Batley and several other adjacent tovrns, and the Stanstead Electric Co. controls the business of Leunonville, Rock Island, Beebe Plain and Derby Line Beebe and Derby centre, Vt, It was stated at the meeting that by the purchase of these concerns the company would be able to sell a much larger pro- portion of Its power twice over than was originally anticipated. Although the Province of Quebec has no Hydro Electric Commission it seems that it will not be tong before most of the towns in the Province, in the Eastern Townships particularly, will be provided with ample, efficient and cheap electric energy. Pay More and Get the Bost A cheap flesh burning corn remedy is never satisfactory. The best is Putnam's Corn Extractor, costs but a quarter, and is guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Putnam's, • Fred, Davis, of Mitchell, left for his farm near Calgary. He took two ear loads of bones, Be has 1300 acres in crop and will likely remain in the West earth it is harvested and thresh- - ea. The crop is saidto be very heavy, Happiest Girl In Lincoln A. Lincoln, Neb., giel writes, "I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and trouble, I began taking Ohamberlain's Stomach and Liver -Tablets and in three days / was able to be up and got better right a- long. I ara the peondeat girl in Lin- coln to find such a good medicine." rot sale by all dealets, • Leal To Consumption 'Videos a coMplete cure is effected, the inflammation pasees rapidly to the throat, bronchial tubes, and theft to the lungs, 'Zoo can't Make new lungs any More than you ean melte new fingers Or a nose-benae constunption iis practically incernble, , - But Catarrh can be cored, except in its final and always fatal stage. Ottharth sufferers, meaning those with colds, clove throat, broncbial trouble, etc„ can all be weed right at house by inhaling "thttarehozone." In using Catstrehozone you don't take• medicine into the stomach - you just breathe a healing, piny vapor direct to the lunge and air passages. Catarrho*one Guaranteed to Cure The purest balsams and the greatest antiseptics tire thus sent to every spot whore catarrhal trouble exists -germs are killed, foul secretions are destroyed nature is given a chance, and cure cotnes qoickly, Colds and throat troubles can't last if the pure healing vapor of Outarrh- ozone is breathed- sneezingand coughing cease at °lice, because irrita- tion is removed. Use Catarrhozone to prevent -use it to cure your winter ills --its pleasant, safe, and guaranteed In every case. Two months' treatment, large size, guaranteed to cure, peice $1 ; small size, 50o. at all dealers. Beware of substitutes and imitations, By mail from the Catarrhozone Co., 'Kingston, Ont. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER There is no break in the encourag ing reports that come from all over the West of the crops. There have never been such splendid prospects on anything like so large and general a scale, anri never has a crop shown so little signs of damage all damage from any source whatever being placed by the experts At less than one per cent. up to the present time. 75 per cent. of wheat, 40 per cent. of oats, and 50 per cent of barley, is headed, and 60 per cent. of flax is in blossom. The only rift in the lute is the comparative dearth of harvest hands in sight, and the exceedingly great demand for them that will mature not later them Aug- ust 15. The latest estimate on the number required frotn the outside is 70,000. Winnipeg census returns show an amazing growth of the city in Rae years. The final figures have not been determined yet, but returns from districts thatare completed show that there will be well up to 200,000 people in Winnipeg, and those subutbs which are virtually a part of the city. One of the ninety districts into which Winnipeg was divided for census purposes returned over 3,000 people and many others are known to be nearly as populous. The count is al- most completed -barring corrections that may follow the regular census taking -and approxhuate results will be known soon. Winnipeg bank clearings show a total to July 13, of $530,932,957, an in- crease over the same period of 1910 of almost cote hundred million dollars. Weekly increases since Jan. 1, show a growth ranging from 3.81 per cent. (0 54.50 per cent. and only one week shows a decrease, and tbat of only 5.70 per cent. Announcement is made, that the big- Winnipeg municipal power plant will be put in operation August 15. Thie plant has been constructed at a cost of over $4,000,000 and will furnish an ample supply of power, and light for industrial, commercial and do- mestic purposes. As the Electric Street Railway Company has given out its intention of making low prices for power and light, too, this city will be an attractive place for users of power who desire to locate near to a market for their goods. The harvest hands question has been taken quite seriously by the citizens of Brandon ; as it is estimated that over 2,000 men will be required by the farmers close about the city. The Mayor, 3'. W. Fleming and Alderman J. H. Hughes have been appointed delegates to visit the agricultural districts of the United States along the route of the Great Northern Rail- way in the interests of the farming community. The Brandon Winter Fair Associa- tion has purchased a site on which will be erected one of the finest live stock judging arenas in America. It will be of steel and concrete construc- tion and will have a seating capacity of five thousand. SASICATORRWO,W Istoose Jaw will soon have an excel- lent public water system. The water will be taken from the stream known as Sandy Creek and Will give Moose Jaw an ample supply for some yeats, of pure water good for all domestic and industrial puiposes. The investi- gation, report and recommendation were made by Walter J. Francis, of Montreal, as consulting engineer. A. resolution endorsing expenditure for boring for natural gas, was adopt- ed at a recent meeting of the Moose Jaw Board of Trade, and this work will be begun soon. Another resolu- tion adopted at the same meeting calls for uniformity in laying out streets and lanes throughout the city, and in all new subdivisions. Building permits in Prince Albert for the month of June amounted to $103,675, while for the six months end- ing July 1, they are $505,000. For the corresponding terms last year they were $27,000 and $75,000 respectively. The school trustees of Piinee Albert Soak., are to submit to the ratepayers a bylaw for the some of $05,000 for the purchase of sites for schools. In addition to these purchases plans are out for an eight -room school, to be. erected this Summer making 3 to be built within a short time, The Grand Think Prieific Railway IS anxious to rush its line to Prince Al- bert. This is evident from ,the fact the three sub -contractors allayed in that city teat week to take on 'the ta ala1 Mat 'rine provioce has bad abudant value isa nearly aver), Part, and never itad crops 00 generally gond. Cities and towns are grotving very fest, and Al. beet will be more than -twee in the spot light %viten figures of the census &aeing taken 6115 publisiaed. Calgary has joined the relate of the cities beautifol-by intention. It litts been evident to those who haveproper aivie pride, that there is mull room for improvement in the laylog out and care ot the city, and an organization is to be formed to advance the inter este of the city beautiful. This movement is takinag a strong bold upon the cities of theWeet. The rate of assessment for tied Deer for 1011 will be 15.2 'mills, 1.). McArthur has been awarded the contract for the Alberta Central Railway, and is letting sub-contraete: Sub -contractors are beginning this week, When Your Back Hurts Of course it's hard to work. Stoop- ing over hurts, lifting is tedious and you wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviline ? Nothing like it for weak oe lame back, it penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first application, beluga cure that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, so soothing, so certain to kill muscular, rheumatic or sciatic pains, Your dealer sells Nerviline in large 25c bottles. Why not try it ? A Report on the Crops, A bulletin on the crops and live stock of Canada: was issued last week. The condition of the field crops of Canada for the month ending June 30, as comprised in the Census and Statis- tics Office from the reports of a huge staff of correspondents, is on the whole quite satisfactory, although on account of uneven rainfall it is not uniform for all the provinces. Even in parts of the same province as in Ontariothere is a considerably ine- quality. For the most part in that province excellent reports are made, but, there are districts in which the grains ttnd bay have been badly affect- ed for want of rains in May and June. For the whole of Canada the condi- tion of Wheat is only 75.26 per cent as compared with 100 for a full crop. This is ten per cent less than last year, two per cent less than in 1909 and nearly 14 per cent less than thaee years ago. In Ontario it is only 73 per cent of a full crop as compared with 94.29 last year 78.60 in 1909 and 88 in 1908. In Alberta, the only other province in which Winter wheat is largely grown, the condition this year is 83.22 per cen b. coinpared with 63.62 in 1910, 65.65 in 1909 and 95 in 1908. Spring wheat isa all the provinces this year's given the high average condi- tion of 94.78 at the end of June, which is better than in 1910 by 12.62 per cent better than in 1909 by eight per cent . I............,............ i Drone ion • • : c 1 oth 4 : • • • * • • is the newest and most ! up-to-date goods procur- : able in the line of Men's : attire. • 6 t • • • 4 • • • • We have it in variou•s • • shades and patterns at • • • very reasonable prices, : • considering quality. • • • Caul early and see • • • • samples and get figures. * :. • Also have a natty stock of 4* • • Spring and Summer Wear • • • •• in Fancy Worsteds, • • * Pantings, Vestings, &c. : • • • \ Man • 111 P FRASER Merehant : • . F. • j Tailor : • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Change in Business The undersigned has purchas- ed the Harness Business of G. House, Turnberry st,,Brussels, who will continue it in the old stand where he will be pleased to meet all the old customers of the shop and many new one A full line of both Light and Heavy Harness and Horse Goods always in stock or made to order. Nicarange of Grips, Trunks, Telescopes, &c., to choose frons at intalerate prices. Will much appreciate a share Careful attention personally given to either repairs or new work, G.C.Manners of public patronage. HARNESS MAKER and better than in 1908 by nearly 15 per cent. Ontario and British Colum- bia are the only provinces in which the conditions are under 90 and itt Saskatchewan and Manitoba it is close to 100. Barley average is 93 which is six to ten percent better than in the pro- ceedingthree years. It reaches close to 95 in the Northwest province, Prince Edward Island and New Bruns- wick and over 90 in Nova Scotia and Quebec, a point below 90 in Ontario and only SI in British Columbia, Oats show an average of 94.40 for all provinces, which is higher than any year since 1908,,and is 65 Or higher in Prince Edward Island, New Bruns- wick, Quebec and the Northwest provinces. In Ontario it is close to 90 and over 90 in British Columbia. Rye, peas and mixed grains are iven a condition of aboot 90 for the Dominion and are higher than in any year beginning with 1908. Hay altad clover and alfalfa are both below last yeat's condition and pasture' is at point higher. In the three Northwest pee - views the condition or pasture is over 100. The feat sire of late cereals is the ill - areas:. or aim itt 1101 which is nearly 300,000 act es more than last year. The largest increase of flax is in Saskatchewan, where this crop in re, eent years bas grown into great favour. The numbers of live stock do not show much change from last year, but their condition at the end of June is very satisfactory. All classes are within less than two points of 100 and an excellent uniformity is shown through all the provinces. PLEURO - PNEUMONIA AND BRONCHITIS Brought Mrs. Baker to Death's Door, Father Morriscy's No. xo Saved Her. Of the many!aundreds of cures wrought by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic) few are more remarkable than the saying of the life of Mrs. John S. Baker, of 164 Rockland Road (North End), St. John, N.B. She wrote on Oct. 18, 1909: "I wish to express my gratitude that I am living to -day, saved from the grave by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic). This time last year I had pleuro -pneumo- nia and bronchitis, and had been given up to die, and bad my lungs tapped in the City Hospital, and never expected to walk again; I was continually, getting worse every day. I came home from the hospital,and everyone wee watching fo me to die. I tried everything but there seemed to be no cure for me. "I began taking Father Morrisoy's No. 10,and the second day I could eat without pain. I used 22 bottles of No. 10, as I was rim down right into consumption, and for six months was just a shadow Until I began to use it, and now I am in good health, and surprised most of my neighbors by gaining so quickly. 1 feel it nay duty- to publish it everywhere I can, as with alt I can say I cannot recommend it too highly -it was a life saver to me, and I am very thankful to recommend it, sa it is worth all it is raid." Father Morriscy's No. 1018 very different from the many preparations that simply relieve a cough. No. 10 relieves the cause of the cough, restores the membranes of throat and lungs to a healthy condition and tones up the whole system, giving strength to resist future attacks. ' Trial bottle 2&c.. -regular sire Mc. At your dealer's or from Father Mornecy lfedteine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Qua 92 Sonia tas req u 1 re careful tt eat in en 4. Keep quiet and, apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition, Por Bale by all dealers. Canadian National Exhibition The Reason Why "The biggest, twenty-five cents WOPIh in the world." That is how a Yankee theatricalmanagee expressed himself at the close of the gtuttucl stand per- formance at the Canadian National Exhibition isa Toronto last year. "How de you do it ?" And then, as he watched the thousands pouring out of the stand : "I guess that's the answer. You have people enough in that stand to fill a dozen or the largest theatres on the continent." How to Live Long With healthly !kidneys, one has a good chance to live long, but weak kidneys afflict old age with geeat dis- comforts. The back becomes bent and lame, rheumatism is chronic, eye- sight fails and too frequent or involun- tary passages of the urine cause mnbarrassme n t by day and loss of sleep at night. Booth's Kid- ney Pills bring new strength to old backs and quick relief to weakened kid- neys. They banish backache and rheumatic pain, egulate the bladder and urine. .Booth's Kidney" Pills axe for sick kidneys in old or poring and are guar- anteed by the peoprietors, The at. T. Booth 00. Ltd., Fest Erie, Out. Sold everywhere 50c box Free trial sent on request. Sold and guaranteed in Mussels by Jas. Fox. St. Marys Cement Company have 100 men employed in the new mill. Bttnk houses have beeta bulilt on t ie pounds to accommodate the inen. Stanley Porterfield, who haa been employed in the Recorder office, Mit- chell, for the past few years, has severed his connection and accepted a position in the Globe -Wernicke Co.'s private priuting office in Stratford. Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. St. Marys mania voted the sum of $50 for the relief of the Porcuplue suf- fefing. Wtn. Connolly, of Kennicott, bas purchased a handsome brood mare from Wm. Stinson for the sum of $800. Some of the brick for Mitchell new post office is being placed on the ground. Contractor J. Avery is steadily going on with the cement wan k ani d s keeping the stone CIPASSAPS busy getting stone ready. William Loveday, late of London, Ont,, granite and nimble carver, and graduate letterer or Samuel Saint, lanshden. England, has purchased a Bets. Seale Cittomrtyry, Water street North, St. i‘ Blood, Pure, Inca, Rod Rosy glow in the', face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood, No surer way exists of !unifying and enriching the blood than to use Dr, Harniltoe's Pills. )3y their gentle action on the bowele, kidneys and liver they filter every im- purity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the work necessary foe the Wei ntenance of health, To be well, look well, and feel always at your best, 11Se De, Hamilton's Pillof Mandrake and Materna, a Llutly wondeeful medicine for young and old.. Price 25c tit all dealers. • 1 ...••••••.. ISMINIMOMMI*111•••••••• Hair Beautifier ,o•on.;ci vv0.0., the World Over Use It 1 Every woman knows that there is nothing so good for hale and ecalp trouble as Parisian Sage. If Parisiati Sage is used two or three times a week itt will keep the scalp nice and clean ' and remove dandruff. It makes the hair lustrous hurl fluffy and keeps it from falling out. 'We urge every womaii who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to Jas. Fox to -day and get a large 50 cent "settle saf Parisian Sage. He narantees it to mire dandreff, fstllittg hair and itching scalp, or inoney back. Harold Field, Mitchell, left to take a military training course at Ottawa. Stratford council has moved in the direction of providing a public abet - tole. e A,..., GITE tf InusTRATED OLLEGE MOUTFREE 011 The People's Column TROROcBRED YOSKSHIRBS, either sex, •at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bulls, one of them Ist jtrize winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPHIR, Lot 311, Con. 0, Morris. Box NB Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 1013. AT A BARGAIN. -Will dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brussels, tit $500, a great bargain, in order to secure quick sale. Key may belted from Mr..I. Leckie. Nor further l'artionlars see Mr. Let:1de or write the under. signed.. 3, H. OAMBRON, 10 St. George SC, London. esOMFORTABLE BRICK litOUSR with NO stable. well, &o., and 2 acres of choice land for sale in the Southerly part of Brus- sels. Immediate possession can be given. For further particulars apply_ to F. S. Scott, Brus- sels, or JNO. taciAirnaua, Walton P0. =Ain& ICOR BALE.-Betug Lot 20, CA. 14, • McKillop township, contaltnng about US acres, all cleared. On the premises is a brick house, bank barn with hog pen combined, and a new power mill for pumpfng, grinding, &e.; also good bearing oraharo, chiefly Spys. Lund 55 10 extra good state of cultivation, having been cropped light and large stook of both hogs and cattle fed on it for years. Farm 5, situated % miles front school and 2 miles front Walton O. P. R. station, For further portion - tars write J. It, HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or apply on the premises dtl•tf =ARSE FOR BALE, -The 100 aore farm, be. ▪ ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 28, Oen, 14, Grey, is offered for sate by the undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bat, once well Unibeted. On the farin there le a good bank barn, large driving shed and a com- fortable house. Platte in good condition and well lensed. For further partiettlars apply to JAS. A. MCNAIR or JAS. D. 1110NAIR, ltxeo- utors, Oral:Wreck P. O., or 15. 2, SCOTT, 13rue. sets. 7..00 CARM FOR SALB,-The undersigned offers 11- for sale, his 101.1 tame farm, being Lot 20, Con, 15, eivey, About 70 acres cleared-, balance in swathe, Itaeres in Fall wheat, 81 stores seed- ed down. Fall plowing ie being done. On the farm is a framellOthie, bank barn, driving ehed, georlorehard and drilled well. Olose to post. office, church and school, For further portico. 'lure apply to JOHN OSBORNIII, Proprietor, eV P. S. Scott. Bon:eels. cARM FOR SALB, being South half Lot 28, Con. 4, Morris township, Huron 00,, con- taining 100 acres more or less. On the prem- ises is a triune house, bank barn, good orchard, windfnill, ate. All eleared except Rhea as acre. School tl4anilso distant. Only 214 A11108 from Brussels, 0 acres of Bali wheat in and about 50 acres seeded down. For price, terms and Other Information apply on the premise', Or it writing Brussels P.O. 'Fhono 120. Or 2. 8. Scott, Brussels. fl•tf Proprietor. F ARMS FOR SALB.-Lotli 05 and oz, 0071. 14, b108111op, find Lot 28o,, the nth amines. o • Lsts 21 sastO 22 compose the Gardiner homestead and contains about 180 Introit, nil liret•olose land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 16 notes of good hordWood bush good comfortable buildings with ell 11 de i priaSagartexagaittealoViaitacalavaisavas' 9 k -w --i Fall Term from Aug, 28 eCENTRAL (i STFiATFORII. ONT. There l a grdemand. eat upon us for 15 trahted hBelp. Bmilneee men state that si oar graduates are the best. We have -0 thr departm en IN t - Com inercial, aShorthand and Telegraphy. The fV tstituota for *15 alotutlsH is 06 and for one your satistactiongthar iwtli lirroltg- 4torpu,nnegil Canada. Get ;;„.. on.. frope.xm eata111014NOW.LAN, Principal!. 4. 0.........................; . . • 611 E ..,...„: c , : i i'''; ' • ÷ .7. '1' i''' .P.I. ". t.• • ÷ • • + + • • 6 ES 0 0 II + • „. • + • .t. .., • ti• 4. • O 4. 4. Sind lit • nifty enter any slay ''l' .4' Open etitire year. Now isagood 440 + time 1.0 enter. Largest. trainers • titt Canada. Graduates get best : . positions. Thouentels studying : + O at Immo. Exclusive right of the "laitinotis 131iss Book -Keeping : System" for Ontario. "Actual : Business from Start, to Finish." t Write for particulars. • 4. • 4. es 4. • I 4. Business College 1 • 0 • 0 4 0 e (Affiliated with Witighton I3usi- IleSS College.) •• GEO. SPOTTON, President • • London +4a1-41444-4444.+•+•+0+044+440 . . . To Machmery Users i , 4 i end fnrmers „ . . . ----7-9-,-„-v--„--1,-,--1,- . , 0 . 0 t The New Machine Shop of the a : BRUSSELS HRE APPLIANCE A O 0 and MACHINE Co. : • • • s, • is„ .. , now ready for business, AM, * 4 with gond Machineq and Skilled 0 • Mechanics, we are in a position t 0 • to attend to yuan- repairs prompt- ; • ly and at reasonable rates, 0 • . • 4. If you will let us know yout al : wants we will give atm honest I a advice and help if connected , 4 0 with Machinery. ' g 4. Give us a trial and, by coming s 4 • to 13russels, save time alai money 0 • for yourselves, 0 4. • o prevenient:3 ; plenty of goo serlier water and 41 a good t taring orb:Ili:rd. Thin 113 ono of Om i'llt:sorcr:f7 ar ran chlraolita=," • G1111610E & JAMES 211cent:tins 125 mires with emelt house and barn V snit Pasture nnd has hem for years. There 0 are ten mores of good bush en We farm, Mahar particulars noels, to AUX, GA 0100. e Breast:Ps 4 Pot Mill Street RR tValto P 0 01• on Otte premises. 40.5f •••• •••• • •••••jit#44PA.411 ••• • .11 a .---------- 1111111111111111111111111111 1111 I I I 11111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11 INI 111111111111 I Mil 01111 MINIIIIIM 111 III I May to be the 'dough had forgotten firr iiii ID 5 ‘4 , rintt irirte 401k 'ff ,..1 AL4I 11 . 1 • ;NI' Or and To Twas Meaning But strong. iw, Stays Being And Squeaks Feel Note Great Your Try rise tiot the the this rise. had fallen weak FIVE hrita risen coherent, dough and feel the wonderful is the dough go; nevermore. tt og too. cracks bread I rd risen quickly again flour, of weak in gluten. ROSES tyuotuirn souurspisrti: elastic. feel, springy as you work of a FIVE ROSES smooth born of such flour. overnight - course. is strong, unusuaily ee do g tdehugwhht.ichcompels under your band. it. dough. texture-soft-vetuety. dough - 1111111111111IIIIII11111111111111 ar li ra.40. 11111 e.)(Dat I Ihndil 0011111HAMOHINIA 3 0 .00 1 11 e A 11111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111 110111111A 1 e 1 1 i 1 how'HAIII e d 0 , 7: "I il 4101 VII AmmmIll drOt 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Illlimmilll Ilk %Lein, , .., _ hi I 1111111 IIIIIHMIIIII 1011 0 ,., 1101111111N 10 II MIN I 1 1111 Alt 111111110111111111111%°1 0 101 00000 "1 1111111 1.11..0 00•01pAM, L. 1111111 Ai 111111111 MON N1111111 THEA 11 Ill 111 111111111111 1111111 111111111111 11 1 ill and better than in 1908 by nearly 15 per cent. Ontario and British Colum- bia are the only provinces in which the conditions are under 90 and itt Saskatchewan and Manitoba it is close to 100. Barley average is 93 which is six to ten percent better than in the pro- ceedingthree years. It reaches close to 95 in the Northwest province, Prince Edward Island and New Bruns- wick and over 90 in Nova Scotia and Quebec, a point below 90 in Ontario and only SI in British Columbia, Oats show an average of 94.40 for all provinces, which is higher than any year since 1908,,and is 65 Or higher in Prince Edward Island, New Bruns- wick, Quebec and the Northwest provinces. In Ontario it is close to 90 and over 90 in British Columbia. Rye, peas and mixed grains are iven a condition of aboot 90 for the Dominion and are higher than in any year beginning with 1908. Hay altad clover and alfalfa are both below last yeat's condition and pasture' is at point higher. In the three Northwest pee - views the condition or pasture is over 100. The feat sire of late cereals is the ill - areas:. or aim itt 1101 which is nearly 300,000 act es more than last year. The largest increase of flax is in Saskatchewan, where this crop in re, eent years bas grown into great favour. The numbers of live stock do not show much change from last year, but their condition at the end of June is very satisfactory. All classes are within less than two points of 100 and an excellent uniformity is shown through all the provinces. PLEURO - PNEUMONIA AND BRONCHITIS Brought Mrs. Baker to Death's Door, Father Morriscy's No. xo Saved Her. Of the many!aundreds of cures wrought by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic) few are more remarkable than the saying of the life of Mrs. John S. Baker, of 164 Rockland Road (North End), St. John, N.B. She wrote on Oct. 18, 1909: "I wish to express my gratitude that I am living to -day, saved from the grave by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic). This time last year I had pleuro -pneumo- nia and bronchitis, and had been given up to die, and bad my lungs tapped in the City Hospital, and never expected to walk again; I was continually, getting worse every day. I came home from the hospital,and everyone wee watching fo me to die. I tried everything but there seemed to be no cure for me. "I began taking Father Morrisoy's No. 10,and the second day I could eat without pain. I used 22 bottles of No. 10, as I was rim down right into consumption, and for six months was just a shadow Until I began to use it, and now I am in good health, and surprised most of my neighbors by gaining so quickly. 1 feel it nay duty- to publish it everywhere I can, as with alt I can say I cannot recommend it too highly -it was a life saver to me, and I am very thankful to recommend it, sa it is worth all it is raid." Father Morriscy's No. 1018 very different from the many preparations that simply relieve a cough. No. 10 relieves the cause of the cough, restores the membranes of throat and lungs to a healthy condition and tones up the whole system, giving strength to resist future attacks. ' Trial bottle 2&c.. -regular sire Mc. At your dealer's or from Father Mornecy lfedteine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Qua 92 Sonia tas req u 1 re careful tt eat in en 4. Keep quiet and, apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition, Por Bale by all dealers. Canadian National Exhibition The Reason Why "The biggest, twenty-five cents WOPIh in the world." That is how a Yankee theatricalmanagee expressed himself at the close of the gtuttucl stand per- formance at the Canadian National Exhibition isa Toronto last year. "How de you do it ?" And then, as he watched the thousands pouring out of the stand : "I guess that's the answer. You have people enough in that stand to fill a dozen or the largest theatres on the continent." How to Live Long With healthly !kidneys, one has a good chance to live long, but weak kidneys afflict old age with geeat dis- comforts. The back becomes bent and lame, rheumatism is chronic, eye- sight fails and too frequent or involun- tary passages of the urine cause mnbarrassme n t by day and loss of sleep at night. Booth's Kid- ney Pills bring new strength to old backs and quick relief to weakened kid- neys. They banish backache and rheumatic pain, egulate the bladder and urine. .Booth's Kidney" Pills axe for sick kidneys in old or poring and are guar- anteed by the peoprietors, The at. T. Booth 00. Ltd., Fest Erie, Out. Sold everywhere 50c box Free trial sent on request. Sold and guaranteed in Mussels by Jas. Fox. St. Marys Cement Company have 100 men employed in the new mill. Bttnk houses have beeta bulilt on t ie pounds to accommodate the inen. Stanley Porterfield, who haa been employed in the Recorder office, Mit- chell, for the past few years, has severed his connection and accepted a position in the Globe -Wernicke Co.'s private priuting office in Stratford. Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. St. Marys mania voted the sum of $50 for the relief of the Porcuplue suf- fefing. Wtn. Connolly, of Kennicott, bas purchased a handsome brood mare from Wm. Stinson for the sum of $800. Some of the brick for Mitchell new post office is being placed on the ground. Contractor J. Avery is steadily going on with the cement wan k ani d s keeping the stone CIPASSAPS busy getting stone ready. William Loveday, late of London, Ont,, granite and nimble carver, and graduate letterer or Samuel Saint, lanshden. England, has purchased a Bets. Seale Cittomrtyry, Water street North, St. i‘ Blood, Pure, Inca, Rod Rosy glow in the', face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood, No surer way exists of !unifying and enriching the blood than to use Dr, Harniltoe's Pills. )3y their gentle action on the bowele, kidneys and liver they filter every im- purity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the work necessary foe the Wei ntenance of health, To be well, look well, and feel always at your best, 11Se De, Hamilton's Pillof Mandrake and Materna, a Llutly wondeeful medicine for young and old.. Price 25c tit all dealers. • 1 ...••••••.. ISMINIMOMMI*111•••••••• Hair Beautifier ,o•on.;ci vv0.0., the World Over Use It 1 Every woman knows that there is nothing so good for hale and ecalp trouble as Parisian Sage. If Parisiati Sage is used two or three times a week itt will keep the scalp nice and clean ' and remove dandruff. It makes the hair lustrous hurl fluffy and keeps it from falling out. 'We urge every womaii who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to Jas. Fox to -day and get a large 50 cent "settle saf Parisian Sage. He narantees it to mire dandreff, fstllittg hair and itching scalp, or inoney back. Harold Field, Mitchell, left to take a military training course at Ottawa. Stratford council has moved in the direction of providing a public abet - tole. e A,..., GITE tf InusTRATED OLLEGE MOUTFREE 011 The People's Column TROROcBRED YOSKSHIRBS, either sex, •at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bulls, one of them Ist jtrize winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPHIR, Lot 311, Con. 0, Morris. Box NB Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 1013. AT A BARGAIN. -Will dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brussels, tit $500, a great bargain, in order to secure quick sale. Key may belted from Mr..I. Leckie. Nor further l'artionlars see Mr. Let:1de or write the under. signed.. 3, H. OAMBRON, 10 St. George SC, London. esOMFORTABLE BRICK litOUSR with NO stable. well, &o., and 2 acres of choice land for sale in the Southerly part of Brus- sels. Immediate possession can be given. For further particulars apply_ to F. S. Scott, Brus- sels, or JNO. taciAirnaua, Walton P0. =Ain& ICOR BALE.-Betug Lot 20, CA. 14, • McKillop township, contaltnng about US acres, all cleared. On the premises is a brick house, bank barn with hog pen combined, and a new power mill for pumpfng, grinding, &e.; also good bearing oraharo, chiefly Spys. Lund 55 10 extra good state of cultivation, having been cropped light and large stook of both hogs and cattle fed on it for years. Farm 5, situated % miles front school and 2 miles front Walton O. P. R. station, For further portion - tars write J. It, HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or apply on the premises dtl•tf =ARSE FOR BALE, -The 100 aore farm, be. ▪ ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 28, Oen, 14, Grey, is offered for sate by the undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bat, once well Unibeted. On the farin there le a good bank barn, large driving shed and a com- fortable house. Platte in good condition and well lensed. For further partiettlars apply to JAS. A. MCNAIR or JAS. D. 1110NAIR, ltxeo- utors, Oral:Wreck P. O., or 15. 2, SCOTT, 13rue. sets. 7..00 CARM FOR SALB,-The undersigned offers 11- for sale, his 101.1 tame farm, being Lot 20, Con, 15, eivey, About 70 acres cleared-, balance in swathe, Itaeres in Fall wheat, 81 stores seed- ed down. Fall plowing ie being done. On the farm is a framellOthie, bank barn, driving ehed, georlorehard and drilled well. Olose to post. office, church and school, For further portico. 'lure apply to JOHN OSBORNIII, Proprietor, eV P. S. Scott. Bon:eels. cARM FOR SALB, being South half Lot 28, Con. 4, Morris township, Huron 00,, con- taining 100 acres more or less. On the prem- ises is a triune house, bank barn, good orchard, windfnill, ate. All eleared except Rhea as acre. School tl4anilso distant. Only 214 A11108 from Brussels, 0 acres of Bali wheat in and about 50 acres seeded down. For price, terms and Other Information apply on the premise', Or it writing Brussels P.O. 'Fhono 120. Or 2. 8. Scott, Brussels. fl•tf Proprietor. F ARMS FOR SALB.-Lotli 05 and oz, 0071. 14, b108111op, find Lot 28o,, the nth amines. o • Lsts 21 sastO 22 compose the Gardiner homestead and contains about 180 Introit, nil liret•olose land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 16 notes of good hordWood bush good comfortable buildings with ell 11 de i priaSagartexagaittealoViaitacalavaisavas' 9 k -w --i Fall Term from Aug, 28 eCENTRAL (i STFiATFORII. ONT. There l a grdemand. eat upon us for 15 trahted hBelp. Bmilneee men state that si oar graduates are the best. We have -0 thr departm en IN t - Com inercial, aShorthand and Telegraphy. The fV tstituota for *15 alotutlsH is 06 and for one your satistactiongthar iwtli lirroltg- 4torpu,nnegil Canada. Get ;;„.. on.. frope.xm eata111014NOW.LAN, Principal!. 4. 0.........................; . . • 611 E ..,...„: c , : i i'''; ' • ÷ .7. '1' i''' .P.I. ". t.• • ÷ • • + + • • 6 ES 0 0 II + • „. • + • .t. .., • ti• 4. • O 4. 4. Sind lit • nifty enter any slay ''l' .4' Open etitire year. Now isagood 440 + time 1.0 enter. Largest. trainers • titt Canada. Graduates get best : . positions. Thouentels studying : + O at Immo. Exclusive right of the "laitinotis 131iss Book -Keeping : System" for Ontario. "Actual : Business from Start, to Finish." t Write for particulars. • 4. • 4. es 4. • I 4. Business College 1 • 0 • 0 4 0 e (Affiliated with Witighton I3usi- IleSS College.) •• GEO. SPOTTON, President • • London +4a1-41444-4444.+•+•+0+044+440 . . . To Machmery Users i , 4 i end fnrmers „ . . . ----7-9-,-„-v--„--1,-,--1,- . , 0 . 0 t The New Machine Shop of the a : BRUSSELS HRE APPLIANCE A O 0 and MACHINE Co. : • • • s, • is„ .. , now ready for business, AM, * 4 with gond Machineq and Skilled 0 • Mechanics, we are in a position t 0 • to attend to yuan- repairs prompt- ; • ly and at reasonable rates, 0 • . • 4. If you will let us know yout al : wants we will give atm honest I a advice and help if connected , 4 0 with Machinery. ' g 4. Give us a trial and, by coming s 4 • to 13russels, save time alai money 0 • for yourselves, 0 4. • o prevenient:3 ; plenty of goo serlier water and 41 a good t taring orb:Ili:rd. Thin 113 ono of Om i'llt:sorcr:f7 ar ran chlraolita=," • G1111610E & JAMES 211cent:tins 125 mires with emelt house and barn V snit Pasture nnd has hem for years. There 0 are ten mores of good bush en We farm, Mahar particulars noels, to AUX, GA 0100. e Breast:Ps 4 Pot Mill Street RR tValto P 0 01• on Otte premises. 40.5f •••• •••• • •••••jit#44PA.411 ••• • .11 a